Case Study Breast Cancer
Case Study Breast Cancer
Case Study Breast Cancer
Graduate School
E.V.B is a 62y/o female, married with 2 children from Pasig City, Metro Manila with a
diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma,Nottingham histologic grade 2.
Personal History:
Non-smoker, non-alcoholic drinker, at menopausal stage
Family History:
Two of her auntie’s died of Cancer specifically lung cancer
Upon consult, patient underwent ultrasound which revealed tumour mass size 0.6cm ,
hence lumpectomy were advised following biopsy. The biopsy confirmed invasive
ductal and papillary carcinoma ,Nottingham histologic grade 2.
Upon knowing the result, patient was scheduled for modified radical mastectomy.
After surgery, patient had undergone hormonal therapy of Levotrozole 2.5 mg once
daily for 5 years. 2 weeks after mastectomy, CA15 test results is within normal range.
Graduate School
Graduate School
she do walking as a part of her daily washing dishes and clothes and cleaning their
routine. house. She also does gardening as her past
time. Still walking as her exercise.
Sleep and Rest Pattern The patient has normal cycles of sleep. She She prefers to sleep 8-9 hours a day and have
sleeps 6-8 hours a day. a nap in the afternoon. She wants to take a rest
in 3 days’ time every after her chemotherapy.
The patient stated that she was a high The same as before hospitalization. The
Cognition and school graduate and able to read and memory is still intact. She understands what
Perception Pattern write. The patient is conscious, coherent, her condition was.
and oriented to time.
She describes herself as functional. She She said that her self-concept was altered.
Self-Perception and Self- mentioned an example like she was earning Sometimes, she thinks that she is burden to
Concept Pattern for her family to help and sustain their daily her family because of her illness and
needs. She also views herself as optimistic she cannot help to sustain their daily needs.
and confident person.
Roles and Relationships Pattern She stated that she is single. She is fifth of She said that the bonding of their family is
her six siblings and one of the bread still intact and even more because of her
winners in their family.They have an intact condition. She is supported by her family
relationship with their family. especially for her treatment.
Sexuality and The patient said that she is single and She stated that when she came home here in
Reproduction Pattern admitted that have an affair with same sex Cagayan, she is no longer with her partner, but
of her(girl), in other words she claimed that they are still friends and have communication.
she is lesbian. They live together when she
is still working in Manila.
The patient stated that in times of stress or She said that the same perception she has,
10. Coping and Stress trials, she usually tackles with her partner, only that it is her familywhom she tackles
Tolerance Pattern and they solve together and believes that her problems,and they discuss, solve, and
everything will be alright as she is prays together.
optimistic in life.
11. Values and Belief Pattern She stated that she is Roman Catholic and The same beliefs she had but her faith to God
believes that God is with her in all trials or became deeper and entrust to him everything
problems that she has. She attends mass but especially now because of her condition. She
not regularly. attends mass regularly every Sunday.
Graduate School
women can make milk to feed a baby. For this reason, the breasts are
accessory organs of the female reproductive system.
The breasts are divided by an invisible line running up and down and right to
left through the nipple. Each of these 4 regions is called a quadrant. Most breast
cancers develop in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, closest to the armpit.
This is because this area has a lot of glandular tissue.
Each breast lies over a muscle of the chest called the pectoral muscle.
The female breast covers a fairly large area. It extends from just below the
collarbone (clavicle), to the armpit (axilla) and across to the breastbone
1. PECTORAL MUSCLE (CHEST MUSCLE)- each of the four large, paired
muscles that cover the front of the rib cage and serve to draw the forelimbs toward
the chest.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Graduate School
2. CLAVICLE(COLLARBONE)- the bone that runs horizontally between the top
of your breastbone (sternum) and shoulder blade (scapula). You can feel
your collarbone by touching the area between your neck and your shoulder.
3. AXILLA(ARMPIT)- the cavity beneath the junction of the arm or anterior
appendage and shoulder or shoulder girdle containing the axillary artery and vein,
a part of the brachial plexus of nerves, many lymph nodes, and fat and areolar
4. STERNUM (BREASTBONE)- the long flat bone in the upper middle of the front
of the chest. The sternum articulates with the cartilages of the first seven ribs and
with the clavicle on either side.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Graduate School
Graduate School
The breast has many blood vessels and lymph vessels. Lymph vessels are thin
tubes like blood vessels. They collect and move lymph fluid away from the
breast into small bean-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue (called lymph
nodes) around the breast. The lymph vessels and lymph nodes are part of
the lymphatic system, which helps fight infections.
1. SUPRACLAVICULAR LYMPH NODES are above the collarbone.
2. INFRACLAVICULAR LYMPH NODES are below the collarbone.
3. INTERNAL MAMMARY LYMPH NODES are inside the chest around the
breastbone (called sternum).
4. AXILLARY LYMPH NODES are under the arm (called the axilla). There are
about 30–50 lymph nodes in the axilla. They are divided into 3 levels based on
how close they are to the large
Predisposing Precipitating
factors: factors:
62 y/o female,
formation in the
Primary tumor
begins in the
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Graduate School
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Graduate School
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Graduate School
Graduate School
GENERIC NAME: ➢ Inhibits ➢ Short term ➢ Contraindicated in CNS: ➢ Consider the 10 Patient’s
Ketorolac Tromethamine prostaglandin management of patients hypersensitive Drowsiness, rights of administering
synthesis, producing moderately to drug. abnormal thinking, medications.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Graduate School
Graduate School
Graduate School
Graduate School
Graduate School
concluding that
taking letrozole
therapy for at
least 2.4 years,
after the
completion of
tamoxifen (5
survival (Goss
et al., 2003).
The optimal
duration of
treatment and
toxicities has
not been estab-
lished. Because
of the
findings, this
trial was
early, thus
a follow-up
period that was
short (2.4 years)
(Bryant &
Wolmark, 2003;
Burstein, 2003).