Efficacy LLLT India

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Journal of J Lasers Med Sci 2020 Autumn;11(4):369-380 Review Article

in Medical Sciences http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jlms doi 10.34172/jlms.2020.60

Evaluation of Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy

Vahid Mansouri1, Babak Arjmand2, Mostafa Rezaei Tavirani1*, Mohammadreza Razzaghi3, Mohammad
Rostami-Nejad4, Mostafa Hamdieh5
Proteomics Research Center, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Research Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism Molecular-Cellular Sciences
Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Laser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Center, Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Psychosomatic, Taleghani Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran

*Correspondence to
Mostafa Rezaei Tavirani, Abstract
Email: tavirany@yahoo.com Introduction: Given the inconsistencies in the literature regarding laser performance in non-
surgical treatments, this study investigated the available literature to determine the advantages and
Published online October 3, disadvantages of low-power lasers in treating non-surgical complications and diseases.
2020 Methods: Authentic information from articles was extracted and evaluated to assess low-power laser
performance for non-surgical treatments. A systematic search of studies on low-level laser therapy
(LLLT) for non-surgical treatments was conducted mainly in PubMed and google scholar articles.
Results: Four categories of diseases, including brain-related diseases, skin-related diseases, cancers,
and bone-related disorders, which were treated by LLLT were identified and introduced. The various
types of LLLT regarding the studied diseases were discussed.
Conclusion: Positive aspects of LLLT versus a few disadvantages of its application imply more
investigation to find better and efficient new methods.
Keywords: Low-level laser therapy; Photobiomodulation; Disorders; Treatment; Side effects.

Introduction arthritis, tissue injuries and severe wounds.11-15 On

Laser treatment covers various fields in the clinic. the other hand skin rejuvenation also may be another
Different types of lasers are used in this regard, including administration of lasers.16 There are many pieces of
cold or low-level laser therapies (LLLT or class III laser) evidence about LLLT usage for the treatment of wound
and high-power laser therapy (class IV).1-4 LLLT is widely healing,17 tuberculosis,18 pain, tinnitus,19 epicondylitis,20
used in the clinic and encompasses a range of non- smoking cessation,21 Achilles tendinitis,22 back pain,23
invasive therapeutic aspects. LLLT is commonly used plantar heel pain,24 Carpal tunnel syndrome,25 and the
clinically as a red light near-infrared wave with a length of primary Raynaud’s phenomenon.26 However, others
600 to 1000 nm and 5 to 500 mW.5 On the contrary, lasers published documents revealed inadequate efficiency
used in surgery have a wavelength of 300 nm.6 Low-power of LLLP for wound healing,27 arthritis,28 tinnitus,29
lasers are capable of penetrating deep into the skin so that tuberculosis,30 epicondylitis,31 and plantar heeling pain.32
the surface of the skin does not burn and damage.7 Low- Therefore, a comprehensive research study on the
power or cold lasers have been enhanced to the point of evaluation of laser function in therapeutic interventions
being able to produce analgesia and healing acceleration seems necessary.
for many clinical conditions.8 A wide range of LLLT and
related techniques have been used. Therefore, the results Methods
of treatment with low-power lasers may contradict Articles that explain the effects of laser therapy on
each other.9 LLLT may be administrated by many non-surgical disorders and complications in the online
dermatologists, physical and occupational therapists, journals published from 1990 until 2019 were considered.
physicians and chiropractic doctors.10 The biostimulatory An online search in google scholar and PubMed using
healing effect of LLLT may cause the treatment of chronic the keywords “Non-surgical”, “laser”, “side effects”
pain, commonly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, “treatment” “assessment”, and “photobiomodulation”

Please cite this article as follows: Mansouri V, Arjmand B, Rezaei Tavirani M, Razzaghi M, Rostami-Nejad M, Hamdieh M. Evaluation of
efficacy of low-level laser therapy. J Lasers Med Sci. 2020;11(4):369-380. doi:10.34172/jlms.2020.60.
Mansouri et al

was performed. The titles and abstracts of 320 collected increasing acetylcholinesterase, aerobic metabolism, ATP,
articles in the English language were studied and 253 encephalin, and endorphins production.41,42 Lasers could
appropriate articles were selected to be included in the significantly increase the pain threshold and stimulate
study. Subsequently, the articles related to the inclusion the synthesis of endorphins.43 Limited studies have been
criteria established previously were chosen. Finally, 164 designed to assess the effects of LLLT on TN analgesia
documents were evaluated and considered as the related treatment with controversial results.
article. However, there are many related articles which
have overlap with the studied documents. Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) — the other subject that is
Results treated via LLLT — is one of the main causes of morbidity
According to the finding, LLLT is applied to treat at least and mortality in young military staff or athletes along
four categories of diseases including nervous system with accidents.44 Several cell and tissue interactions lead
complications, skin and mucosal disorders, bone and to inflammation and brain edema and cerebral perfusion.
joint disorders, and cancers. These four classes of diseases The combination of defects results in brain ischemia
are tabulated in Table 1. We evaluated and studied the and diminishing oxygen and glucose transportation to
selected articles that have researched these categories of the neurons. Membrane channel transportation changes
disorders. together with voltage postsynaptic enhancement.45
Calcium rises inside the neurons with mitochondrial
Nervous System Complications malfunction and apoptosis happens simultaneously in
Brain Photobiomodulation TBI.46
Researches in intracranial photobiomodulation have
shown that the use of infrared or near-infrared light can Neuropathic Pain
promote cell repair.33 Near-infrared waves are capable Primary lesions and dysfunctions of the nervous system
of passing through the human skull and the cerebral may cause neuropathic pain. It seems that LLLT may
cortex which could receive a small amount of energy.34 cause the treatment of this kind of pain; however, there
The abundant mitochondria present in neurons are the are controversies between different applications. LLLT is a
primary receptors for near-infrared and infrared wave suitable method for neuropathic pain treatment; different
energy. Subsequently, mechanisms such as increased wavelengths of lasers which are reported in several
ATP production, CMP activity and increased oxidative studies revealed increased analgesia significantly.47-50
activation work together to prevent cell death during The importance of LLLT in the treatment of diabetic
ischemic failure, brain injury, and neurodegeneration.35,36 neuropathy was investigated due to the antioxidant and
This process can be mediated by increased expression of biomodulation effects of lasers as a non-pharmacological
genes involved in the cell survival process, such as the treatment.51, 52 Another study carried out different
production of antioxidant enzymes, heat shock proteins, mechanisms of LLLT in pain relief as inflammatory
and cell death-preventing proteins.37 Transcranial process modulation, excitation alteration, and endorphins
light therapy has been developed to increase neuron secretion.53 Bradykinin reduction with the modulation of
proliferation in the hippocampus following a stroke or the inflammatory process according to the LLLT pain
ischemia.38 relief mechanism is reported through researches.54,55
The β-endorphin expression seems to be a secondary
Trigeminal Nerve Neuralgia action of LLLT in analgesia.56 Red and infra-red laser
Trigeminal nerve neuralgia (TN) is the major cause of effects on analgesia amplification have been reported
face and mouth pains.39 The pathogenesis of TN neuralgia with a controversy between two lasers.57,58 The density
is not well understood and high vascular pressure causes of LLLT energy seems to be an effective value in pain
demyelination of nerves following pons entrance.40 LLLT relief. However, there are some discrepancies between the
could decrease acute neuralgia via mechanisms such as results of the assessments.48, 59
decreasing histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin and

Table 1. Summary of Different Complications Treated by LLLT

Nervous System Complications Skin and Mucosal Disorders Cancers Bone and Joint Disorders

Brain photobiomodulation Skin burn Breast cancer lymphoma Bone disorders

Trigeminal nerve neuralgia Hair loss Head & neck cancer Tendon repair

Traumatic Brain Injury Pemphigus vulgaris Carpal tunnel syndrome

Neuropathic pain Diabetic foot ulcers

Herpes labialis

370 Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 4, Autumn 2020
Low-Level Laser Therapy in Clinic

Skin And Mucosal Disorders However, studies on the LLLT treatment of alopecia are
Skin Burns limited in numbers of documents and the wavelengths
Burn with the thermal origin which is a traumatic from 600 to 1000 nm were in preference. Leavitt et al
injury could affect human organs.60 LLLT is a useful assessed the effects of a laser with the wavelengths of 635
method for treating burning injuries, especially skin and 660 nm and a combination of both on the hair growth
burns; however, there are some controversies between of the forearm. The results revealed the positive effects
application parameters of LLLT in the treatment of skin of LLLT on hair follicle growth compared to the control
burns. There are many factors causing skin burns, such group.78 In another study, it was revealed that evaluated
as chemical, physical and biological factors, which lead laser devices could increase hair growth elongation on day
to pain, infection, and even death.61 The mechanism 3 of treatment compared to the control group.79 The very
of wound healing in cutaneous burns is the interaction low incidence of LLLT side effects made it safe to use for
between the cascade release of cytokines and the hair growth.80 In animal experiments, results revealed the
extracellular matrix and involves these steps: spontaneous positive effects of LLLT on hair growth for alopecia aerate
and interdependent inflammation, proliferation, and AA),81 and chemotherapy-induced alopecia.82 On the
remodeling.62 Early stages of repair are proliferation and other hand, King et al did not have positive results for AA
edema and may modulate complications such as the treatment by LLLT in mice, as opposed to the results of a
reduction of leukocytes and macrophages, fibroblasts, and study by Wikramanayake et al.83 Clinical trials revealed
angiogenesis simultaneously.63 Those complications may the positive effects of LLLT on hair re-growth.84-90
lead to scar and tissue adhesions.64 Recent studies have
shown that LLLT can be effective in the treatment of skin Pemphigus Vulgaris
burns as a low-price and non-invasive treatment.65 The Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a chronic blistering disease
mechanism of laser action on biological tissues is mainly with antibodies directed against keratinocytes.91
related to stimulating cytochrome oxidase releasing, and it Management of PV is difficult. Steroid therapy is still the
activates intracellular cascade reactions and increases the basic treatment of disease with some adverse effects.92
intracellular and molecular synthesis and subsequently Various laser devices have been used to treat PV. There
increases the synthesis of RNA and DNA which, in turn, are some reports about wounds that are related to PV.93
increases cell proliferation and migration in the injured Based on previous investigations the mouth is affected
tissue restoration.66-68 Lab experimental researches revealed by PV. Lesions of gingiva and mucosa of mouth and the
that LLLT increases fibroblasts proliferation and collagen other parts of body are reported in the PV patients.94,95
synthesis along with tissue granulation. These cellular The assessment of LED laser therapy of PV with a 660 nm
events resulted in the acceleration of wound contraction wavelength in a continuous wave and 30 mW energy in 10
and re-epithelization.69-71 The study on laser therapy for patients revealed the efficiency of LLLT in the treatment
wound healing has been the subject of researches since of PV ulcers.96
its inception and its first report was published in 1971.66
In the following years, many studies were performed in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
this area and the upward trend of laser burn and wound One of the complications in diabetes mellitus is long-
healing methods was studied too; however, differences in lasting or non-healing skin ulcers of the foot and the results
the methods, including the wavelength and energy used of treatments are not satisfactory for patients.97 LLLT
and the power of radiation and duration of treatment in as an effective and noninvasive tool could be seemingly
different studies, were significant.72,73 The 600-700 nm manageable for a diabetic foot ulcer.98 Multifactorial
wavelengths have less penetrating power than the 700- occurrences such as peripheral neuropathy and arterial
1000 nm wavelengths within the tissue.68 Researchers have occlusive disorders may cause foot diabetic syndrome.99
used different wavelengths for LLLT.74, 75 Some researchers As it is shown in Table 2, diabetic ulcers (DUs) could
have considered the 660 nm wavelength for the initial be classified according to Wagner and Armstrong ulcer
stages of skin wound healing and the 780 nm wavelength classifications.100
effective for the formation of tissue granulation.76 Conventional treatments as wound cleaning, skin
grafting, vasodilators, and antibiotics could be still
Hair Loss unsatisfactory.101 LLLT has been introduced as a painless
Recent investigations have revealed that LLLT could and noninvasive treatment without major side effects
evaluate hair growth stimulation. Studies on hair loss of for DU treatment. Low-power lasers with low-energy
male and female cases, chemotherapy-induced alopecia radiation stimulate cell activity, but high-power lasers
and alopecia aerate have demonstrated the effectiveness have adverse effects on cell activity, and in non-healing
of LLLT in hair re-growth. The first study about hair DUs, the application of lasers to stimulate wound healing
growth was published by Ferrando et al in 2002.77 They has been recommended.102 The laser needle is a new
used IPL photomodulation to remove unwanted hair but method of laser acupuncture which its therapeutic effects
the results were paradoxically positive for hair growth. are similar to manual needle acupuncture.103 A unique

Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 4, Autumn 2020 371
Mansouri et al

Table 2. Wagner & Armstrong Ulcer Classification in Summary therapies.108 Despite efforts to reduce breast cancer
Wagner Grade Lesion Armstrong Ulcer Grades lymphedema (BCL) by treatments such as surgery or
0 No open wounds A: Without infection or ischemia radiotherapy, BCL remained relevant.109 During the
1 Superficial wounds B: With infection past few years, LLLT has been introduced as suitable
2 Ulcer extension C: With Ischemia noninvasive phototherapy for the treatment of BCL, with
3 Deep ulcer D: With infection and ischemia the wavelength between 650 and 1000 nm to be delivered
4 Localized Gangrene into the target tissue to reduce inflammation and promote
5 Extensive Gangrene lymphatic vessel regeneration and lymphatic mortality
reduction.110-112 LLLT was more effective than compression
bandage for pain relief in BCL post-treatment 113. Based
laser therapy mode determination to treat diabetic foot on previous studies infrared radiation (808 to 905 nm)
ulcers is not explained yet. Kajagar et al compared pulsed is applied to LLLT of BCL post treatment (Table 3). The
LLLT on 85 diabetic wound healing patients on the basis range of energy usage was 1.5 J/ cm2 to 2.4 J/cm2.114.
of wound size, duration of exposure and used energy
in the surface of the wound (2-4 J/cm2 at 60 mW for 15 Head and Neck Cancer
days). There was a significant ulcer reduction in LLLT Several types of related complications of head and neck
compared with traditional treatment methods.98 Another cancer (HNC), which are treated via LLLT, are tabulated
review of wound treatments focusing on venous leg ulcers in Table 3.
and decubitus ulcers claimed LLLT could not improve
wound healing and suggested that researches should 1. Oral Mucositis
focus on molecular and cellular mechanisms of wound Most of the patients with HNC treated by radiotherapy
healing with more investigation in humans to find precise (RT) or chemotherapy (CT) suffered from orofacial
laser parameters and treatment protocols.104 and oropharyngeal complications.115 Most patients
confront multiple complications, leading to a negative
Herpes Labialis impact on their lifestyle.116 Supportive care for these
This is a viral disease, which could not be treated complications should be considered in different stages
completely and anti-viral drugs acyclovir, valacyclovir, of the disease. Photobiostimulation with various kinds
and famciclovir could not eliminate the virus.105 Different of light energy as LLLT and LED and visible light has
kinds of laser therapy and several protocols have been shown a promising efficiency for the treatment of HNC
proposed for the treatment of herpes labialis (HL) based complications.117 Oral mucositis almost appears in all of
on successful clinical trials recently. Different studies the HNC patients treated by CT.118 Some investigations
reported the wavelengths between 630 and 980 nm have claimed that photobiomodulation is efficient for oral
and power of 20 to 300 mW with radiation duration mucositis, a complication that appears after HNC routine
between 10 seconds and 15 minutes respectively for HL treatments.119,120 There are several complications resulted
treatment.106 All the researchers reported that LLLT is from HNC such as “Oral mucositis,121 dermatitis,122
an effective tool in the management of HL prevention dysphagia,123 hyposalivation and xerostornia,124 taste
without any side effects. alterations,125 osteoradionecrosis,126 trismus,127 soft tissue
necrosis,128 head and neck lymphedema,129 and voice
Cancers alterations.”130 All of those complications could be treated
Breast Cancer Lymphedema by photomodulation (see Table 3). Oral mucositis affects
Early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer result patients with HNC, treated by oral CT from mild to severe
in the survival of more than 82% patients in developed conditions.131 ROS production starting cascade reactions
countries.107 However, more survived patients suffer leads to microvascular injuries and ECM alterations in
from secondary lymphedema due to the following cancer mucositis.132 Different meta-analysis assessments revealed

Table 3. Different Complications Resulted From Head and Neck Cancer Treated by Photobiomodulation

Head & Neck Cancer Complications Photobiomodulation Therapy Wavelengths Power Supply Efficiency

Oral mucositis IR & NIR & LLLT 630-830 nm 10-150 mW Positive

IR LED 630-680 nm 20-150 mW Positive
Red & IR LED 630-680 nm 20-80 mW Positive
Dysphagia IR-NIR 980nm - Positive

Osteoradio necrosis Red & IR 660-800 nm 100 mW Positive

Diode Laser 980 nm 30 mW Positive
Ga-Al-As 830 nm 30 mW Negative
LLLT 650-1000 nm 20-80 mW Positive
Head & neck lymphedema
LLLT 808-905 nm 20-80 mW Positive

372 Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 4, Autumn 2020
Low-Level Laser Therapy in Clinic

the efficiency of photobiomodulation in mucositis stimulation of the affected area to homeostasis, leading
reduction and pain-relieving with different doses of light to oral mucosa healing. Red light and IR lasers (see Table
energy consumption.133 IR (630-680 nm) and NIR (780- 3) were used for bone exposure and the affected jaw
830 nm) lights had the same efficiency for the treatment subsequently. LLLT improved the healing process of bone
of mucositis.134 and accelerated the covering of bone with oral mucosa
in most cases.149 Positive results of LLLT as an adjuvant
2. Dermatitis therapy suggested for ORN treatment.
HNC patients treated by RT mostly have dermatitis.
Radiotherapy leads to the release of inflammatory 5. Trismus
cytokines as interleukin I & VI and this process causes Lockjaw or trismus is a limited jaw range of motion. It
the development of edema, erythema and possibly may be caused by HNC. LLLT is an efficient tool to reduce
ulceration.135 Radiation of the skin could damage basal pain, edema and inflammation without adverse effects to
epithelial cells and connective tissue vascular components. promote damaged tissue repairing.150 Petrini et al revealed
Photobiomodulation may reduce the severity of the effect of LLLT treatment with the aid of an 890 nm
radiation dermatitis.68 Damage to the skin developed (Table 3) diode laser on pain and edema reduction.151
by radiation may be ameliorated by multi-wavelength
photobiomodulation.136 In a review by Bensadon et al, Bone and Joint Disorders
the effects of the red laser diode cluster and the IR LED Bone Disorders
cluster on radiation dermatitis were evaluated positively Bone regeneration is accelerated by laser treatment in
due to reduction of pain and inflammation and also Wistar rats relative to the controls.152 Improvement of
promotion of tissue repair after LLLT administration. closed bone fracture healing in human wrist and hand via
However, more investigations were suggested to reduce LLLT is reported by Chang et al.153
the side effects of LLLT and the photobiomodulation
treatment of dermatitis.137 Tendon Repair
As it is reported, a low-level laser in combination with
3. Dysphagia adipose‐derived mesenchymal stem cells improves the
Dysphagia is an impairment of swallowing and could initial phase of tendon repair.154 Based on the investigation
be seen in patients with head and neck malignancy by Badawy et al, laser therapy can be used to recover hand
as a side effect of cancer therapy.138 Dysphagia is flexor tendon repair.155
associated with inflammation, edema, and fibrosis.139
Photobiomodulation is a promising technique for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
dysphagia treatment.140 Dysphagia has different stages Tezcan et al investigated the effect of LLLT on 34 patients
from 0 to V. According to references, treatment could be with carpal tunnel syndrome. On the basis of this report,
intraoral and extraoral photobiomodulation.141 Using an the LLLT strain ratio and the cross‐sectional area of the
IR laser with a wavelength of 980 nm (Table 3), Mobadder median nerve in patients decreased after LLLT. They
et al reported the effectiveness of LLLT in cancer resulted concluded that nerve regeneration and development
from a dysphagia case in pre- and post-operative stages.141 of the vascular supply effects of laser therapy led to the
improvement of patients’ condition.156
4. Osteoradionecrosis
Oral cancers may need different treatments such as Discussion
surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination As noted in the introduction, the types of complications
of these techniques. Chronic side effects of an oral which can be treated with low-power lasers include
cavity may cause bone repair capacity to diminish.142, 143 disorders of the nervous system, skin and mucous
Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) means a condition that the membranes of the body, bones and joints, and finally
irradiated bone be exposed into the oral cavity more cancers. It should be noted that according to the
than 12 weeks and this process occurs in the suppression reviewed articles, one of the common treatments for the
of tumor recurrence or tumor necrosis in RT.144 There above complications by low-power laser is pain relief.
is no cure for ORN and only clinical control treatments Given the variety of sources studied, the conclusion
as surgical debris removing, antibiotic therapy, and that the wavelengths and energy used in different low-
ultrasound could be performed.144-146 LLLT with increasing power lasers for the treatment of these diseases are
metabolism capacity, cell proliferation, angiogenesis and different is a point that needs to be considered because
wound healing is a suitable method for assisting ORN there are no specific protocols to treat each of the
treatment.147 LLLT also has analgesic effects and improves above-introduced side effects by low-laser and much
lymphatic flow.148 Riberio et al in a study analyzed ORN research is still needed in this regard. As it is presented
treatment by LLLT. The objective of the study was the in Table 1, four types of nervous system complications

Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 4, Autumn 2020 373
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including Brain photobiomodulation, trigeminal nerve for oral mucositis and dermatitis treatment is still required
neuralgia, traumatic brain injury, and neuropathic pain because of the controversies in different laser parameters
are treated via LLLT. According to the studied sources, that have been used by researchers (see Table 3) and the
photobiomodulation modulates nerve cells, but in reduction of treatment side effects is still a problem. ORN
relation to trigeminal neuralgia, some articles reported treatment by LLLT is suggested by clinicians because of the
positive effects of LLLT on TN treatment and others proliferation and angiogenesis characters of laser therapy
didn’t have any significant difference between tested in this regard. Trismus treatment by LLLT was suggested,
groups. The wavelength of light and the size of samples but some studies have not confirmed the effect of low-
are the factors that need more investigations.39 TBI treated power lasers on muscle spasm reduction, which may be
by LLLT leads to increasing the brain neurotrophic factor due to differences in sample type and other standards
and synaptogenesis.157 LLLT may cause neuropathic pain such as radiation intensity and the dose and depth of
treatment but there are some controversies. However, there penetration.164 Further research is required to introduce
is a lack of detail on laser and energy density parameters in standard LLLT therapy for trismus treatment. It can be
the reviewed articles to assess the LLLT effect on analgesia. concluded that LLLT is in the initial step to be applied in
According to Arnold Shultz law, the biological responses a clinic in spite of the considerable development of related
in tissues could change (stimulate or inhibit) according to methods and theories.
the dose of energy absorption158 and more investigation
is necessary to define the protocols for optimizing LLLT Conclusion
in neuropathic pain relief as different doses of energy are Based on the studies of the low-power laser in the treatment
provided by different instruments. In the field of skin and of non-surgical diseases, it can be concluded that most
mucosal disorders, skin burns revealed that the size of the studies have shown its positive effects on the treatment of
wound and classification of the lesion may explain total such diseases, but lack of consistency in the choice of laser
energy discrepancy in different studies; however, it could standards such as the wavelength, the amount of energy
be concluded that LLLT could promote the wound healing consumed, the surface of laser contact, and the duration
process, but the gap in the current literature may cause the of treatment is seen. Most researchers believe that in
limitation of opening a window to suggest a suitable and relation to each of the diseases, the efficiency of the low-
precise method for the specifications of skin burn healing power laser is positive. Standard research with qualitative
by LLLT. Hair loss treatment with LLLT also reminds us and quantitative assumptions in the clinical setting should
that the phenomenon named “paradoxical hypertrichosis” be undertaken to achieve original protocols to treat non-
was the result of low influences of different types of lasers, surgical diseases with LLLT and photobiomodulation. It
being enough for hair growth but not enough to induce seems that LLLT is a useful therapeutic method with a
thermolysis with the range of 0.6% to 10 %.159 Suitable high degree of capacity for progression in future.
randomized controlled trials in a clinic are required to
assess the efficiency of LLLT for hair growth.160 However, Ethical Considerations
more studies are required to create optimal protocols Not applicable.
for such parameters as wavelengths, flounce, pulse type,
time and power density of LLLT evaluation for hair Conflict of Interests
re-growth.80 Combined treatment of drugs and LLLT The authors declare no conflict of interest.
needs more clinical trials suggested by researchers.80
Diabetic foot ulcer treatment with LLLT is a subject of Acknowledgment
controversy. Unique laser therapy mode determination Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences supported
to treat diabetic foot ulcers is not explained yet. It could this research.
be generally concluded that the laser effects are generally
different in certain ulcers,161 and animal studies revealed References
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