School Grade/Pp Learning Area Term Year Name of The Teacher PP1 Three
School Grade/Pp Learning Area Term Year Name of The Teacher PP1 Three
School Grade/Pp Learning Area Term Year Name of The Teacher PP1 Three
1 1 Mass(Heavy By the end of the sub 1. What can you • Demonstrate lifting Sand, water, stones, Questions
and light) strand, the learner should be able say about this objects of different mass. blocks, leaves, and answer,
to: object? • Few learners chairs, tables Observation,
a) lift different objects in their 2. Which object is demonstrate lifting objects Exercise
environment. heavier or of different mass.
b) compare heavy and light lighter? • In groups or pairs,
objects in the environment. 3. How can you individually, learners
c) appreciate objects of different tell the object is compare mass of different
mass in their environment heavier? objects in their
• In groups or pairs,
learners play games
involving comparison of
mass (play on a sea saw;
back-to-back lifting).
• Learners to watch a
video on measuring heavy
and light objects
2 Mass(Heavy By the end of the sub 1. What can you • Demonstrate lifting Sand, water, stones, Questions
and light) strand, the learner should be able say about this objects of different mass. blocks, leaves, and answer,
to: object? • Few learners chairs, tables Observation,
a) lift different objects in their 2. Which object is demonstrate lifting objects Exercise
environment. heavier or of different mass.
b) compare heavy and light lighter? • In groups or pairs,
objects in the environment. 3. How can you individually, learners
c) appreciate objects of different tell the object is compare mass of different
mass in their environment heavier? objects in their
• In groups or pairs,
learners play games
involving comparison of
mass (play on a sea saw;
back-to-back lifting).
• Learners to watch a
video on measuring heavy
and light objects
3 Mass(Heavy By the end of the sub 1. What can you • Demonstrate lifting Sand, water, stones, Questions
and light) strand, the learner should be able say about this objects of different mass. blocks, leaves, and answer,
to: object? • Few learners chairs, tables Observation,
a) lift different objects in their 2. Which object is demonstrate lifting objects Exercise
environment. heavier or of different mass.
b) compare heavy and light lighter? • In groups or pairs,
objects in the environment. 3. How can you individually, learners
c) appreciate objects of different tell the object is compare mass of different
mass in their environment heavier? objects in their
• In groups or pairs,
learners play games
involving comparison of
mass (play on a sea saw;
back-to-back lifting).
• Learners to watch a
video on measuring heavy
and light objects
4 Mass(Heavy By the end of the sub 1. What can you • Demonstrate lifting Sand, water, stones, Questions
and light) strand, the learner should be able say about this objects of different mass. blocks, leaves, and answer,
to: object? • Few learners chairs, tables Observation,
a) lift different objects in their 2. Which object is demonstrate lifting objects Exercise
environment. heavier or of different mass.
b) compare heavy and light lighter? • In groups or pairs,
objects in the environment. 3. How can you individually, learners
c) appreciate objects of different tell the object is compare mass of different
mass in their environment heavier? objects in their
• In groups or pairs,
learners play games
involving comparison of
mass (play on a sea saw;
back-to-back lifting).
• Learners to watch a
video on measuring heavy
and light objects
5 Mass(Heavy By the end of the sub 1. What can you • Demonstrate lifting Sand, water, stones, Questions
and light) strand, the learner should be able say about this objects of different mass. blocks, leaves, and answer,
to: object? • Few learners chairs, tables Observation,
a) lift different objects in their 2. Which object is demonstrate lifting objects Exercise
environment. heavier or of different mass.
b) compare heavy and light lighter? • In groups or pairs,
objects in the environment. 3. How can you individually, learners
c) appreciate objects of different tell the object is compare mass of different
mass in their environment heavier? objects in their
• In groups or pairs,
learners play games
involving comparison of
mass (play on a sea saw;
back-to-back lifting).
• Learners to watch a
video on measuring heavy
and light objects
2 1 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
2 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
3 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
4 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
5 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
3 1 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
2 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • Learners to demonstrate Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small filling and emptying small various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill and large containers using sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the sand, water or seeds
big container? • Learners to demonstrate
2. From the big comparing big and
b) compare sizes of containers container, small containers by telling
using water, sand or seeds how many small how many small
ones ones fill the big ones and
can be filled? vice versa
3. Which container • Few learners demonstrates
holds more or less? comparing big
and small containers by
telling how many small ones
can fill a big one and vice
3 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • In groups or pairs, Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small individually, learners tell various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill how much a container can sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the hold compared to
big container? another one of a different
2. From the big size.
b) compare sizes of containers container, • Learners to watch a video
using water, sand or seeds how many small on filling and emptying
ones containers.
can be filled? • Learners to watch a video
3. Which container on comparing containers of
holds more or less? different sizes.
4 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • In groups or pairs, Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small individually, learners tell various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill how much a container can sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the hold compared to
big container? another one of a different
2. From the big size.
b) compare sizes of containers container, • Learners to watch a video
using water, sand or seeds how many small on filling and emptying
ones containers.
can be filled? • Learners to watch a video
3. Which container on comparing containers of
holds more or less? different sizes.
5 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • In groups or pairs, Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small individually, learners tell various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill how much a container can sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the hold compared to
big container? another one of a different
2. From the big size.
b) compare sizes of containers container, • Learners to watch a video
using water, sand or seeds how many small on filling and emptying
ones containers.
can be filled? • Learners to watch a video
3. Which container on comparing containers of
holds more or less? different sizes.
4 1 Capacity By the end of the sub strand, the 1. How many of the • In groups or pairs, Containers of Questions
(how much a learner should be able to: small individually, learners tell various sizes, water and answer,
container a) fill and empty different containers can fill how much a container can sand, seeds Observation,
can hold) containers with water, seeds or the hold compared to
big container? another one of a different
2. From the big size.
b) compare sizes of containers container, • Learners to watch a video
using water, sand or seeds how many small on filling and emptying
ones containers.
can be filled? • Learners to watch a video
3. Which container on comparing containers of
holds more or less? different sizes.
2 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
3 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
4 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
5 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
5 1 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
2 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
3 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
4 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
5 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
6 1 Time(daily By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What do you do • Guide learners to Containers of Questions
routines the learner should be able to: when you wake up Identify and talk about various sizes, water and answer,
a) identify at least 3 daily routine in the morning morning routine activities sand, seeds Observation,
activities they do before going to before you come to in appropriate order Exercise
school school? • Guide learners to talk
b) identify vocabulary related 2. How the things about activities related to
to time (today, yesterday, you do are time (today,
tomorrow) different from tomorrow, yesterday)
c) demonstrate ability to what your • A few learners identify
manage their time well when mother or father and talk about morning
doing activities does in the routine activities
d) appreciate what every person morning? in an appropriate order
does on a daily basis 3. What do you do • In groups or pairs,
when you arrive in learners arrange pictures
school? with various daily routine
activities in a logical
• Learners sing songs on
daily routines.
• Learners to watch a
video on activities of the
daily routine
2 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
3 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
4 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes,
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
5 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
7 1 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
2 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
3 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
coins and a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
notes) coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
4 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
5 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
8 1 Money By the end of the sub-strand, the 1. Which among • Guide learners to look at Coins and notes, Questions
(Kenyan learner should be able to: these is and talk about different tins, boxes, papers and answer,
currency a) identify Kenyan currency a coin or note? sample currencies and pencils, shop Observation,
coins and coins 2. What can you identify Kenyan corner Exercise
notes) and notes see on the coin? coins/notes
b) buy items using Kenyan coins 3. What can you • A few learners identify
c) save money (coins and notes) see on the note? Kenyan coins and notes
d) make a simple budget basing 4. What do we use • Learners trace Kenyan
on money for? coins
(coins and notes) 5. What can we do • In groups or pairs,
e) appreciate the use of Kenyan with extra money learner’s role play buying
currency (coins and notes) in (balance)? and selling from a shop
their daily life corner.
• Learners to match and
pair Kenyan currency –
coins and notes using ICT
• Learners to watch a
video on role playing
buying and selling.
2 Area(surface By the end of the sub-strand, 1. How many • Learners are guided to Tables, plates, Questions
of objects) the learner should be able to: small observe and identify books, pieces of and answer,
a) observe different surfaces of pieces can cover different surfaces of paper, bottle tops, Observation,
different objects in the this surface? objects in the environment hands, feet, blocks. Exercise
environment 2. Which surface is • Few learners identify
b) identify surfaces of different smaller or bigger? different surfaces of
objects in the environment 3. What else can objects in the environment
c) cover the area of different we use to cover • In small groups or pairs,
surfaces of objects using smaller these learners compare different
objects surfaces? surfaces of objects
d) appreciate different surfaces in • Demonstrate covering
the environment surfaces using small
objects from the
• Learners cover surfaces
using small objects in the
• Learners to shade or
colour surfaces of
different objects using ICT