Access To Credit and Performance of Small Scale Farmers in Nigeria

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This research work has been approved to have met the requirement for the award of the
Master of Science Degree in Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State,


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Head of Department

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Dean, Faculty of the Social Sciences

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This is to certify that Abochi, Shadrach Ikechukwu, a postgraduate student of the

Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, with registration number

PG/M.Sc./14/68429 has satisfactorily completed the requirements for the degree of Master of

Science (M.Sc.) in Economics. The work embodied is original and has not been submitted in

part or full for any other Diploma or Degree of this or any other University.

..................................................................... Date....................................



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.................................................................... Date.....................................


Head of Department

iii | P a g e

This research work is dedicated to God almighty and to my father, Elder Camillus

Okoronnaya Abochi as well as my mother, Mrs. Christiana Ugwoakunnaya Abochi.

iv | P a g e

It is my pleasure to thank Rev. Fr. Prof. Hyacinth Eme Ichoku for supervising this thesis. I

greatly benefited from my discussions with Dr Emmanuel Nwosu, Dr Nathaniel Urama, Dr

Tony Orji and Mr Ekene Aguaghoh. Furthermore, I thank my classmates and the entire

Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka for creating such an enjoyable and

inspiring atmosphere. Finally, I am deeply grateful to my family and friends.




In spite of the attempts made by some studies to explore access to credit and its effect on
output of small scale farmers in Nigeria, most of these studies did not apply the widely
accepted impact assessment methodologies and therefore, may be subject to serious problems
due to sample selection bias. This problem inspired this study which seeks to find the
demographic and socio-economic features of small scale farmers in Nigeria which
significantly determine their access to credit and the effect of credit access on the output of
theses farmers, and a further attempt was made to check whether or not the poverty and
marital statuses of small scale farmers who accessed credit caused a significant difference in
their output using Instrumental Variable(IV) and Heckman Two-Step Estimation Techniques
to correct for endogeneity and sample selection biases. Both the first stage of IV and first step
of Heckman approach revealed that value of land, household size and the highest level of
education of small scale farmers were, at 5% level, the significant determinants of their
access to credit. Both techniques agree that household size, acreage cultivated, age in years,
years of experience, sex and total annual income of the small scale farmers were the
variables that significantly influence their output at 5% level. However, they disagree on the
effects of the highest level of education and marital status of these farmers on their outputs.
While Heckman estimated them to have significant effect on small scale farmers’ output, the
generalized method of moments showed they are not significant, even at 10% level, at
determining the output of theses farmers. They also agreed that credit access, which has a
negative significant effect on output at only 10% level, does not significantly impact output of
small scale farmers at 5% level of significance. Again, among the small scale farmers who
accessed credit, there were significant differences in their outputs due to their poverty and
marital statuses. This study suggests that government and private financial institutions
should consider improving their (financial) services to small scale farmers to boost their

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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics 60

Table 2: The Presence of Sample Selection Bias 62

Table 3: Results for the First Stage Instrumental Variable and Heckman Selection

Equation Estimates 65

Table 4: Results of Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 66- 67

Table 5: Results of OLS and GMM Estimates 68

Table 6: Estimates of Ordinary Least Squares and Step-Two of Heckman Model 71

Table 7: Heckman Step-Two Estimates with GMM Estimates 74-75

Table 8: OLS Estimates of Small Scale Farmers’ Poverty Status Effect on Their Output 77

Table 9: OLS Estimates of the Effect of Small Scale Farmers’ Marital Status on

Output of Those Who Accessed Credit 78

vii | P a g e

Fig.1: Contribution of Agriculture to the Gross Domestic Product from 1981 To 2013 2

Fig.2: Distribution of Commercial Banks’ Loans and Advances to Some Sectors In 3

Fig.3: Index of Credit Access from 2009 Quarter 1 To 2014 Quarter 4 3

Fig.4: Micro Finance Banks Loans and Advances to Agricultural Sector 4

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2SLS Two-stage Least Squares

ACGS Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme

ACGSF Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme

ADB African Development Bank
ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller
ADF Agricultural Development Fund

ADPs Agricultural Development Projects

AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

APT Agricultural Policy Trust
ASI Agricultural Schemes Initiatives

BLUE Best Linear Unbiased Estimator

BoI Bank of Industry
CACS Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme
CBN Central Bank of Nigeria
CSAF Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance
CVM Contingent Valuation Method
DFID Department For International Development
DFRRI Directorate of Food Roads And Rural Infrastructure
EA Enumeration Area
EXIM Export Import
FAFIN Fund for Agricultural Finance In Nigeria
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FEAP Family Economic Advancement Programme
FIML Full Information Maximum Likelihood
FMARD Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
FSC Farm Service Centres

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GMM Generalized Method of Moment
GRP Green Revolution Programme

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HUs Housing Units
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IITA International Institute for Tropical Agriculture
ISPO Irrevocable Standing Payment Order
IV Instrumental Variable
LACS Large Scale Agricultural Credit Scheme

LATE Local Average Treatment Effect

LIMLE Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Estimator

MFIs Micro Finance Institutions
M.SC. Master of Science

MSAP Multi-Stage Agricultural Development Project

MSME Micro Small and Medium Enterprises

NAPEP National Poverty Eradication Programme
NACB Nigerian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank
NACRDB The Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank
NAFPP National Accelerated Food Production Project
NALDA National Agricultural Land Development Authority

NCRI National Cereal Research Institute

NFDP National Fadama Development Project

NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations

NGF National Guarantee Fund
NIRSAL Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural
NISH National Integrated Survey of Household
NLSS Nigeria Living Standards Survey
NSIA Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority
OFN Operation Feed the Nation

OLS Ordinary Least Sqaures

PBN Peoples Bank of Nigeria
PP Philips Perron

RBDAs River Basin Development Authorities
RBS Rural Banking Scheme

RESAKSS Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System

RRF Refinancing and Rediscounting Facility

RTEP Root and Tuber Expansion Programme

SAP Structural Adjustment Programme

salevalequip Sales Values of Equipment

SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
SMEEIS Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme
USD United States of American Dollar
valland Market Value of Land
VAR Vector Autoregressive

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Title Page……………………………………………………………………. i

Approval……………………………………………………………………... ii

Certification …………………………………………………………………. iii

Dedication …………………………………………………………………… iv

Acknowledgement… ………………………………………………………... v

Abstract………………………………………………………………………. vi

List of Tables..……………………………………………………………….. vii

List of Figures………………………………………………………………… viii

List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………………. ix– xi

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………. xii – xvii


1.1 Background to the Study…………………………………….………......... 1–6

1.2 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………....... 6 – 8

1.3 Research Questions……………………………………………………........ 8

1.4 Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………………. 8-9

1.5 Research Hypotheses …………………………………………………......... 9

1.6 Scope of the Study………………………………………………………..... 9

1.7 Significance of the Study……………………………….….......................... 10



2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….……....... 11

2.2 Some Relevant Agricultural Credit Policies and Programs in Nigeria........... 11

2.2.1 The National Accelerated Food Production Project (NAFPP).....…….......... 11-12

2.2.2 The Nigeria Agricultural and Cooperative Bank (NACB)..…….................. 12

xii | P a g e
2.2.3 The River Basin Development Authority (RBDA)..………....….......... 12-13

2.2.4 The Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs)……………….……... 14

2.2.5 Operation Feed The Nation (OFN)...........................…......................... 15

2.2.6 The Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS)..………….……. 15-16

2.2.7 The Land Degcree Of 1978…………………………………................ 16

2.2.8 The Rural Banking Scheme (RBS)..………………………………….. 16-17

2.2.9 The Green Revolution Programme (GRP).……………………………. 17

2.2.10 The Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP).…………………….... 18

2.2.11 The National Land Development Authority (NALDA)..……………. 18-19

2.2.12 National Fadama Development Project (NFDP)...…………............... 19

2.2.13 Family Advancement Programme (FEAP)…………………………. . 19

2.2.14 Root and tuber expansion programme (RTEP)……………….…….... 19

2.2.15 Agricultural Schemes Initiatives (ASI)....................………….…….... 20

2.2.16 Small and Medium enterprises investment scheme (SMEIS)..……..... 20

2.2.17 Refinancing and Rediscounting Facility (RRF)....………................... 20

2.2.18 National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP).......………….... 20-21

2.3 Reasons for the Failure of The Policies and Programmes..................... 21-22

2.4 President Yar’aua’s 7 Point Agenda .....................……………………. 22-23

2.5 The Agricultural Transformation Agenda of President Goodluck Ebele

Jonathan’s Administration...................................................................... 23-24

2.6 Recent Initiatives for Funding Agriculture..............................………... 24-26


3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….…... 27

3.2 Conceptual Framework……………………………………….………. 27

3.2.1 The Concept of Credit……………………………………………….. 27-28

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3.2.2 Credit Demand…………………………………………………............. 28

3.2.3 Access to Credit and Credit Use...………………………………....….... 28

3.2.4 Loan Repayment And Loan Default..…………………………….…….. 29

3.2.5 Definition of a Small Scale Farmers.………………………..….............. 29– 30

3.2.6 Performance of a Small Scale Farmer..................…………………........ 30

3.3 Theoretical Literature………………………………………………….... 30

3.3.1 Theory of Agricultural Finance By Jungale…………………………...... 31

3.3.2 Risk and Uncertainty Theory of Agricultural Finance...……………….. 31 – 32

3.3.3 The Theory of Change..................………….………………………….... 32

3.3.4 Reservation Demand and the Rates of Interest By H.J. Davenport......…. 32-33

3.3.5 Theoretical Argument on Loan Sources ……………………………….. 33-34

3.4 The Nature and Role of Credit Market......……………………………... 34

3.5 The Link Between Finance, Agriculture and Economic Growth..……... 35

3.6 Empirical Literature................................................................................. 35

3.6.1 Empirical Evidence from International Literature......…………………. 35-38

3.6.2 Empirical Evidence from Nigeria..………….…………………………. 38-41

3.6.7 Limitations of Previous Works and Value Addition............................... 41-42


4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 43-44

4.2 Theoretical Framework..................…………………….………….......... 44

4.3 Model Specification..............…………………….……………………... 44

4.3.1 Heckman Two-Step Model Specification...............................…………. 44-46

4.3.1a Estimation Procedure......………………………………………………. 46- 48

4.3.1b Definition of Variables......……………………………………………. 48- 49

4.3.1c Model Justification.............………………………………………….... 50- 51

xiv | P a g e
4.3.2 Instrumental Variable Technique…………………………………….. 51- 52

4.3.2a Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) ....…………………………………….. 53- 54

4.3.2b Selection of Instruments.......................................................…………. 54

4.3.2c Test for Endogeneity ...........………………………………………….. 54- 55

4.3.2d Test For Heterosckedasticity...............................………………………. 55

4.3.2e Tset For Overidentification Restriction and Relevance Of Instruments... 55

4.3.2f Model Justification ……………………………………………….......... 55- 56

4.3.3 Model Three: Ordinary Least Squares For Objective Four...................... 56

4.3.4 Model Four: Ordinary Least Squares For Objective Five…………….... 56- 57

4.4 Data Sources and Description................................................................... 57- 56

4.5 Sampling Design.......................................................................................... 58

4.6 Sample Size................................................................................................. 58

4.7 Software to Be Employed........................................................................... 58

4.8 Limitations of the Survey Data................................................................... 58- 59


5.1 Descriptive Statistics........................................................................................... 60- 61

5.2 The Presence of Sample Selection Bias...............................…………..... 62

5.3 Presentation and the Interpretation of Preliminary Results For The

Instrumental Variable Technique Application.......................................... 62

5.3.1 Test Of Endogeneity (Orthogonality Conditions) For Access To Credit

(Loanuse).................................................................................................. 62- 63

5.3.2 Result of the Test For Heteroscedasticity.............................................. 63

5.3.3 Interpretation of Results For Tests of Overidentifying Restrictions...... 63- 64

5.3.4 Interpretation of the Results of the Test For Identification of The

Model and the Relevance or Redundancy of the Instrument................ 64

xv | P a g e
5.3.5 Interpretation of Results for Model Underidentification Tests................. 64

5.4 Interpretation of Results for the First Stage Instrumental Variable and

Heckman Selection Estimations (For Objective One).............................. 65- 66

5.5. Interpretation of the Results for Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation

For Objective Two (The Reference Model).............................................. 66- 68

5.6 Interpretation of the Results of the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)

Estimation for Objective Three and Its Comparison to OLS Estimates......... 68- 70

5.7 Interpretation of the Results for the Heckman Step Two Estimation for Objective

Three and Its Comparison with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Estimates...... 71

5.7.1 Interpretation of the Results for the Heckman Step Two (Heckman)

Estimation for Objective Three................................................................. 71- 72

5.7.2 Comparison of the Heckman Step-Two Estimates With Ordinary Least

Squares (OLS) Estimates.......................................................................... 73- 74

5.8 Comparison of Heckman Step-Two Estimates with GMM Estimates...... 74- 76

5.9 Interpretation of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates Of the Effects Of

Poverty Status on The Output of Small Scale Farmers Who Accessed

Credit (Objective Three)............................................................................ 77- 78

5.10 Interpretation of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates Of the Effects

of Marital Status on the Output Of Small Scale Farmers Who Accessed

Credit (Objective Four).............................................................................. 78

5.11 Discussion of Results and Evaluation of Research Hypotheses............... 78- 79


6.1 Summary................................................................................................... 80- 82

6.2 Conclusion............................................................................................... 82- 83

6.3 Policy Implication................................................................................... 84- 85

xvi | P a g e
6.4 Suggestions for Further Research........................................................... 85

REFERENCES….......……………………………………………………….. 86- 94

APPENDICES…....………………………………………………………...... 95- 110

xvii | P a g e



Agriculture is the mainstay of most developing nations’ economies. It accounts for about 70

percent of full-time employment, 33 percent of national income and about 40 percent of

African countries’ total export earnings (Otsuka, Larson & Hazel, 2013). Agricultural sector

is fundamental to the provision of food for human development and raw materials for

industries. In Nigeria, agriculture has great potential for growth. This comes from the

country’s abundant natural resources, particularly land, and the large yield gap that we can

explore to increase food security and reduce poverty (AGRA, 2013). The proportion of rural

poverty is the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa and it also has the greatest potential for

smallholder agriculture-led poverty reduction (Christiaensen, Demery & Kuhl, 2011).

Christiaensen et al. (2011), also found that a 1% increase in agricultural per capita Gross

Domestic Product (GDP) reduced the poverty gap five times more than a 1% increase in GDP

per capita in other sectors, mainly among the poorest people who, mainly, are small scale

farmers. Since agriculture employs a large number of people in Nigeria, increasing

productivity is essential to eradicating extreme hunger, poverty reduction and ensuring food

security (Chigbu, 2004). The Sub-Saharan Africa countries (Nigeria inclusive) invest, on

average, only 5-7% of public expenditure in agriculture, compared to 8-10% in Asia

(RESAKSS, 2010), whereas in the 2003 Maputo Declaration, African Heads of State

committed to increasing expenditures on agriculture to 10 percent of their national budgets

(Diao, Thurlow, Benin & Fan, 2012).

However, small scale farming contributes to the national objective of employment

opportunities creation and income generation by providing a source of livelihood for the

majority of low-income households in Nigeria. Despite these significant roles played by the

sector, the small scale farmers have, over the years, experienced many constraints that have

limited the achievement of their full potentials. The figure 1 below shows clearly, that the

contribution of agriculture to the Gross Domestic Product has been less than N400 Billion

since 1981.

FIGURE 1: Contribution of Agriculture to Gross Domestic Product

Output in Billions of Naira


Source: Author’s Plot Using Excel and Data From CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2014.

From the figure 2 on the next page, agricultural sector has always received the least from the

commercial banks since 2008.

Figure 2: Distribution of Commercial Banks' Loans and Advances To Some Sectors In

Nigeria (In Billions of Naira)

Source: Author’s Plot Using Excel and Data From CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2014.

Also, access to credit index by farmers rose from 1% in 2010 to 13.3% in 2011 but fell to

3.1% in the third quarter of 2014, as shown in the figure 3 below.

FIGURE 3: Index of Credit Access Between 2009 Quarter 1 To 2014 Quarter 4.



Credit Access Index(%)


credit access index




Source: Author’s Plot Using Excel and Data From CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2014.

The microfinance banks loans and advances to the sector (shown in figure 4 below) fell from

its peak (9,704.9 million) in 2005 to (7,735.7 million) in 2014.

Figure 4: Micro Finance Banks Loans and Advances to Agric. Sector

Loans and Advances in Millions of Naira



Micro Finance Banks Loans and
4,000.0 Advances to Agric Sector in
Millions of Naira


Source: Author’s Plot Using Excel and Data From CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2014.

These figures, however, are discouraging for the sector that sustains about 70 percent of our

population (CBN, 2014).

The major challenge facing these farmers is lack of and limited access to credit as we saw in

the figures 2, 3 and 4 above. Credit is, no doubt, the important instruments that can enable

small-scale farmers overcome their liquidity constraint, but lack of acceptable collateral and

procedural bureaucracies of credit borrowing that also affects the timing of the credit are

some of the constraints the smallholder farmers face in accessing credit from the formal

institutions. These problems have led to majority of small scale farmers limiting themselves

to subsistence activities. Illiteracy also affects the small scale farmers’ access to credit and

the success of the agricultural development efforts in Nigeria. The farmers who have no basic

education are denied credit access and this reduces their output by keeping them in

subsistence farming (Chigbu, 2004). This type of subsistence farming is characterized by low

output, income and savings, poor access to inputs, and very importantly, lack of access to

credit financing (Diagne, 2002). In fact, lack of credit to agricultural sector has been

identified as the major cause of high rate of exit from agricultural businesses and the poor

performance of the sector (Okurut, Schoombee & Berg, 2004).

These constraints induced successive Nigerian governments to initiate policies and

programmes that would ensure adequate availability of cheap and accessible credit to small-

scale farmers (Nwanze,2011). Some of these programmes introduced over the years include:

The Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund (ACGSF), established in April, 1978,

mainly to cushion the effect of lack of collateral of the small scale farmers in Nigeria; The

Rural Banking Scheme (RBS), which established about 300 branches in rural areas between

1980 and 1989; The Community Bank of Nigeria (1990); The Family Economic

Advancement Programme (FEAP), established in 1997; and recently, The Nigerian

Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) renamed Bank of

Agriculture (BoI) in October, 2000. A complete list of the policies and programmes

established to improve agriculture, alongside their aims, achievements and reasons for their

failures, are in chapter two (the policy context of this study).

Whether these programs and policies of the government have succeeded in terms of

improving the small scale farmers’ output significantly is one area researchers have not

adequately investigated. This may be because increasing access to credit by small scale

farmers has never formed a major goal of the policies and programs of the government and

even when it is listed as part of her development objectives, realities may prove otherwise. It

may also be that most of the research works in this area did not use the acceptable research

methodologies which account for sample selection bias and endogeneity. Interestingly,

empirical evidences of the effect of credit use by smallholder farmers on their output can be

used as a reliable guide to design agricultural policy and program necessary to achieve

efficient allocation of scarce resources among the sectors of the economy.

In the light of the above premise, this study seeks to ascertain the demographic and socio-

economic features of the small scale farmers which significantly determine their access to

credit, if there is significant effect of credit access on the output of small scale farmers who

accessed credit, whether the poverty levels of small scale farmers who have credit access

have significant effect on their output relative to non poor small scale farmers who accessed

credit and if marital status has any significant difference in the output of small scale farmers

who accessed credit, employing the proper econometric tools which correct for endogeneity

and sample selection bias.


Notwithstanding that the agricultural sector employs nearly three-quarter of the Nigerian

work force (Ugbaja & Ugwumba, 2013), it has been observed to be performing poorly. In

Nigeria, however, agriculture is dominated by small scale farmers (as can be seen in their

small-scale farming activities) most of whom are rural-based, with low level of education;

poor access to useful information and market and lack access to credit finance. Inaccessibility

of credit by these farmers hinders their acquisition of the required inputs to increase their

output. Lack of these required inputs limit agricultural development by reducing farmers’

output, expected income, savings (needed for investment) and overall welfare of the small

scale farmers in Nigeria(Daveze, 2000). Again, the enduring lack of credit access faced by

these farmers have significant consequences for their household-level outcomes, as well as,

technology adoption, agricultural productivity, food security, nutrition, health and overall

welfare of the smallholder farmers’ households (Eyo, 2008). Increasing small scale farmers’

output for self-sufficiency, no doubt, requires more use of inputs such as improved seedlings,

fertilizers, pesticides, land and labour and they all necessitate the use of credit (Odoemenem

and Obinne, 2010). However, small scale farmers in Nigeria need tangible financial resources

to enable them cope with the increasing cost of inputs (Diagne, 2002). Therefore, credit is the

main solution to the low savings capacity of the small scale farmers in Nigeria due to its role

in enabling farmers take care of the expenses/investments associated with increase in their

output. Thus, solving the problem of small scale farmers’ access to credit is very important in

improving their performance and, as a result, will lead to economic development through its

role in agricultural development.

The little efforts to encourage the farmers by the government, however, most times, do not

get to the grass root, and when they are channelled at the grass root, only the farmers with

political affiliation or loyalty get them. Sometimes, these credits get to false farmers who use

them for non agricultural activities, thereby making the effort of the government fruitless

(Nwaeze, 2001).

In addition, credit institutions are often constrained from serving the small scale farmers by

lack of property rights (acceptable collateral), high cost of transaction (cost to the financial

sector for giving the loans to these farmers), high risk and low returns from agricultural

businesses (Chigbu, 2004). Also, the methods (for example, loan rationing) and practice (high

interest rate charge) adopted by the financial institutions have not in any way attenuated the

yearnings of these smallholder farmers. The timing of the loan, however, is an issue also as

most of the loans granted were advanced to farmers later after they had finished their planting

(Okunmadewa, 2003).

Furthermore, the research efforts in this area have not adequately evaluated the effect of

credit access on the output of small scale farmers who accessed credit. This prompts me to

delve into ascertaining if the demographic and socio-economic features of the small scale

farmers significantly determine their access to credit, if there is significant effect of credit use

on the output of small scale farmers in Nigerian, whether the poverty levels of small scale

farmers who have credit access have significant impact on their output relative to their peers

who are non poor and if the outputs of small scale farmers who accessed credit significantly

vary due to their marital status. To do this, this research work will attempt to answer the

following research questions:


1. What are the demographic and socio-economic features of the small scale farmers in

Nigeria that significantly determine their access to credit?

2. Has access to credit by small scale farmers in Nigeria any significant effect on their


3. Does the poverty status of small scale farmers who accessed credit have any

significant effect on their output?

4. Is there any significant difference, due to marital status, in the output of small scale

farmers who accessed credit?


The broad objectives of this study is to know the demographic and socio-economic

characteristics of the small scale farmers that significantly determine their access to credit

and to ascertain if credit access by small-scale farmers in Nigeria significantly influenced

their output, after correcting for endogeneity and selectivity bias. In particular, this research

work will seek:

1. To determine if demographic and socio-economic characteristics of small scale

farmers significantly influence their access to credit.

2. To ascertain the effect of credit access on the output of small scale farmers in
3. To know if poverty status of small scale farmers who used credit has any
significant effect on their output.

4. To estimate the difference in output, due to marital status, of small scale farmers
who accessed credit.


HO1 : The demographic and socio-economic status of small scale farmers do not

significantly determine their access to credit.

HO2: Credit access by small-scale farmers has no significant effect on their output.

HO3: The influence of credit use on output of small scale farmers is the same irrespective

of their poverty statuses.

HO4: The effect of credit access on output of small scale farmers is the same for both the

married and single small scale farmers.


This research will look at the demographic and social-economic features of small scale

farmers which determine their access to credit and the effect of their credit access on their

output. It will consider the credit obtained from both formal and informal credit sources by

small scale farmers in Nigeria. The analyses will be on national level. Output will be used to

measure performance of small scale farmers in Nigeria. It will use data from the agricultural

section of the Nigeria Living Standard Survey, 2009 and the Harmonized Nigeria Living

Standard Survey, 2012, Version 1.0.


This research will be significant to the government, ministry of agriculture and policy makers

--as empirical revelations from the effect of credit access on the output of small scale farmers

can be used as a reliable guide in designing agricultural policies and programs needed to

bring about efficient allocation of scarce resources among the sectors of the country. The

research will also be relevant to farmers --to enable them know the areas they need

improvement on and researchers (both students and non-students) to know the appropriate

research methodologies to adopt when researching in this area.

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Over the years, credit policies and programs were introduced to make sufficient investment

funds available to the agricultural sector. The main objectives of these policies were to

increase the volume of credit in rural areas and create enabling environment, so that the

small-scale farmers can have access to agricultural credit to finance their production and

enhance their performance. The rationale for these targeted assistance to the small scale

farmers are that they, as a group, represent a very large percentage of population, creating

most of the jobs, sustaining the rural populace and provide a large percentage of the private

sector payroll. Given that lack of and limited access to finance is identified as one of the

greatest limitations for the operation and growth of the small scale farming, policies that are

directed to efficiently lift these credit constraints for the small scale farmers would

consequently be expected to impact directly on their growth and hence, the growth of the

economy as a whole. In this light, the socio-economic environment and policy context of this

study will tow the following lines:



2.2.1 The National Accelerated Food Production Project (NAFPP)

The NAFPP was established in 1973 with the main objective of accelerating the production

of the six major crops in Nigeria namely; rice, maize, wheat, cassava, sorghum and millet. It

had three components― research, extension and agro-services―and was separated into three

phases namely; the Minikit, Production kit and Mass production phase (Anyanwu, 1997). The

International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan was the national coordinator of

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NAFPP. The National Cereal Research Institute (NCRI) Ibadan coordinates the activities of

the NAFPP for rice and maize while National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike

coordinated the cassava section. The NAFPP centre at Samaru, Zaria took charge of sorghum,

millet and wheat (Anyanwu, 1997). Although a substantial number of farmers gained from

the programme, it lacked adequate financing, publicity, commitment from government, in

addition to poor infrastructural facilities that bedevilled it. It also introduced seed varieties

that did not meet the traditional preferences of farmers. Shortage of extension service workers

also contributed to its failure.

2.2.2 The Nigerian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank (NACB)

The NACB was established in 1973 with the aim of fostering growth in the quantity and

quality of credit given to all aspects and levels of farmers for agricultural production and to

improve the storage facilities for agricultural products including the promotion of agricultural

products marketing. The Central Bank of Nigeria had 40% equity contribution valued at

N150 million in 1984. The bank provided direct loan to farmers and through the state

institutions and cooperative societies on-lend to third parties (the members of the organized

rural cooperatives). Inadequacy of the loan amount granted the farmers thwarted the aim of

the bank. It was later merged with the Peoples Bank of Nigeria (PBN) and Family Economic

Advancement Programme (FEAP) to form the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural

Development Bank (NACRDB). The NACRDB was renamed the Bank of Agriculture in

October, 2000. Over 300,000 small-scale farmers have benefited from the bank.

2.2.3 The River Basin Development Authorities (RBDA)

Conceived in 1963 and established in 1973 with the creation of the Sokoto-Rima and the

Chad Basin Development Authorities in 1976 and 1977, respectively. They were later

increased to eleven RBDAs. The eleven branches of River Basin Development Authorities

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established were Sokoto-Rima for Sokoto; Hadejia-Jamare for Kano; the Chad for Borno; the

Upper Benue for Gongola; the Lower Benue for Benue and Plateau; the Cross River for Cross

River; the Anambra-Imo for Anambra and Imo; the Nigeria for Kaduna, Niger and Kwara; the

Ogun-Oshun for Ogun and Lagos; the Benin-Owena for Bendel and Ondo; and Niger-Delta

for Rivers. In June 1984, the number of the River Basin was increased to 18 by the Buhari-

Idiagbor regime under the new name River Basin In River Development Authorities. The aim

was to decentralize the activities of the authorities and bring her functions and activities closer

to the rural people. Each state had RBDA with the exception of Lagos and Abuja, which

joined other states. The RBDAs was launched to cater for the development of land and water

resources potentials of Nigeria for agricultural purposes and general rural development. The

rural development aspects were emphasized more under the new name. According Anyanwu

(1997), good achievements were made as regards to surface water development and

exploration of ground water resources in Sokoto, Kano and Borno states. By 1987, the

number of RBDAs was returned to eleven by the Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB) regime.

In IBB regime, the RBDAs developed 51,558 hectares of land, irrigated about 12,540

hectares, constructed 443 kilometres of roads, and provided for about 136,514 households. It

also drilled about 58 boreholes. Its fund stood at N589.3 million with 96.1% coming from

federal government (CBN, 2005).

The success of the RBDAs was short-lived by inadequate planning data, lack of spare parts

and lubricants, difficulty faced in securing land for development in the southern parts of the

country, and shortages of qualified and experienced technical, professional and managerial


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2.2.4 The Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs)

The World Bank Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs) are based primarily on

investment in physical and institutional infrastructure. Physical infrastructure included rural

feeder roads, wells, dams, ponds, buildings and soil conservation embankments and the

institutional infrastructure had to do with the erection of farm service centres. All the ADPs

had a key objective of increasing food production and consequently farm incomes for a great

number of rural households within the defined project regions, thus improving the standard of

living and welfare conditions of the farmers generally. The ADPs started with three projects

in the northern part of Nigeria in 1974. These projects were Funtua, Gusau and Gombe ADPs.

They focussed on how to improve the major food crops such as maize, sorghum and millet

including improvement of extension services, input supply system, rural road network and

village water supply. The success recorded by the first ADPs led to their expansion by the

federal government, with the support of the World Bank, to other states of the country. Their

aims were the provision of infrastructure, farm services centres, supply of farm inputs such as

fertilizers, root and tuber crops, agro-chemicals(especially herbicides and pesticides),

extension services and the establishment of special plots for extension and training of farmers.

According to Ike (1986), the number of projects was in 1980 increased from three to nine.

With this expansion, the first Multi-Stage Agricultural Development Project (MSAP-1) was,

in 1986, established to care for seven states namely, Anambra, Imo, Bendel, Benue, Cross

Rivers, Ogun and Plateau states. The second phase was introduced in 1988 to ensure that all

the states were catered for. As a result of this expansion, the benefits of the projects reached

all the local governments. At the maturity of the first nation-wide ADPs loans in August,

1990, all the state ADPs were terminated and an Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) Loan

was initiated for the other projects.

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2.2.5 Operation Feed The Nation (OFN)

OFN was launched in May, 1976 by the President Obasanjo regime to increase, mainly, food

production and consequently attain self-sufficiency in food supply. Farmers, under this

programme, were encouraged and assisted with technical advice and essential farm input, like

improved seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, farm implements and live stocks and their feeds

sold to them at subsidized prices. Minimum prices were set per metric ton for farm products.

But it was observed that the minimum prices were not adhered to in the markets. Farm outputs

were sold at prices less than the set minimum prices. Faulty campaigns and administrative

system led to the collapse of the programme.

2.2.6 The Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS)

Formed in 1977 under the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Fund Act of 1977 through the joint

effort of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the commercial banks to remove the hitches

experienced in extending credit to the agricultural sector, the ACGS provided N100 million,

60% of which the Central Bank subscribed to. The scheme started operation in 1978 to

increase the number and amount of credit granted to the agricultural sector by guaranteeing

the loans granted for agricultural purposes by the banks in line with the principles of the ACT

that formed the scheme. The areas guaranteed here were those relating to the establishment

and management of plantations for the production of rubber, oil palm and similar crops, the

cultivation of cereal crops, animal husbandry and cattle rearing, poultry and fish farming. This

scheme offered 75% guarantee backed by the Central Bank against any agricultural credit

default, less the amount realised from the disposal of the collateral used by the farmers to

obtain the credit. The interest rate was market determined. When a loan was duly repaid, the

CBN offered 40% rebate on the interest paid on the loan. About 70% of the individual loans

given to farmers were less than N50,000. About 11% of the farmers got N100,000 and above

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(CBN, 2009). However, the scheme experienced some challenges which include delays faced

by farmers in ensuring that their loan applications are processed by the banks. The supplies of

fertilizers were erratic largely due to centralised government control of the purchase. The

distributions of the subsidized fertilizers did not get to all the rural farmers as only the ones

who were connected to the government benefited from it.

2.2.7 The Land Decree Of 1978

Launched in March, 1978, with the aim to reform the land tenure system that had been a

strong obstacle to the development of agriculture, the decree secured a better security of

tenure and also encouraged consolidation of holdings and large-scale farm operation. This

made it possible to attract foreign entrepreneurs and capital into agricultural production

(Anyanwu, 1997). The control of land was vested on federal government and held in trust by

the state governments. The decree also transferred the land allocation powers from the rural

chiefs to the local government authorities. It also established a land allocation committee in

each state to advice the government on effective management of land. However, the decree

was conceived as unnecessary interference with the property rights of the people and was

resisted in the southern parts of Nigeria.

2.2.8 The Rural Banking Scheme (RBS)

According to Anyanwu, 1997, The Rural Banking Scheme aimed at the penetration of rural

areas by the banks by spreading the branches of the banks to the rural areas. The reason for

this dispersal was to mobilise rural savings and invest 50% of the deposits in the agricultural

sector. The first period of the scheme ended in 1983 with the establishment of 200 bank

branches across the country. The phase II of the scheme, from 1980 to 1983 built 266 rural

branches of the banks nationwide, while the third phase lasted from 1985 to 1989 with 300

branches present in the rural areas. The scheme established a total of 756 rural branches

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across the country and was abandoned in 1990. It succeeded in transforming the rural

economy and restraining the drift of rural dwellers (rural farmers) to the cities in search of

greener pastures. The issue of ineligibility on the side of the rural farmers to access loan

hindered the smooth sail of the scheme, as farmers still lacked acceptable collateral by the


2.2.9 The Green Revolution Programme (GRP)

The GRP was established in 1980 by the Shehu Shagari administration with the aim of

providing improved seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, irrigation, credit, appropriate

mechanization, agro-service centres, improved marketing system and pricing policy as well as

other incentives necessary for farming. The target was to make the country self-sufficient in

basic food production within 5 years and to rehabilitate and restore export promotion

activities. In short, to attain self-reliance in the production of food by removing all constraints

to increased agricultural production and to diversify the country’s source of foreign exchange

earnings were the main goals of the programme. Huge funds were allocated to construct rural

physical infrastructure and input procurement and distribution system introduced. The cost of

inputs were subsidised. The program covered all areas of agricultural production, including

food and export crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry. The program succeeded in increasing

the hectares of land cultivated, livestock production and funds earmarked for forestry. It was

challenged by poor research and extension services, problems of land acquisition, inadequate

data and capacity of executives of the programme and lack of infrastructural facilities


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2.2.10 The Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)

In 1986, the Ibrahim Babangida regime launched the SAP as a result of the crises that erupted

due to the fall in oil price. The main objective of introducing the Structural Adjustment

Programme in the agricultural sector was to increase agricultural production and export of

agricultural products to enhance the growth of the economy. Leonard Wantchekon (2002),

listed the SAP policy measures to include the following: the removal of all government

subsidies on food and other agricultural products, the production and promotion of non-

traditional agricultural products for exports and import restrictive measures on food and other

locally produced agricultural products used as raw materials (that is, the manufacturers were

forced to use locally produced raw materials). The SAP was criticised heavily for bringing

about economic hardship on the people. It was actually imposed to ensure debt repayment and

economic restructuring and to achieve this, Nigeria had to reduce spending on things like

health, education, and infrastructural development, reduce consumption and decrease

financial regulations. It also prescribed export-oriented open markets as part of the structural

adjustment. Domestic industry protection was also reduced. Other adjustment policies of the

programme include currency devaluation, increase in interest rates (which affected farmers

negatively), labour market flexibility, and subsidy removal, including subsidies on farm


2.2.11. The National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA)

In 1991, NALDA was introduced to moderate the severe problem of low utilization of the

country’s vast farm land which affected greatly agricultural production. Its major objective

was to develop between 30 to 50 hectares of land in each state by 1994. Farmers were also to

be placed within 3 to 5 kilometres to their farmlands. About N300 million was allocated

annually by the federal government to fund the programme, while states and local

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governments were to allocate suitable tracts of land to the authority in addition to the amount

they contributed in funding its programmes. Before the end of 1995, NALDA had a total of

sixteen thousand hectares of land out of which 81.1% was cultivated with crops

(Anyanwu,1997). Notwithstanding, the performance of NALDA was constrained by

inadequate and untimely release of funds and shortages of farm machinery and equipments.

2.4.12 The National Fadama Development Project (NFDP)

The National Fadama Development Project (NFDP) was formed in 1992 to provide funds for

irrigation (with the use of ground water in already cultivated Fadamas) and to assist farmers in

technology adoption. This project succeeded in improving extension services, built project

offices and staff houses, ensured a more efficient means of input procurement and

distributions, especially fertilizers. It also provided feeder roads and constructed farm service

centres (FSC) for input supplies in the rural areas.

2.4.13 Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP)

FEAP was established in 1997 to serve the credit needs of the less privileged families in their

daily economic activities through input supplies, cash loans and capacity building. It failed

due to poor funding by the government.

2.4.14 Root and Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP)

The programme was established in 2000 with the aim of commercialising root and tuber crops

production and to increase the living conditions, income, food security and nutritional health

of the poorest smallholder rural farmers. The programme could not be sustained by the

government as a result of inadequate funding.

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2.2.15 Agricultural Schemes Initiatives (ASI)

The aim of the scheme was to encourage banks to lend to the agricultural sector regardless of

the high risk and uncertainty associated with the sector. The government provided the banks

with low cost funds for onward lending to farmers. This initiative also covered the risk

exposure of banks by backing their loans with instruments, hence enhanced farmers’ access to


2.2.16 Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (SMEEIS)

This was introduced by the Bankers’ Committee in 2001 to support the efforts of the federal

government on agro and agro-allied businesses. It got its finance from a couple of ways: by

debt financing with interest at a rate less than 10% and by equity financing.

2.2.17 Refinancing and Rediscounting Facility (RRF)

The main aim of this facility was to assist the banks that are in need of liquid asset as a result

of long-term credit they gave to farmers. The banks were availed a certain percentage of the

outstanding debt portfolio to long-term agricultural finance by the CBN at reduced rates at the

discount windows.

2.2.18 National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP)

The programme was established to eradicate extreme poverty and provide subsidized credit to

farmers. the programme has four schemes namely Social Welfare Service Scheme, which

ensures high quality education, primary healthcare, farmers’ employment and provision of

social services, provision of agricultural input and credit delivery to rural farmers; Rural

Infrastructure Development Scheme which provided portable water, ensure rural

electrification, transportation and communication development; Youth Employment Scheme,

which contains capacity acquisition, mandatory attachment and credit delivery; Natural

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Resource Development and Conservation Scheme, which had programmes for environmental

protection via conservation of land and space, development of agricultural resources, solid

minerals and water resources.


These programmes failed due to lack of adequate manpower and skill to deliver services to

the farmers effectively. The credit institutions went into lending to agricultural sector not

employing the services of trained agricultural credit officers with good knowledge of the

business. Some of the programmes also failed due to the poor repayment performance. Again,

the farmers lack the basic skills required to manage farm, such as record keeping which is a

necessary requirement for credit access.

Secondly, the unwillingness on the part of banks to lend to the farmers is also a factor.

Notwithstanding the mandatory preferred sector lending, guarantees for banks exposure to

risk and subsidized fund scheme, most banks chose not to give credit to farmers as a result of

high risk involved in dealing with the farmers.

Thirdly, poor funding was also a factor that contributed to the failure of these policies and

programmes. For instance, the NACRDB had a capital base of N50 billion to be funded

through a 60:40 ratio by the federal government and the CBN. However, only about N23

billion were paid up. The DFRRI and other non-bank institutions were also not well funded.

These institutions could not effectively deliver their objectives in the face of poor funding.

Again, some of the policies and programmes like the Agricultural Credit Support Scheme

were anti-small scale farmers due to the requirements and documentations needed for them to

access credit. Apart from the refinancing and rediscounting facility, most policies did not

favour long maturity periods that is necessary for some agricultural crops. This simply implies

that major agricultural products that had long gestation periods like cocoa and palm oil

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suffered. Other limitations were that the infrastructure for processing and storage, land tenure

systems, legal systems for registrations and perfection of collateral, judicial systems for the

enforcement of loan contracts and foreclosure of collateral were very weak. These

discouraged private sector participation and commitment to agricultural policies as regards to



President Umar Musa Yar’adua’s agenda on agriculture mobilized N200 billion worth of

bond for development of commercial agriculture in the country. The bond, through the

National Economic Council, chaired by the Vice President (Namadi Sambo) and managed by

the CBN, was flouted by the Federal Government to provide credit facilities to farmers. The

main intention was to enhance food security in the nation and create three million jobs. The

agenda also revived the Commodity Boards and their licensed buying agents to enhance the

marketing prospects of farm products. It also provided counterpart funding for FADAMA III,

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and African Development Bank

(ADB) projects in the country. It rehabilitated and constructed dams, irrigation infrastructures

which provided 220,000 hectares of land with irrigation, increased under water cultivation

annually by 5%, increased the production of fish by 230% from 650,000 metric tonnes to 1.5

million metric tonnes yearly, rural infrastructures (roads, water, electricity and housing) were

upgraded and there was increase in agricultural sector’s contribution to GDP by at least 8%.

The Agricultural Policy Trust was also part of the seven-point agenda of President Yar’adua’s

regime in 2007. The main objectives of the agenda were: the creation of conducive macro-

economic environment to stimulate greater private sector participation in the agricultural

sector; to increase agricultural production by increasing budgetary allocation and promotion

of the necessary developmental, supportive and service-oriented activities to enhance

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production, productivity and marketing opportunities; review of import waiver anomalies with

appropriate tariffs on agricultural imports.

Notwithstanding all these achievement, the death of the president ushered in the President

Goodluck E. Jonathan’s administration.



According to the Vanguard Newspaper of February 1, 2015, the aim was to, through the

Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, ensure food security, reduce the foreign

exchange lost on food imports, diversify the economy and create new jobs. In his regime,

agriculture was treated as a business and not just as a developmental program like the

previous administrations before him did. Major policy reforms were undertaken to improve

rural infrastructure and farmers’ access to financial services and markets, eliminate corruption

in the distribution of seedlings and fertilizers to the farmers, improve the working of the

market institutions, established stable crops processing zones to attract private sector

participation into high production areas to reduce post-harvest losses suffered by farmers, add

value to locally produced crops and foster rural economic growth. The transformation agenda

planned to create 3.5 million jobs in the agricultural sector, especially, from rice, cassava,

sorghum, cocoa and cotton production. The agenda was also to generate over 60 billion naira

by introducing cassava flour as a substitute to wheat flour. In fact, the agenda aimed to add 20

million tonnes of domestic food supply by 2015, with rice, cassava and sorghum contributing

2 million, 17 million and 1 million metric tonnes, respectively.

The Transformation Agenda of the National Economic management Team of President

Jonathan ended corruption in the fertilizer distribution by eliminating the middle men, that is,

the government and rent seekers from the distribution chain, to benefit genuine farmers. Data

23 | P a g e
base of 4.5 million farmers were developed. Growth enhancement programmes were

introduced to provide targeted support for seeds and fertilizers to 5 million farmers yearly. An

Electronic Wallet System was developed using mobile phones to deliver subsidized fertilizers

and seeds to farmers, a first of its kind in Africa, and it provided subsidized farm inputs to

farmers. N30 billion was also leveraged using guarantees, from commercial banks, to finance

the seed and fertilizer supply in the country, without government spending any amount.

To ensure the successful implementation of the Agricultural Transformation Agenda, some

institutions were established and rearrangements made. They include: the Agricultural

Transformation Implementation Council formed to see to the transformation agenda of the

president on agriculture, the decentralization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

Development for greater effectiveness, the attraction of 500 million USD from World Bank,

US$80 million from IFAD with US$ 500,000 as grant, $1.5 billion from the China Export and

Import (EXIM) bank, US$125 million from the African Development Bank (ADB), £130,000

from Department For International Development (DFID) and US$750,000 from Ford



In 2009, according to CBN Economic Report of February 2014, CBN in collaboration with

Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) established Commercial

Agricultural Credit Scheme (CACS) to enhance the development of the agricultural sector by

providing credit facilities at a single digit interest rate to farmers. Under CACS, ₦200 billion

was earmarked for lending at 9% to the so called agricultural value chains: production,

processing, storage and inputs. CACS was originally intended to have ended in 2015;

however, was recently extended by 10 years to September 2025. As at February 2014, the

total amount disbursed by CBN under CACS to participating banks was ₦228.2 billion for

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307 projects. In 2011, the Central Bank of Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

Development, and Bankers Committee initiated The Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing

System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL) with the aim of encouraging the growth of credit

in the agricultural sector by increasing bank lending via increased incentives and technical

assistance. The CBN partnered with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

and committed N75 Billion (500 million USD by then) to stimulate lending by banks to

agricultural sector. In this amount, 300 million USD was committed to agricultural credit risk

sharing, 30 Million USD was for insurance facility, 60 million USD for technical assistance

and 10 million and 100 million USD were earmarked for Holistic Bank Rating Mechanism

and Bank Incentive Mechanism, respectively. In Nigeria, as we all know, a major limitation

to bank lending to agricultural sector has always been high perceived risk, and NIRSAL has

reduced this through its risk sharing avenue (vehicle). It guaranteed up to 75 percent of

agricultural loans, pays up to 50% of losses incurred by lending to large scale farmers and

75% of bank losses as a result of their lending to small scale farmers. In August, 16, 2013,

₦220 billion Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) fund was launched CBN to

provide capital to entrepreneurs in various sectors of the economy. Its specific objectives were

to enhance access to finance by MSME by proving wholesale financing windows for

participating financial institutions (PFIs); improve the capacity of the Participating Financial

Institutions to meet the credit needs of MSMEs; provide funds at reduced cost to PFIs;

enhance access of women entrepreneurs by allocating 60% of the FUND to them; improve

access of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) or Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) to

finance. Specific to agriculture, the fund aims to address post-harvest losses among small-

scale farmers. This loan was given to farmers at 9% interest rate and at much longer term than

what deposit money banks were offering. ₦132 billion (60%) of the fund was assigned

specifically for women entrepreneurs. As at May 2014, the MSME funds were yet to be

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disbursed to their target group as a result of the CBN’s plan to establish a Special Purpose

Vehicle to manage it. Since the governors were not allowed to be directly involved in the

disbursement of the fund in line with the funding framework and to ensure that payments are

made directly to entrepreneurs and governors are to only get the approvals of the state

assemblies as well as to sign an irrevocable standing payment orders (ISPOs) to guarantee the

repayments of the facility on behalf of their beneficiaries. The governors frustrated the fund

adding that the N2B for each state was not enough and the bottleneck involved in the process

of disbursement were much. N4B per state was advocated by former governor Akpobio of

Akwaibom state (CBN Economic Report, February 2014).

The fund for agricultural finance in Nigeria(FAFIN) had a target fund size of US$100 million

and was launched in January 2014 with a First Close of US$34 million from three fund

sponsors: FMARD, the German government via KfW Development Bank, and the Nigeria

Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA). FAFIN was the only Nigerian private equity fund

focused exclusively on agriculture. The Fund’s vision was to catalyse agriculture-led

inclusive economic growth in Nigeria by increasing the amount of private capital available for

agriculture (CBN Economic Report, February 2014). FAFIN focused on providing long-term,

tailored finance and associated technical assistance to high-growth agricultural SMEs, and has

a preference for investment opportunities that enable import substitution, increase food

security, or bridge gaps and fix inefficiencies along supply chains. FAFIN had an associated

US$2 million Technical Assistance Facility that supported the success and sustainability of

the Fund by providing technical services to investees in order to promote their growth and


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This chapter has three major parts. The first part provides the conceptual framework which

provides the analytical concepts of the work by trying to address the key conceptual issues in

literature. The second will stipulate the theoretical literature which provides the economic

theoretical framework for my research work. The third part attempts to make a

comprehensive review of relevant empirical research that has been carried out in both

international and local works. In general, the aim of this chapter is to place this research work

squarely in the context of existing literature, and thus, highlight the value this current

research will add.


3.2.1 The Concept of Credit

Agricultural credit, according to Okorji (1987), is assistance given to farmers in either cash or

kind or both for the purpose of agricultural production, the payment of which the

beneficiaries are expected to make at a future date with or without interest rate. Agricultural

credit could also be seen as any of the several credit vehicles used to finance agricultural

transactions, including loans, notes, bills of exchange (a non-interest-yielding written order,

used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed agreed sum of money

to another party at a predetermined future date), and bankers’ acceptances (a promised future

payment which is accepted and guaranteed by a bank and drawn on a deposit at a bank)

(Advanced Learners Dictionary, 4th edition). Agricultural credit includes all loans and

advances granted borrowers to finance and service production activities relating to

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agriculture, fisheries and forestry (Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1995 cited in

Oyeyinka (2002). Credit also means the ability to command the capital of another in return

for a promise to pay at some specified time in the future (Oyeyinka, 2002).

3.2.2 Credit Demand

The demand for credit according to Aryeetey (1996) is the amount of credit applied for at the

prevailing interest rate. Wampfler (2001) defined credit demand in a similar way, but added

that it varies with the type of agribusiness, duration of the credit, amount applied for,

repayment rates, and the type of guarantee available.

3.2.3 Access to Credit and Credit Use

A farmer can be said to have access to a particular credit source if he/she is able to obtain

loan from that source (Diagne, 1999). The extent of the access a farmer has from a given

source of credit is assessed by the maximum amount the farmer can borrow from the source.

The access to borrow depends on the confidence the lender has on the borrower. In addition

to the confidence, the borrower must be prepared to tender an acceptable collateral which is

the evidence and guarantee he (the borrower) has to show the capacity and willingness to

repay the loan when obtained, at when due. The borrowing capacity and access to credit are

dependent on the ability to bear risk on the side of the lender (Ellis and Bahiigwa,2003).

In reality, credit given in cash is fungible. They can be used by the farmers for reasons other

than that for which the credit is advanced. These other reasons are personal needs like food,

medical fees, school fees and funeral expenses. Access to credit, therefore, may not

necessarily mean that the credit accessed is used for agricultural purposes. Farmers, if not

monitored, may divert them for other private pressing needs as listed above.

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3.2.4 Loan Repayment and Loan Default

When the amount of a loan and the interest on that loan is duly amortized it is said to have

been repaid. Poor loan repayment discourages lenders from further lending and this affects

the credit market negatively. This happens, most times, when loan obtained is used for non

agricultural or productive purposes. To forestall this, accurate information about the

repayment capacity of the borrower is necessary. This will help lenders to grant loans to

borrowers with adequate repayment capacity. According to Maldonado (2003), if borrowers’

current assets are not enough to cover their current liabilities, a loan repayment delinquency

is likely to occur. Loan repayment delinquency is the inability or unwillingness to repay some

or substantial part of a loan at the agreed date. This takes the form of default in meeting

installmental repayments and inconsistency in repayments. Loan default happens, according

to Maldonado, 2003, when a debtor fails to meet his/her legal obligation stated in the loan

contract for example, when the borrower has not made a scheduled repayment or has violated

the debt agreement. Two types of loan repayment default are voluntary and involuntary

defaults. Involuntary default in loan repayment occurs when natural disasters such as floods

or drought can make repayment impossible in the locations and seasons they occur (Ellis and

Bahiigwa,2003), while voluntary or strategic default occurs when the borrower can repay the

loan but simply does not find it in his/her interest to repay the loan and thus decides to default

(Maldonado, 2003).

3.2.5 Definition of a Small Scale Farmer

According to Ugbaja and Chidebelu (2012), a small scale farmer is defined as one who has a

meagre means of sustenance or livelihood and whose total income in a year, both from farm

output and other sources, is less than the minimum taxable limit set out in the law relating to

income tax. Poor households or small scale farmers typically spend 50-80 % of their income

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on food. It is also defined as the farmers with 2 hecters or less (less than or equal to 5 acres)

(Wiggins, 2009; Wiggins and Sharada, 2013).

3.2.6 Performance of a Small Scale Farmer

Performance can be measured in various ways which includes output, income and welfare of

small scale farmers. This study will measure performance using output of small scale farmers

in Nigeria.

This research will adopt a definition of agricultural credit as defined by Ozowa (2007).

According to him, “agricultural credit encompasses all loans and advances granted to

borrowers to finance and service production activities relating to agriculture, fisheries and

forestry and also for processing, marketing, storage and distribution of products resulting

from these activities’’. The study also adopts the definition of a small-scale farmer as defined

by Kirsten & Van Zyl (1998) and Wiggins & Sharada, 2013): “A small-scale farmer is one

whose scale of operation is too small to attract the provision of the services he/she needs to

be able to significantly increase his/her productivity and has 2 hecters or less (that is, less

than or equal to 5 acres) (Wiggins and Sharada, 2013).


With the objectives in mind, it becomes important to examine critically the various

development and approaches towards the theory of agricultural finance. The theoretical

literature will review among other works, the theory of agriculture finance by Jugale, risk and

uncertainty theory of agricultural finance by Moschini and Hennessy, the theory of change by

the Council On Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF), reservation demand and the rates

of interest by Herbert J. Davenport, and theoretical argument on loan sources by Larson,

Laque, & Graham (1994).

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3.3.1 The Theory of Agricultural Finance By Jugale (1991).

According to the theory, credit to any sector is additional oxygen to breathe better for

improved health of the economy. Credit to agriculture is an essential input for farm

development. In fact, the common goal of credit is to cause higher production. It is also a

source of fund for investment in capital goods. The problem of low productivity can be

solved through credit use. The theory also asserts that agricultural credit will help in

extending the existing areas of land for cultivation and help in making structural changes in

relation to the available area of land that can be cultivated. He also added that credit to

agriculture is required for efficient farm functioning because of the following reasons: (a)

meagre resources of the poor (small scale farmers inclusive), (b) purchase of major inputs

(which includes agricultural inputs) and (c) lengthy production periods causing higher credit

needs. Agricultural credit is a problem when it cannot be obtained. It is also a problem when

it can be obtained but in such a form and quantity that, on the whole, it leads nowhere.

3.3.2 Risk and Uncertainty Theory of Agricultural Finance

This theory proposed by Moschini and Hennessy (2001) advances the view that the

operations of farm enterprises are not as protected as in the case of commercial and industrial

enterprises. Forecasting in non-agricultural enterprises is possible, but not in agriculture.

Agriculture is faced with diverse risks from natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes,

drought; damage of crops due to insects, pests and diseases; and sudden and wide fluctuations

in prices of farm products. All these pose risk to the agricultural sector. Credit risk is faced by

both lenders and borrowers. Credit risk is the risk of default on a debt that may arise from a

borrower failing or not being able to make required repayments. This risk is usually that of

the lender and it includes lost of principal and interest, disruption to cash flows, and increased

collection costs. It is also the probability of loss from a debtor’s default. The theory measured

31 | P a g e
credit risk as the actually credit difficulties recorded after delinquencies (debt that is overdue

for payment), foreclosures and losses. A prospective risk looks ahead to the future probability

of credit difficulties and is often measured by the movement of those loans and borrowers

characteristics that are known to be related to credit difficulties. These characteristics are

repayment to income ratio (the loan repayment amount divided by the income of the

farmers), maturities and loan to value ratio (the ratio of the unpaid principal amount of the

loan to current appraisal value).

3.3.3 The Theory of Change

The theory was put forward by the Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF) on

December, 2014 and holds that providing enough financial products to farmers will

encourage them to build more productive and larger farms. Advancing credit and providing

inputs to producers of agricultural products will enable them build better agricultural markets

to serve the farmers better. Financial institutions, when provided with capital, are empowered

to on-lend to farmers. The theory also noted that the provision of technical assistance to

farmers will enable them build a more productive and viable farms. Also, providing storage

and transport infrastructure to agribusinesses encourages them to establish better and stronger

agricultural markets that will serve the farmers better and lead to improved output. Increase

in output will lead to more income for the farmers, job creation and poverty alleviation.

3.3.4 Reservation Demand and the Rates of Interest by Herbert J. Davenport

Davenport's use of the reservation demand idea in 1914 had a profound effect on his

approach to interest rates. In a continuing or growing market economy, individuals may use

the market interest rate in making appraisals. However, the market interest rate is not fixed. It

changes constantly and does not vary across individual households. The interest rate is a

price, determined simultaneously with other prices. Although appraisement may require the

32 | P a g e
appraiser to use an interest rate in his/her calculation(s), the interest rate he/she uses may turn

out to differ from the rate that he/she would have used if he/she had more information about

future economic conditions. The market rate, therefore, refers only to the money that can be

earned through lending and that must be paid for borrowing. Davenport compared this view

with what he called the current doctrine. The currently held doctrine maintains that there is "a

market rental and a market rate of discount" (Davenport, 1914). Davenport differentiated his

doctrine from the current doctrine in two ways. He maintains ‘‘that not one market earning

power, but the different earning powers to the different individuals, most motivate the

respective individual price offers; and (2) that not the market rate of interest, but the different

rates of discount for the different individuals must be the rates -- if any rates there are -- by

which the respective earning powers are discounted in the different individual price offers’’.

Davenport's view is concerned with ‘‘the processes of the ultimate investor or consumer’’.

The currently accepted doctrine "adopts the attitude of the broker or speculator." In short, he

concluded that the popular view that ultimate savers capitalize their assets by using the

current equilibrium market interest rate(s) is not the proper starting point for economic


3.3.5 Theoretical Argument on Loan Sources

This argument according to Larson, Zaque, & Graham (1994), holds that the market for credit

may be either formal or informal. Small scale businesses in developing countries source their

finance mainly through the informal source (that is, from friends and family members).

According to the theory, the informal market is better because the probability of default of

small scale businesses from the informal credit sources is low due to informal financial

markets are much closer to their clients and potential customers, and through gossip and daily

contact informal markets are much more aware of their activities than formal markets (like

banks) would ever be. Larson, Zaque, & Graham, (1994), argued that borrowers choose

33 | P a g e
informal financial services due to easy access, variable loan size, flexible repayment

schedule, personal guarantees, convenience and very short period required to get loan

approval. However, the small scale credit scheme for formal financial markets has

experienced a high rate of default in many developing countries. Banks in the developing

countries have been concluded to hold a truly alarming volume of non-performing loans (Fry,


3.4 The Nature and Role of Credit Market

The establishment and operation of every productive activity is anchored on finance. The link

between credit and economic development has been discussed severally by economists for a

long time (Schumpeter, 1954). Financial intermediation enhances savings mobilization by

providing safe financial instruments to savers and ensuring tangible returns on savings

(Schumpeter, 1954). The financial sector contributes to the efficiency of the entire economy

by spreading information about expectations and allocation of resources to investors. In

addition to credit creation, in line with Gylfason (2000) thought, the banking system’s

capacity to supply initiative and entrepreneurship enables it to transfer resources from less

productive uses to more economically rewarding uses by bridging the gap between the

owners of wealth and those who have productive investment ideas. Financial theorists like

Schumpeter also argued that if economic units relied completely on self-finance, investment

will be constrained by the ability and willingness of each unit to save, as well as by its

capacity and readiness to invest. According to Philip, Nkonya, Pender and Oni (2009),

agricultural credit will lead to enlarging the net cultivable land by bringing waste and fallow

land under cultivation, providing mature and chemical fertilizers, protection of land,

provision of irrigation, making large amounts of fixed and working capital available for

agricultural use, changing farm organisation, enlarging agricultural share of the Gross

Domestic Product and increasing labour return on agriculture.

34 | P a g e
3.5 The Link between Finance, Agriculture and Economic Growth

The link between financing, agriculture and economic growth as seen in literature shows that

in economic development, agricultural surpluses are relevant for structural changes that will

induce economic growth. The agricultural sector is expected to shift, to the industrial sector,

the excess of the investible goods produced from agriculture (Kuznets, 1961; Mody,1981). In

order words, resources from agriculture (raw materials) are necessary for industrial

development. According to Mody, 1981, resource flow into agricultural sector is required for

enhancement in techniques to improve agricultural performance. That is, growth in

agriculture requires substantial capital investment. He added that capital is needed for the

clearing and cultivation of land, drainage, fencing, equipment, roads and so on. Therefore,

financing of agriculture eliminates the restrictions to the development of agriculture,

promotes investment and use of technology needed to induce the required economic growth

and development.


3.6.1 Empirical Evidence from International Literature

Anang, Sipilainen, Backman & Kola (2015), used household survey data to explore factors

determining access to loan and the determinants of loan size among smallholder farmers in

Ghana. They used the Probit model in their data analyses. The socioeconomic features of

farmers they considered were gender, household income, farm capital, improved technology

adoption, contact with extension services provider, farm location, and awareness of the

existence of lending institution in the area. They found that gender, household size, farm

capital, cattle ownership and improved technology adoption were the significant factors

determining the size of loan collected by a smallholder farmer. They also found that eighty-

35 | P a g e
one percent of borrowers used the loans to buy farm inputs, while about 31% of farmers who

borrowed in the Northern Region of Ghana used the loan for farm expansion.

Abdelateif and Siegfried (2012) analyzed the impact of microcredit on farm profits among

households’ beneficiaries that are (credit users and non-users) in North Kordofan State of

Sudan. Heckman selection model (two- step estimates) was employed for data analyses. The

results of the impact of credit on farm profits in the agricultural activities show that although

access to credit has positive signs, it has limited effect on farm profits. The Wald ratio test of

separate equation rejected the null hypothesis assumption that the correlation between the

error terms is equal to zero. Again, the Mill’s ratio term was statistical significance,

confirming the appropriateness of the use of Heckman selection model and also shows that

the use of Ordinary Least Squares would have yielded spurious or biased estimates. The

estimates of the Heckman’s first step estimation technique indicated that increases in the

amount of savings and assets value will reduce the probability of household being credit

constrained. It implies that higher households’ income would be expected to increase the

credit supply rather than credit demand. The outcome of the second step estimation showed

that most of the variables that influenced the profits of the farmers are statistically significant

at 5% level, with the signs of the coefficients consistent with expectations. However, the

statistically significant factors are not the same as those in the first stage of the Heckman’s

Two-Stage model, indicating that there are differences in the determinants of credit

constrained condition and the amount of the farm profits obtained.

Nimoh, Kwasi and Tham-Agyekum (2011), used net income to measure the effect of formal

credit on the performance of the poultry farmers. Multiple regression was employed for the

analysis. The outcome of their study showed that there was a remarked difference between

the net income of those farmers that used credit and those who did not.

36 | P a g e
Kinkingninhoun-Medagbe, Diagne & Biaou (2014), studied the impact of the use of credit in

rice farming on productivity and income of farmers in Benin. They applied the Potential

Outcomes Framework to data collected from 342 rice farmers in Benin Republic to analyze

the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE). Their results show a positive significant impact

of credit use on rice yield, income, per capital rice income, household income and per capita

household income. Access to credit enabled credit user in rice production to improve enhance

their inputs utilization (rice lands, fertilizer and labour).

In examining sources of efficiency differentials among Basmati rice producers in the Punjab

province of Pakistan, Ali and Flinn (1989), used Binary Probit model in their research

analyses and discovered significant effects of farmers’ access to credit on rice production.

Binswanger and Khandker, 1995; Khandker and Faruqee (2003), used multiple regression

analysis and found that formal credit increased rural income and productivity. That is, formal

credit has a positive impact on household income and that the overall benefits of credit

exceeded its costs by about 13 percent in India.

Mukwevho and Anim (2014), investigated the factors that affect small scale cabbage farmers

in accessing credit markets. They used discriminant analysis to determine whether there are

statistically significant differences between the average score profiles for farmers who have

access to credit markets and those who did not. The result showed that transactions costs,

agricultural extension education, farmers’ level of education, the distance of farmland to the

market where farmers sell their produce, and value of equipment own by farmers accounted

for the most difference between the two groups of farmers.

Awunyo-Victor, Al-Hassan, Sarpong & Egyir (2014), studied maize famers’ participation in

the formal credit market and its impact on their farm size and expenditure on variable farm

inputs in Ghana. They selected 595 maize farmers in Ghana using multi-stage sampling

37 | P a g e
method. Propensity score matching technique was used to estimate the impact of the formal

financial market participation on farm size, expenditures on variable inputs and use of

improved technology by farmers. The outcome of the analysis showed that formal financial

market use can increase expenditure on variable inputs by farmers and hence their use of

improved technology.

3.6.2 Empirical Evidence from Nigeria

Oyeyinka and Bolarinwa (2009), studied the effect of the smallholders’ direct loan scheme of

the Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) on

agricultural productivity in Oyo State. The impact of NACRDB smallholder direct loan

scheme was studied with the use of descriptive analyses in order to empirically establish if

there is any difference between the performance of farmers who have access to credit and

those who do not have access to the loan facility. They discovered that the small-scale

farmers who benefited from the loan had higher output mean yield index than non-

beneficiaries. Beneficiaries’ access to credit increased their income as well as their use of

improved farm inputs and labour over non-beneficiaries.

Ugbaja and Ugwumba (2013), analysed how the socio-economic features of small-scale

farmers affect their access to credit and credit repayment. They employed multi-stage and

simple random sampling method to select 120 small scale farmers. They used primary data

collected with the use of questionnaire and 3-point Likert scale. They also employed non

parametric statistical tool to analyse the data they collected. Using descriptive analyses, they

found that about 65 percent of the smallholder farmers were females; 90 percent of them

were aware of the availability of microcredit facilities; 73 percent of them had above 11 years

experience in farming, about 51 percent of the farmers obtained less than N100,000.00, while

51.62 percent earned below N150,000.00 per annum in income. Applying multiple regression

38 | P a g e
model, they found that marital status, educational level, years of experience in farming and

interest rate were found to be statistically significant factors influencing credit access, while

the size of a farmer’s family responsibilities determined if the loaned was repaid and on time.

Udensi, Orebiyi, Ohajianya, & Eze (2012), examined the macroeconomic variables that

influence agricultural production in Nigeria. He used Two-Stage Least Squares (TSLS) to

show that all the modelled determinants of the Index of Agricultural Production, such

government expenditure, were positively significant at 1 percent level excluding World

Agricultural Food Prices which was significant at 5 percent level and inversely correlated

with the Index of agricultural production.

Omojimite (2012) studied the impact of institutional support and macroeconomic policy on

the growth of the agricultural sector in Nigeria. He used the co-integration regression model

to examine the effects volume of credit to the agricultural sector, interest rate spread, dummy

for institutional reforms and deficit financing on agricultural production. The outcome shows

that the volume of credit to the agricultural sector, deficit financing and institutional reforms

positively and significantly accounted for the improvements in the agricultural output for the

periods studied. Interest rate spread has an inversely insignificant relationship with

agricultural output growth. Eyo (2008) applied structural response function in analysing the

macroeconomic environment and growth in agricultural sector in Nigeria. The results of his

study show that credit to the sector had no significant effect on growth in agricultural output.

He concluded that macroeconomic policies that reduce inflation make agricultural credit to

have significant growth effect on agricultural output.

Akinnagbe and Adonu ( 2014), studied the rural farmers’ sources and use of credit facilities

in Nsukka local government area of Enugu state, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected

from sixty rural farmers through the use of interview schedule. They used Multistate

39 | P a g e
sampling technique to select respondents for the study. They employed descriptive statistic in

their data analysis. Result of the study shows that 53.3% of the respondents had no access to

credit, among those that had access to credit, majority got their credit through friends and

relations (89.3%) and cooperative society (78.6%).

According to Emecheta and Ibeh (2014), there is a significant positive relationship between

credits from the banks and economic growth. They employed the reduced form of Vector

Autoregressive (VAR) estimation technique using time series data from CBN 2013 statistical

bulletin to arrive at this result. The stationarity of the series after first difference were

ascertained using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Philips Perron (PP) unit root tests.

With current GDP as the dependent variable (also used as proxy for economic growth), credit

to private sector as a ratio of GDP and ratio of Broad Money to GDP were used as proxies,

respectively, for financial indicator and financial depth.

However, contradictory results are seen in the works of Modebe, Ugwuegbe and Ugwuoke

(2014), who studied bank credit impact on economic growth using time series data set of the

CBN statistical bulletin from 1986 to 2012. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation

technique was used in the estimation after the variables were found to be cointegrated of

order one from Johansen and Juselius co-integration test. The outcome of the analysis showed

a significantly negative relationship between the gross domestic product and total bank credit

to the private sector in the long-run, but total credit to private sector had an insignificant

negative impact on the GDP in the short-run. Also, Akpansung and Babalola (2009) looked at

the impact of bank loans on the growth of the economy from 1970 to 2008 employing the

Two Stage Least Squares estimation approach. The outcome indicated that bank credit

impacts negatively on economic growth and Granger causality test showed causality running

from GDP to bank credit.

40 | P a g e
Awotide, Abdoulaye, Alene & Manyong(2015) studied the impact of access to credit on

agricultural productivity: evidence from smallholder cassava farmers in Nigeria using the

endogenous switching regression model (ESRM). The first stage of the ESRM revealed that

total livestock unit and farm size are positive and statistically significant in determining the

farmers’ access to credit. The second stage showed that total livestock unit and farm size are

negative and statistically significant in explaining the changes in cassava productivity among

the farmers who accessed credit, while household size, farm size, and access to information

are negative and statistically significant in explaining the variation in cassava productivity

among the farmers without access to credit. They also found that credit access has a

significant positive impact on cassava productivity.


Other research works bordered on the amount of credit obtained from both formal and

informal credit sources in Nigeria; determinants of loan repayment; credit saving patterns of

resource-poor farmers and the functioning of the rural financial institutions; socio-economic

factors affecting farmers access to credit. There are very few studies on the effects of small

scale farmers’ demographic and socio-economic features on their credit access and if credit

access by small scale farmers significantly affects their outputs. In spite attempts made in the

past by some studies to evaluate the effect of credit access on output of small scale farmers in

Nigerian, many of these studies did not apply the widely accepted impact assessment

methodologies and are therefore subject to serious problems arising from endogeneity and sample

selection bias. In order to fill this gap in the literature and complement these studies, this study

aims to provide an insight into this less studied area in agricultural financing by bringing

forth and analysing smallholder farmers’ demographic and socio-economic characteristics

that significantly affect their access to credit, the effect of access to credit on their output and

the influence of their poverty and marital statuses on their output, when they have accessed

41 | P a g e
credit, using Heckman two-step estimation and instrumental variable techniques. It will also

do a comparative analysis of the estimates of the techniques employed.

42 | P a g e



This work is based on the theoretical model of Igbal (1983), modified by Geron (1989).

Sample selection bias can occur when small scale farmers self-select themselves into groups

with or without access to credit. This type of sample selection may also be called incidental

truncation. The truncation here is whether or not a small scale farmer has access to credit. In

line with Heckman (1979), the problem of participation and non-participation in credit

scheme can be addressed as sample selection bias. That is, the grouping of small scale

farmers into credit and non- credit users can cause bias in the sample selection. According to

Antonakis, Bendahan, Jacquart & Lalive (2010), sample selection bias is a specific form of

endogeneity. However, we shall use the significance or otherwise of the Inverse Mill’s Ratio

(IMR) of the Heckman Two-Step Technique to check if there is bias in the selection of the

sample of small scale farmers who accessed credit from the entire population of small scale

farmers. The IMR is the correction due to the fact that we may not be dealing with a

representative sample as a result of selectivity bias. The first step of the Heckman model shall

capture the small scale farmers’ characteristics that affect their access to credit, while the

second step will estimate the effect of their credit access on their output. We shall compare

the effect of credit access on the output of small scale farmers from the Heckman model

(second step) with that of the instrumental variable (IV) method, since with good

instrument(s), the instrumental variable estimation method yields consistent parameter

estimates in the presence of endogeneity (Woodridge, 1999). While ordinary least squares

(OLS) estimates will be used as a reference to compare the estimates of the two models,

Heckman and IV models, the general methods of moments (GMM) technique will be used

43 | P a g e
instead of IV Two stage least squares, in the presence of heteroschedasticity, to capture the

effect of credit access on the output of small scale farmers in Nigeria. OLS will be used to

estimate the effect of poverty levels on the output of small scale farmers who accessed credit

and to know if marital status significantly influenced the output of small scale farmers who

accessed credit.


This research work will adopt the theoretical model of Igbal (1983), modified by Geron

(1989). It is a microeconomic theory of the behaviour of farming households in the use of

loan for production and consumption. They used decretive statistics to examine the vertical

linkages between the formal and informal sectors in the Philippine financial market. They

assert that access to credit is influenced by demographic and social-economic factors of farm

households such as household size, acreage cultivated, level of education, age, experience,

sex, poverty status, sector, marital status and household income. Though it may affect the

demand for credit negatively, interest rate does not vary across households and thus have no

serious effect on our model.


4.3.1 Heckman Two-Step Model Specification

Equation (4.1) is the selection equation. The selection equation captures the demographic and

socio-economic features of small scale farmers that determine their access to credit (objective

two). We shall estimate equation 4.1 using the Probit model. The Probit model for the

selection equation is usually specified in the form of a binary choice model, thus:

= + + + ... (4.1)

44 | P a g e
≈ (0, ) .... (4.2)

= 1, if > 0
∗ ... (4.3)
= 0, if ≤ 0

While is a latent binary dependent variable denoting access to credit, and depends on

constant term, C, exclusion criteria, -- the variable(s) that affects the selection equation

but not the output equation, observed covariates, , and a random error, , it ( ) is only

observed when an associated variable, in equation 4.3, crosses a threshold (usually zero),

that is, when a small scale farmer has access to credit. Again, the dependent variable is not

observed if the observations are not in the sample. This also implies that the small scale

farmers can only use credit when they have access to it.

The selection equation (equation 4.1) is thus,

= + valland + hhsize + acrcult + hghlevel + ageyrs

+ experience + + sector + marstatus + ℎℎ

+ + … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … (4.1 )

The variables are defined on page 48 and 49.

However, model 4.4 below will be used to estimate the effect of credit access on the output of

small scale farmers (objective three). Simple OLS will be used to estimate equation 4.4

because the selection bias of access to credit will be controlled for by the inverse Mills’ ratio,

. In order to estimate the impact of credit access on the output of small scale farmers in

Nigeria (objective three), the following outcome equation is specified:

45 | P a g e
= + + + (Û ) + ... (4.4)

≈ (0,1) ... (4.5)

The error terms in the equations 4.1a and 4.4 are assumed to have bivariate

normal distribution with zero means, variances and 1, respectively, and correlation

between the errors is . That is,

Corr ( , )= ... (4.6)

The variables are defined on page 48 and 49

4.3.1a Estimation Procedure

The problem of biasness can be resolved in two steps:

Step 1

After the selection equation (equation 4.1a) is estimated using Probit model and the predicted

values retained as estimates of , the inverse Mills’ ratio will then be estimated by

dividing the probability density function (∅) estimated at (Û ) by the cumulative

distribution function ( ) estimated at ( Û ) as specified in equation (4.7) below:

∅( Û )
Û = − ... (4.7)
(Û )

If the coefficient of the inverse Mill’s ratio (IMR), in the second step, is significant, it will

indicate that there is sample selection bias that was correct for by the ratio. If the IMR is not

46 | P a g e
significant at less than 5% level, we conclude that there is no sample section bias in the

selection of small scale farmers who have access to credit or not and therefore no need for the

Heckman model.

Substituting equation 4.7 into equation 4.4, we have:

∅ Û
= + + + − + … 4.8

∗ ∗ ∗
\ , > 0 = \ , = 1

= + + − + ..(4.9)
1− Û

= 0 ... (4.10)

The output equation to be estimated will then be,

ℎ ℎ = + + hhsize + acrcult + hghlevel + ageyrs

+ experience + + sector + marstatus + ℎℎ

∅ Û
+ + − + … … … … … (4.11)
1− Û

If ≠ 0, ordinary least squares will produce inconsistent estimates of the vector of

parameters of the explanatory variables, . Also, applying a Probit model directly on the

selection equation will yield a biased result, and this bias will usually be downward in nature

(Goldberger, 1983). Heckman’s two-step estimation approach involves first estimating

(the parameters of the selection equation) by maximum likelihood in the probit model, then

estimating , in equation (4.4) by ordinary least squares regression of on

47 | P a g e
and , in which in the inverse Mill’s ratio, , is estimated using the estimates from step

1. A significant inverse Mill’s ratio will show that there is selection bias, thereby justifying

the use of Heckman two-step approach. If the IMR is not statistically significant, we shall use

the IV method only to estimate the effect of access to credit on output of small scale farmers.

The Heckman two-step model will be estimated using STATA Version 13.

4.3.1b Definition and Measurement of Variables Used

= (ℎ ℎ ) is the total output of small scale farmers in kilograms

= Exclusion restriction --market value of land (valland) in the selection equation

= Vector of small scale farmers’ socio-economic and demographic

characteristics, (that is, = hhsize, acrcult , hghlevel, ageyrs, experience,

pov, sex, sector, marstatus , ℎℎ )

= Error term in the output equation

= 1 0 ℎ

hhsize = ℎ

acrcult =

hghlevel = ℎ

ageyrs = ,

experience = ,

48 | P a g e
sex = ℎ ; = 1 for female and 0 for male,

sector = 1 for rural and 0 for urban,

marstatus = ℎ = 1 if married and 0 if single,

ℎℎ = ℎ ℎ ,

= ℎ ,= 1 ;0 ℎ

= the intercept of the output equation,

= The vector of parameters of the smallholder farmers’ demographic and socio-economic

characteristics in the selection equation,

= The vector of parameters of the smallholder farmers’ demographic and socio-economic

characteristics in the output/outcome equation,

= The parameter of the Mill’s ratio. A significant inverse Mill’s ratio indicates a sample

selection bias in the model and hence justifies the use of Heckman Two- Step model

which corrects the bias in sample selection.

4.2.1c Model Justification

When the dependent variable of interest is continuous (as output is), there are two main

choices of estimators – a maximum likelihood model called Full Information Maximum

Likelihood (FIML) and Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Estimator (LIMLE) for

example, Heckman Two-Step estimator. The FIML is a straight forward maximum likelihood

model, like the Probit and Logit models, that maximizes a specified likelihood function. By

49 | P a g e
definition, when the error assumptions are met (as usually not the case due to serial

correlation between the two error terms – the errors in the selection equation and the outcome

equations), the FIML will always be more efficient than Heckman two-step (Leung and Yu,

1996; Maddala, 1985 and Puhani, 2000). Since the assumption of independence of the error

terms cannot be met because of specification and sample selection problems, we cannot use

the Two Part Model (TPM) or Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML). The inclusion

of the inverse Mills ratio in FIML often results in multicollinearity that can have serious

consequences for the model estimates (Goldberger, 1983). The FIML relies heavily on the

normality assumption and is therefore less robust than the Heckman two-step to deviance

from this assumption. Again, the FIML would have difficulty converging to a solution, in the

absence of exclusion restrictions and normality assumption, while the Heckman two-step

model can always be estimated without the normality assumption and with or without

exclusion restriction (Heckman, 1979).

Because the inverse Mill’s ratio, in Heckman two-step model, is estimated by the non-linear

Probit model, the correlation term will not be perfectly correlated with the explanatory

variables in the outcome equation, even in the absence of exclusion restriction. In fact, the

non-linearity of the Probit model, in the first step, enables the generation of solution for the

Heckman two-step estimator.

Both the Heckman two-step model and Instrumental Variable (IV) models have same

objective: which is to remove endogeneity, via an exclusion restriction (that is, one or more

instruments, in the case of IV) or a variable that affects selection but not the outcome (in the

case of Heckman). But when the same variables are used to model both the selection and

outcome equations (as is the case here), meaning that exclusion restrictions may or may not

be applied, the model can be identified by the non-linearity inherent in the inverse Mill’s ratio

of the Heckman’s two-step estimator (Heckman, 1976, 1979).

50 | P a g e
The article (The Usefulness of Sample Selection Models in Healthcare Contingent Valuation

Method (CVM) Studies: Empirical Evidence from Rural Cameroon) written by William M.

Fonta and Hyacinth. E. Ichoku, empirically evaluated the statistical performance of three

well-known estimators (that is, Ordinary Least Squares, Heckman's Two-Step model and

FIML) based on the sequential guidelines suggested by Strazzera, Genius, Scarpa, and

Hutchinson (2003) in addressing a problem in African health care service. The absence of

collinearity problems in the Heckman’s two-step model based on an OLS estimation of Mills

lambda against the covariates of the outcome equation warrants the use of estimates from the

Heckman two-step model as better alternative to OLS and FIML estimates thus remained the

approach of choice in many applied studies.

4.3.2 Intrumental Variable Technique (IV)

In order to estimate the impact of credit access on the output of small scale farmers in Nigeria

(objective two) using cross sectional data, the following model is specified:

ℎ ℎ = + + hhsize + acrcult + hghlevel + ageyrs

+ experience + sex + sector + marstatus + ℎℎ
+ + +∋

.... (4.12)


, ∋ ℎ

ℎ ℎ = , , = 1, … ,

= ,

hhsize = ℎ ℎ ,

acrcult = ,

51 | P a g e
hghlevel = ℎ ℎ ,

ageyrs = ℎ ℎ ,

experience = ,

sex = ℎ ℎ ; = 1 for female and 0 for male,

sector = ℎ ℎ ; = 1 for rural and 0 for urban,

marstatus = ℎ ℎ ;

= 1 if married and 0 if single,

ℎℎ = ℎ ℎ ,

= ℎ ℎ ,= 1 ; 0 otherwise

= ℎ error term that captures the effects of the unobservables variables like the

managerial ability of the small scale farmer and other variables not included in the model.

4.3.2a Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)

Ordinary Least Square is the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) when the assumption

that all the right-hand side variables are strictly exogenous holds. If the regressors are

exogenous, OLS is said to be unbiased, consistent and with minimum variance. If the

parameters are normally distributed, OLS will be best linear unbiased estimator among both

linear and nonlinear estimators (that is, it will be BLUE) (Wooldridge, 1999). In this analysis,

OLS estimation technique will only be used as a reference benchmark for other estimators.

52 | P a g e
In this analysis, access to credit ( ) only has direct influence on the output of the

small scale farmers through the coefficient on credit access. Where there is correlation

between the error term and the right-hand side variable(s), as it is the case with

where the error term contains all other factors that can affect credit access such as managerial

ability of the small scale farmer which can determine both output and the farmers’ access to

credit, it becomes unnecessary to use OLS to capture the true effect of credit access on output

of small-scale farmers in Nigeria. When this is the case ( is endogenous), and its

parameter will carry both the direct effect of credit access on output of these farmers and the

indirect effect coming from other factors like managerial ability in the error term. Where this

is the case, OLS results will be biased. That is, OLS will give spurious results because the

slopes and the constant term will not be correctly estimated in the presence of endogeneity.

The direction and size of this bias will be examined by comparing OLS outcomes with the

estimates of other estimators like Instrumental Variable (IV) --Two Stage Least Squares

(2SLS) or Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and Heckman Two-Step which account

for endogeneity problem.

With the endogeneity of credit access ( ), OLS estimates are biased as long as small-

scale farmers’ output is affected by other unobservable factors which are correlated with

. With a good instrument, instrumental variables (IV) method can be implemented to

address the endogeneity problem of access to credit, hence ensuring consistent estimates. IV

estimation technique is preferred when the number of instruments exactly equals the number

of endogenous regressors. If the number of the instruments is greater than that of endogenous

regressor(s), as is the case here, Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) method will be adopted. In

the presence of heteroscedasticity, GMM estimation technique will be applied instead of

2SLS (Wooldridge, 1999).

53 | P a g e
4.3.3b Selection of Instruments

Getting an instrument is the most difficult aspect in the application of IV estimator. A good

instrument, however, must be exogenous and relevant (not redundant). That is, the instrument

must be correlated (though not perfectly) with the endogenous variable ( ), and not be

influenced by the variables in the error term. It must also not influence the output of small-

scale farmers directly, but only indirectly through its influence on . The likely

instruments, as contained in the Nigeria Living Standards Survey (NLSS) data set are: the

kind of guarantee required by the lender, sales values of equipment (salevalequip), market

value of land (valland) and credit source. We shall use the sales value of equipment

(salevalequip) and market value of land (valland) as instruments in this study.

4.3.3c Test for Endogeneity

Durbin-Wu-Hausman test for endogeneity will be used to ascertain the endogeneity or

otherwise of the regressor ( ), with the null hypothesis that is exogenous. If

access to credit is not endogenous, we simply use OLS to estimate our regression as it will

ensure efficiency over other estimation techniques like IV, 2SLS or GMM and Heckman

Two-Step. When the explanatory variables are exogenous, the 2SLS estimates can have very

large standard errors which will affect the statistical significance of the variable under


4.3.3d Test of Heteroscedasticity

Heteroscedasticity is a common problem found when dealing with cross-sectional data. Its

presence will be tested to know the best (efficient) estimation technique to be adopted. If we

discover that the errors are homoscedastic (the null hypothesis), Two Stage Least Squares

54 | P a g e
estimation technique will be most appropriate and otherwise, GMM option will be preferred

in the presence of heteroscedasticity.

4.3.3e Test For Over-Identification Restriction And Relevance of Instruments.

We will use the Hansen J statistic to investigate the orthogonality condition of the

instrument(s). The Sargan’s tests statistic will be employed to test for overidentifying

restrictions. This test regresses the residuals from an IV or 2SLS regression on all instruments

with the null hypothesis that all instruments are uncorrelated with the error term, that is, that

they are exogenous. This test cannot be rejected if the instrument is to be valid.

4.3.3f Model Justification

In line with the views of Antonakis, Bendahan, Jacquart & Lalive (2010), the problem of

sample selection bias is a specific form of endogeneity. Multiple regression model estimated

with OLS technique is necessary in forming the basis for comparing the results of other

estimation methods, and to know the extent and direction, the OLS estimates deviate from the

true parameter estimates of the regressors. The inclusion of the IV model is as a result of its

ability to take care of endogeneity problem of the regressor (loanuse) which the OLS

estimator lacks. Using OLS to estimates the influence of credit access on the performance of

small-scale farmers will yield a spurious result since the main assumption of strict exogeneity

of regressors, necessary for OLS to be consistent, will definitely not hold. The perceived

endogeneity of access to credit will therefore lead to the inconsistency of the OLS estimates.

When this happens, Instrumental Variable estimation technique will be applied.



To examine if poverty status of small scale farmers who used credit has any significant effect

on their output, we include interaction terms as follows:

55 | P a g e
ℎ ℎ = + × hhsize + × acrcult + × hghlevel + × ageyrs + × experience

+× + × sexes + × marstatus + × ℎℎ + × loanmodpoors

+× loancorepoors + ∀ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (4.13)

Base Category: Non-poor small scale farmers that accessed credit.

Where loanmodpoors represents credit access by small scale farmers who are moderately

poor and loancorepoors stands for core poor small scale farmers who accessed credit. Other

variables are the same as explained in model one. × , ...,

× , ℎ ℎ ∀ ℎ

( ).



To investigate if there is any significant difference in the output of small scale farmers who

accessed credit due to their marital status, the interaction term is included thus:

ℎ ℎ = + hhsize + acrcult + hghlevel + ageyrs + experience

+ + sexes + marstatus + ℎℎ

+ loanuse#marstatus + ∃ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (4.14)

Base Category: Single small scale farmers who accessed

Where loanuse#marstatus is the interaction of access to credit by and marital status of small

scale farmers. Other variables are the same as explained in model one.

ℎ ,∃ ℎ ,…, ℎ .

56 | P a g e

The data source is from the agriculture section of the Nigeria Living Standard Survey of the

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 2009 and the Harmonized Nigeria Living Standard

Survey published in 2012 by same NBS.

The questionnaire which is of interest to us provides information on demographics;

education; food and non-food expenditure; household nonfarm income generating activities;

food security and shocks; safety nets; assets; and other sources of household income. As an

additional aid to making sure the data were of desired quality, extensive monitoring was done

at the field work. Evaluation guidelines and formats for fieldwork were developed. The

process of data cleaning took place in two stages. The first stage involved the correction of

the errors that were found at the fieldwork stage based on re-visits to the household on the

instruction of the supervisor. The data that had gone through this first stage of cleaning was

then sent from the state to the head office of the then National Office of Statistics (Now,

National Bureau of Statistics) where a second stage of data cleaning was undertaken. At the

second stage, an overall review of the data to identify outliers and other errors on the

complete set of data was done. Special care was taken to see that the households included in

the data matched with the selected sample and where there were differences they were

properly assessed and documented.


Nigeria has since 1981 developed the National Integrated Survey of Household (NISH) as the

main vehicle for running household based surveys in a regular and integrated manner. The

NISH master sample was improved and initially used for the year 2003 Nigeria Living

Standard Survey (NLSS), thus, the sample design for the study was a two stage stratified

sample design. The first stage was a cluster of housing units called Enumeration Area (EA).

57 | P a g e

One hundred and twenty (120) Enumeration Areas were selected in 12 replicates in each state

from the NISH master sample frame (that is, replicates 4 - 15). Five (5) housing units (Hus)

were scientifically selected in each selected E.A for study. One replicate (10 E.As) was

canvassed per month. This implies that fifty (50) HUs will be covered per month or six

hundred 600 HUs per state or 22,200 households for the country for the 12-month survey

period. The indicators were computed for about 91,806 individuals.


In this study, the researcher shall employ software packages such as Microsoft Excel and

Stata version 13.


The team encountered a problem in finding the households or respondents. Vague

information supplied at pre-survey stage, movements of households to another location,

destruction or demolition of the dwellings of the households, unavailability of adequate

respondents, refusal (fully or partly) of households to participate in the survey (or answer

questions in some sections of the questionnaire) were the problems faced by the interviewers.

If a household moved or the head of the household changed- due to death- the interviewers

interviewed the people present in the household, provided that it was the coded household.

No replacement was made for those households that refused to participate in the survey.

Again, in case the household coded suffered a disaster, or attrited (reduction in number

usually as a result of resignation, retirement or death), no replacement was also made.

58 | P a g e



Table 1: Descriptive Statistics


Experience 91806 23.81237 .062839 1 86
Sex 91806
Male 81153 .8839618 .3202724 0 1
Female 10653 .1160382 .3202724 0 1
Ageyrs 91806 46.924 13.2535 13 99
Hhsize 91806 5.15836 2.9613 1 26
Totamt 91806 9005.15 23574.8 0 800,000
Hmharves 91806 162.239 1348.09 1 48,000
Acrcult 91806 2.7154 313.564 1 5
Hhincome 91806 130195 147542 37,256.2 235,840
Salevalequip 91806 69421.2 61874.3 9,368.33 125,499
Valland 91806 10862.4 10692.3 720 786, 600
Hghleve 91806
Noedu 38,617 .420637 .493664 0 1
Priedu 3,248 .035379 .1847367 0 1
Secedu 36,078 .3929809 .4884153 0 1
Hgheduc 13,863 .1510032 .358054 0 1
Pov 91806
Core Poor 17180 .1871337 .390021 0 1
Poor 32774 .3569919 .479115 0 1
Non Poor 41852 .4558743 .4980518 0 1
Sector 91806
Urban 24709 .2691436 .4435172 0 1
Rural 67097 .7308564 .4435172 0 1
Marstat 91806
Single 3,921 .0427096 .0427096 0 1
Married 87,885 .9572904 .9572904 0 1
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13.

Table 1 shows some basic statistics from the agricultural section of the National Bureau of

Statistics (2012). From the table above, the experience level of the small scale farmers ranges

from 1 to 86 years, with average years of experience of about 24 years. For sex of the

59 | P a g e
farmers, about 81,153 out of 91, 806 small scale farmers sampled are male (representing

about 88.4% of the sampled farmers), while 10, 653 (11.6%) are female. The age of the small

scale farmers sampled, in years, ranges from 13 to 99 years. The average age is about 47

years. The household size ranges from 1 to 26 persons per home with average household size

of about 5 persons per household. Total amount of credit received ranges from zero to 800,

000 naira. The average amount of credit accessed was about N9,005.15 kobo only. The total

of the last twelve months harvest ranges from 1 to 48, 000 kilograms with an average of

about 162.24 kilograms per year. For acreage cultivated, it ranged from 0 to 5 acres, with an

average of 2.7 acres. The total annual small scale farmers’ household income ranges from

N37,256.20 kobo to N235,840 with an average total annual household income of about

130,195 naira. The sales values of their equipment ranges from 9,368.33 naira to 125,499

naira with an average of about 69, 421.20 naira, while the value of their land ranges from 720

naira to 786, 600 naira only, with estimated average of about 10, 862.40 naira. For the highest

level of education attained, out of 91,806 small scale farmers sampled, 38,617 of the small

scale farmers had no education—that is 42.06% of the farmers, 3,248 had primary school

education—representing about 3.54% of the farmers, 36,078 had secondary education—

which is about 39.3% of the sample, while 13, 863 (that is, about 15.1%) had tertiary or

higher education. However, about 17,180 (18.7%) of the small scale farmers are core poor,

32,774 (35.7%) are moderately poor, while 41,852 (45.6%) of the small scale farmers

sampled are non poor. For sectors, 24,709 (26.9%) small scale farmers sampled live in the

urban areas while about 67,097 (73.1%) of them live in the rural sector. About 87,885,

representing 95.73% of the sample of the small scale farmers were married, while 3,921

(4.27%) of them were single.

60 | P a g e

Table 2: The Presence Of Sample Selection Bias

Inverse Mill’s Ratio (Mymill) 630.23797***
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where Heckman is the Results of The estimated
Inverse Mill’s Ratio of the Heckman Two-Step Model. The value in parenthesis is the probability
value. *** p<0.001, is significant at less than 1% level.

The probability value of the Wald Chi-square is 0.000. This shows that the model is properly

fitted. In order to verify if there was sample selection bias in the selection of small scale

farmers who had accessed to credit from the entire population of small scale farmers

assessed, we ran a Heckman Two-Step regression. The value of the inverse Mill’s ratio

(mymill), calculated with the estimates saved from the probit regression of the selection

equation and added to the output equation and estimated with OLS, is statistically significant

at less 1% level, indicating that there was sample selection bias which was corrected for by

the Heckman’s inverse Mill’s ratio. The size of the upward bias would have been 630.23797

had it not been corrected for. This is shown in column 2 of table 2 above.



5.3.1 Test Of Endogeneity (Orthogonality Conditions) For Access To Credit (Loanuse)

Tests of endogeneity of: loanuse

Ho: Regressor is exogenous
Wu-Hausman F test: 11.27747 F(1,6381) P-value = 0.00079
Durbin-Wu-Hausman chi-sq test: 11.27875 Chi-sq(1) P-value = 0.00078
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13.

The p-values of both the Wu-Hausman F test and Durbin-Wu-Hausman chi-sqaure test are

less than 0.05. This implies that we can, at less than 5% level of significance, reject the null

hypothesis that the regressor ‘‘loanuse’’ is exogenous and conclude that it is true that access

to credit (loanuse) is endogenous. That is, the covariance between loanuse and the error term

is not zero. Some variable(s) in the error term influence(s) loanuse. If we continue with OLS,

61 | P a g e
the parameter of access to credit (loanuse) will not measure the true effect of credit access on

the output of small scale farmers without also carrying the effects of other variables like

managerial ability that can as well affect access to credit and output of small scale farmers.

This brings in the need for the instrumental variable (IV) test. The IV estimates of Two-Stage

Least Squares (2SLS) and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) are shown in columns 2

and 3 of appendix S.

In order to know the right instrumental variable model to use, we went on to test for

heteroscedasticity in the model.

5.3.2 Result of The Test For Heteroscedasticity

IV heteroskedasticity test(s) using levels of IVs only

Ho: Disturbance is homoskedastic
Pagan-Hall general test statistic : 39.094 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0001
Pagan-Hall test w/assumed normality : 693.376 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0000
White/Koenker nR2 test statistic : 50.454 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0000
Breusch-Pagan/Godfrey/Cook-Weisberg : 1316.547 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0000
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13.

The probability values of all the statistics are less than 0.05, meaning that at more than 95%

level of confidence, we can reject the null hypothesis that the error term is homosckedastic

and conclude that the error term is heteroskedastic. That is, it has no constant variance. With

the heteroskedastic nature of the disturbance term, generalized method of moments (GMM) is

the only consistent instrumental variable estimator we can employ in the presence of


5.3.3 Interpretation of The Results For The Tests of Overidentifying Restrictions

H0 : The instruments are uncorrelated with the error term

Tests of overidentifying restrictions:
Sargan N*R-sq test 2.444 Chi-sq(1) P-value = 0.1180
Basmann test 2.441 Chi-sq(1) P-value = 0.1182
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13.

The probability values of both the Sargan and Basmann tests are more than 0.05, meaning

that we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the instruments are uncorrelated with the error

62 | P a g e
term at 5% level of significance. We then conclude that the instruments (value of land and

sales value of equipment) are valid instruments.

5.3.4 Interpretation of the Results of The Test For Identification of The Model and
The Relevance or Redundancy of the Instrument

Weak-Instrument-Robust Inference:
Tests of joint significance of endogenous regressors B1 in main equation
Ho: B1=0 and overidentifying restrictions are valid
Anderson-Rubin Wald test F(2,6379)=8.72 P-val=0.0002
Anderson-Rubin Wald test Chi-sq(2)=17.47 P-val=0.0002
Stock-Wright LM S statistic Chi-sq(2)=17.43 P-val=0.0002
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13.

The probability values of all the tests are less than 0.05, indicating that at 5% level, we reject

the null hypotheses that the instruments are jointly irrelevant and that the overindentification

restrictions are valid. We conclude, therefore, that the instruments are jointly relevant and

that the model is not over-identified.

5.3.5 Interpretation of Results For Model Underidentification Tests

Ho: matrix of reduced form coefficients has rank=K1-1 (underidentified)

Ha: matrix has rank=K1 (identified)
Anderson canon. corr. N*CCEV LM statistic Chi-sq(2)=9.12 P-val=0.0105
Cragg-Donald N*CDEV Wald statistic Chi-sq(2)=9.13 P-val=0.0104
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13.

The under-identification test is an LM test of whether the equation is identified, that is, that

the excluded instruments are relevant, meaning that they are correlated with the endogenous

regressor. The test is essentially the test of the rank of a matrix: under the null hypothesis

that the equation is under-identified. A rejection of the null hypothesis indicates that the

matrix is full column rank; that is, the model is identified. The probability values (p-values)

of both the Anderson canonical correlation LM statistics and Craigg-Donald Wald statistic

are both less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis that the model is underidentified and

conclude that the model is properly identified and the instruments are valid.

63 | P a g e

Table 3: Results For The First Stage Instrumental Variable And Heckman Selection
Equation Estimates
Loanuse First Stage IV Heckman

valland 2.04e-07* 5.89e-06*

(0.040) (0.033)
hhsize .0018767* .0637554*
(0.010) (0.021)
acrcult 3.53e-06 .0000852
(0.354) (0.447)
hghlevel .0001453* .00405*
(0.029) (0.039)
ageyrs -3.86e-06 .0155855
(0.996) (0.561)
experience 2.02e-06 -.0000616
(0.767) (0.809)
sexes .0030013 .0891979
(0.454) (0.686)
pov .0046867 .1912622
(0.058) (0.081)
marstatus 0.0052056 -.0170033
(0.523) (0.648)
hhincome 9.79e-10 -9.78e-07
(0.962) (0.215)
cons -.0222005 4.031406***
(0.213) (0.000)
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where First Stage IV in column one is the
results of the IV first stage analyses and heckman, in column two, is the result of the Heckman
selection equation (first step) of the Heckman Two-Step estimation technique. p is the probability
value. * p<0.05, is significant at 5% level; ** p<0.01, is significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001,
is significant at less than 1% level. The values in parentheses are probability values.

The probability values of the F-statistic for IV and Wald chi-square for the Heckman Two-Step

estimations are both 0.0000, which is less than 0.05, indicating that the model is very good and that

the coefficients of the model are statistically different from zero at less than 5% level. We will assume

that the effects of all the factors are fixed. From the result of the analyses on table 3 above, both the

instrumental variable approach and the Heckman selection equation estimated using Probit model

show that only the value of land, household size and highest level of education are, at 5% level, the

significant determinants of credit access by small scale farmers in Nigeria. While the GMM first stage

64 | P a g e
analyses show that increase in the value of land by one naira will increase small scale farmers’ credit

access, on average, by about 2.04e-07 compared to 5.89e-06 increase revealed by the Heckman

selection model. For household size, an increase in household by a person, will increase their credit

access, on average, by about 0.2% (0.0018767x100) compared to 6.4% (0.0637554x100) revealed by

the Heckman selection equation. A higher education level attainment—say from no education to

primary, primary to secondary, secondary to tertiary level by smallholder farmers -- will, at 5% level,

significantly increase their access to credit, on average, by about 0.01% (0.0001453x100) compared to

0.4% (0.00405x100) shown by the Heckman’s selection equation, in column two. This means that as

the value of land increases, they become more acceptable collateral to access credit. The two models

also show that improving small scale farmers’ level of education from no education to primary

education, primary to secondary level education or from secondary to tertiary level of education will,

at 5% level, significantly increase their access to credit, at each higher level. That is, the more

educated they become, the easier it will become for them to access credit. Increase in their household

size will increase their need for credit to finance their farm activities so as to take care of the

increasing needs of their households.



Table 4: Results of Ordinary Least Squares Estimates

Hmharves OLS
Hhsize 73.567603***
Acrcult .09217477***
Hghlevel -.01369941
Ageyrs -52.729854***
Experience .45571218***

65 | P a g e
Pov -51.282503**
Sex 45.453688
marstatus -146.07054**
Hhincome -.00024308*
Loanuse -111.72364
Cons 1413.0064***
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where OLS in column one is the result of the
ordinary least squares estimation. p is the probability value. * p<0.05, is significant at 5% level;
** p<0.01, is significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001, is significant at less than 1% level. The
values in parentheses are probability values

The probability value of the F-statistic is 0.000, indicating that the model is well fitted. The

R2 is 0.0950, which is low. It shows that about 10% of the variations in the total annual output

of smallholder farmers are due to the changes in the variables included in the model. The

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimates in column one of table 4, show a downward bias

except in its measure of the effect of household income on the output of small scale farmers,

which shows an upward bias. This biasness is due to the bias in sample selection, the

presence of heteroskedasticity in the model and endogeneity of access to credit (loanuse).

With the coefficient of all other variables fixed, the estimates of the coefficients of its

regressors show that increase in household size by one person, acreage cultivated by an acre

and years of experience by an additional year will, at 1% level, significantly increase the

output of small scale farmers, on average, by about 73.57 kilograms, 0.092 kilogram and 0.46

kilogram respectively, while increase in their age by an additional year will significantly

66 | P a g e
reduce their level of output by about 52.73 kilograms at 1% level. Whether a small scale

farmer is not educated, has primary, secondary or tertiary education does not significantly

reduce his/her output. That is, level of education has no significant effect on output of small

scale farmers at 5% level of significance. For sex of farmers, there is no significant difference

in the output of male and female small scale farmers sampled at 5% level of significance. For

poverty status, there is significant difference in the output of small scale farmers who are

poor relative to that of those who are not poor. The outputs of poor small scale farmers is, at

1% level, significantly less than those of their non-poor counterparts by about 51.28

kilograms on average. For marital status, the output of married small scale farmers is, at 1%

level, significantly less than those of the single smallholder farmers by an average of 146.1

kilograms. For household income, an increase in the level of income of smallholder farmers

by a naira, will, at 5% level, significantly reduce their output by about 2.4308× 10− 5

kilograms, holding the effects of other regressors constant. On the other hand, credit access,

although it reduced output by about 111.72 kilograms on average, does not significantly

decrease the output of small scale farmers at 5% level of significance.


Table 5: Results of OLS and GMM Estimates

Hmharves OLS GMM

Hhsize 73.567603*** 95.160022***
(0.000) (0.000)
Acrcult .09217477*** .13860034*
(0.001) (0.046)
Hghlevel -.01369941 2.0992112
(0.976) (0.137)
Ageyrs -52.729854*** -48.358451***
(0.000) (0.000)
Experience .45571218*** .44199693***
(0.000) (0.000)
Pov -51.282503** 8.9162718
(0.002) (0.803)
Sex 45.453688 77.704545*
(0.103) (0.043)

67 | P a g e
marstatus -146.07054** -80.103863
(0.010) (0.290)
Hhincome -.00024308* -.00051425**
(0.039) (0.007)
Loanuse -111.72364 -13363.191
(0.199) (0.061)
Cons 1413.0064*** 1059.4947***
(0.000) (0.000)

legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001

Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where OLS is the Estimates of Ordinary Least
Squares Regression--The Reference Equation/Model;GMM is Generalised Method of Moments
Regression Results. p is the probability value. * p<0.05, is significant at 5% level; ** p<0.01, is
significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001, is significant at less than 1% level. The values in
parentheses are the probability values.
The probability values of the F-statistic for both the OLS and GMM models are 0.000,

indicating that the models are well fitted. That is, the coefficients of the variables in the

models are statistically different from zero. All things being equal, on one hand, the GMM

estimates in table 5 indicate that whilst the effect of small scale farmers’ household size,

acreage cultivated, age in years, experience, sex and household income are, at 5% level,

statistically different from zero, the coefficients of highest level of education, poverty status,

marital status and access to credit are not significant from zero on the second hand. An

increase in the size of small scale farmers’ household by one person will, at 5% level,

significantly increase their output, on average, by about 95.16 kilograms compared to 73.57

kilograms increase seen in the OLS estimates in column one. For acreage cultivated, a one

acre increase in the number of acres cultivated by small scale farmers will, at 5% level,

significantly increase small scale farmers’ output, on average, by about 0.138 kilogram

compared to 0.092 kilogram slight increase reported by the OLS estimate. For age in years,

an increase in the age of small scale farmers by one year will, at less than 1% level,

significantly reduce their output on average by about 48.37 kilograms compared to 52.73

kilogram decrease shown by the OLS. Again, additional year of experience by small scale

farmers will, at 1% level, significantly increase output on average by about 0.44 kilogram

68 | P a g e
compared to about 0.46 kilogram increase revealed by the OLS estimates. Whereas the GMM

estimate on small scale farmers’ poverty status reported that poverty status has no significant

effect on the output of small scale farmers at 5% level, the OLS estimate on poverty status

indicated that, on average, the output of poor (both core and moderately poor) small scale

farmers are about 51.23 kilograms less than the output of non-poor small scale farmers.

While the GMM estimate on sexes show that, at 5% level, the output of male small scale

farmers are significantly higher than those of their female counterparts on average by about

77.70 kilograms, the OLS estimates indicated that there is no significant difference between

the output of male and female small scale farmers. For marital status, the GMM estimate

shows that there is no significant difference in the output of single and married small scale

farmers, while the OLS estimate shows that the output of married small scale famers are, at

1% level, significantly less than the output of small scale farmers who are single on average

by about 146.1 kilograms. While the GMM estimate shows that household income will, at

1% level, significantly reduce output by about 5.14x10-4 kilograms, the OLS result shows that

household income will at only 5% level, significantly reduce output on average by about

2.43x10-4 kilograms. The cause of the slight difference may be because their incomes are

usually very low. Both models show no significant effect of credit access on the output of

small scale farmers. They also show that access to credit has negative effect on the output of

small scale farmers. While the GMM estimates show credit access by small scale farmers

reduced their output on average by about 13,363.19 kilograms — after correcting for

endogeneity bias, the OLS estimates showed a decrease of about 111.72 kilograms, indicating

an upward bias in the OLS estimate caused by the endogeneity of credit access (loanuse).

69 | P a g e

Table 6: Estimates of Ordinary Least Squares and Step-Two of Heckman Model

hmharves OLS HECKMAN

Hhsize 73.567603*** 103.7447***

(0.000) (0.000)
acrcult .09217477*** .13898308***
(0.001 ) (0.000)
hghlevel -.01369941 2.3076302***
(0.976) (0.001)
Ageyrs -52.729854*** -42.28626***
(0.000) (0.000)
experience .45571218*** .4021854***
(0.000) (0.000)
pov -51.282503** 37.555827
(0.002) (0.131)
sexes 45.453688 137.57186***
(0.103) (0.000)
marstatus -146.07054** -119.3944*
(0.010) (0.035)
hhincome -.00024308* -.00057286***
(0.039) (0.000)
loanuse -111.72364 -98.129838
(0.199) (0.258)
mymill 630.23797***
cons 1413.0064*** -1087.6983*
(0.000) (0.041)
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where OLS is the Estimates of Ordinary Least
Squares Regression--The Reference Equation/Model;Heckman is the Result of The Second Step of
Heckman Two-Step Technique. p is the probability value. * p<0.05, is significant at 5% level; **
p<0.01, is significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001, is significant at less than 1% level. The
values in parentheses are the probability values.

5.7.1 Interpretation of The Results For The Heckman Step Two (heckman)
Estimation for Objective Three

The probability values of both the F-statistics for OLS and GMM models is 0.000, indicating

that the models are well fitted. That is, the coefficients of the variables in the models are

70 | P a g e
statistically different from zero. If we hold the effects of other variables constant, the

estimates of Heckman second-step estimation reported in column 3 of table 6 show that

household size, acreage cultivated, highest level of education, age in years, experience, sex

and household income have significant effect on the output of small scale farmers at less 1%

level, while marital status has significant effect on their output at 5% level. Their poverty

status and credit access have no significant effects on their output at both 1% and 5% levels,

after correcting for representativeness. The results show that an increase in household size by

a person, acreage cultivated by an acre and years of experience by a year will, at 1% level,

significantly increase small scale farmers’ output, on average, by about 103.74 kilograms,

0.14 kilogram and 0.40 kilogram, respectively. For highest level of education, educational

advancement from primary to secondary or secondary to tertiary level will, at less than 1%

level, increase the output of small scale farmers on average by about 2.31 kilograms at each

level of education attained. For age and income of the farmers, an increase in age by one year

and one naira increase in household income of small scale farmers will, at less than 1% level,

significantly reduce their output on average by about 42.29 kilograms and 5.73x10 -4

kilograms respectively. Small scale farmers, who are male, at 5% level, significantly produce

more output than their female counterpart on average by about 137.57 kilograms. For marital

status, the output of small scale farmers who are single are, at 5% level, significantly less

than those of their peers who are married on average by about 119.39 kilograms. Whether a

small scale farmer is poor or not does not significantly impact on his/her output, at 5% level

of significance. The Heckman estimate of the parameter of access to credit shows that, after

correcting for sample selection bias, access to credit has no significant effect on the output of

small scale farmers who accessed credit at 5% level of significance.

71 | P a g e
5.7.2 Comparison Of The Heckman Step-Two Estimates With Ordinary Least Squares

(OLS) Estimates

From table 6, Holding the effects of other factors fixed, an increase in the size of small scale

farmers’ household by one person will, at 1% level, significantly increase output on average

by about 103.74 kilograms compared to 73.57 kilograms increase reported in the OLS

estimates in column one. For acreage cultivated, an increase in the number of acres cultivated

by small scale farmers by an acre will, at 1% level, significantly increase small scale farmers’

output, on average, by about 0.14 kilogram compared to 0.092 kilogram reported by the OLS

estimate. While the Heckman model shows that an increase in the level of education from

primary to secondary or secondary to tertiary level, will at each higher level of education

significantly increase output of small scale farmers on average by about 2.31 kilograms at 1%

level of significance, the OLS estimate show that at each increase in educational level, the

output of these farmers will, at 5% level, insignificantly fall, by about .01 kilogram. For age

in years, an increase in the age of small scale farmers by one year will, at less than 1% level,

significantly reduce their output, on average, by about 42.29 kilograms compared to 52.73

kilograms decrease shown by the OLS estimate. Again, an additional year of experience by

small scale farmers will, at 1% level, significantly increase output on average by about 0.40

kilogram compared to about 0.46 kilogram increase revealed by the OLS estimates. Whereas

the Heckman model estimate shows that output of poor small scale farmers (though not

significant at 5% level) are higher than those of their peers who are non poor on average by

about 37.55 kilograms, the OLS estimate on poverty status indicated that, on average, the

output of poor (both core and moderately poor) small scale farmers are about 51.23 kilograms

less than the output of non-poor small scale farmers at 5% level. This shows a downward bias

in the OLS estimate on poverty. Again, the Heckman estimate on sexes show that, at 1%

level, the output of female small scale farmers are significantly higher than those of their

72 | P a g e
male counterparts on average by about 137.57 kilograms, while the OLS estimate indicated

that there is no significant difference between the output of male and female small scale

farmers at same 5% level. For marital status, the Heckman estimate shows that the output of

married small scale farmers are, at 5% level, significantly less than those of their peers that

are single by about 119.39 kilograms, while the OLS estimate shows that the output of

married small scale famers are, at 1% level, significantly less than the output of small scale

farmers who are single on average by about 146.1 kilograms. While the Heckman estimate

shows that household income will, at 1% level, significantly reduce output by about 5.72x10 -4

kilogram, the OLS result shows that household income will at only 5% level, significantly

reduce output on average by about 2.43x10 -4 kilogram. Both models show no significant

effect of credit access on the output of small scale farmers. They also show that access to

credit has negative effect on the output of small scale farmers. While the Heckman estimate

shows credit access by small scale farmers reduced their output on average by about 98.13

kilograms — after correcting for selectivity bias, the OLS estimates showed a decrease of

about 111.72 kilograms. This is also a case of downward bias on the side of OLS as a result

of sample selection bias or endogeneity bias that was not taken care of by the model.


Table 7: Heckman Step-Two Estimates With GMM Estimates

hmharves GMM HECKMAN

hhsize 95.160022*** 103.7447***

(0.000) (0.000)
acrcult .13860034* .13898308***
(0.046) (0.000)
hghlevel 2.0992112 2.3076302***
(0.137) (0.001)
ageyrs -48.358451*** -42.28626***
(0.000) (0.000)
experience .44199693*** .4021854***
(0.000) (0.000)

73 | P a g e
pov 8.9162718 37.555827
(0.803) (0.131)
sexes 77.704545* 137.57186***
(0.043) (0.000)
marstatus -80.103863 -119.3944*
(0.290) (0.035)
hhincome -.00051425** -.00057286***
(0.007) (0.000)
loanuse -13363.191 -98.129838
(0.061) (0.258)
mymill 630.23797***
cons 1059.4947*** -1087.6983*
(0.000) (0.041)
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where GMM is Generalised Method of Moments
Estimation Results;Heckman is the Result of The Second Step of Heckman Two-Step Technique. p is
the probability value. * p<0.05, is significant at 5% level; ** p<0.01, is significant at 1% level;
*** p<0.001, is significant at less than 1% level. The values in parentheses are the
probability values.
With good fitted models, as seen in the probability values of F-statistic (for GMM) and Wald

Chi-square (for Heckman), we compare the estimates of two models. Sample selection bias

and endogeneity bias refer to two distinct concepts, both entailing distinct solutions. In

general, sample selection bias refers to problems where the dependent variable is observed

only for a restricted, non random sample. Here, we observe a small scale farmer’s output only

if the farmer has access to credit. Conversely, we observe a credit constrained small scale

farmer’s output only if the farmer does not access credit. According to Amemiya (1985),

endogeneity refers to the fact that an independent variable included in the model is potentially

a choice variable, correlated with unobservables that are relegated to the error term. The

dependent variable, in the case of endogeneity however, is observed for all observations in

the data. Here credit access may be endogenous if the decision to take credit or not is

correlated with unobservables that affect small scale farmers (Maddala, 1983). For instance,

if small scale farmers with high managerial ability are more likely to access credit and

therefore produce more outputs, ceteris paribus, then failure to control for this correlation will

74 | P a g e
yield an estimated credit effect on outputs of the farmers that is biased downwards as seen in

the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates reported earlier.

Again, in instrumental variable approach, the entire sample of small scale farmers is used, the

sample selection problem is not addressed here, but there may be sample selection issue to

the extent that outputs are observed only for small scale farmers who accessed credit (Main &

Reilly,1993). In addition, the betas (coefficients of the independent variables), under

endogeneity estimation techniques, are restricted to be the same for small scale farmers who

accessed credit and those who did not. That is, outputs are restricted to be the same,

regardless of whether a small scale farmer has access to credit or not.

From table 7, we could see that due to the correction of the sample selection bias by the

Heckman Two-Step approach, highest level of education and marital status that were reported

not to have significant effect on the output of small scale farmers by Instrumental Variable

GMM, are seen to have statistical significant influence on the output of small scale farmers.

While acreage cultivated and sex of small scale farmers that were only significant at 5% level

in GMM approach were significant at less than 1% level in Heckman Two-Step technique.

This implies that sample selection problem may have caused the GMM estimates to have

high standard errors which affect their level of statistical significance. It also affected the size

of their coefficients. Therefore, the Heckman model is better than the GMM technique

because the GMM technique only controls for endogeneity and heterosckedasticity but not

sample selectivity bias that is also controlled for by the Heckman Two-Step model.

75 | P a g e

Table 8: OLS Estimates of Small Scale Farmers’ Poverty Status Effect on Their Output


loanmodpoors -144.06517
loancorepoors -413.23556*
cons 1414.8876***
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001

Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. p is the probability values. * p<0.05, is
significant at 5% level; ** p<0.01, is significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001, is significant at
less than 1% level. The values in parentheses are the probability values.

Base category: Non-poor small scale farmers with access to credit access.
The R-squared is 0.955, meaning that about 96% of the variation in the output of small scale

farmers is due to the variables in the model. The probability value of the F-test is less than

0.05, showing that it is a well-fitted model. From the results on table 8, the ordinary least

squares estimates of the effect of poverty status on the output of small scale farmers who

accessed credit show that while there is no significant difference between the output of

moderately poor small scale farmers who accessed credit and those of their peers who are non

poor but accessed credit as well, there is a statistically significant difference in the output of

core poor and non poor small scale farmers who accessed credit. Although the output of

moderately poor small scale farmers who accessed credit may not, at 5% level, significantly

vary from those of the non poor who accessed credit, the result indicates that it is less than

the output of non poor small scale farmers who accessed credit on average by about 144.06

kilograms. For the core poor small scale farmers who accessed credit, their outputs are, at 5%

level, significantly less than the output of the non poor small scale farmers who accessed

credit on average by about 413.24 kilograms, keeping the effect of other variables fixed. This

results show that as the poverty level of the small scale farmers improved, their output also

76 | P a g e
improved. Meaning that, the more poor the small scale farmers are, the lesser their output

even when they have accessed credit.



Table 9: OLS Estimates of The Effect of Small Scale Farmers’ Marital Status on
Output of Those Who Accessed Credit
Hmharves Coeficients

loanuse#marstatus -242.00537*
11 (0.020)
cons (0.000)
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. p is the probability values. * p<0.05, is
significant at 5% level; ** p<0.01, is significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001, is significant at
less than 1% level. The values in parentheses are the probability values.

Base category: Single small scale farmers who accessed credit

The probability value of the F-test is 0.0000 which is less than 5%, revealing that the model

is well fitted. About 13% variation in the output was due to the variables in the model. From

table five above, we could see that the marital status of the small scale farmers who accessed

credit significantly influenced their output. The result on table 9 shows that, keeping the

effect of other variables constant, the output of married small scale farmers who accessed

credit are, at 5% level, significantly less than the output of single small scale farmers who

accessed credit on average by about 242 kilograms.


The results which were presented and analysed in this chapter of my research work show that

there is a sample selection bias in the selection of small scale farmers into those who have

credit access and those who do not. This justifies my use of Heckman Two-Step technique.

77 | P a g e
Again, the estimates show that the value of land, household size and level of education were

the significant determinants of small scale farmers’ access to credit. This is consistent with

the works of Anang, Sipilainen, Backman & Kola (2005) highlighted under the empirical

literature. This addresses objective one of my study.

On the other hand, the results of all the models show that there is a negative, though

insignificant, relationship between access to credit and output of small scale farmers. This

implies that an increase in credit access by small scale farmers will reduce their output,

though not significantly. This outcome is in line with the works of Omojimite (2012) and

Akpan and Babalola (2009). The results address objective two. The results emphasized in this

study are those of GMM and Heckman Two-Step techniques because GMM takes care of

endogeneity and heterskedasticy as does Heckman Two-Step which additionally takes care of

sample selection bias. Moreover, between the two models (GMM and Heckman), the

Heckman model is preferred due to the presence of sample selection bias.

However, there is a significant difference in the output of core poor small scale farmers who

accessed credit and those of the non poor smallholder farmers who also had credit access.

And the amount of this difference is about 413.24 kilograms less than the output of the non

poor small scale farmers. This resolves our objective three. We also saw that, with both

having access to credit, the output of married small scale farmers were significantly less than

those of the single small scale farmers. This is unexpected but it addresses objective four of

this study. This difference is about 242 kilograms.

78 | P a g e



In summary, this study found a significant positive relationship between the value of land and

small scale farmers’ access to credit. This implies that the higher the value of an asset (such

as land) that can be used as collateral to access credit, the higher the ability of the small scale

farmers to access credit. Household size was also positively significant at determining access

to credit. This means that the more the size of small scale farmers’ household, the greater

their need for credit to carter for their increasing number. Again, this study also found that

increase in education levels will increase credit access of the smallholder farmers in Nigeria.

This is because they will be more enlightened and disposed to apply for credit.

However, Ordinary Least Squares are not consistent estimators in the presence of edogeneity

and heteroskedasticity. That is, they produce spurious estimates. The biases in the estimates

are mostly downward in nature. This also means that their parameter estimates do not

measure their true effects on the outcome of interest. Models that correct for selectivity bias

and endogeneity (Endogenous Switching Regression and Heckman Two-Step estimation

techniques) are appropriate in estimating the effect of access to credit on the output of small

scale farmers in Nigeria. The Heckman Two-Step estimation technique is a consistent

estimator in the presence of endogeneity, heteroskedasticity and selectivity bias. Its estimates

found that Household size, number of acres cultivated, experience and sex show positive and

significant effects on output of small scale farmers. As a result, increasing them will increase

the output of small scale farmers in Nigeria. Notwithstanding, age in years and household

income have negative significant effects on the output of small scale farmers in Nigeria. The

negative effect of age in years on small scale farmers’ output is because the average age in

years of the sampled farmers is about 47 years. They are already old farmers, and as the years

79 | P a g e
go by, they grow older and their output at this older age will definitely drop significantly. We

also found that the average total annual household income of sampled small scale farmers is

about 130,195 naira. With this level of income, the average small scale farmer spends,

approximately, about 357 (130,195/365) naira per day. This is less than the $2 per day recent

poverty line at the current 425 naira per day dollar exchange rate. This also means that, on

average, the sampled small scale farmers are poor. Therefore, most of the funds accessed by

these small scale farmers are channelled towards taking care of their basic needs and they

may sometimes prefer to go into petty trading or motorcycle operation as this will guarantee

them immediate income rather than wait for the harvest period of the agricultural products.

We also found a significant difference between the output of single small scale farmers and

married small scale farmers. The result showed that the small scale farmers who are single

produced more output than their married counterparts. The study also found that the average

total amount of credit accessed was about 9,005.15 naira. This is not in any way going to

alleviate their problem not to talk of eradicating poverty. This amount cannot even cultivate

two plots of land for them but can start off a petty trade, like selling of ‘‘recharge cards’’.

This also may have contributed to the negative, though not significant, effect of credit access

on the output of small scale farmers in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the research found the output of core poor small scale farmers who accessed

credit to be significantly less than that of non poor small scale farmers who also accessed

credit. Also, the output of moderately poor small scale farmers who have credit access are,

though not significant at 5% level, less than the output of non poor small scale farmers who

accessed credit. These differences in output reduced as the small scale farmers’ poverty

statuses improved. This means that as there poverty conditions improve, the effect of their

credit access on output is very likely to improve as well, if they don’t abandon farming for

trading or other ventures.

80 | P a g e
Finally, the research also corrected for endogeneity by using sales value of land and

equipment which could be used as collateral to access credit from the credit institutions. The

instruments were found to be good instruments and identification (exclusion restriction) for

Instrumental Variable and Heckman Two-Stage estimators, respectively.


As Nigeria attempts to diversify its economy to cushion the negative effect of oil price shock

on it, improving the production capacity of small scale farmers through productivity increase

is an important policy goal, especially now that agriculture is seen as an important sector in

reviving the economy. For government efforts at improving the condition of these farmers to

be felt—when it comes to granting them credit, it should target the real farmers and not party

loyalist who may not be farmers. Government policies at advancing credit to small scale

farmers should consider the amount required by these farmers before they are made. A

sizeable amount of credit is required by these farmers, if the effect of credit is to be

felt/significant. The government and bank credit polici(es) should also consider the timing of

agricultural activities to ensure that these credits are given to the farmers at the right time to

ensure that the required impact on their output is achieved. The recently clamoured ‘‘stomach

infrastructure’’ should be implemented as a policy through social welfare service by granting

the unemployed people (of which the children of these small scale farmers are the most) a

reasonable stipend per month to take care of their basic needs. For private sector credit such

as credits from banks and other financial institutions, who require acceptable collateral to

guarantee their loans, governments should stand in for the small scale farmers by

guaranteeing their loans and ensuring that they pay back by ensuring that counsellors and

traditional heads of their wards sign-off on the loans.

81 | P a g e
Furthermore, the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme should be made more active to

ensure that the collateral problem of these farmers is taken care of and their credit access

improved. The rural banks established under the Rural Banking Scheme should be revived.

This will make the banks very close to the small scale farmers (most of whom are rural-

based) to have easy access to agricultural credit when provided. The federal government

should ensure that its programs on agriculture inculcate the features of the National Poverty

Eradication Program (NAPEP). Features such as social welfare service scheme, which

ensures quality education for the poor, primary healthcare, provision of agricultural inputs

(like improved and disease resistant seedling, fertilizers and pesticides), credit delivery to

rural areas; rural infrastructures like portable water, rural electrification and transportation to

ensure that farm products are processed and transported to enable small scale farmers get a

fair price for their products.


As suggested earlier, this study would serve as a reference point for further research work on

this topic. This is because other than the gap filled by this research; there are still exigency

gaps, which could not be filled due to the scope and context of this study. To this end, the

suggestions made for further research work relating to access to credit and effect of credit on

the output of small scale farmers in Nigeria are as follows:

1. The Effect Of Credit Use On The Output Of Small Scale Farmers In Sub-Saharan


2. Zonal Analyses Of Access To Credit And Output Of Small Scale Farmers In Nigeria.

3. Health Status And The Performance Of Small Scale Farmers In Nigeria.

82 | P a g e

In conclusion, these analyses made use of the agricultural section of Nigerian Living

Standards Survey Data version 2009 and the Generalized Living Standard Survey of 2012. In

spite attempts made in the past by some studies to explore the link between access to agricultural

credit and agricultural productivity in Nigeria, many of these studies did not apply the widely

accepted impact assessment methodologies and are therefore subject to serious problems arising

from sample selection bias. In order to fill this gap in the literature and complement other studies,

this study assesses the demographic and socio-economic features of small scale farmers which

significantly determine their access to credit and the impact of credit access on the output of

small scale farmers in Nigeria using the Heckman Two-Step Instrumental Variable estimation

techniques. We focused essentially on output of small scale farmers, because agricultural output

is a measure of the performance of the agricultural sector and thus provides a guide to the

efficiency of the sector (Thirtle et al., 2005). The analyses made use of household size, acres of

land cultivated, highest levels of education of small scale farmers, their age and experience in

years, poverty status, sex, marital status, total annual household income and their access to

credit. Sector was dropped due to colllnearity problem. When marital status was dropped,

sector did not show any significant effect on both access to credit and output of small scale

farmers. however, the study found that only the size of household, acreage cultivated, highest

level of education attained, sex, marital status and household income were significant at

determining the level of output of small scale farmers in Nigeria, while their access to credit

were significantly determined by only the value of their land, household size and their highest

level of education.

In this result, the relationship between credit access and the output of small scale farmers

looks odd, but then it makes a good sense when one looks at it more closely for various

reasons. First, while access to credit is supposed to increase output of smallholder farmers, it

is also true that credit access by these small scale farmers is for both production and

83 | P a g e
consumption. Since the average small scale farmer is poor, the fund they accessed will, first

of all, be used to take care of his/her basic needs such health care, food and even to pay

his/her children’s school fees. The amount received as credit is also not enough as to make

significant impact. The timing of the loans are also wrong due to delay in approving the

credits that most times enter the non planting period leaving the small scale farmers with no

option than to trade with the credits obtained. Again, some of the beneficiaries of the credits,

especially the credits from the government, are false farmers (party loyalist who claim to be

farmers) who get these credits and use them for other things instead of agricultural activities.

Another is the result of the effect of marital status on the output of small scale farmers who

accessed credit. This maybe justifiable as married farmers are supposed to have more

responsibilities like paying children school fees, taking care of their health needs and feeding.

Because of these pressures, they may prefer to use the credits for petty trading when they get

them—as agricultural activities are seasonal and may require more time before the output is


Therefore, government should care for the basic needs of these smallholder farmers through

the provision and sustaining of more free health care facilities, free education for the less

privileged and ‘‘stomach infrastructure’’ to enable them apply these credits on agricultural

activities when they access them.

84 | P a g e

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93 | P a g e


. reg hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome loanuse

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 6393

F( 10, 6382) = 67.02
Model 305073293 10 30507329.3 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 2.9049e+09 6382 455171.259 R-squared = 0.0950
Adj R-squared = 0.0936
Total 3.2100e+09 6392 502186.525 Root MSE = 674.66

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

hhsize 73.5676 4.845925 15.18 0.000 64.06796 83.06724

acrcult .0921748 .0265139 3.48 0.001 .0401987 .1441509
hghlevel -.0136994 .4615691 -0.03 0.976 -.9185297 .8911309
ageyrs -52.72985 4.697472 -11.23 0.000 -61.93848 -43.52123
experience .4557122 .0465124 9.80 0.000 .3645323 .546892
pov -51.2825 16.76347 -3.06 0.002 -84.14454 -18.42047
sexes 45.45369 27.83556 1.63 0.103 -9.113364 100.0207
marstatus -146.0705 56.52422 -2.58 0.010 -256.877 -35.26408
hhincome -.0002431 .0001176 -2.07 0.039 -.0004735 -.0000126
loanuse -111.7236 86.94176 -1.29 0.199 -282.1587 58.7114
_cons 1413.006 122.6118 11.52 0.000 1172.646 1653.367

94 | P a g e

. reg loanuse salevalequip valland

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 91806

F( 2, 91803) = 740.66
Model 58.5434971 2 29.2717485 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 3628.16962 91803 .039521253 R-squared = 0.0159
Adj R-squared = 0.0159
Total 3686.71311 91805 .040158086 Root MSE = .1988

loanuse Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

salevalequip 4.05e-07 1.06e-08 38.18 0.000 3.84e-07 4.26e-07

valland -3.88e-07 6.14e-08 -6.32 0.000 -5.09e-07 -2.68e-07
_cons .0180077 .0011751 15.32 0.000 .0157044 .0203109

95 | P a g e

. ivreg2 hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome (loanuse= salev
> alequip valland ), first

First-stage regressions

First-stage regression of loanuse:

OLS estimation

Estimates efficient for homoskedasticity only

Statistics consistent for homoskedasticity only

Number of obs = 6393

F( 11, 6381) = 2.72
Prob > F = 0.0017
Total (centered) SS = 60.41795714 Centered R2 = 0.0047
Total (uncentered) SS = 61 Uncentered R2 = 0.0142
Residual SS = 60.13640374 Root MSE = .09708

loanuse Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

hhsize .0018767 .0007295 2.57 0.010 .0004467 .0033067

acrcult 3.53e-06 3.82e-06 0.93 0.354 -3.94e-06 .000011
hghlevel .0001453 .0000664 2.19 0.029 .0000151 .0002755
ageyrs -3.86e-06 .0006905 -0.01 0.996 -.0013574 .0013497
experience 2.02e-06 6.82e-06 0.30 0.767 -.0000114 .0000154
pov .0046867 .0024677 1.90 0.058 -.0001508 .0095243
sexes .0030013 .0040125 0.75 0.454 -.0048645 .0108671
marstatus .0052056 .0081425 0.64 0.523 -.0107564 .0211676
hhincome 9.79e-10 2.03e-08 0.05 0.962 -3.88e-08 4.08e-08
salevalequip -5.07e-08 3.59e-08 -1.41 0.158 -1.21e-07 1.97e-08
valland 2.04e-07 9.95e-08 2.05 0.040 9.37e-09 3.99e-07
_cons -.0222005 .0178226 -1.25 0.213 -.0571388 .0127378

Included instruments: hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes

marstatus hhincome salevalequip valland

Partial R-squared of excluded instruments: 0.0013

Test of excluded instruments:
F( 2, 6381) = 4.27
Prob > F = 0.0141

96 | P a g e
Summary results for first-stage regressions

Variable | Shea Partial R2 | Partial R2 | F( 2, 6381) P-value

loanuse | 0.0013 | 0.0013 | 4.27 0.0141

Underidentification tests
Ho: matrix of reduced form coefficients has rank=K1-1 (underidentified)
Ha: matrix has rank=K1 (identified)
Anderson canon. corr. N*CCEV LM statistic Chi-sq(2)=8.54 P-val=0.0140
Cragg-Donald N*CDEV Wald statistic Chi-sq(2)=8.55 P-val=0.0139

Weak identification test

Ho: equation is weakly identified
Cragg-Donald Wald F-statistic 4.27
See main output for Cragg-Donald weak id test critical values

Weak-instrument-robust inference
Tests of joint significance of endogenous regressors B1 in main equation
Ho: B1=0 and overidentifying restrictions are valid
Anderson-Rubin Wald test F(2,6381)=8.72 P-val=0.0002
Anderson-Rubin Wald test Chi-sq(2)=17.47 P-val=0.0002
Stock-Wright LM S statistic Chi-sq(2)=17.43 P-val=0.0002

Number of observations N = 6393

Number of regressors K = 11
Number of instruments L = 12
Number of excluded instruments L1 = 2

97 | P a g e

IV (2SLS) estimation

Estimates efficient for homoskedasticity only

Statistics consistent for homoskedasticity only

Number of obs = 6393

F( 10, 6382) = 29.33
Prob > F = 0.0000
Total (centered) SS = 3209976267 Centered R2 = -1.0986
Total (uncentered) SS = 3345554216 Uncentered R2 = -1.0135
Residual SS = 6736394575 Root MSE = 1027

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

loanuse -8088.455 3619.368 -2.23 0.025 -15182.29 -994.6238

hhsize 85.09965 9.039129 9.41 0.000 67.38329 102.816
acrcult .1208077 .0423788 2.85 0.004 .0377467 .2038687
hghlevel 1.198897 .8919185 1.34 0.179 -.5492311 2.947025
ageyrs -50.59072 7.212754 -7.01 0.000 -64.72746 -36.45399
experience .4514466 .0707953 6.38 0.000 .3126903 .5902028
pov -21.36099 28.88981 -0.74 0.460 -77.98397 35.26199
sexes 64.74833 43.24623 1.50 0.134 -20.01272 149.5094
marstatus -104.3592 88.05717 -1.19 0.236 -276.9481 68.22965
hhincome -.0003213 .0001824 -1.76 0.078 -.0006787 .0000361
_cons 1223.681 205.3593 5.96 0.000 821.1843 1626.178

Underidentification test (Anderson canon. corr. LM statistic): 8.540

Chi-sq(2) P-val = 0.0140

Weak identification test (Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic): 4.268

Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size 19.93
15% maximal IV size 11.59
20% maximal IV size 8.75
25% maximal IV size 7.25
Source: Stock-Yogo (2005). Reproduced by permission.

Sargan statistic (overidentification test of all instruments): 2.522

Chi-sq(1) P-val = 0.1123

Instrumented: loanuse
Included instruments: hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes
marstatus hhincome
Excluded instruments: salevalequip valland

98 | P a g e
. ivendog

Tests of endogeneity of: loanuse

H0: Regressor is exogenous
Wu-Hausman F test: 11.27747 F(1,6381) P-value = 0.00079
Durbin-Wu-Hausman chi-sq test: 11.27875 Chi-sq(1) P-value = 0.00078

. ivhettest, all
IV heteroskedasticity test(s) using levels of IVs only
Ho: Disturbance is homoskedastic
Pagan-Hall general test statistic : 39.094 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0001
Pagan-Hall test w/assumed normality : 693.376 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0000
White/Koenker nR2 test statistic : 50.454 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0000
Breusch-Pagan/Godfrey/Cook-Weisberg : 1316.547 Chi-sq(11) P-value = 0.0000

. ivreg2 hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome (loanuse= salev
> alequip valland ), gmm robust
-gmm- is no longer a supported option; use -gmm2s- with the appropriate option
gmm = gmm2s robust
gmm robust = gmm2s robust
gmm bw() = gmm2s bw()
gmm robust bw() = gmm2s robust bw()
gmm cluster() = gmm2s cluster()

99 | P a g e

2-Step GMM estimation

Estimates efficient for arbitrary heteroskedasticity

Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity

Number of obs = 6393

F( 10, 6382) = 13.18
Prob > F = 0.0000
Total (centered) SS = 3209976267 Centered R2 = -3.1993
Total (uncentered) SS = 3345554216 Uncentered R2 = -3.0292
Residual SS = 1.34798e+10 Root MSE = 1452

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

loanuse -13363.19 7131.27 -1.87 0.061 -27340.22 613.8405

hhsize 95.16002 14.20091 6.70 0.000 67.32675 122.9933
acrcult .1386003 .0693755 2.00 0.046 .0026269 .2745738
hghlevel 2.099211 1.413101 1.49 0.137 -.6704152 4.868838
ageyrs -48.35845 8.381048 -5.77 0.000 -64.785 -31.9319
experience .4419969 .0823771 5.37 0.000 .2805407 .6034532
pov 8.916272 35.68197 0.25 0.803 -61.01911 78.85166
sexes 77.70455 38.47511 2.02 0.043 2.294708 153.1144
marstatus -80.10386 75.71412 -1.06 0.290 -228.5008 68.29309
hhincome -.0005142 .0001913 -2.69 0.007 -.0008892 -.0001393
_cons 1059.495 245.4395 4.32 0.000 578.4421 1540.547

Underidentification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic): 1.463

Chi-sq(2) P-val = 0.4812

Weak identification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic): 0.759

Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size 19.93
15% maximal IV size 11.59
20% maximal IV size 8.75
25% maximal IV size 7.25
Source: Stock-Yogo (2005). Reproduced by permission.
NB: Critical values are for Cragg-Donald F statistic and i.i.d. errors.

Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments): 0.960

Chi-sq(1) P-val = 0.3271

Instrumented: loanuse
Included instruments: hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes
marstatus hhincome
Excluded instruments: salevalequip valland

100 | P a g e
. ivreg2 hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome (loanuse= salev
> alequip valland ), gmm orthog(salevalequip)
-gmm- is no longer a supported option; use -gmm2s- with the appropriate option
gmm = gmm2s robust
gmm robust = gmm2s robust
gmm bw() = gmm2s bw()
gmm robust bw() = gmm2s robust bw()
gmm cluster() = gmm2s cluster()

2-Step GMM estimation

Estimates efficient for arbitrary heteroskedasticity

Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity

Number of obs = 6393

F( 10, 6382) = 13.18
Prob > F = 0.0000
Total (centered) SS = 3209976267 Centered R2 = -3.1993
Total (uncentered) SS = 3345554216 Uncentered R2 = -3.0292
Residual SS = 1.34798e+10 Root MSE = 1452

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

loanuse -13363.19 7131.27 -1.87 0.061 -27340.22 613.8405

hhsize 95.16002 14.20091 6.70 0.000 67.32675 122.9933
acrcult .1386003 .0693755 2.00 0.046 .0026269 .2745738
hghlevel 2.099211 1.413101 1.49 0.137 -.6704152 4.868838
ageyrs -48.35845 8.381048 -5.77 0.000 -64.785 -31.9319
experience .4419969 .0823771 5.37 0.000 .2805407 .6034532
pov 8.916272 35.68197 0.25 0.803 -61.01911 78.85166
sexes 77.70455 38.47511 2.02 0.043 2.294708 153.1144
marstatus -80.10386 75.71412 -1.06 0.290 -228.5008 68.29309
hhincome -.0005142 .0001913 -2.69 0.007 -.0008892 -.0001393
_cons 1059.495 245.4395 4.32 0.000 578.4421 1540.547

Underidentification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic): 1.463

Chi-sq(2) P-val = 0.4812

Weak identification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic): 0.759

Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size 19.93
15% maximal IV size 11.59
20% maximal IV size 8.75
25% maximal IV size 7.25
Source: Stock-Yogo (2005). Reproduced by permission.
NB: Critical values are for Cragg-Donald F statistic and i.i.d. errors.

Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments): 0.960

Chi-sq(1) P-val = 0.3271
-orthog- option:
Hansen J statistic (eqn. excluding suspect orthog. conditions): 0.000
Chi-sq(0) P-val = .
C statistic (exogeneity/orthogonality of suspect instruments): 0.960
Chi-sq(1) P-val = 0.3271
Instruments tested: salevalequip

Instrumented: loanuse
Included instruments: hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes
marstatus hhincome
Excluded instruments: salevalequip valland

101 | P a g e

. ivreg2 hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome (loanuse= salev
> alequip valland ), gmm orthog(salevalequip)
-gmm- is no longer a supported option; use -gmm2s- with the appropriate option
gmm = gmm2s robust
gmm robust = gmm2s robust
gmm bw() = gmm2s bw()
gmm robust bw() = gmm2s robust bw()
gmm cluster() = gmm2s cluster()

2-Step GMM estimation

Estimates efficient for arbitrary heteroskedasticity

Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity

Number of obs = 6393

F( 10, 6382) = 13.18
Prob > F = 0.0000
Total (centered) SS = 3209976267 Centered R2 = -3.1993
Total (uncentered) SS = 3345554216 Uncentered R2 = -3.0292
Residual SS = 1.34798e+10 Root MSE = 1452

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

loanuse -13363.19 7131.27 -1.87 0.061 -27340.22 613.8405

hhsize 95.16002 14.20091 6.70 0.000 67.32675 122.9933
acrcult .1386003 .0693755 2.00 0.046 .0026269 .2745738
hghlevel 2.099211 1.413101 1.49 0.137 -.6704152 4.868838
ageyrs -48.35845 8.381048 -5.77 0.000 -64.785 -31.9319
experience .4419969 .0823771 5.37 0.000 .2805407 .6034532
pov 8.916272 35.68197 0.25 0.803 -61.01911 78.85166
sexes 77.70455 38.47511 2.02 0.043 2.294708 153.1144
marstatus -80.10386 75.71412 -1.06 0.290 -228.5008 68.29309
hhincome -.0005142 .0001913 -2.69 0.007 -.0008892 -.0001393
_cons 1059.495 245.4395 4.32 0.000 578.4421 1540.547

Underidentification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic): 1.463

Chi-sq(2) P-val = 0.4812

Weak identification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic): 0.759

Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size 19.93
15% maximal IV size 11.59
20% maximal IV size 8.75
25% maximal IV size 7.25
Source: Stock-Yogo (2005). Reproduced by permission.
NB: Critical values are for Cragg-Donald F statistic and i.i.d. errors.

Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments): 0.960

Chi-sq(1) P-val = 0.3271
-orthog- option:
Hansen J statistic (eqn. excluding suspect orthog. conditions): 0.000
Chi-sq(0) P-val = .
C statistic (exogeneity/orthogonality of suspect instruments): 0.960
Chi-sq(1) P-val = 0.3271
Instruments tested: salevalequip

Instrumented: loanuse
Included instruments: hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes
marstatus hhincome
Excluded instruments: salevalequip valland

102 | P a g e

. ivreg2 hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome (loanuse= salev
> alequip valland ), ffirst redundant(salevalequip)

Summary results for first-stage regressions

Variable | Shea Partial R2 | Partial R2 | F( 2, 6381) P-value

loanuse | 0.0013 | 0.0013 | 4.27 0.0141

Underidentification tests
Ho: matrix of reduced form coefficients has rank=K1-1 (underidentified)
Ha: matrix has rank=K1 (identified)
Anderson canon. corr. N*CCEV LM statistic Chi-sq(2)=8.54 P-val=0.0140
Cragg-Donald N*CDEV Wald statistic Chi-sq(2)=8.55 P-val=0.0139

Weak identification test

Ho: equation is weakly identified
Cragg-Donald Wald F-statistic 4.27
See main output for Cragg-Donald weak id test critical values

Weak-instrument-robust inference
Tests of joint significance of endogenous regressors B1 in main equation
Ho: B1=0 and overidentifying restrictions are valid
Anderson-Rubin Wald test F(2,6381)=8.72 P-val=0.0002
Anderson-Rubin Wald test Chi-sq(2)=17.47 P-val=0.0002
Stock-Wright LM S statistic Chi-sq(2)=17.43 P-val=0.0002

Number of observations N = 6393

Number of regressors K = 11
Number of instruments L = 12
Number of excluded instruments L1 = 2

103 | P a g e
. overid

Tests of overidentifying restrictions:

Sargan N*R-sq test 2.444 Chi-sq(1) P-value = 0.1180
Basmann test 2.441 Chi-sq(1) P-value = 0.1182



Underidentification tests
Ho: matrix of reduced form coefficients has rank=K1-1 (underidentified)
Ha: matrix has rank=K1 (identified)
Anderson canon. corr. N*CCEV LM statistic Chi-sq(2)=9.12 P-val=0.0105
Cragg-Donald N*CDEV Wald statistic Chi-sq(2)=9.13 P-val=0.0104



Weak-instrument-robust inference
Tests of joint significance of endogenous regressors B1 in main equation
Ho: B1=0 and overidentifying restrictions are valid
Anderson-Rubin Wald test F(2,6379)=8.72 P-val=0.0002
Anderson-Rubin Wald test Chi-sq(2)=17.47 P-val=0.0002
Stock-Wright LM S statistic Chi-sq(2)=17.43 P-val=0.0002

104 | P a g e

. reg hmharves hhsize acrcult ageyrs experience hghlevel pov sexes marstatus hhincome loanuse mymill

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 6393

F( 11, 6381) = 63.26
Model 315653695 11 28695790.5 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 2.8943e+09 6381 453584.481 R-squared = 0.0983
Adj R-squared = 0.0968
Total 3.2100e+09 6392 502186.525 Root MSE = 673.49

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

hhsize 103.7447 7.901976 13.13 0.000 88.25417 119.2352

acrcult .1389831 .0281863 4.93 0.000 .0837286 .1942376
ageyrs -42.28626 5.163827 -8.19 0.000 -52.4091 -32.16342
experience .4021854 .0477356 8.43 0.000 .3086076 .4957632
hghlevel 2.30763 .6658173 3.47 0.001 1.002405 3.612856
pov 37.55583 24.86719 1.51 0.131 -11.19221 86.30387
sexes 137.5719 33.70318 4.08 0.000 71.50232 203.6414
marstatus -119.3944 56.6953 -2.11 0.035 -230.5362 -8.252577
hhincome -.0005729 .0001358 -4.22 0.000 -.000839 -.0003067
loanuse -98.12984 86.83571 -1.13 0.258 -268.357 72.09732
mymill 630.238 130.4916 4.83 0.000 374.4306 886.0453
_cons -1087.698 532.0445 -2.04 0.041 -2130.684 -44.71233


Mean estimation Number of obs = 3848

Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

ageyrs 52.47869 .2159536 52.0553 52.90208

hhincome 176236.4 2464.201 171405.1 181067.7
totamt 9005.146 380.0404 8260.046 9750.246

105 | P a g e
. reg hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel ageyrs experience pov sexes marstatus hhincome loanmodpoors loanc
> orepoors

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 6393

F( 11, 6381) = 61.27
Model 306631718 11 27875610.7 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 2.9033e+09 6381 454998.362 R-squared = 0.0955
Adj R-squared = 0.0940
Total 3.2100e+09 6392 502186.525 Root MSE = 674.54

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

hhsize 73.83711 4.847577 15.23 0.000 64.33423 83.33999

acrcult .0921468 .0265121 3.48 0.001 .0401742 .1441195
hghlevel -.0134492 .4613814 -0.03 0.977 -.9179117 .8910133
ageyrs -52.6768 4.697242 -11.21 0.000 -61.88497 -43.46863
experience .4549508 .0465092 9.78 0.000 .3637772 .5461245
pov -52.27665 16.75912 -3.12 0.002 -85.13015 -19.42316
sexes 45.69388 27.83283 1.64 0.101 -8.867814 100.2556
marstatus -147.3077 56.51881 -2.61 0.009 -258.1036 -36.51187
hhincome -.0002481 .0001176 -2.11 0.035 -.0004785 -.0000176
loanmodpoors -144.0652 144.1679 -1.00 0.318 -426.6827 138.5524
loancorepoors -413.2356 204.2423 -2.02 0.043 -813.6191 -12.85202
_cons 1414.888 122.5775 11.54 0.000 1174.595 1655.181

106 | P a g e
. reg hmharves hhsize acrcult hghlevel sectors ageyrs educ experience pov sexes hhincome i.loanuse#i.marst
> atus
note: 1.loanuse#0b.marstatus identifies no observations in the sample

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 6391

F( 12, 6378) = 67.42
Model 361361008 12 30113417.4 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 2.8486e+09 6378 446625.224 R-squared = 0.1126
Adj R-squared = 0.1109
Total 3.2099e+09 6390 502337.509 Root MSE = 668.3

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

hhsize 60.2715 5.030946 11.98 0.000 50.40915 70.13385

acrcult .0944462 .0262656 3.60 0.000 .0429568 .1459357
hghlevel -.0224562 .4581344 -0.05 0.961 -.9205536 .8756412
sectors 43.29129 20.62838 2.10 0.036 2.852738 83.72984
ageyrs -49.93901 4.682004 -10.67 0.000 -59.11731 -40.76071
educ 206.0045 19.17222 10.74 0.000 168.4205 243.5885
experience .4026738 .0464276 8.67 0.000 .3116601 .4936876
pov -64.34203 16.8443 -3.82 0.000 -97.36251 -31.32155
sexes 14.71602 28.14568 0.52 0.601 -40.45896 69.89101
hhincome .0000642 .0001204 0.53 0.594 -.0001718 .0003001

01 -146.7041 56.58298 -2.59 0.010 -257.6257 -35.78242
10 0 (empty)
11 -242.0054 103.87 -2.33 0.020 -445.6254 -38.38536

_cons 1367.153 123.6817 11.05 0.000 1124.695 1609.611

107 | P a g e
valland 5.89e-06 2.76e-06 2.13 0.033 4.74e-07 .0000113
hhsize .0637554 .0276483 2.31 0.021 .0095658 .1179451
acrcult .0000852 .000112 0.76 0.447 -.0001343 .0003047
hghlevel .00405 .0019609 2.07 0.039 .0002068 .0078932
ageyrs .0155855 .0268266 0.58 0.561 -.0369936 .0681646
experience -.0000616 .0002557 -0.24 0.809 -.0005629 .0004396
sexes .0891979 .2208661 0.40 0.686 -.3436917 .5220875
pov .1912622 .1097487 1.74 0.081 -.0238413 .4063657
sector .1742626 .136913 1.27 0.203 -.094082 .4426072
marstat -.0170033 .0371955 -0.46 0.648 -.0899051 .0558985
hhincome -9.78e-07 7.89e-07 -1.24 0.215 -2.53e-06 5.69e-07
_cons -4.031406 .8044627 -5.01 0.000 -5.608124 -2.454688

. reg hmharves hhsize acrcult ageyrs experience hghlevel pov sexes marstatus hhincome loanuse mymill

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 6393

F( 11, 6381) = 63.26
Model 315653695 11 28695790.5 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 2.8943e+09 6381 453584.481 R-squared = 0.0983
Adj R-squared = 0.0968
Total 3.2100e+09 6392 502186.525 Root MSE = 673.49

hmharves Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

hhsize 103.7447 7.901976 13.13 0.000 88.25417 119.2352

acrcult .1389831 .0281863 4.93 0.000 .0837286 .1942376
ageyrs -42.28626 5.163827 -8.19 0.000 -52.4091 -32.16342
experience .4021854 .0477356 8.43 0.000 .3086076 .4957632
hghlevel 2.30763 .6658173 3.47 0.001 1.002405 3.612856
pov 37.55583 24.86719 1.51 0.131 -11.19221 86.30387
sexes 137.5719 33.70318 4.08 0.000 71.50232 203.6414
marstatus -119.3944 56.6953 -2.11 0.035 -230.5362 -8.252577
hhincome -.0005729 .0001358 -4.22 0.000 -.000839 -.0003067
loanuse -98.12984 86.83571 -1.13 0.258 -268.357 72.09732
mymill 630.238 130.4916 4.83 0.000 374.4306 886.0453
_cons -1087.698 532.0445 -2.04 0.041 -2130.684 -44.71233

108 | P a g e


Hhsize 73.567603*** 85.099654*** 95.160022*** 103.7447***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Acrcult .09217477*** .12080768** .13860034* .13898308***
(0.001) (0.004) (0.046) (0.000)
Hghlevel -.01369941 1.1988971 2.0992112 2.3076302***
(0.976) (0.179) (0.137) (0.001)
Ageyrs -52.729854*** -50.590725*** -48.358451*** -42.28626***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Experience .45571218*** .45144658*** .44199693*** .4021854***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Pov -51.282503** -21.360991 8.9162718 37.555827
(0.002) (0.460) (0.803) (0.131)
Sex 45.453688 64.748332 77.704545* 137.57186***
(0.103) (0.134) (0.043) (0.000)
marstatus -146.07054** -104.35923 -80.103863 -119.3944*
(0.010) (0.236) (0.290) (0.035)
Hhincome -.00024308* -.00032133 -.00051425** -.00057286***
(0.039) (0.078) (0.007) (0.000)
Loanuse -111.72364 - 8088.4548* -13363.191 -98.129838
(0.199) (0.025) (0.061) (0.258)
Mymill 630.23797***
Cons 1413.0064*** 1223.681*** 1059.4947*** -1087.6983*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.041)
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
Source: Researcher’s Estimation using Stata 13. Where OLS is the Estimates of Ordinary Least
Squares Regression--The Reference Equation/Model; 2SLS is Two Stage Least Square Instrumental
Variable Regression Results; GMM is Generalised Method of Moments Regression Results;
HECKMAN is the Results of The Output Equation or The Second Step/Stage of The Heckman Two-
Step Model. p is the probability value. * p<0.05, is significant at 5% level; ** p<0.01, is
significant at 1% level; *** p<0.001, is significant at less than 1% level. The values in
parentheses are the probability values.

109 | P a g e

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