Gender and Development Unit: Municipality of Palompon
Gender and Development Unit: Municipality of Palompon
Gender and Development Unit: Municipality of Palompon
Province of Leyte
Province: Leyte Total Budget of LGU: 234, 208,051.30
City/Municipality: Palompon Total GAD Budget: 11,710,402.56
Gender Issue or GAD GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator GAD Budget Lead or
Mandate Program or and Target Responsible
Project Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Client-Focused: MOOE PS CO
Limited access to employment, Increased employment Public 1.. Employment Assistance 1 Job Fair with Career 300,000 PESO
jobs and income opportunities rate by 3% percent Employment Program: coaching and guidance
of men and women sector. among the unemployed Services sessions conducted.
population of men and 1.1 Job Fair
women group. 1 . 2 Special Program for Employment 10 Sessions of PES
of Students (PES) conducted.
1.3 Career coaching and Guidance, 1.4
Pre-Employment Seminar for Local Granted cash assistance for
Applicants. requirement processing to 20
1.5 Special Employment indigent job aspirants.
1.6 Cash Assistance for
Employment Requirements
Gender Issue or GAD GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator GAD Budget Lead or
Mandate Program or and Target Responsible
Project Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Client-Focused: MOOE PS CO
Limited access to employment, Augmented equal Public 2. Skills Training 3 TESDA NCII skills 300,000 MSWD
jobs and income opportunities income opportunities to Employment Program: training conducted to 45
of men and women sector. the marginalized sectors Services 2.1 Driving NCII indigent women/solo parents.
of men and women. 2.2 House Keeping NCII
2.3 Food and Beverage Provided 20,000 cash
NCII livelihood assistance for 150,000
3. Livelihood Enterprise business start-up to 10
with Facility: indigent individuals from the
3.1 Provision of 20,000 different sectors of the
Cash Assistance for community with 1-time
livelihood capital and training conducted on
Start-up. Bookkeeping and recordings.
3.2 Provision of Trainings
and Seminars 1 Livelihood system 100,000
3.3 Bookkeeping and established.
R e c o r d i n g O r i e n t a ti o n
4. Establishment of
Livelihood Data System
Agricultural 5. Women and Men in 15 Trainings conducted for 1,000,000 DA, MSWD
Development A g r i c u l t u r e P r o d u c ti o n : the 1 brgy. 1 product.
Program 5.1 Provision of Trainings
for 1 Brgy.1 Product 4 trainings on women’s
5.2 Vegetable Farming livelihood on vegetable,
5.3 Flower Farming flower, poultry and hatchery
5.4 P o u l t r y P r o d u c ti o n production.
5.5 Hatchery
Declining women’s Improved local Women’s 6. Women’s Month Increased by 5% percent 300,000 MSWD
participation in local programs and Welfare Program C e l e b r a ti o n attendance of women’s
undertakings. activities for women’s 6 . 1 S p o r t s F e s t A c ti v i t y participation during
welfare. 6.1.1 Inter-Barangay
women’s month
Volleyball League
6.1.2 Inter-Agency celebration.
Gender Issue or GAD GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator GAD Budget Lead or
Mandate Program or and Target Responsible
Project Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Client-Focused: MOOE PS CO
Women’s 6.1.3 Women’s Trail Run 1 Women’s Month MSWD
Welfare Program 6.1.4 Kayak and SUP Celebrated and
6.4 Socio-Cultural participated by the 50 100,000
Program women’s organization.
6.5 One-Stop Grooming
for Female LGU
100% LGU Female
employees availed
6.5.1 Pedicure and
Manicure, Haircut, Grooming services.
Massage, Foot Spa, Pap
Smear Visited 8 clustered
6 . 6 O p e r a ti o n S m i l e barangays and 50% 100,000
6.6.1 Free Dental-Check women populace served
U p a n d E x t r a c ti o n with dental services.
6.6.2 Provision of Free
Incidence of Gender-Based Reduced by 50% of Women and 7 . C o n ti n u e d A d v o c a c y 100 Sessions on GBV and 350,000 MSWD
Violence Cases. Gender-Based Children’s Awareness Program Responsible Parenthood
Violence cases. 7.1 Family Development conducted to 50 barangays
Sessions with IEC’s posted.
Program 7.2 Development of IEC
materials 5 Educators Training
7.3 Capacity Building: conducted to 4 Districts of
7.3.1 Educators Training DepED and 1 to High
7.3.2 BCPC Training Schools.
2 Trainings on Barangay
Council for the Protection of
Children conducted to the
committee members of the 50
barangay and 1 training
conducted to the members of
the Local Council for the
Protection of Children.
Gender Issue or GAD GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator GAD Budget Lead or
Mandate Program or and Target Responsible
Project Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Client-Focused: MOOE PS CO
Need to adopt culturally positive Reduced recidivism and Sports 8. Sports Development 1 Mayors Cup conducted 300,000 SK, Mayors
behavioral intervention and socially reintegrated Development 8.1 Mayor’s Cup with 3 competing categories; Office
support to CICL, CAR and juveniles. Basketball Tournament Inter-Barangay,Inter-Agency
Street children. 8.2.1 Inter-Barangay and Open League Basketball
8.2.2 Inter-Agency Tournament.
8.2.3 Commercial/Open
8.2 Summer League 1 Summer League conducted 180,000
with 4 sport competition;
basketball, volleyball,
badminton and sepaktakraw.
Sec. 36 of RA 9344- Juvenile 9 . R e h a b i l i t a ti o n a n d 100% CICL’s and VAW 40,000 MSWD
DETENTION OF THE Intervention P r o t e c ti v e C u s t o d y Victims basic needs
Program provided.
“In the absence of youth VAWC).
detention home, the child in 9 . 1 Provision of Food, Medicine and
conflict with the law may be Medical Assistance and Psychological
committed to the care of the Intervention and Counseling.
DSWD or a local rehabilitation
center recognized by the 10. Diversion Program
government in the province, city 10.1 School/Community 30,000
or municipality within the Service
jurisdiction of the court.
The need to strengthen Gender GAD perspective 11.Youth-Led DRR -Conducted 21 DRR Sessions 100,000 MEETO,
Perspective in Solid Waste strengthened on SWM 11.2 Inter-HS DRR to 5 batches of HS students DRRM
Management and Disaster Risk and DRRM Program. composing 10 secondary
Reduction Program. 1 2 . E d u c a ti o n f o r a schools. 200,000
Cause -1500 bags and sets of school
supplies given to elementary
13. Basura Mo, pupils and Secondary
students in exchanged or 200,000
Edukasyon Ko
redemption for eco-bricks.
Gender Issue or GAD GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator GAD Budget Lead or
Mandate Program or and Target Responsible
Project Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Client-Focused: MOOE PS CO
Gender Issue or GAD GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator GAD Budget Lead or
Mandate Program or and Target Responsible
Project Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Client-Focused: MOOE PS CO
Limited access of marginalized Provided social Social Protection 17. Provision of Phil Health 300 Indigent Constituents 1,000,000 MHO
sectors to Social protection to Program Insurance: from the different 0
Protection/Insurance. marginalized sectors and 17.1 Indigent Constituents marginalized sectors
indigent households. 17.2 Women and Differently-Abled provided with Phil health.
17.3 Solo Parent
17.4 Pregnant Women
Maternal and Neo-natal death Reduced incidence of Maternal and 18. Quality Maternal Health Reduced by 5% from last MHO
incidence. maternal and neo-natal Child Health Services: year’s incident of Maternal
deaths. Nursing Program 18.1 FP Counselling and Neo-Natal Death. 30,000
a. Conduct FP Days Quarterly 300,000
b. OB Maternal Kits, Supplies and 1 Buntis Congress celebrated
Equipment and conducted.
c. Advocacy on 0-6 mos. Breast
feeding. 311 BHW’s supported with
d. RHU Participation during financial incentives.
Women’s Month
e. Perform Breast Examination.
18.3 BUNTIS CONGRESS 2020 70,000
18.4 Remuneration Support for 400,000
Health and Safety risk of women 100% Accessible, clean WASH 19. Installation of Additional Water 100% of households in Brgy. 1,000,000 WASH
and girls in accessing safe and and safe drinking water Source Tinago and Brgy. San Miguel
potable water in selected areas supplied sufficiently. Provided sufficiently with
of Palompon. 19.1 Upgrading Old Transmission accessible and clean water.
Line @ KM. 5 to KM 6 (Tamban
The need to strengthened Strengthened gender Gender 20. Strengthen GAD Focal Point MSWD
GAD Focal Point System. and development Responsive System:
Focal Point system. Governance 1 Refresher training conducted 100,000
20.1 Capacity Development for GAD FPS
to GAD Execom and TWG on
Planning and Budgeting
1 Municipal /City exposure 50,000
20.2 Benchmarking GAD Best Practices conducted.
The need to strengthened Strengthened GBV 21. GAD Timpala Search: -100% Brgy. VAW Desk 200,000 MSWD
GBV mechanism to Brgy. mechanism to BLGU (The Search for VAW Free Functional.
Local Government Unit. and Child-Friendly
Plan and Budget. Barangay)
21.1 Assessment & -Provided Incentives/Reward
E v a l u a ti o n o f V A W - D e s k to 10 Gender Sensitive
F u n c ti o n a l i t y Barangays.
21.2 Provision of Rewards
a n d C a s h I n c e n ti v e s t o
G e n d e r S e n s i ti v e
C o m m u n i t y / F u n c ti o n a l
VAW Barangay
22. Capacity Building:
22.1 Refresher Training -2 Refresher Trainings on
f o r V A W D e s k O ffi c e r a n d GBV conducted to School CP
B r g y . O ffi c i a l s . 100,000
Focal, 50 VAW Desk and 50
22.2 Educators Refresher
Brgy. Chairman.
Training on GBV.
Sec. 7b.3 of RA 10410 (The Remuneration support 11 Child Development 1,016,4
Early Years Act of 2013) inclusive within the Teachers properly 00
mandates that “LGU’s shall Local Government compensated as stated in
include allocations from their Unit Budget allocation the memorandum and
SEF and GAD fund in addition Annual Investment Plan.
in the Annual Invest
to other local funds to be utilized
for the Following purpose:3.
1 Approved GAD Plan/AIP
Provide counterpart funds for the
continuing professional
development of their ECCD
public service providers; and 4.
Provide facilities for the conduct
of their ECCD Programs.
Limited provision of Social Provided effective, 24. Expansion of Custodial 1 Blue House Custodial 420,000
Welfare Services. efficient and quality Center Center expanded and
social welfare Improved.
services. 24.1 Furniture’s and Fixtures
24.2 Computer Sets
24.3Center Equipment
24.4 Materials needed for
Title of LGU Program or Project HGDG Design/Functioning Total Annual GAD Attributed Program/Project Lead or
Facility/Generic Checklist Program/Project Budget Responsible
Score Budget Office
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12)