RPP Tbi. B 2019

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School : SDN 13 Tulang Bawang Barat

Subjects : Speaking
Class/Semester :VII/Ganjil
Subject matter : Introducing
Time Allocation : 120 Menit x ( 16 pertemuan)
A. Learning Objectives
 Students are able to understand Introducing material 
 Students are able to identify the expressions used to introduce themselves and others in
English 
 Learners are able to identify differences to introduce themselves and others. 
 Students are able to practice directly how to introduce themselves and others in English.

B. Learning steps

Introductory Activity(15 Minutes)

Opening with greetings and praying to start learning, checking the attendance of students as an
attitude of discipline .
Linking the material/theme/learning activities that will be carried out with the experience of
students with the previous material/theme/activities and asking questions to remember and
connect with the next material.
Conveying motivation about what can be obtained (goals & benefits) by studying the
material: Introducing
Explain the things to be learned, the competencies to be achieved, as well as the learning
methods to be taken.
Core Activities(90 minutes)
Kegiatan Students are given motivation and guidance to see, observe, read and rewrite
Literasi it. They are given impressions and reading material related to Introducing
Critical The teacher provides an opportunity to identify as many things as possible
Thinking that are not understood, starting from factual questions to hypothetical
questions. This question should remain relevant to the Introducing material.
Collaboration Students are guided to follow the teacher's words in learning the
pronunciation of examples of introducing material.
Communicatio Students are invited to play games and students who lose in the game will
n come forward to practice the Introducing material.
Creativity Teachers and students make conclusions about the things that have been
learned related to greeting, saying goodbye, thanking, apologizing, and
responding, to maintain interpersonal relationships with teachers and
friends. Students are then given the opportunity to ask again things that have
not been understood.
Closing Activities (15 Minutes)
 Students and teachers draw conclusions from the results of learning activities. 
 Assigning students to make an example of a dialogue about material related to the
material/lesson that is being or will be studied.
 The teacher closes the learning activities by saying greetings and prayers.

C. PenilaianHasilPembelajaran
1. Attitude Assessment : Observation in the learning process
2. Knowledge Assessment : Tests and written tests in the form of descriptions
3. Skills Assessment :Practice/Rubric
Tulang Bawang Barat, 08 December 2021
Principal Subject teachers

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