IIT Kharagpur: 1 Mark Questions (CH)

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1 Mark Questions (CH)

2000 IIT Kharagpur

1 For laminar flow of a shear thinning liquid in a pipe if the volumetric flow rate is double, the
pressure gradient will increase by a factor of
(A) 2 (B) < 2
(C) > 2 (D)
2 In the laminar boundary layer flow over a flat plate, the ratio   / x  varies as
(A) Re (B) Re
1 1
(C) (D)
Re Re
Where,  is the boundary layer thickness and x is the distance from the leading edge in the
3 In a fully turbulent flow (Re > 105) in a pipe of diameter d for a constant pressure gradient, the
dependence of volumetric flow rate of an incompressible fluid is
(A) d (B) d 2
(C) d 2.5 (D) d 4

2001 IIT Kanpur

4 Applying a pressure drop across a capillary results in a volumetric flow rate Q under laminar
flow conditions. The flow rate for the same pressure drop, in a capillary of the same length but
half the radius is
(A) (B)
2 4
(C) (D)
8 16
5 The operation of a rotameter is based on
(A) Variable flow area
(B) Rotation of a turbine
(C) Pressure drop across a nozzle

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 1

(D) Pressure at a stagnation point
2002 IISc Bangalore
6 For turbulent flow of an incompressible fluid through a pipe, the flow rate Q is proportional to
 P n , where P is the pressure drop. The value of exponent n is
(A) 1 (B) 0
(C) <1 (D) >1
7 For flow past a flat plate, if x is the distance along the plate in the direction of flow, the
boundary layer thickness is proportional to
(A) x (B)
(C) x (D)
8 With increasing flow rate, the hydraulic efficiency of a centrifugal pump
(A) Monotonically decreases
(B) Decreases and then increases
(C) Remains constant
(D) Increases and then decreases

2003 IIT Madras

9 The velocity profile for a Bingham plastic fluid flowing
(Under laminar conditions) in a pipe is
(A) Parabolic
(B) Flat
(C) Flat near the wall and parabolic in the middle
(D) Parabolic near the wall and flat in the middle
10 A lubricant 100 time more viscous than water would have a viscosity (in pa – s)
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.1
(C) 1 (D) 10

2004 IIT Delhi

11 For a particle settling in water at its terminal settling velocity, which of the following is true?
(A) Buoyancy = Weight + Drag
(B) Weight = Buoyancy + Drag
(C) Drag = Buoyancy + Weight
(D) Drag = Weight

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


12 What is the force required (in Newton) to hold a spherical balloon stationary in water at a
depth of H from the air – water interface? The balloon is of radius 0.1m and is filled with air.
4g 0.1gH
(A) (B)
3 4
0.1gH 0.04gH
(C) (D)
8 3
13 The equivalent diameter for flow through a rectangular duct of width Band height H is
(A) (B)
2( H  B ) ( H  B)
2 HB 4 HB
(C) (D)
( H  B) ( H  B)

2005 IIT Bombay

14 Match the following types of fluid (in group I) with their respective constitutive relations (in
Group II), where,  is the stress and  is the strain rate.
P. Pseudo plastic 1.   
Q. Bingham plastic 2.   0  K 
4.   K  ;n  1

5.   K  ;n  1

(A) P – 1, Q – 4 (B) P – 4, Q – 1
(C) P – 2, Q – 3 (D) P – 3, Q – 2
2006 IIT Kharagpur
15 The magnitude of then force (in Newton) required to hold a body of volume 0.05 m2 and mass
40 kg in water (density 1000 kg/m3) at a depth of 0.1 m is (g = 9.81 m/s2)
(A) Zero (B) 98.1
(C) 490.5 (D) 882.9
16 Match the following for a centrifugal pump with impeller speed n.
P. Capacity 1. Proportional to n
Q. Head 2. Proportional to
3. Proportional to
(A) P – 2, Q – 1 (B) P – 1, Q – 3

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20

(C) P – 2, Q – 3 (D) P – 1, Q – 2
2007 IIT Kanpur
17 Select the most appropriate pump from group II to handle each fluid flow given in group I.
Group - I Group - II
P. Highly viscous I. Piston pump
fluid flow
Q. Fluid containing II. Gear pump
large amount of
abrasive solids
III. Plunger
IV Centrifugal

(A) P – II, Q – I (B) P – II, Q – IV

(C) P – III, Q – IV (D) P – IV, Q – III
18 Consider a soap film bubble of diameter D. If the external pressure is p 0 and the surface
tension of the soap film is  , the expression for the pressure inside the bubble is
(A) p0 (B) p0 
4 8
(C) p0 (D) p0 
2008 IISc Bangalore
19 Losses for flow through valves and fittings are fittings are expressed in terms of
(A) Drag coefficient
(B) Equivalent length of a straight pipe
(C) Shape factor
(D) Roughness factor
20 Three containers are filled with water up to the same height as shown. The pressures at the
bottom of the containers are denoted as P1 , P2 and P3 . Which one of the following
relationships is true?

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(A) P3  P1  P2 (B) P2  P1  P3
(C) P1  P2  P3 (D) P1  P2  P3
21 Given a pipe of diameter D, the entrance length necessary; to achieve fully developed laminar
flow is proportional to ( N Re is Reynolds number)
(A) DN Re (B)
N Re
(C) DN Re2 (D)
N Re2

2009 IIT Roorkee

22 In Hagen – Poiseuille flow through a cylindrical tube, the radial profile of shear stress is
(A) Constant (B) Cubic
(C) Parabolic (D) Linear
23 A storage vessel exposed to atmosphere (absolute pressure = 10.3 m of water) has a diameter
of 3 m and is initially filled with water to a height of 2 m. The pump draw water from the
vessel and is located at an elevation of 5 m above the bottom of the vessel. The frictional head
loss in the suction pipe is 2 m of water. If the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature
of operation is 3 m of water, then the available NPSH is

(A) 2.3 m (B) 5.3 m

(C) 6.3 m (D) 8.3 m
1 2 3
24 The stream function in a xy – plane is given below   x y . The velocity vector for this
stream function
(A) xy 3iˆ  x 2 y 2 ˆj
3 2 2ˆ
(B) x y i  xy 3 ˆj

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


3 2 2ˆ
(C) x y i  xy 3 ˆj
(D) xy 3iˆ  x 2 y 2 ˆj
2011 IIT Madras
25 In a orifice meter, if the pressure drop across the orifice is over estimated by 5%, then the
percentage error in the measured floe rate is
(A) + 2.47 (B) 5
(C) – 2.47 (D) – 5
26 Match the pumps in Group I with the corresponding fluids in Group II.
P. Gear pump
Q. Peristaltic pump
1. Highly viscous liquid
2. Aqueous sterile liquid
3. Slurry
(A) P – III, Q – I (B) P – II, Q – I
(C) P – III, Q – II (D) P – I, Q – II
27 Consider the following two cases of movement of particles. In case I, the particle moves along
the positive Y – direction and in case II, the particle moves along the negative Y – direction.
Which one of the following corresponds to the correct direction of buoyancy action on the

(A) Positive Y – direction for the vase

(B) Negative Y – direction for case I, positive Y – direction for case II
(C) Negative Y – direction for both the cases?
(D) Positive Y – direction for case I, negative Y – direction for case II

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


2013 IIT Bombay

28 Taking the acceleration to gravity to be 10 m/ s 2 near the wall is
(A) 120 (B) 130
(C) 160 (D) 100
29 For a Newtonian fluid flowing in a circular pipe under steady state conditions in fully
developed laminar flow, the fanning friction factor is
(A) 0.046 Re  0.2
(B) 0.0014 
30 An incompressible Newtonian fluid, filled in an annular gap between two concentric cylinders
of radii R1 and R2 as shown in the figure, is flowing under steady state conditions. The outer
cylinder is rotating with an angular velocity of  while the inner cylinder is stationary. Given
that  R2  R1  << R1 , the profile of the profile of the  - component of the velocity   can be
approximated by

(A) R2
(r  R2 )
(B) r
 R2  R1 
(r  R1 )
(C) R
 R2  R1  1
(r  R1 )
(D) R
 R2  R1  2

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20

du  du 
31 The apparent of a fluid is given by , Where   is the velocity gradient. The fluid is
dy  dy 
(A) Bingham plastic
(B) Dilatant
(C) Pseudo plastic
(D) Thixotropic
32 An open tank contains two immiscible liquids of densities (800 Kg/m) as shown in the figure.
If g  10 m/s 2 , under static conditions, the gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank in Pa is

(A) 23000 (B) 22000

(C) 24000 (D) 26000
33 The unit of the isothermal compressibility are
(A) m  3 (B) Pa 1
(C) m 3 Pa 1 (D) m  3 Pa 1
2014 IIT Kharagpur
34 Which of the following statements are CORRECT?
(P) For a rheopectic fluid, the apparent viscosity increases with time under a constant applied
shear stress
(Q) For a pseudo plastic fluid, the apparent viscosity decreases with time under a constant
applied shear stress
(R) For a Bingham plastic, the apparent viscosity’ increases exponentially with the deformation
(S) For a dilatant fluid, the apparent viscosity increases with increasing deformation rate
(A) P and Q only (B) Q and R only
(C) R and S only (D) P and S only
35 In case of a pressure drive laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity ( ) through
horizontal circular pip, the velocity of the fluid is proportional to
(A)  (B)  0.5

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19

1  0.5
(C)  (D) 

2015 IIT Kanpur

36 For uniform laminar flow over a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer,  , at a distance
xfrom the leading edge of the plate following the relation:
(A) ( x)ax 1 (B) ( x)ax
1 1
(C) ( x)ax 2 (D) ( x)ax 2
37 Two different liquids are flowing through different pipes of the same diameter. In the first
pipe, the flow is laminar with centerline velocity, Vmax.1 , Where as in the second pipe, the flow
is turbulent. For turbulent flow, the average velocity is 0.82 times the centerline velocity, Vmax.1
Vmax .1
. For equal volumetric flow rates in both the pipes, the ratio (up to two decimal places) is
Vmax .2
2016 IIT Bangalore
38 A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density 800 kg/m 3) over a layer of
water (of density 1000 kg/m3). L – Shaped glass tubes are connected to the column 30 cm
apart. The interface between the two layers lies between the two points at which the L – tubers
are connected. The levels (in cm) to which the liquids rese in the respective tubes are shown in
the figure below.

The distance (x in cm, rounded off to the first decimal place) of the interface from the point at
which the lower L – tube is connected is __
39 For a flow through a smooth pipe, the Fanning friction factor (f) is given by f  m Re0.2 in the
turbulent flow regime, where Re is the Reynolds number and m is a constant. Water flowing
through a section of this pipe with a velocity 1 m/s results in a frictional pressure drop of 10
kPa. What will be the pressure drop across this section (in kPa), when the velocity of water is 2
(A) 15 (B) 20

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20

(C) 34.8 (D) 40
40 A liquid mixture of ethanol and water is flowing as inlet stream P into a stream splitter. It is
split into two streams, Q and R as shown in the figure below.

The flowrate of P, containing 30 mass% of ethanol, is 100 kg/h. What is the least number of
additional specification (s) required to determine the mass flowrates and compositions
(mass%) of the two exit streams?
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3
2017 IIT Roorkee

41 The thickness of Laminar Boundary layer over a flat plate varies along the distance from the
leading edge of the plate. As the distance increases the boundary layer thickness
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Initially increases and then decreases
(D) Initially decreases and then increases
42 In a venturimeter, P1 and P2 are the pressure drops corresponding to volumetric flow rates
Q2 P2
Q1 and Q2 . It  2 then equals
Q1 P1
(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 0.5 (D) 0.25

2018 IIT Guwahati

43 Pitot tube is used to measure

(A) liquid level in a tank
(B) flow velocity at a point
(C) angular deformation
(D) vorticity

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


44 A venturimeter is installed to measure the flow rate of water in a 178 mm diameter (ID) pipe.
The throat diameter is 102 mm. The differential pressure measured using a manometer is 154.3
kN/m2. The data given are: discharge coefficient = 0.98; water density = 1000 kg/m3.
The volumetric flow rate of water (in m3/s) is _________.
45 T he initial water level in a tank is 4 m. When the valve located at the bottom is opened, the
rate of change of water level (L) with respect to time (t) is, , where m/s-3/2.
The level of water (in m) in the tank at time 0.5 s after opening the valve is ____________
(rounded off to second decimal place).
2019 IIT Madras
46 For a fully-developed turbulent hydrodynamic boundary layer for flow past a flat plate, the
thickness of the boundary layer increases with distance x from the leading edge of the plate,
along the free stream flow direction, as
(A) x0.5
(B) x1.5
(C) x0.4
(D) x0.8
47 For a hydraulic lift with dimensions shown in figure, assuming g =10 m/s 2 , the maximum
diameter Dleft (in m) that lifts a vehicle of mass 1000 kg using a force of 100 N is
_____________ (rounded off to two decimal places).

2020 IIT Delhi

48 Consider an incompressible flow of a constant property fluid over a smooth, thin and wide flat
plate. The free stream flow s parallel to the surface of the plate along its length and its velocity
is constant. Value of the Reynolds number at a distance of 2.0 m from the leading edge of the
plate is 8000. The flow within the boundary layer at a distance of 1.0 m from the leading edge
of the plate is
(A) laminar
(B) turbulent
(C) transitioning from laminar to turbulent
(D) inviscid

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


2021 IIT Bombay

49 A three dimensional velocity filed is given by , where i, j, k are

the unit vectors in x, y, z directions, respectively, describing a Cartesian coordinate system.
The coefficient C is constant. If V describes an incompressible fluid flow, the value of C is
(A) -1
(B) 0
(C) 1
(D) 5
50 Consider a steady flow of an incompressible, Newtonian fluid through a smooth circular pipe.
Let αlaminar and αturbulent denote the kinetic energy correction factors for laminar and turbulent
flow through the pipe,

Here, is the average velocity, V0 is the centerline velocity, and n is a parameter. The ratio of
average velocity to the centerline velocity for turbulent flow through the pipe is given by

For n = 7, the value of is ______ (round off to 2 decimal places).

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


2 Marks Questions (CH)

2000 IIT Kharagpur

1 A free jet of water of cross-sectional area 0.01 m 2 and a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a plate and
then flows in the plane parallel to the plate as shown in the figure below. The horizontal
component of the force on the support is

(A) 200 N (B) 400 N

(C) 2000 N (D) 4000 N

2001 IIT Kanpur

2 A Bingham fluid of viscosity   10 Pa-s and yield stress 0 =10 kPa is sheared between flat
parallel plates separated by a distance 103 m . The top plate is moving with a velocity of 1
m/s. The shear stress on plate is
(A) 10 kPa (B) 20 kPa
(C) 30 kPa (D) 40 kPa

2003 IIT Madras

3 The pressure differential across a vertical venturimeter (shown in figure) is measured with the
help of a mercury manometer to estimate flow rate of water flowing through it. The expression
for the velocity of water at the throat is

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


V22  V12 
(A) h m
2g w
V22  V12    w 
h m
2g w
V22    w 
 H h m
2g w
V22  V12    w 
h m
2g m
4 A centrifugal pump is used to pump water through a horizontal distance of 150 m and then
raised to an overhead tank 10 m above. The pipe is smooth with an ID of 50 mm. What head
(of water) must the pump generate at its exit (E) to deliver water at a flow rate of 0.001 m3 /s ?
The Fanning friction factor f is 0.0062.

(A) 10 m (B) 11 m
(C) 12 m (D) 20 m
5 A pipe has a porous section of length L as shown in the figure. Velocity at the start of this
section is V0 . If fluid leaks into the pipe through the porous section at a volumetric rate per unit
area q   , what will be the axial velocity in the pipe at any x? Assume incompressible one
dimensional flow, i.e., no gradients in the radial direction.

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


x3 1 x3
(A) Vx  V0  q (B) Vx  V0  q 2
L2 D 3 L
x3 4 x3
(C) Vx  V0  2q (D) Vx  V0  q 2
2004 IIT Delhi

 p 
6 The Kozney-Carman equation, rewritten in terms of non-dimensional numbers gives  2 
 u 
L 
 D 
(A) 
p Re
Re  Dp 
 L 

L 
 D  Re2
(C)  2 
Re  Dp 
 L
 
7 A centrifugal filtration unit operating at a rotational speed of  has inner surface of the liquid
(density  L ) located at a radial distance R from the axis of rotation. The thickness of the liquid
film is  and no cake is formed. The initial pressure drop during filtration is

(A)   2 R 2 L

(B)   2 2 L

(C)   2 L  R  2 
(D)   2 R 2 L  R  2 
 
8 Three piping networks as shown in the figure are placed horizontally. They are made using
identical pipe segments and are subjected to the same pressure drop across them. Assuming no
pressure losses at junctions, the flow rates across the three networks are related as

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


(A) 1: 3 : 2 (B) 1: 2: 3
(C) 1: 2: 2 (D) 1: 2 : 2
9 A conical tank with a bottom opening of cross-section area A is filled with water and is
mounted on supports as shown in the figure. What is the force F with which plate X must be
pushed up to prevent water from leaking? Assume that the density of air is negligible as
compared to the density of water  L .

(A)  LVg (B)  L AHg

Vg Vg
(C)  L (D)  L
2 3
10 For the manometer setup shown in the figure, the pressure difference PA  PB is given by

(A)  H  air  gH

(B)  H  L  gH

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


(C)  H  L  gH   L  air  g  L  H 

(D)  H  L  gL   L  air  gH
11 Viscosity of water at 40 0 C lies in the range of
(A) 1103  2 103 kg/m-s
(B) 0.5 103  1103 kg/m-s
(C) 1  2 kg/m-s
(D) 0.5  1kg/m-s

2005 IIT Bombay

Common data Question 9. 28 to 9.29

Two tanks A and B of cross-sectional area 1 m 2 each, contain a fluid of density 1000 kg/m3 and
viscosity 1 kg/  ms  . The tanks are connected by a pipe of diameter 0.02 m and length 1 m, and
a check valve at the bottom. Assume that the flow is laminar and there is no friction in the
check valve. In the initial state, the height of the fluid in the tank A is 6 m and the height of the
fluid in tank B is 2 m (as shown in figure below). The check valve is opened and the fluid
flows from tank A to tank B till the levels in the two are equal in the final state. Assume
g  10 m/s 2 in the calculation ns.

12 What is the total energy loss between the initial and final states due to the fluid flow?
(A) 2 104 J (B) 16 104 J
(C) 8 104 J (D) 4 104 J
13 What is the average fluid velocity in the pipe as soon as the valve is opened?
(A) 0.25 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s
(C) 1 m/s (D) 2 m/s

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


 du 
14 The relation between the stress  and the strain rate  x  for the rapid flow of a granular
 dy 
 du 
material is given by   B  x  where B is a constant. If M, L and T are the mass, length and
 dy 
time dimension respectively, what is the dimension of the constant B?
(A)  ML1T 1  (B)  ML1T 2 

(C)  MT 1  (D)  ML1 

15 A dam of width 50 m is used to hold water in a reservoir. If the water height is 10 m from the
bottom of the dam, what is the total force F acting on the dam due to the water? Assume
g  10 m/s 2 , and the fluid density is 1000 kg/m3 .
(A) F  12.5 106 N
(B) F  25 106 N
(C) F  50 106 N
(D) F  5 106 N

2006 IIT Kharagpur

16 The liquid surface in a cylindrical bucket of radius R rotating about its axis acquires a
parabolic profile given by the equation y  a  br 2 , where y is height of-the liquid surface
from the bottom of the bucket at a radial distance r from the bucket axis. If the liquid has
density  , then the mass of the liquid in the bucket is

2  a  bR  2 bR 2 
(A) R   (B) R  a  
 2   2 

(C) R 2 a 
(D) R2 a  bR 2 
17 In a laminar flow through a pipe of radius R, the fraction of the total fluid flowing through a
circular cross-section of radius R/2 centered at the pipe axis is
3 7
(A) (B)
8 16
1 3
(C) (D)
2 4
18 A liquid is pumped at the flow rate Q through a pipe of length L. The pressure drop of the fluid
across the pipe is p . Now a leak develops at the mid-point of the length of the pipe and the
fluid leaks at the rate of Q/2. Assuming that the friction factor in the pipe remains unchanged,
the new pressure drop across the pipe for the same inlet flow rate (Q) will be

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


(A) (1/ 2)p (B) (5/8) p

(C) (3/4) p (D) p

2007 IIT Kanpur

19 A tube of diameter D and length L is initially filled with a liquid of density  and viscosity  .
It is then pushed out by the application of a constant force F to the plunger as shown in the
figure. Assuming laminar flow and pseudo steady state, the time required to expel one-half of
the liquid out of the tube is

3L2 3D 2
(A) (B)
6L2 6DL
(C) (D)
20 The pressure differential across a venturimeter, inclined at 450 to the vertical (as shown in the
figure) is measured with help of a manometer to estimate the flowrate of a fluid flowing
through it. If the density of the flowing fluid is  and the density of the manometer fluid is m ,
the velocity of the fluid at the throat can be obtained from the expansion

V22  V12 h(m  )

(A)   H sin 450
2g 
V22  V12 hm
(B)   H sin 450
2g 

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


V22  V12 hm

(C) 
2g 
V22  V12 h(m  )
(D) 
2g 
21 The figure shows a series-parallel configuration of three identical centrifugal pumps. The head
increase H across a single such pump varies with flow rate Q according to H
H  a  dQ 2 . The expression for the total head increase H  H 2  H1 in terms of a and b
and the total flow rate Q1 for this configuration is given by

(A) 2a  bQ12 (B) 2a  bQ12
(C) 2a  2bQ12 (D) a  bQ12
22 The figure shows the idealized view of a return elbow or U bend, which is connected to two
pipes by flexible hoses that transmit no force. Water with density 1000kg/ m3 flows at velocity
of 10 m/s through the pipe, which has a uniform ID of 0.1m. The gauge pressure at points 1
and 2 are 304 kPa and 253 kPa respectively. The horizontal force F required to keep the elbow
in position is

(A) 1574 N (B) 1970 N

(C) 5942 N (D) 7533 N
23 A pipeline system carries crude oil of density 800 kg/. The volumetric flow rate at point 1 is
0.28 m3 /s . The cross sectional areas of the branches 1,2 and 3are 0.012, 0.008 and 0.004 m 2
respectively. All the three branches are in a horizontal plane and the friction is negligible. If
the pressures at the point 1 and 3 are 270kPa and 240kPa respectively, then the pressure at
point 2 is

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


(A) 202 kPa (B) 240 kPa

(C) 284 kPa (D) 355 kPa
2008 IISc Bangalore

Common data Question 24 to 25

A siphon tube having a diameter of 2 cm draws water from a large open reservoir and discharges into
the open atmosphere as shown in the figure. Assume incompressible fluid and neglect
frictional losses (g = 9.8 m/ s 2 )

24 The volumetric flow rate (in L/s) of water at the discharge is

(A) 3.11 (B) 3.67
(C) 30.77 (D) 42.99
25 The velocity (in m/s) at the discharge point is
(A) 9.9 (B) 11.7
(C) 98 (D) 136.9
26 A steady flow field of an incompressible fluid is given by V   Ax  By  iˆ  Ayjˆ , Where
A=Is 1 , B=Is 1 , and x , y are in metre. The magnitude of the acceleration (in m/s 2 ) of a fluid
particle at (1,2) is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 10
27 Match the following Group I with Group II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists.

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


Group I Group II
P. Euler 1. Viscous force/Inertial
number force
Q. Froude 2. Pressure force/ Inertial
number force
R. Weber 3. Inertial
number Force/Gravitational force
4. Inertial force/Surface
tension force

(A) P-1,Q-2, R-3 (B) P-2, Q-3, R-4

(C) P-3, Q-2, R-1 (D) P-4, Q-3, R-2
28 A pump draws oil (specific gravity 0.8) from a storage tank and discharges it into an overhead
tank. The mechanical energy delivered by the pump to the fluid is 50 J/kg. The velocities at the
suction and the discharge points of the pump are 1 m/s and 7 m/s, respectively. Neglecting
friction losses and assuming kinetic energy correction factor to be unity, the pressure
developed by the pump (in kN/ m 2 )is
(A) 19.2 (B) 20.8
(C) 40 (D) 80
2009 IIT Roorkee

Common data Question 29 to 30

A free jet of water is emerging from a nozzle (diameter 75 mm) attached to pipe (diameter 225 mm) as
shown below

The velocity of water at point A is 18 m/s. Neglect friction in the pipe and nozzle. Use g = 9.81
m / s 2 and density of water = 1000 kg/ m3
29 The gauge pressure (in kPa) at point B is

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20

(A) 80.0 (B) 100.0
(C) 239.3 (D) 367.6
30 The velocity of water at the tip of the nozzle (in m/s) is
(A) 13.4 (B) 18.0
(C) 23.2 (D) 27.1
31 Two identical reservoirs, open at the top are drained through pipes attached to the bottom of
the tanks as shown below. The two drain pipes are of the same length but of different
diameters  D1  D2  .

Assuming the flow to be steady and laminar in both drain pipes, if the volumetric flow rate in
the larger pipe is 16 time of that in the smaller pipe, the ratio D1 / D2 is

2010 IIT Guwahati

32 A hydrometer with stem cross-sectional area of 2.82 105m 2 is immersed in a very large
vessel containing water as shown in the figure. The immersed volume is 15  10 6 m 2 and the
length of the stem about water surface is LW . If the entire volume of water is replaced by a
liquid with specific gravity 1.5 and if the length of the stem above the liquid surface is Ll then
the difference, Ll - LW is

(A) – 177 mm (B) 177 mm

(C) – 266 mm (D) 266 mm
2011 IIT Madras

33 A liquid is flowing through the following piping network. The lengths of pipe sections P , Q ,
R and S shown in the schematic are equal . The diameters of the sections P and R are equal and

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


the diameter of the section Q is twice that of S. The flow is steady and laminar. Neglecting
curvature and effects, the ration of the volumetric flow rate in the pipe section Q to that in S is

(A) 16 (B) 8
(C) 2 (D) 1
34 Two liquids (P and Q) having same viscosity are flowing through a double pipe heat exchanger
as shown in the schematic below.

Densities of P and Q are 1000 kg/ m3 and 800 kg/ m3 respectively. The average velocities of the
liquids P and Q are 1m/s and 2.5 m/s respectively. The inner diameters of the pipes are 0.31m
and 0.1m. Both pipes are 5 mm thick. The ratio of the Reynolds number Re P to ReQ is
(A) 2.5 (B) 1.55
(C) 1 (D) 4
2012 IIT Delhi

35 For uniform laminar flow (in the X-direction) past a flat plate at high Reynolds number, the
local boundary layer thickness () varies with the distance along the plate (x) as
1 1
(A)   x 4
(B)   x 3

(C)   x 2 (D)  x
36 The local velocity of a fluid along a streamline can be measured by
(A) Pitot tube (B) Venturi meter
(C) Rota meter (D) Orifice meter
37 Water is flowing under laminar conditions in a pipe of length L. If the diameter of the pipe is
doubled, for a constant volumetric flow rate, the pressure drop across the pipe
(A) Decreases 2 time
(B) Decreases 16 time
(C) Increases 2 time
(D) Increases 16 time

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


2013 IIT Bombay

38 Water (density 1000kg/m3 ) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below and exiting to the
atmosphere. The relationship between the diameters of the nozzle at location 1 and 2 is
D1  4 D2 . The average velocity of the stream at location 2 is 16 m/s and the frictional loss
between location 1 and 2 is 10000 pa Assuming steady state and turbulent flow, the gauge
pressure in Pa, at location 1 is

(A) 122500 pa (B) 142500 pa

(C) 102500 pa (D) 137500 pa

2014 IIT Kharagpur

39 In a steady and incompressible flow of a fluid (density = 1.25 kg m 3. ), the difference between
stagnation and astatic pressures at the same location in the flow is 30 mm of mercury (density
= 13600 kg m 3. ). Considering gravitational acceleration as 10 m s 2. , the fluid speed (in m s 1.
40 Match the following
Group I Group II
P Turbulence I Reciprocating
Q NPSH II Packed bed
R Ergun III Fluctuating
equation velocity
S Rota meter IV Impeller
T Power number V Vena contracta


(B) Q-V, R-II, S-III

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


41 A incompressible fluid is flowing through a contraction section of length L and has a 1-D (x-
direction) steady state velocity distribution u  u0  1   . If u0  2m/s and L=3m, the
 L 
convective acceleration (in m/s 2 )of the fluid at L is___

2015 IIT Kanpur

42 For fanning friction factor f(for flow in pipes) and drag coefficient C D (for flow over immersed
bodies), which of the following statements are true?
P: accounts only for the skin friction
Q: C D accounts only for the form friction
R: C D accounts for both skin friction and form friction
S: Both f and C D depend on the Reynolds number
T: For laminar flow through a pipe. f doubles on doubling the volumetric flow rate.
(A) R,S,T (B) P,Q,S
(C) P,R,S (D) P,O,S,T
43 A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of 0.22 m3 /s from a reservoir at ground level to
another reservoir at a height H, through a vertical pipe of 0.2m diameter. Both the reservoirs
are open to atmosphere. The power input to the pump is 90 kW and it operates with an
efficiency of 75%
Fanning friction factor for pipe flow is f = 0.004. Neglect other head losses
Take gravitational acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s 2 and density of water is 1000 kg /m 3 .
The height H, in meters, to which the water can he delivered (up to one decimal place) is
2016 IIT Bangalore

44 Water flows through a smooth circular pipe wider turbulent conditions. In the viscous sub-
layer, the velocity varies linearly with the distance from the wall. The Fanning friction is

defined as, f  2w where  w is the shear stress at the wall of the pipe,  is the density of
u / 2
the fluid and u is the average velocity in the pipe. Water (density = 1000 kg m3 , viscosity
 1103 kg m-1s-1 ) flows at an average velocity of 1 m s -1 through the pipe . For this flow
condition, the friction factor f is 0.005. At a distance of 0.05 mm form the wall of the pipe (in
the viscous sub – layer), the velocity (in m s 1 , rounded off to the third decimal place) is ____
45 The characteristics curve (Head – Capacity relationship) of a centrifugal pump is represented
by the equation H pump  43.8  0.19Q, where H pump is the head developed by the pump (in

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


m ) and Q is the flow rate (in m3 /h ) through the pump. This pump is to be used for pumping
water through a horizontal pipeline. The frictional head loss H piping (in m) is related to the
water flowrate QL (in m3 /h ) by the equation H piping  0.0135QL2  0.045QL .The flowrate (in
m3 /h , rounded off to the first decimal place) of water pumped through the above pipeline,
46 Water (density =1000 kg m3 )is pumped at a rate of 36 m 3 / h . From a tank 2 m below the
pump, to an overhead pressurized vessel 10 in above the pump. The pressure values at the
point of suction from the bottom tank and at the discharge point to the overhead vessel are 120
kPa and 240 kPa, respectively . All pipes in the system have the same diameter. Take
acceleration due to gravity, g  10 m s 2 . Neglecting frictional losses, what is the power (in
kW) required to deliver the fluid?
(A) 1.2 (B) 2.4
(C) 3.6 (D) 4.8
2017 IIT Roorkee

47 The following table provides four sets of fanning friction factor data for different values of
Reyonolds number ( Ri ) and roughness factor.
Re 102 103 105 105
k  0 0.001 0 0.001
 
Set I f 0.16 0.016 16 105 16 105
Set II f 0.016 0.16 0.0055 0.0045
Set f 0.16 0.016 0.0045 0.00055
Set IV f 0.0045 0.0055 0.016 0.16
Which one of the following friction factor data is correct?
(A) Set – I (B) Set – II
(C) Set – III (D) Set – IV
2018 IIT Guwahati

48 At a shear rate of 10 s-1, the apparent viscosity of a non-Newtonian liquid was found to be 1 Pa
s. At a shear rate of 100 s-1, the apparent viscosity of the same liquid was found to be 0.5 Pa s.
If the liquid follows power law behavior, the apparent viscosity (in Pa.s) at a shear stress of 10
Nm-2 is _____________ (rounded off to two decimal place).
2019 IIT Madras

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


49 An incompressible Newtonian fluid flows in a pipe of diameter D at volumetric flow rate Q.

Fluid with same properties flows in another pipe of diameter D2 = D1/2 at the same flow rate
Q. The transition length required for achieving fully-developed flow is l1 for the tube of
diameter D1, while it is l2 for the tube of diameter D2. Assuming steady laminar flow in both
cases, the ratio l1 /l2 is:
(A) 1/4
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 4
50 A centrifugal pump is used to pump water (density 1000 kg/m3) from an inlet pressure of 105
Pa to an exit pressure of 2 x10 Pa. The exit is at an elevation of 10 m above the pump. The
average velocity of the fluid is 10 m/s. The cross-sectional area of the pipes at the pump inlet
and outlet is 10-3 m-2 and acceleration due to gravity is g=10 m/s2. Neglecting losses in the
system, the power (in Watts) delivered by the pump is _________ (Rounded off to the nearest
2020 IIT Delhi

51 Consider steady, laminar, fully developed flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid through
two horizontal straight pipes, I and II of circular cross section.The volumetric flow rates in
both the pipes are the same. The diameter of pipe II is twice the diameter of pipe I. i.e.dII = 2dI
. The ratio of the shear stress at the wall of pipe I to the shear stress at the wall of pipe II is
(A) 0.5
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 8
52 A student performs a flow experiment with Bingham Plastic under fully developed laminar
flow conditions in a tube of radius 0.01 m with a pressure drop (ΔP) of 10 kPa over tube length
(L) of 1.0 m. The velocity profile is flat for r<rc and parabolic for r>rc as shown in the figure.

Consider r and x as the radial and axial directions, and the shear stress is finite as r approaches
zero. A force balance results in the following equation

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20


where τrx is the shear stress. If rc is 0.001 m. then the magnitude of yield stress for this
Bingham Plastic (in Pa) is (A) 1
(B) 5
(C) 8
(D) 12
53 A U-tube manometer contains two manometric fluids of densities 1000 kg m-3 and 600 kg m-3.
When both the limbs are open to atmosphere, the difference between the two levels is 10 cm at
equilibrium, as shown in the figure.

The rest of the manometer is filled with air of negligible density. The acceleration due to
gravity is 9.81 ms-2 and the atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. How much absolute pressure (in
kPa) has to be applied on the limb 'P’ to raise the fluid in the limb ‘Q’ by another 20 cm?
(A) 100.175
(B) 103.924
(C) 547.231
(D) 833.206

54 Liquid water is pumped at a volumetric flow rate of 0.02 m3s-1 from Tank I to Tank II, as
shown in the figure.

Both the tanks are open to the atmosphere. The total frictional head loss for the pipe system is
1.0 m of water.
In addition, use the following data and assumptions • Density of water is 1000 kg m -3 •
Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m s-2 • Efficiency of the pump is 100% • The liquid
surfaces in the tanks have negligible velocities The power supplied (in W) by the pump to lift
the water is _______ (round off to 1 decimal place)

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 19


Answers 1 Mark Questions

1 B 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 A
6 C 7 A 8 D 9 D 10 B
11 B 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 B
16 B 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 D
21 A 22 D 23 A 24 B 25 A
26 D 27 C 28 C 29 C 30 D
31 B 32 D 33 B 34 D 35 C
36 C 37 1.64 38 10 39 C 40 C
41 A 42 B 43 B 44 0.145-0.155 45 3.7-3.9
46 D 47 48 A 49 B 50 0.52-0.54

Answers 2 Marks Questions

1 D 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B
6 A 7 C 8 B 9 B 10 A
11 A 12 D 13 B 14 D 15 C
16 B 17 B 18 B 19 A 20 D
21 A 22 B 23 C 24 A 25 A
26 C 27 B 28 B 29 D 30 D
31 A 32 B 33 C 34 C 35 C
36 A 37 A 38 D 39 80.0 40 A

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20

41 8 42 C 43 36 44 0.125 45 49.1
46 B 47 C 48 49 B 50 2000
51 D 52 B 53 B 54 1175-1180


Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics | By: Sumit Prajapati | Contact: 7905859210 20

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