Literature Review Matrix: Author Title of The Article Name of The Journal Year Research Problem Design Findings
Literature Review Matrix: Author Title of The Article Name of The Journal Year Research Problem Design Findings
Literature Review Matrix: Author Title of The Article Name of The Journal Year Research Problem Design Findings
Simon The Impact of Journal of 2013 Social media Qualitative Social Media Platforms,
Hudson Social Media Travel & has profoundly Descriptive particularly TikTok, can
on the Tourism altered the Research strongly influence the decision-
Karen Thal Consumer Marketing consumer making process of travelers. It
Decision decision-making can also be an outlet for them
Process: process, and in to acquire knowledge about a
Implications the last decade, specific destination, and a
for Tourism a more nuanced place where they can share
Marketing perspective of their travel experiences.
how consumers interact with
10.1080/1054 companies has
8408.2013.75 arisen.
Jana The Rise of Digital 2021 This chapter Qualitative Following the global effort to
Feldkamp TikTok: The Responses to investigates the Research fight the pandemic, social
Evolution of a Covid-19 rise of TikTok media became a vital part of
Social Media during the global the solution as it allowed
Platform pandemic by people to connect and
During reviewing the communicate with each other.
COVID-19 existing
literature from research and
10.1007/978- practice.
S. S. Veleva Characteristics IOP 2020 Thereby, they Qualitative Digital marketing is a process
of the digital Conference. will be able to Research utilized for increasing a
A. I. marketing Series: determine to company's visibility and brand
Tsvetanova advantages Materials what extent and awareness. It involves the use
and Science and which tools of of various digital marketing
disadvantages Engineering the whole digital techniques.
marketing palette are best
10.1088/1757- suited to their
899x/940/1/01 marketing
2065 activities
Clare Hayes Making Every Journal of 2020 To demonstrate Quantitative TikTok can be utilized to
Second Count: Chemical how TikTok may Research increase public and
Katherine Utilizing Education be utilized by undergraduate student
Stott TikTok and undergraduate involvement with chemistry
Katie J. Lamb Systems students in and science education, as well
Thinking to academic as help the public realize how
Glenn A. Facilitate research. chemistry can be enjoyable,
Hurst Scientific done at home, and is a part of
Public our everyday life.
on of
Chemistry at
Heejun Kim Use of The ResearchGate 2015 In particular, this Quantitative It analyzed the usage of the
Internet for study examined Research Internet among four
Zheng Xiang Trip Planning: various aspects generations. It found that
Daniel R. A of Internet use among the Silent Generation,
Fesenmaier Generational among four teenagers are more likely to
Analysis generational use the Internet than older
groups including individuals. the Silent
10.1080/1054 Generation,
8408.2014.89 Baby Boomers,
6765 Generation X,
and Generation
Y over a six-year
Xin Du I want to ResearchGate 2020 Seeking to Qualitative It indicate that tourists are
record and understand how Research drawn to TikTok videos mainly
Toni Liechty Share my involvement with due to the endless possibilities
Carla A. wonderful social media of sharing and storing their
Santos journe': influences travel meaningful life in a public diary
Chinese experiences, the and by the help of Hashtags it
Jeongeun millennials' current make easier to find.
Park production and investigation
sharing of explores the
short-form reasoning and
travel videos social
on TikTok or justifications of
Douyin. tourists’
with travel videos on the short-form video
doi/abs/10.108 sharing platform
0/13683500.2 – TikTok.
Yana Respati Creating AMAR 2021 This research Quantitative Tiktok is a video platform that
Dewi Customers (Andales explained how Research enables users to create short
Engagement Management 15 second video videos with a duration of up to
and Customer Review) can create 60 seconds. Its effectiveness
Value within customer is relative to other media
15 second: engangement platforms.
How Tiktok and customer
Video Works value on product
for Content or services.
Xie Xiaoluan Research on Jurnal 2021 Through the use Qualitative The rise of social media
Social Media Audiens of precision Descriptive marketing has become a hot
Tourism marketing, word- Research topic in the tourism industry in
Marketing in of-mouth recent years. The outbreak of
the Post – marketing, the epidemic has also
Epidemic celebrity effect intensified the development of
Period and other this strategy.
marketing strategies, it can
10.18196/jas.v also improve the
2i2.11914 audience's
willingness to
travel during the
post epidemic
period, and
promote the
recovery and
development of