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SwitchBoard User Manual

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Operating Manual

TANGO Controller User Interface

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Documentation SwitchBoard

1 The SwitchBoard Software .....................................................................................................................3
2 Description of the SwitchBoard Dialog Windows ...................................................................................5
2.1 Connect – Connecting the TANGO Controller .................................................................................5
2.2 Manual Move ....................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Command Terminal ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Meander ........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.5 Position List ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6 Manual Execution of Position Lists ................................................................................................ 16
2.7 I/O – Access the TANGO Input / Output Pins ............................................................................... 17
2.8 Trigger – Optional Trigger Output ................................................................................................. 19
2.9 Snapshot – Optional Trigger Input and Joystick Functionality ...................................................... 22
2.10 Setup – Axis .................................................................................................................................. 24
2.11 Setup – Limit Switches .................................................................................................................. 28
2.12 Setup – HDI Input Devices ............................................................................................................ 31
2.13 Setup – Encoder ............................................................................................................................ 34
2.14 Setup – Closed Loop ..................................................................................................................... 37
2.15 Setup – I/O (TANGO Input / Output Options) ................................................................................ 39
2.16 Setup – Program Settings for SwitchBoard ................................................................................... 41
2.17 Setup – PC Function Keys for SwitchBoard .................................................................................. 43
2.18 Setup – Synchronize Settings (Read/Write Setup and INI Files) .................................................. 45
2.19 Info – Show Informations about TANGO and SwitchBoard .......................................................... 47
2.20 SlideExpress .................................................................................................................................. 49
3 Document Revision History ................................................................................................................. 51

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1 The SwitchBoard Software

Terms of use

The SwitchBoard Software is designed to be used with Maerzhaeuser Wetzlar TANGO Stepper
Motor Controllers. SwitchBoard only supports the TANGO Instruction Set. This software serves
as a tool to demonstrate the features of the TANGO controller. It is provided as is without any
warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall we be liable for any
damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use this software. This software
is designed to run under Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 32 and 64 bit.


The SwitchBoard functions are accessed by navigating through the menu tree, which is located
on the leftmost side of the program window.
The menu tree is divided into sections

- Commands (Move and I/O commands)

- Setup (Motor current, pitch etc.)
- Diagnosis (Encoder signals, HDI/Joystick)
- Connect (Connect to the TANGO controller / select COM port)
- Info (Information about SwitchBoard and the connected TANGO)

with further sub menus, depending on the TANGO controller, type and firmware version.

Language: After installing SwitchBoard, the program language is set to the Windows operating
system language - English, German or French. In case of other Windows languages, English
will be set as the SwitchBoard default.

The SwitchBoard language can be changed in the sub menu [Setup\SwitchBoard\Program

Settings]. The new setting then remains.

Program Help is available via F1 of the PC keyboard. It offers information about the currently
displayed program dialog. A PDF reader must be installed in order to display information.

The remaining function keys F2…F12 can be assigned to SwitchBoard functions, like switching
to different program dialogs [Setup\SwitchBoard\PC Function Keys].

The [ESC] key of the PC keyboard has the same functionality as the STOP button function (red
button on the upper right corner in SwitchBoard).

Position Display: The position display is located in the lower right area of the SwitchBoard
window. If axes are equipped with an encoder / measuring system, the displayed position can
be either set to the (theoretical) motor position or the currently measured encoder position. If
encoder positions are available, a button [Encoder Pos] is displayed. Also, the LEDs aside each
position display then appear green (dark green indicates that encoder position is available, light
green indicates that the encoder position is currently displayed). The position display is not
available in all program dialogs and not all dialogs permanently update the position.

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Connecting the TANGO Controller

To connect SwitchBoard with the TANGO controller, the COM Port and the Baudrate (usually
57600 Baud) must be selected. The connection is established by pressing the [Connect] button.
If the controller’s Baudrate is unknown, SwitchBoard offers connecting via the [Baud Auto
Detect] function. SwitchBoard shows available COM ports in the range from COM1 to COM127.
Higher port numbers may be entered manually in the Serial Port dropdown box and are
remembered from the next program start. Connecting over Ethernet is available by entering the
IPv4 address instead of the COM port, e.g. (depends on TANGO ipaddr setting).

If the connected TANGO controller uses a Venus compatible instruction set, SwitchBoard will
change the interpreter temporarily to native TANGO and set the controller back to Venus when
SwitchBoard is closed. In that case, a message window will be shown.

TANGO Controller Setup

The sub menus of [Setup] provide access to all the parameter and options of the TANGO
hardware. Velocities, pitch, limit switches, encoder and I/O functionality can be configured.

Changes made in the setup are not passed through to the TANGO Controller automatically. In
order to take effect, the setup must be sent to the TANGO. It can be done in two ways:

a) Send to the TANGO (volatile, only remains until power off or reset)
b) Send and save to the TANGO (remains permanently in the TANGO controller)

The buttons for read, send, send&store can be found in the lower right area of the SwitchBoard
window, and often also be accessed by right click of the mouse. Alternatively, the
[Setup\Synchronize Settings] dialog can be used.

The setup can be saved to an INI file, making it possible to restore individual settings or apply
the same settings to multiple TANGO controllers. INI file handling, read out and storing of the
TANGO setup can be done in the menu [Setup\Synchronize Settings]. SwitchBoard also
supports Drag&Drop of INI files e.g. from the Windows Explorer.

Service Print

Service Print generates a parameter list of the most important TANGO states and settings.

The function is available in the [Commands\Command Terminal] dialog. By pressing the

[Service Print] button, a list is generated and can be stored to a text file by [Save].
Providing a convenient way to send information via email, e.g. in case of technical inquiries.

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2 Description of the SwitchBoard Dialog Windows

2.1 Connect – Connecting the TANGO Controller


• Select the Serial Port (COM1…COM256 or enter a valid IPv4 address)

• Select the baudrate (typically 57,600)
• Press the [Connect] button

If the baudrate is unknown, press [Baud Auto Detect] instead of [Connect].

Remarks: Check the [Automatically connect at program start] check box. Beginnig from the
next start, SwitchBoard will connect to the last used serial port automatically.

Remarks: COM ports higher than COM127 are not detected by SwitchBoard. In order to access
higher COM port numbers, e.g. COM128, the number can be entered in the [Serial Port]
selection manually.
Ethernet: To connect TANGO Desktop HE via Ethernet, the IPv4 address can be manually
entered in the Serial Port dropdown field, e.g. (depends on TANGO "?ipaddr").

If connected successfully, the program directly opens the recent program dialog or the [Manual
Move] dialog.
If connecting fails, the menu tree remains disabled (grayed) and the [Connect] dialog is visible.
The Connect dialog is accessible all time, e.g. to reconnect or change connection to another
TANGO controller (here: [Disconnect] + [Connect]).
The status of the connection is displayed in the lower left corner of the program window.
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Option: Offline Mode

The menu tree can be enabled in offline mode (when no Controller is connected) by a left click
on the gray connect status LED aside the [Connect] button. Then all program options are


Serial Port: COM port to which the TANGO Controller is connected

Select from drop-down list or enter COM number manually
(to connect with TANGOs via Ethernet, the IPv4 address
can be entered, e.g.

Baudrate: COM port data rate (typ. 57600 baud, PCI/USB: don’t care)

[Connect] SwitchBoard connects to the Controller on the selected

COM port.

[Baud Auto Detect] SwitchBoard connects to the Controller on the selected

COM port and detects the correct Baudrate automatically.

Automatically connect at When SwitchBoard is started, it automatically connects to

program start: the recent COM port and Baudrate.

Show protocol window: Opens an additional window which shows the

communication between SwitchBoard and the TANGO
controller. Saving the recorded data to a text file is also
possible. The window can be opened and closed any time,
even if the controller is connected.
The protocol window can also be opened and closed by
simply pressing alt+p in any dialog.

Scan for ETS when connecting: When connecting, the TANGO re-scans the ETS data bus.
This ensures that the correct ETS states and parameters
are available.

Read setup from controller: When connecting, SwitchBoard reads the current setup
from the TANGO controller (recommended).

Send setup to controller: When connecting, SwitchBoard transmits its current

SwitchBoard setup to the Controller. The TANGO internal
parameters are overwritten, but not stored permanently.

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2.2 Manual Move


Provides access to positioning functions.

Emergency stop is possible via the STOP button on the upper right or the keyboard ESC key.

A joystick button is displayed on the right side of the window. Checking/unchecking this button
enables/disables the HDI device (Joystick) temporarily. Remarks: When reading or writing to the
Controller, the [Joystick Mode] parameter can be affected by changing the state of this button.

PC Keyboard F-Key commands can be executed in this window. Further information is available
in PC Function Keys description.

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Axis State display: Active motor amplifiers are shown in green, disabled amplifiers are shown
grayed. An error state is indicated by red symbols. Arrangement: [X][Y][Z][A].

Motor amplifier is enabled Closed Loop is on and active

Motor amplifier is enabled Closed Loop is on and active in weakened mode
Motor amplifier is enabled Closed Loop is on, but momentary not active **
Motor amplifier is enabled Closed Loop is off because encoder is off
Motor amplifier is enabled Closed Loop is off due to encoder error
Motor amplifier is enabled Open Loop mode
Motor amplifier is disabled (by !axis 0 instruction: motor current is on)
Motor amplifier is switched off (by !axis -1 instruction: no motor current)
Motor amplifier is switched off (by !pa 0 instruction)
Error, motor amplifier off ***
Another axis switched off due to error, because of that this axis is also switched off ***
Axis is not available
Calibration state: No CAL or RM executed yet (no zero-position or position limits set)
Calibration state: CAL required (no move possible before CAL, CAL not executed yet)
Calibration state: CAL completed
Calibration state: CAL completed and 1D axis position correction active
Calibration state: CAL completed and 2D axis position correction active
Calibration state: Only RM completed, no CAL executed
Calibration state: CAL and RM completed
Calibration state: CAL and RM completed and 1D axis position correction active
Calibration state: CAL and RM completed and 2D axis position correction active

** Axis in E0 or EE limit switch or closed loop mode=1 (until target) or current reduction <30%.
*** If the amplifiers are switched off due to error (red symbol), they can be switched on again by
right klicking on the symbol.

Position display on the lower right: A gray LED to the left of the position display indicates that
no encoder position is available, and the motor position is displayed, a dark green LED signals
that encoder position is available but not shown, a green LED signals that the encoder position
is displayed. If the LED is red, it indicates an encoder error. The button [Encoder Pos] appears
when at least one encoder is present. The button then enables switching between motor- or
encoder-position displays (dark green/green LED).

Active checkboxes [X,Y,Z,A]: Enable or disable axes for use in this SwitchBoard dialog.
Here disabled axes are not used for moves, CAL/RM or
the cursor keys. The settings don’t affect the TANGO.
Position: Target positions for [Absolute] move, or distances for [Relative]
move, or position for [Set Pos].
Move: Commands only affect the [Active] checked axes.
- Absolute: Move to absolute positions entered on the left.
- Relative: Move relative distances entered on the left.
- Center: Axes X & Y move to the stage center position (CAL+RM necessary!).
- Home: Move to the home positions (0, editable by [Home Pos] button).
- CAL: Starts a calibration move to the lower (origin) limit switches. Can be
aborted by again pressing the [CAL] button or [STOP]. The CAL
sequence can be selected by the [CAL/RM Sequence] button.
- RM: Starts a calibration move to the upper (end) limit switches. Can be
aborted by again pressing the [RM] button or [STOP]. The RM
sequence can be selected by the [CAL/RM Sequence] button.

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- CAL/RM Sequence: Configures the sequence that is started by pressing [CAL] or [RM].
A sequence can consist of up to 4 steps. Simultaneous, consecutive,
or even multiple limit switch moves are possible. The default after a
clean install of SwitchBoard is X calibrates first, followed by Y while Z
and A are not selected for [CAL] / [RM] to avoid Z-axis collisions.
The used axes also depend on the "Active" Checkboxes [X,Y,Z,A].
Additionaly, a certain velocity and acceleration can be specified
which will be used by SwitchBoard for [CAL] and [RM].

Set / Get: (Depending on the Active Checkboxes X,Y,Z,A):

- Set Pos: Set the axis positions to the values entered in the Position fields.

- Set Zero: Set axis positions to zero.

- Edit Home: Edit the home position used by the [< Home] button (a dialog

- Pos -> Home: Set Home Position to the current controller position. (Affects only the
axes which are enabled by the [Active] checkboxes, as described

Cursor-Joystick The arrows can be pressed by either the mouse or the PC keyboard
Function: (cursor block & NUM block). It is possible to move continuously or in
single steps. Continuous velocity or step width may be edited below.

[Key] Enable the keyboard (cursor- and NUM block) for Joystick functions.
Caution: Do not enter numbers via the NUM block. This will lead to
moving axes (XYZ).

[Continuous] Move with constant velocity, as long as arrow or cursor key is

pressed. Availability also depends on TANGO HDI joy / joydir setting.

[Steps] Move one step per keystroke.

INI-File Option The SwitchBoard.ini entry AnyKey in [DLG\1] can be modified by a

‘AnyKey’ text editor:

AnyKey=0 --> AnyKey function off / normal cursor function

AnyKey=1 --> Any Keyboard key moves X positive (as cursor right)
AnyKey=-1 --> Any Keyboard key moves X negative (as cursor left)
AnyKey=2 --> Any Keyboard key moves Y positive (as cursor up)
AnyKey=-2 --> Any Keyboard key moves Y negative (cursor down)

The function is active when the Key Button is pressed. The AnyKey
active warning will then be displayed in the Joystick headline.

If any key (a-z, 0-9, ... except the special functions e.g. shift, tab, F,
cursor, ...) of the PC Keyboard is pressed, it will cause the same
behavior as the desired cursor key.
SwitchBoard.ini entry:

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2.3 Command Terminal


This Dialog provides a direct command line interface to the controller, and the Service Print
diagnosis option.

• For available commands please refer to the TANGO Instruction Set Description.
• The most recently sent commands are available in the command line dropdown list.
• By default, the last entered command remains in the command line after sending.
This behavior can be changed in the "Program Settings for SwitchBoard" Dialog.
• The position display is not updated automatically; [Read pos] must be pressed to
update the Position and Status display once.
• Changes made to the TANGO by the command line interface are not automatically
updated in the SwitchBoard settings. Therefore, after changing a parameter by
command line, the TANGO must be read out again afterwards.

Command Line: For entering TANGO commands. The command is sent after
pressing Enter on the keyboard or the [Send >] button.

Log commands: Write the sent command to the Protocol Window.

If unchecked, only the TANGO replies are listed.

Timeout [ms]: Maximum waiting time for a controller response.

Move commands like moa, mor, cal, rm response when the target
position is reached, which can take longer than the default 1 second.
If required, a longer waiting time can be specified for the reply.

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[Read pos] Manually update the SwitchBoard position display

(Axis State and Position on the lower right)

[Save] Save the Protocol Window content to a file.

[Clear all] Delete entire protocol.

[Clear sel] Delete the selected protocol line(s).

[Service Print] Executes the TANGO service instruction. Generates a listing of the
most important controller states and settings.

Protocol Window: Shows the controller response and optional the sent command also.

'CTRL+left mouse button' can be used to select multiple lines

'CTRL+a' selects all lines
'CTRL+c' copies the selection into the Windows clipboard
(for external copy&paste of selected lines, e.g., into Word or email)
Right click into the Protocol Window opens a menu to either copy or
delete the selected lines. Here use 'Cancel' to exit without changes.

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2.4 Meander


Processing of meander scans.

Axis State display: Active motor amplifiers are shown in green, disabled amplifiers are shown
grayed. An error state is indicated by red pictographs. Updated only if [Display status and
position] is checked, after every time a position is reached.

Position display: Updated only when the option [Display status and position] is checked.

Standard/Unidirectional: The standard meander processes the steps in both X directions,

the unidirectional meander moves back to the beginning of the next
line and processes the meander in one direction only. Also, a start
position B can be specified to start each meander line before the
first meander position.

Auto | Pause: The default setting. Scans are executed automatically without user
interaction. After each position the axis is halted for the specified
time, which usually is 0 for no wait.

Step through: The arrow button [>] right of [Start Meander] becomes enabled. The
meander can be processed forward, step by step, manually.

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Attach I/O: Executing meander steps can be triggered by an external event.

E.g. by pressing a joystick key or by edge and level of I/O signals.
A trigger output signal can be generated after reaching a position.

Swap X / Y axes: The meander is processed in a 90 degrees angle.

Enable Joystick: The Joystick (HDI device) should be disabled during the meander.
When the m-command is used, having the Joystick/HDI enabled
may cause an increasing position deviation each step.

Display status and pos.: Position and state display is updated after each step. This can be
deactivated in order to increase performance, mainly with true
RS232 communication at low data rates.

Use m-command (fast): Can be activated in order to increase performance, mainly with true
RS232 communication at low data rates. If the performance impact
is not noticeable it is recommended not to use the m-command.

Return to start position: Returns to start position after processing the meander.

Endless Loop: Endless repetition oft the meander until stopped or aborted.

[Start Meander] Button pressed: Start meander, button remains pressed

Uncheck button: Currently running move will be completed, then
ends the meander.

[Halt Meander] Currently running move will be completed, then the meander is
halted until the halt button is unchecked.

[Abort Meander] Immediately aborts move and ends the meander.

Z Stacks: It is possible to execute meanders in several Z layers.

Therefore, the number of steps in Z must be set to > 0.
After completion of each X,Y meander and returning to the X,Y start
position, the next Z position is set and the X,Y meander is executed
The step length in Z is the relative position change for the next
layer. (If set to 0 this will lead to executing a X,Y meander in the
same Z layer for n times.)

Remarks: It is recommended to disable the Joystick (HDI device) during the meander. [Enable
Joystick] must then be left unchecked, at least when using the m-command option. Else it can
cause slight position deviation.

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2.5 Position List


Managing of position lists. Position lists can be created, edited, loaded, saved and executed.
The most recently saved or loaded list file is restored (reloaded) on SwitchBoard startup.

Creating a new list:

A new list can be created by first adding the desired amount of rows. Which then can be edited.

Extra functionality for TANGO Snapshot: If the TANGO Snapshot is enabled, a menu for
transferring the position list to and from the TANGO Snapshot array can be opened by pressing
the right mouse button.

Axis State display: Active motor amplifiers are shown in green, disabled amplifiers are shown
grayed. An error state is indicated by red pictographs. Updated only after reaching a position.

Position display: Updated only after reaching a position.

[Insert new row] Inserts a new row underneath the currently selected row in the list.

[Insert current position] Inserts a new row with the controller positions underneath the
currently selected row. (Can also be done by a PC Function-Key
(F2…F12), when assigned via SwitchBoard→PC Function Keys)

[Delete sel row] Delete the currently selected row.

[Delete all] Delete the entire position list.

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[Load] Open a TANGO Position List file (.tpl file format only).
Load can also be done by drag&dropping a tpl file onto the window.
[Save] Save current list as TANGO Position List file (as .tpl or Excel .csv).
The csv type (comma/dot) can be selected in the Program Settings.

From item no.: Execution starts at this row. Rows above are ignored.
To item no.: Execution ends at this row. Rows below are ignored.

Endless Loop: If Endless loop is checked, the list will be executed until the [Start]
button is unchecked or the [Abort] button is pressed.
If Endless loop is not checked, the list will be executed the amount
of times entered in the edit field on the right (1 = list is executed
once, 5 = list is executed 5 times, etc.).

Relative move: If checked, the position values are executed as relative move
positions. Else they are regarded as absolute positions (default).

Move on double click: If checked, a mouse double klick on a row number (Nr) executes a
move to this position. A double klick always sets the first start index.

[Counter = 0] Reset loop counter to zero.

Number displayed right Loop counter, counting how many times the list has been executed.
to the [Counter] button: The counter is resetted when starting the SwitchBoard software, by
loading a list file or pressing the [Counter=0] button.

Auto | Pause: Default mode, automatic execution of the position list. A delay time
in seconds can be specified for each row (0 = no delay).

Step through with <>: Arrow buttons appear with whom the list can be executed row by
row in eiher direction. The functionality depends on the Loop
settings. Please refer to the next page for a detailed description.

Attach I/O: Executing position steps then are triggered by an external event:
Eiher by using HDI keys (e.g., of the Joystick) or AUX-I/O inputs.
A trigger output signal can be generated after reaching a position.
The functionality can be accessed trough the [I/O Options] button:

Please refer to the detailed description on the next page.

[Start] Execute the position list. The button remains pressed. Unchecking
the Start button will end execution after current position is reached.
The list is executed by the amount entered in the Loop field
(default=1: only once, no repeat). If Endless loop is checked, the list
will be repeatedly executed until Start or Abort buttons are pressed.
[Halt] Currently running move will be completed, then the position list
execution is halted until the halt button is unchecked.
[Abort] Immediately aborts a running move and ends the list execution.
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2.6 Manual Execution of Position Lists

The Position List options

• Step through with <> buttons and
• Attach I/O (when used with HDI Keys)

offer extended functionality for manually stepping forward and backward through position lists.
Options and required settings are as follows:

Executing a Position List

1. within its limits (or the specified from/to limits)

The execution does not terminate, it only stops at the upper and lower ends of the list to remain within it. No wrap-around.

Endless Loop: leave unchecked

Loops: set to 0

2. within the limits but allow list wrap-around backwards

The execution does not terminate, it only stops at the lower end of the list. Stepping back wraps around (first→last).

Endless Loop: leave unchecked

Loops: set to -1

3. forward for a specified number of times (and back only until the top or “from” of list)
The execution terminates after wrapping around forwards (last→first) for N times. Stepping backwards does not wrap around.
Wrapping around forwards (last→first) increments the counter.

Endless Loop: leave unchecked

Loops: set to the required amount of loops through the list (1 to 2147483647)

4. endless forward (and backward) wrap-around

The execution does not terminate and does not stop at the ends. Wrapping around forwards (last→first) increments the counter.

Endless Loop: checked

Loops: don’t care

The active range of a list can be narrowed down by specifying “from” and/or “to” index limits.
This also applies to wrap-around.

Changes of the from/to settings and the number of loops can be done even during execution.

AUTO | Pause and AUX-I/O options do not allow going backwards in the position list.

Stop Key can be specified when using HDI keys. It aborts the current move, which afterwards
can be continued by again pressing the key of the previously used direction (FWD or BACK).

Edge sensitive option requires a new signal edge or keystroke to continue,

else only a constant active state or pressed key lets the list execute without stopping.

Double clicking on the row index number can execute a move to this position (not if relative),
when “Move on double click” is checked. Independent of that, the double click sets the start
index for execution or changes the current list index while running. If the list should be executed
from the first (or the “from item”) index, this can be ensured by double clicking on a free space
of the dialog, e.g. to right of the [START] etc. buttons. This removes any possible double click
preselection for the start index for the list’s first execution.
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2.7 I/O – Access the TANGO Input / Output Pins


Provides access to the TANGO in- and output pins of the optional AUX-I/O connector
and the the optional I/O1 and Multi I/O port extensions.

Digital Inputs: Optional I/O1 or Multi I/O Port: Read input state.

[Poll digital inputs] Continuously read input state.

[Read digital inputs] Read input state now.

Digital Outputs: Optional IO1 or Multi I/O Port: Set output state.

Relay: Optional IO1 or Multi I/O Port: Switch the optional relay.

[Set digital output] Set outputs to the selected I/O bit pattern. Remark: The I/O output
state is also updated each time an output bit is changed (checked
/ unchecked). So, pressing this button usually is not necessary.

[Read digital output] Read back the output states from the TANGO I/O1 or Multi I/O.

[Edit I/O names] Assign custom names to the digital I/O labels
or delete all custom names

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Analog Out: Both analog outputs of the AUX I/O connector can be set either by
the slider or entered as a value of 0~100 percent. Dragging the
slider updates the analog outputs automatically. When typing in a
percent value, the outputs must be updated by pressing the
[Set analog outputs] button.

Logarithmic: The analog out sliders can be set to logarithmic sensitivity. This
increases the resolution of smaller values and may be used when
e.g., controlling a light source like LED100.

[Set analog outputs] Apply Analog out 0 and 1 values to the TANGO outputs.

[Set as preset value] Store the Analog out 0 and 1 values as TANGO startup defaults.

[Read output] Read back the Analog out 0 and 1 values from the TANGO.

[Read preset] Read back the Analog out 0 and 1 presets from the TANGO.

Analog In: Analog input of the optional AUX I/O connector.

[Poll analog inputs] Continuously update the displayed analog input value.

[Read analog inputs] Read the analog input value once.

Digital IN: Set or read back the state of the digital output pins.
Up to 5 pins are available, depending on the type of controller
and the AUX I/O connector.

The input name of the connected TANGO controller is shown

when moving the mouse cursor over the square shaped IN LEDs.

Example – Digital inputs of the optional AUX I/O connector:

0 = Pin 1 TAKT_IN (might not be available with all controllers)
1 = Pin 2 V/R IN
2 = Pin 3 STOP
3 = Pin 4 SNAP_SHOT2
4 = TRIG IN signal from the Motor 1-3 connector, not the AUX-IO

Digital OUT: Reflects the state of the digital input pins.

Up to four pins are available, depending on the type of controller
and the AUX I/O connector.

The output name of the connected TANGO controller is shown

when moving the mouse cursor over the numbers 0,1,2,3 which
are between the IN LEDs and OUT checkboxes.

Example – Digital outputs of the optional AUX I/O connector:

0 = Pin 5 TAKT_OUT (may be occupied by trigger or LED100)
1 = Pin 6 VR_OUT
3 = Pin 8 TRIGGER_OUT (may be occupied by trigger)

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2.8 Trigger – Optional Trigger Output


Setup and test of the trigger functionality.

The trigger mode can be set by entering the trigger mode number, as described in the TANGO
Instruction Set or optional by selecting the required [Function], [Directions] and [Polarity]
checkboxes. In this case SwitchBoard sets the corresponding trigger mode number
automatically. In case the trigger mode number is entered, SwitchBoard sets the corresponding
If the operating mode is valid, it is displayed in the Mode Info pictograph on the upper right.
Ensure that the selected trigger mode is supported by the TANGO (refer to Instruction Set).

The trigger output must be set separately. Depending on hardware, up to two trigger outputs are

The settings must be applied to the TANGO by pressing the [Write to Controller] or [Store in
Controller] button.

Additionally, the trigger dialog offers testing of the selected mode and parameters. Therefore
the Trigger can be enabled, a manual trigger signal can be forced (in manual trigger mode) and
the trigger event counter can be read or set.

Trigger Mode: Trigger Mode (number), as listed in the TANGO Instruction Set

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Or set mode optionall by choosing

- Trigger Function: 1) Trigger output from start position in fixed distances
2) Trigger output from half distance in fixed distances
3) Permanent output of a fixed frequency
4) Manually forced trigger by TANGO instruction
5) Generate trigger when axis position is reached
- Trigger Direction: Generate trigger when traveling forward and/or backward
- Signal Polarity: Trigger Signal output active high / active low.

Pin TRIGGER_OUT: Enable the standard trigger output

Pin TAKT_OUT Enable secondary trigger output which provides several options:
& LED100 Second Trigger 1:1 = second trigger (TAKT_OUT) provides same
signal as TRIGGER_OUT
Precise Width = high precision+resolution signal width trigbwidth**
Precise Delay = high precision+resolution edge delay trigbdelay **
Precise Frequency = high precision+resolution frequency trigbf **

** Only vailable with TANGO PCI-E / DT-E, TANGO 3 mini and


Trigger Parameter

- Use Encoder: Position dependent trigger is derived from encoder signal (Closed
Loop of the trigger axis must be active).

- Reference Axis: Axis which the trigger is related to.

- Distance: Distance of trigger pulses (position difference).

- Pulse Width: Pulse width of the trigger signal in microseconds. TANGO supports
signal widths in 40µs steps (0,40,80,120,…)

- Frequency: Frequency of the trigger signal in Generate Periodic Signal


- Compensation: To compensate delay times in the trigger signal chain (of external
components). Compensation activates the trigger signal before
reaching the position (look-ahead).
Can be used to reduce or eliminate “comb” effects in bidirectional
scanning applications.

- Prec. Width: HiRes Pulse width of second trigger output (TAKT_OUT & LED100)
- Prec. Delay: HiRes Edge delay of second trigger output (TAKT_OUT & LED100)
- Prec. Frequ.: HiRes Frequency of second trigger output (TAKT_OUT & LED100)
- Delay+Width: TANGO PCI-E/DT-E/3 mini: In Second Trigger 1:1 mode, the
second trigger can be delayed and/or have a different signal width
than the first trigger. The parameters cannot be stored permanently

[Read from Controller] Read Trigger Setup from controller (except write only Delay+Width)
[Write to Controller] Send Trigger Setup to the controller
[Store in Controller] Send Trigger Setup to the controller and store it permanently

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[Trigger ON] Globally enable the trigger functionality (ON).

[Manually Force Trigger] Manually force the trigger signal (in the corresponding manual
trigger mode, the trigger event counter display is also updated).

Trigger Event Counter: Read the number of generated trigger events from the TANGO
or set the trigger counter to any number, e.g. to zero.

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2.9 Snapshot – Optional Trigger Input and Joystick Functionality


Setup of the Snapshot functionality.

Mode Snapshot Mode, according to TANGO Instruction Set

Active Polarity Signal polarity: Active high or active low

Debounce Filter Signal debounce time in milliseconds (default: 10ms)

When using digitally generated input signals via I/O,
this parameter can be set to 0 for faster signal response.

Home Positions Enter the home positions for corresponding snapshot modes

Jump Distance Enter relative jump distances for snapshot mode 9

Force Joystick Key Perform snapshot functionality of joystick keys by software

Snapshot Enable Globally enable the snapshot function

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Snapshot Counter Shows the number of snapshot events / snapshot array entries

[Read from Controller] Read Snapshot settings from the TANGO controller
[Write to Controller] Send Snapshot settings to the TANGO controller
[Store in Controller] Send Snapshot settings to the TANGO controller and store them

Snapshot Array Access Opens the [Position List] Dialog, from where the snapshot position
array can be read and written via right-click of the mouse.

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2.10 Setup – Axis


Set the axis parameters of the TANGO controller.

Parameters of one axis are shown. Some parameters which apply to all axes can be editet in
the X axis setup and remain grayed in all other axes.

The parameters must be transmitted to the TANGO Controller by either pressing

[Write to Controller], which only sends the parameters to the TANGO volatile memory or
[Store in Controller], which sends and stores the parameters permanently.

To open or save parameters from an INI file, please refer to the dialog [Synchronize Settings].
Loading INI files is also possible via drag&drop of the file into any SwitchBoard dialog window.

Axis: Select if motor should be on, disabled or switched off

on [ 1] = move instructions are applied to this axis
disabled [ 0] = move instructions are ignored by this axis, current is on
off [-1] = move instructions are ignored, motor current is off

Measuring Unit: Measuring unit for positions (mm, µm etc. according to dim parameter)

Axis Direction: Reverse axis direction (limit switches are re-assigned automatically)

Spindle Pitch: Axial feed per spindle revolution in mm (i.e., 1 revolution = 4mm)

Gear Factor: Factor for motors with gearbox or transmission

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Velocity: Set the axis velocity for move instructions (and cal/rm if not in ExtMode)

Secure Velocity: Set the secure velocity which limits the velocity of the axis
until cal and rm are executed

Acceleration: Set the acceleration of the axis

Emergency Stop: Set the stop acceleration of the axis for move abort, limit switch and
stop conditions

Accel Function: Acceleration for move instructions mor, moa, moc, m (not go or speed)
- as s-curve, when AccelFunc = 1
- or default linear acceleration when AccelFunc = 0

Motor Current: Electrical motor current in Ampere

Reduction: Motor current reduction when idle, as percent of selected motor current
(100% = no reduction). Can be used to avoid dissipation of heat.
In Closed Loop applications, reduction should never be set below 30%.

Reduction Delay: Idle time after a move before the current reduction is applied

EcoMove Level: Reduce heat dissipation of traveling axes. The higher the level, the
higher the power saving (0%=disabled, 70%=max. saving).
Available from TANGO firmware versions 1.57 and higher. Using
EcoMove reduces force when motor is running at constant speed (not
during acceleration or deceleration).
Remarks: It must be ensured that the axis has sufficient force under all
conditions. EcoMove is disabled during cal/rm Calibration and Range

Motor Steps: Step resolution of the motor (i.e., 200 for a 1.8° motor, 400 for 0.9°)

Motor Table: Applies a motor compensation table. The TANGO firmware has several
motor tables available which fit to a certain stepper motor type and
wiring. It is set by factory.

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Extended Mode: Extended and improved Instruction Set (please refer to extmode in the
TANGO Instruction Set Description). The joystick and the cal, rm
instructions then have their own velocities e.g.

Modulo Mode: Modes for rotational or swiveling axes

CAL Mode: Axis zero position mode

(and Closed Loop activation mode, if encoders are available)
0: Axis zero position is set at the lower hardware limit switch,
CAL and Closed Loop is activated
1: Axis zero position is set at power on,
Closed Loop is activated instantly from power-on
2: Zero position like mode 0, but
Closed Loop is activated instantly from power-on
3: Use the axis only to readout a measuring system
without using or requiring the motor (1Vpp and TTL only, no MR)
4: Automatically perform a CAL move after power on or reset
Caution: The axes will start moving and can’t be stopped by software!
5: Instant-On function for open loop axes without encoders
This mode will restore the last position and cal/rm state of the axis
at which the TANGO was switched off or resetted.
Caution: Please ensure the axis can’t be shifted from its mechanical
position when the power is off! If the axis was moved during power-
off, the position will be incorrect and mechanical damage can occur!

Scan Mode: Selects different behaviors for move instructions

0: Default behavior of the TANGO controllers
1: Resulting move velocityes are always Scan velocity
2: Only vector moves are executed with Scan velocity
3: No vector moves. Similar to 0, but even vector moves
are executed for each axis at their own velocity.

Scan Velocity: Defines the constant velocity for Scan Modes 1 and 2 or the dissection
continuous path, which is available through snapshot position lists.

Backlash: Mechanical backlash compensation of the axis (doesn’t apply in Closed


X...A Move Delay: Delay for positioning instructions. A move instruction will start delayed
by the specified time.
One parameter applies to all axes.

X…A Move Pause: Pause for positioning instructions. The @@@ autostatus reply after a
move will be delayed by the specified time.
One parameter applies to all axes.

Dim0 Resolution: The Measuring unit “dim 0” sets the axis to steps per revolution. In
order to offer compatibility to many applications, this unit can be set to a
certain number. If the application e.g. requires 40000 to be one
revolution. One parameter applies to all axes which are in dim mode 0.
As the controller’s internal resolution always remains at 819200 steps, it
is possible to use fractions, e.g. 39157.3.
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[Limit Switches >] Jump to the Limit Switch setup window (offering a shortcut instead of
browsing to it by tree navigation on the left side).

[Copy Axis] Opens a dialog that offers to apply the axis setting to another axis or to
all axes.

[Defaults] Set the SwitchBoard axis parameters of the current axis to program
defaults. Parameters in the TANGO are not changed.

[Read Axis] Read parameters of the current axis from the TANGO Controller.

[Write to Controller] Send the parameters to the TANGO Controller (all axes). Parameters
are volatile and will be lost when switching off the controller.

[Store in Controller] Send the parameters to the TANGO Controller (all axes) and store them

Remarks: To ensure the parameters were set correctly, use [Read Axis] to read
back the parameters from the controller and check them again. Also,
[Parameter Checking] can be selected in the [Synchronize Settings]
dialog. It will give a reply if parameters weren’t accepted by the TANGO

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2.11 Setup – Limit Switches


Edit the limit switch related controller settings.

The parameters must be transmitted to the TANGO Controller by either pressing [Write to
Controller], which only sends the parameters to the TANGO volatile memory or [Store in
Controller], which sends and stores the parameters permanently.

To open or save parameters from an INI file, please refer to the dialog [Synchronize Settings].
Loading INI files is also possible via drag&drop of the file into any SwitchBoard dialog window.

CAL Switch Type: Select the switch characteristic of the lower hardware limit switch. The
default setting is marked by a *. Switching to supply or ground, normally open or closed can be

RM Switch Type: Select the switch characteristic of the upper hardware limit switch. The
default setting is marked by a *. Switching to supply or ground, normally open or closed can be

Swap CAL<->RM: Set by factory, depending on the axis hardware and wiring. The upper/lower
limit switch assignment can be swapped here. This setting must never be changed. False switch
assignment will lead to damage of the axis due to not recognized limits.
Remarks: If the axis direction is changed by software (axisdir) it is NOT necessary to change
this CAL<->RM assignment, the TANGO Controller will then swap assignments automatically.

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Limmode: Newer Controllers from TANGO Desktop HE provide the limmode functionality.
It defines the behavior when a move target position would exceed a limit (individual or vector).
In the default mode 0, the axes only move to the limit as usual. In mode 1, a move or vector
move is not executed if a target position would exceed a limit. Mode 2 behaves as the default
mode 0, but returns a L instead of @ in the response if an axis was limited. Limmode can only
be activated for all or none axis (not for individual axes).

CAL Required: From TANGO firmware versions 1.53 and higher, the axes can be disabled for
any move until they are calibrated. No move is possible before executing the CAL instruction.

Keep RM: From TANGO firmware versions 1.74 and higher, the TANGO can keep the RM
position (axis length) of a CAL+RM sequence and restore it after a new CAL. This way, only
CAL (not CAL+RM) can be performed and SecVel will remain released as long as the TANGO
is not resetted.

CAL/RM Limits: If enabled, CAL and RM will set the lower and upper Soft Limits to the limit
switch positions (default setting). If CAL, RM must not manipulate the Soft Limits, this function
can be disabled. (TANGO !nosetlimit 1 instruction.)

Soft Limits: By pressing the Button [Edit Limits] or a left click on the Label [Soft Limits:] a dialog
can be displayed which offers editing and sending of the soft limits. Soft limits can’t be stored in
the TANGO controller and will be set to default (e.g. +-2600mm) after each power-on or reset.

Edit Limits: Refer to Soft Limits description above.

Pos. Offset CAL: Usually set to zero, it offers traveling a certain distance out of the lower limit
switch within the CAL instruction. May be used to adjust the zero position of the axis.

Pos. Offset RM: Usually set to zero, it offers traveling a certain distance out of the upper limit
switch within the RM instruction. May be used to adjust the upper position away from the
hardware switch.

Switch Relieve Vel.: This velocity is used by the calibration routine for exactly finding the origin
and limit positions when moving slowly out of a limit switch. This parameter should be set to a
slow value in order to achieve high accuracy. The unit is in in user dimensions, but finally sent to
the controller as an integer value in 1/100rev/s (by the calbspeed command).

CalVel, RmVel: TANGO firmware versions 1.32 and higher support an Extended Mode. Here
the calvel1, 2 / rmvel1, 2 parameters are used instead of the axis vel and Switch Relieve Vel
(calbspeed). Refer to TANGO Instruction Set Description to learn about the differences to
normal mode.

CAL/RM Timeout: Individual timeouts for Calibration (CAL) and Range Measure (RM)
instructions. Depending on axis length and travel velocity it might become necessary to adapt
the timeout. To ensure no error is generated when traveling the full range to an end switch.

Pos. Shift: Position Shift for Center Reference Modes, Absolute Encoders or Calibrating (CAL)
on Reference Marks.

Cal. Direction: Select default Calibration (0) or special Modes for Center Reference axes.

Ref. Direction: Currently unused (as of TANGO Firmware 1.74).

[Axis Setup >] Jump to the axis setup window (offering a shortcut instead of browsing
to it by tree navigation on the left side).

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[Copy Axis] Opens a dialog that offers to apply the axis setting to another axis or
to all axes.

[Defaults] Set the SwitchBoard axis parameters of the current axis to program
defaults. Parameters in the TANGO are not changed.

[Read Axis] Read parameters of the current axis from the TANGO Controller.

[Write to Controller] Send the parameters to the TANGO Controller (all axes). Parameters
are volatile and will be lost when switching off the controller.

[Store in Controller] Send the parameters to the TANGO Controller (all axes) and store
them permanently.

Remarks: Soft Limits are not transmitted to the TANGO Controller. As this could
lead to problems e.g. unwanted limitation of travel range. If required,
the Soft Limits can be sent from within the Limit Switches dialog: via
[Edit Limits] button.

To ensure the parameters were set correctly, use [Read Axis] to read
back the parameters from the controller and check them again. Also,
[Parameter Checking] can be selected in the [Synchronize Settings]
dialog. It will give a reply if parameters weren’t accepted by the
TANGO Controller.

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2.12 Setup – HDI Input Devices


Setup for the HDI devices – Joystick, Trackball, ERGODRIVE and Multi-Function Wheel.

All available TANGO HDI devices are supported. The dialog is divided into functional groups:

• General setup of common parameters

• Joystick and its optional functionalities
• ERGODRIVE and Coaxial Drive
• Trackball
• Multi-Function Wheel (which may be part of the Joystick or ERGODRIVE)
• LED100 brightness control

HDI Common Parameter:

Mode: ON (2) / OFF (0)

X sync to XY: If checked, X deflection is applied to X and Y axes simultaneously

Function: Enable/disable individual HDI axes and set their directions (2, 0, -2)

Velocity: Specifies the Joystick velocity in Extended Mode (refer to Setup\Axis).

It also limits the maximum travel velocity for all input devices
(ERGODRIVE, Coaxial Drive, Trackball, Multi-Function Wheel).

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JOYSTICK Characteristic: Logarithmic (default, recommended), Linear or Quadratic

Swap XY: Swap Joystick X and Y axes, turns Joystick coordinate

system by 90 degrees

Swap YZ: Swap Joystick Y and Z axes, allowing to move Z with Y

Z Knob to A: Deflection of Joystick Z-knob affects A axis. HDI must be

enabled for A axis as well.

Z auto-disable Joystick Z knob is disabled while X or Y are deflected

Backlash Defines the zero-deviation window for Joystick deflection

Window: (mechanical center backlash for the released joystick,
default: 14 = +/- 7 digit). Should never be changed.

Key Mode: Mode, in which two Joystick velocities can be alternated,

KeySpeed 1 and 2. The different velocities are applied by
pressing the Joystick function keys. The keys depend on
if Toggle Mode is enabled or not:

- Joystick F1: Select X,Y KeySpeed2

- Joystick F4: Select X,Y KeySpeed1
- Joystick F2: Select Z KeySpeed2
- Joystick F3: Select Z KeySpeed1

For Toggle Mode key assignment refer to Toggle Mode:

Toggle Mode: If Key Mode is enabled, then Toggle Mode, alternates

between the two velocities:

- Joystick F1: Toggles between X,Y KeySpeeds 1 and 2

- Joystick F4: Toggles between Z KeySpeeds 1 and 2 *
* firmware ≥1.56 required

KeySpeed1,2: Joystick velocities when using KeyMode

as explained above.

ERGODRIVE / Factor: Travel distance per knob revolution

Coaxial Drive
Factor B: Alternate travel distance per knob revolution.
Used by ERGODRIVE while the [XY] or [Z] key is held
down, or alternating factors in Toggle Mode.
The Pilot stage also provides this feature for XY.

HDI devices with Multi-Function Wheel use the Multi-Function Wheel

Travel Factor. In case of ERGODRIVE, SwitchBoard keeps the entries
identical to the ERGODRIVE Z settings:

ERGODRIVE Factor 3[Z]  Factor 1 of Multi-Function Wheel

ERGODRIVE Factor B 3[Z]  Factor 3 of Multi-Function Wheel

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Noise Filter: Using the noise filter is highly recommended. It eliminates

the minor position jitter which occurs in the X and Y knobs.
Without filter the axes will show slight position deviations.
Only disable the filter if very sensitive behavior is required.

Toggle Mode: ERGODRIVE and Pilot stage key behavior:

Activating toggle mode will alternate between both factors
when perssing the XY or Z key.
In normal mode, the alternate factor is only applied as long
as the XY or Z key is pressed.

TRACKBALL Factor: Trackball transmission ratio (higher = longer distances)

Y axis to Z: Turn XY-Trackball into a device that commands the Z axis

Multi-Function Travel: Travel distance per revolution of the Multi-Function Wheel

Wheel as found on some Joysticks and ERGODRIVE.

1: default distance (may prevent accidential travel if set to 0)

2: alternate distance (suggested fine/slow) via Joystick F4
3: alternate distance (suggested coarse) via Joystick F1

Axis: Assign the Multi-Function Wheel to any axis, default = Z

LED100 LED Enable: Manual control of LED100 brightness via HDI

- Joystick:
- with Multi-Function Wheel: F2
- without Wheel: F3 + Joystick Y deflection
Pressing F3+F4 saves the brightness as default setting

- ERGODRIVE with Multi-Function Wheel: F1

Fine Mode: Provides higher brightness resolution

16x finer with Multi-Function Wheel,
4x finer via Joystick Y deflection

As MF-Wheel Main Function: Direct brightness control via

Multi-Function Wheel, no F-Key required

[Read from Controller] Read settings from the TANGO controller

[Write to Controller] Send settings to the TANGO controller (only until reset or power off)

[Store in Controller] Send settings to the TANGO controller and store them permanently

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2.13 Setup – Encoder


Configuration of the measuring systems (encoders) for up to 4 axes.

Only available with controllers that provide an encoder interface.

Remarks: The activation method for encoders and Closed Loop (after power-on or after CAL) is
selected via the CalMode parameter in the [Setup\Axes\Limit Switches] dialog.

The setup can be written to the TANGO controller by either using the [Synchronize Settings]
dialog or by pressing the right mouse key, which opens a menu.

ACTIVE: Generally enable the measuring system. The activation of the encoders
then is performed by the TANGO controller after calibration (CAL) or
power up, depending on the CalMode setting in [Setup\Axes].

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Type: Select the encoder type.

The available options depend on TANGO hardware and firmware.

0: Universal Interface = 5Vpp MR analog encoder

Hard wired Interface = Analog, 1Vpp/5Vpp depends on hardware
If the Controller provides a Universal Interface, it assigns 5Vpp MR
interpolation behavior.
Controllers with hard-wired interface activate analog SIN/COS
interpolation according to the interface hardware 1Vpp or 5Vpp MR.

1: TTL / RS422
Select digital incremental encoders (A/B-TTL). Interpolation is
disabled. When using digital encoders, this type must be selected to
prevent erroneous behavior (due to signal monitoring).

2: 1Vpp (Universal Interface only)

A Universal Interface assigns 1Vpp interpolation behavior.
Controllers with hard-wired encoder interface do not provide this type.

3: BiSS Absolute
Absolute measuring system with serial interface type BiSS-C.

4: BiSS Absolute + 1Vpp

Absolute measuring system with serial interface type BiSS-C
and additional 1Vpp analog sin/cos signal.

5: SSI Absolute
Absolute measuring system with serial interface type SSI.

6: SSI Absolute + 1Vpp

Absolute measuring system with serial interface type SSI
and additional 1Vpp analog sin/cos signal.

REMARKS: If the analog interpolation is not configured by factory, the

interface only provides TTL/RS422 functionality. In this case (blue text
is displayed: [TTL Config=0]) the interface always behaves like type 1,
independent of which encoder type is selected.

Signal Period: Signal period of the measuring system (in case of TTL: 4x the resolution)

Counting Counting direction of the measuring system. The direction is set

Direction: automatically by the TANGO controller.
It is not necessary nor recommended to change this setting, except in
independent measuring system mode. A change during operation causes
Closed Loop to switch off or unpredictable behavior of the axis.

NAS Error For measuring systems that provide an error output signal (often called
Signal: NAS signal). If activated, NAS is used by the TANGO controller to
generate an internal encoder error condition and switch off Closed Loop.

EncVel: Velocity used to detect/activate the encoder

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Abs. Resolution: Absolute Encoder: Resolution of the serial position data in nanometers

Abs. Data Bits: Absolute Encoder: Data size of the serial position data in bits

Position Shift: For most cases, this value must be set by factory in the ETS, not here.
It can be used to set or test position shift values for Center Referencing
modes or calibrating on Encoder Reference Mark. Position Shift for
Absolute Encoders must be set in the ETS.

Referencing: 0: Measuring system has no reference mark, or ignore reference mark

1: Measuring system has one reference mark, to which the axis will be
traveling after calibration (CAL)
or directly for calibration, if the CAL switch is disabled (Firmware 1.74+)

2: Precise CAL position: CAL travels to factory teached-in encoder period

(within one signal period, at least 40µm or MR signal period required)

3: Precise CAL position: CAL travels to factory teached-in motor period

(within one period, @ 200 steps at least 2mm pitch required = 40µm)

Search Velocity: Velocity at which the axis travels towards the reference mark

[Read from Controller] Read settings from the TANGO controller

[Write to Controller] Send settings to the TANGO controller (only until reset or power off)

[Store in Controller] Send settings to the TANGO controller and store them permanently

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2.14 Setup – Closed Loop


Configuration of the closed loop for up to 4 axes.

Only available with controllers that provide an encoder interface.

Remarks: The activation method for encoders and Closed Loop (after power-on or after CAL) is
selected via the CalMode parameter in the [Setup\Axes\Limit Switches] dialog.

The setup can be written to the TANGO controller by either using the [Synchronize Settings]
dialog or by pressing the right mouse key, which opens a menu.

The default and recommended operation of the Closed Loop is permanently on mode 2 (On)*.
Independent of the specified Target Window, Closed Loop then always tries to keep the position
deviation at zero. The Target Window, in conjunction with the TagetWin Delay, only specifies
the “position reached” criteria for the axis.

* Remark: If the axis is idle and the motor current reduction is set to less than 30% (in dialog
[Setup\Axes]), the closed loop becomes inactive for as long as the applied motor current is
below 30%.

Mode: Closed Loop ON (2,1) or OFF (0)

Mode 2 is always active, which is the recommended setting to ensure
no drift when the axis is idle.
Mode 1 is only active during a move, until the Target Window is reached
In Mode 0, the Closed Loop is switched off (does not influence the axis)
but still the encoders can be read out.
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Closed Loop Factor:

Two facors must be specified for the Closed Loop gain. One for the traveling axis and one for
the idle axis. Increasing the factor results in faster behavior but can lead to oscillation or stalling
when too high. The values have a huge impact on performance and may be optimized for each

@ move: Closed Loop gain factor when axis is moving.

Increasing the parameter causes a more accurate position while the axis
travels. But it can also cause increased velocity variation while following
the measuring system too closely.

@ idle: Closed Loop gain factor when axis is idle.

Increasing the parameter causes faster settling to the end position,
but can also lead to oscillation.

Target Window: Position range (twi), in which the Closed Loop

in Closed Loop mode 1 (Until Target) turns off closed loop, or
in Closed Loop mode 2 (On) generates the status reply (@@@) when
reaching the target position. Also refer to Target Win. Delay.

Target Win. Delay: Condition for the Closed Loop state target position reached (in
conjunction with the Target Window). The axis must remain within the
target window for the here specified time (ctrd). Typical settings are 100
to 250 milliseconds. To optimize the delay, it must be assured that the
mechanical oscillation frequency at the end of a move is covered by this

Lock-In Behavior: The behavior outside the Lock-In Range can be set to different modes for
e.g., collision detection & switchoff or to avoid stalling the stepper motor
at larger deviations.

Lock-In Range: Lock-in range of the Closed Loop. If the position deviation between motor
and measuring system position exceeds this value, the selected Lock-In
Range behavior is assigned (ctrsm). Please refer to the Closed Loop

Target Window If the target window can not be reached or the axis cannot remain in the
Timeout: target window for the specified Target Win. Delay time (twi, ctrd),
a maximum time can be specified after which the axis generates the
“position reached” reply, even if it never reached.

Call Interval: Calling (execution) interval of the Closed Loop.

Typically set to 3 or 5 milliseconds, depending on the controller type.
This default setting should not be changed.
It is not recommended to set intervals shorter than 3 milliseconds.

[Read from Controller] Read settings from the TANGO controller

[Write to Controller] Send settings to the TANGO controller (only until reset or power off)
[Store in Controller] Send settings to the TANGO controller and store them permanently

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2.15 Setup – I/O (TANGO Input / Output Options)


Access to TANGO related I/O functions, such as AUX-IO and more.

ETS Mode: Defines how ETS data is handled. Default mode is 4.

Position Resolution: Defines the resolution (fractional mm-digits) of the returned axis position
for "?pos" and similar instructions. Default is 4, which results in 100nm
resolution, i.e., ?pos → 0.0000 (mm) or → 0.0 (µm).
Up to 6 digits can be selected, which is a 1nm resolution.
Remark: This setting does not affect the positioning resolution,
it only affects the returned position values.

Status LED: The Status LED of the TANGO can be permanently forced off

AUX-I/O Status Signal output: The green front-panel Status LED state
can be assigned to an AUX-I/O output, e.g. for external display.

Stop Input Function: Select required behaviour and polarity of the stop
input. Refer to stoppol description in the TANGO Instruction Set.

Analog Signal Mode: Select a special Analog Output behaviour for

ANOUT0 or ANOUT 1, e.g. for Z-Piezo or select ANIN to Laserautofocus.

Analog Output Preset: Set the initial output levels after power on.
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Digital Input Function and Type: For TANGO controllers which provide
flexible assignment of input functions and polarities (e.g. TANGO 3 mini).

I/O Brake Function: If the TANGO provides a I/O1 or Multi I/O port or a dedicated Brake
output pin on the motor connector, a mechanical axis brake can be

In case of I/O Modules, the brake axes X,Y,Z,A can be assigned to one
or several of the 8 output pins (=1-8) or to none (=0, which provides the
default I/O function of the pin).

In case of controllers with a dedicated Brake output (on the motor 1-3
connector), the X,Y,Z,A axes can be selected by 1 or deselected by 0.

Depending on hardware, the brake voltage can be configured.

Two values might be available: The switch- and hold voltages.
V Switch: The voltage required to open the brake.
V Hold : The voltage required to safely keep the brake open.
V Hold might be (much) lower than V Switch to greatly reduce
the power consumption and heating of the brake when open.
Refer to the motor brake datasheet.

Also refer to the brake description of the TANGO Instruction Set

or of the corresponding TANGO controller.

Brake Voltage: The TANGO Desktop HE provides an interbal brake module, where the
voltages can be adjusted according to the brake. There is one voltage for
opening the brake (switching) and a second voltage which will be applied
shortly after opening. This holding voltage usually can be lower than the
actuating voltage and help lowering the total heat input, as “brake open”
is the usual state.

Communication: The Baudrate of the TANGO’s main RS232 interface can be set here.

TANGO Desktop HE provides an Ethernet TCP/IP Interface.

SwitchBoard does not support direct INI File transmission of the Ethernet
(IP etc. address) settings, as it would possibly set unwanted addresses.
Therefore, the here accessible IP addresses can be transmitted manually
by pressing the [SEND IP>>] buton.

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2.16 Setup – Program Settings for SwitchBoard


Access to SwitchBoard related parameters.

Language: SwitchBoard language (English / German / French)

Dialog Color: SwitchBoard window color (white or system color)

CSV File Format: Select the German/English .csv file format (GER: comma+semicolon or
EN: dot+comma) for saving Tango Position Lists with .csv extension

Oscilloscope Data: Select the data to be drawn in the Encoder Diagnosis Dialog as either the
RAW ADC data (default) or the TANGO compensated signals, e.g in
conjunction with MR measuring system.

Osc. Color: The encoder signal in the [Diagnosis\Encoder] Dialog can be set to a
signal strength dependent color mode (green/yellow/red).

Sampling Interval: Select the data sampling rate for the Encoder Diagnosis Dialog
may be adjusted according to the communication speed –
e.g. 100ms for RS232, 50ms for USB or PCI-E.

Fast Osc Interval: Select the sampling rate for the [FAST OSC] button in the Encoder
Diagnosis Dialog (default = 20ms).

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Draw Ref. Mark: If checked, the garphics display in the Encoder Diagnosis Dialog draws a
bold black line in the region where the reference mark signal is active.

Old COM-Port Old (slower and only until COM 24) detection metod of available COM-
Detection method Ports in the Connect Dialog. Use in case a certain COM Port is not found.

Command Line: Keeps the string in the SwitchBoard command line input after sending
(else the command line is cleared).
The kept string is highlighted and so can easily be deleted but as well
resent without re-entering.

.ini Reading an ini file usually reads all the SwitchBoard settings stored in it.
By checking this option, only the TANGO parameters are extracted.

Axis Limitations: Only for compatibility when exporting WinCommander setup files:
Limit for maximum travel velocity and acceleration.
These parameters are not used by the TANGO controller or

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2.17 Setup – PC Function Keys for SwitchBoard


Assign PC keyboard Function Keys F2-F12 to SwitchBoard functions.

There are several options: Accessing different SwitchBoard dialogs by just pressing an F key
(for ease of use when alternating between dialogs). Or executing TANGO instructions (only
available in Manual Move, Command Terminal and Position List dialogs). Etc. All available
options are shown below. Individual labels can be assigned to the function keys by [Use this key
name]*. The main window flashes once to indicate the F-Key function executed successfully.


None (disabled): No SwitchBoard function assigned to this F-key

Change speed to...: * The input field on the upper right becomes enabled, providing the
move velocities that are set when pressing the F key.

Change cursor joystick speed to...: * Cursor Joystick velocities for Manual Move dialog.
The velocities specified in the input fields on the upper
right will be applied when pressing this F-key.

Change cursor joystick steps to...: * Cursor Joystick step sizes for Manual Move dialog.
The step sizes specified in the input fields on the
upper right will be applied when pressing this F-key.

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Execute command list: * The multi-line input field for commands becomes enabled. TANGO
commands can be entered according to the TANGO Instruction
Set Description. Restrictions:
One command per line. Only use commands that set parameters
or start movement. Commands that cause a reply are not allowed.

Execute command file: * Similar to the execute command list option, a text file with TANGO
commands can be applied to a PC function key.
The Open button becomes enabled to select a .tcl or .txt file
containing TANGO commands.
The commands have the same restrictions as in execute
command list: One command per line. Only use commands that
set parameters or start movement. Commands that cause a reply
are not allowed.

Jump to program dialog: Call a SwitchBoard dialog window.

Enables fast switching between SwitchBoard dialogs by just
pressing the function key.
E.g.: switching to a setup dialog or the [Manual Move] dialog etc.

Add current position to When the Position List dialog is displayed, pressing the F-Key
Position List: adds a new line with the current axis positions.

* only available in [Manual Move], [Command Terminal] and [Position List] dialogs.

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2.18 Setup – Synchronize Settings (Read/Write Setup and INI Files)


The setup can be synchronized (read/write/store/load/save) with the TANGO or an INI file.

Remark: From Windows 10, SwitchBoard does not store its own SwitchBoard.ini file in the C:\Programs folder,
it stores it in the user AppData area of Windows:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.ini

Read Controller: Read setup from the TANGO controller

Write to Controller: Transmit setup to the TANGO controller

Setup parameters are written but not stored permanently

Store in Controller: Transmit setup to the TANGO controller

Setup parameters are stored permanently (remain when switched off)

Parameter Checking: When activated, SwitchBoard checks if the parameters sent to the
TANGO controller are accepted or not (e.g. the value exceeds the
allowed range). In case of errors, a report window is displayed after
sending the parameter to the controller, including the instruction and
error code number. Which can be looked up in the TANGO Instruction
Set Description.

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Load INI File: Load INI setup files containing TANGO parameter set and the
SwitchBoard settings. The setup is loaded into SwitchBoard only, and
not transmitted to the TANGO controller.
Remarks: INI files can also be loaded by drag&drop into any
SwitchBoard dialog window. For compatibility, the .LS setup file type is
also accepted.

INS file support1: While an INI file resets and changes the entire
configuration, SwitchBoard 1.88 and above also supports "INS" files
(INI Snippets). Those files only affect the settings which are provided
within the INS file and leave everything else unchanged. E.g. for I/O
Pin naming or smaller changes of existing customer settings.

Save INI File: Save the current TANGO and SwitchBoard setup to an INI file

Export LS File: Export current setup to a.LS format compliant file

(only available in Service Mode)

Reset to Defaults: All setup paramteres are resetted to the SwitchBoard defaults.
It only changes the SwitchBoard setup and doesn’t affect the
TANGO controller.

INS File example: MyIO-Names.ins
In2=Maga 1/2 Eject
In3=Maga 3/4 Eject
In4=4 Maga 1
In5=5 Maga 2
In6=6 Maga 3
In7=7 TIKLA (door unit)
In8=8 IN8 (door unit)
In9=9 FLGI (fault Label)
In19=Sensor high
Out2=2 LED (yellow)
Out3=3 LED (green)
Out5=5 Label Illumination
Out6=enable SlideSensor
Out7=enable 24V Magnet

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2.19 Info – Show Informations about TANGO and SwitchBoard


Information display about version numbers, TANGO configuration and states.

Displayed data is updated permanently. This dialog mainly addresses troubleshooting &

Axis State display: Active motor amplifiers are shown in green, disabled amplifiers are shown
grayed. An error state is indicated by red symbols. For further information please refer to the
[Manual Move] dialog description.

Program Version: SwitchBoard program version and release date

DLL Version: TangoDLL.dll version and release date

Controller Version: Type and firmware version of the connected TANGO controller

Controller Serial No.: Serial number of the connected TANGO controller

Hardware Code: Bit code of the TANGO configuration, shows configured axes,
encoders, display etc. information
[?]: Press the [?] button for an explanation of the displayed bit code or
refer to the TANGO Instruction Set Description (?det instruction).

Controller Type: TANGO type information, axis count and maximum motor currents

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HDI Type: Identifier of the currently connected HDI device (Joystick etc.)
ID 16 or -1 indicate no device is connected. Other IDs correspond to
the various devices. The percent value shows if the device was
detected successfully and should be above 50%.
For further information please refer to the TANGO Instruction Set
Description (?hdi instruction).

Encoder Interface: TANGO encoder interface type, e.g. 1Vpp, MR, TTL, Universal

Power Amplifiers: ON = All activated amplifiers are on

OFF = At least one amplifier has switched off
The axis state is displayed in [brackets]: Enabled, Disabled or Off

PSE Voltage: Amplifier supply voltage in Volts, typically 12V. If the voltage is below
9 Volts, please check if the PSE signal is applied to the TANGO.

Supply Voltage: Motor voltage in Volts (typically 12, 24 or 48V) and, depending on
hardware, the input current and power consumption of the TANGO.
Remarks: If the motor voltage is lower than 11 Volts, please check if the HDD
power plug is connected to the PCI controller.

Digital Voltage: Typically 5 or 3.3 Volts.

I/O Voltage: Typically 5 Volts.

With I/O1 or Multi I/O port: 5 or 12 ... 24V, depends on configuration.

Ambient Temperature : If the TANGO provides a Board temperature sensor, the case or PC
internal ambient temperature is displayed here in degrees centigrade.

CPU Temperature : If the TANGO provides a CPU temperature sensor, CPU temperature
is displayed here in degrees centigrade.

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2.20 SlideExpress
Access to SlideExpress functions and parameters.
The SlideExpress 2 default values of March 18, 2019 are listed for plausibility check only.

Parameter description

Index Value Unit Internal Name Description

0 31.0 mm X center X center working area of slide in gripper 1
1 80.0 mm Y center Y center working area of slide in gripper 1
2 170.5 mm X min X lower software limit during put and get slide to protect objective
3 48.0 mm X max X upper software limit when slides are in the working area
4 91.0 mm Y max Y upper software limit when slides are in the working area
5 3.2 mm Maga Y0 Y gripper position mid of magazine 1 (near lower Y limit)
6 4.4 mm Maga Z0 or Z gripper position for first slide (near lower Z limit) or
Maga1 Z0 Z gripper position for first slide (near lower Z limit) of Magazine 1
7 275.7 mm Maga X0 Position for Get: slide in front of gripper
8 302.0 mm Maga X1 Position for Get: slide inside gripper (leftmost, 3rd spring covered)
9 288.7 mm Maga X2 Magnet-comb pin mid between slide edge at end of slot
10 235.2 mm Maga X3 Position for Put: Gripper in front of the slide edge (released gap)
11 4.0 mm/s Vx slow Reduced speed when slides are near the magazines
12 92.5 mm Maga dY Y distance between 2 magazines (also gripper to gripper)
13 7.2 mm Maga dZ Z distance between magazine slots
14 33.7 mm Seated dZ Z distance from upper limit to “magazines seated” sensors
15 10 Maga Size Number of max. slides per magazine
16 4 Maga Count Number of max. magazines
17 2 Gripper Count Number of grippers
18 2000 ms Magnet_Delay Delay time to activate/raise magnet
19 0.5 mm Prio dX (X alignment of priority handler relative to magazines)2
or slide glass thickness and sweep distance
20 4.4 mm Prio dY or (Y alignment of priority handler relative to magazines)2 or
Maga2 Z0 Z gripper position for first slide (near lower Z limit) of Magazine 2
21 1.9 mm Sens1Z0 Individual slide sensor position for column 1 (near Maga Z0)
22 1.9 mm Sens2Z0 Individual slide sensor position for column 2 (near Maga Z0)
23 1.95 mm Sens3Z0 Individual slide sensor position for column 3 (near Maga Z0)
24 2.0 mm Sens4Z0 Individual slide sensor position for column 4 (near Maga Z0)

green: These values depend on application (e.g. user defined POI or start point or optical centre of slide
in gripper 1) You may adapt to your requirements. The corresponding coordinates of slide in
gripper 2 is calculated automatically (by using the dY parameter 12).
blue: These values depend on your adapted items, e.g. position and diameter of objective or
condenser. Please proof and adapt to your specific requirements.
yellow: These mechanical constants may vary from system to system and are factory pre-adjusted.
Change only if advised.
Grey: These SlideExpress constants must not be changed until otherwise specified.

2For SlideExpress versions with priority handler. Else the second description applies.
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ETS Info Shows if SlideExpress has parameters stored in internal ETS

Load File Load SlideExpress parameter set from a file

Save File Save SlideExpress parameter set to a file

Init Sequence Initialize SlideExpress (calibrate axes and detect magazine)

Eject Eject magazines

Put Slide Return slide to magazine (position specified by COL and ROW)

Get Slide Get slide from magazine (position specified by COL and ROW)

COL, ROW Column and row of the slide for [Get Slide] or to [Put Slide]

Manual Adjust Only for service. Do not use this function unless advised.
Mode Used to teach-in the magazine transfer position for slides.

<POS Writes the current TANGO position into the data field.
Therefore the TANGO axis/axes must be positioned correctly.

SensorZ Measures the position of the four slide sensors (Sens1Z0…Sens4Z0)

and displays the results in a pop-up window. If required, the four
positions can then be transferred to the SwitchBoard input fields 21…24.

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3 Document Revision History

No. Revision Date Changes Remarks
01 2.1 21. August 2012 Newly revised version Based on SwitchBoard 1.51
02 2.2 11. October 2012 Remarks to COM ports greater 16
03 2.3 18. Feb. 2013 New SwitchBoard version 1.60 Based on SwitchBoard 1.60
04 2.4 27. May 2013 Manual Move: Red Encoder LED
Changed Document Author,
Company and File Name
05 2.5 26. June 2013 Changed Motion Controller to
06 2.6 11. Feb. 2015 Newly revised version Based on SwitchBoard 1.73
07 2.7 23. April 2015 Several corrections, PDF help
08 2.8 28. July 2015 Fixed index and layout issues
09 2.9 23. Sept. 2015 Description of Position List and Based on SwitchBoard 1.76
Meander I/O Options
10 3.0 08. July 2016 New screenshots, axis and limit Based on SwitchBoard 1.80
switch setup changes
11 3.1 15. July 2016 Improved description of the
Command Line Dialog
12 3.2 02. Sept. 2016 Updated description of the PC Based on SwitchBoard 1.81
Function Keys Dialog
13 3.3 27. October 2016 Added SlideExpress description Based on SwitchBoard 1.81
14 3.4 29. Nov. 2016 Improved description of the Prelim release
Manual Move Dialog
15 3.4 19. Dec. 2016 Added TANGO 3 mini to Trigger For SwitchBoard 1.81 release
16 3.5 14. Feb. 2017 Axis State: Added 2 new symbols For SwitchBoard 1.82 release
for closed loop (red and gray)
17 3.6 17. May 2017 Improved descriptions For SwitchBoard 1.84 release
Added mouseover functionality in
the I/O dialog
18 07. Feb. 2018 Added description for the extended For SwitchBoard 1.85 release
functionality of the Position List
19 3.7 15. Feb. 2018 Added description for hdimode 10 Based on TANGO Firmware 1.69
Added “Old COM-Port detection”
20 3.8 23. March 2018 Added new Command Line For SwitchBoard 1.86 release
Protocol Window functionality
21 3.9 11. Sept. 2018 Fixed enumeration issues
22 4.0 20. Nov. 2018 Added new Motor Status display: For SwitchBoard 1.87 release
“Motor amplifier is switched off by
!pa 0 instruction”
Added COM-Port detection up to
Company Logo: JPG replaced by
PNG for better quality
23 4.1 15. March 2019 Added new closed loop status for TANGO Firmware 1.71
weakened closed loop mode
24 4.2 28. August 2019 Updated the I/O Settings, SwitchBoard 1.88
Added the .INS file description
Added Windows 10 location of
the SwitchBoard.ini File
25 27. Sept. 2019 Extended description of Tango
Position List .tpl, .csv file types
26 4.3 06. Nov. 2019 Added CAL Mode 3, 4 and 5 SwitchBoard 1.88 release
checked Formatting,
generated PDF release file
27 4.4 05. March 2020 Added Axis State for 2D correction TANGO Firmware 1.71

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No. Revision Date Changes Remarks

28 4.5 13. March 2020 Updated SlideExpress 2 parameter SwitchBoard 1.89 release
29 4.6 18. Dec. 2020 SwitchBoard 1.91 and new SwitchBoard 1.91 release
TANGO-Desktop changes,
based on TANGO Firmware 1.73
30 04. March 2021 Cal Required state is displayed in SwitchBoard 1.93
the axis status (by a yellow LED)
31 29. March 2021 A PC function key can be assigned SwitchBoard 1.93
to add the current position to the
position list
32 4.7 07. July 2021 - SwitchBoard 1.93 release
33 01. Sept. 2021 Removed Windows XP and Vista SwitchBoard 2.00
Added comment about connecting
via Ethernet by entering an Ipv4
address instead of COM port
34 16. Sept. 2021 Updated “Setup – Limit Switches” SwitchBoard 1.94
dialog and added explanations
Updated dialogs which changed up
to SwitchBoard 1.94
35 27. Sept. 2021 Added “Keep RM” and “Limmode” SwitchBoard 2.01
to the axis setup
36 4.8 20. October 2021 Updated screenshots to ver. 2.01 SwitchBoard 2.01
Added new settings of TANGO
Desktop HE, Version 1.74

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