Academic Standing 2011
Academic Standing 2011
Academic Standing 2011
Academic Standing
V 2.0 i be retained n ir bati n.
V Students h se cumuative grade p int average
i icies regarding academic standing are determined is sti be 2.0 and h earned a semester
by each academic unit. iease refer t unit grade p int average be 2.0 i be paced n
inf rmati n be . Academic Suspensi n and i be required t sit
V ut at east ne semester. Students suspended
V after a fa semester must sit ut the f ing
V spring semester; students suspended after a
VVVV spring semester must sit ut the f ing
T make summer and fa semesters; and students
satisfact ry pr gress, students must maintain a suspended after a summer semester must sit ut
cumuative average f at east 2.0. T graduate, the f ing fa semester. Students must sit ut
students must attain a 2.0 grade p int average in the at east ne caendar year after any subsequent
maj r department and a 2.0 grade p int average suspensi n.
vera, uness a higher average is required f r the
specific degree s ught. A p int-standing Readmissi n f suspended students is n t guaranteed.
cacuati ns are made n cumuative, end- f-term In rder t be c nsidered f r readmissi n, a student
grades. must submit a ritten petiti n t the C mmittee n
Admissi ns and Appeas and an ³Appicati n f r
Undergraduate Admissi n´ t the Office f
Admissi ns. The petiti n must be received by that
Students are in Satisfact ry standing hen they have ffice n ater than Juy 1 f r readmissi n f r the fa
a minimum cumuative grade p int average f 2.0. semester, N vember 1 f r readmissi n f r the spring
Visiting students enr ed in the C ege f Arts and semester, and May 1 f r readmissi n f r the summer
Sciences are subject t the same standards f r terms. The petiti n sh ud address the student¶s
retenti n as matricuated students. percepti n f the causes f p r perf rmance, the
steps the student has taken t address th se causes,
Students h , after the first 12 degree-appicabe and a pan f acti n t return t satisfact ry academic
h urs at the University f L uisvie, have a grade standing. Students h are granted readmissi n i
p int average be 2.0 i be paced n Academic be readmitted n ir bati n.
Warning. Students n Academic Warning are imited
t enr ment f r 13 credit h urs in a fa r spring Students readmitted t the C ege f Arts and
semester and 10 credit h urs f r the summer terms. Sciences f ing a peri d f academic suspensi n
may appy t ard an Arts and Sciences degree h urs
In any subsequent semester, a student h se grade successfuy c mpeted at an accredited instituti n
p int average fas be 2.0 i be paced n during the peri d f suspensi n.
Academic ir bati n f r the next semester f
enr ment. The enr ment f students n pr bati n University p icy permits students h are
is imited t a maximum f 13 semester h urs in a suspended r dismissed by an academic unit t appy
fa r spring semester and 10 credit h urs f r the f r admissi n t an ther degree-granting unit h se
summer terms. Students n pr bati n may as be minimum admissi n standards they meet. H ever,
subject t specified c urse registrati n requirements, students are cauti ned that if admitted t an ther unit,
r ther acti ns deemed appr priate by the C ege. they may n t enr in any c urses in the unit fr m
hich they ere suspended r dismissed.
The rec rd f a student n Academic ir bati n i
be evauated at the end f the pr bati nary semester, A student i n t be readmitted m re than tice. A
ith ne f the f ing utc mes: third suspensi n c nstitutes an Academic Dismissa
Students h se cumuative gradep int average is fr m the C ege.
2.0 r ab ve i be rest red t µSatisfact ry¶
standing. Students have the resp nsibiity t kn their current
Students h se grade p int average f r the academic status. The C ege r utiney n tifies
pr bati nary semester is 2.0 r ab ve, but h se students hen their status changes, but such
cumuative grade p int average remains be n tificati n may n t be p ssibe bef re the beginning
f the next semester. Any student enr ed f r c urses Students i be suspended f r at east ne
during a semester f suspensi n/dismissa i be semester (summer terms d n t c unt as a
required t dis-enr . suspended semester).
VV 4. Students suspended by the COB may appy
The University Grade i int Average is determined at Students h se cumuative University grade
the undergraduate eve, based up n a undergraduate p int average is sti be 2.8* and h earned
c urse rk taken at the University f L uisvie. a semester grade p int average be 2.8 i be
C urses numbered be the 100-eve (000-099) paced n Academic Suspensi n and i be
taken in the 1998 Fa semester r after i n t be required t sit ut at east ne semester (summer
used in the earned h urs r University Grade i int terms excuded).
Average cacuati n. Students h are suspended r dismissed by the
Denta Hygiene pr gram are eigibe t appy f r
admissi n t an ther unit and may be admitted if
The University f L uisvie c mmunicates its they meet minimum admissi n standards f that
expectati ns f r undergraduate academic unit. Students h appy f r admissi n t
achievement thr ugh the Undergraduate Academic an ther unit may n t enr in any c urses in the
Standards i icy. Academic standards are determined Denta Hygiene pr gram.
by the facuties f the enr ment/degree-granting
units. Appicabe standards f r c ntinuati n in a Readmissi n f suspended students is n t guaranteed.
particuar enr ment unit can be based up n grade In rder t be c nsidered f r readmissi n, a student
p int average, c urse specific achievement, and in must submit an ³Admissi ns ietiti n´ and an
s me pr grams a pr fessi na/behavi ra c mp nent. ³Appicati n f r Undergraduate Admissi n´ t the
Office f Admissi ns. The petiti n must be received
3 by the Denta Hygiene pr gram Office f Student
Affairs after being pr cessed in acc rdance ith
G d standing in the Denta Hygiene pr gram is a University deadines f r submitting Admissi n
minimum University cumuative GiA f 2.8*. ietiti ns (Juy 1 f r Fa and N vember 1 f r Spring
terms). The petiti n sh ud address the student¶s
Students h , after the first semester at U f L, have percepti n f the causes f p r perf rmance; the
a cumuative University grade p int average be steps the student has taken t address th se causes;
2.8* i be paced n Academic Warning. They i and a pan f acti n t return t g d standing.
be n tified that their achievement is be Students h are granted reinstatement i be
expectati ns and are subject t c urse and/ r credit readmitted n pr bati n.
h ur imitati ns, specified c urse registrati n
requirements, r ther intrusive advising N student i be reinstated m re than tice; the
interventi ns as deemed appr priate by the Denta third suspensi n is an Academic Dismissa.
Hygiene pr gram.
*Appies t students admitted in Fa 2008 r ater.
In any semester subsequent t being paced n
Academic Warning, a student h se cumuative
University grade p int average is be 2.8* i be
paced n Academic ir bati n f r the next semester
(incuding Summer) in hich the student enr s.
Students n Academic ir bati n are n tified that Students h se cumuative grade p int average
their achievement is be expectati ns and are (based n the c mpeti n f a minimum f teve
subject t c urse and/ r credit h ur imitati ns, (12) degree-appicabe credits at the University f
specified c urse registrati n requirements, r ther L uisvie) fas be 2.25 i be paced n
intrusive advising interventi ns as deemed Academic Warning f r ne semester.
appr priate by the Denta Hygiene pr gram.
Students n Academic Warning i be paced n
Students n Academic ir bati n i have their Academic ir bati n if the cumuative grade p int
rec rds evauated at the end f the pr bati nary average (based n degree appicabe credits) remains
semester ith ne f the f ing utc mes: be 2.25 after the academic arning semester.
Students h se cumuative University grade
p int average is ab ve 2.8* i be rest red t Students n Academic Warning i be paced in
g d standing. g d standing status if the cumuative grade p int
Students h se cumuative University grade average (based n degree appicabe credits) is 2.25
p int average is sti be 2.8* but h earned r ab ve after the academic arning semester.
a semester grade p int average at r ab ve 2.8
i be maintained n pr bati n.
Students n Academic ir bati n h achieve a Students h are suspended the third time fr m the
cumuative grade p int average (based n degree C ege f Educati n and Human Deve pment are
appicabe credits) f 2.25 r ab ve i be paced in academicay dismissed. A student h has been
g d standing status. dismissed fr m the C ege f Educati n and Human
Deve pment must remain ut f sch f r ne fu
Students n Academic ir bati n may enr in n year, and sh ud use that time f r re rientati n t
m re than 14 semester h urs in a semester (9 h urs further study in c ege r ther career decisi ns. If a
during the summer). student thus dismissed is admitted t any ther
c ege r university, the credits earned hie in
Students n Academic ir bati n must earn a 2.50 attendance during the semester that the student
grade p int average (based n degree appicabe sh ud be ut f sch i n t appy t ard a
credits) in the academic pr bati n semester t degree granted by the C ege f Educati n and
c ntinue n Academic ir bati n. Human Deve pment.
Students n Academic ir bati n h se cumuative The C ege f Educati n and Human Deve pment
grade p int average is be 2.25 (based n degree i h n r the dismissa p icy f a units f the
appicabe credits) and h earn a semester grade University f L uisvie.
p int average be 2.50 i be paced n Academic
Suspensi n and i be required t sit ut at east ne âV
semester (summer terms excuded). V
A cumuative GiA f 2.5 r ab ve is required t
remain in G d Standing. If a student¶s cumuative
GiA fas be 2.5, then the student i be given a
Students n Academic ir bati n h se cumuative arning and i be required t meet ith the BSW
grade p int average (based n degree appicabe C rdinat r f Academic Affairs f r panning and
credits) is be 2.25 and h earn a semester grade versight. If in the f ing semester the student¶s
p int average be 2.50 (based n degree appicabe cumuative GiA remains ess than a 2.5, the student
credits) i be paced n Academic Suspensi n and i be paced n pr bati n and an academic revie
i be required t sit ut at east ne semester i be required. A cumuative GiA f 2.5 r ab ve
(summer terms excuded.) in the f ing semester i be required t return t
G d Standing. Students i be paced n
Readmissi n f suspended students in n t suspensi n f ing pr bati n if cumuative GiA
guaranteed. Students must submit an undergraduate remains be 2.5 f r three c nsecutive semesters.
appicati n t the Office f Admissi ns, a ng ith a Students must sit ut at east ne semester excuding
petiti n expaining the reas ns f r p r perf rmance summer hen suspended. Student may appy t
and acti ns that i be taken t impr ve an ther unit. N student i be reinstated m re than
perf rmance if readmitted. Students sh ud c ntact nce ith Kent Sch and n m re than tice ith
the Admissi ns Office regarding semester deadines U f L. A third suspensi n is an academic dismissa
t petiti n f r admissi n. C nditi ns f readmissi n fr m U fL. A ritten petiti n is required f r
i be up t the discreti n f the C ege f readmissi n, hich is n t guaranteed.
Educati n Standards and Admissi ns C mmittee.
N student i be reinstated m re than tice; the The Academic and ir fessi na Standards Revie
third suspensi n is an Academic Dismissa. C mmittee f r the BSW pr gram i c nsist f three
BSW facuty members incuding the chair. This
U f L students h are suspended by ne unit are c mmittee is intended t serve in a pr bem-s ving
eigibe t appy f r admissi n t an ther unit and capacity and is n t devised t be adversaria. The
may be admitted if they meet minimum admissi n functi n f such a c mmittee i be t : (1) Revie
standards f that unit. Students h appy f r identified academic pr bems, incuding th se fr m
admissi n t an ther unit may n t take any c urses in the fied practicum, that cann t be res ved thr ugh
the unit fr m hich they ere suspended, and the inf rma channes ith the parties inv ved; (2)
Revie c ncerns ith student c nduct that is remedies, if needed. Once the remedies are
c ntrary t the guideines f r pr fessi na c nduct f r identified, the C mmittee i excuse the student
s cia rkers as specified in the C de f Ethics f and meet in c sed sessi n t f rmuate a
the Nati na Ass ciati n f S cia W rkers; and (3) rec mmendati n t the Dean. The Chair i
Rec mmend t the Dean¶s ffice a c urse f acti n
rite a rep rt f findings ith a
that arrives fr m C mmittee deiberati ns ith the
student. rec mmendati n t the BSW Direct r and
Dean's ffice ithin ne eek f the revie.
The BSW C rdinat r f Academic Affairs i The Office f the Dean i n tify the student
n tify students via f rma etters at the end f each and the facuty making the referra f any
semester if academic revies are needed, based n resuting decisi ns ithin ne eek f the
their GiA. Students are then required t c ntact the c mmittee rec mmendati n. The Sch may
BSW Direct r, s that a f rma revie c mmittee ch se t m dify this pr cess if the seri usness
can be f rmed. Apart fr m revies based n GiA, f the c ncern s indicates (e.g., the
any facuty pers n may rec mmend a revie f r any incarcerati n f a student f r a seri us crime) r
students h are perceived t be in academic ith the appr va f the student (e.g., use f
difficuty r h appear t have engaged in
part-time facuty t expedite the revie in
inappr priate c nduct in vi ati n f the NASW
C de f Ethics, r the C de f Students Rights and absence f Fu-Time facuty).
Resp nsibiities. Written referras f r revie are sent
t the Direct r f the BSW pr gram, h f rards If a student earns an F in a n n-s cia rk c urse r
the request t the BSW C rdinat r f Academic is n academic arning, the student is required t
Affairs. The referra sh ud indicate specific attend a series f t meetings ith the student
c ncerns. advis r, BSW C rdinat r f Academic Affairs, ( ne
bef re mid-term t tak ab ut strategies; ne after
Academic Revies are chaired by ne f the fu mid-term; i use intrusive advising and AIM
appr ach). These meetings i n t c nstitute
time BSW facuty members r the Direct r
academic revies and i be d cumented using
acc rding t a r tati na schedue. The referra existing pr cedures f r d cumentati n f
etter i incude an invitati n f r the student t undergraduate advising sessi ns.
seect t facuty members (fu time r part
time, but n t pr fessi na staff members) t
serve n the Academic Revie C mmittee. The G d standing is defined as a cumuative grade p int
Chair f the Academic Revie i determine the average n t ess than the minimum GiA set by the
appr priate gr up c mp siti n/tasks (after the degree-granting unit. Sch f Music students are in
student has a chance t have a v ice as t the revie g d standing hen they have a minimum
c mmittee) and rganize acc rdingy.The Chair i cumuative grade p int average f 2.5.
c nvene the c mmittee, if p ssibe, ithin 2
eeks after receiving the request f r revie. In U f L undergraduate students h , after the first 12
estabishing the time f r the meeting, the Chair degree-appicabe semester h urs taken at U f L,
sh ud indicate the nature f the specific have a grade p int average be 2.5 i be paced
c ncerns t the student. iresent at the meeting n Academic Warning. They i be n tified that
sh ud be the student and the c mmittee. Facuty their achievement is be expectati ns and str ngy
and ther parties h may have pertinent enc uraged t seek assistance, but n imitati n i
be paced n their registrati n f r the next term.
inf rmati n t share regarding the specific
c ncern may be invited by the Chair t present In any semester subsequent t that described ab ve,
that inf rmati n. In cases here the fied an undergraduate student h se cumuative grade
practicum is inv ved, the practicum supervis r p int average fas be 2.5 i be paced n
may be invited t present inf rmati n. These Academic ir bati n f r the next semester in hich
parties externa t the deiberati n i be the student enr s. Undergraduate students n
present ny t present and discuss their reevant Academic ir bati n are n tified that their
inf rmati n. After a discussi n ab ut the achievement is be expectati ns and are subject t
expressed c ncerns, the c mmittee i c ntinue c urse and/ r credit h ur imitati ns, specified c urse
t meet ith the student t f rmuate p ssibe registrati n requirements, r ther intrusive advising
interventi ns as deemed appr priate by their
VV by the Sch f Nursing Office f Student Services
after being pr cessed in acc rdance ith University
deadines f r submitting Admissi n ietiti ns. The a ed t remain in the pr gram. If the petiti n t be
petiti n sh ud address the student¶s percepti n f the a ed t remain in the pr gram is denied, dismissa
causes f p r perf rmance; the steps the student has fr m the pr gram is permanent. F r petiti n
taken t address th se causes; and a pan f acti n t deadines pease ca the Office f Student Services at
return t g d standing. Students h are granted 852-1196.
reinstatement i be readmitted n pr bati n.
N student i be reinstated m re than tice; the Students have the resp nsibiity t kn their current
third suspensi n is an Academic Dismissa. status. The Sch r utiney n tifies students hen
their status changes, but such n tificati n may n t be
c 3 p ssibe bef re the beginning f the semester.
N tificati ns f academic acti ns are fficiay made
Students admitted t the Upper Divisi n f Nursing thr ugh the student's university emai acc unt.
must earn a ³C´ r ab ve in a nursing c urses.
G d standing in the Upper Divisi n f r the Decisi ns inv ving academic arning, pr bati n,
Traditi na and Acceerated 2nd degree pr grams is a suspensi n, dismissa, h n rs and eigibiity f r
minimum cumuative university GiA f 2.5. RN- graduati n are defined by each academic unit. These
BSN students must main a minimum cumuative decisi ns are based n the university grade p int
university gpa f 2.0. Students admitted t the Upper average (GiA), hich is determined by dividing the
Divisi n are a ed t repeat a nursing c urse ny t ta number f quaity p ints earned by the t ta
ne time. Students h earn a grade be ³C´ in number f semester h urs attempted. The number f
t nursing c urses numbered 300 r ab ve, r a h urs attempted is c mputed by adding the h urs f r
sec nd attempt at a nursing c urse i be dismissed a c urses in hich the student has earned grades.
fr m the pr gram. This incudes the required The vera p int standing takes int acc unt a rk
pharmac gy and path physi gy c urses taken in taken at the University, excuding c urses numbered
er divisi n. A student h ishes t repeat a be the 100 eve. Grades and quaity p ints
nursing c urse sh ud submit a iermit t Repeat earned at ther instituti ns are n t inc rp rated int
C urse f rm t the Office f Student Services, Sch the university grade p int average.
f Nursing f r appr va. Once permissi n is granted,
the student i be a ed t repeat the c urse n a
space avaiabe basis.
Undergraduate students are in g d standing and are
making satisfact ry pr gress hen they have a
cumuative GiA f at east 2.0.
Students in the Traditi na BSN ir gram and
Acceerated 2nd Degree pr gram must satisfact riy
c mpete NURS 338 iath physi gy and NURS Undergraduate students h , after the first 12 degree-
395 iharmac gy in rder t pr gress t the upper appicabe semester h urs at the university, have a
divisi n cinica c h rt. If students d n t GiA be 2.0 i be paced n Academic Warning.
satisfact riy c mpete b th NURS 338 and NURS They i be n tified that their achievement is be
395 they must retake the c urse they faied t be expectati ns and str ngy enc uraged t seek
eigibe t reappy t upper divisi n t c mpete f r an assistance. Students n Academic Warning are
upper divisi n cinica space. Faiure f b th c urses imited t enr ment f r 13 credit h urs (7 credit
resuts in dismissa fr m the pr gram. h urs during the Speed Sch summer term). A
student paced n Academic Warning i have the
If suspended fr m the pr gram, students f ing semester t raise the cumuative GiA t at
must meet ith their advis r t revise their pr gram east 2.0. If that d es n t ccur, the student i then
f study, determine remediati n, request re- be paced n Academic ir bati n.
enr ment n a space avaiabe basis, and pan t
submit an Admissi ns ietiti n and fficia U f L
Undergraduate appicati n t the Office f
Admissi ns in acc rdance ith University In any semester subsequent t that described in
guideines. Re-admissi n is n t guaranteed. Academic Warning ab ve, an undergraduate student
h has ess than a 2.0 GiA i be paced n
3 If dismissed fr m the pr gram, Academic ir bati n f r the next semester in hich
the student has the right t fie a petiti n t be the student enr s. Students n Academic ir bati n
pr gress t ard c mpeti n f the academic N student i be reinstated m re than tice; the
requirements f r a particuar degree pr gram. third suspensi n is an academic dismissa. A student
Students n academic pr bati n are ineigibe t h d academicay dismissed can ny return thr ugh
ffice in any campus rganizati n r t represent the specia permissi n fr m the enr ment unit.
sch r the University in any fficia capacity, Students h are suspended r dismissed fr m the
except by specia appr va f the Ass ciate Dean f r Speed Sch f Engineering are eigibe t appy f r
Academic Affairs. Students h are n academic admissi n t an ther U f L unit and may be
pr bati n are n t eigibe f r c - p assignments. admitted if they meet minimum admissi n standards
f that unit. Students h appy f r admissi n t
an ther unit may n t enr in any c urses in the unit
fr m hich they ere dismissed.
Ath ugh a student may be admitted t Departmenta
Studies and c ntinue t maintain minima academic V
standards, it is p ssibe f r individua perf rmance
eves t fa beneath the pr jected pr gress necessary The minimum grade p int average requirement and
f r future admissi n t Graduate Studies. A student ther perf rmance criteria f r maintenance f g d
enr ed in Departmenta Studies h at the end f standing and pr gress t ard degree in the J.B.
the semester r term has a cumuative GiA be Speed Sch f Engineering and the individua
2.25 i be paced n Limited L ad. Whie n academic pr grams are f und in the university
Limited L ad, n student may enr in m re than 13 cata g, hich is avaiabe nine at
credit h urs (7 credit h urs during the Speed Sch http:// g.
f Engineering summer term). A student i be
c ntinued n imited ad unti the cumuative GiA is Any student h d es n t satisfy the pubished
raised t 2.25 perf rmance criteria sha be paced in pr bati nary
status. Any student h remains in pr bati nary