Grillage Example Hambly

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122 Multicellular decks Section properties of grillage members 123

5.5 SECTION PROPERTIES OF GRILLAGE MEMBERS the ends the skew members represent the slabs and the diaphragm,
This section summarizes the findings of the preceding section and while at the internal supports the skew member represents just the solid
demonstrates calculated examples of grillage section properties for diaphragm without flanges.
three different decks. The notation for the dimensions of the cells, slabs The 'structural' longitudinal members 2, 3 and 4 have the moments of
and webs is defined in Fig. 5.14(a). inertia of the 'I-beams' obtained by cutting the deck as in Fig. 5.20(b) so
that the centroid of each 'I-beam' is on the principal axis of the deck. In
this case each beam includes one third of the top slab and one third of
5.5.1 Grillage for three-span twin-cell box-girder deck the bottom slab. The moment of inertia of each is one third of the total
Figure 5.20 gives details of a three-span twin-cell box-girder with moment of inertia of the deck
supports at 21° skew. The grillage mesh is chosen with three 'structural'
longitudinal members 2, 3 and 4 coincident with the webs. Two !2 = /3 = !4 = 1. = 0.51 m 4 •
'nominal' members 1 and 5 are located along the edges of the
cantilevers. Transverse members representing the top and bottom slabs The above calculation has ignored the reduction of effective flange
Fig. 5.20 Grillage for
three span twin-cell are orthogonal to the longitudinal members. Along the spans their widths of the sections due to shear lag. This is significant in this deck,
concrete box-girder spacing is approximately one quarter of the distance between points of particularly near the intermediate supports, and a simple correction
deck: (a) deck section; contraflexure, but over the intermediate supports the spacing is shorter described in Section 8.2 is strictly necessary.
(b) grillage section; to give greater detail near peaks in the bending moment diagrams. At The torsion constant per unit width is given by equation (5.5)
(c) deck longitudinal
section; and (d) grillage 2h 2 d' d" . .
c= ( d' + d") per umt Width
12·2 c = 2 X 1.325 X 0.2 X 0.15 = 0. 30m4m-1.
(0.2 + 0.15)
The widths of cell in members 2, 3 and 4 are 3.29/2, 3.29 and 3.29/2,
3_ respectively. Hence their torsion constants are

i· 3·29 .,.. 3·29

1 2 3 4
C2 = C4 = - -
X 0.30 = 0.49 m
C3 = 3.29 X
0.30 = 0.99 m .


• • • •

The shear areas of members 2, 3 and 4 are equal to the areas of the webs:

As2 = As3 = As4 = 0.42 x 1.325 = 0.56 m 2.

Near each support the bottom slab of the deck is thickened. In these

I 42·5 30
regions, the properties of each grillage member are calculated in the
same manner as above for the section midway along its length.
The 'nominal' edge members have the section properties of half the
b c a It =Is~ bd'3 = 2.81 X 0.23 = 0.00094m4
I I I 5
12 2 12

\.-----r--~I +---t----1 ~ -t--+-1I +------r--1I -t------H+I~ -+----+-1I ~1I \

I t---tt-t-----1
Ct = Cs = bd'3
= 2.81
2 81
X 0.23 = 0.0019 m4

I As 1 = Ass = bd' = · X 0.2

(d) b c a 2
124 Multicellular decks Section properties of grillage members 125

The transverse members representing cells have section properties the deck. Consequently, the deck is notionally cut midway between
given by equations (5.4), (5.5) and (5.8): webs as shown in (b). The centroids of internal 'structural' members
h d' d" . .
3, 4, etc. are virtually coincident with the principal axis of the deck.
123 = (d' + d") perumtwtdth Edge 'structural' member 2 has its centroid at a higher level but, like the
other members, its grillage moment of inertia is calculated about the
2 principal axis of the deck.
1.325 x 0.2 x 0.15 = 0. 15 m4m-1 From equation (5.4)
(0.2 + 0.15)
2h d' d" . .
C23 = (d' + d") perumtwtdth
5.5.3 Grillage for cellular deck with inclined webs
= 2X0.15 = 0.30m m-
4 1 Fromequation(5.5) Figure 5.22 gives details of part of a multispan four-cell deck with
inclined edge webs and haunches at the supports. It is impracticable to
(d' 3 + d" 3 ) d!l E . .
as23 = F [ d!l + (d' 3 + d" 3) h] G perumtwtdth split up the deck into longitudinal members with centroids on the
principal axis of the deck, hence the deck is notionally cut as in (a) into
= (0.2 + 0.15 3) [ 3
0.42 X 3.29 ]23 five 'structural' members with inertias calculated about the principal
3.29 2 3 3 3
0.42 X 3.29 + (0.2 + 0.15 ) 1.325 . axis of the deck. There are no 'nominal' edge members in order to
2 1 permit economy in the size of the grillage.
= 0.0024m m- . Fig. 5.21 Grillage for There is no clear-cut equivalence of grillage torsion stiffness for
three-span high-skew
Transverse members on the cantilever have the properties of the top multicell concrete deck: the non-rectangular cells. However, sensible results are obtained if
slab (a) part deck section; equation (5.6) is used with h equal to the average height of the cell.
(b) grillage section; and
. w1'dt h
1.12 = d3 per umt 0 ·23 = 0.00067m4 m- 1 (c) grillage mesh.
12 12


d3 . 'd h
= '6 perumtw1 t

d per unit width

0 ·23 = 0 00134m4 m- 1
6 .
= 0.2m 2m- 1.
~ +H
3 3

i; : ·: d+to:: +
2 3 4
The skew members representing the internal diaphragm (here 1.5 m
(a) (b)
wide) have the properties of the solid section. For derivation of the
torsion constant see Section 2.4.2.
I= 1.5 X 1.3253 = 0.29m4 / I r .v
3 3
C = 3 X 1.5 X 1.325 = 0. 59 m4 /
, /
10(1.52 + 1.3252) / ~ v v
2 / rl" '( /
As = 1.5 x 1.325 = 2.0 m .
/ v v /
~ '( v
4 /

5.5.2 Grillage for wide multicellular deck

Figure 5.21 gives details of a three-span multicellular deck at high skew
, /

angle. The section properties of the grillage members are derived as in

the preceding example except that it is inconvenient to split the deck up
into beams with individual centroids precisely on the principal axis of (c)
+ 40

+ 16

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