Crokus EU
Crokus EU
Crokus EU
J.A. Fernández
Laboratorio de Biotechnología, Instituto de Desarrollo Regional
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Campus Universitario s/n
Albacete E-02071
Saffron is the highest valuable food product and one of the oldest crops
and medicinal plants. Saffron crop is subject to strong genetic erosion. Until now
no international institution has taken the responsibility of the creation and
maintenance of a collection representative of the genetic variability of the crop
and its allies. Recently, the European Commission has approved an Agri Gen
Res 2005 project on “Genetic Resources of Saffron and Allies (Crocus spp.):
CROCUSBANK”, coordinated by this author. The objective of our consortium,
composed by 14 groups of 9 EU and non-EU countries, is to create, characterise
and exploit a germplasm collection (bank) in Crocus species, including Saffron
crocus. This collection is an urgent need for Saffron breeders and farmers, as
pointed out in the 1st ISSBB (Albacete, Spain). The present paper explains the
background, objectives, organization and technologies to be applied in the
development of the project.
Dr. Fikrat I. Abdullaev (1943-2006). A brave, enthusiastic, charismatic and sensitive
man; an original and wise scientist. Also a friend.
Saffron is a Precious and Intriguing Species
Crocus species are members of the family Iridaceae. The plants in this family
are herbs with rhizomes, corms or bulbs. The family Iridaceae embraces about 60
genera and 1,500 species. The genus Crocus includes native species from Europe,
North Africa and temperate Asia, and is especially well represented in arid countries
of south-eastern Europe and Western and Central Asia. Among the 85 species
belonging to the genus Crocus, C. sativus L. (Saffron) is the most fascinating and
intriguing species (see Fernández, 2004). This is not only because it produces the well
known Saffron spice, but for the numerous mysteries surrounding its origins.
Questions as when it originated; the native area or areas; the ancestor species and the
mechanisms of origin; the wild or naturalized plants; the infertility and consequent
absence of fruit and seeds; remain to be explained. Greece (Crete) has been mentioned
as probable origin of this old crop with probably more than 4,500 years of age. If its
domestication occurred at more sites simultaneously or at different times is still not
resolved. This is because Saffron is not known to be wild or spontaneous and can only
be propagated by human help.
In addition to being the most precious spice in the world, Saffron possesses a
set of somewhat unique agronomic and eco-physiological characteristics including a
relatively low water use, growth and development during fall and winter, a very low
harvest index, a generative phase which is followed by the vegetative phase of
growth, and an economic yield which is produced prior to a significant vegetative
growth. Furthermore it has three exceptional quality attributes, i.e. aroma, flavour and
yellow dye, a set of characteristics bringing about its uniqueness for pharmaceutical,
food and textile industries. Between 100,000 to 200,000 flowers are required to yield
one kilogram of Saffron spice (about 900,000 dried stigmas). Medium yield are
around 10 kg of Saffron/hectare, but varying very much between countries, lands,
seasons, and agronomic practices. Saffron’s high price is due to the much direct
labour required for its cultivation, harvesting and handling. This fact has made
progressively uncompetitive this crop in the more developed countries, and
undoubtedly such tendency will extent to the currently producing leaders. Therefore,
there is need for increasing Saffron production and quality to cope with an increasing
demand and market differentiation. This will be achieved biologically by means of
plants with more flowers per plant, flowers with a higher number of stigmas,
increasing stigmas size or stigmas with an increased amount of dye and aroma. In a
further step, a new approach could take place, the consideration of C. sativus as a
source of phytochemicals and biopharmaceuticals.
C. sativus is an autumnal flowering geophyte with corms that are covered by a
tunic, dormant during summer, sprouting in autumn, and producing 1-4 flowers in a
cataphyll with linear leaves. The flower has an underground ovary, a style 9-10 cm
long, dividing at the top in three red trumpet-like stigmas (2.5 cm long) that once
dried form the commercial spice Saffron. Flowering spans from late autumn until
December according to climatic conditions. Cytological studies have indicate that
Saffron is a triploid species which genome shows 3n=24, x=8 chromosomes. Its
triploid condition allows vegetative multiplication, but not regular sexual
reproduction. This is because meiosis and gamete development in triploids are
irregular, resulting into many anomalies in sporogenesis and gametophyte
Food Safety
Consumers are confused with the differences in quality between Saffron of
different origins and the subsequent fluctuation of prices. The quality of Saffron is
certified in the international trade market following the ISO 3632 Normative since
1993. The most important parameter is colouring strength, calculated from UV-Vis
measurements at 440 nm in aqueous extracts of this spice. Such measurements are
related to the total carotenoid content. This regulation is currently under controversy
since leave aside the most important organoleptic properties of Saffron (odour,
flavour) and does not prevent fraud. Saffron commands a rather high value in the
international spice trade that results in its frequent adulteration by artificial colorants
and by mixing genuine stigmas of Saffron flower with other parts of plants (e.g. some
species of grass) artificially coloured. Molecular tools will be ideal for checking
purity of product, even after processing, act as markers for adulteration (either with
dyes or with other plant species).
Alternative Uses
Saffron is mostly used as spice and food colorant and, less extensively, as a
textile dye or perfume. However, due to its analgesic and sedative properties,
traditional Eurasian herbal medicines have used Saffron for the treatment of numerous
diseases. Saffron has been indeed one of the oldest plants used as medicine (see the
frescoes of Thera, Greece). The renewed importance of Saffron as nutraceutical is
being sustained by an increasing number of evidences. Saffron has been claimed to
have effects on senile dementia, retina-degeneration, immunomodulation, as well as
antimicrobial, antidepressant, antitumour or cardiovascular protective properties.
Although these effects required more pharmacological/nutraceutical trials and
significantly additional scientific substation, we support the potential health
application of this plant, with a profile similar to green-tea, ginseng, etc.
The application of the agroresource refining concept to the other parts of the
Saffron plant (style, petals, stamens, leaves, stem and corms) is actually underway in
order to valorise all the organs of the plant. This Saffron by-product valorisation is in
agreement to the European Agricultural Policy that tries to encourage alternative uses
for agricultural matters. Some of our research groups are focused in obtaining
pharmaceutical, aromatic and dye products for health and cosmetic industries
(Fernández and Abdullaev, 2004).
Saffron is a low water demanding plant well adapted to arid or semiarid lands;
it has a low input of fertilizers (if any) and chemicals. Actually, Saffron is still
cultivated almost in the same manner for 3,000 years. This environmentally sound
crop is one of the ancients of Europe. Its unique eco-physiology amongst many crops
makes this plant appropriate for marginal soils, mainly but not exclusively in the
Mediterranean area. The concept of a sustainable EU agriculture fits perfectly with
the Saffron crop.
A World-Scale Task
Note that while the world’s total annual Saffron production is estimated at
about 200 tons per year, Iran with more than 47,000 hectares of land under Saffron
cultivation is said to produce more then 80 percent of this total. India is the second
producer. Any serious effort to create a bank germplasm in Saffron would be enriched
with the participation of researchers, agronomists or merchants from these countries,
simply because they must keep a significant amount of the global genetic variability
present in Saffron crop, together with a wide knowledge of its agronomy and uses. It
must be strongly taken into account that having the support of research groups from
countries that are putative commercially competitsors is highly valuable. This
confidence is based on the environment of collaboration and frankness amongst
scientists generated in the 1st ISSBB. A new big step has been done with the 2 nd
ISSBT carried out at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran) in October 2006
which contents are included in the current Acta Horticulturae volume.
It is not an overstatement to say that this Bank of Germplasm extents its
obvious European interest to a wider scale, and must be the basis of the ‘World
Saffron & Crocus Collection’ for everybody’s use.
The Consortium
The CROCUSBANK consortium (Table 3) is composed by partners from 6
European Union countries and 3 partners from third countries where rich resources of
Saffron and Crocus relatives are found. All of them have long experience in research
on complementary aspects of the Saffron and/or Crocus biology, agronomy, and
biotechnological applications. The consortium tries to joint a wide representation of
the effort carry out currently on Saffron research at international level, and the
partner’s geographical distribution comprise the Saffron producing areas as well as
the main habitats of the Crocus species. The non-presence of Iranian and Indian
groups is explained in terms of administration inconveniences. The AGRI GEN RES
programme does not subsidize groups from third-countries, which nevertheless are
free to participate without funding, as partners from Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Turkey
have done. Besides, having the collaboration of Iranian and Indian scientists and
institutions is highly desirable and we look forward to accomplish it.
All scientific, financial and administrative aspects of CROCUSBANK will be
co-ordinated by this author at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), who will
represent the consortium in the European Commission. The aim is to collect and
reproduce Saffron bulbs, coming from the EC countries that still cultivate Saffron
(Spain, Greece, Italy, France, and Hungary), but also from Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Morocco, India and Iran. This plant material, once adapted and reproduced, could be
used in selection programmes all over the world. Secondly, the collection of Saffron
allies (both seeds and/or corms) will be made for conservation, since some Crocus
taxa are threatened, and for research in genetics, plant breeding and basic biology.
The creation of the mother collection in Spain will be followed by replicas in other
countries in the coming years, once the bank is well established.
Exploration and Recollection
1. Preparation and Execution of Expeditions. With the aim to obtain genetic
material (corms) of cultivated Saffron, as well as seeds and occasionally corms of
other Crocus species in their areas of distribution to be part of the germplasm bank, a
previous work of planning of expeditions will be carried out. For cultivated species
(some of them used in gardening) we will contact plant nurseries, botanic gardens and
private cultivators. In the case of wild species we will make a complete bibliographic
search on the different species in order to determine their chorology, dates and
locations where the material could be found. Recollections will include natural
habitats, crop lands or even local markets. The distribution of areas by groups will be
tentatively as described in the next table, taken into account that changes will made on
the way. The distribution of geographic areas, the taxa and the groups responsible of
the exploration are explained in Table 3.
The exploration of Saffron corms will start at early 2007, with the aim to carry
out their sowing at the end of spring, and will be maintained through the years of
extent of the project. Since wild species can only be detected in flowering time each
group responsible of a geographic area should carry out four collecting campaigns of
about two weeks per campaign during the autumns of 2007 and 2008, and the springs
of 2008 and 2009, in order to collect Crocus species flowering in spring or autumn.
In vitro Multiplication
To establish the in vitro conservation of the distinct genotypes of Saffron and
some wild Crocus collected in the development of our project, we will apply the
methodology reported by Piqueras et al. (1999). Briefly, healthy corms will be
selected from the collection and will be used as source of tissues as starting material
in two developmental stages: (i) vegetative dormancy previous to sprouting and (ii)
vegetative growing; in order to evaluate the impact of the physiological stage of
corms in response to in vitro morphogenesis. The Saffron micropropagation protocol
includes the following steps: Initiation of the culture and explant selection,
Multiplication, Multiplication of meristematic nodules in liquid medium (optional),
Elongation and rooting, Acclimatization to ex vitro conditions and formation of
corms, Control of genetic stability and clonal uniformity of the regenerated material.
All the information associated to the Crocus collection will be included in a
relational database in order to guaranty its correct management and availability for the
potential users. Such database will be designed attending to recommendations and
rules internationally established for documentation in plant germplasm collections and
will be accessible via Internet through the Website of the Servicio de Investigación y
Tecnología Agraria de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
The data to be included in the database will be divided in the following
1. Passport data. Which will be referred to geographical and ecological indicators of
the recollection site. They would have been recorded in the recollection instant.
2. Management data. That will include the information generated in the process of
conservation, multiplication and supply.
3. Characterisation data. Including accession identification, place of
characterisation, characterisation data s. str. e the nature of an active collection and in
its management a registry of incomes and outcomes of plant material will be carried
The collection will have the nature of an active collection and in its
management a registry of incomes and outcomes of plant material will be carried out.
Phytochemical Characterization
.......Saffron major constituents are crocins, picrocrocin and safranal, which are
responsible for its colour, taste and aroma, respectively. Quality control of Saffron is
based on chemical analysis that should discriminate such different compounds.
Except for the method currently recommended by the International Standardization
Organization, namely UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, information on the chemical
composition is derived by HPLC combined with spectroscopic detection means (diode
array, MS). Chemical composition of the polar fraction extracted from the stigmas of
wild Crocus species will be characterized by the means of UV-Vis and HPLC-UV
techniques. Further investigation on the chemical composition of stigmas of species
with particular commercial interest will be based on the examination of other extracts
(petroleum ether, diethyl ether, acetone, methanol, water). A typical UV-Vis profile of
C. sativus extracts will be constructed for each of the different extracts and will then
be used as a reference one for the characterization of the wild species. UV-Vis spectra
derivatives of the individual extracts are also expected to highlight any deviation from
the typical profile of C. sativus. In all cases, the quality parameters suggested by ISO
3632-2 (2003) such as colouring strength, bitterness and safranal content will be also
determined. Main target of this work is finally the identification of constituents that
could be a discriminative key for the characterization of different Crocus species to
appreciate the extend of diversity of various geographic or genetic groups cultivated
and wild.
The essential oils (EO) content of the Crocus stigmas will be determined and
the chemical composition of the produced oil will be characterized by using
chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques such as GC-FID, GC-MS FT-IR, FT-
Raman and UV-Vis. The hydrodistillation and the microsteam distillation - extraction
to organic solvent will be used as reference methods for the production of EO. The
ultrasound based assisted extraction and the microwaves based distillation will be the
innovator methods for the EO production. These methods are expected to limit the
time demand for the oil isolation receiving similar quality oil with the conventional
methods and in some cases to improve the quality of the produced oil, especially by
receiving enriched in active components extracts. The influence of temperature,
solvent, frequency and time to the EO production will be taken into account in order
to obtain the highest EO yield. Experiments will be performed with different solvents
in variable extractable times, using ultrasound or microwaves apparatus, which will
be functioning at specific frequency. Extractions based on ultrasound will be
performed at room temperature, while the distillations based on microwaves will be
rapid, so the creation of by-products, due to oxidation processes, will be avoided.
Main target of this work is finally an essential oil product with high quality
chemical profile. In addition, the possibility of the essential oil discrimination
between different plant species, subspecies, or chemotypes by their FT-IR and FT-
Raman spectra has been examined.
Response to Stress
1. Evaluation for Salt Stress. The work aims to individuate landraces and/or wild
genotypes of interest for utilising in marginal areas characterised by soil salinity and
develop local communities. A core collection of Crocus spp. of about 100 accessions
(o more) will be evaluated in different soil salinity levels. 120 corms per accession of
about 2-3 g weight will be planted in containers (10 x 1.2 m) in protected conditions
and will be irrigated with nutrient solutions with different doses of salt (by addition of
0, 1.5 and 3.0 g l-1 of NaCl). The experimental design is factorial; salt dose represent
the main factor and the accession the secondary one. The substrate utilised will be
peat and perlite (1:1 in volume). The corms will be “seeded” at single row at 30 cm
between rows and 10 cm along the row. The corms will be kept in the substrate
indefinitely. For each plant will be registered the date of the first flower in anthesis,
the number of flowers harvested per plant, fresh and dry style weight. Sample of dried
styles will be send to chemical research unit to analyse the main qualitative
2. Pathogenesis Response. The work intend to check Crocus accessions against fungi
that have been reported as Saffron pathogens in different geographic areas: Fusarium
monliforme (corm rot, Kashmir), Rhizoctonia crocorum [sin. R. violacea] (violet root
rot in Greece and Spain) , Phoma crocophyla (Spain), Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
gladioli (Italy), F. oxysporum f.sp. tuberosi (Spain), Penicillium cyclopium (Italy),
Burkholderia gladioli (soft rot, Argentina), amongs others. The final objective is no
find genetic resistances against these pathogens in Saffron cultivars or Crocus
genotypes. A Crocus spp. collection of about 50-100 accessions will be evaluated.
The infections of plant material will be performed using 106/ml fungal
zoospores during 72 h. Treatment solutions will be diluted in 0.1 % Tween 80 from 1
mM stock solutions prepared in water and then applied on healthy roots. The number
of infected corms in each accession will be determined by presence of brown to dark
brown sunken and irregular patches below the corm scales. Rot lesions are usually 1
mm deep having raised margins. The rot symptoms are mostly located in root and bud
regions. In severe cases the entire corm turns into black powdery mass outer fibrous
scales in position. In some corms white or yellowish white fungal mass is observed.
The author is grateful to his collaborators at the IDR-Biotechnology Lab,
doctors Lourdes Gómez-Gómez, Ángela Rubio, Manuel Álvarez-Ortí, Raquel
Castillo, and Oussama Ahrazem for their daily work and dedication. His also
emphatically thanks Dr. Marta Roldán for her crucial assistance as expert in managing
EU projects and the members of the CROSCUSBANK consortium for their support in
preparing the project proposal and their encouragement with the endeavour of
conservation of Saffron genetic resources. These researchers are: Dr. Marcelino De-
Los-Mozos, Prof. Moschos Polissiou, Dr. Maria Tsimidou, Prof. Jose-Luis Guardiola,
Prof. Hasan Vurdu, Mr. Jean-Marie Thiercelin, Dr. Ferdinando Branca, Prof. George
Boberly, Dr. Thierry Talou, Prof. Pat Heslop-Harrison, Dr. Eleni Maloupa, Prof.
Khalil Gasimov, and Dr. Mahmoud Sharaf-Eldin, together with the members of their
respective teams.
The author wants to give a tribute to Dr. Fikrat Abdullaev to whom memory
the CROCUSBANK project is dedicated.
Literature Cited
Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004 of 24 April 2004 establishing a Community
programme on the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of
genetic resources in agriculture and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1467/94.
Official Journal L 162 , 30/04/2004 P. 0018 – 0028.
Fernández, J.A. 2004. Biology, biotechnology and biomedicine of Saffron. Recent
Res. Devel. Plant Sci. 2:127-159.
Fernández, J.A. and Abdullaev, F. (eds.). 2004. Proceedings of the First International
Symposium on Saffron Biology and Biotechnology. Acta Horticulturae 650.
Mathew, B. 1982. The Crocus. A Revision of the Genus Crocus (Iridaceae). B.T.
Batsford Ltd. London].
Piqueras, A., Han, B.H., Escribano, J., Rubio, C., Hellín, E. and Fernández, J.A.1999.
Development of cormogenic nodules and microcorms by tissue culture, a new tool
for the multiplication and genetic improvement of saffron. Agronomie 19:603-610.
Table 1. Estimate of current Saffron world production (various sources)
Quantities Countries Qualities or Zones
10 kg TURKEY Saffranbulli
Table 2. Some cultivars of ornamental crocuses
C. laevigatus ‘Fontenayi’
C. pulchellus ‘Albus’, ‘Zephyr’
C. sativus cartwrightianus ‘Albus’
C. speciosus ‘Albus’, ‘Artabir’, ‘Cassiope’, ‘Oxonian’, ‘Aitchinsonii’,
C. chrysanthus ‘Advance’, ‘Ard Schenk’, ‘Audabe’, ‘Blue Bird’, ‘Blue Pearl’,
‘Cream Beauty’, ‘Dorothy’, ‘E.P.Bowles’, ‘Fuscotinctus’, ‘Gipsy Girl’,
‘Goldilocks’, ‘Herald’, ‘Jeannine’, ‘Ladykiller’, Miss Vain’, ‘Prins Claus’,
‘Romance’, ‘Saturnus’, ‘Skyline’, ‘Snowbunting’, ‘Sunspot’, ‘Uschak Orange’,
‘Zwananburg Bronze’, ‘Zenith’
C. biflorus ssp. biflorus ‘Parkinsonii’
C. biflorus ssp. weldenii ‘Albus’, ‘Fairy’
C. etruscus ‘Rosalind’, ‘Zwanenburg’
C. flavus ssp. flavus ‘Aureus’
C. imperati ‘De Jager’
C. korolkowii ‘Kiss of Spring’
x luteus ‘Stellaris’ (C. angustifolius x C. flavus)
C. sieberi ‘Albus’, ‘Firefly’, ‘Hubert Edelsten’, ‘Ronald Ginns’, ‘Tricolor’,
‘Violet Queen’
C. tommasinianus ‘Albus’, ‘Barr’s Purple’, ‘Lilac Beauty’, ‘Pictus’, ‘Roseus’,
‘Ruby Giant’, ‘Whitewell Purple’
C. vernus ‘Albiflorus’, ‘Graecus’, ‘Harlem Gem’, ‘White Star’, ‘Enchantress’,
‘Flower Record’, ‘Jeanne d’Arc’, ‘Mammoth Yellow’, ‘Pickwick’, ‘Purpureus
Grandiflorus’, ‘Queen of the Blues’, ‘Remembrance’, ‘Vanguard’, ‘Glory of
Sassenheim’, ‘Negroboy’, ‘Paulus Potter’, ‘Twinborn’, ‘White Christmas’
C. versicolor ‘Picturatus’
Table 3. Partnership of the CROCUSBANK project
Nº Country Short Institution Expertise/role
0 Spain UCLM Universidad de Genetics and Plant
Castilla-La Mancha Breeding. Biochemistry.
1 Spain JCCM CIA de Albaladejito. Germplasm Bank.
Junta de Agronomy. Plant
Comunidades de Breeding. Phenology.
Castilla la Mancha
2 Greece AUA Agricultural Chemical Analysis
University of Athens (molecular modelling),
3 Greece AUTH Aristotle University Chemical Analysis
of Thessaloniki (quality). Genetics and
Plant Breeding
4 Spain UPVLC Universidad Plant Physiology.
Politécnica de Phenology. Agronomy
5 Turkey GU Gazi University Botany. Morphology
6 France TJMT Tradimpex JM Commercial. Sensorial
Thiercelin SA analysis (spice)
7 Italy DOFATA Università di Catania Plant Breeding.
-UNICT Evaluation for abiotic
8 Hungary UD University of Botany. Biotechnology.
Debrecen Molecular markers
9 France INPT National Polytechnic Chemical analysis
Institute of Toulouse (aromatic, dying, other
10 UK ULEIST University of Molecular Cytogenetics.
Leicester Genomics.
11 Greece NAGREF National Institute of Botany, Genetic
Agricultural Research Resources
12 Azerbaijan ANAS Azerbaijan National Botany. Pharmacology
Academy of Sciences
13 Egypt NRC National Research Biochemistry. Chemical
Centre analysis (bioactivity)
Table 4. Crocus taxonomy. Brian Mathew subdivided the genus in two subgenera:
Crocus and Crociris. C. sativus is classified into subgenera Crocus, Section
Crocus, Series Crocus (Mathew, 1982)
Subgenus Section Series Species
Crocus Crocus Verni C. vernus, C. tommasinianus, C. kosaninii, C. etruscus, C. baytopiorum
Scardici C. scardicus, C. pelistericus
Versicolores C. versicolor, C. imperati, C. malyi, C. corsicus, C. minimus, C. cambessedesii
Longiflori C. longiflorus, C. serotinus, C. medius, C. niveus, C. goulimyi
Kotschyani C. kotschyanus, C. vallicola, C. gilanicus, C. autranii, C. scharojanii, C. ochroleucus,
C. karduchorum
Crocus C. sativus, C. cartwrightianus, C. thomasii, C. hadriaticus, C. asumaniae, C.
moabiticus, C. oreocreticus, C. pallasii, C. mathewii,
Nudiscapus Reticulati C. reticulatus, C. sieberi, C. dalmaticus, C. robertianus, C. abantensis, C. ancyrensis,
C. cvijicii, C. gargaricus, C. angustifolius, C. sieheanus, C. rujanensis, C. cancellatus,
C. hermoneus
Biflori C. biflorus, C. chrysanthus, C. danfordiae, C. almehensis, C. cyprius, C.
hartmannianus, C. aerius, C. pestalozzae, C. caspius, C. kerndorffiorum, C. paschei, C.
wattiorum, C. adanensis, C. leichtlinii
Orientales C. alatavicus, C. korolkowii, C. michelsonii
Flavi C. flavus, C. olivieri, C. antalyensis, C. candidus, C. vitellinus, C. graveolens, C.
Aleppici C. aleppcius, C. veneris, C. boulosii
Carpetani C. carpetanus, C. nevadensis
Intertextii C. fleischeri
Speciosi C. speciosus, C. pulchellus
Laevigatae C. laevigatus, C. tournefortii, C. boryi
Crociris C. batanicus