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Raft FDN Design 2

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Zia-abe Deen. S. Punekar1, M H Kolhar2, Anjum Algur3, Kushappa M K4

Professor, Research centre Civil Engg Dept, SIET Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Research centre Civil Engg Dept, SIET Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Research centre Civil Engg Dept, SIET Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Research centre Civil Engg Dept, SIET Vijayapur, Karnataka, India

In Recent Era due to enhanced aesthetic construction we couldn’t provide the regular spacing of the column so like we couldn’t
provide the Isolated footing or combined footing everywhere in every construction, hence it is very common nowadays in the
market to provide the Raft footing so it helps in reducing the cost, effort of excavation and prevents sliding of adjacent footing. In
this study a 12-storey building having conventional slab has been analyzed using Etabs-13 and Safe-V12 for the parameters like
moment, Punching shear and deflection of the footing. The Multistory Model will be imported from ETABS to Safe for the analysis
and design of the Raft footing.

Keywords: Raft Foundation, SAFE-V12, Response Spectrum Analysis, Punching Shear, and Detailing.

1. INTRODUCTION  To study the Dynamic performance of Raft footing

subjected various loadings.
An earthquake is a manifestation of the rapid release of  To study the behavior of the structure for the
stress in the form of waves during the process of brittle parameters like Moments, Punching Shear and
rupture of rock. Earthquakes are the natural disasters of a deflection in SAFE
generally unpredictable nature. Nowadays, high-rise  Design of the Raft foundation and detailing the same.
buildings are the symbols of a modernized living standard
because of the population growth. Among them, earthquake
disasters are not limited to structural damage and
injury/death of people under collapsed structures. A The following methodology is used to achieve the above
foundation, the lowest part of a structure, is in direct contact defined objectives.
with ground and located below the ground level. It transmits  In ETABS 9.7.4 Story building has been analyzed using
all the loads from super-structure to the supporting soil. So, Response spectrum method.
foundation design for an earthquake resistance is one of the  Exporting the axial loads at the base of the column to
most important parts to be considered in the structural the SAFE V12.FZK text format.
analysis and design. For foundations of such high rise  Modeling the raft foundation (Concrete area) in SAFE
building, normally raft foundation, pile foundation or piled- V12. And assigning the actual material properties.
raft foundation are used. The raft will be used for  Strips to be drawn both in X & Y direction @ an
economical consideration. The raft foundation is a kind of interval of 1ft keeping the strip width of 0.5 ft.
combined footing that may cover the entire area under the  Then its required to satisfy both One-way shear &
structure supporting several columns in one rigid body. Punching Shear.
 Analyze the model for the axial Loads derived from the
1.1 Raft Footing ETABS-9.7.
 Footing should be analyzed for envelope combinations
The raft will be used for economical consideration. The raft which includes all the load combinations and design of
foundation is a kind of combined footing that may cover the the Raft foundation and detailing the same.
entire area under the structure supporting several columns in
one rigid body. Raft foundations (sometimes known as Mat Table-1: Building Description
Foundations) are a large concrete slab which can support a Number of 12- storey
number of columns and walls. The slab is spread out under storey-
the entire building or at least a large part of it which lowers
the contact pressure compared to the traditionally used strip Thickness of 150mm
or trench footings. slab
Beams B200X450M25, B200X600M25,
2. OBJECTIVES B300X450M25, B300X600M25,
B300X900M25, B300X750M25
In this study, the seismic performance of Raft footing will
Columns C300X1000M30, C650X1000M30,
be investigated through Response spectrum analysis.

Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 14
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Walls Wall200XVaries, Wall300XVaries,

Wall400XVaries, Wall550XVaries
Steel and Fe500 and M25, M30

Table-2: Design Loads and Seismic Parameters

Live load 3 kN/m²
Floor finish 1.5kN/m²
Wall Loads 17.5KN/m2, 12KN/m2
Zone IV
Importance Factor I=1
Response Reduction R=5(SMRF)
SBC 300KN/m2
Codes Used IS-456-2000,IS-1893-

The most important step in the Seismic Analysis of a
structure is to create an appropriate mathematical model that
will adequately represent its stiffness, mass distribution and
energy dissipation so that its response to earthquake could
be predicted with sufficient accuracy. The frames have been
modeled and analyzed using software ETABS-9.7. Beams
and columns are modeled as frame elements with centerline
dimensions. Supports at the base are assumed to be fixed.
And raft foundation is modeled in Safe-V12 as a slab
element and SAFE provides an immensely capable yet easy-
to-use program for structural designers, providing the only
tool necessary for the modeling, analysis, design, and
detailing of concrete slab systems and foundations. User
Interface SAFE offers a single user interface to perform:
Modeling, Analysis, Design, Detailing and Reporting. Fig- 1: Plan and 3D view of building


The selected frame models are analyzed using (Dynamic)
Response Spectrum analysis. The results obtained from this
analysis are such as Axial Loads from foundation level are
exported from Etabs-9.7 and then imported in SAFE-V12.
And modeled and analyzed in SAFE to study the behavior
of the structure for the parameters like Moments, Punching
Shear and deflection in SAFE and designed the Raft
foundation and detailing the same.

5.1 Moments
Layer-B (Grid- A) Moment= 1043.07Kn-m, (from SAFE),
Mu/bD2 = 1.287 Pt =0.316% Ast =2844mm2
From Software same strip Ast =2500mm2.

Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 15
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

And in this case the image has been attached to show that
the punching stress is lesser than the allowable stress. Hence
we know that to satisfy two way shear or punching shear
τv<τc i.e 0.1237<1.25. Hence punching shear is satisfied.

Fig- 2(a): Moments on horizontal strip

Fig- 2(b): Area of steel on horizontal strip

From the Above figures we can observe that the Area of

steel obtained from the moment given from the Safe for the
Fig- 3: Punching shear
Envelope combination is same as the Area of steel obtained
from the strips. So we can conclude that the design process
in SAFE is for the Envelope combination.

5.2 Punching Shear

Here in this case we can observe that the Punching shear or
the other name is Two-way shear will be displayed for
smaller column or the columns assigned as line element.
Because the in larger column there is no chances of
punching the slab/footing at a single point. The load will be
converted as linear load.

Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 16
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

5.3 Deflection

Fig- 4: Deflection

Even though the Raft is on Grade we can expect a slight

deflection in the footing. In this we can observe that the
deflection of -16.5mm for this larger footing. Negative
indicates the hogging deflection.

5.4 Design and Detailing

Detailing is done using the area of steel obtained from the
SAFE. Detailing will be like Top & Bottom reinforcement
and again it will be like X direction & Y direction

First layer has been provided through and through

T16@150c/c both ways in general. And second layer is
provided only where ever it is required.

Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 17
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Fig-5: Detailing of Raft Foundation


In this study we can conclude that the Raft footing is analyzed  We can compare the RAFT and ISOLATED footings
and designed for the envelope combination. That will be the for the same building to know the difference in terms of
critical combination, obviously for one of the dynamic cost.
combinations.  We can Analyze and design the Raft Foundation for
 Moment: From the above study it has been concluded Time-History Analysis.
that the area of steel obtained from the moment given  This study can further extended design the Raft or Mat
from the safe for the envelope combination is same as with pile.
the area of steel obtained from the strips. So we can
conclude that the design process in SAFE is for the REFERENCES
envelope combination.
 Punching Shear: It has been also concluded that the [1]. THU ZAR AUNG1, DR. KAY THWE TUN,
mat/raft foundation is safe against punching shear or “Parametric Study on Foundation of Regular High-Rise
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 Deflection: From above study we can also observe that 8885 Vol.03, Issue.10 May-2014, Pages: 2089-2095.
there will be a slight hogging deflection in the raft [2]. Jay P. Chaliyawala, Hitesh K.Dhameliya,Hiten L.
footing but it will not affect the building and also within Kheni, “A REVIEW OF PERAMETRIC STUDY OF
the limit. RAFT FOUNDATION” International journal of Advance
 Detailing & Casting: is quite simple compared to Engineering and Research Development, Volume 1,Issue
isolated footings. Excavation will be in one go and the 12, December -2014
pouring of concrete will be at a time this leads to saving
in both the cost and time.
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 18
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

[3]. NithyaChandran J, AbhilashRajan, Soni Syed, “Seismic

analysis of building with underground stories
considering soil structure interactions” International
Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced
Engineering,Website:www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459,
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11,
November 2014)
[4]. Haytham Adnan Sadeq Mohammed SaleemTaha,
“Structural Design of Raft Foundation” Qatar University
College of Engineering (Course: Design Of Reinforced
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[5]. SagarSatishTayade, Mukund M. Mahajan, “Foundation
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[6]. IS 456-2000, “Plain and reinforced concrete-code of
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[7]. IS 875 (Part-I,II,III):1987, “code of practice for design
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[8]. IS 1893 (Part-I):2002, “Criteria for Earthquake resistant
design of structures, general provisions for buildings
[9]. SP-16 “Design Aids for Reinforced concrete to IS-456-
[10]. ETABS-9.7 Manuals and Tutorials
[11]. SAFE-V12 Manuals and Tutorials
[12]. www. Wikipedia/Raft Foundation.com

Mr. Z.S.PUNEKAR presently he is
working as professor in civil engineering
department of Secab Institute Of
Engineering And Technology Vijaypur

Mr. M.H.KOLHAR presently he is

working as Associate professor in civil
engineering department of Secab Institute
Of Engineering And Technology Vijaypur

Mrs. ANJUM ALGUR presently She is

working as Associate professor in civil
engineering department of Secab Institute
Of Engineering And Technology Vijaypur

Mr. KUSHAPPA M K presently he is

working as Assistant professor in civil
engineering department of Secab Institute
Of Engineering And Technology Vijaypur

Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 19

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