Water Cooling System Quiz: During Underway and When Ship Is Far Away From The Seabed

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Water Cooling System Quiz


When will the low sea chest suction be used?

During underway and when ship is far away from the seabed

Which statement best describes the centralized cooling system?

Seawater is used as a cooling media in large seawater cooled heat exchangers to ccool the fresh water of the closed

How can freshwater salinity affect the main engine cooling system pipes?
The higher the salinity the greater the chances that the pipes and the line gaskets get corroded and wear off.

What cooling circuit comprised of all the auxiliary systems?

Low Temperature Freshwater Circuit

What component of the fresh water cooling system accumulates the water in the system to be readily available for
use and transported by gravity?
Expansion Tank

What component of the High Temperature Freshwater Circuit converts seawater to freshwater?
Fresh Water Generator
What component of the Low temperature freshwater system circulates the freshwater coolant throughout the
Low Temperature Freshwater Pump

What is the not the main advantage of using a central cooling system?
High Maintenance Cost

How is corrosion avoided in a closed circuit fresh water cooling system?

By adding correct chemical treatment as per manual and keeping a close monitoring on the freshwater parameters.

What is the maintaining temperature for jacket water fresh water system in our main engine to prevent thermal
78 to 82 degrees celsius

What component of the fresh water system is used to remove excess air in the system?
Dearation vessel

What is used to preheat the high temperature freshwater circuit when ship is at port?
Jacket Water Preheater

What is used to control the temparture of the water in a high temperature fresh water system?
3 way valve
When adding fresh water to the header tank, what should be done?
Log the amount of water added and take reading of the water parameters such as salinty, alkalinity and PH

Where is the expansion tank normally located?

Higher level in the engine room

Fuel Oil Systems Quiz

What is the ideal range of viscosity for ships consuming HFO?
12 to 16 cst

How can the viscosity of fuel oil be adjusted in the fuel oil system?
by adding or reducing the heating of HFO

What component of the fuel oil system settles the sediments and water by the use of gravity?
Settling Tank

What component of the fuel oil system is used to purify fuel oil from sediments and other impurities by

As per regulations we need to store the HFO how many degress more than its pour point?
5 degrees

What is the heating temperture for fuel oil at the service tank?
80 degrees celsius
What component in the fuel oil system steps up the pressure HFO to be fed into the injectors for better atomizing?
Booster Pump

Where are catfines obtained in our Heavy fuel oil

Post refining process

How many ppm of impurities can a purifier reduce in a Heavy Fuel Oil?

What component of the Fuel oil system allows you to determine the amount of fuel oil consumed by the main
propulsion engine?

What component of the fuel oil system allows you to change over fuel supply to other grades of fuel oil?
3 way valve

What component of the fuel oil system is used to circulate the fuel oil even if ship is at port?
Circulating Pump

What installation of the settling tanks and service tanks ensure that water is removed from the system?
Drain valve

What is the temperature range of HFO before it is fed into the main engine?
125 to 135 degrees celsius
What is the last line of defense in our fuel oil system that ensures impurities are not fed into the combustion
Autobackwash filters
Lubricating Oil System Quiz
Why do we need to purify the main engine system oil during underway?
Moisture could possibly occur while engine is at full speed so purifying the system oil reduces the risk of water

What component the lube oil system is used to remove the metal debris the ship lubricating line?
Autobackwash filter

What is the operating temperture of the main engine lube oil sump tank?
45 deg cel

What parts of the main engine is cooled by the main engine lube oil from the sump tank?
main bearings, camshaft, camshaft drive

What safety equipment is installed in the crankshaft to prevent explosion?

Oil Mist Detector

During main engine operations what component of the lube oil system is present to ensure that lube oil is free
from water content and any other impurities?
Lube Oil Purifier

To ensure optimum separation of water and lube oil the lube oil purifier should maintain what temperature?
90 deg. cel.
What is used to lubricate the cylinder and the piston rings in the main propulsion engine?
Cylinder Oil

What parameter of the cylinder lubricating oil should match the sulphur content of the HFO supplied to the

What does the abreviation TBN stands for?

Total Base Number

Why should the TBN correspond to the sulphur percentage of the fuel oil?
To neutralise the acidic effect of combustion

What is the correct sequence of the cylinder liner lubrication?

storage tank, then by gravity is transported to the daily tank and then to the lubricator

During start up of the main engine, then lubricator should be set to what configuration?

What component in the lubricating oil system is installed to regulate the temprature by shifting openings from
cooler to the by pass valve?
Three way valve
What is attached to the lube oil system pipelines to ensure that line is always warm despite the cold weather?
Steam Tracing line

Starting Air and Control Air System Quiz

What is the means of starting for our large 2 stroke diesel engines?
Compressed Air

What is the safety equipment installed in our air bottle to prevent explosion in an event of over pressure?
Relief Valve

What is the safety equipment installed in our cylinder to prevent over pressure in the cylinder?
Bursting Disc

What is the best practice in taking care of our compressed air system onboard?
Drain the air bottle at regular intervals.

What prevents the main engine from starting when the turning gear is engaged?
safety interlock

What is the pressure range for starting air in a conventional diesel engine?
25 to 42 bars
As per regulation the air bottle in the engine room should be capable of starting the main engine for how many
12 times

What controls the opening of the cylinder valve and the remote operating valve?
Pilot Air

What controls the starting air valves on the cylinder of the main engine?
pneumatic valves

What component of the starting air system supplies compressed air in the system?
Main Air Compressor
Main Engine Control Systems Quiz

What is attached to the main engine governor change over control to avoid coming out from normal operation?

Why do the engine crew need to know how to operate the ship main engine to local or emergency control?
Engine crew should be aware how the main engine operates so that when it comes to reporting in case of accidents we know how to

What is used to communicate to the bridge from the Main Engine Local Control?
UHF radio

Which is true about maintenance in the main engine emergency maneuvering system?
The emergency control should be tested daily
What factor greatly contributes to the use of automation and control in the main engine of the ship?
The demand of manning levels can be reduced and the environmental issues that should be addressed

Are we allowed to change-over controls of the main engine from remote to local anytime?
Technically we are allowed as long as interlocks are isolated and risk assessment has been carried out by Captain and Chief Engineer

The ship was using the local control for departure due to governor failure, is this legal?
No! ship should never depart port and wait for the spare to arrive

What is the main advantage of a pneumatic control system?

Low power requirement

Which statement is true about the automated control system?

The automatic process will be of the closed loop type; that is to say, it includes both the measuring means as well as the
controlling means within the process itself, thereby completing the loop

Are we allowed to fully rely on the automated system of the ship?

No. Automation is there to assist us not, control the whole movement of the ship.

What best describes the control system onboard?

Input to Control System to Output

What is the automatic process in an automatic control system?

closed loop type

What best describes the semi automatic controls?

The regulating unit can occupy more than two positions but as the name implies, the action is not continuous and occurs
in jerks or steps as in the case of notches on a speed regulator or starter of an electrical motor.

What best describes a Step by step controller?

The regulating unit can occupy more than two positions but as the name implies, the action is not continuous and occurs
in jerks or steps as in the case of notches on a speed regulator or starter of an electrical motor.

Controling the main engine from the local side is what type of control?
Manual Control

seawater - green
lube oil - yellow
Heavy Fuel Oil - red
air - gray or white
jacket water - blue
fuel oil booster pumps - To ensure that the pressure and supply of fuel oil to the injector is adequate.
Overflow to - HFO Storage tank
jacket water temperature - 78 to 80 deg celsius
cooling medium - Lube Oil
Initially start - Starting Air System
ideal starting air pressure - 30 bars
Main Engine Exhaust Temperature - 380 to 500 deg celsius
fuel oil flowmeter - To monitor the flow of fuel being fed
most ideal - 90 deg celsius
helps in the heat exchange process - Seawater Cooler

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