Abortion Questions You'Ve Always Wanted To Ask A Doctor
Abortion Questions You'Ve Always Wanted To Ask A Doctor
Abortion Questions You'Ve Always Wanted To Ask A Doctor
ask a doctor
So, if I say ‘abortion bill’, a million different questions will pop up in your head - what they are,
what they do, where you can find them, are they even legal, are they safe, and so many more. It
can be overwhelming. Don’t worry; have a breath. I’m Dr. Tanaya Narendra. I’m a medical
doctor, reproductive rights activist, and sex educator. You can find me on Instagram and
YouTube at @Dr_Cuterus, and I’ll break down some of these questions for you.
Let’s start with what these pills are in the first place. They’re pills containing some pretty cool
things that can help stop an unwanted pregnancy. Now this is not a contraceptive pill (which is to
be used to prevent a pregnancy from happening in the first place) but instead these are pills that
help dislodge a pregnancy that has already happened. It’s not uncommon for such pregnancies to
happen - contraceptives fail, people miscalculate their fertile periods, sometimes people straight
up forget contraceptives, and on the darker end of the spectrum, unwanted sexual intercourse can
also happen. Now, for whatever reason, if a person becomes pregnant, and they make an
educated choice on terminating the pregnancy at an early stage, these pills can help.
How do these pills work? What’s inside these pills?
Essentially, an abortion pill package contains two kinds of drugs- mifepristone and misoorostol.
Progesterone is a hormone that is very important for supporting a pregnancy. Think of it as the
Bournvita of the pregnancy - it nourishes it, and helps it become strong. Our good friend
mifepristone blocks this progesterone, preventing the pregnancy from growing further. Now,
even after the growth has stopped, unwanted tissues still remain inside. This is where our other
friend misoprostol comes in, makes the cerci soft, and in this way, kinda opens the door of the
uterus to let these unwanted, not growing tissues pass out. Together, these drugs make it easy to
manage an accidental pregnancy.
So does this mean you can have them at home by yourself? Do you not need a doctor at all?
Well, they’re incredibly safe and easy to use. Having said that, it’s important that you do get a
prescription for these from a doctor. The reason behind this is that there are certain conditions in
which taking the pills without a doctor’s recommendation can be dangerous. For example, if you
have a pregnancy that has implanted outside the uterus, also known as an ectopic pregnancy, the
abortions pills can lead to some very scary and potentially dangerous bleeding. Aside from this,
unsupervised consumptions of the pills can be dangerous in people who have bleeding disorders.
Are abortions legal in India?
Does this in turn mean they’re illegal? Absolutely not! They’re very legal (in India), but
controlled medications. Controlled in the sense that they are only available against a valid
prescription by a doctor. As long as you have a doctor’s recommendation, a prescription, and the
pills, you can easily end an unwanted pregnancy and take control. Because abortions are a
human right.