Time Response Analysis - 1
Time Response Analysis - 1
Time Response Analysis - 1
• Introduction
• Standard test signals
• Response of first order system for unit step input
• Response of second order system for unit step
• Time domain specifications
• Steady state errors and error constants
• Problems
• MATLAB Simulation
Dept of Electronics and Instrumentation
11/18/2021 2
1.Step Signal
2.Ramp Signal
3.Impulse Signal
4.Parabolic Signal
✓ It is sufficiently drastic. If the system gives satisfactory
performance for the step input, it is likely to give
satisfactory response to other types of commonly used
✓ The application of step input is equivalent to the
application of numerous sinusoidal signals with a wide
range of frequencies.
✓ If the impulse response of the system is known, and if the
initial conditions are zero, then by taking Laplace transform
one gets the transfer function of the system.
✓ If the area under the impulse response curve is finite then
the system is said to be BIBO stable.
Dept of Electronics and Instrumentation
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• How to obtain time response from transfer