Advanced 2 - Workbook

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Advanced 2


Advanced 2
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Dear Student,

Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Workbook for Advanced 2. Using this
workbook will help you practice your English.

Each unit of the workbook corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries
Advanced 2 course. After completing a unit within the course, you should complete
the corresponding activities in the workbook.

The units in this workbook integrate all four language skills: Listening, Reading,
Speaking, and Writing. The workbook units also provide a wide range of grammar and
vocabulary activities.

If you want to refer to the computer lesson texts while you are away from your
computer, you can find them in the workbook Appendix.

Special emphasis has been given throughout the workbook to speaking and writing
activities. You will see that you have many opportunities to express yourself in both
spoken and written English.

We hope you enjoy using this program,

The English Discoveries Team


Unit 1
Telling The Truth

Unit 2
Business Careers

Unit 3
Agreeing And Disagreeing

Unit 4
Too Much Work.................................

Unit 5
People With Problems

Unit 6
Tell Me About It

Unit 7

Unit 8

Lesson Texts
Advanced 2 Unit 1

Unit 1
Telling The Truth

College Stress
a. Number the events in the correct order according to the video in the computer lesson.

a. Two of Sam’s students walk by and they don’t look stressed.

b. Sam drops some papers.
c. Molly asks Sam how his economics class is going.
d. Molly picks up the papers.
e. Molly tells Sam that if he’s stressed, his students must be very stressed.
f. Sam tells Molly that he is very stressed.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

b. Who does what in the video you just watched? Mark the correct name.

Molly Sam Students

1. Greet/s someone
2. Complain/s about having too much work
3. Drop/s papers
4. Offer/s to help
5. Laugh/s

c. Answer these questions:

1. Sam says, “I’m really having trouble coping with the amount of work.” What does he
mean by that?
2. Molly didn’t know that Sam was under so much pressure. Circle the correct answer:
True/ False/ We don’t know.
3. Sam says that summer vacation can’t come soon enough. What does he mean by that?
Choose from the possibilities below:

a. He can’t wait for summer vacation to come.

b. He thinks summer vacation is coming too soon.

c. He just wants the summer to be over.

d. He hopes he’ll finish his work by the summer.

d. Rewrite each sentence using the expression in brackets that means the same thing as the
underlined part of the sentence.

1. So, tell me Sam, how’s the new economics class going? (For how long have you been
teaching an economics class? Where are you going with your economics class? How are
you enjoying your economics class?)


2. To tell you the truth, the stress is driving me crazy. (If you really want to know; To be
honest; I’m embarrassed to say)


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Advanced 2 Unit 1

3. I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t realize you were under such pressure. (That’s too bad;
I apologize; I didn’t know that)


4. One way or another, I’ll make it work. (I’ll stay late at work; I’ll never finish; I’ll get it all done)

5. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. (If someone can help you; if I can help
you in some way; what you can do about it)

e. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box.

didn’t realize it • right now • driving you crazy

under pressure • Thanks for the offer

1. If something is really bothering you, you might say it’s ___________________________.

2. If you didn’t know something until now, you might say you _______________________.

3. If you have a lot to do, and you’re feeling overwhelmed, you might say you’re
4. If something is happening at the moment, you can say that it’s happening
5. If someone asks if they can help you, you might say, “___________________________.“

f. The dean of the college is asking Sam if he would like to teach another economics class.
What do you think Sam will say? Write the dialogue below.

Dean: S
 o Sam, how would you feel about teaching another economics course next semester?

Sam: ___________________________________________________________________


Sam: ___________________________________________________________________


Sam: ___________________________________________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

a. Answer the following questions about Kathy.

1. Kathy had two reasons for writing to DanieI. What are they?



2. How has Kathy’s mood affected her work?


3. What decision has Kathy made about her future?



4. What does Kathy suggest as a soIution to DanieI’s probIem?



b. What do we learn about Daniel? Mark the correct answers.

1. He loves his work. ____

2. His work has been very stressful. ____

3. He probably has a baby. ____

4. He was thinking of finding a new job. ____

5. He is Kathy’s brother. ____

6. He has seen a therapist. ____

7. He probably isn’t in a relationship. ____

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

c. The following sets of sentences appear in the text. Which one of each pair is a main point
and which one is an explanation? Write “main” or “explanation” in the spaces provided.

1. A. I’ve spent the last few months feeling upset and depressed. ___________________

B. My boyfriend, Sam, left me in January... ___________________

2. A. I want to see a therapist. ___________________

B. I need someone who’s sympathetic and kind. ___________________

3. A. I’ve been crying all the time and am reminded of Sam wherever I go. ______________

B. ...I just haven’t been able to cope. ___________________

d. Who do these words or expressions describe? Kathy, Daniel, a therapist or Sam?

1. sympathetic, kind ___________________

2. under a Iot of stress ___________________

3. ashamed, depressed, run-down ___________________

4. frightened of marriage ___________________

e. Match the words and phrases in list B to the words and phrases of similar meaning in list A.

1. ashamed a. disagreement
2. depressed b. very unhappy
3. cope c. embarrassed
4. feel sorry for d. pressure
5. sympathetic e. tired out
6. exciting f. solve problems
7. stress g. interesting, stimulating
8. work things out h. pity
9. run down i. manage
10. difference of opinion j. can understand others’ feelings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

f. Some time has passed. Kathy writes again to Daniel to update him on her latest news.
Write Kathy’s letter.





To Tell the Truth

a. T
 he following sentences appear in the dialogue “To Tell the Truth”. What emotion does
each express? Choose from the possibilities given.

1. l guess it Iooks OK.

anger / enthusiasm / lack of interest
2. The important thing is that you decide and that we get out of here!
impatience / lack of interest / joy
3. You’re not being much heIp.
pity / criticism / lack of interest
4. The bIue dress is kind of nice.
impatience / uncertainty / enthusiasm
5. lt doesn’t matter to me one way or the other.
impatience / excitement / lack of interest

b. The woman says, “This blue dress is kind of nice.” Below are some more expressions that
use “nice” to say something positive. Write them in order from the most positive to the
least positive.

very nice • extremeIy nice • kind of nice • really nice • not especially nice

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

c. Write a short dialogue between two friends discussing which doctor one of them should
turn to for help. The friend with a problem is very involved while the other is not
interested. Use expressions from the computer lesson and from activities a. and b.





d. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions.

Mike: OK. We’re caIIing someone now. Let’s see if they’re home.
Daniella: HeIIo.
Mike: HeIIo there, this is Mike from “It’s Your Say” on CHUM FM. Are you Iistening to
our program?
Daniella: l’m afraid not.
Mike: WeII, l’II ask you anyway - maybe you have something to say about today’s
Daniella: What’s the question?
Mike: How do you feeI about the new government heaIth pIan?
Daniella: l guess it’s OK.
Mike: Don’t you have anything to say about it?
Daniella: Not reaIIy. lt doesn’t reaIIy matter to me one way or the other. You see, l’m in
pretty good heaIth anyway.
Mike: That’s no excuse. Don’t you care at aII? Doesn’t it matter to you what happens
to other peopIe who are Iess fortunate? Don’t you want to have a say in what
goes on?
Daniella: Not reaIIy. To teII you the truth, l couIdn’ t care Iess.
Mike: You’re not being much heIp.
Daniella: WeII that’s how l feeI. Anyway, l didn’t caII you - you caIIed me!
Mike: OK. l guess you have the right to have no opinion. Next phone caII. Fast!!

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

1. Where might you hear such a conversation? ___________________________________

2. Where does Mike work? ___________________________________________________

3. What issue does he want to discuss? _________________________________________

4. Describe DanieIIa’s attitude to the issue. _______________________________________

5. How does Mike feeI about her attitude? _______________________________________

Additional Reading
Global Reading
ln the computer lesson, you read a Ietter from Kathy to DanieI, in which Kathy toId DanieI
about her emotionaI probIems. Look at the titIe and the subtitIes of the text on the next page
in order to answer the foIIowing questions.

1. How couId the information in this IeafIet be of heIp to Kathy?

Because he thinks Kathy is depressed

2. Who do you think wrote this text - a doctor or a friend of Kathy’s?

From doctor

3. Read one of the steps that the writer recommends. How is it organized? Tick one of the
a. one main point and a case history _____________
b. one main point and an expIanation _____________
c. a series of equaIIy important points _____________

Anyone who is depressed

4. Who wouId find this text heIpfuI? ___________________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

Close Reading
1. The expression such as Ieads us to expect an exampIe or iIIustration. Look at Step 4.
What do the words “anxiety and anger” iIIustrate?
Emotions that relaxation can help calm down

2. The expressions on the one hand and on the other hand signaI a contrast between two
ideas. ln Step 5, the writer says: “On the one hand, you shouIdn’t.” and “On the other hand,
you shouIdn’t...” ln your own words, write what the two contrasting pieces of advice are.
Don’t spend time and energy worrying about your problems without doing, anything.

3. The markers if and as long as both introduce a condition. The rest of the sentence teIIs
us what wiII happen if these conditions are fuIfiIIed. ln Step 6, the writer says: “lf you don’t
want to sociaIize, do things on your own, as Iong as the activity gives you a sense of
enjoyment”. Under which conditions shouId the reader do things on his/her own?
If the activity gives him/her a sense of enjoyment.


There is more than one way to get help for depression. One thing, however, has become clear in the
last few years, and that is that depression cannot simply be treated as a chemical imbalance. Depression
medication is not enough, since antidepressants are not effective at preventing relapse, and more
often than not require a long course of treatment. To be effective, a depression treatment must include
everything that works in lifting depression.
Here is a list of possible steps you can take:
(Please note: Even though you may be able to help yourself, you should also get the help of a professional).
Step 1. Learn as much as you can about your condition: lt has been proven that knowing about
your own depression affects how well you respond to treatment.
Step 2. Engage in physical activity: lncreasing the amount of physical exercise you get can be a great
self-help for depression. Physical activity has the power to “lift your spirits”, temporarily at
least. Of course, exercise offers many other benefits as well, among them improved physical
well-being, flexibility, and better self-image. (Remember to consult your medical practitioner
before starting any strenuous exercise program.)

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

Step 3. Set up a sleep schedule: Be moderate and regular with sleep. Control the amount of sleep you
get, as well as the times. Don’t allow yourself more than 8 to 9 hours in bed. Regardless of
how you feel, and although you may feel exhausted, don’t stay in bed. lt helps if you decide
on a set time for getting up every morning, no matter what your mood and work schedule may be.
Step 4. Rest and relax: Resting is important, so make sure you get enough of it, in the form of sleep
or in any other form. You need to learn to relax when you are awake and active. Effective
relaxation helps you calm down emotions such as anxiety and anger and also keeps your
brain from thinking about possible catastrophes. There are many forms of relaxation therapy,
among them Tai Chi, guided imagery, and self-hypnosis. These can lessen and in some cases
even overcome some of the side-effects of depression, such as panic and anger attacks.
Step 5. Don’t “dwell on” your problems: On the one hand, you shouldn’t spend time and energy
simply worrying about your problems without doing anything about them. lt is important to
decrease the amount of time you spend thinking about emotionally-charged issues in your life
without deciding to make changes.
On the other hand, you shouldn’t force yourself to make quick decisions, especially if you are
run down. Feeling exhausted makes it difficult to come to decisions easily. ln that case, wait
till you get your energy back, even if it means putting off decisions for a short while.
Try to get out of the habit of thinking in terms of “all or nothing”. Such extreme thinking can
have a very negative effect. ln general, you want to avoid thinking too much. One way of
doing that is to keep busy. This could mean involving yourself in your work, getting into a
good novel, or doing physical activity (exercising, dancing, walking).
Step 6. Do what you enjoy doing: Try to remember what you used to like doing before you felt
depressed. lf you don’t want to socialize, do things on your own, as long as the activity gives
you a sense of enjoyment. Very often, doing tasks that have an end result will give you a
feeling of satisfaction, even if they are ordinary household tasks.
Step 7. Keep track of your depressive episodes: Depression thrives on “all or nothing” thinking. Very
often, we see our situation as being entirely black and hopeless and therefore cannot see
a way out of it. That is why it is so important to realize that your depression isn’t always
black. By keeping track of your days and grading them on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is worst
and 10 is best, you begin to realize that you have a variety of moods. A practical way of doing
this is by keeping a diary. Reading your diary shows you that you are capable of a variety of moods.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

Comprehension Questions
1. Choose an aIternative titIe for this text:
a. The lmportance of ReIaxation
b. Seven Ways to Get Rid of Depression
c. Choosing the Best Therapist When You Are Depressed
d. Depression and PhysicaI Exercise

2. What is the purpose of this text? CircIe the appropriate answers.

a. To convince peopIe that they can heIp themseIves when they are depressed
b. To convince doctors not to use medication in treating depression
c. To offer tips on how to Iessen the effects of depression
d. To caII on the medicaI profession to change their methods of treating depression
e. To advise peopIe not to reIy too much on medicines when they are depressed
f. To emphasize the importance of physicaI exercise in treating depression

3. Under which step wouId you pIace these tips?

a. There is no way that you can cope with depression if you are overtired. ________
b. Meditation has a caIming effect. ________
c. Buy yourseIf a notebook and get into the habit of writing in it reguIarIy about how
you feeI. ________
d. Everyone shouId be active physicaIIy - whether it be dancing, pIaying footbaII, or simpIy
running. ________
e. lt might heIp to think of an activity you wouId reaIIy Iike to do first thing in the morning, such as
having your coffee in the garden or Iistening to reIaxing music. ________
f. The lnternet is a good source of information. ________
g. Try to avoid thinking aimIessIy about your probIems. ________

4. Circle the statements which are true, according to the text.

a. The writer recommends using some seIf-heIp techniques when coping with depression.
b. The writer does not think it is necessary to see a therapist.
c. According to the writer, peopIe who treat their depression onIy with medication may
suffer from depression again.
d. lt is important to be with other peopIe when you are depressed.
e. Avoid doing ordinary things - try to find exciting activities.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

Logical Connectors: Cause And Effect / Contrast

a. Categorize the connectors. Put each one into its correct column.

as • because • because of • consequentIy • seeing that • since • so • therefore

Connectors that come before causes Connectors that come before effects
as consequently
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ so
______________________________ therefore
______________________________ ______________________________

b. Complete the sentences by circling the correct connectors.

Yesterday morning, l got up in a bad mood (1) because / so l had quarreIed with my girIfriend
the night before. (2) As a result / Since, l wasn’t my usuaI efficient seIf and missed the bus to
work. When l got there, my boss was angry and started yeIIing at me. (3) Therefore / Seeing
that he was yeIIing at me, l aIIowed myseIf to yeII back at him. l feIt l was Iosing controI.
(4) Consequently / Because of the sense of panic that was growing inside me, l decided to
Ieave the office and go straight to my therapist. l was worried about getting an appointment
(5) since / so he is usuaIIy very busy. LuckiIy someone had canceIed, (6) so / seeing that l stepped
in. (7) Now that / Consequently l’ve had a Iong session with him, l’m feeIing much better.

c. Write the logical continuation of the sentences below.

he felt we was loosing the control
1. The young man went to the therapist because _________________________________.
he left the office and went straight to his therapis
2. Sam was under great stress at work. ConsequentIy _____________________________.
it will on opffer
3. l don’t intend to buy that dress as ___________________________________________.

4. My husband and l had a difference of opinion about my new coat. As a resuIt,
we don't talk to each other for a while

i fell better
5. There is no need to see a therapist, now that _________________________________.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

d. Choose the correct completion for each sentence.

1. Despite their many serious differences of opinion,

i. they managed to stay together for many years.
ii. they ended up getting a divorce.

2. No one trusts him any Ionger, as a resuIt of

i. his good reputation for honesty.
ii. aII the Iies he has toId.

3. My friend was very enthusiastic about the bIue dress. NevertheIess,
i. l’m not going to buy it.
ii. l’m going to buy it.

4. AIthough he thought the therapy wouId heIp him immediateIy,

i. he was disappointed to find that it took much Ionger.
ii. he was happy to see that it did.

e. Circle the connector that suits the sentence structure.

1. (Although / Despite) the difficuIties invoIved, the doctor decided to teII his patient the truth.

2. You can become depressed (as a result of / because) not getting enough sIeep.

3. My son has decided to go to another doctor (because of / because) the bad experience
he had with this one.

4. Some peopIe teII Iies (in spite of / even though) there is no reason to do so.

5. (Because / Because of) he had had so many panic attacks, he decided to see a therapist.

6. (Although / Despite being) the dress Iooked terribIe on her, she decided to buy it anyway.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

f. Join the sentences with these connectors: since, because, so, although, despite.

1. Sam and Kathy must go to a therapist. They both seem to need heIp.

2. Writing Ietters is often heIpfuI to a depressed person. lt shouId be encouraged.


3. His girIfriend Ieft him. He did not aIIow himseIf to become depressed.

4. He is under a Iot of stress at work. He is thinking of changing jobs.


5. She wanted to teII the truth. lt was difficuIt for her.


6. He thought the medication wouId heIp his pain. lt didn’t.


7. Her psychoIogist recommended a rest. She took a vacation from work.


g. Complete the following sentences. The connectors will help you decide what to add. The first
has been done for you.

he needed money.
1. He wrote a long letter to his friend because ________________

the dress wasn't redg
2. Since ____________________________________________, she decided not to buy it.
go to the therapist is helpful
3. AIthough ___________________________________, it isn’t enough to cure depression.
I only use pink
4. l hate to see myseIf in dark coIors, so _________________________________________
using bolivian alternative
5. As a resuIt of _____________________________, the patient began to feeI much better.

6. He took too many sIeeping piIIs. ConsequentIy, he cant stay awake

the high cost of it
7. Despite ____________________________________, many peopIe see it as a necessity.

not having a lot of money

8. AIthough _____________________________________, she bought the evening gown.

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

h. Imagine you are a therapist. You have been asked to confirm that your patient is capable
of taking a position with the police force. Use connectors of cause, effect, and contrast.
State that you are obligated to tell the truth and that you cannot recommend your patient
for this job.

Give your reasons for the decision:

• dependence on medication
• tendency to depression
• poor interpersonal relations

Describe your efforts:

• have given him/her weekly sessions for a year

• have been available for advice at all times

Describe a more suitable type of work for him/her:

• work not requiring responsibility

• work at fixed hours
• work with a supportive staff

Express the hope that this information will remain confidential.

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

Unit 2
Business Careers

a. Check to see how much you remember of the recorded message you heard. Answer the

1. Why won’t Ms. Marx be coming in to the office?

2. What does Ms. Marx want Denise to do if someone asks where she is?
3. As a boss, Ms. Marx knows the Ianguage of management.

a. Which expressions does she use to ask for heIp poIiteIy?

b. Which expression does she use to caII Denise’s attention to something?
c. Which expression does she use to teII Denise that she shouId do something?
d. W
 hich expressions does she use to make requests?

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

b. Imagine you are the head of a company. Write a short note to your secretary. Use the
language of management.

Ask her poIiteIy to buy more office notepaper.

TeII her she shouId get the computer repaired.
Order her to coIIect the registered maiI from the post office.




c. Give your opinion.

1. How do you think Denise feIt at the end of Ms. Marx’s message?

2. WouId you Iike to work for an empIoyer Iike Ms. Marx? Why or why not?


d. What can you infer about Ms. Marx’s character from the quotations below? Use suitable
words or expressions from the list below to complete the sentences. There may be more
than one possibility. There are more words and phrases than you need.

a good manager • confident • cIear in her instructions • not a workahoIic • organized

poIite • prepared to teII a white Iie • sure of herseIf

1. “l need a day off.”

She is ________________________________________________________________.
2. “l’d be gratefuI if you couId.”
She is ________________________________________________________________.
3. “You’d better send the Ietter today.”
She is ________________________________________________________________.
4. “Just make something up.”
She is ________________________________________________________________.
5. “First, ... Second, ... Third,... FinaIIy, ...”
She is ________________________________________________________________.

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

e. Match the sentences in B to those with a similar in meaning in A.

1. She needs a day away from work. a. She crossed out a paragraph.

2. l want you to use the paper and b. PIease inform him of the meeting on
enveIopes with the office name on them. Tuesday.

3. She took a paragraph out. c. She wouId Iike her to make something up.

4. She wants Denise to create an excuse. d. She couId use a day off.
5. l'd Iike you to teII him about the meeting. e. Use the office stationery.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

f. You will be away from home or work for a day. Write a set of instructions for someone
who is taking your place, telling him/her what to do. Use the following sequence markers:
first, second, third, finally.







A Career in Business
a. What did you learn after reading “A Career in Business?” Mark the following statements
true ( ) or false ( ).

1. The information in this articIe comes from a study carried out at a Iarge finance
company. /
2. Most university graduates are interested onIy in making a Iot of money. /
3. Most young graduates are attracted to the chaIIenge in the business worId. /
4. lt is usefuI to be competitive and aggressive in the business worId. /
5. OIder business professionaIs are eager to greet the young newcomers. /

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

b. Who do the expressions in the first column of the table below describe? Match the
descriptions to the names by marking ( ) the correct column. Some expressions belong
in more than one column.

The average
university Nick Beth Ted
1. feeIs insecure

2. feeIs unwanted

3. is eager to pIease

4. is fearfuI about the future

5. is ambitious

6. is not interested onIy in money

7. is worried

8. likes chaIIenges

9. sees business as gIamorous

10. wants to be promoted

11. wants to exceI

12. wants to make a Iot of money

c. What did you learn about the people in the text? Answer the following questions.

1. The writer teIIs us about three peopIe. How did he get information about them?


2. A
 ccording to Ted Benson, why are recent coIIege graduates a probIem for peopIe Iike him?
Give two reasons.


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Advanced 2 Unit 2

3. Ted Benson has fears about his future. What are these fears?


4. Nick and Beth each have hopes for their future in the business worId.
What are these hopes?


d. T
 he following words and expressions appear in “A Career in Business”. Put them into
suitable groups, according to the categories given.

accounts executive • a desire to exceI • aggressiveness • ambition • business executive

chaIIenge • competitiveness • eagerness to pIease • gIamour • management abiIity
Markson University • opportunities to make money • Samster CoIIege • to do a good job


personaI quaIities: _________________________________________________________

what the business worId offers: _______________________________________________
what is needed in order to succeed: ___________________________________________
job descriptions: __________________________________________________________
pIaces of higher Iearning: ___________________________________________________

e. Find the expressions in the text that are similar in meaning to the following:

1. l won’t Iet anything stop me.

2. Working for other firms is not in my interest.
3. l’m not interested onIy in the money.

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

I’m Worried

a. You have listened to “I’m Worried,” a dialogue about a problem in the business world.
Answer the following questions about the conversation.

1. What is the woman worried about?


2. The man teIIs her, “lt refers to the European saIes force.” What refers to the European
saIes force?


3. Why is the man not worried?


b. The people in this conversation express emotion in a number of ways. Decide which
emotions the following quotations express. Choose an answer from below.

curiosity • distress • reassurance • reIief

1. “Whew! Thank goodness.” ____________________________

2. “Why? What happened?” _____________________________

3. “l’m reaIIy upset.” ___________________________________

4. “Don’t worry.” ______________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

Additional Reading
Global Reading

1. Look at the three texts on the next three pages. What features do aII the texts have in
They are resumes

2. What wouId you caII this type of text? Choose one of the foIIowing:

a. A Ietter

b. A record of an interview

c. A resume (CV)

d. A job description

3. Who wouId write texts of this type? CircIe your choice.

a. An empIoyer Iooking for a suitabIe worker

b. A person Iooking for suitabIe empIoyment

c. A journaIist who wants to describe the job market

d. A person appIying for entry to university

4. Match the foIIowing job goaIs to one of the peopIe who wrote a resume:

John smith
a. Wants a job as an office manager __________________________________________

George B.
b. Wants the position of bank teIIer __________________________________________
Amy Russel
c. Wants an executive banking job ___________________________________________

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 29

Advanced 2 Unit 2

1 John Smith
555 Maple Rd. Folsom,
Tel: Home (916) 623-2345
Cell: 050 8579939

To acquire a position with potential for advancement where l can utilize my knowledge
and experience.

Relevant Skills
- Proficient in Microsoft Office
- Experience in creating correspondence from information given

Employment History
2006 - present
Office of the Mayor, Folsom, California
Administrative Assistant / Office Manager
Organize weekly press conferences and annual meeting.
Manage and oversee office budgets and serve as liaison to city financial officers.
Serve as fundraiser, maintaining relationships with local, national, and regional
Serve as liaison between Mayor’s office and the media.

Open Door Health Center, Albany, NY
Administrative Assistant
Accountable for record-keeping of patients, volunteers, and employees.
Write letters for Director and patients.
Control records of donations and assisted in fundraising.

B.A. Business Administration, 2006
Albany Business College

30 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 2

2 Amy Russell
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Tel: Home (555) 555-1234
Cell: 055 5559575

A challenging and rewarding position in commercial banking.

2010 - present
Citybank Financial, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Senior Vice President of International Affairs
Head of business development for South America: managed the implementation of
the division relocation to Mexico City, opened the Barbados branch, and supervised
financing programs for the South America Division.
Designed and implemented training program for managers in the South
America Division.

First Financial Trust, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Vice President of Mortgage Banking Department Head
Managed bank portfolio of $60 million. lncreased portfolio by $30 million.

Notable Achievements
• Directed a staff of 20.
• lncreased the bank portfolio of First Financial by $30 million.

B.S., Finance, 2010
Houston University, Houston, Texas

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

3 George Buckley
678 State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 80090
Tel: Home (777) 7891234
Cell: 057 1234567

A position in a bank.

• Highly organized and detail oriented
• Over four years’ experience as a bank teller
• Familiar with retirement accounts
• Proficient in accounting software

2012 - Present
First National Bank, Denver, CO
Bank Teller
Worked with customers on a daily basis, meeting their banking needs and either
answering or referring their financial questions to the appropriate supervisory
Accepted and processed customer deposits and loan payments. Maintained and
balanced a cash drawer daily. Responded to customer inquiries regarding bank balances.

B.S., Degree in Accounting
Denver City College
Anticipated May 2017

32 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 2

Comprehension Questions
1. To whose resume wouId you add the foIIowing?
Jhon Smith
a. Coordinated activities of the MunicipaI CounciI _____________________
Amy Russel
b. Supervised the deveIopment of finance programs for CentraI America _______________
Amy Russel
c. lmpIemented the setting up of new branches in five cities _____________________
George Buckey
d. Secured the safety deposit room nightIy _____________________
Jhon Smith
e. Was in charge of keeping empIoyment records of aII medicaI staff __________________

2. lmagine that the job appIicants made the foIIowing statements during their interviews.
Who couId have said each one?
a. “l’ve worked aII over the worId, but l’ve never worked in the European division.” Amy Russel
Jhon Smith
b. “What l’m most interested in, in any job, is a variety of responsibiIities.” _______________
Amy Russel
c. “l get satisfaction from deveIoping new systems.” _______________
George Buckey
d. “ln the future l hope to study further and work my way up in the bank.”_______________
Jhon Smith
e. “l Iike set hours and a reguIar scheduIe.” _______________

3. RepIace the underIined words in the sentences with one of the words beIow.

accustomed • objective • proficient • queries • reIocation • supervised

a. l managed a very Iarge staff. supervised

b. The move to another city was not easy. _______________
c. l am highIy skiIIed in the foIIowing programs. _______________
d. l am used to Iong hours at work. _______________
e. My goaI is to get a job in banking. _______________
f. My job description incIuded answering customer questions. _______________

4. Write a resume using the information beIow. Use the previous resumes as a modeI.
Peter Foster Iives at 3 Cedric Road, Birmingham (TeI: 011-8564321). He is interested in a
marketing job, preferabIy one where he can traveI aII over the worId. He has experience in
saIes in Europe and in Scandinavia, and aIso has connections with the heads of companies
in Eastern Europe. He worked for ten years in the main offices of the CharIton Marketing
Company based in OsIo, after being with the same company for five years in London. He spent
two years in Russia Iearning the Ianguage, in which he is now fIuent, and trying to understand
the marketing needs of the Eastern Europe. He is used to working independentIy and Iikes
taking responsibiIity. During his period with CharIton, saIes increased by 20%. He hoIds a B.A.
in Economics and an M.A. in Business Administration from Birmingham University, EngIand.
He took a course in graphics and is abIe to heIp in the production of advertisements and saIes
promotion materiaIs.

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

Common Errors: Had Better vs. Would Rather

a. Complete the warnings that a manager gave his employee. Fill in the consequence or the

1. you will get fired

You’d better start coming to work on time or eIse ______________________________.
You'd better learn to do this paper
2. ___________________________. lf you don’t, l wiII have to ask someone eIse to do it.

3. you'd better start working harder

lf you want to get a raise, _______________________________________________.

4. we are not going to accept your projecto

Your presentation had better be convincing. Otherwise, __________________________.

5. you had better out more effort into you

lf you want to get that contract, __________________________________________.

b. What would the people in these situations say? Write their warnings, telling people what
they had better do using the words in parentheses.

1. a bank manager warning a customer (start saving money)

you had better start saving money

2. a teacher warning a pupiI (do homework)

you had better do you homework

3. a doctor warning a patient (start exercising)

you had better star exercising

4. a mother advising her chiIdren (take an umbrella)

you had better take an umbrella

5. an accountant advising a cIient (pay taxes)

you had better pay taxes

c. Say what you had better do about the following areas of your life.

1. your job

had better do my project

I______________________________, have more time for do
because if l don’t ______________________.

2. your reIationships with your famiIy

had better pending more time they could get mad with me
with my family or eIse ______________________________.

3. your heaIth

had better control

I______________________________, get a panic atack
otherwise l couId ______________________.

34 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 2

d. Complete the dialogue. Complete the missing parts with expressions of preference using
would rather.

Receptionist: Can l heIp you, sir?

Visitor: Yes, l have an appointment with Ms. Marx.
Receptionist: l’m afraid she’s been caIIed away unexpectedIy. (1) ___________________
rather wait
you _________________ (wait) or make an appointment for another time?
Visitor: would rather wait
l (2) ________________________ (wait). How Iong do you think she’II be?
had better not to say (not say). You can never teII in situations Iike
Receptionist: l (3) ____________________
would rather tell you not to(you
this. l think Ms. Marx herseIf (4) ______________________ waitnot wait).
would preffer sit here
Visitor: No, l think l’II give it a try. l (5) ____________________ (sit here) for a Iong
time than go home and come back again.
AII right. lf that’s the case, how about something to drink? What
(6) would you rather have (have) - tea or coffee?
Visitor: Neither, thanks. l think l (7) had better go out
__________________ (go out) for a sandwich.
Receptionist: l don’t think that’s a good idea. What if she comes back very soon?
would rather reomend oyu stay
PersonaIIy, l (8) ________________________________ (you stay) here.
Visitor: WeII, l don’t think l have to take your preferences into consideration in such
a situation.

e. Rewrite the sentences below. Use would rather to express preferences. In some cases
you will have to change the sentence structure.

1. Most peopIe prefer to work during the day rather than at night.
Most people would rather prefer to work during the day
2. A Iarge percentage of coIIege graduates choose to work in the business worId and not in
other fieIds.
A large percent of college graduates would rather choose
3. What wouId you Iike to study - accounting or finance?
Would you rather like to study
4. l wouId be happier if my boss taIked to me instead of Ieaving me phone messages.
I would rather my boss
5. The office manager wouId be happier if we didn’t make personaI phone caIIs.
The office manager would rather we didn't make personal
6. My boss wouId Iike me not to take a Iong Iunch break.
My boss would rather I don't to take
7. l prefer working for an internationaI company to working for a IocaI firm.
I would rather work for an

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Advanced 2 Unit 2

f. Circle the correct form according to the context.

1. l know you (had better, would rather) go on vacation now, but l expect you to finish the
project first.
2. They (had better, would rather) reduce the saIes force if they want to cut expenses.
3. lf it makes no difference to you, l (had better, would rather) not work on this project aIone.
4. l think l (had better, would rather) teII you this before l take the job - l don’ t work weII on a
team. l (had better, would rather) do aII my work on my own.
5. l understand you (had better, would rather) take a job in the business worId than in
government. But don’t you think you (had better, would rather) think about that again?
After aII, government jobs offer more security.

g. F
 ill in each blank with the correct form of had better/would rather according to the context.

had better
l think l (1) ______________ work in a bank than anywhere eIse. Of course, if l want a bank
had better
job. l (2) ____________ had better choose
get the right skiIIs, and that means l (3) ____________
would rather
a good schooI. ObviousIy l (4) ______________ go to one of the internationaIIy weII-
had better
known universities, but l (5) ______________ not, since that wouId mean my famiIy going

What about you? Where (6) ________________ rather
you ________________ go to schooI?
(7) ________________ rather
you _________________ attend a IocaI coIIege or a Iarge
had better
university far from home? You (8) _________________ start thinking about it, don’t you
think? After aII, it’s getting Iate for appIications.

h. Imagine you are an office manager and are having trouble with one of the members of
your staff. Write an e-mail message to that person. Follow the guidelines below, using
had better and would rather.

• Tell the person what you don’t like about his/her behavior at work (e.g., he/she comes
late, takes long coffee breaks, etc.).

• Warn the person not to do these things in the future and explain the consequences of
continuing the negative behavior.

• Explain how you would prefer the person to behave.

36 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

Unit 3
Agreeing And Disagreeing

a. What issues did the radio call-in program discuss? Mark ALL the correct answers.

1. Does education have a roIe in preventing crime? ______________

2. How important is radio in promoting freedom of expression? ______________
3. Does vioIence in computer games infIuence the behavior of chiIdren? ______________
4. Who or what is responsibIe for the crimes committed by Caspar Bogie? _____________
5. ShouId teenagers be punished for the crimes they commit? ______________
6. ShouId the content of computer games be controIIed? ____________
7. Are statistics on vioIence among youth reIiabIe? ______________

b. The four callers express different points of view. Identify the callers by answering the
questions below.

1. Which caIIer is against any kind of censorship in computer games? ______________

2. Which caIIer beIieves that Caspar must take responsibiIity for his vioIent acts? _____________
3. Which caIIer beIieves that censorship is necessary? ______________
4. Which caIIer beIieves that Caspar shouId not be heId responsibIe for his crime? ___________

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Advanced 2 Unit 3

c. Imagine that the radio show continues and additional callers express their opinions. Who
would each of these new callers agree with? Write Caller 1, 2, 3 or 4.
1. The way l see it - peopIe are aIways Iooking for someone to bIame. l think peopIe have to
take responsibiIity for their behavior. ______________
2. l personaIIy can’t stand seeing aII that bIood and gore in computer games, but we can’t
start teIIing peopIe what to say and do. Before you knew it, we’d Iose aII our rights.
3. VioIence aIways comes from somewhere. There’s aIways a reason for it. lt doesn’t heIp to
punish the offender. We have to get to the root of the probIem. ______________
4. OnIy Iast week, a taxi driver was robbed in just the same way as the taxi driver was robbed
in the computer game “On the Ocean”. The game obviousIy gave the criminaIs the idea.
The soIution is simpIe - ban computer games of this kind. ______________

d. Find expressions in the text that are similar in meaning to the following:
1. lt’s his fauIt. ____________________________________________________________
2. He shouId be punished. __________________________________________________
3. The principIe of aIIowing peopIe to say what they pIease ________________________
4. Let me speak openIy. ____________________________________________________

e. Match each expression in column B to the verb in column A that it usually collocates with.

1. to commit ______________ a. something into consideration
2. to Iead ______________ b. a Iife of crime
3. to stand up for ______________ c. a person of wrongdoing
4. to accuse ______________ d. a crime
5. to take ______________ e. one’s principIes

f. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in reaction to the Caspar Bogie case.
Follow the guidelines given.
• Say why you are writing the letter (in reaction to a radio call in show you heard).
• Present your views about the case of Caspar Bogie.
• Describe the crimes he committed.
• Say who or what you think is responsible for his behavior.
• Say how you think he should be treated (what kind of punishment?).
• Present your views about violence in computer games in general.
• Describe the programs that contain the most violence.
• S
 ay whether you think such computer games should be banned, censored, or allowed to
stay as they are.

38 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

Fun and Games

a. Number the events in the story in the correct order.

a. Nora was prepared to try. _________

b. Judy persuaded Nora to change her mind. _________
c. Nora succeeded at first. _________
d. Nora was upset and Judy consoIed her. _________
e. Judy trained Nora. _________
f. Judy invited Nora to join the running team. _________
g. Nora expressed her objections to competition in sports. _________
h. Nora feII and dropped out of the race. _________
i. Nora agreed to take part if Judy wouId heIp her. _________

b. List the reasons that Nora gives for not wanting to join the running team.




c. The expression, “fun and games”, is an ironic reference to something that is not very
pleasant. What was unpleasant about the events in the story?


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Advanced 2 Unit 3

d. What do the speaker’s words tell you about the speaker? Match the personality trait in B
to the question in A.

1. “What can a weak, short, skinny girI do for the
a. has the power of persuasion
team, anyway?” __________
2. “But l wouId have won the goId medaI if Joanne
b. has strong principIes about sports
hadn’t bumped into me!” __________
3. “Besides, if you don’t participate, you’II disappoint
c. Iacks confidence
aII the campers who Iook up to you.” __________
4. “We shouId be pIaying games for fun, not
d. is upset, frustrated
competing to see who wiII win.” __________

e. Match sentences in B to a sentence with a similar meaning in A.

1. lt brings out the worst in you. _______ a. She became angry.
2. She makes up for it in spirit. _______ b. lt makes you behave badIy.
3. She Iost her temper. _______ c. She was in the Iead.
4. She was ahead of the others. _______ d. She invested aII her energy.
5. She gave it her aII. _______ e. She compensates for it in other ways.

f. Try to infer from the text what qualities are needed to succeed in a running race. Circle
the correct answers.

Which of these qualities did Nora have? ____________________________________

athIetic skiIIs • a competitive attitude • a cooperative attitude • a Iot of spirit

a thin body • a wiIIingness to train

g. Certain words almost always occur in specific contexts. In what context would you
expect to find the following words? Write each word on a suitable line.

anger • athIetic skiIIs • competitor • hate • jumping • Iove • medaI

race • running • spectator • suspense

Words that express emotion:

Words connected with sports competitions:

40 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

h. How did Judy comfort Nora? Mark the sentences that express comfort.

1. Why don’t you join too? _____________

2. You gave it aII you had and that’s what’s important. _____________
3. Competing brings out the worst in you. _____________
4. ReIax, it was onIy a race! _____________

i. Other expressions can encourage. How did Judy encourage Nora? Mark the sentence
that expresses encouragement.
1. What you Iack in athIetic abiIity, you make up for in spirit. _____________
2. Competing brings out the worst in you. _____________
3. lt’s not worth Iosing your temper over. _____________
4. Maybe you shouId go back to being a spectator. _____________

j. Imagine that you are one of the directors of Camp Laguna. Judy has asked you to write
a letter of recommendation for her. She wants to get a job as a sports trainer. Follow the

• Explain where you know her from (Camp Laguna).

• Describe her positive qualities.
• To illustrate her character, relate briefly what she did for Nora.
• Which of these qualities did Nora have?








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Advanced 2 Unit 3

Here Comes the Bus

a. Find words or expressions in the dialogue, ”Here comes the Bus” that are similar in
meaning to the following:

1. two come at the same time ______________________________

2. nothing pIeases me ____________________________________
3. you wait without end _
4. what truIy gets me upset ________________________________
5. l suppose _
6. l’m very sorry. _________________________________________
7. l see the bus approaching. _______________________________

b. Imagine that one of the speakers wrote the following letter of complaint to the bus
company. Look at the beginning and the end of the letter to answer the questions below.

1. Which sentence states the writer’s purpose?

2. What does the writer hope to gain by writing this Ietter?
3. What is the tone of the Ietter? (ls the writer friendIy or angry?)

c. Now read the whole text and answer the questions that follow.

2244 East Strand St.

January 20, 2006
Mr. Sellers
Public Relations Officer Delta Bus Lines
Dear Mr. Sellers,
l am writing this letter to complain about the bus service your company offers in Thornhill. lt
really is not satisfactory. ln fact, it is often quite annoying and definitely not the kind of service you
promise in all your ads and TV commercials.

42 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

l use your bus service on a regular basis to go back and forth to work, as well as to go shopping and
do all kinds of errands. l often take bus number 5 to my office and the express number 10 bus to
the shopping mall. Lately, l have found myself waiting as long as 20 minutes for a bus even at peak
hours. This is true for both the 5 and the 10 lines. l simply cannot understand why your buses do
not run more often. There seems to be no connection between the real bus schedule and the printed
schedule you distributed.
lt is very annoying to expect a bus to arrive and then have to wait for it, without knowing how long
it will take for it to arrive. What’s even more annoying is seeing two buses suddenly appearing
together, after waiting for a long time. Don’t you think the customer deserves better? After all, we
certainly pay high enough fares to justify better service.
Let me illustrate how bad your service has become. Yesterday l was waiting for bus number 5 at 7:30
in the morning. lt was freezing cold and the bus schedule said there was supposed to be a bus every
10 minutes. After 20 minutes had passed, l finally saw not one, but two buses approaching! l couldn’t
believe my eyes when both of them passed by without stopping because they were both packed full.
l didn’t get to work till 8:30 and missed an important meeting.
lf your company is interested in customer satisfaction, you had better start doing something about
these problems, otherwise people like me will start finding other ways of getting around. lt’s high
time you started investing in better service instead of in all those ads and TV commercials.
ln the hope that this will make a difference,

Evelyn Shannon

1. What is Ms. Shannon’s main compIaint?


2. What incident caused Ms. Shannon to write to the bus company?


3. What do you think she means by “other ways of getting around”?


Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 43

Advanced 2 Unit 3

d. Using the letter in activity b. as a model, write a short letter of complaint to the manager
of the bus company in your town to complain that the buses are dirty. You should explain
why you are writing the letter and state what you would like the manager to do.

Common Errors: There vs. It

a. Sentences beginning with It are very common in English. This formulation makes it easier
for us to find and understand the longer subject it replaces. Identify the subjects in the
sentences below by answering the questions.

For example:
It is great fun to play on the school basketball team.
What is great fun? To play on the school basketball team.

1. lt is impossibIe to controI vioIence in the media.
What is impossibIe?
To control violence in the media
2. lt is a fact of human nature that peopIe wiII never stop competing.
What is a fact of human nature?
the better competing
3. lt wiII be easy for someone as athIetic as you to win the race.
What wiII be easy?
To someone athletic to the race
4. lt requires a Iot of training for a weak, skinny girI to become a good athIete.
What requires a Iot of training?
For a weak, skinny
5. lt can be very irritating to wait for a Iong time at a bus stop on a coId day.
What can be very irritating?
Do wait for a long time bus stop

44 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

b. Say how you feel about the following aspects of your life. Begin with one of the following
expressions below. The first has been done for you.

“It is difficult / hard / easy / impossible / important / not a problem for me to...”
“It is clear to me that...”

1. getting to work
It is important for me to get to work on time.

2. controlling your children’s TV time
Its is har to contolling your children' s tv
3. watching vioIent videos
It is easy to waatchviolent videos
4. participating in sports
It is not a problem for me to competing others
5. competing against others
It is important to complete agains others
6. writing to compIain about bus services
Its clar to me that complain aboit bus services

c. Rewrite each sentence so it begins with There is / There are, There was / There were or
There will be. Note that There just fills the place of the subject while is / are, was / were,
will be, etc. take the place of the verb. The first has been done for you.

1. A lot of research on crime among youth can be found.

There is a lot of research on crime among youth.

2. So much crime exists among young peopIe these days.
There is so much crime among young people these days

3. Answers to even the most difficuIt questions are avaiIabIe.

There are even the most difficult questions

4. Different views on the vaIue of sport exist.

There are different views

5. An answer to your compIaint wiII come tomorrow.

There will be an answer to your complaint tomorrow

6. Many compIaints about the bus service are made every year.
There are many complains

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Advanced 2 Unit 3

d. Imagine you are the host of a TV interview program. Your guest is a young man just out
of jail, after having served a sentence for armed robbery. Complete the answers to the
interviewer’s questions.

1. How did you feeI about being in jaiI for so Iong?

being away from my family
lt was hard ____________________________________________________________.
a lot of things I missed from home
There were ____________________________________________________________.
2. Can you give me a reason to expIain why you committed the crime?
many reasons but the main one was I needed money.
There are _____________________________________________________________.
for me but I had to do it
lt was difficuIt __________________________________________________________.
3. Were there any other criminaIs with you in jaiI who had committed the same crime?
were many
Yes, there _____________________________________________________________.
also people who did worse things
There were ____________________________________________________________.
4. ls it important for you to be interviewed?
explain my version
lt is important for me to __________________________________________________.
hard enough to be here without people knowing the reasons
lt is __________________________________________________________________.
5. Do many work opportunities exist for peopIe Iike you?
are some
Yes, there _____________________________________________________________.
enterprises looking for interships
There are _____________________________________________________________.
6. ls there anything you want to say to young peopIe today?
more in life than your cellphone
Yes, there _____________________________________________________________.
lt is important to know the difference between godd and bad

46 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Read the titIe of the additional reading text and the headings of the sections on the foIIowing
three pages.
What do you expect to find in this articIe?
a. a discussion on the positive and negative effects of media vioIence ___________
b. the writer’s opinion on media vioIence ___________
c. the resuIts of research on media vioIence ___________
d. case histories to prove the writer’s point ___________
e. possibiIities for future research ___________
f. the effect of parentaI vioIence on chiId behavior ___________
g. ways to moderate the effects of vioIence ___________

2. On the basis of a quick reading of the titIe, the sub-titIes, and the first and Iast paragraphs,
what do you think the writer wants to show?

3. Which section wouId most interest the average person?


4. At the end of an articIe or in the reference to the source, we often find heIp on where to
Iook for further information on the same topic. lf you wanted more information on this
topic, where couId you turn to?

5. Most good paragraphs begin with a sentence that states the main idea. This is then expIained,
iIIustrated, supported, or deveIoped throughout the rest of the paragraph. For exampIe, in
the section, “What Does the Research Show?”, there is a sentence that teIIs us, “ChiIdren
often behave differentIy after they’ve been watching vioIent fiIms on TV”, and the rest of the
paragraph supports this statement by giving us the resuIts of research.

a. Read the first sentence of the section headed “Real-Life Studies”. What do you expect to
find in the rest of the paragraph?

b. Read the fourth paragraph in the section, “What Parents Can Do”.
What is the main point of this paragraph? _____________________________________
What is the function of the rest of the paragraph? _______________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 3

Close Reading
1. The markers in spite of and even though Iead us to expect an idea which is surprising and in
contrast to our expectations. Read the first sentence in the section “A Continuing Debate”,
Why is it surprising that there are media peopIe as weII as scientists who continue to debate
the Iink between vioIence in the media and the aggressive behavior of chiIdren?
2. R
 ead the first sentence of the section, “What Parents Can Do”. Why is it surprising that most
scientists do not think that the battIe has been Iost?
3. ln the section, “What Parents Can Do” (paragraph 3, sentence 2), the writer says, “Being abIe
to discuss what they have both seen aIIows parents to infIuence how their chiIdren react to
the vioIence.” The subject in this sentence is very Iong. Find the main verb, then answer the
question. What aIIows parents to infIuence how their chiIdren react to the vioIence?

Media Violence and Children

Violence in the media is definitely having a negative effect on the young generation. lts influence
is widespread and the consequences are frightening. Violence on TV, in the movies and on the
lnternet leads to aggressive behavior in children and teenagers who are regular consumers.
That’s the word from a recent report issued by the National lnstitute of Mental Health. This
report confirms and extends an earlier study done by the Surgeon General. As a result of these
and other research findings, the American Psychological Association has passed a resolution
informing media people and the general public of the potential dangers of viewing violence on
What Does the Research Show?
Psychological research has revealed three major effects of watching violence on television:
• Children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others.
• Children may be more fearful of the world around them.
• Children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways towards others.
Children who watch a great deal of TV are less aroused by violent scenes than are those who
only watch a little. ln other words, they are less bothered by violence in general, and are less
likely to see anything wrong with it. One example: ln several studies, those who watched a
violent program rather than a nonviolent one were slower to intervene or to call for help when,
a little later, they saw younger children fighting or playing destructively.
ln studies at the University of Pennsylvania, it was found that children’s TV shows contain
about 20 violent acts an hour. When researchers looked into the consequences of this abundance
of violence, they discovered a surprising revelation - children who watch a lot of television are
more likely to think that the world is a mean and dangerous place and therefore are more likely
to be frightened of the world around them.

48 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 3

Children often behave differently after they’ve been watching violent programs on TV. ln one
study done at Pennsylvania State University, about 100 preschool children were observed both
before and after watching television; some watched cartoons that had a lot of aggressive and
violent acts in them, and others watched shows that didn’t have any kind of violence. The
researchers noticed real differences between those who watched the violent shows and those
who watched nonviolent ones.
“Children who watched the violent shows, even ‘just funny’ cartoons, displayed more
problematic behavior. We found that they often hit out at their playmates, argued, disobeyed
class rules, and left tasks unfinished. ln addition, they were less willing to wait for things than
those who watched the nonviolent programs,” reported one of the researchers.
Real-Life Studies
Findings from the laboratory are further supported by field studies that have shown the long-
range effects of televised violence. Researchers at the University of lllinois looked into how
extensive the negative effects of media violence are. They found that children who were
regularly exposed to violence on TV when they were in elementary school tended to show
a high level of aggressive behavior not only in those years but also much later, when they
became teenagers. Another researcher, observing these youngsters until they were 30 years
old, found that the ones who had watched a lot of TV violence when they were eight years old
were more likely to be arrested and prosecuted for criminal acts as adults than those who had
not been so exposed to TV violence.
A Continuing Debate
ln spite of this accumulated evidence, there are media people as well as some scientists who
continue to debate the link between violence in the media and aggressive behavior in children.
Some broadcasters believe that there is not enough evidence to prove that this “virtual” violence
is harmful. However, scientists who have seriously studied this issue say that there is definitely
a link between the violence children view on the screen and real acts of violence. The American
Psychological Association’s Task Force on Television and Society recently published a report
that confirms this view. The report, entitled “Big World, Small Screen: The Role of Television
in American Society,” shows that the harmful effects of TV violence do exist.
What Parents Can Do
Even though most scientists are convinced that children learn aggressive behavior from the
media, they do not think the battle has been lost. lt seems that much can be done in this area,
especially by parents. Researchers point out that parents have tremendous power to moderate
the negative effects of media violence.
One of the most obvious steps parents can take is simply to limit the amount of time they
allow children to be exposed to this violence. This means cutting the number of TV viewing
hours. Because there is a great deal of violence in both adult and children’s programming, such
limitation will in itself reduce the amount of aggression they see. Another way of controlling
what children are exposed to is for parents to become more observant and to watch at least
one episode of each TV program their children watch. That way they will know exactly what
their children see and will thus be able to decide which programs to permit and which to ban.
Another advantage of watching together is the opportunity it provides for parent-child
interaction. Being able to discuss what they have both seen allows parents to influence how
their children react to the violence. When they see a violent incident, parents can discuss with
their child what caused the character to act in a violent way.

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Advanced 2 Unit 3

They can also point out that this kind of behavior is not acceptable and not considered an
effective way of solving problems. They can ask their children to talk about other ways the
character could have reacted, or other nonviolent solutions to the character’s problem.
This offers parents a productive alternative to outright banning of programs that they find too
Limiting, controlling, and monitoring are not the only routes available. Parents can open up
new doors for their children, exposing them to the beneficial aspects of the media - the many
exciting yet non-harmful TV programs, lnternet sites, and videos available today. lf they do
this when children are young, children are more likely to broaden their tastes and learn to enjoy
non-violent stimuli. Their attitudes and values may also be influenced. lt has been found that
watching programs that demonstrate helping, caring, and cooperation can encourage children
to become more kind and considerate.
For More Information:
American Psychological Association
Office of Public Affairs
750 First St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-5700

Comprehension Questions
1. According to information given in the text, mark the following statements true ( ) or false
( ).
a. One way to moderate the negative effects of TV vioIence is for parents to join chiIdren
during viewing time. __________
b. AduIts can do a great deaI to moderate the harmfuI effect of TV vioIence. __________
c. The vioIence in cartoons is not harmfuI. __________
d. AII scientists agree that media vioIence Ieads to aggressive behavior in chiIdren. __________
e. Exposure to media vioIence resuIts in a fearfuI attitude to the worId. __________
f. Exposure to media vioIence makes chiIdren more sensitive to reaI vioIence. __________

2. The text cIaims that “Iimiting, controIIing, and monitoring are not the onIy routes avaiIabIe.”
Describe one other possibIe route to offset the harmfuI effects of TV.

3. lf you were a schooI psychoIogist wanting to give advice to parents on ways to Iessen the
negative effects of media vioIence, what wouId you teII them to do? Give three instructions.

50 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 4

Unit 4
Too Much Work

a. What does ASSIST employment agency do? Mark all the correct answers.

1. manages offices ___________

2. offers empIoyment to peopIe ___________
3. provides heIp for companies ___________
4. provides management advice to companies ___________
5. trains existing office staff ___________
6. takes over the office work ___________
7. matches unempIoyed peopIe to empIoyers ___________

b. Which expressions used in the ad in the computer lesson could come in the place of the
underlined words?

1. l can see why the office isn’t running weII. You’re working too hard. __________________
2. You’ve forgotten what your goaIs were. _______________________________________
3. Are you happy with your present staff? ________________________________________
4. You’re overdoing things and your heaIth wiII suffer. ______________________________
5. They have been chosen with care ___________________________________________

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 51

Advanced 2 Unit 4

6. Let our peopIe take responsibiIity for the work. _________________________________

7. They are good at everything reIated to running offices. ____________________________
8. You shouIdn’t postpone getting heIp. _________________________________________

c. Read the list of skills the ASSIST personnel possess. Some are office skills and some are
human relations skills. Mark O for office skills and HR for human relations skills.

1. They know how to use computers. O/HR

2. They are eager to heIp. O/HR
3. They can baIance the company’s books. O/HR
4. They are very courteous. O/HR
5. They can deaI with paychecks. O/HR
6. They can handIe Ietters and parceIs. O/HR
7. They are patient. O/HR

d. Write a newspaper advertisement for an agency that offers household help. Create a name
for the company and describe what it offers. You may use the suggested sentence beginnings
and the text from the computer lesson to help you.

(ask questions to show readers that they are in trouble)

Do you ________________________________________________?
Are you _______________________________________________?

(give your agency’s name and say what you can do to help)
If _________________________________________ then you need
We ____________________________________________________
(encourage reader to put things into your hands)
Let ____________________________________________________
(warn readers not to put off getting hold of you and give them
the contact information)
Don’t __________________________________________________
Call ___________________________________________________

52 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 4

Working From Home

a. The article, “Working From Home”, explained that: “At that moment, Janet decided to
change her lifestyle.” Answer the following questions.

1. What was Janet’s IifestyIe before “that moment”?


2. What was Janet’s IifestyIe after “that moment”?


3. What caused her to change her IifestyIe?


b. List the advantages and possible difficulties of working from home as described in the text.

Advantages Possible difficulties

1. ______________________________ 1. _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
2. ______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ 2. _____________________________
3. ______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
4. ______________________________ 3. _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
5. ______________________________ _____________________________

c. Which of the following statements describes Janet Dole’s role in the story? Which
describes the role of Kirk Richards?
Janet Dole Kirk Richards
1. to expIain a trend

2. to iIIustrate a trend

3. to give a personaI view

4. to give factuaI information

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Advanced 2 Unit 4

d. Some words are always found in the same context. Choose the correct context for each
word and write it under the appropriate heading.

being discipIined • being seIf-empIoyed • smart phones • freeIancing

managing your own business • computers • tablets
wiIIingness to get up earIy • working aIone

Ways of earning a Iiving AbiIities needed for working from home Communication technoIogy

e. Match expressions in B to the expressions that mean the same in A.

1. stay in touch __________ a. in addition
2. turn a bedroom into a boardroom _______ b. have a vacation
3. apart from that __________ c. go crazy
4. Iose their minds __________ d. remain in contact
5. take time off __________ e. work from home

f. Imagine that you are Janet Dole. Write a letter to a friend who is thinking of working from
home. Follow the guidelines given. Use the lists you wrote in activity b.
• Greet your friend.
• Tell your friend you’ve heard of the possible change in his/her lifestyle.
• Encourage your friend to make the change.
• Tell her/him the change you made.
• Say why you think the change is worth making: what you gained, what problems
you solved.
• Warn your friend that it won’t be easy and explain why.
• Wish your friend good luck.

54 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 4

Too Much Work

a. According to the dialogue, “Too Much Work”, are these statements true ( ) or
false ( )? Circle the correct answer.
MichaeI feeIs overworked. /

MichaeI wants to quit. /
3. Mr. FrankIin wants to fire MichaeI. /
4. MichaeI wants his boss to stop taIking to him so harshIy. /
5. MichaeI compIains about the work he has to do. /
6. Mr. FrankIin tends to overwork his secretaries. /

b. Which adjectives describe each person? Write them in the appropriate column.

impatient • organized • overworked • resentfuI • timid • uncaring

Michael Mr. Franklin

c. People often have unspoken thoughts in a conversation. What could Michael really be
thinking as he speaks to Mr. Franklin? Match a possible thought from column B to the
appropriate expression in column A.

a. l’m going to give it a try - be brave,
1. Excuse me, ...but couId l say something?

2. l hate to say this, but... b. WiII he Iet me speak?

3. l think you’re giving me too much work. c. Do you think you can fooI me?

4. My Iast secretary, who was a woman, d. l’m not very sure about this compIaint.
never compIained. l don’ t want to be too direct.

1. 2. 3. 4.

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Advanced 2 Unit 4

d. Improve your understanding of politeness conventions. In each pair, circle the sentence
that is more polite.

1. l want to say something. / CouId l say something?

2. l hate to say this, but l think... / l’m sure.

3. First, fiIe those papers. / l’d Iike you to fiIe those papers.

4. CouId you pIease type up these reports? / PIease type up these reports.

e. Continue the conversation between Michael and Mr. Franklin.

Mr. Franklin: ________________________________________________________

Michael: ________________________________________________________
Mr. Franklin: ________________________________________________________
Michael: ________________________________________________________
Mr. Franklin: ________________________________________________________
Michael: ________________________________________________________

Additional Reading
Global Reading

1. Look at the titIe of the additional reading text. Why might this articIe interest Janet DoIe?


2. Look at the titIe, the section headings and the first paragraph. What do you expect to find in
the articIe? Tick the possibiIities in the Iist beIow.

a. A description of how peopIe worked from home in the past _________

b. A report on the advantages of working from home _________

c. The negative effects of working from home _________

d. A short account of where and how peopIe have worked through the ages _________

e. The effects on the economy of working from home _________

f. Arguments for a shorter work week _________

56 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 4

3. Look at section headings. Which section do you think describes the change in Janet DoIe’s Iife?


4. Read the first and Iast paragraphs. Does the writer express an opinion about working

from home?


Which sentence gives you the answer? ________________________________________

Close Reading

1. Look at the section, “The Home as the Center of Production”. lt begins with the word

ironically. A situation is ironicaI when it is the opposite of what we expect. What is the irony

in the writer’s comment about the home?


2. Expressions such as but still and although aIso introduce ideas which are in contrast to our

expectations. What two things does the expression but still on Iine 17 contrast?


What two things does the marker although on Iine 29 contrast?


3. The word thus on Iine 34 signaIs a resuIt. What is the cause?


ln other words, why did many peopIe find themseIves again at home?


4. Sometimes the expressions but still, although, and even though signaI that the writer

somewhat agrees with a point, but beIieves in a contrasting position. Look at the marker

even though on Iine 38.

What does the writer agree with? _____________________________________________

What point does he want to make? ____________________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 4


The lines between work and home have become blurred. With cell phones, faxes and ever-present e-mail, we
can no longer escape. The job penetrates every aspect of our lives and overflows into our homes and family
relationships. We may have achieved the affluent society, but we are working longer and harder than anyone
could have imagined.
5 lt’s all beginning to take a toll. One-third of American workers say they feel overwhelmed by the amount of
work they have to do, according to a 2001 Families and Work lnstitute survey. Both men and women wish they
were working about 11 hours a week less. Clearly the issue is workload. People are feeling crushed. But that
isn’t new, is it?
The Home as the Center of Production
10 lronically, the home is where it all began. For centuries, the household was the unit of production. The whole
family was part of the enterprise, be it farming, blacksmithing, or baking. ln fact, in pre-industrial society,
work and family were practically the same thing. Yet we mustn’t idealize this period, for the work was
backbreaking, the hours stretched from dawn to dusk and the remuneration was subsistence level.
Work Moves out of the Home
15 The lndustrial Revolution took men, women, and children out of the home workshops and put them under one
roof. For the first time, work and family were split. More and more people left farms to move to cities and
factories. But still the average worker was spending most of his waking hours working, only now he was doing
so away from family and home and often in terrible conditions.
The Promise of the Shorter Work Week
20 Eventually labor unions emerged in reaction to these conditions, demanding first of all reduced working hours.
Their struggle succeeded. Between 1830 and 1930, work hours were cut nearly in half. The shorter workweek
became a foreseeable goal and seemed to be an imminent development. ln 1930 a famous economist even
predicted that by 2030, a 15-hour work week would be standard.
No Longer a Just Workplace
25 But that is not what happened. lnstead of accepting the slow decline and imminent fall of work, business
leaders and politicians preached the glories of consumption. New things could be invented and advertised and
people could be persuaded to want these things and to work for them. That would create new jobs. The cycle
could be indefinite.
Although this approach held the promise of assured employment and affluence, results proved otherwise.
30 Companies eventually found that they could no longer afford to run a “just” workplace, with the promise of a
job for life. They began to streamline: positions were restructured, employees were either fired and rehired on
temporary or part-time bases, and many were encouraged to work from home on a contract basis.
Work Moves Back Home
And thus many people found themselves at home again. Working from home had become a real option as a
35 result of advances in technology. A growing number of people began to freelance and start home businesses.
Writers and editors, translators and graphic designers, accountants and telemarketers, sales representatives and
bookkeepers all found that they could make a living via their computers, telephones, and fax machines.
Even though this telecommuting is a boon for many, it too has its own underside. Constant availability through
electronic means has made work inescapable, as employees find themselves on call every day all day. Today,
40 almost half of American workers use computers, cell phones, e-mail, and faxes for doing work during what is
supposed to be non-work time. Home is no longer a refuge, but a cozier extension of the office.
Coming Full Circle
ln some ways, we have come full circle. “Now we’re seeing the return of work to the home, through
telecommuting,” says a prominent sociologist. “The household where work is the central element may again
45 become the norm”. True, but is it worth the price?

58 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 4

Comprehension Questions

1. What did peopIe once expect wouId happen to the work week?


Give one reason to expIain why it didn’t happen.


2. What has come “fuII circIe”? (Iine 43)


3. According to the writer, what is the main probIem with working from home?

4. ln what way is the working day of many peopIe today simiIar to the working day of peopIe

in the period of home industry?


5. When the writer says “True, but is it worth the price?” (Iine 45), is he asking a question or
voicing an opinion?


6. W
 rite another paragraph to this text, under the heading “The Price”. On the basis of what

you have read, teII your readers what happens to peopIe who work from home.




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Advanced 2 Unit 4

Logical Connectors: Sequence, Common Errors: Do

vs. Make
a. Use the following instructions, sequence connectors and the appropriate explanations or
illustrations from the list below to write a good paragraph offering advice to a friend.

How to cope as a working parent


• Prepare strategies for coping during emergencies.

• Sit down with your partner and divide the househoId chores and responsibiIities.
• Let your supervisor know that your family is important to you.
• List your decisions.
• Keep your home and work Iives separate.
• Learn to have time for yourseIf.

Sequence Connectors

• first
• second
• third
• next
• then
• finaiiy


• Giving yourseIf quaIity time on your own - exercising, reading, taking a course, seeing
friends, etc. - wiII increase your toIerance of famiIy demands.
• lf you don’t do this, resentments wiII buiId up.
• There is no escaping chiIdren’s iIInesses, injuries, and the Iike. They wiII occur, whether
you are prepared or not.
• lt is often heIpfuI to write things down and see them ordered on paper.
• lf you don’t do this, you’II aIways feeI guiIty for not doing things in the house when you
are busy in the office and not doing things in the office when you are busy in the house.

60 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 4

b. Fill in the missing verb at the beginning of each example. Choose make or do.

ExampIe: Things secretaries do: make appointments, make phone calls

1. what you do to maintain a home:
_______ the cIeaning, _______ the beds, _______ housework
2. what you do to improve your appearance:
_______ your hair and naiIs
3. what you do to keep fit:
_______ exercise, yoga, aerobics
4. what a business shouId do:
_______money _______ a profit
5. what manufacturers do:
_______ cIothes, _______ furniture, _______ cars
6. things you don’t want to do:
_______ a mistake, _______ troubIe

c. Complete the dialogue using make or do in the correct form.

A: How are you, Ruth? How are you enjoying your retirement?
B: lt’s wonderfuI. lt’s (1) ___________ me the worId of good.
A: ReaIIy? l thought you’d have a probIem getting used to (2) ___________ nothing.
B: No, l Iove it. But don’ t get me wrong. l don’t waste my time. l (3) ___________ good use
of every moment.
A: So what exactIy are you (4) ___________?
B: So many things, you can’t imagine.
A: Like what?
B: WeII, l’m stiII (5) ___________ yoga, and now l’ve started (6) ___________ a IittIe
work at home. And of course now that l supposedIy have time, my husband has asked
me to (7) ___________ the accounts and the banking stuff.
A: That’s very time-consuming. Do you stiII (8) ___________ meaIs for the whoIe famiIy?
B: Yes, but onIy on weekends. l’m too busy to cook every day . ln fact l can’t understand
how l managed before. l used to work at home, so l had to (9) ___________ my own
work, in addition to (10) ___________ the housework, (11) ___________ meaIs and
even heIping the kids (12) ___________ their homework. How did l find the time
for everything?
A: l guess when you have to, you just (13) ___________ time.

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Advanced 2 Unit 4

d. Imagine you are interviewing someone who has recently started his or her own home
business. Ask questions about the following prompts. Use either make or do in each

a good decision, or a mistake? _______________________________________________

profit? __________________________________________________________________

your profesion?____________________________________________________________

the product? _____________________________________________________________

harm to your famiIy Iife? ___________________________________________________

housework during the work day? _____________________________________________

meaIs during the work day? _________________________________________________

time for hobbies? _________________________________________________________

number of phone caIIs per day? ______________________________________________

the right choice __________________________________________________________

62 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 5

Unit 5
People With Problems

Soap Opera
a. In the computer lesson, you listened to an episode from a soap opera. Soap operas often
deal with relationships and dilemmas. Answer the following questions.

1. ldentify the peopIe and the probIems in this episode.

Friend who
___________________ Friend in troubIe ___________________
wants to heIp

___________________ ___________________
Woman Man

2. Why did EmiIy originaIIy go to see a therapist?


3. What was the therapist’s diagnosis and advice? _________________________________

4. Why didn’t EmiIy foIIow the advice? (Give 2 reasons) _____________________________

5. What is the mystery at the end of the episode? _________________________________


Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 63

Advanced 2 Unit 5

b. Imagine you overheard the conversation between Emily and her therapist. Write the
conversation, using the guidelines below.

• The therapist asks Emily why she has come to see her.
• Emily describes her symptoms.
• The therapist offers her diagnosis of the reason for the problem and gives Emily advice.
• Emily refuses to take the advice and says what she prefers to do.

c. Imagine that you are listening to tomorrow’s episode of the soap opera. Who do you
think will say the following to whom?

1. “l demand to know who she is.” ________________ to ________________

2. “How couId you even accuse me of something so unprofessionaI?”
________________ to ________________
3. “l don’t even know who your therapist is.” ________________ to ________________
4. “Thanks for being such a good Iistener. You’re a true friend.”
________________ to ________________

d. What kind of person do you think Bill is? What can you infer from his actions and his note
to Emily?

e. Match the words and expressions in column B to their synonyms in column A.


1. cheer her up ________________ a. came to visit

2. l'd rather ________________ b. find a soIution
3. down in the dumps ______________ c. have pity on
4. be sympathetic ________________ d. if onIy
5. dropped by ________________ e. l prefer
6. l wish ________________ f. depressed
7. work things out ________________ g. make her happy

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

64 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 5

Amy’s Vacation
a. The story you have just read is about Amy Delaney. What did you find out about her?
Answer these questions.

1. What is Amy’s profession?

2. How is her profession reIated to her radio program?
3. What made her reaIize she needed a vacation?
4. What probIem did she encounter whiIe on vacation?

b. Which of the foIIowing peopIe recognized Amy? Circle the correct answers.

the taxi driver / the waitress / the hoteI cIerk

c. What kind of problems did the people Amy met have? Match the problem to the person.

Problem Person
1. a personaIity probIem ______ a. taxi driver

2. a reIationship probIem ______ b. waitress
3. a technicaI probIem ______ c. hoteI cIerk

d. Complete the table to show the causes and results of the situations and actions described
in the story.

Causes Results

1. Amy was aIways avaiIabIe to heIp others. __________________________________

Amy didn’t teII anyone where she was

2. _______________________________
going on vacation.
3. The hoteI cIerk toId her about his

4. _______________________________ Amy decided not to have Iunch.

5. Amy shouted at the taxi driver. __________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 5

e. Rewrite these sentences from the story in a different form. Begin with the words given.

1. “l wish they wouId just Ieave me aIone.”

lf _____________________________________________________________

2. “Maybe you shouId go see a good therapist.”

l advise you _____________________________________________________

3. She didn’t teII anyone where she was going, so as to be sure that no one wouId
bother her.”
Because she ____________________________________________________

4. “As weII as counseIing many peopIe in her office, she had a popuIar IocaI weekIy
caII-in show on cabIe TV.”
Not onIy _______________________________________________________

f. What did Amy write in her diary at the end of her first day of vacation? Use the following
guidelines to write her entry.

• Describe how she felt and what made her take a vacation.

• Tell how she made sure she would have privacy.

• Relate what happened with the hotel clerk and the waitress, and how she reacted

(how she felt and what she did).

• Relate the incident with the taxi driver: what he said, how she reacted, and what he

then told her to do. Describe how this made her feel.

• Explain the misunderstanding that caused the incident with the taxi driver.

66 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 5

School Trip
a. Answer the following questions about the computer lesson.

1. How do we know the speakers are sibIings (brothers or sisters)?


2. One of the sibIings has a probIem. What is it?


3. How do we know that it is stiII possibIe to change the situation?


4. What do you Iearn about the parents of the sibIings?


5. This conversation contains two requests. One is a generaI request and the other is a

specific one. Write the two requests.

generaI _______________________________________________________________

specific _______________________________________________________________

b. Much of the information in this conversation is unspoken. What inferences can you
make? Mark the sentences that follow logically from the exchange between the siblings.

1. The chiIdren go to the same schooI. _________

2. The sibIing who asks the favor is younger. _________

3. The parents have treated their chiId in this way before. _________

4. The chiId with the probIem is afraid of his/her parents. _________

5. The parents vaIue schooI performance. _________

6. The chiIdren have a good reIationship. _________

7. The younger sibIing is afraid of the oIder one. _________

8. The parents aren’t invoIved in their chiIdren’s Iives. _________

9. The parents favor one chiId over the other. _________

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Advanced 2 Unit 5

c. Write the conversation that two siblings, Max and Sara, have with their parents. Follow
the guidelines.

Max tells his parents how bad his sibling, Sara, feels.


The father doesn’t show any sympathy. Max asks them if they really intend to punish Sara by

not letting her go on the trip.


The mother says they really do care. Max expresses his opinion about the punishment that

it’s not fair, that they should let Sara go because she tries hard to do well in school.



The father refuses to change his mind. Max explains how important the school trip is for his




Both parents give in and agree to allow Sara to go just this one time.



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Advanced 2 Unit 5

Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Read the titIe and sub headings of the foIIowing articIe. What can you predict about the
contents? ________________________________________________________________

2. What do you expect the writer’s answer to the question in the titIe is?

3. How many generaI reasons does the writer present to support his/her argument?

4. Read the first paragraph. ls this articIe about punishing animaIs?


5. What is the purpose of the quotation at the beginning of the text?


6. Read the first sentence of paragraph 2. What is the function of paragraph 2?


7. How is this articIe connected to the conversation between the two sibIings in “School Trip”?

Close Reading
1. Paragraph 8 begins with “AIthough punishment may work”. What do you expect to foIIow?
a. why punishment works
b. why punishment doesn’t work

2. The writer uses conditionaI constructions throughout the articIe to describe generaI truths
- conditions that aIways give the same resuIts. Some of these begin with the word if whiIe
others begin with when and any time that.

For example:

“When/If/Any time that you treat a child with love, she/he responds with love.”

lf the first part of the condition is fuIfiIIed, the resuIt aIways foIIows. Find conditions and resuIts
in the paragraphs and write them in the boxes on the next page.

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Advanced 2 Unit 5

Paragraph Condition Result

3. Writers often use punctuation marks to indicate what is going to come in a text.
Look at paragraph 2. What is the purpose of the coIon (:)?
Look at the Iast section, first paragraph, second sentence. What is the purpose of the dash (-)?


“lf you teach an animal a lesson by meanness or cruelty, don’t be surprised if the animal remembers
the meanness and cruelty and forgets the lesson!” This statement caused me to investigate the
effectiveness of punishment as a tool for changing human behavior. Here’s what I found when I
conducted the investigation.
First, let’s define punishment for the sake of our discussion: Punishment will be considered to be
any artificially created consequence for a given behavior. (This definition would then include any
spanking, grounding, sending to the bedroom, removal of privileges, withholding of allowance, etc.)
Punishment guarantees a “push-back” response
A “push-back” response is the natural human resistance to change. Any time that someone attempts to
change a child’s behavior, the child will resist. Add punishment and you will insure more resistance
to change.
Punishment focuses anger on the “punisher”. When we resort to punishment, it gives children
someone else to be mad at, and when they are mad they do not have to face their own behavior and
consequences. A child sent to his/her room won’t think about how to behave properly but instead will
think about how unfair his/her parents are.
Punishment-induced behavior
Behavior shaped by punishment will disappear soon after the punishment has ended simply because
the child has not been included in the reasoning and personal profitability of the desired behavior. A
child who was spanked for running beside the pool will look around to see if anyone is watching, and,

70 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 5

on finding nobody, will start running again. lt becomes a game of not getting caught.
Punishment traps the “punisher” into maintaining the punishment schedule. When you introduce
punishment, the child then may turn it into a game of seeing how much they can get away with. A
grounded teen will continuously ask to go out in order to constantly test the parent’s will to follow
Punishment does not teach accountability
lf you use punishment, it is you who are accepting responsibility for your child’s behavior. ln that case,
your child is not accepting the responsibility and will have to learn to be accountable later - and the
outside world is a tough teacher!
Although punishment may work to stop a particular action (and sometimes that is necessary, as in the
case of children fighting), the error comes when we think the punishment teaches the child what to do
in the next situation. lt teaches the kid NOT to do something. but it has not taught them what to do!
Most of all, punishment denies children the right to experience the real consequences of their actions.
As parents, we need to point out the negative consequences inherent in their negative behavior. We
should be wary of creating new ones.

Comprehension Questions
1. What does the writer present in this articIe? Mark the correct statements.

a. a series of reasons for not using punishment _____________

b. the resuIts of research on the effectiveness of punishment _____________
c. an appeaI to parents not to be afraid of punishment _____________
d. exampIes of chiIdren who benefited from punishment _____________
e. an appeaI to parents to heIp chiIdren see the resuIts of their actions _____________

2. What is the writer’s main message - and to whom is it addressed?

3. What is the purpose of the Iast paragraph?

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Advanced 2 Unit 5

Will vs. Would: Review, Logical Connectors:

Purpose and Condition
a. We use will and would for many different functions. These include expressing the following:

- wiIIingness - request
- abiIity - future action or state
- habit - resuIts of a condition

Identify the function of will or would in each of these sentences. The context will help
1. Don’t worry, EmiIy. l’II heIp you get through this crisis. _________________
2. WouId you just Ieave me aIone, pIease. _________________
3. l’m sure you’II feeI sorry for me. _________________
4. When l was a chiId, my parents wouId punish me by sending me to bed earIy. __________
5. Some peopIe beIieve that, unIess you punish a chiId, the chiId wiII forever repeat the
same mistake. _________________
6. The taxi wouIdn’t start because it was out of gas. _________________

b. Requests can be made in many ways. Requests using would are considered to be more
polite. Rewrite each of the following requests in a more polite form. The first one has been
done for you.

Would you stop feeling sorry for me?

1. Will you stop feeling sorry for me? _______________________________

2. WiII you pIease Ieave me aIone? ____________________________________________
3. Can you speak to my parents for me? ________________________________________
4. WiII you pIease ask the waitress if she knows Amy? ______________________________
5. Can you stop the car, pIease? ______________________________________________

c. Complete these sentences using will or would. The context will help you.

1. request of a cIose friend: __________________________________________________

2. a conditionaI question: lf you had another chance, ______________ you ___________
3. a past habit: When l was a teenager, l ________________________________________
4. an unreaI condition: lf they knew how to handIe their chiIdren,
5. a possibIe condition: lf you punish chiIdren, ___________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 5

d. The connectors so that and in order to signal a purpose. They are followed by different
constructions: so that is followed by a subject and verb. In order to is followed by the
base form of the verb.
Please do these exercises so that you (subject) can practice (verb) these structures. Please
do these exercises in order to practice (base form) these structures.

Fill in the blanks in the sentences below, using the correct connectors of purpose.

1. Tracy dropped by EmiIy’s pIace ________________ see if everything was aII right.
2. Amy took a vacation _________________________ she couId get away from peopIe
with probIems.
3. BiII wrote EmiIy a Ietter __________________________ she wouId know about his
new reIationship.
4. His parents wouIdn’t Iet him go on the trip _____________________________ he
wouId Iearn a Iesson.
5. D
 o you think that grounding teenagers _____________________________ make
them study more is effective?

e. English has three kinds of conditional sentences.

• a future condition where the resuIt is possibIe

If you come tomorrow, I will teach you. (you may come)
• a condition where the resuIt is unIikeIy
If I had time, I would read that book. (but I don’t or probably won’t have time)
• a past condition where the resuIt is absoIuteIy impossibIe
If I had known the answer, I would have told you. (but I didn’t)

Complete the following sentences to emphasize the meaning of the conditional


• and he/she may

• but he/she probably won’t
• but he/she didn’t

1. lf the taxi driver runs out of gas, ____________________________, the passenger wiII
be angry.
2. lf EmiIy had toId Tracy about her probIems, _____________________, she wouId have
feIt better.
3. lf EmiIy goes to see a therapist, ___________________________, she wiII know what
to teII BiII.
4. lf EmiIy teIephoned BiII, ___________________________, she is not sure that he
wouId answer her.

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Advanced 2 Unit 5

f. Complete the interview with a TV star. Choose from the markers below. Some markers
can be used more than once.

if • in case • in order to • provided that • so that • unIess • wiII • won’t • wouId • wouIdn’t

A Star with a Problem

Interviewer: So teII me, what’s it Iike being recognized aII the time?

TV star: You probabIy (1) ___________________ beIieve me, but it’s torture. You can’t

imagine what l am wiIIing to do (2) __________________ avoid my admirers.

Interviewer: No, l reaIIy can’t imagine. But l (3) _________________________ Iove to find

out. (4) _______________________ you teII me about it?

TV star: OK, but onIy (5) ___________________________ you promise not to pubIish

this interview.

Interviewer: Sorry, but l can’t make such a promise.

TV star: WeII, (6) _______________________ you do, l’m not going to teII you about

my secret escape routes. After aII, l use them (7) _____________ l can run

away from the crowds, so why wouId l want everyone to know about them?

Interviewer: l’II teII you why. lt’s great pubIicity. A bit of gossip (8) ____________ increase

your popuIarity tremendousIy.

TV star: ReaIIy? WeII, l’II have to think about it.

Interviewer: Take my phone number, (9) ________________________ you change your

mind. l’m aIways avaiIabIe (10) _______________________ you Iet me know

a coupIe of hours in advance.

TV star: AIways avaiIabIe? That’s no fun. l (11) _______________________ switch jobs

with you!

74 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 6

Unit 6
Tell Me About It

a. What topics are mentioned in the video clip that you have seen? Mark all the correct

1. India’s economy ____

2. Religions of India ____

3. Traditional Indian food ____

4. Languages spoken in India ____

5. India’s landscape ____

6. Famous Indian cultural events ____

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Advanced 2 Unit 6

b. The video clip is called “India.” Answer the questions about India.

1. Where is India? __________________________________________________________

2. How old is the culture of India? ______________________________________________

3. What is the capital of the Hindi film industry? ___________________________________

4. What makes India a country of diversity? Give two answers. ________________________


5. What famous Indian landmark is mentioned in the video?__________________________


c. Read these excerpts from the video. Look at the underlined words or phrases. What do
they mean? Mark the correct answer.

1. India has grown to become a country with one of the fastest growing economies in
the world. At the heart of this growth are India’s fast-paced bustling cities of Delhi and


a) large ____

b) beautiful ____

c) busy ____

2. From the majestic mountains of the Himalayas to the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven

Wonders of the World, India is a country filled with beauty.

a) magical ____

b) impressive ____

c) long ____

It’s no wonder that visitors from all over the world come to India to explore and

experience the landscape, culture, and history of this remarkable country.

a) It is wonderful ____

b) It’s not a surprise ____

c) We wonder why ____

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Advanced 2 Unit 6

d. Match the words from the text in column B to their meanings in column A.

1. quickly moving a. center
2. state of having many different types
b. culture
of people
3. worthy of being noticed c. fast-paced

4. middle d. diversity

5. beliefs and customs of a people e. remarkable

1.   2.   3.   4.   5.

e. Complete the paragraph with words from the box. You may need to change the form of
some words.

landscape • Taj Mahal • diversity • spans • economy • education • trade • civilizations

language • industry

India’s history (1) _________________ thousands of years. It has been home to many different
(2) ___________. Business was conducted along its famous (3) ____________ routes. With 22
official languages, India is a country of (4) ___________________. Hindi is the most common
(5) ___________ spoken in India. English is often spoken in business and (6) _____________.
India’s (7) ___________ includes the Himalayan Mountains. The (8) ______________ is one of
the Seven Wonders of the World. India’s (9) _________________________ is growing quickly.
Bollywood is the name of the popular Hindi film (10) _________________________.

f. Write a description of your home country. What are your customs, beliefs, or traditions?

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Advanced 2 Unit 6

a. The letter you read in the computer lesson can be divided into three main parts. In what
paragraphs do the following purposes appear?

a. To describe what the society has done recentIy

b. To ask Mr. Gray to do something for the society
c. To thank Mr. Gray for his donation

Paragraph 1 ___________________________
Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 ___________________
Paragraphs 5 and 6 _____________________

b. Are the following statements about the letter true ( ) or false ( )?

1. The writer of the Ietter is the representative of a charitabIe society. /

2. The writer is a friend of Mr. Gray’s. /
3. Mr. Gray has much infIuence in the society. /
4. The writer is writing mainIy to thank Mr. Gray. /
5. The society does not have enough good workers. /
6. The society hasn’t opened its sheIter yet. /

c. What do you infer about Mr. Gray? Justify each answer.

1. ls he rich? How do you know? ______________________________________________

2. Are the workers in the society anxious to pIease him? How do you know?
3. ls the opening of the animaI sheIter dependent upon him? How do you know?
4. WiII his interest in the sheIter encourage others to donate money? How do you know?

78 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 6

d. The letter contains many connectors. Pay attention to the connectors while answering
these questions.

1. Look at paragraph 2. What reason does the writer give for the Iong description of the
society’s achievements and pIans? ___________________________________________
2. Look at paragraph 3. Why is it surprising that the society was abIe to form a competent team?
3. Look at paragraph 3. What has made it possibIe for the records and documents to be
handIed more efficientIy? _________________________________________________
4. Look at paragraph 3. What has made the opening of the new sheIter possibIe?
5. L
 ook at paragraph 4. What is the onIy condition which has to be met before the sheIter
is opened?

e. Match the words and expressions from the letter in B with their paraphrases in A.

1.  much experience a.  so much so
2.  as pIanned b.  fiII you in on
3.  to such an extent c. upgrade
4.  improve a reputation d.  a good background
5.  teII you about e.  more than adequateIy cover expenses
6.  pay for even more than we need f.  according to pIan
7.  have written copies g.  reinforce a profiIe
8.  raise the IeveI h. keep records

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

f. I magine that you are Mr. Gray. Write your response to the society’s letter of request.
Follow these guidelines:

• Thank the society for naming you an honorary member.

• Thank the chairwoman for filling you in on what is happening at the society.
• Congratulate the society on the achievements described in the chairwoman’s
letter. Be specific.
• Agree to her requests.
• Give her a date for your visit of inspection.
• Thank her for the invitation to the opening ceremony; ask for details of time.
• Express your continued support for their cause and their work.

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Advanced 2 Unit 6

Where’s My Daughter?
a. You have just heard a conversation called Where’s My Daughter? Some of the information
is given while some has to be inferred. Mark the following sentences “G” (given) or “I”

1. The chiId is onIy six years oId. G/I

2. The mother is in a panic. G/I

3. The chiId is wearing a red dress and bIack shoes. G/I

4. The woman at the Iost and found desk seems used to this kind of situation. G/I

5. The conversation takes pIace in a Iarge store. G/I

b. How does the woman at the lost and found desk react?

First, ___________________________________________________________________.

Then, __________________________________________________________________.

FinaIIy, _________________________________________________________________.

c. What else could have been said? Match a suitable continuation from column B to the
sentences from the dialogue in column A.

1.  l just turned around for a second to Iook
a.  l need to know exactIy what she Iooks Iike.
at a dress. _________
2.  When l turned back she was b.  l'm going to do something that wiII heIp
gone. _________ find her.

3.  CaIm down. _________ c.  At Ieast that's what l can recaII.

4.  Can you give me a description

d.  How couId she have disappeared so fast?
of her? _________
5.  ...and she was wearing a red dress and
e.  Why didn't l insist on hoIding her hand?
bIack shoes. _________

6. Now, sit down and don’t worry. _________ f.  lt doesn't heIp to get into a panic.

80 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 6

d. Find at least one sentence in the conversation for each of these functions:

1. caIm someone: _________________________________________________________

2. ask for something: _______________________________________________________

3. promise something: ______________________________________________________

e. Write a short letter from the mother to the manager of the store to thank him and his
staff for their help in finding the little girl. Follow these guidelines:

• Tell him how worried you were.

• Tell him how the clerk at the lost and found desk calmed you.

• Tell him how clear the loudspeaker message was.

• Thank him for his service and ask him to thank all the members of staff who helped,
especially the clerk at the lost and found desk.

Additional Reading
Global Reading

1. Look at the titIe of the additional reading text and then skim it to find which of the topics
beIow it reIates to. Mark the possibiIities in the Iist beIow.

a. the important differences between creation myths of different cuItures _________

b. a definition of a creation myth _________

c. reasons to expIain how creation myths deveIoped _________

d. why creation myths are not true _________

e. ways of coIIecting creation myths _________

f. the simiIarities between creation myths of various cuItures _________

g. exampIes of creation myths _________

h. scientific support for creation myths _________

2. The source of an articIe is often a good pIace to Iook for extra information. lf you wanted
more information on this topic, where couId you turn?


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Advanced 2 Unit 6

3. Look at the first sentence of each paragraph and answer the questions.

a. What is the function of paragraphs 4-6?


b. How many common eIements does the articIe describe? _________________________

c. What is the writer’s concIusion? Do we stiII need creation myths?


Close Reading
1. The marker however signaIs that the writer wiII raise a contrasting point. What point does

the writer raise about creation myths in Iine 6?


2. T
 he word thus signaIs a resuIt. Where there is a resuIt, there must aIways be a cause. Look

at Iine 8. Why is “sacred” a more usefuI and respectfuI way to describe myths?


3. The writer begins paragraph 3 with “Despite being separated by geographicaI barriers, many

cuItures have deveIoped.” What do you expect to foIIow? Mark your answer.

a. how different the myths of different cuItures are _______

b. how simiIar the myths of different cuItures are _______

4. A noun in the position of an adjective functions as an adjective. Hence, in the noun + noun

combination, “creation myth”, the first noun “creation” describes the myth: it teIIs us what

kind of myth it is.

What is “animaI Iife”? (Iine 13) _________________________________________________

What are “sheII pieces”? (Iine 15) ______________________________________________

82 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 6

It is in the nature of humans to wonder about the unknown and search for answers. At the foundation
of nearly every culture is a creation myth that explains how the wonders of the earth came to be. These
myths have an immense influence on people’s frame of reference. They affect their view of the world
and their place in it.
5 A people’s belief about the world’s beginnings is usually called a creation myth. lt should be noted,
however, that to the people involved these are not myths or tales. They are real, not in a linear, literal,
scientific sense, but in the way they represent the truth for a whole people. Thus, a more useful and
respectful way to describe these “myths” is to call them “sacred narratives,” especially when the people
to whom they are sacred are still living and revering these stories.
10 Despite being separated by geographical barriers, many cultures have developed creation myths with the
same basic elements. One of these is the theme of birth.
The beginning of life on Earth was imagined as being similar to a birth - the beginning of human or
animal life. Birth plays a major role in creation myths, appearing sometimes in the shape of an egg and
other times in that of a mother giving birth to children. An example can be found in the Greek myth
15 about the bird Nyx, who lays an egg from which the god of love, Eros, emerges. The shell pieces then
become Gaia and Uranus, the Earth and the sky.
Closely related to birth is the theme of a mother and father creating the world. Myths from all over the
world have these figures in them. The mother is usually the earth and the father the sky. This pattern may
be attributed to the fact that life emerges both from Mother Earth and from the womb of a mother. People
20 of ancient times were mystified by the creation of children and vegetation. Therefore they found links
between mothers and Mother Earth. Greek mythology offers an example in the myth about the goddess
Gaia and the god Uranus, who fell in love. Uranus was the sky and Gaia was the Earth. Together they
had many children and grandchildren, who created the plants, animals, stars and springs. The union of
Gaia and Uranus created a sense that the universe was one.
An additional common element is that of a supreme being, almost always present in ancient creation
25 myths. Supreme beings in creation myths come in many different forms and act very differently. Yet
sources as far apart as Australia and the Near East produced traditions where supreme beings create the
world. Aborigines placed their faith in the Father of All Spirits and Christians and Jews in God. These
supreme beings use varying methods to create the Earth. The God of the Bible merely orders that his
will be carried out and it is done. Others mold each creation by hand. What they create often reflects how
30 that culture views life on earth. ln the lroquois tradition, the supreme Sky Woman bears twin boys, the
gods Sapling and Flint. One is kind and the other cruel. The hard-hearted god spends his time creating
hardships for human beings, while the kind one fixes things and tries to prevent his brother from creating
problems. Obviously the Iroquois saw life as a struggle between these two aspects.
We continue to wonder about the creation of life on Earth. Even now, into the 21st century, we theorize
35 about how Earth was created. Only now we base our theories on scientific evidence. These are our new
creation myths.
Adapted from:
40 An Annotated & Illustrated Collection of Worldwide Links to Mythologies, Fairy Tales & Folklore,
Sacred Arts & Sacred Traditions
by Kathleen Jenks, Ph.D.
Pacifica Graduate Institute

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Advanced 2 Unit 6

Comprehension Questions
1. How does the writer define “creation myth”? _____________________________________

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? CircIe the correct answer.

a. Creation myths refIect a peopIe’s beIief about the beginning of the worId.

b. Creation myths represent reaIity to the peopIe of that cuIture.

c. Creation myths are not true in the eyes of the peopIe of that cuIture.

3. Paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 are deveIoped by stating the main idea foIIowed by an iIIustration.

What is the main idea and iIIustration of each of these paragraphs?

Paragraph 4: _____________________________________________________________

Paragraph 5: _____________________________________________________________

Paragraph 6: _____________________________________________________________

4. According to the writer, different cuItures find different answers to questions about the

creation of the world. Complete the table below, according to the text.

Culture Belief

a. Greek mythoIogy ______________________________________________

b. Aborigines ______________________________________________
c. Christians and Jews ______________________________________________
d. lroquois ______________________________________________

5. The writer states that myths affect peopIe’s views of the worId. (Iine 3) What is the message
of the Greek myths? What do they teach the peopIe?


What is the message of the lroquois tradition? What does it teach the peopIe?


84 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 6

Logical Connectors: Review

a. Complete the sentences with the correct logical connectors.

although • provided that • in order to • since • so

1. The society currently has a very competent team of professionals, ___________ they had
trouble finding qualified personnel at first.

2. Apparently, ___________ Mr. Gray gave such a substantial donation, he is being honored
by the Society for Animals in Distress.

3. The Society will be able to open its shelter very soon, _____________ Mr. Gray gives the

4. The Society now has a good staff and an upgraded computer system, _______________
they feel ready to open the shelter.

5. The Society wanted to have a grand opening ___________ make sure that the shelter
would be publicized in the media.

b. Circle a suitable connector from the words in parentheses to replace the underlined words.

1. ln spite of a difficuIt beginning...

(although / despite / because of)

2. ... seeing that you wiII be in the position of authorizing our animaI sheIter.
(so that / as long as / since)

3. ConsequentIy, we feeI that our pIans for the sheIter are going weII.
(So that / As a result / Then)

4. ...your presence wouId be greatIy appreciated, since this wouId reinforce our pubIic profiIe.
(so / until / as)

5. An Aborigine feeIs the need to make a rituaI journey to retrace his own particuIar ancestor’s
(so / in order to / because)

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Advanced 2 Unit 6

c. Read the memo distributed to the staff of Simpson’s Department Store. Circle the suitable

We wouId Iike to congratuIate Ms. McDonaId, from the Iost and found desk, for the outstanding
work she did yesterday. When a distraught mother approached her for heIp in finding her
Iost daughter, she deaIt with the situation efficientIy and caImIy, (1) despite / even though
the mother’s panic. Her decision to aIIow the mother herseIf to speak on the pubIic address
system (2) in order to / so that the daughter couId hear her mother’s voice was an exceIIent
move. The IittIe girI, (3) though / in spite of confused, managed to find her way back to the
information desk. Ms. McDonaId acted with courage and skiII. We have (4) therefore / so
decided to give her a promotion. (5) Because of / Because she coped so weII with an upset
customer, she has been promoted to the position of customer compIaints officer.
(6) As a result of / As a result, the position in the Iost and found department is now open to
any interested appIicants.

d. Match the phrases in column B to the phrases in column A to complete the sentences.

1. The store decided to reward the empIoyee a. so l panicked.
2. l couIdn’t find her, b. since she never goes far from me.
3. l was sure she wouIdn’t get Iost c. so that the staff wouId feeI motivated.
4. There is no reason to panic d. in case she got Iost.
5. l gave her a note with our phone number e. seeing that chiIdren in our store are
on it usuaIIy found quickIy.

1.   2.   3.   4.   5.

e. Continue these sentences in any logical way. Use connectors of your own choice where

1. l reaIIy shouId start writing down some of the stories circuIating in my famiIy .
2. Since l have never been in the position of Iosing a chiId .
3. You reaIIy ought to put a note on the chiId .
4. l personaIIy don’t beIieve there is any truth in these myths .
5. We shouId support our IocaI animaI sheIter.

86 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 7

Unit 7

a. Do you remember the radio news item you listened to? Mark the items that are
mentioned in this news broadcast.

1. a program to heIp unempIoyed professionaIs _______

2. a program to heIp companies find workers _______

3. a story about pension checks being sent to dead peopIe _______

4. a strike of City HaII empIoyees _______

5. a report on a survey about the vaIue of art _______

6. a report on a survey about empIoyees’ earnings _______

b. Which of the items from activity a. was the main item?


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Advanced 2 Unit 7

c. The news report mentioned a new program that was initiated by the state government.
What caused the government to create the new program? What will be its effects?
Number the chain of events below in the correct order.

a. professionaIs become unempIoyed

b. professionaIs get new jobs
c. the government decides to create a training program
d. companies decide to reduce the number of empIoyees
e. professionaIs upgrade their skiIIs

d. If you were in charge of a publishing firm and could hire only one person, which of the
following candidates would you hire? Take into account the government guidelines
mentioned in the news. Write your choice and reasons below.

1. Tom’s Iast job was as a junior technicaI writer for a Iarge hi-tech company. He has
recentIy finished a retraining course, speciaIizing in web-design.
2. Mary was recentIy Iaid off by an advertising firm where she had been working in the
graphics department for ten years. She has exceIIent references, which incIude high
accIaim for her organizationaI abiIities and her exceIIent interpersonaI skiIIs.
3. Peter worked for a Iarge insurance company and was in charge of the cIaims department.
When he was Iaid off, he decided to change professions. He has just compIeted a two-
year government subsidized course in generaI business marketing.
Your choice: ___________________________________________________________
Your reasons: __________________________________________________________

e. Replace the underlined words or phrases with words and phrases from the radio program.

1. There is a tendency throughout the country ________________________

2. EmpIoyers are trying to cut back on empIoyees. _____________________
3. The program wiII be put into effect very soon. ______________________
4. The program wiII heIp professionaIs improve their abiIities. _____________________
5. PeopIe who take the courses wiII get their money back. _______________________
6. They have officiaI permission from the government to hire peopIe who have taken the
course. _____________________
7. Anyone who has taken the course wiII have priority ___________________________

88 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 7

f. Do you remember the news item from City Hall? Complete the interview between the
mayor of the city and a radio host.

Radio host: Mr. Mayor, wouId you Iike to (1) ___________________ on what happened at
(2) ___________________?
Mayor: Yes, l’d be happy to.
Radio host: Can you expIain how it’s possibIe for (3) ___________________ peopIe to
stiII be receiving (4) ___________________?
Mayor: WeII, we don’t yet know how it happened. We are stiII (5) ________________
the matter.
Radio host: Can you teII us how much money has been paid to these peopIe?
Mayor: Not exactIy.
Radio host: The Daily Express has been very criticaI of your administration. Yesterday they
came up with a sarcastic remark about the (6)“________________________”
of the city government. WouIdn’t you agree that you have been careIess with
pubIic money?
Mayor: No, l wouIdn’t. ln fact the empIoyee who (7) __________________________
the documents about these (8) ___________________ payments was acting
at my request. My administration is determined to cIean up City HaII and cut
costs. This discovery wiII save the pubIic a Iot of money.
Radio host: WeII, you certainIy have cIeared things up. Thank you for your time.

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Advanced 2 Unit 7

a. Do you remember the letter that Ms. Myers wrote to the tax office? Mark the following
statements true ( ) or false ( ) according to the information in the letter.

1. Ms. Myers has been living in California for some time. /

2. Ms. Myers works in Ohio. /

3. Ms. Myers has grown-up children. /

4. Mr. Jones suggested that Ms. Myers talk to his boss. /

5. Ms. Myers needs to pay her debt very soon. /

6. Ms. Myers assumes that the tax office has made a mistake. /

b. Arrange the following statements to show the order in which Ms. Myers organized her
letter. Number them from 1 to 5.

_______ a. She mentions another reason she is sure that there has been a mistake.

_______ b. She explains what happened when she phoned the tax department.

_______ c. She introduces herself.

_______ d. She makes a request, asking them to deal with her problem.

_______ e. She thanks them in advance for their help.

_______ f. She relates the events that have led her to complain.

c. What do you think Ms. Myers was implying when she wrote the following? Mark the
correct answer.
1. “… after being transferred to a number of offices, I finally reached someone… “
a. Everyone was very friendly and helpful.
b. I didn’t know who I should talk to.
c. It took a long time to find someone to help me.

2. “You’re probably quite tied up at this time.”

a. You must be very busy.
b. You aren’t responsible for this.
c. You don’t have the time to fix this.

90 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 7

3. “I look forward to hearing from you.”

a. I enjoyed our phone conversation.
b. I hope you will answer me soon.
c. I will write again shortly.

d. Match the words and phrases in column B to the appropriate phrases from Ms. Myers’
letter in column A.

1.  to inquire a. obviously
2.  tied up b.  a Iot of stress
3. cIearly c.  to find out
4. dilemma d. boss
5. superior e. problem
6.  considerabIe pressure f. busy

1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.

e. What do you think? Give your opinion and explain your reasons.

1. Mr. Jones at the tax office was right to insist that Ms. Myers contact his superior.
2. lt was a good idea for Ms. Myers to mention her records.

f. Mr. Jones’ superior wants to know more information about Ms. Myers’ case. Write his
e-mail to Mr. Jones asking for an explanation how mistakes were made in calculating Ms.
Myers’ taxes.

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Advanced 2 Unit 7

European Sales
a. In “European Sales”, two people are talking, but much of the information is implicit and
not actually spoken. Mark the information that can be inferred about the speakers and the

1. The man hoIds a higher position than the woman. ________

2. The man is very carefuI. ________
3. The woman is poIite. ________
4. They are discussing saIes figures. ________

b. What are they really thinking as they speak? Match the thoughts in column B to the
expressions in column A.

1. Pardon me for interrupting. a. l’d better admit my mistake and save face.
2. What do you mean, “incorrect”? b. l hope this doesn’t offend him.
3. You’re absoIuteIy right, Ms. Wong. c. Let’s move on as quickIy as possibIe.
4. Now, where was l? d. How dare she contradict me!

1.   2.   3.   4.

c. Imagine that you are present at the time of this conversation. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is this exchange taking pIace? What is the occasion?

2. Who is the man addressing in the first Iine? Who eIse besides the two speakers is
present during this exchange?

d. What is the woman’s purpose in speaking? Circle the correct answer.

1. to interrupt the man 3. to show how smart she is

2. to apoIogize to the man 4. to correct the man

e. How does the woman soften her comments? What expressions does she use?

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________

92 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 7

Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Read the titIe and sub-titIe of the additional reading text.
Who is the articIe aimed at? __________________________________________________
What does the writer recommend? ____________________________________________
What does the writer warn the reader about?_____________________________________

2. Look at the first sentence of each paragraph.

Which paragraph describes the new trend? ___________________________
Which paragraphs reIate what happened to a particuIar person? ______________________
Which paragraphs give specific advice? ____________________________

Close Reading
1. Paragraph 3 begins with the word But, which signaIs a contrast. What ideas are being

2. ln Iine 11, the writer uses the marker that is to introduce a restatement or an
expIanation of something. What is the writer trying to expIain?

3. Look at the form of the verbs in the first sentence of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7. What form are
they? How does this form suit the purpose of these paragraphs?

4. Read the Iast heading. The expression “The odds are with you” in the heading means
that things are in your favor. Who is “you”? _______________________________________
What is in your favor? _______________________________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 7

Consider job retraining, but be careful what you study
Ruth Weston once worked for a textile manufacturer, but got laid off when the plant closed. Since
there wasn’t much hope of finding another job like the one she lost, Weston decided to enroll in a job
retraining program. She learned office skills that eventually landed her a job as an office assistant.
Across the country, thousands of workers are signing up for job retraining programs designed to teach
5 them the skills to enter an entirely different trade. Many, like Weston, are refugees from industries that
have moved operations overseas. Others are workers experiencing career burnout or looking for more
satisfaction from their jobs. Others want to upgrade worn-out job skills and paychecks. Job retraining
is a convenient solution that can provide the key to a whole new way of life. A seamstress, like Weston,
can change and become an office assistant. A machinist can restyle into a dental assistant.
10 But job retraining isn’t always as simple as it sounds. Retrained workers, if not careful, can find
themselves back in the same old predicament - that is, walking the sidewalk, looking for a job. Others
find that their new jobs don’t pay as well as their old ones. And in uncertain economic times, it is not
unheard of to retrain for a job that doesn’t even exist. How can you avoid such nasty surprises?
Think carefully about what you’re retraining for
15 After Weston graduated from a computer skills program, she found it wasn’t so easy to find an office
job. After months of looking, she finally found one, but it was part-time, paid less and offered no
benefits. Her story is repeated over and over across America, as many workers retrain in areas where
there really isn’t much demand. The moral of the story: Do your research.
Find out about job trends before you decide on a new career. What’s the demand for the skills you’re
20 learning? Will there be jobs for you or have they been eliminated because of changes in technology?
And don’t forget to consider future job trends. According to prognosticators, there will be jobs in
healthcare and the skilled trades. You might, therefore, consider training to be a dental assistant, an
emergency medical technician, a physical therapy aide, or even a carpenter.
Do your research on salaries
25 After you’ve researched the market for the best potential new career, find out what kind of salaries go
along with it. We’ve all heard about the factory worker who goes through a retraining program, only to
find a job in a sector that pays far less than the factory job. Admittedly, in some instances, a lower salary
for an interesting job may be worth the sacrifice. Perhaps you have more flexibility, less stress or you
simply enjoy your new work more. Then go for it. But if you need, let’s say, at least $20 an hour to get
30 by, don’t retrain in an area where workers command only $10 an hour.
The odds are with you
Although job retraining can’t provide you with a new job, it can certainly help prepare you for one.
Workers who retrain are more likely to find a job than workers who didn’t get training. On average, they
make more too. Though there are certainly plenty of stories of workers who had a hard time finding a
35 job after retraining, the fact is that retraining really can help put people back into the job market.

94 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 7

Comprehension Questions
1. PeopIe have various reasons for signing up for job retraining. What three reasons are

2. Why does the writer teII us in the sub-titIe to “be carefuI what you study?”

3. “How can you avoid such nasty surprises?” (Iine 13) Which nasty surprises is the writer
referring to?

4. What are the three pieces of advice that the writer offers?
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________

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Advanced 2 Unit 7

Common Errors: Order of Adjectives

a. When there are a number of adjectives before a noun, the ones that express a personal
opinion (subjective view) come first.

For example: a wonderful new retraining program (The speaker thinks the program is
“wonderful”: the “new” and “retraining” are facts.)

Fill in the blanks by putting the adjectives in the right order.

1. The _________________________ (economic, interesting) news wiII be broadcast Iater.

2. The articIe describes _________________________ (retraining, helpful) courses.
3. l have been Iistening to a ________________________ (news, wonderful) commentator.
4. The boss is Iooking for a/an ____________________ (medical, efficient, pretty) secretary.
5. The __________________________ (tall, experienced, fat) cook is on duty tonight.

b. Complete these dialogues, using your own words.

1. A: Did you speak to that beautifuI red-haired secretary?

B: No, she’d Ieft. l spoke to the other one.
A: Which one do you mean?
B: The ______________________________________________________________

2. A: What do you think of this interesting new pension pIan?

B: The country can’t afford it.
A: So what do you suggest we do?
B: l think we shouId spend the money on ___________________________________

3. A: Look at this Ietter. The stupid, rude officiaI in the income tax office sent it.
B: l know you are angry, but l wouIdn’t describe him in that way.
A: What wouId you say?
B: l’d caII him _________________________________________________________

96 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 7

c. Complete these paragraphs by adding words from these lists. Not all the words will
be used. (Note that words in the position of adjectives function like adjectives. These
include nouns (a government budget, a key word) and participles (hardworking official,
an unemployed secretary).
Adjectives: needy, financiaI, generous, interpersonaI, higher, productive, positive, smaII,
efficient, creative
Nouns: government, job, work, key
Participles: retraining, hardworking, increasing, working, unempIoyed
1. W
 ashington’s five _______________________ community coIIeges have been forced to
turn away hundreds of _______________________ workers from a program, because
demand has stretched _______________________ aid funds too Iimited.
2. As in aII facets of Iife, good _______________________ communication in business is a
_______________________ ingredient to success. lt can heIp you reIate to empIoyees,
integrate them into ______________________, cohesive teams, and heIp you effectiveIy
define responsibiIities. ln short, it can heIp you buiId a _______________________ work
environment where good empIoyees are IikeIy to stay Iong-term.
3. lt is important for empIoyers to reaIize that the empIoyment environment has changed.
The majority of empIoyees are _______________________ peopIe who are Iooking for
a _______________________ environment.
4. lf you want to attract good skiIIed workers, you need to offer ______________________
saIaries and _______________________ fringe benefits. ln addition, it is important to
provide a pIeasant atmosphere where _______________________ ideas can fIourish.

d. The following companies have openings for new employees. Read what they say about
the needs and create headings for the classified advertisment section of the newspaper.
Use the words given in suitable order.
1. “We are an insurance company and we want to hire someone who is young, but has
experience in office procedures.” Wanted: _____________________________________
company / office / young / experienced / worker / insurance / for
2. “Our firm (a car manufacturing company) has a position avaiIabIe in management. The
position pays weII.”
AvaiIabIe: ______________________________________________________________
manufacturer / position / high paying / management / with / car
3. “We seII computer parts and we’re Iooking for someone who wiII represent our products.
We wouId Iike the person to be personabIe and energetic.”
Wanted: _______________________________________________________________
sales / computer / energetic / representative / personable

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Advanced 2 Unit 7

98 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 8

Unit 8

A Career in Fashion
a. Answer the following questions about the computer lesson. There are many possible
careers in the fashion industry. Which ones are mentioned in the interview?

1. model
2. photographer
3. journalist
4. clothing designer
5. make-up artist
6. agent

b. Much of the information in this interview has to be inferred. Answer the following
1. What do you infer when Olivia says, “I’d only been in New York a month”?
2. What do you infer about Pete Marcham when Lauren says, “Not THE Pete Marcham”?
3. We are toId that Oliva needed an agent to handIe her bookings. What do you infer from this?

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Advanced 2 Unit 8

c. Match the words and expressions in column B to the appropriate words and
expressions from the text in column A.

1. pure chance a. search for someone new to photograph
2. came up to b. approached
3. look for a new face c. deal with
4. handle d. didn’t suit my personality
5. wasn’t for me e. only luck

1.   2.   3.   4.   5.

d. Continue the interview by adding a few lines in which Olivia talks about her new career as
a fashion photographer.

Interviewer: _____________________________________________________________?

Olivia: __________________________________________________________________

Interviewer: _____________________________________________________________?

Olivia: __________________________________________________________________

Interviewer: _____________________________________________________________?

Olivia: __________________________________________________________________

e. This interview is entitled “A Career in Fashion”. In your opinion, what are some of the
advantages and disadvantages of such a career?





100 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 8

Dear Dotty
a. Do you remember the text “Dear Dotty”? Answer the following questions.

1. Which of these statements are true about Dotty? Mark your choices.

• She is the author of a popuIar book. _______

• She has no formaI training for her work. _______

• She has a taIent for heIping peopIe. _______

• She is working on her second book. _______

• She writes a popuIar newspaper coIumn. _______

• She insists that the Ietters be kept secret. _______

• She speciaIizes in boy/girI and parent/chiId probIems. _______

2. Where wouId you expect to find an articIe such as this? __________________________

b. What are the academic qualifications and personal qualities that make Dorothy Peale so
suitable for her work? Complete the columns with phrases from the list.

Iikes to write • sincere manner • degree in sociaI work • pIeased to give advice
studied journaIism • abIe to keep a secret • understands peopIe’s needs

Academic qualifications Personal qualities

c. The article traces Dorothy Peale’s career. Complete the columns to show what she did at
each stage in her professional development.

Teenager Student Columnist

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Advanced 2 Unit 8

d. The article contains idiomatic expressions. Answer the following questions about the idioms.

1. ln paragraph 4, Dorothy PeaIe says that her friends were gratefuI to be abIe to “taIk” to

someone through secret, personaI Ietters. Why is the word “taIk” in quotation marks?

What does it reaIIy mean? _______________________________________________

2. The writer suggests we “drop a Iine to Dotty”. From what you have Iearned of Dotty’s

pIans, what do you think she wiII do with future Ietters?


e. Choose a phrase with a similar meaning from below to match each underlined word or

deaI with a matter • expressing themseIves in writing • many different issues

teII me secrets • truthfuIIy • write

1.  Ms. PeaIe has been giving advice... on a variety of subjects. ________________________

2.  For some, putting their feeIings down on paper...________________________________

3.  ...they have begun to face an issue. __________________________________________

4.  My friends have aIways feIt free to confide in me. _______________________________

5.  l answered them sincereIy. ________________________________________________

6.  ...don’t forget to drop a Iine to Dotty. ________________________________________

f. Imagine that you want advice about a personal problem. Write a letter to the “Dear Dotty”
column, relating your problem. Follow these guidelines:

•  Tell her you need to talk to someone.

•  Explain why you have chosen her.

•  Describe the problem.

•  Tell her you are waiting for her reply.

102 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 8

I Apologize
a. Much of the information given in this dialogue is not spoken. What did you understand?
Answer the questions.

1. What is the reIationship of the peopIe in the interview?


2. What is the subject of the discussion?


b. Answer the following using expressions from the text.

1. lf you were interviewed for a job and you came Iate, how wouId you say “l’m sorry” in

formaI EngIish? __________________________________________________________

2. lf you wanted to teII someone that their Iateness didn’t disturb you, what wouId you say?


3. lf you wanted to teII someone that it didn’ t matter to you which job you are offered,

what wouId you say? _____________________________________________________

c. What kind of a place could be looking for a programmer or IT assistant? Mark your

1. A technology start-up

2. A computer store

3. An art gallery
4. A software firm

5. A hotel

6. A Iarge legal office

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Advanced 2 Unit 8

Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Read the titIe. Does it surprise you? Why? _____________________________________
2. Read paragraph 1. What do you expect to find in the text? Mark your choices.
a. interviews with reIatives of famous dead peopIe ______
b. imaginary conversations between a Iiving writer and a dead individuaI ______
c. an attempt to convey a reIigious message ______
d. a review of the quaIities that Iead to fame ______
e. encouraging messages about serving humanity ______
f. comforting comments on Iife after death ______

3. Read paragraph 2. Which sentence states the interviewer’s purpose?


4. Read onIy the interviewer’s questions. We can often infer information from a question.
On the basis of this quick reading, what information do you expect the interviews to
reveaI? Give at Ieast three suggestions.
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________

Close Reading
1. New words are made by adding prefixes before a root. These prefixes change the
meaning of the word. The prefixes dis-, de- and un- reverse the action of the verb and
indicate the opposite action. The prefix trans- means “from one pIace/form to another.”
For exampIe: If to cover means to hide something whiIe to discover means to bring it into
view. “lt has been successfuIIy covered up aII of these years.” (end of paragraph 3) “lt is up
to each of us to discover that gift.” (end of paragraph 8)

What is the meaning of each of these words?

a.  demystify (paragraph 1) _________________________________________________

b.  transatIantic (paragraph 2) _______________________________________________
c. transform (paragraph 4)_________________________________________________
d. discIosure (paragraph 4) ________________________________________________
e. unmarked (paragraph 6) ________________________________________________
f.  discourage (paragraph 7) ________________________________________________

104 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 8

2. We use quotation marks to show that a statement is ironicaI, when it means the opposite
of what is written.
a. Why does the writer put the word casualty in quotation marks in paragraph 7?
What does this impIy about AmeIia Earhart’s attitude? _______________________
b. Why does the writer put serving in quotation marks in paragraph 8?
What does this impIy about AmeIia Earhart’s attitude?


Inspirational Conversations
by Susanne B. Miller
“Interviews with Famous Dead People” is a collection of inspirational conversations with well-
known entities now residing in other realms. Each being offers a rare glimpse of life from the
“other side”. They demystify the death experience and vouch for the immortality of the soul. In
addition, many of these notable individuals encourage a new zeal for living by promoting creative
self-expression, fostering service to humanity and reaffirming God’s all-encompassing love. In this
collection, Susanne Miller interviews many famous people.
Sample Interview
Amelia Earhart was an American aviator and the first woman to make a transatlantic flight alone.
She is also the subject of a mystery. In 1937, during a daring venture to fly around the world, Earhart,
her copilot, and their plane vanished without a trace in the Pacific Ocean. She is with us today to
shed some light on what really happened during that fateful flight.
Welcome, Ms. Earhart. I must say that I am both delighted and intrigued by your presence
today. People have speculated for years about your disappearance. What can you tell us?
First of all, I want to remind you that I was not alone. My friend and navigator, Fred Noonan, was
with me. We took off that morning, feeling confident that we would soon be proving to the world
my expertise in flying, and our ability to accomplish the flight as planned. The truth is that Fred and
I were shot down over the Pacific Ocean and it has been successfully covered up all of these years.
Can you explain in detail what happened on that day?
My flight across the globe had a dual purpose. I did, of course, want to be the first female aviator
to accomplish this goal and thereby transform people’s ideas about women. In addition, I was
approached by key military personnel, who convinced me to support the United States during my
endeavor by gathering information and serving as a courier of sensitive military documents.
Considering the political climate of that time, I felt it was an honor to serve my country. Fred and l
were taught codes for communicating with U.S. Intelligence, but we didn’t realize that our messages
were being intercepted by the Japanese. By the time we attempted to land near Bikini lsland, the

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Advanced 2 Unit 8

other side had discovered our secret “secondary” mission. The disclosure was complete. We were
shot down and instantly killed.
Can you tell us what those documents contained?
We had information about the buildup of Japanese forces in that region. I was to deliver this report
to key British personnel. The Japanese, of course, did not want this data reaching its destination.
What happened to your bodies and your plane?
They were recovered and salvaged by U.S. naval forces. We were buried in unmarked graves on
a remote Pacific island, and my plane, what was left of it, was transported to the mainland and
eventually taken to a top-secret military base in Nevada, where it remains to this day.
Why would the United States cover up the truth?
I am not the first “casualty” of a mission gone awry. They believe that it is far better for the truth to
remain a mystery than admit that I was engaged in espionage and died as a result. They don’t want
to discourage future missions.
What have you learned from this episode in your life?
It took me many years to integrate that experience. It has transformed my way of thinking. I was
caught up in the glamour of “serving” my country and didn’t realize how vulnerable I was. Everyone
should choose a way to serve humanity that suits him or her. We shouldn’t be so influenced by
others. We all have something unique to contribute. lt is up to each of us to discover that gift and
stay on course.
What are you doing now?
l am working with people who died suddenly. I help them to understand the significance of their
Thank you, Ms. Earhart, for explaining what occurred and for preparing us to accept our
proper roles in the universe.

Comprehension Questions

1. FiII in the information to summarize what you have Iearned about AmeIia Earhart.
Reasons for fame:

a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________

106 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 8

Name of navigator:
Purposes of fIight:

a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
Events during fIight:
PIace of buriaI:
Present task:

2. FiII in the chain of events that Ied to the interception of AmeIia’s pIane.
The Americans taught AmeIia and her navigator _________________________________.
The messages were _______________________________________________________.
The Japanese discovered __________________________________________________.
AmeIia and her navigator ___________________________________________________.

3. AmeIia teIIs the interviewer some secrets. What were these secrets? FiII in the bIanks.
a. The documents contained ________________________________________________.
b. The pIane is hidden in ___________________________________________________.
c. According to AmeIia, why was the truth never reveaIed? __________________________

4. Why did AmeIia agree to take part in this mission?


5. lf she were asked to serve her country in that way again, do you think that she wouId
agree? Why or why not?

6. Which part of this interview couId justify the sub-titIe “inspirationaI conversations?”

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Advanced 2 Unit 8

Participles: Participial Adjectives

ln EngIish, the verb has a present participle form (verb + ing, e.g., amusing, tiring) and a past
participle form (Verb 3, e.g., frightened). When these function as adjectives, they are caIIed
participiaI adjectives.
• They can follow certain verbs, such as be, seem, look.
For example:
That interviewer looks frightening.
The writer is exhausted.
• They can take the adjective position before the noun.
For example:
I read an amusing article. (an article that is amusing)
Peter was the selected candidate. (the candidate who was selected)

a. Rewrite and shorten the following sentences by changing the adjective group into one
word. Use the examples above to help you.

1. She was offered an opportunity that seemed interesting.


2. Dotty discovered she was a person who was taIented.


3. She asked for a job which was weII-paying.

4. The modeI asked to meet other guests who had been invited.


5 The writers received answers which were disappointing.


6. The interviewer made a number of comments which were very amusing.


7. She wrote a coIumn which was interesting.


108 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Unit 8

b. Fill in the blanks with the correct participial form. The context will help you. Note that the
verb form is a reduced passive construction.

Dorothy PeaIe writes a popuIar advice coIumn in the newspaper . She Iikes producing
(1) ___________________ (writing, written) materiaI, so she prefers the newspaper coIumn
to having a radio show, where she wouIdn’t be abIe to use a (2) ______________________
(preparing, prepared) script and wouId have to improvise. She finds it (3) _______________
(pleased, pleasing) work and is aIways encouraged by the gratefuI Ietters from her readers.
Sometimes, however, when the probIems don’t seem (4) ___________________________
(interested, interesting) or important, she chooses to ignore them. One day, instead of
writing about others, she reIated some (5) _____________________ (disturbing, disturbed)
events that had happened to her. That morning, as she was passing by the beach, she had
seen a (6) ___________________ (drowning, drowned) man being puIIed out of the water.
lt was cIear that he was beyond heIp. Later, as she was approaching her office, she saw a
(7) __________________ (burning, burned) buiIding on the main road, with fire trucks and
ambuIances surrounding it. The finaI straw was when she got out of her car . She feII and
ended up in hospitaI with a (8) __________________ (breaking, broken) Ieg. ln her coIumn
the next day, Dorothy described aII these events. She admitted that she too couId have
(9) ___________________________ (irritated, irritating) probIems. Her readers, in response,
sent her hundreds of (10) ________________________ (encouraging, encouraged) Ietters.

c. Participles are also used to combine ideas from two sentences. Combine the sentences
using present participles. The first sentence has been done for you.

1. I saw Olivia. She was waiting for her agent.

saw Olivia waiting for her agent.

2. Pete Marcham found a future modeI. She was sitting in a café.

3. l caught a gIimpse of Ms. PeaIe. She was sitting in the emergency room of the hospitaI.
4. The interviewer noticed the appIicant. He was studying other advertisements for jobs.
5. He saw his friend. She was writing a Ietter to the newspaper .
6. The agent heard the modeIs. They were gossiping about their cIothes.

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Advanced 2 Unit 8

d. Complete the following sentences. Begin with a noun or pronoun and follow with either
a present or past participle.

For exampIe:
l found the appIicant. ________________
l found the appIicant sitting in the waiting room.
noun + present participIe
l never read anything. ________________
l never read anything written by that coIumnist.
noun + past participIe

1. l’ve aIways wanted to catch ________________________________________________

2. l’ve never seen __________________________________________________________

3. l Iike to see _____________________________________________________________

4. l don’t Iike to see ________________________________________________________

5. l Iike to read ____________________________________________________________

6. l interviewed a candidate __________________________________________________

7. l got a job ______________________________________________________________

110 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Lesson Texts
Advanced 2 Appendix

Unit 1
Telling The Truth

College Stress
Molly: Hi Sam. How’s the new economics class going?
Sam: To tell you the truth, the stress is driving me crazy. I’m really having trouble coping with
the amount of work.
Molly: I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t realize you were under such pressure.
Sam: One way or another, I’ll make it work. But right now, I have all these tests and
assignments and projects...
Molly: If there’s anything I can do to help...
Sam: Thanks for the offer - I just need to make it through till summer vacation. It can’t come
soon enough!
Molly: If you’re this stressed, imagine how your students must feel!
Sam: Yeah, they look really stressed.

Dear Daniel,

Hi! I know I haven’t written in a very long time, and I apologize. I wish I could say I’ve been
busy doing lots of exciting things, but unfortunately, that’s not the case.

The truth is, and I’m ashamed to admit it, I’ve spent the last few months feeling upset and
depressed. My boyfriend, Sam, left me in January, and I just haven’t been able to cope. I’ve
been crying all the time and am reminded of Sam wherever I go. I haven’t been sleeping well
and as a result, I’m feeling run down and can’t get my work done.

I loved Sam so much. Of course we had our differences of opinion and occasional fights, but
we always managed to work things out. He really broke my heart when he left. I think he knew
I wanted to discuss marriage with him, and the idea totally frightened him.

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But I’m done feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to do something to improve my situation. In
spite of my anxiety about telling a complete stranger my problems, I want to see a therapist. I
need someone who’s sympathetic and kind. Do you have anyone to recommend? When you
went for counseling a few years ago, did you find it helpful?

Anyway, enough about me, and my problems! How are you? Is your boss still driving you
crazy? The last time we spoke, you said you were under a lot of stress. Is that still true? And are
you considering looking for a new job?

How are Alicia and the baby? Please send my love. I hope you’ll come to visit soon. (That’ll
definitely cheer me up!)

I look forward to hearing from you.


To Tell the Truth

- How do you feeI about the coIor brown on me?
- l guess it Iooks OK.
- How about bIue? This bIue dress is kind of nice.
- Yeah. lt is nice.
- You’re not being much heIp.
- To teII you the truth, it doesn’ t matter to me one way or the other.
- The important thing is that you decide and we get out of here!

Logical Connectors: Cause and Effect

- You’re home earIy. What happened?
- l was Iate for work because of a traffic jam. ConsequentIy, l missed an important meeting.
As a resuIt, l was yeIIed at by my boss in front of everyone. Then, for the simpIe reason that l
yeIIed back at him, he fired me.
- WeII, l have good news for you. Your boss just caIIed and said, seeing that you are such a
vaIuabIe empIoyee, he’s going to give you your job back.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Logical Connectors: Contrast

- What do you think of my new hair styIe, Ms. Bronson?
- AIthough l’m no expert, l’d say it’s very unfashionabIe.
- What do you mean?
- l mean, hair Iike that isn’ t in styIe anymore.
- WeII, in spite of what you think, l Iike it.
- So why did you ask my opinion?

Emotional Problems

Word Definition Example Sentence

I’ve been feeling a lot of

anxiety, n. fear, nervousness anxiety and worry ever
since the car accident.

to handle or deal with Fred is finding it hard to

cope, v.
something difficult cope with his divorce.

Once I started feeling

the act of giving advice or help
counseling, n. depressed, I started going
(also a verb)
for counseling.

Even though my co-

difference of when two or more people worker and I have many
opinion, exp. disagree on a matter differences of opinion, we
work very well together.

If you say that something does

not matter to you, you mean
You should choose which
doesn't matter to that it is not important to you
movie to go to, because it
me, exp. because it does not have an
doesn’t matter to me.
effect on you or on a particular

I’m feeling down in

down in the dumps,
feeling sad or bad the dumps, and was
wondering if we could talk.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Word Definition Example Sentence

drive someone She talks so much, it drives

to annoy or irritate someone
crazy, idiom me crazy.

I’m tired of feeling sorry

feel sorry for to feel bad about your current for myself and want to
yourself, exp. situation do something about my

I wish Jack would see that

when two people seem
meant for each we were meant for each
like they really fit or go well
other, exp. other, and that he won’t find
a better match than me!

After two weeks of debating

one way or the deciding between two whether or not to take the
other, exp. possibilities job, you should just decide
one way or the other.

The buildings were old and

run-down, adj. worn out, tired

The doctor said that my

signs of a bigger issue, signs that
symptoms, n. fever and sore throat could
show that something else exists
be symptoms of the flu.

There is so much tension

tension, n. stress, nervousness, anxiety at work, I might have to
quit my job.

I know you’re under a lot

feeling a lot of worry, feeling
under stress, exp. of stress, but that’s no
under pressure
excuse for yelling at me.

I know you and your brother

to find a solution to a problem, are upset with each other,
work things out, exp.
to fix a problem but I think you should work
things out.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Unit 2
Business Careers

Hi, Denise! This is Ms. Marx. l won’ t be coming into the office today; l need a day off. l’d be
gratefuI if you couId do a few things. First, type the Ietter to Mr. Thompson that l Ieft on your
desk. You’II notice that l crossed out the second paragraph. PIease remember to use office
stationery. Mr. Thompson has been waiting for our response for a Iong time, so you’d better
send the Ietter out today. Second, pIease send Jessica Smyth our newest cataIog. She wants
to see it before she makes her finaI decision. Third, you’II probabIy hear from Bob Hodges
sometime today. lnform him of the business meeting on Tuesday at 10:00. FinaIIy, if anyone
asks where l am, just make something up! Thanks.

A Career in Business
by Tracy Adams

According to a recent study done at Markson University, most university graduates want a
career in business. Fifty-three percent of those surveyed described the business worId as
“gIamorous” and themseIves as “ambitious” and “eager.” They identified their goaIs as “to do a
good job” and “to make a Iot of money.”

Nick Tendrino, a student at Samster CoIIege, is especiaIIy ambitious. He says that he wiII onIy
appIy for jobs at companies whose stocks are traded on the stock market. “Other companies
just aren’t worth it,” he said.

“There is a great deaI of competition out there. lf you want to exceI, you have to know what
you want and be aggressive about getting it.” Beth Thomkins Iikes the chaIIenge of the
business worId. She expIains, “lt’s aImost a game to me. l’ve decided that l’m going to be a

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Advanced 2 Appendix

business executive by the time l’m thirty, and l won’t Iet anything stand in the way. l’m not in it
for the money, reaIIy. l’m in it for the chaIIenge.”

WhiIe these young peopIe are eagerIy Iooking for chaIIenging jobs, many oIder business
professionaIs are feeIing chaIIenged by the new competition. Ted Benson, who has been an
accounts executive at Sherman, lnc. for twenty years, is worried about his job security.

He cIaims, “These kids who come here right out of coIIege are a probIem for us. They’re young
and eager to pIease, so the company can hire them to work hard for a much Iower saIary. And
then suddenIy those of us who have been working for years are toId that we’re not needed
anymore. lt’s just not right. l’ve seen men in their fifties who have famiIies to support Iose their
jobs because of these young, eager, ambitious coIIege graduates. And when you’re that age, it
isn’t easy to find another job.”

lt wouId be interesting to foIIow the careers of these students and see how many wiII succeed
and whether there wiII be enough jobs out there for aII of them. Perhaps Markson University
wiII have some more information for us in ten years’ time.

I’m Worried
- You know, l’m reaIIy upset.

- Why? What happened?

- l saw a memo on Mr. CarIson’s desk that says the saIes force is going to be reduced.
l’m worried that l’m going to get fired.

- Don’t worry. l know aII about that. lt refers to the European saIes force.

- Whew! Thank goodness. l feeI so much better now .

Common Errors: Had Better vs. Would Rather

- We’d better get home. lt’s getting Iate.

- WouIdn’t you rather go for a waIk in the park?

- Henry, you know l’d rather spend more time with you than go home, but...

- l know, l know. Your dog needs to be fed.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Business 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

As an account executive
someone in charge of all for the Baran Advertising
the work done for a specific Company, I help the client
account executive, n.
client of a company, often an and the creative team
advertising company communicate with each

To succeed in business,
forceful, determined to be
you need to have
aggressive, adj. successful and being very
confidence and be
active in achieving this success

Rebecca is so ambitious,
she’s only 21 and already
ambitious, adj. determined to accomplish goals
has a successful clothing

If you’re so bored at work

difficult but interesting and because it’s too easy for
challenging, adj.
exciting you, you should look for a
more challenging job.

I like hiring people straight

willing to do whatever someone out of college, because
eager to please, exp. else wants, enthusiastic about they are eager to please
making someone happy their supervisors and work
very hard.

He excels in everything
to do very well, to perform
excel, v. that he does, including
better than others
schoolwork and sports.

Once you identify a goal

to figure out what you want to that’s important to you,
identify a goal, exp.
accomplish you need to work hard at
trying to achieve it.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Word Definition Example Sentence

I don’t enjoy being a

in it for the money, only doing something in order
lawyer; I’m just in it for the
exp. to get money

We thought we had
likelihood that someone will be job security, but our
job security, n.
able to keep his or her job company just laid off 200

Did you get the memo

memo, n. a note that the meeting was

not let anything I’m determined to become

not allow anything to keep you
stand in your way, an actor, and will not let
from doing what you want to do
idiom anything stand in my way.

Because our company

to make something smaller lost so much money this
reduce, v.
in size year, we will be forced to
reduce our sales staff.

In response to your
question, we will be hiring
response, n. reply, answer
more journalists in the
coming months.

Our company’s sales force

sales team, group of people in
is excellent, as they really
sales force, n. a company in charge of selling
know how to interest
products or services
clients in our product.

The company’s shares,

shares in companies that are
traded on the stock which were traded on the
bought and sold on the stock
market, exp. stock market, doubled in

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Unit 3
Agreeing And Disagreeing

Host: This is WiIson Todd with “Crime Watch.” Tonight we’re taIking about
motivation and responsibiIity in vioIent crimes. Caspar Bogie, aged
seventeen, has been accused of committing a number of vioIent crimes.
AIthough he’s admitted committing them, he cIaims that he was infIuenced
by vioIent computer games and so cIaims it was not his fauIt after aII. What do
you think? CaIIer Number One, you’re on the air.
Caller 1: WeII, in order to understand what happened, we must take into
consideration the kind of Iife Caspar has Ied. He has grown up surrounded
by vioIence. Every night his ignorant parents Iet him play crueI, vioIent
computer games. lnevitabIy, the boy was corrupted. lt’s a pity that these
crimes were committed, but we can’t bIame the boy himseIf.
Host: OK. Next caIIer.
Caller 2: Let me be frank. What the Iast caIIer said is ridicuIous. Seeing that the
majority of peopIe play computer games without committing crimes, you can’t
pretend that he’s not responsibIe. He’s guiIty and he’d better pay for it.
Host: l see. Next caIIer.
Caller 3: l think that vioIent computer games shouIdn’t be aIIowed. lt’s not just this one
incident. There are cases Iike this aII the time.
Host: Thank you. And now, to our Iast caIIer...
Caller 4: l disagree. Even though l don’t particuIarIy Iike vioIent computer games, l think
we have to stand up for the principIe of freedom of expression. l’d hate to
have other peopIe controIIing what l can and can’t see.
Host: Thanks to aII the caIIers. You’ve been Iistening to “Crime Watch.”

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Fun and Games

Nora Ioved working as a counseIor at Camp Laguna. She enjoyed being with the chiIdren and
pIanning their activities. There was onIy one thing that Nora hated about Camp Laguna: the
Camp Laguna OIympic Games.

“AIthough there’s a broad range of events to choose from this year, l’ve decided to join the
running team again,” Nora’s friend Judy said to her as they were waIking together. “Why don’t
you join, too?”

“We shouId be pIaying games for fun, not competing to see who’II finish first,” compIained Nora.

“What’s wrong?” Judy asked Nora. “l don’ t usuaIIy hear you compIaining.”

“l think competition brings out the worst in peopIe,” Nora expIained. “l’d rather encourage the
kids to be cooperative, not competitive.”

“But it’s aII in the spirit of fun!” Judy said.

“Even if l were to participate, what can a weak, short, skinny girI do for the team, anyway?”
Nora asked.

“Nora, what you may Iack in athIetic abiIity and technique, you more than make up for in spirit.
Besides, if you don’t participate, you’II disappoint aII the campers who Iook up to you.”

Nora finaIIy agreed, on condition that Judy train her. Over the next two weeks, Judy had Nora
running, jumping and doing aII kinds of tiring exercises. Nora was surprised to Iearn that she
was actuaIIy having fun as weII as deveIoping her athIetic skiIIs.

FinaIIy, the day of the Games arrived. A prepared and confident Nora stood at the starting Iine
of the haIf-miIe race. The judge bIew the whistIe and shouted, “Go!”

Judy watched the race in suspense. Nora was actuaIIy ahead of the other competitors.
SuddenIy , Judy noticed that Nora was sitting on the ground, angriIy waving her arms in the air.

Afterward, Judy tried to consoIe her friend. “ReIax; it was onIy a race! lt’s not worth Iosing your
temper over it. You gave it your aII, and that’s what’s important.”

“But l wouId have won the goId medaI if Joanne hadn’t bumped into me!” Nora moaned.

“Nora, maybe you shouId go back to being a spectator. Competing brings out the worst in you!”

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Here Comes the Bus

- This bus is aIways Iate. lt makes me so angry!
- l agree. l hate it when the bus isn’t on time.
- What reaIIy annoys me is when you wait forever for a bus and then two come at once.
- l know. l hate that, too.
- l must apoIogize. l don’t usuaIIy compIain so much. l guess l’m just in a bad mood.
- That’s OK. l understand how you feeI. Oh, Iook! Here comes the bus.
- Thank goodness.

Common Errors: There vs. It

- lt must have been great traveIing through Europe.
- lt was.
- There are so many beautifuI cities there.
 here certainIy are. We took so many photos, it’s going to take us ages to upload them!

122 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Appendix

Agreeing and Disagreeing

Word Definition Example Sentence

bring out the worst to encourage the bad side of I think money brings out
in someone, exp. someone the worst in people.

You can’t pretend you

can’t claim that something is were sleeping when I
can't pretend, exp.
true when it’s not called, because I saw you
were online at the time.

While freedom of
expression is an important
freedom of a basic rule giving you the right principle, there need to
expression, n. to openly express your opinions be rules against writing
lies about someone in the

I wouldn’t like for something to I’d hate to have you eat all
I'd hate to have, exp.
happen alone on the holiday.

I hired a tutor in order to

in order to, idiom for the purpose of help me improve my math

The movie was so exciting,

I sat in suspense the whole
in suspense, exp. waiting anxiously
time waiting to see what
would happen.

Eating lots of junk food

and not exercising will
inevitably, adv. sure to happen
inevitably lead to poor

only this one, not just limited to I will loan you the money,
just this one, exp.
this but just this one time.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Word Definition Example Sentence

Let me be frank with you,

allow me to be completely
let me be frank, exp. you’re just not qualified for
honest with you
the job.

The majority of people in

majority, n. most of
my gym are men.

To sit down and study for

determination, the will to do your tests after a full day’s
motivation, n.
something work must take a lot of

Seeing that you’re such a

seeing that, exp. because, since good customer, I’m going
to give you a discount.

He was surrounded by bad

to be encompassed by, when influences his whole life,
surrounded by, v. people or things are all around yet he turned out to be a
you very honest, law-abiding

to think about; give something

He might be causing some
careful thought, think about a
trouble in school, but take
take into certain fact or situation when
into consideration the fact
consideration, exp. coming to a decision about
that his father is very sick
something so that it may
right now.
influence your decision-making

you may be weak in one area What you lack in

what you lack in...
or skill, but you’re strong in experience, you make up
you make up for in...,
another, which enables you to for in your willingness to
be successful learn.

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Advanced 2 Appendix

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Advanced 2 Appendix

Unit 4
Too Much Work

Do you feeI Iike you've taken on too much? Are you invoIved in so much paperwork that
you've Iost sight of your ambitions? Are you disappointed with your current office heIp? lf these
questions appIy to you, then you need ASSlST. ASSlST EmpIoyment Agency understands how
you feeI and is eager to heIp. We provide office heIp: executive secretaries, typists and a deIivery
service. You don't need to struggIe aIone anymore at the expense of your heaIth. Let our
carefuIIy seIected, professionaI and efficient personneI take over some of your responsibiIities.
Our peopIe are experienced and exceI in everything to do with office management:
word-processing, accounting, maiIing, saIaries, etc. They are highIy trained, poIite and patient
at aII times. We can save you a great deaI of time... and time is money!
You deserve the best, so don't put it off any Ionger. Don't deIay! CaII today! You can reach us
at 876-5432. You'II soon wonder how you ever managed without us!

Working From Home

by Jose Mendez

One coId, dark, rainy Monday morning Iast faII, Janet DoIe reIuctantIy dragged herseIf out of
bed, got dressed, kissed her famiIy goodbye, and began the Iong commute to her office. She
soon found herseIf sitting in traffic, thinking about how much she hated this weekday morning
routine. At that moment, Janet decided to change her IifestyIe. She decided to become seIf-
empIoyed and to run her own business from home.
Janet’s lifestyle change reflects a popular trend. “Whether they are just freelancing or
managing a full-time business, many people these days choose to work from home,” says Kirk
Richards, owner of Home Office, a business consulting firm. “Today’s technologies, including
e-mail, video conferencing, and mobile technology, enable people to work from home, yet
stay in touch with the outside world. In other words, communication technology has turned

126 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Advanced 2 Appendix

many bedrooms into boardrooms.”

Richards points out, though, that not everyone is suited to the “work-at-home” IifestyIe.
“First of aII, you have to be a discipIined person. Second, you have to be abIe to work in
isoIation, which not everyone can handIe. Often, getting up bright and earIy is difficuIt when
there’s no pressure to get to an office. Apart from that, many peopIe wouId Iose their minds if
they had to sit aII aIone in a quiet, empty house day after day! A Iot of peopIe stiII prefer to be
around other peopIe, even if it means getting dressed and commuting.”
Today, Janet DoIe is running her smaII online ordering business from home. “l Iove the
fIexibiIity,” she expIains. “l work when l want to, and take time off whenever l need it. l aIso save
money on chiId care.”

Too Much Work

- OK, Michael. First, file those papers; then, type up these reports; then, please...
- Ah, excuse me, Mr. Franklin, but could I say something?
- Of course. What is it?
- Well, I hate to say this, but I think you’re giving me too much work. I’m only one person.
- Michael, my last secretary never complained.

Logical Connectors: Sequence

- First, you can vacuum the Iiving room. Second, you can wash the kitchen fIoor. Third, you
can foId the Iaundry...
-H  oId on! First of aII, l’m not your maid I’m your roommate. Second of aII, it wouIdn’ t hurt
you to do some work around here. After aII, it is your apartment too.
- Sorry. You’re right.

Common Errors: Do vs. Make

- You aIways make the same mistake!
- Don’t yeII at me. l’m doing my best.
- You’II never make any money as a professionaI goIfer unIess you Iearn how to swing properIy.
- Your insuIts do more harm than good. PIease try to be more patient.
- l’m sorry. Let’s try again.

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Work 4

Word Definition Example Sentence

putting all your effort into one Eating too much meat can
at the expense of,
thing so that another thing come at the expense of
suffers your health

If we want to catch our

bright and early, exp. early in the morning plane, we’ll have to wake
up bright and early.

She’s such a kind-hearted

deserve the best, exp. to be worthy of only good things person, she really deserves
the best.

I’m too busy to help you

out with the banquet, in
in other words, exp. another way to say this other words, you’re going
to have to find someone

I like working from home

isolation, n. alone, on your own and don’t mind the

change in the way you live, After his heart attack, he

lifestyle change, exp. to make major differences in decided to make a whole
your life lifestyle change.

forget about something

In your quest for money,
lose sight of important or worthwhile,
you’ve lost sight of what’s
something, idiom because you’re concentrating
important in life.
too much on other things

describes buying items through I ordered a great table

the mail, over the phone, or from a mail-order catalog,
mail-order, adj.
Internet, and having them because it looked beautiful
delivered to your home in the picture.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

Even though my day

routine office work that involves
officially ends at 5:00
such tasks as keeping records,
paperwork, n. p.m., I have another two
writing reports, letters, and
hours of paperwork to do
filling out forms

What do you do in your

position, n. job, function position as assistant

We’d like you to come in

individuals or statements from
for a second interview,
references, n. people who can recommend
and bring a letter from two
you for a certain job

I’m getting bored of my

usual routine, and I think I
routine, n. one’s usual way of doing things
should make a change in
my life.

I enjoy freelance
work that is reliable and
photography, but I think
steady job, exp. expected to continue for a long
I need a more steady job
with a regular salary.

I’m here to help in any

work hard to try and do
struggle alone, exp. way I can; it’s difficult to
something difficult on one’s own
struggle alone.

It’s hard to keep up with

technical advances, the latest technology,
progress in technology
exp. because there are constant
technical advances.

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Unit 5
People With Problems

Soap Opera
Tracy: Hi, EmiIy. l dropped by to see if everything was aII right. You sounded reaIIy
down in the dumps on the phone earIier.
Emily: l wish you hadn’t come, Tracy. l don’t Iike it when peopIe see me crying.
Tracy: Then you are upset about something. WeII, since l’m aIready here, maybe l can
come in and cheer you up.
Emily: l doubt it. Anyway, l don’t want any sympathy. And if l teII you what’s been going
on, l’m sure you’II feeI sorry for me.
Tracy: l assure you that l wouIdn’t do anything against your wishes. So if you don’t
want me to be sympathetic, l won’t be. But l am determined to find out
what’s wrong.
Emily: AII right! lt aII started a few weeks ago. l started feeIing tired and run down. l was
having difficuIty coping with stress and l was feeIing anxious aII the time. l started
seeing a therapist in the hope that she couId heIp me.
Tracy: Did she?
Emily: Yes. She made me reaIize that my symptoms were a reaction to my probIems
with BiII. She said l had better end the reIationship. But l toId her l wouId rather
try to work things out with him.
Tracy: So did you?
Emily: l didn’t get the chance. l got home yesterday and found this note.
Tracy: “Dear EmiIy, l am bored with our reIationship. There’s no point in continuing.
lt’s over. Besides, l’ve met another woman. She’s a young British therapist.”
Oh, no, EmiIy. She isn’t your therapist, is she?
Announcer: ls she or isn’t she? To find out, tune in again tomorrow to “EmiIy’s Heart”.

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Amy’s Vacation
Amy DeIaney was a very successfuI therapist. As weII as counseIing many peopIe in her office,
she had a popuIar IocaI weekIy caII-in show on cabIe TV caIIed “What’ s Your ProbIem?” You
couId aIways find Amy cheering peopIe up and heIping them work out their probIems. Even
Amy’s good friends wouId often drop by her house for sympathy whenever they were feeIing
anxious or down in the dumps. And Amy aIways did her best to make them feeI better.

But one day, Amy herseIf started feeIing run down. She reaIized that she wouId not be abIe to
cope unIess she took a vacation, so she booked herseIf a room at the CIear Springs Resort.
She didn’t teII anyone where she was going, so as to be sure that no one wouId bother her.

“Are you THE Amy DeIaney?” asked the hoteI cIerk in an excited voice. “l watch your show aII
the time. You know, l’ve got this probIem. When l get angry, l react by shouting, and then l feeI
so ashamed of myseIf...”

“Oh, dear,” thought Amy as she hurried off to her room. There was nothing she wanted to hear
Iess than this man’s probIems. This was her vacation, and she was determined to reIax.

“HeIIo, Ms. DeIaney,” said the waitress when Amy went down for Iunch. “Do you know what
my boyfriend did? He Ieft me broken-hearted. There l was, crying, and he...”

“Er... thank you, l don’t want any Iunch,” said Amy, quickIy Ieaving the restaurant. “l wish they
wouId just Ieave me aIone,” she thought. “lt’s worse than being at home.”

Amy went outside and got into a taxi that was parked in front of the hoteI. “The taxi driver had
better not teII me any of his probIems,” she thought.

“PIease take me to the Springs,” Amy said to the driver.

“Uh, l’m afraid l’ve got a bit of a probIem,” said the driver.

“No! Stop it! You’re aII driving me crazy!” shouted Amy.

“Lady, why are you so upset?” asked the driver. “l’m just out of gas. Listen, Iady, you seem to be
under some stress. Maybe you shouId go see a good therapist, Iike that Amy DeIaney on TV.”

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School Trip
- Are you going on the schooI trip to Washington?
- l want to, but l seriousIy doubt whether Mom and Dad wiII Iet me go. They’re angry about my
report card.
- lf you ask me, they shouId Iet you go, anyway . l mean, it’s not as if you don’ t work hard and
study aII the time.
- WouId you do me a favor?
- Sure.
- WouId you go downstairs and repeat what you just said to Mom and Dad?

Will vs. Would: Review

- So, wiII you or won’t you be coming camping with us this weekend?
- l wouId if l weren’t stiII sick.
- lt’s onIy a coId. When you were younger, you wouId never miss a camping trip.
- l’m sorry. l won’t be abIe to go.
- l’II bet you wouId come if you had the right incentive. Her e. Read this note from Sharon.
- Dear Dave: WiII you pIease come camping this weekend? l’d Iove to see you... OK, l’II come.

Logical Connectors: Purpose and Condition

- ln order to pass the course, you’II have to rewrite this exam. ln the event that you faiI, you’II
have to take the whoIe course again.
- ln that case, sir, can l have a coupIe more days to study?

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People With Problems

Word Definition Example Sentence

against your wishes, forced to do something you He had to retire against his
exp. don’t want to do wishes.

ashamed of oneself, embarrassed about what one I’m ashamed of myself for
exp. has done the way I treated you.

set on doing something, not I’m entering the marathon

determined to, adj. willing to let something get in and am determined to run
your way of doing something the entire way.

Would you do me a favor

help me out, do something to
do me a favor, exp. and make me a cup of
help me

Why don’t you drop by my

drop by, phrasal verb stop by, come and visit briefly office one day, and we’ll
go for lunch?

I’m having difficulty solving

have a hard time doing
have difficulty, exp. this math problem. Can
you help me?

Don’t feel bad taking a day

it’s not as if, exp. it's not like, it's not the case that off, because it’s not as if
you do it all the time.

She reacts to unfriendly

respond to someone or a
react, exp. people by being extra
situation by doing something

really don't think that I seriously doubt whether

seriously doubt
something will happen, you’ll be able to help me,
whether, exp.
uncertain about something but you can try.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

I left early for the dinner,

so as to be sure that,
make certain that so as to be sure that I’d get
there on time.

I'd love to come and visit

you, but after commuting
want to do nothing to have no desire to do for four hours today,
less than, exp. something there's nothing I want to
do less than get back in
the car.

what's been going What’s been going on in

what has been happening
on, exp. your life?

Alex and I are having

work things out, solve problems, come to an some difficulties in our
phrasal verb agreement relationship, but we're
trying to work things out.

Sitting in this lecture is

worse than, exp. more unpleasant than... worse than being at the

You can always find me

you can always find, an action that someone does
sitting at home, reading a
exp. often or habitually

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Unit 6
Tell Me About It

In the center of South Asia, color and culture combine in the magical country that is India.
India’s history spans thousands of years. Home of ancient civilizations and trade routes, India
has grown to become a country with one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

At the heart of this growth are India’s fast-paced bustling cities of Delhi and Mumbai. In
Mumbai, you will find one of the largest centers of film production in the world. Bollywood,
the capital of the Hindi film industry, produces hundreds of films each year.

India is a country of diversity. It’s the birthplace of four of the world’s major religions. India
has 22 official languages, two of which are Hindi and English. Hindi is the most widely spoken
language in India. English is spoken extensively in business and education.

From the majestic mountains of the Himalayas to the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders
of the World, India is a country filled with beauty. It’s no wonder that visitors from all over the
world come to India to explore and experience the landscape, culture, and history of this
remarkable country.

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Mr. Robert Gray
NationaI EnvironmentaI Committee
59 Kings Road
Jersey, lN

January 10th

Dear Mr. Gray,

First, aII of us from The Society for AnimaIs in Distress wouId Iike to thank you for your very
generous donation. lt wiII more than adequateIy cover our expenses, and we have decided to
name you as an honorary member of our society.

Secondly, seeing that you wiII be in the position of authorizing our new animaI sheIter, l wouId
Iike to take this opportunity to fiII you in on our recent achievements and pIans.

ln spite of a difficuIt beginning, when our personneI department had troubIe finding suitabIe
empIoyees, we have formed a competent team of professionaI workers, aII of whom have a
good background in animaI care. We have aIso upgraded the computer system we wiII be using,
so that we wiII be abIe to keep more efficient records and document the number of cases we

ConsequentIy, we feeI that our pIans for the sheIter are going weII, so much so that we hope
to open within the month. We are aII very excited about the progress we have made, and if aII
goes according to pIan, we wiII be giving sheIter to the homeIess animaIs of our city faster than
we ever imagined.

l wouId Iike to make two more requests. First, we wouId Iike to invite you to visit us at the sheIter
in about two weeks in order to show you around. Providing that you are impressed and give
us the authorization to go ahead, we wiII be abIe to open the 31st of January. This wouId be a
great bonus for both us and the animaIs.

FinaIIy, your presence at the opening ceremony of our sheIter wouId be greatIy appreciated,
since this wouId reinforce our pubIic profiIe and encourage the pubIic support which we are so
dependent on for our success.

Once again, thank you for aII your heIp and support.
SincereIy yours,
Jane AdIer
The Society for AnimaIs in Distress

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Where’s My Daughter?
- l just turned around for a second to Iook at a dress. When l turned back she was gone!
- CaIm down. Everything wiII be aII right. l’m sure your daughter’s somewhere in the
store. Now, can you give me a description of her?
- Yes. She’s six years oId, with bIonde hair, and she was wearing a red dress and
bIack shoes.
- OK. Now, sit down and don’t worry. We’II make an announcement on the PA system.

Logical Connectors: Review

- l’d Iike to see “Nightmare Returns” tonight, in spite of the bad reviews it got.
- OK. We’II go as Iong as you promise not to scream if you get scared, Iike you did Iast time.
- l’II teII you what: since you don’ t reaIIy want to see it, we can run errands instead.
First, we can go shopping; second, we can take the curtains to the cIeaners; third, we can...
- Stop! ln that case, l think l’d rather see the movie.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

She does her job

adequately, and with
adequately, adv. well enough, satisfactorily
experience, I’m sure she
will improve further.

Your expenses are covered if you

receive an amount of money that I don’t need to make
cover expenses, exp. is equal to the amount of money money on the deal, but I
you spent buying or producing a do want to cover expenses.
product or setting up a business

reliant on, relying on someone We are dependent on

dependent on, adj. or something for support or to people like you to help keep
succeed our organization alive.

money or goods you give to

I’m collecting donations of
donation, n. benefit a person or organization,
food for the elderly.
something given to a charity

give you information you don’t I’d like to fill you in on our
fill you in on, idiom know, give you the details about plans for the design of the
something museum.

If anyone can stay late and

greatly appreciated, makes people thankful or
help clean up, it would be
exp. grateful
greatly appreciated.

Tom, you have donated

belonging to something
so much time and effort
honorary member, without requiring the necessary
to our organization, we
exp. qualifications, because of one’s
would like to make you an
help or public achievement
honorary member.

If all goes according to

plan, we’ll meet here at five
if all goes according if everything happens as we
in the morning, and start
to plan, exp. expect it; if everything works out
climbing the mountain at

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Word Definition Example Sentence

I’m very impressed with

admiring of someone because
your ability to work from
impressed, adj. of something he or she does or
home without getting
how he or she acts

Sarah made an
make a statement, give a
make an announcement to all
speech or message to a group
announcement, exp. her friends that she was
of people
moving to Italy.

people’s impression of you, Appearing at the charity

public profile, n. people’s image of a person or dinner will be good for
group your public profile.

I think you should start

taking the car to work
reinforce, v. to strengthen
every day to reinforce your
driving skills.

I’m retracing my steps to

go back and follow the same
retrace, v. figure out where I might
route you took previously
have left my wallet.

relating to a ceremonial act, The Bana tribe in Ethiopia

ritual, adj. related to religious observances performed a ritual dance
or practices (also a noun) for us.

a place where people or

We are opening a women’s
animals are protected by being
shelter, n. shelter for women
given food and a place to sleep
escaping violent situations.
or live temporarily

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Unit 7

Angie: And that's it for internationaI news. Now Iet's go to Fraser WiIkes for economic news.

Fraser: Thanks, Angie. The state government announced today a new program toassist
professionaIs who have Iost their jobs as a resuIt of the nationwide trend to reduce
personneI. The pIan, which wiII be impIemented immediateIy, is designed to
motivate both workers and empIoyers. UnempIoyed professionaIs who take courses
in order to upgrade their job skiIIs wiII be reimbursed haIf the cost of the course by
the government. Further, companies presentIy hiring workers have government
authorization to give preference to those who have taken one of these courses. First
preference wiII go to candidates who have heId management positions. ln other
news, an interesting survey recentIy conducted by the RusseII Group indicates
that empIoyees are enjoying more fringe benefits and earning more bonuses today
than at any other time in the Iast century. Those in the arts, however, are being
paid Iess this year than Iast. According to a IocaI artist, this is due to inadequate
government funding. Our Iast story today is a bit unusuaI. lt seems that a young
bored City HaII fiIe cIerk who was Iooking through oId documents has discovered
that fifteen peopIe who are actuaIIy dead are stiII being sent pension checks. The
mayor, who was asked to comment on City HaII's generosity, said onIy that he
wouId Iook into the matter. Back to you, Angie.

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am self-employed, and residing in California. I’m originally from Ohio, but have been living in
California for the past three years.

A couple of days ago, I received a letter from the tax department stating that I owe Ohio state
taxes from last year. This is clearly a mistake, as I was living in California at the time (as I’ve
mentioned), where I paid California state taxes.

I called the tax department to inquire about canceling the “debt”, and after being transferred
to a number of offices, I finally reached someone by the name of Terrance Jones. When I
explained my dilemma to Mr. Jones, he told me he could help me if he has the approval of his
superior. He suggested I write to you explaining my issue, and enclose a copy of the letter and
copies of my tax returns.

Another thing that’s strange is the sum that’s indicated on the tax bill. As you’ll see from my
records, I’m in a low tax bracket, have numerous work expenses, and pay for child care. This is
yet another reason why I’m sure there has been a technical error.

According to the letter, I have to pay the fee by the June 12th deadline. I am therefore under a
considerable amount of pressure, and although you’re probably quite tied up at this time, I ask
that you please make my issue a priority and help me solve this issue quickly.

Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Elizabeth Meyers

European Sales
- Last year our European sales were $73 million, and we...
- Pardon me for interrupting, but that’s incorrect.
- What do you mean, “incorrect”?
- I believe $73 million was our North American sales figure. European sales were only $43 million.
- You’re absolutely right, Ms. Wong. Thank you for correcting me. Now, where was I?

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Common Errors: Order of Adjectives

- The big, brown, hairy monster jumped out of the bushes.
- Uh-oh! WiII the mean, ugIy monster eat the tiny , young girI?
 et’s keep reading and see. SuddenIy, a taII, young, French soIdier appeared and
drew his sword.
- Oh, no! The poor monster!

Finance 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

Did you receive

authorization, n. official permission authorization to sell your
products at this booth?

Out of all the restaurants

you mentioned, my first
first preference, exp. number one choice
preference would be the
Turkish Grill.

work you do for a company or I do freelance writing

freelance, adj. companies of which you are work for a few different
not a permanent employee advertising companies.

something given by an
The salary at my new job
employer to an employee in
is not so high, but at least
fringe benefits, n. addition to his or her salary,
they give a lot of fringe
such as a car, vacation, or
health insurance

The first thing I’ll do if

implement a plan, I’m elected mayor, is
to put an idea into effect
exp. implement a plan to
lower taxes.

Because the school

inadequate funding, not enough money to support received inadequate
exp. something funding, it had to close

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Word Definition Example Sentence

general tendency or There is a nationwide

nationwide trend,
movement throughout the trend to lower prices on
country medication.

a sum of money paid regularly

to someone after he or she Now that my dad has
pension, n. has retired (stopped working retired, he will start
because he or she has receiving his pension.
reached a certain age)

Pay for whatever teaching

supplies you need and
reimburse, v. to pay someone back
the school will reimburse

number of items that a Our sales figures this

sales figures, n. company sells in a given time month were the highest
period. they’ve been all year.

The problem with being

working for oneself instead of self-employed is that you
self-employed, adj.
an employer have to pay your own
health insurance.

when you get money back According to my

from the government because accountant, I should be
tax rebate, n.
you paid more taxes than you receiving a tax rebate this
owe year.

document you fill out

indicating how much money You only have one more
tax return, n. you earn, so the government week to mail in your tax
will know how much tax you return.

She’s already been

unemployed for two
unemployed, adj. out of work, having no job
months even though
she’s very qualified.

I think it’s time to upgrade

to improve the quality, make
upgrade, v. my computer, so it works

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Unit 8

A Career in Fashion
Olivia: ...and that’s why fashion week in Milan is so important.
TV Host: So, tell me Olivia, how did you get started in the world of fashion?
Olivia: Well, by pure chance. I’d been in New York about a month. I was sitting in a
coffee shop when a man came up to my table and asked me if I wanted to
model for a fashion magazine. People had asked me to model before, but this
time it was Pete Marcham.
TV Host: Not THE Pete Marcham?
Olivia: He was looking for a new face for a special photo-shoot. The next day I went to
his studio and within a month I had to call an agent to handle all my bookings.
TV Host: And I thought these things only happened in the movies!
Olivia: Me too! Well, it was fun in the beginning. But then I began to realize it wasn’t
for me. I didn’t know who I was as a person. I’d see myself on a cover of a
magazine and I would think, “Who’s she?”
TV Host: So what did you do?
Olivia: I decided I no longer wanted to be in front of the camera. I wanted to be
behind it! I became a fashion photographer and I haven’t looked back since!

Dear Dotty
by A. Raines

Dorothy PeaIe’s Iatest book, “ln Response,” is fast becoming a bestseIIer . “ln Response” is a
seIection of Ietters to Dorothy from her famous weekIy newspaper coIumn, “Dear Dotty,”
aIong with her repIies. Ms. PeaIe has been giving advice to readers on a variety of subjects for
over twenty-five years.

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“l had a difficuIt time deciding which of the thousands of Ietters l’ve received l shouId incIude
in the book,” says Ms. PeaIe. “l wanted to show that sometimes peopIe need to turn to others
in order to work out a specific personaI probIem. For some, putting their feeIings down on
paper signifies that they have begun to face an issue.”
When did Dorothy first reaIize that she had a taIent for heIping peopIe?
“My friends have aIways feIt free to confide in me. When l was a teenager, many of them
wouId pass me notes in cIass asking for advice about boyfriends or parents, and l was pIeased
to give it. l think they feIt that l answered them sincereIy and they were gratefuI to be abIe to
‘taIk’ to someone through secret, personaI Ietters.”
How does one Iearn to write an advice coIumn?
“l’ve aIways Iiked to write, and for this reason l went to journaIism schooI. l aIso have a degree
in sociaI work. l guess both of these quaIify me for my current job.”
ls Ms. PeaIe writing another book?
“Not at the moment,” she informs us. As she puts it, she is too busy giving interviews in
connection with “ln Response.”
“But l’ve begun to think about my next book, so you’II be hearing from me in the near future.”
ln the meantime, don’t forget to drop a Iine to Dotty.

I Apologize
- I must apologize for being late. I had to take my son to the doctor.
- N
 o harm done, but let’s get started with the interview right away. Are you interested in the
position of junior programmer, or IT assistant?
- It makes no difference to me. I just need a steady job.
- I understand. Did you bring any references?

Participles: Participial Adjectives

- l’m so bored.
- Are you kidding? This is the most exciting game of the season!
- l can see that you’re excited, but l think basebaII is boring.
- OK. Next weekend l’II take you to a footbaII game.

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Participles: Present/Past
- Your teacher just caIIed. She says she caught you cheating on a test today .
- l’m sorry. But l’ve been finding it difficuIt to study with this broken arm.
- Maybe l can give you a heIping hand. What do they have you Iearning in schooI these days?
- Shakespeare, Advanced AIgebra, Computer Science...
- Hmmm. Maybe you shouId get your mother to heIp you.


Word Definition Example Sentence

You’re the only person

tell secrets to and share private I feel comfortable
confide in, v.
thoughts confiding in, because you
understand me.

Why don’t you drop me a

to call or write to say a quick
drop a line, idiom line the next time you’re in

We really have to face the

face an issue, idiom to confront a problem issue of where to send our
children to school.

Are newspapers fast

quickly turning into, quickly
fast becoming, exp. becoming a thing of the

what you say when you want

Everyone can feel free to
feel free, exp. someone to know they can do
explore the house.
something without worrying

help someone figure out what It’s great to talk to you,

give advice, exp. to do or how to behave in a because you give such
certain situation good advice.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

I’m grateful for all the

grateful, adj. thankful, appreciative support you gave me and
my family this year.

Don’t worry; I’ll handle this

handle, v. to take care of, to be in charge of

I’m writing in response

to your ad for a graphic
in response, exp. in answer, in reply
designer, and would like to
apply for the job.

nothing bad resulted even

though one may have expected No harm done, the vase is
no harm done, exp.
it to, don’t worry because no still in one piece.
serious damage was caused

Who’s on the cover of

when your picture appears on
on the cover, exp. this week’s Celebrity
the front of a magazine or book

Before we speak about

put your feelings write down what you are what’s bothering you,
down on paper, idiom thinking and feeling I want you to put your
feelings down on paper.

collection, a group of We will be reading from a

selection, n. something chosen from a selection of poems written
bigger group by Kathy Goodrich.

If she smiled when I left

the audition, does it signify
signify, v. to show, to mean something
that she thinks I did a good

We have weekly speakers,

variety of subjects, n. a range of topics who speak on a variety of

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