Csec It Paper1
Csec It Paper1
Csec It Paper1
2. Which of the following is NOT an output 11. A concentric ring on a hard disk is referred
device to as a
a. Microfilm a. Buffer
b. Modem b. Cylinder
c. Monitor c. Sector
d. Mouse d. Track
3. Which of the following does NOT describe 12. A type of utility used to reduce the size of
the functions of a mouse files is
a. Has a set of keys a. file compression program
b. Is a pointing device b. troubleshooting program
c. Has a rubber ball underneath c. antivirus program
d. Left button is used to select text d. uninstall program
27. A security buffer between a company’s 35. _____ software would be the MOST
private network and all external networks is appropriate for showing information in point
called a form on a large screen
a. Firewall a. Database
b. Password b. presentation
c. Printer c. Graphics
d. Virus d. Spreadsheet
Questions 36 to 38 are based on the spreadsheet c. Page layouts
below d. Color schemes
a. I only
b. I and II
c. I, II and III
d. I, II, III, and IV
39. The graphic is called a
a. Picture 45. An advantage of using HTML to create a
b. Rectangle basic web page is that
c. Screen a. all word processors can display the
d. Slide document
b. all browsers can display the
40. To add a title ‘Introduction’: document
a. Double click on the long rectangle c. it will print better than a word
and type the word processing document
b. Double click on the small rectangle d. it is easier to write in HTML
and type the word
c. Click on the long rectangle and type 46. The part of a database that is used for easy
the word input of data is
d. Click on the small rectangle and type a. Forms
the word b. Queries
c. Reports
41. The objects in the diagram below illustrate d. Tables
a. Slide layout
b. Animation settings
56. To assign 5 to the variable COUNT means
that COUNT should be
48. APPEND a. char
a. Adds records to the top of a database b. integer
table c. real
b. Deletes records from the top of a d. string
database table and opens the table
c. Adds record at the end of a database 57. Programming languages that are classified
table as low-level languages include
d. Deletes record from the end of a I BASIC
database table II Machine Code
III Pascal
49. Instead of using symbols to represent IV Assembly language
program logic, _____________________
uses statements that are English-like. a. I and IV
a. pseudocode b. I and III
b. machine language c. II and III
c. low-level languages d. II and IV
d. flowcharts
58. An interpreter
50. The only language that a computer directly a. Converts the program line by line
interprets is __________ language. b. Converts the entire program code in
a. assembly one step
b. machine c. Executes the program efficiently
c. nonprocedural d. Does not have any errors
d. procedural
59. The first step in solving a program is
51. IPO diagrams a. Develop the algorithm
a. Illustrate the structure of the program b. Evaluate solutions
b. Use symbols to present activities c. Specification and design
c. Specify the input to the program and d. Test the solution
the output produced
d. Specify the logic of the program 60. The term used to retrieve data from
keyboard entry is called
52. An if-then-else structure is part of: a. Write
a. sequence b. Print
b. repetition c. Read
c. selection d. Start
d. ordering
FOR count := 0 to 3 DO
a. 0
b. 3
c. 4
d. *