Training Plan Qualification: Agricultural Crops Production Ncii
Training Plan Qualification: Agricultural Crops Production Ncii
Training Plan Qualification: Agricultural Crops Production Ncii
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and 1. Discuss workplace Pen, Paper,
workplace convey information, such Note Book
communication workplace house rules and others
5.4 Learning
and review
5.5 Life-long
learning review
1. Apply Safety 1.1 Apply 1. Discuss area of
Measures in Safety concern for safety 5 hours
farm Measures in measures and apply
operations farm appropriate safety Projector,
operations measures. Pen, papers
2. Identifying tools,
materials and outfit to
be disposed or kept.
2. Use farm 2.1 Using farm 1. Select farm tools and
tools and tools and identify its functions
equipment equipment and uses.
2. Select farm Water, pail, Gardening
equipment to be used detergent tools, 16 hours
and practice soap plow/disc
manipulating it. plow
3. Perform cleaning the
equipment after use.
3. Perform 3.1 Performing 1. Review of the
estimation and estimation and fundamental functions Projector, Measuring 8 hours
basic basic of Mathematics Pen, papers tools
calculation calculation
1. Perform 1.1 Perform 1. Select tools, 1.
nursery nursery materials for nursery Gardening
operations operations operations. tools,
2. Maintain nursery plow/disc
facilities such as plow
nursery house and 2. screen
implements. 3. nails 59 hours
3. Proper handling of 4. bamboo
seeds/planting pole
materials. 5. seed,
4. Prepare components seedlings
of growing media and 6. river
mix them in a ratio of sand/ rice
1:1:1. hull soil
5. Perform propagation
activities such as
grafting, marcotting
and budding activities.
2. Plant Crops 2.1 Planting 1. Prepare land for 1. Land area 64 hours
Crops planting such as 2. bolos
clearing weeds, 3. strings
plowing and making 4. plow
plot. 5. steel bar
2. Field lay outing 6. seeds
3. Digging holes. 7. seedlings,
4. Perform direct hoe, rake
seedling transplanting.
3. Care and 3.1 Caring and 1. applying pest control 1. Knapsack
maintain crops maintaining 2. applying fertilizer sprayer 88 hours
crops 3. watering crops 2. water
4. perform pruning 3. Insecticide
4. fertilizer
5. plants
6. pruning
4. Carryout 4.1 Carrying 1. Performing pre 1.
harvest and out harvest harvest operations Harvesting 56 hours
post-harvest and post- 2. Performing tools
operations harvest harvesting activity 2. bolos
operations 3. Performing post- 3.
harvest activities harvesting
4. performing pole
packaging activities 4. baskets
5. plastic for
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