Constituents of The Essential Oil of Solidago Gigantea Ait. (Giant Goldenrod)
Constituents of The Essential Oil of Solidago Gigantea Ait. (Giant Goldenrod)
Constituents of The Essential Oil of Solidago Gigantea Ait. (Giant Goldenrod)
ABSTRACT: The hydrodistilled essential oil of aerial parts of S. gigantea was investigated by GC, GC–MS and
NMR spectroscopy. Two samples (1990/91, Warsaw, and 1998, Łódź) yielding 0.55% and 70% of essential oil,
were analysed in 1992 and 1998. Ninety constituents (96% of the total oil) were identified in the first sample
and 85 (98%) in the second. ˛-Pinene (7.0/4.1%), myrcene (2.5/2.6%), p-cymene (2.2/0.6%), ( )-bornyl acetate
(4.4/2.9%), ˛- (6.1/4.0%) and
-gurjunene (2.5/2.1%) ( )-germacrene D (21.6/23.5%), ( )-ledol (1.2/2.1%),
eudesma-4(15),7-dien-1ˇ-ol (1.9/2.5%) and ( )-cyclocolorenone (8.1/32.4%) are the main constituents. The
structures of three new sesquiterpenes were established by NMR data: epi-torilenol (5˛H, 6ˇH, 7˛H, 8ˇH,
10˛-6,8-cycloeudesm-4(15)-en-l˛-ol, 0.4/0.1%), 1,10-seco-eudesma-4(15),5(10)-dien-1-al (0.9%/trace) and cis-
eudesm-4(10)-en-1-one (0.2%/trace). Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: Solidago gigantea Ait.; Asteraceae; essential oil; terpenoids; germacrene D; 6,8-cycloeudesm-
4(15)-en-1-ol; 1, 10-seco-eudesma-4(15),5(10)-dien-1-al; cis-eudesm-4(10)-en-1-one; cyclocolorenone
Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 19–26
Table 1. Continued
Peak no. Compound 1991 (%) 1998 (%) RI Identificationb Reference
65 (E)-Nerolidola 0.3 0.1 1551 MS, 1 H, (13 C)
66 Germacrene B 0.1 t 1555 MS
67 ( )-Palustrol 0.6 0.6 1565 MS, 1 H, (13 C) 13
68 Spathulenol 1.9 1.0 1569 MS, 1 H, (13 C)
Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 19–26
GC: 75%, mixture with ˛-cadinol (87, 15%). 1 H- and GC: 50%, mixture with torilenol (70, 30%) and ˛-
C-NMR: Table 2. GC–MS: m/z (%) 220 (5, MC ), 205 cadinol (87, 15%). 1 H-NMR .CDCl3 [C6 D6 ]/: υ 0.66
(7), 202 (6), 187 (11), 177 (13), 163 (18), 159 (58), 146 [0.75] (s, 10-Me), 1.37 [1.37] (mc , 8-, 9-H), 1.51 (dddd,
(33), 145 (52), 133 (34), 131 (94), 121 (34), 120 (42), J D 13, 11, 11, 5 Hz, 2-Hax ), 1.70 [1.68] (d, br., J D
119 (49), 117 (44), 107 (50), 106 (38), 105 (90), 93 (76), 14 Hz, 90 -H), 1.71 [1.68] (d, br., J D 13 Hz, 7-H), 1.74
92 (56), 91 (100), 81 (50), 80 (42), 79 (72), 77 (62), 67 [1.72] (s, br., 11-Me), 1.80 (dddd, J D 13, 5, 5, 2 Hz,
(58), 55 (70), 53 (39). 2-Heq ), 2.05 [1.92] (ddd, br., J D 14, 13, 5 Hz, 3-Hax ),
Table 2. 1 H- and 13 C-NMR values of epi-torilenol (63) and torilenol (6,8-cycloeudesm-4(15)-en-1 ˇ-ol, 77) (for
numbering, see Scheme 1)
υC .C6 D6 / υH 63 υH 77
a b
C/H no. 63 77 C6 D6 CDCl3 J [Hz] C6 D6 CDCl3 c J [Hz]
1ax d 72.0 77.0 3.72 3.87 dd 12;4 3.26 3.52 dd 11;5
2ax t 32.1 31.6 1.43 1.43 dddd 13; 13; 12; 5 1.42 1.45 dddd 13; 13; 11; 5
2eq 1.63 dbr. 13 1.54 1.75 dddd 13; 6; 5; 2
3ax t 31.0 34.3 2.15 dddd 13; 13; 5; 1.5 1.86 2.00 ddddd 14; 13; 6; 1.5
3eq 2.22 2.32 ddbr. 13; 5 2.16 2.28 ddd 14; 5; 2
4 s 147.1 146.4
5 d 60.8 58.0 1.97 1.92 dbr. 3.5 1.43 1.48 dbr. 5
6 d 31.6 24.8 1.05 ddd 7; 3.5; 3 1.28 1.26 ddd 7; 5; 3
7 d 47.6 48.7 0.47 0.48 ddd 9; 3; 3 0.50 0.52 ddd 9; 3; 3
8 d 24.7 24.9 1.10 dddd 7;,7; 5; 3 1.10 1.18 dddd 7; 7; 6; 3
9 t 41.8 43.1 0.95 dd 13; 5 0.99 1.02 dd 12; 6
90 2.39 2.23 dd 13; 7 2.02 1.96 dd 12; 7
10 s 58.5 59.6
11 d 32.3 32.7 0.82 dqq 9; 6.5; 6.5 0.84 0.90 dqq 9; 6.5; 6.5
4-CH2 t 110.2 105.7 4.81 4.68 dd 1.5; 1 4.90 4.80 ddd 1.5; 1.5; 1.5
dbr. 4.72 dd 2; 2 4.93 4.82 ddd 1.5; 1.5; 1.5
10-Me q 16.2 14.1 0.89 0.76 s 0.98 0.80
11-Me q 21.6 22.0 0.99 0.91 d 6.5 1.015 d 0.93 o 6.5
11-Me q 21.7 22.1 1.00 0.92 d 6.5 1.01 d 0.93 6.5
With 1 H13 C correlation.
b In agreement with the values .CDCl3 / given in reference 22.
Reference 22: υ.CDCl3 / 0.52 (s br.), 0.80 (s, Me), 0.94 (s, 2 Me), 3.48 (dd, J D 11, 5 Hz), 4.78 (s br.).
Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 19–26
70 B C
H no. CDCl3 C6 D6 CDCl3 C6 D6 CDCl3 C 6 D6 J [Hz]
1 9.76a 9.38a 3.66b 3.42b 4.07b,c 4.07b,d
2 2.47 2.05 1.65 1.60 1.70 1.75 td 7; 1
3 2.47 2.32 2.18 2.24 2.16 2.18 tbr. 7
6, 60 2.00, 1.98 2.05 2.00 2.02 2.02 2.00 mc
7 1.28 1.35 1.30 1.35 1.28 1.35 mc
8 1.75 1.68 1.73 1.72 1.74 1.70 dbr. 12
80 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.24 1.19 1.21 dddd 12; 11; 8; 6
9 2.00 1.96 2.00 2.18 2.00 2.13 ddbr. 15; 12
90 1.75 1.82 1.98 1.93 1.98 1.88 dbr. 15
11 1.45 1.42 1.45 1.42 1.46 1.45 qqd 7; 7; 7
4-CH2 4.69 4.78 4.65 4.88 4.67 4.85 dt 1.5; 1
4.92 4.88 4.92 5.06 4.91 5.01 dt 1.5; 1
10-Me 1.59 1.65 1.61 1.76 1.61 1.72 sbr.
11-Me 0.88 0.91 0.89 0.92 0.88 0.92 d 7
11 Me 0.89 0.91 0.895 0.92 0.89 0.92 d 7
t, J D 1 Hz.
b t, J D 7 Hz.
OAc: υ 2.05, s.
OAc: υ 1.72, s.
2.20 [2.25] (ddddd, J D 13, 10, 10, 5, 3 Hz, 6-H), 2.28 220 (16, MC ), 202 (12), 187 (8), 177 (25), 164 (24), 159
[2.17] (ddd, J D 14, 5, 2 Hz, 3-Heq ), 2.38 [2.50] (d, br., (63), 135 (37), 134 (40), 133 (31), 132 (32), 131 (28),
J D 13 Hz, 70 -H), 3.55 [3.28] (dd, J D 11, 5 Hz, 1-Hax ), 121 (41), 120 (43), 119 (35), 118 (35), 117 (36), 107
4.57, 4.85 [4.69, 4.89] (2 ddd, J D 15, 1.5, 1.5 Hz, 4- (61), 106 (63), 105 (57), 95 (35), 94 (28), 93 (94), 91
CH2 ), 4.69, 4.71 [4.86, 4.87] (2 s, br., 11-CH2 ); reference (100), 81 (50), 79 (56), 77 (48), 69 (28), 67 (47), 55
24: υ.CDCl3 / 0.66, 1.76, 3.58, 4.61, 4.73 (2 H), 4.89. (70), 53 (32).
C-NMR: The data are identical with those given in
reference 15. GC–MS: m/z (%) 220 (2, MC ), 205 (6), 1,10-Seco-Eudesma-4(15),5(10)-dien-ol (B)
202 (7), 187 (10), 176 (43), 161 (34), 147 (46), 146
(60), 131 (55), 121 (50), 120 (43), 119 (48), 107 (60),
Prepared from 70 with NaBH4 as usual. 1 H- and 13 C-
106 (51), 105 (100), 93 (78), 92 (52), 91 (92), 81 (74),
NMR: Tables 3 and 4. GC–MS: m/z (%) 222 (18,
80 (52), 79 (90), 77 (60), 67 (60), 55 (95), 53 (52).
MC ), 207 (20), 178 (25), 135 (60), 121 (31), 120
Salvia-4(14),5-dien-1-ol (80) (31), 119 (42), 107 (71), 106 (69), 105 (68), 95 (40),
H-NMR .CDCl3 [C6 D6 ]/ : υ 0.88, 0.90 [0.90, 0.92] (2 d,
Table 4. 13 C-NMR values of 1,10-seco-eudesma-
J D 7 Hz, 11-Me2 ), 0.90 [1.07] (s, 10-Me), 2.35 [2.25] 4(15),5(10)-dien-1-al (70) and its derivatives B and C
(ddd, J D 14, 5, 2 Hz, 3-H), 3.46 [3.30] (dd, J D 11, and of cis-eudesm-4(15)-en-1-one (71) (for numbering,
4 Hz, 1-H), 4.63 [4.72] (dd, J D 2.5, 2.5 Hz) and 4.81 see Scheme 3)
[5.00] (dd, J D 2.5, 2.5 Hz, 4-CH2 ), 5.57 [5.73] (dd,
70a Ba Cb 71
J D 2, 1.5 Hz, 5-H), in agreement with the data .CDCl3 / C no. C6 D6 CDCl3 C6 D6 CDCl3
given in reference 21. 13 C-NMR: υ 17.3 (q, 10-Me), 19.0,
1 d 200.1 t 62.9 t 64.1 s 214.7
19.5 (2 q, 11-Me2 ), 20.9, 30.2, 32.3, 35.1 (4t), 42.2 (d, C- 2 t 41.8 30.9 27.2 t 37.9
7), 61.0 (s, C-10), 78.9 (d, C-1), 109.5 (t, C-14), 126.5 (d, 3 t 28.3 31.9 32.2 t 34.3
C-5), 147.9 (s, C-4 or C-6), 1 ð s, C-6 or C-4, intensity 4 s 150.0 151.0 150.6 s 147.4
5 s 128.2 124.4 128.3 d 54.5
too low; GC–MS: m/z (%) 220 (6, MC ), 205 (6), 202 6 t 32.2 32.1 32.2 t 30.0
(6), 187 (7), 177 (8), 163 (15), 159 (20), 146 (42), 131 7 d 40.9 40.7 41.0 d 43.9
(50), 124 (30), 123 (86), 119 (43), 109 (71), 107 (50), 8 t 26.6 26.4 26.7 t 26.4
9 t 33.7 33.4 33.7 t 34.4
105 (82), 93 (68), 91 (100), 81 (68), 79 (75), 67 (50), 10 s 132.6 132.7 133.0 s 49.3
55 (78), 53 (44). 11 d 32.4 32.2 32.4 d 32.7
4-CH2 t 112.2 111.4 112.1 t 111.2
1,10-Seco-Eudesma-4(15),5(10)-dien-1-al (70, 10-Me q 20.3 20.2 20.2 q 27.7
Scheme 3) 11-Me q 19.9 19.85 19.8 q 19.8
11-Me q 19.9 19.8 19.9 q 19.8
IR: 3075, 1635 .D CH2 /, 2715, 1730, (CHO) cm 1 . a
With 1 H13 C correlation.
H- and 13 C-NMR: Tables 3 and 4. GC–MS: m/z (%) b
OAc: 170.1 (s), 20.5 (q).
Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2001; 16: 19–26
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