Age and Gender: What Are Some Correlates of Well-Being at The National Level?
Age and Gender: What Are Some Correlates of Well-Being at The National Level?
Age and Gender: What Are Some Correlates of Well-Being at The National Level?
Some personality factors that are strongly associated with well-being include optimism,
extroversion, and self-esteem.20, 62 Genetic factors and personality factors are closely
related and can interact in influencing individual well-being.
While genetic factors and personality factors are important determinants of well-being,
they are beyond the realm of public policy goals.
Depending on which types of measures are used (e.g., life satisfaction vs. positive affect),
age and gender also have been shown to be related to well-being. In general, men and
women have similar levels of well-being, but this pattern changes with age,63 and has
changed over time.64 There is a U-shaped distribution of well-being by age—younger and
older adults tend to have more well-being compared to middle-aged adults.65
The relationship between income and well-being is complex.4, 39, 65 Depending on which
types of measures are used and which comparisons are made, income correlates only
modestly with well-being. In general, associations between income and well-being
(usually measured in terms of life satisfaction) are stronger for those at lower economic
levels, but studies also have found effects for those at higher income levels.66 Paid
employment is critical to the well-being of individuals by conferring direct access to
resources, as well as fostering satisfaction, meaning and purpose for
some.67 Unemployment negatively affects well-being, both in the short- and long-term.61, 65,
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