Blended Lesson Plan

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Life and Society 101
Objectives: Students will be able to observe the differences in social inequality in America
as well as the rest of the world.
Students will be able to use cause and effect measures and relate them to comprehend the
relationships between society and individual
Students will be able to comprehend current events and social events that happen.

State Standards:
4.2 Students will analyze the effects of social inequality on groups and induvial.
4.4 Student will assess responses to social inequality
Context: This lesson is for high schoolers particularly in tenth grade to learn about
meaning of life and society. I am teaching this subject because, it is vital for the future of
this world to learn and understand how our society affects every individual. Before this
lesson, students learned about the basic forms of sociology structures such as structural,
functional, and conflict. After this lesson, students will be able to analyze social events and
have the keys to educate others on societal issues.
Data: The Students will be divided into three groups. The students will be into groups
based on their choice of social theories. After each student puts their choice of theory into
the box, they will be divided in a round table for discussion. The students will then
complete survey’s and answer according to which social theory they believe fits.
Materials: Part of lesson…. Materials Needed
Introduction: Computer & Smart Board to watch read aloud “
Sociology notebook and pencils
Teacher Directed: Computer & Smart board to watch
Independent digital:
Introduction: (20 minutes)
this lesson will be very informative, but it will go by very fast. I will allow students to use
their resources such as textbooks, notebooks, and any other resource minus the use of their
mobile devices to answer the questions for their surveys. This section students will need
their pencils, collaborative minds and notes taken from the you tube video as well for
guidance. The students should be detailed in their answers, as they will be said verbally and
handwritten. I will give students 5- 10 minutes to read through the question and analyze
what they individually think. After those ten minutes goes by, I will then have them share
their answers together, and see whose answers will be the most appropriate. I will play the
you tube video and display it on the smart board as well for assistance in the handwritten
scenarios given.

Teacher directed: (15 minutes)

With this part being teacher directed, I want to have all my students awake and aware of
social issues. I want the students to demonstrate what they think a healthy family dynamic
should look like based off societal norms. Then I will play the video on the smart board as a
detailed description of what the world views as a normal family based on societal norms.
After the video, I will have the student then draw another illustration of what they then
saw in the video of what a normal is and reflect on that. I understand that visual
descriptions of drawings can be difficult for sociology students, however I will expect to see
effort and creativity from the students.
Independent digital: (15 minutes)
Student will work individually on their chrome books. They will be assigned a chrome book
and expected to find a song that details a current issue form 2018-2021. The song must be
appropriate for school purposes and must be at least three minutes long. We will read up
on the symbolization and meaning behind the song, as we will further analyze the song and
the specific current event behind it. The students will find a lyric that struck out to them
the most and write in a short paragraph about why this song resonates with the current
event and to them. The purpose of this station is so that students can analyze the
importance of verbal storytelling and create their own sociological perspectives. Also, if the
students struggle with a song idea, they may take suggestions from one peer of come to me
with ideas of what they would like to use.
Closure: 20 minutes
The students will go back to their desks after the activities and collaboration is over and
put the chrome books away. This means, chrome books put away, notebooks, pencils and
paper put away as well. The smart board will be showing the instructions as I give them as
well. To finish off, I will place a kahoot on the board with some social theories and terms
we learned that day.
Rationale: I chose this piece of multimedia because I figured students would be able to fluently
read and go through the material with educated perspectives.

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