Institute of Actuaries of India: Subject CM1 - Actuarial Mathematics Core Principles For 2022 Examinations
Institute of Actuaries of India: Subject CM1 - Actuarial Mathematics Core Principles For 2022 Examinations
Institute of Actuaries of India: Subject CM1 - Actuarial Mathematics Core Principles For 2022 Examinations
CM1 – Actuarial Mathematics
Core Principles
On the successful completion of this subject, the candidate will be able to:
Syllabus topics
1 Data and basics of modelling (10%)
2 Theory of interest rates (20%)
3 Equation of value and its applications (15%)
4 Single decrement models (10%)
5 Multiple decrement and multiple life models (10%)
6 Pricing and reserving (35%)
These weightings are indicative of the approximate balance of the assessment of this subject between the main syllabus topics, averaged
over a number of examination sessions.
The weightings also have a correspondence with the amount of learning material underlying each syllabus topic. However, this will also
reflect aspects such as:
• the relative complexity of each topic and hence the amount of explanation and support required for it.
• the need to provide thorough foundation understanding on which to build the other objectives.
• the extent of prior knowledge that is expected.
• the degree to which each topic area is more knowledge- or application-based.
Skill levels
The use of a specific command verb within a syllabus objective does not indicate that this is the only form of question that can
be asked on the topic covered by that objective. The Examiners may ask a question on any syllabus topic using any of the agreed
command verbs, as are defined in the document ‘Command verbs used in the Associate and Fellowship written examinations’.
Questions may be set at any skill level: Knowledge (demonstration of a detailed knowledge and understanding of the topic), Application
(demonstration of an ability to apply the principles underlying the topic within a given context) and Higher Order (demonstration of an
ability to perform deeper analysis and assessment of situations, including forming judgements, taking into account different points of
view, comparing and contrasting situations, suggesting possible solutions and actions and making recommendations).
In the CM subjects, the approximate split of assessment across the three skill types is 20% Knowledge, 65% Application and 15%
Higher Order skills.
2.4 Calculate present value and accumulated value for a given stream of cashflows under the following individual or
combination of scenarios:
2.4.1 Cashflows are equal at each time period.
2.4.2 Cashflows vary with time, which may or may not be a continuous function of time.
2.4.3 Some of the cashflows are deferred for a period of time.
2.4.4 Rate of interest or discount is constant.
2.4.5 Rate of interest or discount varies with time, which may or may not be a continuous function of time.
2.5 Define and derive the following compound-interest functions (where payments can be in advance or in arrears) in terms i, v,
n, d, δ, i(p) and d(p):
3.3.2 Calculate the internal rate of return, payback period and discounted payback period and discuss their suitability for
assessing the suitability of an investment project.
4.2.3 Express the probabilities defined in 4.2.2 in terms of life table functions defined in 4.2.1.
4.2.4 Define the assurance and annuity factors and their select and continuous equivalents. Extend the annuity factors to allow for
the possibility that payments are more frequent than annual but less frequent than continuous.
4.2.5 Understand and use the relations between annuities payable in advance and in arrear, and between temporary, deferred
and whole-life annuities.
4.2.6 Understand and use the relations between assurance and annuity factors using equation of value, and their select and
continuous equivalents.
4.2.7 Obtain expressions in the form of sums/integrals for the mean and variance of the present value of benefit payments under
each contract defined in 4.1.1, in terms of the (curtate) random future lifetime, assuming:
• contingent benefits (constant, increasing or decreasing) are payable at the middle or end of the year of the
contingent event or continuously.
• annuities are paid in advance, in arrear or continuously, and the amount is constant, increases or decreases by a constant
monetary amount or by a fixed or time-dependent variable rate.
• premiums are payable in advance, in arrear or continuously and for the full policy term or for a limited period. Where
appropriate, simplify the above expressions into a form suitable for evaluation by table look-up or other means.
4.2.8 Define and evaluate the expected accumulations in terms of expected values for the contracts described in 4.1.1 and contract
structures described in 4.2.7.
5 Multiple decrement and multiple life models (10%)
5.1 Define and use assurance and annuity functions involving two lives.
5.1.1 Extend the techniques of objectives 4.2 to deal with cashflows dependent upon the death or survival of either or both of two
5.1.2 Extend the technique of 5.1.1 to deal with functions dependent upon a fixed term as well as age.
5.2 Describe and illustrate methods of valuing cashflows that are contingent upon multiple transition events.
5.2.1 Define health insurance, and describe simple health insurance premium and benefit structures.
5.2.2 Explain how a cashflow, contingent upon multiple transition events, may be valued using a multiple-state Markov
Model, in terms of the forces and probabilities of transition.
5.2.3 Construct formulae for the expected present values of cashflows that are contingent upon multiple transition events, including
simple health insurance premiums and benefits, and calculate these in simple cases. Regular premiums and sickness benefits
are payable continuously and assurance benefits are payable immediately on transition.
5.3 Describe and use methods of projecting and valuing expected cashflows that are contingent upon multiple decrement events.
5.3.1 Describe the construction and use of multiple decrement tables.
5.3.2 Define a multiple decrement model as a special case of multiple-state Markov model.
5.3.3 Derive dependent probabilities for a multiple decrement model in terms of given forces of transition, assuming forces of
transition are constant over single years of age.
5.3.4 Derive forces of transition from given dependent probabilities, assuming forces of transition are constant over single years of
6 Pricing and reserving (35%)
6.1 Define the gross random future loss under an insurance contract, and state the principle of equivalence.
6.2 Describe and calculate gross premiums and reserves of assurance and annuity contracts.
6.2.1 Define and calculate gross premiums for the insurance contract benefits as defined in objective 4.1 under various
scenarios using the equivalence principle or otherwise:
• Contracts may accept only single premium.
• Regular premiums and annuity benefits may be payable annually more frequently than annually or continuously.
• Death benefits (which increase or decrease by a constant compound rate or by a constant monetary amount) may be
payable at the end of the year of death or immediately on death.
• Survival benefits (other than annuities) may be payable at defined intervals other than at maturity.
6.2.2 State why an insurance company will set up reserves.
6.2.3 Define and calculate gross prospective and retrospective reserves.
6.2.4 State the conditions under which, in general, the prospective reserve is equal to the retrospective reserve allowing for
6.2.5 Prove that under the appropriate conditions, the prospective reserve is equal to the retrospective reserve, with or without
allowance for expenses, for all fixed benefit and increasing/decreasing benefit contracts.
6.2.6 Obtain recursive relationships between successive periodic gross premium reserves, and use this relationship to
calculate the profit earned from a contract during the period.
6.2.7 Outline the concepts of net premiums and net premium valuation and how they relate to gross premiums and gross premium
valuation respectively.
6.3 Define and calculate, for a single policy or a portfolio of policies (as appropriate):
• death strain at risk
• expected death strain
• actual death strain
• mortality profit
for policies with death benefits payable immediately on death or at the end of the year of death, policies paying annuity benefits at
the start of the year or on survival to the end of the year and policies where single or non-single premiums are payable.
6.4 Project expected future cashflows for whole life, endowment and term assurances, annuities, unit-linked contracts and
conventional/unitised with-profits contracts, incorporating multiple decrement models as appropriate.
6.4.1 Profit test life insurance contracts of the types listed above and determine the profit vector, the profit signature, the net
present value and the profit margin.
6.4.2 Show how a profit test may be used to price a product, and use a profit test to calculate a premium for life insurance contracts
of the types listed above.
6.4.3 Show how gross premium reserves can be computed using the above cashflow projection model and included as part of profit
6.5 Show how, for unit-linked contracts, non-unit reserves can be established to eliminate (‘zeroise’) future negative cashflows, using a
profit test model.
Combination of a one-hour and forty-five-minute computer-based modelling assignment and a three-hour and fifteen-minute written