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Impacts of Solar Photovoltaic on the

Protection System of Distribution


A case of the CIGRE low voltage network

and a typical medium voltage distribution
network in Sweden
Master’s thesis in Electric Power Engineering


Department of Energy and Environment

Gothenburg, Sweden 2016
Master’s thesis

Impacts of Solar Photovoltaic on the Protection System of Distribution Networks

A case of the CIGRE low voltage network and a typical medium voltage distribution
network in Sweden

Liwanga Namangolwa, Elizabeth Begumisa

In partial fulfilment for the award of Master of Science degree in Electric Power Engineering, in
the Department of Energy and Environment, Division of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers
University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Supervisor and Examiner: Tuan Anh Le

Department of Energy and Environment
Division of Electric Power Engineering
SE-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden

Supervisor: Tarik Abdulahovic

Department of Energy and Environment
Division of Electric Power Engineering
SE-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden

Department of Energy and Environment

Division of Electric Power Engineering
Goteborg, Sweden 2016

Impacts of Solar Photovoltaic on the Protection System of Distribution Networks
A case of the CIGRE low voltage network and a typical medium voltage distribution network
in Sweden
Master’s thesis within the Master’s programme in Electric Power Engineering
Liwanga Namangolwa, Elizabeth Begumisa

© Liwanga Namangolwa, Elizabeth Begumisa, 2016

Department of Energy and Environment

Division of Electric Power Engineering
SE-412 96 Goteborg
Telephone: +46(0)31-7721000
Fax: +46(0)31-7721633

Chalmers Bibliotek, Reproservice

Gothenburg, Sweden 2016

Impacts of Solar Photovoltaic on the Protection System of Distribution Networks
A case of the CIGRE low voltage network and a typical medium voltage distribution network
in Sweden
Master’s thesis within the Master’s programme in Electric Power Engineering

Liwanga Namangolwa, Elizabeth Begumisa

Department of Energy and Environment

Division of Electric Power Engineering

Solar energy has a massive potential to contribute towards energy security and meet some of the
world’s electricity demands. It is a clean and renewable form of energy. There is a lot of research
going on in the area of solar. One of the research topics is the integration of solar Photovoltaic (PV)
to existing electricity grids. Existing distribution grids are normally radial in nature and have a
single direction of current flow from the supply to the customer end. Overcurrent protection
coordination for passive radial networks is based upon single direction power flow. When
distributed generation (DG) is present in these networks, the current flows from the customer end
as well. This current flow distorts the original overcurrent protection coordination by
increasing/reducing fault current level and direction of the current flow.
This thesis studied the impact on the overcurrent protection coordination of a distribution grid
caused by solar DG. A low voltage distribution network and a medium voltage distribution network
are modelled and simulated using PSCAD/EMTDC. The performance of the overcurrent protection
was studied in both the presence and absence of solar PV. Some of the identified impacts due to
the presence of solar PV are false tripping of feeders, nuisance trippings, blinding of protection,
and unwanted islanding. The hosting capacity for the medium voltage network was determined to
be around 62%. Solar penetration levels of 10% and above caused unwanted tripping for upstream
faults. For downstream faults, there was a sharp rise in tripping times at solar penetration levels of
between 30 to 62%. It is found that when the DG unit is protected against uncontrolled islanding,
the impacts are mitigated. It was found that direct transfer trip, rate of change of frequency and
under voltage protection provide good protection for grids with DG units.

Key words: distributed generation, medium voltage, photovoltaic, distribution network, fault
currents, protection system, protection scheme, overcurrent protection, protection coordination.

This thesis has been made possible by the support of many people and organizations. The authors
would wish to convey warmest gratitude to the Swedish Institute, SI, for granting them Swedish
institute study scholarships which supported their studies during the period this thesis was carried
out at Chalmers University of Technology. Our indebtedness goes to Dr. Tuan Anh Le, for his
supervision, invaluable advice, support and guidance. Dr. Tarik Abdulahovic, we salute you for
the tireless support you rendered during this thesis, your advice and support enabled us accomplish
the tasks that lay before us. Our thanks to Pavan Balram for the provision of the CIGRE Network

Liwanga would like to express thanks to his employers, ZESCO Ltd, for granting him study leave
which has allowed him pursue his studies. His warmest thanks go to his wife, Olivian, children,
Liseli, Chipo and Liwanga for the support, encouragement, and bearing his absence. Ndandula,
Mweendalubi, Mbutoana and Namsiku, thank you so much. They have been his strength. Special
recognition and thanks go to his parents, Libizo and Florence Kashweka Namangolwa. Gertrude,
thank you for believing in me. Beauty Cheelo, thank you for you encouragement. Chrispin Liwoyo
Kahongo, thank you for the tireless advice. Enock Mulenga, thanks for the tips when I came to
Chalmers. Winnie, thank you my friend for being there for me. Thank you to everyone at Chalmers
for the knowledge that I have gained. Most importantly, to God be the glory, great things he has
done! He gave me a desire to pursue excellence.

Elizabeth would like to express sincere gratitude to my parents for the sacrifice made to provide
me with education. I also thank the lecturers and tutors at Chalmers for the knowledge they
imparted us with, the humility and open doors made learning much easier. Sincere appreciation
goes out to my collegues for the assistance rendered to each other when much needed during the
programme. Last and not least, to God for the gift of life. Thank you and God abundantly bless you

Liwanga Namangolwa

Elizabeth Begumisa

Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016.

Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Report Structure ................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2: Protection system, Solar PV and it’s impacts on system protection and possible solutions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Protection System .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 Fuses ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Overcurrent Relays ..................................................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Reclosers .................................................................................................................. 10
2.1.4 Sectionalizers ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Radial Network Overcurrent Protection Coordination. ................................................... 10
2.3 Protection with distributed generators at the distribution level ....................................... 11
2.4 Current practices in distribution system protection ......................................................... 12
2.5 Methods for distribution system protection with distributed generators ......................... 13
2.6 Overview of PV Systems ................................................................................................. 13
2.6.1 The PV Cell .............................................................................................................. 13
2.6.2 The PV Module ........................................................................................................ 14
2.6.3 The PV Array ........................................................................................................... 14
2.6.4 The Inverter .............................................................................................................. 14
2.6.5 Power Conditioning.................................................................................................. 15
2.7 PV Systems and Applications.......................................................................................... 15
2.7.1 Grid Connected PV Systems .................................................................................... 16
2.7.2 Standalone Systems .................................................................................................. 17
2.7.3 Hybrid Systems ........................................................................................................ 17
2.8 Impacts of solar PV to the Distribution System Protection ............................................. 18
2.8.1 Increased Fault Current ............................................................................................ 18
2.8.2 Reduced fault Current .............................................................................................. 18
2.8.3 Blinding of protection .............................................................................................. 19

2.8.4 Unwanted operation/Nuisance tripping .................................................................... 19
2.8.5 Non-controlled islanding .......................................................................................... 20
2.8.6 Unsynchronized Reclosing ....................................................................................... 21
2.9 Proposed Solutions .......................................................................................................... 21
2.9.1 Increased Fault Currents........................................................................................... 21
2.9.2 Reduced Fault Currents ............................................................................................ 21
2.9.3 Blinding of protection .............................................................................................. 21
2.9.4 Reverse Fault Current ............................................................................................... 22
2.9.5 Current-only Directional Overcurrent Relay............................................................ 22
2.9.6 Islanding Detection .................................................................................................. 24
2.10 Effect of impedance on relay response ............................................................................ 27
2.11 Battery Energy Storage Systems ..................................................................................... 29
Chapter 3: Development of Devices and Network Models in PSCAD.......................................... 31
3.1 PSCAD Simulation Software .......................................................................................... 31
3.2 CIGRE Network .............................................................................................................. 31
3.3 Model of the CIGRE Network in PSCAD....................................................................... 32
3.3.1 Network Components ............................................................................................... 32
3.3.2 Inverter Modelling in PSCAD.................................................................................. 33
3.3.3 Filter Modelling........................................................................................................ 34
3.3.4 Solar Photovoltaic System ....................................................................................... 35
3.3.5 DC Link Capacitor ................................................................................................... 36
3.3.6 Overcurrent Protection Modelling ........................................................................... 37
3.4 Typical Medium Voltage Network in Sweden ................................................................ 40
3.4.1 Model of the typical Medium Voltage Network in PSCAD .................................... 40
Chapter 4: Impacts of PV on distribution system protection ......................................................... 43
4.1 Description of case studies .............................................................................................. 43
4.2 Simulation Setups ............................................................................................................ 44
4.3 CIGRE Network Simulations .......................................................................................... 44
4.3.1 CIGRE Network Base Case: No PV ........................................................................ 45
4.3.2 Results and discussion of the Simulation ................................................................. 45
4.3.3 Simulations with PV connected ............................................................................... 46

4.3.4 Results and discussion of the simulation.................................................................. 46
4.4 Typical Medium Voltage Simulations ............................................................................. 47
4.4.1 Base Case Simulation: No PV .................................................................................. 47
4.4.2 Upstream Simulations .............................................................................................. 47
4.4.3 Downstream Fault simulations ................................................................................. 48
4.5 Results and discussions from of the MV network case ................................................... 49
4.5.1 Base Case: No PV .................................................................................................... 49
4.5.2 Upstream fault .......................................................................................................... 49
4.5.3 Downstream fault with high fault current contribution from PV ............................. 50
4.5.4 Downstream with low fault current contribution from PV ...................................... 52
4.5.5 Variation of fault currents with varying fault locations ........................................... 52
4.5.6 Summary of Impacts of Connecting Solar PV to a Distribution Network ............... 57
Chapter 5: Solutions to identified problems ................................................................................... 59
5.1 Solutions .......................................................................................................................... 59
5.1.1 Direct Transfer Trip using wireless link................................................................... 59
5.1.2 Under voltage protection .......................................................................................... 60
5.1.3 Interfacing circuit ..................................................................................................... 60
5.1.4 Firing pulse circuit with protection disabling signal ................................................ 61
5.1.5 Rate of Change of Frequency Protection (ROCOF) ................................................ 63
5.2 Performance of the proposed solutions ........................................................................... 63
5.2.1 Direct Transfer Trip (Overcurrent protection with communication) ....................... 64
5.2.2 Under voltage Protection .......................................................................................... 65
5.2.3 ROCOF Protection ................................................................................................... 67
5.2.4 Summary of Scenarios, Effects and Proposed Solutions ......................................... 69
Chapter 6: Conclusion ans Future Work ........................................................................................ 71
6.1 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 71
6.2 Future Work ..................................................................................................................... 72
References ...................................................................................................................................... 73
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................... 77
Appendix B .................................................................................................................................... 78
Appendix C .................................................................................................................................... 81

List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Overcurrent protection scheme ...................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.2: Trip and block regions for the overcurrent relay ........................................................... 9
Figure 2.3: Relay coordination for instantaneous overcurrent ......................................................... 9
Figure 2.4: Radial distribution system ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.5: Classification of PV systems ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.6: Diagram of grid-connected PV system ........................................................................ 16
Figure 2.7: Schematic diagram of a PV stand-alone system .......................................................... 17
Figure 2.8: Schematic diagram of a hybrid system ........................................................................ 18
Figure 2.9: Circuit to illustrate increases/reduced fault current ..................................................... 19
Figure 2.10: Distribution feeder with PV generator ....................................................................... 19
Figure 2.11: Distribution system with PV on feeder other than where fault is .............................. 20
Figure 2.12: Fault current contributions from the grid and a PV unit connected to a feeder ......... 20
Figure 2.13: Overcurrent relay: forward (F) and reverse (R) fault ................................................ 22
Figure 2-2.14: Techniques to detect unintentional islanding. ........................................................ 24
Figure 2-2.15: Typical arrangement for direct transfer trip ........................................................... 25
Figure 2-2.16: Distribution System with solar PV and fault location downstream ....................... 27
Figure 2-2.17: Thevenin equivalent circuit for Figure 2-17 without PV (left) and with PV (right)
........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 3.1: CIGRE LV distribution network ................................................................................. 32
Figure 3.2: Pie section drop down menu ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 3.3: Inverter topology ......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3.4: Sine reference generation circuit in PSCAD ............................................................... 34
Figure 3.5: Firing pulse generator .................................................................................................. 34
Figure 3.6: LC Line filter in PCAD ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 3.7: PV solar panel component in PSCAD ......................................................................... 35
Figure 3.8: PV array characteristics drop down menu ................................................................... 36
Figure 3.9: Relay Characteristic Figure 3.10: Relay Menu ....................................................... 38
Figure 3.11: Overcurrent protection arrangement .......................................................................... 38
Figure 3.12: CIGRE Network Model in PSCAD ........................................................................... 39
Figure 3.13: Typical MV network.................................................................................................. 40
Figure 3.14: Typical MV network as modelled in PSCAD ........................................................... 41
Figure 4.1: Methodology of study .................................................................................................. 43
Figure 4.2: CIGRE Network Upstream Faults ............................................................................... 44
Figure 4.3: CIGRE Network Downstream Faults .......................................................................... 44
Figure 4.4: MV Network Upstream Simulations ........................................................................... 47
Figure 4.5: MV Network Downstream Simulations ...................................................................... 48
Figure 4.6: Plot of trip time with and without solar PV up to hosting capacity ............................. 51

Figure 4.7: Variation of grid and fault currents with faults downstream, PCC at A, PV at 30%
penetration ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 4.8: Variation of grid and fault currents with faults downstream, PCC at E and PV at 30%
penetration ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 4.9: Variation of grid and fault currents with downstream fault, PCC at X and PV at 30%
penetration ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.10: Coordinated for fault currents at relay R3 vs. fault currents with PV upstream........ 54
Figure 4.11: Summary of results .................................................................................................... 57
Figure 5.1: Overcurrent protection with communication from upstream element ......................... 60
Figure 5.2: Under voltage protection circuit .................................................................................. 60
Figure 5.3: Protection interfacing circuit ....................................................................................... 61
Figure 5.4: Firing pulse circuit to include protection signal .......................................................... 62
Figure 5.5: ROCOF signal pickup .................................................................................................. 63
Figure 5.6: ROCOF protection ....................................................................................................... 63
Figure 5.7: Overcurrent protection and Direct Transfer Trip signals ............................................ 64
Figure 5.8: Upstream faulty feeder and PV current fault currents ................................................. 64
Figure 5.9: Grid and PV fault currents during fault ....................................................................... 65
Figure 5.10: Under voltage Response to high fault current contribution ....................................... 66
Figure 5.11: Inverter Instantaneous voltages after under voltage protection operation. ................ 66
Figure 5.12: Frequency excursions (above) and rate of change of frequency (below) during and
after the fault .................................................................................................................................. 68
Figure 5.13: ROCOF and Upstream breaker signals ...................................................................... 68
Figure 5.14: Upstream and PV currents show instants of fault initiation and tripping .................. 69

List of Tables
Table 2.1: Summary of impacts and solutions ............................................................................... 26
Table 2.2: List of available battery types and their advantages and disadvantages ....................... 29
Table 3.1: PV array parameters ...................................................................................................... 36
Table 4.1: Base Case Simulation Results for CIGRE Network ..................................................... 45
Table 4.2: CIGRE Network Upstream Fault Results ..................................................................... 46
Table 4.3: Upstream fault simulations, fault location at bus AC ................................................... 50
Table 4.4: Downstream, high fault current contributions, fault location at bus X ......................... 51
Table 4.5: MV fault analysis A ...................................................................................................... 55
Table 4.6: MV fault analysis, bus X............................................................................................... 56
Table 5.1: NAND gate truth table .................................................................................................. 61
Table 5.2: Truth table for AND gate .............................................................................................. 62
Table 5.3: Summary of Scenarios, effects and proposed solutions ................................................ 69
Table A.1: Data for the CIGRE LV network ................................................................................. 77
Table A.2: Loads of European LV distribution network benchmark ............................................. 77
Table B.1: Line parameters of a typical medium voltage network ................................................ 78
Table C.1: Typical MV network fault analysis at B ...................................................................... 81
Table C.2: Typical MV fault analysis C ........................................................................................ 82
Table C.3: Typical MV fault analysis D ........................................................................................ 83
Table C.4: Typical MV fault analysis E ......................................................................................... 84
Table C.5: Typical MV analysis F ................................................................................................. 85
Table C.6: Typical fault analysis H ................................................................................................ 86

List of Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
BESS Battery Energy Storage
BOS Balance of Systems
CT Current Transformer
CTI Coordination Time Interval
DC Direct Current
DER Distributed Energy Resources
DG Distributed Generation
DR Distributed Resource
EMTD Electromagnetic Transients including DC
EPS Electric Power System
EOL End of Line
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LV Low Voltage
MPP Maximum Power Point
MV Medium Voltage
NP Network Protector
PCC Point of Common Coupling
PN Positive Negative
PSCAD Power Systems Computer Aided Design
PV Photovoltaic
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
ROCOF Rate of Change of Frequency
SCC Short Circuit Capacity
NVD Neutral Voltage Displacement

1.1 Background

Solar power has been developing from small applications to becoming a mainstream source of
electric power [1]. The solar power industry has been growing globally. Dropping costs, as well as
concerns like global warming and air pollution, have triggered massive growth in the solar energy
industry. Major world economies, like USA, China, Germany, the UK, Spain, and many other
countries are in the forefront in the growth of solar technology [2].

It is projected that the installed capacity of solar PV will double or even triple by 500 GW between
now and 2020, and by 2050, solar power is expected to become the world’s largest source of
electricity [3]. The reasons for this increased penetration of solar photovoltaic (PV) are: (i) the need
to reduce carbon emissions on the energy systems, (ii) improve energy security, and (iii) increasing
access to electricity to new consumers, especially in the third world [4]. Governments have moved
into action at the international and national levels to create policies that promote renewable energies
development. This is an effort to help reduce emissions [4].The main challenge is to ensure that
the environment is preserved, climate change is arrested while at the same time energy is made
readily available.

Solar PV is a technology that has attracted a lot of research and its use in large power systems is
increasing. The driving factors for this have been highlighted in the preceding paragraph. In
addition, solar offers environmental benefits, low operating costs, and reduced dependence on
fossil fuels. However, solar generation varies with solar insolation. This variability affects how
distribution systems with high penetrations of renewable energy sources operate. This variability
can be solved by using battery energy systems (BESS). The levels of solar PV and BESS
penetration are expected to increase.

The traditional power system is designed to have a passive distribution system with power flow in
one direction only, from the transmission grid into the distribution grid and finally to the customer,
without any generation at the customer end. The introduction of generation at the
distribution/customer end interferes with power flows as a meshed network is now created. The
challenges introduced into the system are in three groups, technical, commercial and regulatory
[5]. The technical challenges are due to the high dependence of PV generation output on uncertain
weather conditions which fluctuate fast. These include, among others, reversed power flow, voltage
rise, grid stability, local network congestion, and relay protection. With regard to the protection
system, the integration of PV can cause redistribution of the fault currents on the feeder circuits.

Such redistribution could result in higher current magnitude on the feeder during faults which in
certain cases can exceed the rating fuses, breakers, etc. Changes in fault current and direction may
also lead to a loss of protection coordination between multiple devices, desensitization of
protection, undesirable/mal-tripping of relays, unwanted islanding, prevention of automatic
reclosing, [6] etc.

1.2 Objectives

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the impacts of solar PV on the protection system (e.g.,
on relay operation, settings, coordination) of low and medium voltage distribution networks and to
propose solutions to the problems. This will be done by modelling the CIGRE low voltage and a
typical medium voltage distribution network in Sweden. Two cases will be studied, with and
without solar PV power. The simulation software used in this thesis is Power Systems Computer
Aided Design with Electromagnetic Transients including DC (PSCAD/EMTDC).

The thesis investigates how the overcurrent protection coordination and how fault current levels
are affected when solar PV is present in a distribution system. Further, the theoretical hosting
capacity as regards protection is also determined. Lastly, solutions are proposed to mitigate the
impacts that are identified.

1.3 Scope

The thesis covers the impacts that solar PV has on the overcurrent protection coordination of a
distribution network. Two distribution networks are modelled in PSCAD. Simulations and studies
have been carried out without solar PV to determine the performance of the overcurrent protection
system. After that, the solar PV model was added to the models and the performance of the
overcurrent protection ascertained again.
The thesis investigates the impacts of PV on the protection system performance using PSCAD
simulation software. The studies are limited to the low voltage system of 400V and medium voltage
network of 20 kV.
The following factors are worth noting concerning this thesis:

 The variation of solar PV with solar insolation is not considered, only the steady state
contribution of solar PV is considered. Therefore, the solar PV unit developed has a
constant irradiance and a constant temperature. Consequently, the maximum power point
tracking is not implemented in the solar PV model developed here.
 The transient nature of faults is not considered, only the steady state effects of faults are
 The two networks involved are radial systems and not meshed networks without any other
types of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) other than the integrated solar PV.

 The overcurrent models developed do not use current transformers (CTs) to provide a signal
to the relay, rather, PSCAD/EMTDC has a measured signal which can be used, this takes
the function the CT is supposed to perform.
 The networks are connected to an electricity grid.

1.4 Report Structure

This thesis report is divided into six chapters.

 Chapter 2 reviews the literature around the subjects covered in the thesis, namely; system
protection, overview of PV systems, PV systems and applications, requirements to connect
PV system to a utility grid, battery energy storage systems, and impacts of connecting solar
PV to the distribution grid.
 Chapter 3 looks at the development of the model in PSCAD and also describes the
simulations carried out. The study methodology is highlighted in this chapter.
 Chapter 4 presents the impacts of PV on distribution system protection.
 Chapter 5 discusses the proposed solutions to address the impacts and also the performance
of these solutions.
 Chapter 6 contains the conclusions that have been made from the study and also possible
topics for future study are suggested.

Protection system, Solar PV and its impacts
on protection system and possible solutions
In this chapter, the literature that has been used to discuss the main concepts in the study is
presented. The concepts of the need and requirements of protection, protection schemes for a
distribution network, solar PV schemes and some of the impacts that solar PV integration causes
to the grid in general, and to overcurrent protection coordination in particular are discussed.
Protection with distributed generation at the distribution level is also discussed, including current
practices for distribution system protection. The chapter further highlights the solutions that are
currently under research or implementation to address these challenges.

2.1 Protection System

A power system is designed to generate, transmit and distribute electric power to the end customer
in a secure and reliable manner [7].

Generation, involving conversion from one form of energy e.g. nuclear, hydraulic, to electrical
energy, is usually at a lower voltage level which is then transformed, using transformers, to a higher
voltage level for transmission. The transportation of this energy is done through the transmission
system to geographically faraway places called load centres, where loads are situated. After the
voltage is stepped down to a suitable level, it is then distributed to customers for consumption.

The equipment which is used in the generation, transmission, and distribution of power is costly
equipment of a complex nature. In order to ensure that this equipment and the lives of people are
safeguarded, as well as to ensure provision of reliable service, there is need to provide protection
to be able to detect various fault conditions and address them, such as isolating a faulty section
while the rest of the system continues in operation.

A protection system, according to NERC, is defined as “protective relays, associated

communication systems, voltage and current sensing devices, station batteries and dc control
circuitry [8]”. At the heart of the protection system is the protective relay which is a device that
detects faults and relays a signal to a disconnect device to operate and isolate faulty section.
According to the IEEE’s definition, a relay is “an electric device that is designed to interpret input
conditions in a prescribed manner, and; after specified conditions are met, to respond to cause
contact operation or similar abrupt changes in associated electric control circuits [9]”. The IEEE
further defines a protective relay as “a relay whose function is to detect defective lines or apparatus
or other power conditions of an abnormal or dangerous nature and to initiate appropriate control
circuit action [9]”. Relays acquire various types of signals from the power system. These signals
can be electrical, magnetic, heat, pressure, etc. The relay will process them with a designed process
or algorithm.

Protection has certain requirements for it to be able to perform its functions properly. These are:
sensitivity, selectivity, speed, reliability and cost.

Various types of equipment are used to protect distribution networks. The particular protection
scheme used depends on the voltage level, the element being protected and the network
configuration. Distribution networks are mainly protected by overcurrent protection because of
their radial nature. This is protection that operates when current in the system exceeds a
predetermined value. These currents, several times higher than the maximum load current, are
usually caused by faults and the system must be protected against the damage caused by them.
When the load current exceeds a pre-set value, a signal is sent to operate protective devices.
Protective devices on the system include thermomagnetic switches, moulded-case circuit breakers
(MCCBs), fuses and overcurrent relays [10]. Distribution system protection consists of fuses,
relays, sectionalizers and reclosers [11].

2.1.1 Fuses
A fuse is an overcurrent protective device that opens up a circuit in which it is connected and breaks
the current when a certain value is exceeded. It has an element which is heated by the passage of
current, this element melts at a given predetermined value of current. A fuse operates by the
destruction of the fuse element [10].

An element, which is a conductor of given cross-section is heated by current passing through it

until it melts. The time it takes for this action is represented in a time/ current characteristic curve.
On melting, a break is caused in the element, at which an electric arc is established, which burns
in the fuse until the current returns to zero. A fuse operates in two stages:

(1) the pre-arcing time

(2) the arcing time.

Pre-arcing time

This is the time period from the start of the current that is large enough to melt the fusible element
in a fuse and the time that an arc emerges.

Consider a conductor having resistance , the current passing through it is A for a time . This
conductor will be heated by the passage of this current, the quantity of the heat being released in
the conductor is . Joules are liberated for every ohm of conductor. For a varying current
over a period, ʃ Joules will be released. This is integral is abbreviated as . It is used to
estimate the heating effect on a protected circuit due to a very short pulse of heavy current [10].

The heat generated due to the passing of the prospective current is all used to heat the element to
its melting point at its narrowest constriction. The required to melt the element is constant and
independent of current. This is called the pre-arcing [10]. It is related to the amount of energy
that is let through by the fuse element upon clearing a fault.

Fuse manufacturers provide the data in charts and it is used to perform coordination with
upstream or downstream devices. Both melting and clearing are specified in the data. The
is proportional to the amount of energy required to begin melting the fuse element.

Arcing time

This is the time period between the time the arc is generated, until the time it is finally extinguished.

Types of fuses

Different types of fuses exist. These are:

1. Dual-Element, Time-Delay fuse

2. Dual-Element, Time-Delay fuse, Current-Limiting fuse
3. Fast-Acting, Current-Limiting fuse (Non time-Delay)

Dual-Element, Time-Delay Fuse

This fuse provides time delay in the low overload range to eliminate unnecessary opening of the
circuit. It is made up of one or more fusible elements (links) connected in parallel: an overload (s)
and short circuit elements. The fusible elements are then connected in series with an overload
trigger assembly. The overload element opens when the current exceeds 110 percent of the fuse’s
rating for sustained period of time. The fuse can handle up to five times its current rating for a
period of 10 seconds. The short circuit element opens in the event of a short circuit or ground fault.
These kinds of fuses can be used for mains, feeders, sub feeders, branch circuits, motor circuits and
circuits having a high inrush characteristics.

Dual-Element, Time-Delay, Current-Limiting fuse

These operate in the same way as the dual-element time delay fuses and can be used for the same
applications. Under the dual-element, time-delay, current-limiting fuse, the fuse opens extremely
fast under short circuit faults.

Fast-Acting, Current-Limiting fuse

This type of fuse has an extremely fast response in both low-overload and short circuit ranges and
reduces the high-fault current magnitude to a value less than what it would be had there been no
fuse or breaker in the circuit. It is used to provide better protection in terms of adequate interrupting
rating to mains, feeders, sub feeders and other components.

2.1.2 Overcurrent Relays
Three types of overcurrent relays exist according to their operating characteristics [10]:

i. Instantaneous overcurrent: The relay operates instantaneously to send trip signal to breaker
when the current exceeds a predetermined value.
ii. Time discrimination: An appropriate time setting is given to each of the relays controlling
circuit breakers in the circuit such that the relay closest to the fault operates first.
iii. Time delay overcurrent (TOC): Operates on the basis of a current vs. time curve. If the
current level exceeds a pre-set value for a certain amount of time, then the circuit breakers
get the command signal to trip.

Overcurrent relays are usually supplied with an instantaneous element and a time-delay element
within the same unit [1]. When setting overcurrent relays, three phase short-circuit currents are
used for setting phase relays and phase-to-earth fault current used for setting earth-fault relays.

Relay design can be categorised based on principle of operation. These are categorised as [12]

i. Electromechanical: which uses the induction disk principle, electromagnetic action of a

ii. Static: opening and closing of relay contacts is done by semiconductor switches e.g.
iii. Mechanical: relay operation by mechanical displacement of different gear level system

The overcurrent relay trip coil is fed by current on the secondary side of the current transformer I’
as shown in Figure 2.1.

Breaker contacts

Relay operating
Relay contacts

Battery Manual Breaker

trip trip

Figure 2.1: Overcurrent protection scheme

Instantaneous over current relays operate on the current magnitude. If the CT secondary current
exceeds a certain level (pick up current), the relay contacts close which energizes the circuit breaker
trip coil and leads to the opening of the circuit breaker. Otherwise the relay contacts remain open
which leaves the trip coil open. This is illustrated in

Figure 2.2 below. The difference in impedance between the source and the fault determines the fault
current variation. Relay nearest to the fault is set to trip its breaker first.

Im I’


Trip Re I’

Figure 2.2: Trip and block regions for the overcurrent relay

Two important aspects that affect this method of coordination are:

i. It may be hard to distinguish between a fault at points F1 and F2, as shown in Figure 2.3, since
the distance between them is small corresponding to a current change of approximately
ii. There are variations in the fault current at the source. At lower fault levels, the current might
be too small to be detected by the relays.

F1 F2 F3 F4

Figure 2.3: Relay coordination for instantaneous overcurrent

Time delay overcurrent operates on the magnitude of the CT secondary current but with an
intentional time delay. The delay is dependent on the ratio of the CT secondary current to the pickup
current. The higher the ratio, the lower the delay time and vice versa. Operating time is set based
on curves of operating time vs. current (usually given as a ratio of measured current to pick up
current). If current is less than the pickup current, then the relay remains in the block position.
Choice of relay time-current characteristics depends on the sources, lines and loads.

2.1.3 Reclosers
A recloser is a protective device on the distribution system which has the ability to detect
overcurrent situations in phase and phase-to-earth fault conditions. It ensures that the distribution
system is not unnecessarily disconnected for temporal faults. When an overcurrent occurs and
persists for a certain time, the recloser can interrupt the circuit and automatically reclose to re-
energise the line. It will stay open if the original fault persists to isolate the fault [10]. They are
typically designed to have up to three open-close operations before lock out.

Coordination of the recloser with other protection devices is done to ensure that only the smallest
possible portion of the network that ensures isolation of the fault is disconnected.

2.1.4 Sectionalizers
A sectionalizer has an inherent ability to isolate faulty sections that have been disconnected by the
operation of an upstream circuit breaker or recloser. Sectionalizers have no current breaking
capability and hence are usually installed on the downstream of a recloser or breaker. The
sectionalizer counts the number of times the recloser has operated and when a predetermined
number is reached, with the recloser in open position, it opens to isolate the faulty section.
Sectionalizers do not have a time/current operating characteristic [10].

2.2 Radial Network Overcurrent Protection Coordination.

This is the process of determining the best timing for the interruption of current when abnormal or
fault conditions occur. The objectives are to determine the characteristics, ratings, and settings for
overcurrent protective devices in order to minimize equipment damage and interrupt short circuits
as rapidly as possible [13]. The goal is to ensure that only a minimum portion of the system is
disconnected in as afar as is necessary to eliminate the fault, ensuring that the maximum number
of loads continue to be supplied.

Coordination should be done in such a way that the device closest to the fault must trip first, that
is, offers primary protection. The next device in line offers backup protection. If primary protection
does not protect the system, then backup protection must trip the system.

Considering Figure 2.4, the relays are coordinated in the upstream direction, whereby the units
furthest from the grid connection are configured to operate first for the fault shown. A fault is
cleared by opening of the breaker immediately to its left side. In this case, CB4 should trip first, if
not, CB3, CB2, or CB1 in that order for a fault on the downstream.



Figure 2.4: Radial distribution system

The power system is divided into zones of protection. The boundary of the zone is defined by
current transformers. Relays and breakers form pairs and are responsible for clearing faults in their
protected zone and also act as backup for the zone downstream. Relays are coordinated in such a
way that when a fault occurs, the breaker most remote from the source operates in the shortest time.
Circuit breakers towards the source being tripped in progressively longer times. This difference in
operating time between two adjacent breakers is known as grading margin or coordinating time
interval, CTI. CTI allows time for the fault to be isolated before backup units are tripped.
Overcurrent protection relays can be definite-time or inverse-time. Inverse-time protection offers
shorter tripping times. The relay furthest downstream is not coordinated with any relay and hence
is typically a definite-time unit.

Zones of protection possess the following features:

 zones overlap
 overlap regions denote circuit breakers
 all circuit breakers in a given zone will operate when a given fault occurs

Overlapped regions are made up of two sets of instrument transformers and relays for each circuit
breaker. These are designed to eliminate unprotected zones in the system however they are
designed to be as minimal as possible such that in case of a fault the isolated areas containing (both
areas containing circuit breakers).

2.3 Protection with distributed generators at the distribution level

There are some major differences in fault current contributions with DER and conventional energy
sources. Three main causes of these differences, according to [14], are:

i. Conventional energy sources are centrally located while DER are distributed around the
electric network. In the event of a fault, for systems with DER, there are short circuit current
contributions from directions not originally considered for the conventional protection
schemes. Also, unexpected load flows can cause ‘blinding’ or ’sympathetic tripping’.
Blinding is the phenomenon where, with DER fault current contribution in the system, fault
current from the central connection point to the transmission network is reduced which may

result in delayed or unselective tripping of protection. Sympathetic tripping is where DER
fault current contribution causes tripping of a relay in its connection path.
ii. Many DER are coupled to the network via inverters whose SCC is limited to values not
much higher than the nominal ratings of the inverter. Therefore, SCC of grids dominated
by inverter-coupled generators to the grid are significantly lower than of grids with rotating
generators (synchronous or induction machine) of the same rating.
iii. The lower SCC is connected to a different time characteristic of the SCC.

Another difference between conventional and DER connected networks is behavior of fault
transients. Different transients generated by inverter controllers could affect operation of some
relays e.g. the direction determination [14].

2.4 Current practices in distribution system protection

Current practices of distribution system protection vary among countries. Whereas the protection
scheme can be the same, certain practices in different countries create the disparity. Some of the
practices include [14]:

 Functions within the protection scheme: Some countries can allow a certain level of fault
current on the systems while others prefer to eliminate any fault on the network.
 The network structure
 National regulatory legislation
 Protection functions’ configurations

The protection function can be divided into two basic categories [14]:

i. Short circuit protection: prevents thermal and mechanical asset stress and damage caused
by short circuit current
ii. System protection: protects power grid from unacceptable operating conditions

Overcurrent protection is usually sufficient to protect feeders in radial networks, in some countries
e.g. Austria, Germany, Spain and Denmark, distance protection is used for meshed networks.

Reverse interlocking can be used as an added feature. This is where feeder protection operates
much faster to isolate faults on busbars, as long as the respective feeder they are protecting is in a
healthy condition.

Another scheme applied on the distribution network is the overcurrent earth fault protection. Phase
to ground faults cause earth fault current to flow. The magnitude of this current is much lower than
the phase fault current due to the higher fault impedance of the earth faults than for the phase faults
[15]. This calls for a separate relay on the neutral line to keep current through the line at safe levels.
In France, zero sequence watt metric protection function is used for earth fault protection [14].

For system protection, different levels of the over- and under frequency protection and voltage
protection are used in all countries. These protection schemes disconnect DER from the network
once a deviation from the normal operating conditions of the network are detected.

In some countries e.g. France, an islanded section of the network prompts a signal that trips the
circuit breaker of the large DER for disconnection from the grid. In other countries, islanded
network operation doesn’t cause disconnection of DER provided the frequency and voltage remain
within acceptable levels.

2.5 Methods for distribution system protection with distributed generators

In addition to already existing protection schemes, new approaches need to be adopted to protect
distribution systems with integrated energy sources. Some of the approaches are described below

 Islanding detection (tele-decoupling): detection of the opening of the MV feeder protection

and communication to the DER decoupling protection to disconnect DER
 DER facility protection: this is protection against faults within the DER installation
 DER facility decoupling protection: protection to disconnect DER facility from the rest of
the network when a fault on the MV feeder occurs.
 Directional phase protection: overcurrent protection with a directional feature that responds
to overcurrent for a particular direction flow.
 HV neutral displacement voltage protection: this is another decoupling protection used
when there is back feed or islanding and continued supply of an isolated HV network via
delta winding distribution transformer. Since there is no earth fault path through the
transformer, Neutral Voltage Displacement (NVD) protection will be required on the high
voltage side of the transformer.

2.6 Overview of PV Systems

The PV system is composed of many components that work together with the aim of producing
electric energy. This energy could be supplied to the electricity grid, supply a household, power a
handheld calculator, etc. The design of the system is determined by the intended task, the location
and conditions at the site at which it will be used [16]. This section discusses the components of
the PV system. The main components are PV array (which includes the modules, wiring and
mounting structure), storage equipment (if required), power conditioning and control equipment
and load equipment. The array is made up of the photovoltaic part (PV modules) and the balance
of system (BOS) components [16].

2.6.1 The PV Cell

The basic building block of a photovoltaic (PV) cell is a p-n junction. It is a semi-conductor device
that coverts solar energy into direct-current electricity. A property called photoelectric effect is

possessed by certain materials, giving them the ability to absorb photons of light and emit electrons
[17]. The junction consists of differently doped semiconductor elements from group V of the
periodic table, such as silicon or germanium, on each side. Usually on the n-side, silicon gets
moderately doped by phosphorus or other elements of the group V of periodic table resulting in a
material with electrons as excessive carriers. For the p-side silicon is doped by gallium or indium
or other elements of the group III of the periodic table, resulting in a mixture with lack of electrons,
or equally with excessive positive carriers called holes. When n-type and p-type materials come in
contact, excess carriers from one side flow to the other side until a characteristic equilibrium is
reached. This way an electric field is built up along the contact area called the depletion region

When the above p-n junction is exposed to light, it produces electrons that are proportional to the
oncoming light. The larger the surface area, the larger the exposure and therefore, the larger the
current produced. The p-n junction is constructed as thin plates or cells that have a large surface
area. Each of such cells are made up of wafers of n-type and p-type silicon that are in contact with
one another. On both sides of the wafers, there are electrical connections that are responsible for
conducting the electrons. A non-reflecting layer is above the n-type wafer to ensure that as much
light as possible is gathered in the silicon material. The top layer is toughened glass that protects
against the elements of the weather while the bottom layer is a strong plate to mount the entire

2.6.2 The PV Module

When solar cells are electrically connected together, they form a module. The connections can be
in series or in parallel to produce a specified voltage or current respectively [19] , [20]. This is done
to increase their power output. The typical number of series connected cells is usually 36, which
are encapsulated into a single unit. The encapsulation is to provide protection for the cells from the
harsh environment in which they operate [18], [20]. Modules have capacities of between 50W to
200W. Each module is enclosed in an aluminum frame.

2.6.3 The PV Array

When several modules are electrically connected together and mounted in the same plane, they
form a solar panel [21], [20]. The array also includes the support structure, in addition to the
modules. These arrays can be of sizes ranging from a few hundred watts to hundreds of kilowatts.
These modules can be connected in series to increase the voltage, or in parallel to increase the
current, depending upon the load requirement. When PV modules are combined with additional
application-dependent system components (e.g. inverters, sun trackers, batteries, electrical
components and mounting systems), they form a PV system, which is highly modular, with
capacities ranging from a few watts to tens of megawatts [22] [20].

2.6.4 The Inverter

The inverter is defined by the IEEE as “Equipment that converts direct current (dc) to alternating
current (ac). Any static power converter (SPC) with control, protection, and filtering functions used

to interface an electric energy source with an electric utility system” [23]. The inverter is a key
component which forms the interface between the PV generator and the electricity grid [24] or the
AC loads. The performance of the inverter has vital significance for grid-connected PV power
plants. It has direct influence on whether the PV power plant can meet the requirements for grid
operation. Inverters are supposed to have low voltage ride through (LVRT) and flexible active and
reactive power control capabilities [22]. The LVRT is a requirement that a unit connected to the
grid should meet, in case of a fault or a voltage dip.

Inverters are classified into stand-alone and grid-connected inverters [16].

The stand-alone inverter is independent from the grid in its operation. It has an internal frequency
generator to obtain the correct output frequency, whereas for the grid-connected inverter, it has to
be able to integrate properly with the grid in both voltage and frequency [16].

The inverter is an electronic component and works as a system and energy manager carrying out
the following functions [24]:

 Converts the DC generated by the PV generator into AC required by the grid

 Maximum Power Point (MPP) tracking. The MPP tracker supplies the grid with the
maximum output all the times. The inverter voltage is compared with the current generator
MPP voltage continuously
 Provides protection to the PV generator and the electricity grid
 Acts as an interface for communication and operations monitoring

2.6.5 Power Conditioning

The system needs to operate at its optimum. In order to achieve that, it is essential that power
conditioning equipment is included in it. The PV array will deliver its maximum power output if it
operates at the maximum power point. In solar PV generation, the generation varies with the
insolation of the sun and temperature, therefore, at maximum power point, the current and voltage
vary. In order for the array to operate at the maximum power point, there is need to track this
maximum point. The control equipment to achieve this objective is called the Maximum Power
Point Tracker (MPPT). The MPPT controls the effective load resistance that the PV array sees.
This controls the system operating point on the I-V characteristic. In a grid-connected system, the
MPPT is included in the inverter [16].

2.7 PV Systems and Applications

Solar PV systems are generally classified according to how they function and what the operational
requirements are, how the components are configured, and how the equipment is connected to the
other power sources and electrical loads (appliances) [25]. Figure 2.5 shows the different kind of
PV systems available. The broad classifications are Grid-connected and Stand-alone Systems. If
the PV system is used in conjunction with another power source like a wind or diesel generator
then it falls under the class of hybrid systems.
Figure 2.5: Classification of PV systems

2.7.1 Grid Connected PV Systems

Grid Connected Systems are solar PV systems which have a direct connection to the electricity
grid and supply their energy into the grid [26]. Figure 2.6 illustrates the Grid-connected system.
These systems can be connected directly to the public grid or first to a house grid covering the
electricity demand of the house and then supplying any excess to the public grid. The connection
is through an inverter that converts the DC to AC and also synchronizes with the electricity grid in
voltage and frequency. For a domestic grid connected system, solar energy is used during the day
by the system owner. At night, the owner draws on the previously established electricity grid. An
additional benefit of the grid-tied system is that the solar system does not need to be sized to meet
peak loads—overages can be drawn from the grid. In many cases, surplus energy generated during
the day can be exported back to the grid.

Figure 2.6: Diagram of grid-connected PV system

2.7.2 Standalone Systems
Stand-alone systems are solar PV systems which are independent of any electricity grid. The energy
yield must be sized to meet the load requirements. They are usually fitted with energy storage
systems to absorb surplus energy and to meet the demand when the solar irradiation is not enough.
Stand-alone systems are usually implemented in rural and remote areas in developing countries
where no access to the electricity grid is available or costly to implement. They are also used in
various applications in industrialized countries as well (e.g. roof top systems, PV-glazing, solar
traffic lighting, traffic infrastructure, solar chargers, mobile communication transmitters et al.). The
grid-connected systems, which are PV systems connected to the local distribution grid and supply
it with power. Figure 2.7 shows a stand-alone system.

Figure 2.7: Schematic diagram of a PV stand-alone system

2.7.3 Hybrid Systems

To meet the largest power requirements in an off-grid location, the PV system can be configured
with a small diesel generator. This means that the PV system no longer has to be sized to cope with
the worst sunlight conditions available during the year. Use of the diesel generator for back-up
power is minimized during the sunniest part of the year to reduce fuel and maintenance costs.

Figure 2.8: Schematic diagram of a hybrid system

2.8 Impacts of solar PV to the Distribution System Protection

The traditional distribution system is passive and radial in nature, which is usually characterized
by a single source on the upstream end, supplying a network of feeders on the downstream end.
Protection for this conventional distribution system assumes a radial system such that the grading
of the protection starts from the downstream end through to the upstream end. F. Katiraei et al [27]
say that the impacts of DG can be local (e.g., feeder or substation) or system wide, depending upon
the degree of DG penetration levels. The nature of these impacts can be steady-state or dynamic.
With the connection of solar PV (and other DG sources) in the network, according to both [27] and
[28] the system may lose its passive, radial nature and therefore, protection coordination may not

References [5], [26], [25], [29], [30] [31] and [32] highlight impacts due to the presence of DG in
a distribution system. The preceding sections explain these impacts.

2.8.1 Increased Fault Current

Figure 2.9 shows a distribution feeder with DG on the upstream of the R3 and a downstream fault.
The fault current through R3 is a sum of the grid current and the PV unit current. The fault current
is greater than that which passes through R3 in the absence of DG. This condition is not protected
against in a traditional distribution system. The fault current has increased as seen by R3. In this
case, coordination between R3 and upstream relays may be lost.

2.8.2 Reduced fault Current

When a generator is added along a feeder, the fault current at the beginning of the feeder is reduced
for a downstream fault. Considering the relay R1 at the start of the feeder in Figure 2.9.The relay
will fail to operate when the fault current falls below the relay settings in the case were the PV unit
is contributing a high enough fault current. This situation is aggravated for long feeders where the

fault current for a remote fault is low already. For definite-time overcurrent, protection will not
operate for certain faults, while inverse-time relays will take long to clear the fault [31].



R1 R3

Figure 2.9: Circuit to illustrate increases/reduced fault current

2.8.3 Blinding of protection

Considering Figure 2.10, R1 may not detect a downstream fault if the fault current contribution from
the PV is high. The level of current through R1 may reduce to a level below the pickup value



R1 Fault

Figure 2.10: Distribution feeder with PV generator

2.8.4 Unwanted operation/Nuisance tripping

For a fault on a feeder other than where the generator is connected, the breaker on the feeder where
the generator is connected may result in unwanted operation due to fault current contribution by
the PV generator [31]. Figure 2.11 shows a circuit where the fault is on a feeder other than the one
on which a PV unit is connected. When a fault occurs, the DG will contribute to the fault current
and a reversed fault current will be experienced through relay R3. The relay may trip the healthy
feeder in a case of sympathetic tripping.


Ipv R4



Figure 2.11: Distribution system with PV on feeder other than where fault is

2.8.5 Non-controlled islanding

One of the more serious consequences of introducing DGs to the network is the concept of
unintentional or non-controlled islanding [14]. This is a situation where a portion of the network
which has a DG is disconnected from the rest of the network. As highlighted in [31], non-controlled
islanding can be initiated by a fault on the feeder and the upstream fuse or breaker opens and also
by the opening of an upstream breaker or fuse without any fault present in the system.



R1 Fault

Figure 2.12: Fault current contributions from the grid and a PV unit connected to a feeder

A generator connected through a power electronics converter normally contributes too small a
current to a fault for the overcurrent protection to detect it. In Figure 2.12 above, the fault current
contribution by the grid, , is sufficient to be detected by R1 and trip the associated breaker
while that by the PV, , is insufficient to be detected. The PV unit will continue feeding the fault.
The fault may either clear by itself if the current becomes too small or the fault current may be
maintained. When the fault current is maintained, the generator will go into non-controlled
islanding. The balance between generation and the load in non-controlled islanding will determine
the voltage and frequency magnitudes [31].

2.8.6 Unsynchronized Reclosing
This explanation is a continuation of the explanation in section 2.8.5 after the PV unit has islanded.
Automatic reclosing is often used with overhead feeders. From Figure 2.12 the CB at R1 will be
reclosed after a certain time interval, with the DG still connected while the fault is cleared. This
connects two systems that are out of synchronism, having different frequencies, voltages and
phases. This leads to equipment damage due to the large currents that will be experienced [31].

2.9 Proposed Solutions

Research has been going on to find effective solutions to the aforementioned problems. Various
literature propose several new approaches to solve the overcurrent coordination problem. This
section highlights the various proposed solutions.

2.9.1 Increased Fault Currents

To solve the problem of increased fault currents, the following approaches have been considered:

 Tang et al. [33] proposes using a fault current limiter (FCL) to limit the impact that DGs
have on relay protection coordination during a fault. A fault limiter limits the DG current
during a fault and allows normal current flow when there is no fault [33]. Fault limiters are
devices that have low impedance that produce no action during normal operation [34].
When a fault occurs, the FCL device acts quickly to insert a high impedance in series with
the distribution network. This limits the fault current to a preset value [33].
 Another approach is suggested by Khederzadeh [35]. It involves using a thyristor-controlled
series capacitor (TCSC) as an FCL to restore the original relay settings. The TCSC in this
case operates in the fault current limiting mode to limit the DGs fault current contribution
without disconnecting the DG during a fault.

2.9.2 Reduced Fault Currents

This can be mitigated for using FCL as described above. The FCL limits the fault current that the
PV unit contributes to the fault. This causes the upstream relay to detect the right level of fault

2.9.3 Blinding of protection

This can be solved by FCL and under voltage protection. Additionally, the method of obtaining
new relay coordination status can be used.

This is an approach in which mathematics and computer-based methods are used to find new relay
coordination methods for distribution networks with DG [34].

Zayandehroodi et al. [34] identify the following three methods in this category:

 adaptive protection scheme for distribution networks with DG,

 multi-agent protection scheme for distribution networks with DGs and

 expert system for protection coordination of distribution networks with DGs.

Adaptive protection is a new concept. This is the ability of a protection system to respond to
changing power system conditions by automatically altering its operating parameters to provide
reliable relaying decisions [34].

Brahma and Girgis [36] came up with an adaptive protection scheme that involves dividing the
network into zones. Each zone to have a balance of load and DG. The main relay is computer-
based, with capabilities for high processing power, large memory and communication capabilities.
The relay can sense a fault, determine the fault type and the associated zone. It would then isolate
the affected zone.

2.9.4 Reverse Fault Current

This problem is solved using directional overcurrent relays. An approach for protecting meshed
distribution systems with DGs was proposed by [37] in which dual setting directional over-current
relays (DOCRs) are used. They are equipped with two inverse time-current characteristics. Their
settings will depend on the fault direction. They have different settings for forward and reverse
directions. The protection coordination problem is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem
whose objective is to minimize the overall operating time of the relays during both primary and
back-up operation.

2.9.5 Current-only Directional Overcurrent Relay

In reference [38], the authors indicate that the use of non-directional relays requires a number of
relays and increases the complexity in the coordination settings. Using directional overcurrent
relays reduces the number of non-directional relays and the complexity of relay settings is reduced.
Traditional directional overcurrent relays however, have a voltage sensing element, that is, use
voltage polarization [38] to detect the direction of the fault. They require both current and voltage
measurement. For smart grids, more of these relays have to be used, making cost an important
factor. The authors of [38] propose a novel current-only direction principle.

Ipre Ifwd
Source S G Grid

R Substation F


Figure 2.13: Overcurrent relay: forward (F) and reverse (R) fault

Where Ipre is pre-fault current, Ifwd is fault current in the forward direction, S is the source, G is the
grid, R is the fault location in the reverse direction, F is the fault location in the forward direction
and Irev is fault current in the reverse direction.

The principle of the current-only directional overcurrent relay is described in [38] from Figure
2.13. For an upstream or reverse fault (R), the fault current from the grid to the fault point is


Where, is the grid voltage, is the impedance between the grid (G) and the fault location (R)

For a forward or downstream fault (F), the fault current flowing from the source (S) to the fault
location (F) is


Where, is the source voltage, is the line impedance between source (S) and fault location
The pre-fault current from the source (S) to the grid (G) is given by

− (2-3)

The total post fault current that the relay senses for a reverse fault (R) is

= − = −

Similarly, the total post fault current sensed by the relay for the forward fault (F) is

= + = +

So at the occurrence of a fault, the current changes from to either or depending upon
whether it is a reverse fault or forward fault. The current changes by − or . These short-
circuit current phasors have mutually opposite signs due to equations (2-4) and (2-5) and the
impedances and being imaginary and with negative imaginary part. This implies that
compared to the pre-fault current, , the post-fault current ( and ) will have a phase change
that depends upon the fault direction. This angle will therefore indicate the fault direction. This
makes it possible to determine the direction of the post-fault current as compared to the pre-fault
current only [38]. It therefore does not require bus voltage measurement.

2.9.6 Islanding Detection
Non-controlled islanding is supposed to be detected and the generating units disconnected in the
islanded portion. This must be done in the shortest time possible. Reference [14] states that the
DER must be disconnected for any of the following conditions:

 The voltage and frequency being out of the contractual range;

 One or more phases of the transmission network is missing;
 Before the first reclosure in cases of automatic reclosure.

There are various ways in which this can be done, though there is no islanding detection technique
that is recognized as truly efficient [14]. According to [14], three techniques identified as state of
the art can be used to detect unintentional islanding, namely: Passive protection, Active protection
and Network communication based protection.

Figure 2.14 graphically shows the various types of protections that can be used to detect
unintentional islanding.

Under/over voltage/frequency
Passive local Rate of Change of Frequency
based (ROCOF)
Local measurement Voltage Vector Shift
Reverse reactive power flux

Reactive power export error

Active Detection Fault level measurement
System impedance

Comparison of rate of change of

Network frequency protection
Direct Transfer Trip

Figure 2.14: Techniques to detect unintentional islanding.

In this thesis, we consider only under voltage, rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) and direct
transfer trip (DTT) protections as the anti-islanding protections.

Under/over voltage protection

When the portion of the network with distributed generation is isolated, the generation sees it as a
change of load and therefore network parameters change [14]. These network parameters are
voltage and frequency. The level of unbalance determines the level of these parameters. When
there is an unbalance between the load and generation, the under/over voltage protection may
operate. Reference [6] states that this method provides an acceptable level of protection for small

units and it may fail if the change in load can be compensated for by the control system of the DG
since it will keep the frequency and voltage level almost constant.

Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF)

Unbalance in the system between generation and load leads to a deviation of the system frequency
from the normal. When the generation is greater than the load, the frequency will be above the
rated frequency (over frequency) and if the generation is lower than the load, then an under
frequency situation will obtain. The larger the larger the unbalance, the greater is the rate at which
the frequency changes. This rate of change can be used to speed up the islanding decision [14].

According to [6], a ROCOF relay defines the rate of change of frequency using the swing equation

∆ ∆ . (2-6)
∆ 2. .
Where, ∆ = Change in power output, =system frequency, = Inertia constant of DG system,
=Rated capacity of DG system

The main objective of ROCOF is to trip the breaker if the rate of change of frequency exceeds a
certain preset value longer than a set period. It will continuously monitor the voltage waveform
and determine any fluctuations. The settings are chosen such that it will respond only to those
fluctuations to do with loss of grid (LOG) and the DG in island operation mode.

Direct Transfer Trip

DTT is another method that can be utilized to prevent unintended islanding. This utilizes the signal
from the line protection or breaker open status in the network to initiate a tripping of the DG.


R4 Ipv

R1 Ifault


Figure 2.15: Typical arrangement for direct transfer trip

Figure 2.15 illustrates the DTT arrangement. When there is a fault on the feeder indicated, the
protection or breaker open status will be communicated to the PV unit. This enables the PV unit to
be disconnected from the system. This is an efficient method though the cost of providing
communication may be so high. Further, the network arrangement may require the transfer trip to
be supplied from more than a single location, which complicates the scheme and increases the cost
further [14].

Table 2.1: Summary of impacts and solutions

Problem Solution Protection Schemes

Non-controlled islanding Passive local based Under/Over Voltage
measurement schemes Under/over frequency
Active detection ROCOF
Network communication Voltage vector shift
based protection Reverse reactive power flux
Reverse active power flux
Rate of change of active power
Reactive power export error
Fault level measurement
System impedance monitoring
Direct transfer trip
Comparison of rate of change
of frequency protection

Unsynchronized Reclosing Anti-islanding protection The same as for non-

controlled islanding
Increase of fault Current Fault Current Limiter TCSC
Resistive FCL
Inductive FCL
Reverse Current Directional Overcurrent Dual Setting Overcurrent
Current-only Directional
Overcurrent Relays
Ineffectiveness of line Anti-islanding detection
reclosing after a fault
Blinding of protection. FCL FCL
Under voltage protection Under voltage Protection
False tripping of feeders Directional Relays Directional Relays

Nuisance tripping of Directional Relay

protection devices
Reduced Fault Current Fault Current limiter TCSC
Resistive FCL
Inductive FCL

2.10 Effect of impedance on relay response





Figure 2.16: Distribution System with solar PV and fault location downstream

In the scenario presented in Figure 2.16, there will be fault current contributions from the grid as
well as the PV unit. Figure 2.16 can be reduced to its Thevenin equivalent circuits as shown in
Figure 2.17 for the case without and with solar PV in order to analyze the current contribution.
This helps determine the current through the breaker at 3 for a three phase fault.


Zf Zf


Igrid Zs Zpv Ipv

Figure 2.17: Thevenin equivalent circuit for Figure 2-17 without PV (left) and with PV (right)

Considering the figures above, let:

be the fault current through R3
be the fault current at the fault point
be the thevenin equivalent voltage
be the impedance between the grid and the PCC
be the impedance between the grid and the PCC
be the impedance between the PCC and the fault point
be the impedance between the PV unit and the PCC

For the case without solar PV,

= =

When the impedance to the fault is zero,

= =

For the case with solar PV,

∗ (2-9)

When there is impedance between fault point and point of common coupling (PCC),


+ +

When the impedance between PCC and fault location is zero,



Resulting in

= =

Equations (2-8) and (2-12) for the case without and with solar PV are the same. The fault current
through the relay at 1 will be the same if the impedance is zero between the PCC and the fault.
However, as the length of the line is increased, there will be a current division that will affect the
relay at 1.

As the length of the line is increased, the relay becomes less sensitive to detect faults and therefore
takes longer to trip for faults or may not trip at all. This condition is known as protection under-
reach, which is a condition whereby the relay does not operate under fault conditions. This depends
upon the level of PV penetration and the impedance between PCC and the fault.

2.11 Battery Energy Storage Systems
PV systems, particularly stand-alone, have storage systems to supply the required energy during
variations of PV generation [16]. There is need for storage systems in solar PV generation in order
to introduce stability in the system and arrest energy fluctuations. Solar energy is intermittent and
unpredictable and therefore, there is fluctuation in the energy supplied [39]. Energy storage enables
the system to maintain a consistent energy balance. Energy is stored in times of excess supply and
used when there is a deficit. Energy storage improves the operation of the power system [40].

Table 2.2: List of available battery types and their advantages and disadvantages

Battery Type Advantages Disadvantages

Lead-Acid Familiar High maintenance

Most matured battery
technology Low energy density.

Cheapest within the cell Low power density.

battery group
Short cycle life.

Environmental hazards.

High voltage of deep


Sodium-Sulphur (NaS) High Energy Density Expensive

High Power Density Requires high operating

Mature Technology

High efficiency

Vanadium Redax Used in large applications Early-stage technology.

High Power Density Expensive technology.

High energy Density Rugged standardization

Zinc-Bromine (Zn-Br) Used in large applications Early-stage technology.

High Power Density High cost of maintenance.

High energy Density Toxic components.

Fast corrodible components.

Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) High power density. Relatively new technology.

High energy density. Very expensive technology.

High efficiency of almost Toxic


Nickel-Cadmium (Ni- Mature technology. Expensive

High mechanical resistance. Toxic

High energy density.

Long cycle life.

Nickel-Metal-Hydride Mature technology. Expensive technology

High mechanical resistance.

High energy density.

Long cycle life.

Lower number of toxic


Development of Devices and Network
Models in PSCAD
This chapter discusses the development of the network models and device models in PSCAD
software environment.

3.1 PSCAD Simulation Software

Power Systems Computer Aided Design ( ®

) is the simulation software used in the
thesis/study. It is developed by Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, a division of Manitoba Hydro
International Ltd. PSCAD is a graphical user interface to the Electromagnetic Transients including
DC (EMTDC) electromagnetic transient simulation engine [41]. It is a powerful tool that enables
the user to schematically construct a circuit, run a simulation, analyze the results, and manage the
data in a completely integrated, graphical environment. It further has online plotting functions,
controls and meters, which enable the user to alter system parameters while running a simulation.
The effects of this alteration can be viewed while the simulation is in progress. It has a
comprehensive library of pre-programmed and tested simulation models, which comprise simple
passive elements and control functions, more complex models, such as electric machines, full-on
FACTS devices, transmission lines and cables. Custom models can be built for models that do not
exist. These may be constructed by putting together existing models to form a module, or by
constructing models from scratch in a flexible design environment.

The study is carried out on two networks: the CIGRE LV network and a typical MV network in

3.2 CIGRE Network

The CIGRE network is a European LV distribution network benchmark. It is a 20/0.4 kV

distribution system fed from a 400 kVA, 20/0.4 kV transformer. Solar PV, wind energy and BESS
are integrated into the system. Solar PV is put into the system at nodes C and D rated 3 kW and 4
kW respectively, while BESS is at nodes A and B rated 35 kVA and 25 kVA respectively. They
are interfaced to the grid through DC-AC inverters. A wind turbine rated 5.5 kW is at node E. There
are loads at nodes C, D, E, R11 and R17. These loads are unbalanced. This network is modelled
using PSCAD simulation software using data from [42]. Figure 3.1 shows a single line diagram of
the CIGRE network. The description of the model is given in the following section.

E Load
Turbine Plate

A Batteries Batteries
0 R R 1 B
1 R

D 9 C
20kV 0.4kV R

Solar Solar

Figure 3.1: CIGRE LV distribution network

3.3 Model of the CIGRE Network in PSCAD

This section describes the modelling of the different components of the network. In addition to the
general network components, models were built for the solar photovoltaic system, wind generating
system and battery energy storage. The approach taken in building the different models is described
in the following sections.

3.3.1 Network Components

A three phase, 20kV ideal voltage source is used to represent the grid and a 20/0.4 kV transformer
is used to step down the voltage to 400V.

The cables between the various nodes (connection points) are represented using pie sections. The
parameters are as shown in appendix A. PSCAD has pie section modules and various line
parameters can be adjusted using a drop down menu shown in Figure 3.2. The capacitances are not
included in the original network due to the short lengths of the cables, however, in this network,
PSCAD default capacitance values are used.

Figure 3.2: Pie section drop down menu

3.3.2 Inverter Modelling in PSCAD

Solar PV and BESS are connected to the system using a DC-AC inverter. The inverter topology is
the same for all systems in this model. Figure 3.3 shows the basic inverter topology used. It is a
three phase inverter which has six switches that are used to chop the direct current (DC) voltage.
VpvVdc1 Epv

1000.0 5 3 1
2 2 2

Ena Enb Enc



6.0 [mF]

25.0 2 6 4
2 2 2
Ena Ena

Enb Enb

Figure 3.3: Inverter topology

The switches used in the inverter are IGBT’s due to their quick switching speed. A snubber circuit
is connected in parallel with the switch which helps to suppress large voltage spikes from being
imposed across the switch. The values for the snubber resistance and capacitance are the default
values in PSCAD. An anti-parallel diode across the switch conducts current when the voltage
reverses across the switch. This was used to convert the PV array output from direct current (DC)
form to the alternating current (AC) form to be able to tie the PV system to the utility grid. In the

PSCAD model, the inverter consist of the Firing Pulse Generator and the Three Phase Inverter

The signals IGBT1, IGBT2, etc. shown in the inverter schematic in Figure 3.3 are IGBT gate
signals which are generated by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuit. The PWM signals are
used to turn the switches on and off to create the desired output.

Three sine waves which are used as reference signals are created by the sine function block as
depicted in Figure 3.4. After creating these references, they are compared with a 1 kHz triangular
carrier wave in a driving block which will finally turn the IGBTs on and off depending upon
whether is greater or lesser than (Figure 3.5).

SinPhase D ++ D ++

F -120.0 -120.0 F

Phase RefSigA Phase RefSigB Phase RefSigc

Sin Sin Sin

Mag RefA Mag RefB Mag RefC
Freq Freq Freq

ma ma


Figure 3.4: Sine reference generation circuit in PSCAD

RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC Tri
Tri RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC

Tri RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC
RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC Tri


Figure 3.5: Firing pulse generator

3.3.3 Filter Modelling

The AC being injected by the inverter into the grid is not purely sinusoidal due to its high content
of harmonics. Therefore, there is need to include a low pass filter that will filter out these harmonics
in order to have a high quality AC into the grid. It is advantageous to use a high switching frequency

in PWM because the harmonic content of the unfiltered signal occurs around the switching
frequency, which is usually much higher than the fundamental. This makes it possible to use
smaller filters. The PWM inverter in this model is designed to have a carrier frequency of 1 kHz
and a fundamental frequency of 50 Hz. The chosen values for the inductor and capacitor for the
LC filter are 200 uH and 7 mF respectively. The LC line filter is shown in Figure 3.6.

A A1
Eab 200 [uH] Eab1

B B1
Ebc 200 [uH] Ebc1

C C1
Eca 200 [uH] Eca1

7.0 [mF]

7.0 [mF]

7.0 [mF]
Figure 3.6: LC Line filter in PCAD

3.3.4 Solar Photovoltaic System

Two solar PV systems are designed, rated 3 and 4 kVA. They use the same inverter topology as
described in section 3.3.2.

The solar PV array is built using the PV source generator in PSCAD. In the PSCAD master library,
there is an inbuilt model of a solar panel component. The solar panel model has the necessary PV
cell characteristics. The model is shown in Figure 3.7. When the component parameter menu is open,
the user can adjust the PV cell and PV array properties. This is done by selecting drop down menus
shown in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.7: PV solar panel component in PSCAD

Figure 3.8: PV array characteristics drop down menu

In this model, all default solar cell parameters are used. For the array parameters the default values
for the reference solar irradiation, and the reference cell temperature are not adjusted. Other
parameters were adjusted according to Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: PV array parameters

PV array parameter Quantity

Modules connected in series 12
Module strings in parallel 3
Cells connected in series per module 24
Cell strings in parallel per module 3
Short circuit current at reference conditions per 0.0025 [kA]

Power output, voltage level 4kVA, 144V

The PV array produces the above quantity at a reference radiation and cell temperature of
1000W/m2 and 25⁰C respectively.

3.3.5 DC Link Capacitor

The PV array and the inverter are bridged by the DC link capacitor. This capacitor has three
functions: to minimize the voltage ripple across the PV terminals, alternate every half cycle to act
as a source or sink to create a balance of power on the DC bus and also act as a source of reactive
power. A capacitor value of 15[mF] is used in the model.

3.3.6 Overcurrent Protection Modelling
The overcurrent protection is modelled using an overcurrent element which is found in the PSCAD
library. This an inverse time overcurrent relay 51 which is based on IEEE standard C37.112-1996.
It is a current operated relay that produces an inverse-current characteristic by integrating a function
of current with respect to time.

The operating characteristics are governed by the following equations:

= + +


Where, is the trip time in seconds, is the reset time in seconds, M is the /
( is the relay current set point), is the reset time (for M = 0) and A, B, p, q constants to
provide selected curve characteristics

In the relay drop down menu, various selections can be done, Figure 3.8 indicates this. We have
selected explicit Data Entry which is pre-selected to a moderately inverse overcurrent relay. The
parameters are as shown in Figure 3.9. These determine the relay curves.

The input to the relay is a measured current signal which can be in per-unit or actual current in
kilo-Amps. The measurement is done by the multi-meter we have included on various branches of
the circuit. This eliminates the need to use CTs in our model. When the current is higher than the
pick-up current, the relay outputs a trip, otherwise the relay resets.

Figure 3.11 shows the complete setup of the overcurrent protection system. It includes a measured
current signal, overcurrent relay, a mono-stable and a circuit breaker which is in the main circuit.
The mono-stable holds the output signal from the relay for a preset time, which in this case, is
enough to keep the breaker open if a trip signal has been issued by the overcurrent relay.

Figure 3.9: Relay Characteristic Figure 3.10: Relay Menu



Figure 3.11: Overcurrent protection arrangement

In order for the relay to operate as expected, under its settings, values of pickup current and time
dial settings are entered. Pick up current throughout the system was initially set to 200% of the full
load current. Time dial settings were input as the actual operating time of the protection system.
All primary protection was set to operate after 0.04 seconds after the fault. Subsequent protection
operated 0.3 seconds later if the primary protection failed.

There is also a control algorithm that is implemented to control the operational status of the

Figure 3.12 shows the complete CIGRE low voltage network in PSCAD including distributed
generation (DG).


P = 4.42e-007 P = 0.01486
Q = -2.387e-007 BRK_s4kW Q = 0.009484

P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ

Pgrid Pgrid P15 P15 V = 0.7987 V = 0.3865
Solar_PV_4kW As4
#1 #2
Bs4 A A
Qgrid Qgrid Q15 Q15 Cs4 V V P+jQ


80.0 [ohm]
Vgrid V15


Vgrid V15


Q = 0.003991

P = 0.006363
P = 0.03231

V = 0.3864
Igrid Igrid I15 I15

Q = 0.0215

Bin V = 0.3984


80.0 [ohm]
A PI BRK_L2 PI P = 0.01272
V BRK_grid SECTION P = 0.02777 SECTION P = 0.02766 Q = 0.008094
R1 Q = 0.0181 Q = 0.01775 V = 0.3867

V = 0.3917 V = 0.3873 #1 #2
#1 #2 #1 #2 #1 #2 #1 #2

80.0 [ohm]

80.0 [ohm]

80.0 [ohm]


VL3 VL3 VL1 VL1 T imed



Q = -2.237e-007
P = 3.124e-007
ABC->G Logic



80.0 [ohm]


V = 0.6611
IL3 IL3 IL1 IL1 R11



Q = 0.002608
P = 0.004266

V = 0.3929
QL2 QL2 Fault_Graphs Ab Bb Cb



Q18 Q18 Ab Bb Cb
VL2 VL2 80.0 [ohm] 80.0 [ohm]


V18 V18 BESS_35kVA
I18 P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ


P17 Cb Bb Ab
P17 R15


P = 3.076 P = 2.461e-007

P = -6.327e-012
V = 0.0001986
Q = 7.192e-012 Q = 7.192e-012

Q = 1.673e-011
Q17 I17 Solar_PV_3kW
Q17 I17 V = 0.4967 V = 0.4967 R18 BRK_2

Q = 1.228e-007
P = 2.152e-007
V = 0.6611
Mono- A A BRK_WT


Q = 0.004063

P = 0.006296

V = 0.3848
V17 stable BRK_2
V V P = -2.841e-008

Q = -1.617e-008

T P+jQ fl V = 0.1173
Mono- A
I18 stable Awt Bwt Cwt BRK_4kW
P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ V
T BRK_4kW P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ
51 AwtBwtCwt
Qw t Qw t
Mono- W ind_T urbine Mono-
stable BRK_s4kW stable
BRK_grid BRK_4kW BRK_L15 Vwti Vwti
51 51
Iwt Iwt
Igrid I15 Q22 Q22
stable Vbess1 Vbess1
BRK_L3 Ps3kW Ps3kW Vbessrms Vbessrms Iins Iins
T Pbess1 Pgrid
Pbess1 Pgrid
Vbess25kW Vbess25kW Qs3kW Qs3kW Vinst Vinst
IL3 Qbess1 Qbess1
Qgrid Qgrid Vsrms Vsrms
P16 P16 P11 P11
stable Vpv4i Vpv4i Vbess Vbess
BRK_L2 Vgrid Vgrid Ppv4 Ppv4 Q16 Q16 Q11 Q11
T Ipv4 Ipv4
Vs3kW Vs3kW Qpv4 Qpv4 V16 V16 V11 V11
IL2 Pwt Pwt
P22 P22 Vwt Vwt V22 V22 Vpv4 Vpv4 I16 I16 I11 I11

Figure 3.12: CIGRE Network Model in PSCAD

3.4 Typical Medium Voltage Network in Sweden

The MV network used here is supplied from a 20kV substation and contains 30 buses. 13 buses
were used in this study due to limitation of the number of electrical nodes in the version of PSCAD
used. For purposes of this study, arbitrary three phase loads were added at different buses as shown
in Figure 3.13. The PV system was added at bus A. Initial capacity of solar PV system was 4kW
but this was gradually increased to determine the level that disrupts the proper functioning of the
protection system from that without the distributed generation. A schematic diagram of the network
used is shown in the Figure 3.13 below. Using given data in appendix B and the arbitrary loads,
the network was modelled in PSCAD as shown in Figure 3.14. Due to limited number of nods we
have in the software used, the extent of the model is up to bus X only. The actual network has more

Figure 3.13: Typical MV network

3.4.1 Model of the typical Medium Voltage Network in PSCAD

All system components were modelled as described in section 3.3 for the CIGRE network. Cables
were modelled using pie sections with values of section lengths, resistances and reactance as shown
in Table B. 1 in the Appendix. The default capacitive reactance values were used as they were
assumed to have negligible effect on the overall reactance. The solar PV, battery energy storage,
dc link capacitor, inverter, filter and protection system were modelled as in the CIGRE network to
output values suitable for the MV system.

Main : Graphs
COUPLED P = 5.677
Q = 1.607
V = 22.04 Vgrid Vgrid Ix Ix Ic Ic Id Id
P = 0.006185 P = 0.04778 BRK_AB A SECTION A
BRK_grid Igrid Igrid Ipv Ipv Ie Ie
Q = 2.399e-006 Q = 0.02101 V R=0
V = 0.0005008 V = 0.001143
A A Ib If Ig Ih

P = 0.001485 P = 0.00306

V = 2 1 .9 9
Q = 1 .4 9 2
P = 5 .5 3 2
Q = 0.0008896 Q = 0.001947
V = 21.99 V = 21.99 A PV BRK_gs

B Ppv
P+jQ P+jQ A A
fl C Iab Iab
BRK_G Iac Iac

e-sT pv


V = 2 1 .9 5
Q = 1 .4 8 8

P = 5 .5 2 3
stable BRK_B


fi BRK_K
B fi
f2 f2
P+jQ BRK_E f2

A stable


f3 T
f3 B Compar-
BRK_gs ator ROCOF_prot
V = 2 1 .9 3

Q = 1 .2 3 9
P = 4 .5 3 2


Protection A stable

c -1.0 B Compar-
ator f3

sT fi P+jQ
Frequency and
Q = 0 .9 9 1 1
V = 2 1 .9 3

Incremental Phase V
P = 3 .5 4 6



[Main] pv

0.8 A -sT

e Undervoltage_sig
D Undervoltage_sig
P = 0.9484
Q = 0.2515 AA N B Compar-
Z V = 21.53 Vgs
P+ jQ



V 22.0
pu_pcc_vltg pu_pcc_vltg Inverter_disable

P+jQ Mono-
BRK_Z X stable
P = 0.9649 BRK_A
V = 2 1 .9 2
Q = 0 .7 4 3
P = 2 .5 5 9

Q = 0.2606 P = 0.3039 T
V = 21.92 A2 E_Z A1 Q = 3.543e-014 51

A B2 B1 A1 H_X A2 V = 8.083
V C2 C1 B1 B2 A

Graphs fl
P = 0.6084 P = 0.6082 P = 0.608 Vpv_inst Timed
Q = 0.2347 F Q = 0.2347 Q = 2.534e-014 Vpv_inst Fault
V = 21.91 V = 21.91 A1 G_H A2 V = 8.084 ABC->G Logic
B1 B2 Vpv
P+ jQ

Figure 3.14: Typical MV network as modelled in PSCAD

Impacts of PV on distribution system
This chapter discusses the study cases, simulation set ups and results of the simulations. It also
presents the impacts of PV on distribution system protection after analyzing the results.

4.1 Description of case studies

Figure 4.1: Methodology of study

After the system was modelled, studies were carried out to ascertain the impacts that solar PV
imposes on protection coordination in a distribution network.

In the studies, the methodology adopted was to simulate two different cases and compare the
results. The first case was simulation without any solar PV integrated, the second case was
simulation with solar PV integrated. The results obtained were then analyzed by comparing the two
cases. In this instance, fault current levels, fault current directions, and nuisance tripping were
examined. The discrepancies between the two cases show the impacts that are as a result of
integration of solar PV into the distribution grid.

After examining the results, solutions are proposed and simulations were carried out again to see
if the impacts have been mitigated by these.

4.2 Simulation Setups

Simulations for both the CIGRE and a typical MV networks are carried out.

The simulations were first of all done without any solar PV added to get the load currents. Three
phase to ground faults were simulated to study the fault current levels. Solar PV was then added to
the circuit and then similar faults were simulated and various fault currents recorded.

4.3 CIGRE Network Simulations

E Load

Fault Plate
R1 B
B0 B1 A 7 Breaker
R1 P1
P2 R3 P4

20kV 0.4kV B11 D C



Figure 4.2: CIGRE Network Upstream Faults



B0 B1 R2 A 7 Breaker
R1 P1
P2 R3 P4
B11 D C
20kV 0.4kV



Figure 4.3: CIGRE Network Downstream Faults

The simulations on the CIGRE network were carried out according to the following cases:

4.3.1 CIGRE Network Base Case: No PV

This simulation was done according to Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2. The PV was not connected. The
procedure is as follows:

 Run the simulation without solar PV

 Simulate three phase to ground faults at buses C, R17, D, E and B11 respectively
 Record fault currents at the different buses
 Determine whether or not R3 trips

4.3.2 Results and discussion of the Simulation

Table 4.1: Base Case Simulation Results for CIGRE Network

Fault Location Location Fault Current (kA) R3 Trips(Yes/No)

C C 0.647 -
Line P3-P4 0.665 -
Line P2-P3 (R3) 0.66 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.674 -
R1 0.678 -
R17 Line P4-R17 0.914 -
Line P3-P4 0.913 -
Line P2-P3 (R3) 0.919 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.929 -
R1 0.934 -
D Line P3-D 0.947 -
Line P3-P4 N/A -
Line P2-P3(R3) 0.95 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.962 -
R1 0.965 -
E Line P2-E (R2) 1.138 -
Line P3-P4 N/A -
Line P2-P3(R3) N/A No
Line B1-P1 1.153 -
R1 1.157 -
B11 Line P1-B11 1.808 -
Line P3-P4 N/A -
Line P2-P3(R3) N/A No
Line B1-P1 N/A -
R1 1.842 -

From table Table 4.1 above, for upstream faults at buses B11 and E, the relay did not issue a tripping
command, this is the expected operation of the protection.

4.3.3 Simulations with PV connected
The aim is to ascertain whether R3 would mal-operate to give a nuisance tripping for upstream
faults. This simulation is according Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3.

Solar PV is connected at bus D. The PCC being at P3.

 Connect solar PV to the system

 Run the simulation.
 Initiate a three phase to ground fault on the upstream.
 Record fault currents
 Observe if R3 responds to the fault by tripping the breaker.

4.3.4 Results and discussion of the simulation

Table 4.2: CIGRE Network Upstream Fault Results

Fault Location Location Fault Current (kA) R3 Trips(Yes/No)

C C 0.645 -
Line P3-P4 0.638 -
Line P2-P3 (R3) 0.66 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.675 -
R1 0.681 -
R17 Line P4-R17 0.926 -
Line P3-P4 0.909 -
Line P2-P3 (R3) 0.916 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.928 -
R1 0.959 -
D Line P3-D 0.953 -
Line P3-P4 0.006 -
Line P2-P3(R3) 0.946 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.959 -
R1 0.961 -
E Line P2-E (R2) 1.159 -
Line P3-P4 N/A -
Line P2-P3(R3) 0.418 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.76 -
R1 0.762 -
B11 Line P1-B11 1.826 -
Line P3-P4 N/A -
Line P2-P3(R3) 0.38 Yes
Line B1-P1 0.37 -
R1 1.492 -

It can be observed by comparing Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 that when PV is present, R3 trips for
upstream faults at buses E and B11. This is an unwanted tripping as R3 is meant to respond to
downstream faults only. For downstream faults, the relay operated as expected.

4.4 Typical Medium Voltage Simulations

4.4.1 Base Case Simulation: No PV

This simulation is run without PV connected to the network. The procedure for this is as follows:

 Run the simulation without PV connected

 Initiate faults at buses A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and X respectively.
 Observe the time it takes R3 to trip.
 Note down the various fault currents
 Record the time it takes for the breaker to trip.

4.4.2 Upstream Simulations

This simulation is according to Figure 4.4.


Solar Circuit
A breaker
Substation 20kV B C D E F H X

R2 R3



Figure 4.4: MV Network Upstream Simulations

There are two cases to be investigated here: (1) to investigate unwanted tripping and (2) to
investigate undesired islanding.

Unwanted operation
The aim is to ascertain whether R3 would mal-operate to cause an unwanted tripping for a fault on
the upstream of the PV unit.
The steps to carry this out are as follows:

 Connect solar PV to the system starting at a low level of penetration like 2.3%.
 Run the simulation.
 Initiate a three phase to ground fault on the upstream at bus AC.
 Observe if R3 responds to the fault by tripping the breaker.
 If not, increase the level of PV penetration and observe.
 Note down the level at which R3 will eventually trip.
 For a nuisance tripping, similar steps are taken but there is no fault initiation carried out.

Undesired islanding
The aim is to investigate whether or not the PV unit would island or continue feeding into the fault
in the event that R2 fails to operate and R1 operates. If the relay at 3 trips, we would have undesired
islanding for the PV generator.

4.4.3 Downstream Fault simulations

Figure 4-5 defines the scenario for the simulation with the downstream faults. Two cases are
investigated in this scenario, low fault current contribution by PV and high fault contribution by

Solar A
Substation 20kV B C D E F G H X
A R4

R2 R3


Figure 4.5: MV Network Downstream Simulations

Low Fault Current Contribution

The aim is to determine the effect that increased levels of solar PV below the hosting capacity have
on relay tripping times. The procedure is as follows:

 Solar PV is connected at Bus A and initially set at 2.3% penetration level. The penetration
level being defined as the power contributed by the PV unit against the maximum power
demand of the system.
 A three phase to ground fault is initiated at 0.6s on bus X.
 The time it takes R3 to trip is recorded.
 Solar PV will be increased in steps until 30% and the procedure above followed.
 The tripping times recorded with inclusion of solar PV are compared to the trip time without
solar PV. The deviations are recorded as the effect that solar PV has on the overcurrent
protection coordination.

High Fault Current Contribution

This is a high fault current contribution case where the solar PV penetration is 30% or more. The
aim of this case is to determine the hosting capacity. The simulations are done according to Figure
4-4.The following steps are used to achieve the result:

 The simulation is then run with solar PV penetration set at 30% (from the point reached at
in the previous simulation).
 A three phase to ground fault is initiated at 0.6s at bus X.
 It is noted and recorded whether or not R3 trips for downstream faults.
 Solar PV penetration is increased until a point where R3 does not trip anymore for
downstream faults.
 The level just before the protection is blinded is the theoretical hosting capacity as regards
protection. This is the level of PV that can be added before protection is blinded.

4.5 Results and discussions from of the MV network case

Results, observations and analysis are presented. Tables Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 show the results
that have been obtained in the simulation. The rest of the tables are found in appendix C.
Observations and analysis are in the preceding sections.

4.5.1 Base Case: No PV

It was observed that the R3 was tripping at 0.748s. The tripping time is therefore 0.148s since the
simulation is initiated at 0.6s.

4.5.2 Upstream fault

Unwanted operation
It is observed from Table 4.3 that R3 trips when the level of solar PV penetration is at about 10%
or more. This is because at this level, the PV unit is contributing sufficient fault current above the
relay settings. This scenario was not accounted for in the original coordination. The original
coordination was for a radial network without solar PV.

Undesired Islanding
For this simulation, R3 was tripping causing the PV unit to island.

Table 4.3: Upstream fault simulations, fault location at bus AC
Power contribution

Grid (MW) Solar PV Trip (Yes/No) % of solar

(MW) penetration

7.375 0.1739 No 2.3

7.319 0.2073 No 2.8

7.169 0.5155 No 6.7

7.083 0.5664 No 7.4

6.866 0.6619 No 8.8

6.994 0.6931 No 9.0

6.934 0.7193 No 9.4

6.901 0.7334 No 9.6

6.925 0.7487 No 9.8

6.835 0.7555 No 9.9

6.916 0.7698 Yes 10.0

6.878 0.7703 Yes 10.1

6.781 0.8103 Yes 10.7

6.772 0.8236 Yes 10.8

6.65 0.9785 Yes 12.8

6.012 1.518 Yes 20.2

4.5.3 Downstream fault with high fault current contribution from PV

The following observations can be made from this simulation:

 From Table 4.4, when the solar PV penetration reaches a level of between 30-40%, it has
significant impact on the protection coordination.
 The Trip times increase tremendously above 40% penetration.

 As shown in Table C.4 at penetrations above 62%, the relay R3 does not trip at all for
downstream faults. 62% is the theoretical hosting capacity in this case. The longest tripping
time before the relay is blinded to faults on the downstream is about 1.54s after fault

Figure 4.6: Plot of trip time with and without solar PV up to hosting capacity

Table 4.4: Downstream, high fault current contributions, fault location at bus X

Grid power Solar PV Trip time with solar PV % of solar

(MW) (MW) (s) penetration

2.2 5.395 Did not trip 71.0

2.42 5.185 Did not trip 68.2

2.469 5.072 Did not trip 67.3

2.737 4.911 Did not trip 64.2

2.892 4.759 1.54 62.2

2.919 4.705 1.413 61.7

3.12 4.511 0.931 59.1

3.936 3.719 0.425 48.6

3.992 3.573 0.416 47.2

4.008 3.591 0.413 47.3

4.466 3.19 0.334 41.7

4.971 2.725 0.282 35.4

5.183 2.455 0.263 32.1

5.415 2.262 0.249 29.5

5.675 2.014 0.23 26.2

5.856 1.803 0.23 23.5

6.103 1.541 0.211 20.2

6.444 1.198 0.202 15.7

6.616 0.9723 0.202 12.8

7.023 0.504 0.181 6.7

7.191 0.3416 0.181 4.5

7.508 0.1772 0.181 2.3

4.5.4 Downstream with low fault current contribution from PV

The following observations can be made from this simulation:

 R3 trips for faults on the downstream and the PV unit islands.

 The tripping times increase from 0.148s when no PV is connected to maximum 1.54s until
hosting capacity is reached for the case when PV is connected at A.

4.5.5 Variation of fault currents with varying fault locations

Figure 4.7 to Figure 4.9 show the variation of fault currents at different locations. It is seen from
Figure 4.7 that the grid fault current reduces with connection of solar PV, the further the fault
downstream, the lower the fault current contribution from the grid. This reduced fault current
causes longer tripping times.


Fault current magnitude (kA) 60.00






Fault location

Figure 4.7: Variation of grid and fault currents with faults downstream, PCC at A, PV at 30% penetration


Fault current magnitude (kA)






Fault location

Figure 4.8: Variation of grid and fault currents with faults downstream, PCC at E and PV at 30% penetration


Fault current magnitude (kA) 60.00



30.00 Grid


Fault location

Figure 4.9: Variation of grid and fault currents with downstream fault, PCC at X and PV at 30% penetration

The fault current contribution by the grid is given by (2-9). The higher the impedance between the
grid and the PCC, the lesser is the contribution by the grid. So as the location of the PV unit is
changed further downstream, its contribution to the fault increases while that for the grid reduces.
With this scenario, the actual fault current at the point of fault will be higher while the fault currents
seen by relays upstream before the PCC are lower. This difference in the currents cause overcurrent
coordination problems.


Fault current magnitude (kA)



30.00 With PV


Fault locations

Figure 4.10: Coordinated for fault currents at relay R3 vs. fault currents with PV upstream
Figure 4.10 above compares the fault current seen by the relay at R3 for a case where it was
originally coordinated for faults without solar PV and the actual fault current with PV. It is seen

that without PV, the relay was coordinated for currents higher than the actual fault current when
solar PV is connected. However, at the point of fault, the fault current are higher. This causes
incoordination in the overcurrent protection. Therefore, tripping times are longer for all
downstream faults.

Table 4.5 and Table 4.6 show the fault analysis with fault locations at bus A and bus X when the
PCC is at bus A. It is seen from the tables that as the fault location moves further downstream, the
fault current contribution from the grid reduces.

Table 4.5: MV fault analysis A

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: PCC (A)

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase

with PV
Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 58.76 57.88 -1.5%

PV 0 0.065 0 25.85 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 58.76 57.875 -1.5%

B 0.154 0.156 0.034 0.034 0.0%

C 0.128 0.129 0.027 0.027 0.0%

D 0.101 0.102 0.02 0.02 0.0%

E 0.076 0.077 0.013 0.012 -7.7%

F 0.027 0.028 0.004 0.004 0.0%

G 0.027 0.028 0.004 0.004 0.0%

H 0.029 0.028 0.004 0.004 0.0%

X 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.0%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.015 0.014 -6.7%

Table 4.6: MV fault analysis, bus X

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: X

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 8.554 5.461 -36.2%

PV 0 0.065 0 4.104 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 7.785 5.119 -34.2%

B 0.154 0.156 7.904 8.11 2.6%

C 0.128 0.129 7.894 8.71 10.3%

D 0.101 0.102 7.885 8.7 10.3%

E 0.076 0.077 7.877 8.535 8.4%

F 0.027 0.028 8.05 9.207 14.4%

G 0.027 0.028 8.05 9.207 14.4%

H 0.029 0.028 8.067 8.552 6.0%

X 0.013 0.014 8.064 8.49 5.3%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.021 0.021 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.021 0.01 -52.4%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.05 0.052 4.0%

Figure 4.11: Summary of results

4.5.6 Summary of Impacts of Connecting Solar PV to a Distribution Network

From results shown in Figure 4.11 the summary for the effects of solar PV to a distribution grid
can be summarized as follows:

 When there is very little or no impedance between the PCC and the fault point, the
coordination holds as seen for the simulations for the CIGRE network.
 Increased fault currents at point of fault,
 Reduced fault currents between the grid and PCC
 Loss of relay sensitivity
 Loss of coordination and longer tripping times
 Undesired tripping for faults on the upstream (With 10% penetration of solar PV)
 Blinding of protection
 Unintentional islanding

Solutions to identified problems
This chapter presents solutions that mitigate the identified impacts and describe how the chosen
solutions perform

5.1 Solutions

In order to solve some of the impacts identified above, three solutions are proposed and simulated
in this thesis. These are DTT, undervoltage protection and ROCOF. These methods are described
in the preceding sections. Figure 5.1, Figure 5.2, Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4 depict these schemes.

5.1.1 Direct Transfer Trip using wireless link

This scheme is used to mitigate the following impacts:

 Increased fault current

 Reduced fault current
 Unintended islanding
 Unwanted tripping
 Reverse fault current
 Unsynchronized reclosing

This is overcurrent protection which is as described in section 3.3.6, which is meant to trip the
upstream breaker (and other breakers meant to provide backup) in the event of a fault. However,
the overcurrent protection in this design has capability to communicate with the PV unit
downstream in the event of an upstream fault. The communication system is comprised of a delay
element and a transmission radio link. There is no delay set in this simulation. This signal can be
transmitted through any communication method. In this design, a radio link is used. At the remote
end where the PV unit is, this signal is interfaced with other PV protection signals to communicate
with the inverter. The signal from the upstream overcurrent protection is received by an interfacing
circuit. The description of the interfacing circuit follows in section 5.1.3. The overcurrent
protection scheme with communication capability as modelled in PSCAD is shown in Figure 5.1.

-sT pv



Figure 5.1: Overcurrent protection with communication from upstream element

5.1.2 Under voltage protection

This is intended to solve the following impacts:

 Blinding of protection
 Reduced fault current
 Unintended islanding
 Unsynchronized reclosing

Figure 5.2 shows the arrangement of this circuit. This protection monitors the voltage at the PCC
and its aim is to disable the PV inverter when the voltage at the PCC is below 0.8 p.u. The voltage
at the PCC is measured through the signal in the circuit arrangement. The measured signal is
converted into a per unit value by a divider circuit which uses a base of 22 kV. The output is then
fed as input B to the comparator. Input A to the comparator is the reference value of 0.8 p.u.
Whenever the measured voltage is below 0.8 p.u, the comparator outputs a signal which disables
the PV inverter. This signal is interfaced with other protection signals for the PV system.

0.8 e-sT Undervoltage_sig Undervoltage_sig
N B Compar-
Vgs N/D ator

pu_pcc_vltg pu_pcc_vltg Inverter_disable

Figure 5.2: Under voltage protection circuit

5.1.3 Interfacing circuit

The interfacing circuit is shown in Figure 5.3. In this arrangement, it has two inputs (It can have
more). It is essentially made up of logic circuitry. One of the inputs is from the upstream relay and
the other from the under voltage protection, both as described above. The signal from the upstream
relay is received through a radio receiver, the one for under voltage is hard wired. These are passed
through a logic OR gate which outputs a logic 1 when either or both protections operate. The output
is passed through a logic NAND gate. The other input to this gate is an enabling 1, which makes

the output of this gate dependent upon the protection signal only. Table 5.1 shows the truth table
for this NAND gate.

Table 5.1: NAND gate truth table

Enabling Protection Output


0 0 X

0 1 X

1 0 1

1 1 0

The interfacing circuit output is dependent upon the protection signal. When there is no fault in the
system, there is no signal from the protection and hence the output of the interfacing circuit is a
logic 1. When the protection operates, the output of the interfacing circuit is a logic 0. This output
is then fed to the firing pulse circuit which is described in the following section.



[Main] pv

Figure 5.3: Protection interfacing circuit

5.1.4 Firing pulse circuit with protection disabling signal

Figure 5.4 shows the inverter firing pulse circuit. The operation of the inverter was described in
section 3.3.1. It is modified here such that AND logic gates are included on the outputs of the pulse
driving circuits. These are meant to combine the protection signal and the firing pulses from the
pulse driving circuits. The output from the AND gate are now the pulses that provide the firing to
the IGBTs in the PV inverter circuit. The truth table that governs the output for the circuit is shown
in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Truth table for AND gate

Firing Protection Output


0 0 0

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

The inverter has two modes, normal operating mode and blocking mode. These two modes are
decided by the protection. When the protection has not operated, the inverter is in the normal
operating mode. When the protection has operated, the inverter is in blocked mode and it does not
produce any output. Under normal operation, the firing pulse circuit will drive the inverter IGBTs
only when the firing pulse circuit is firing and the interfacing is supplying a logic 1 signal, that is,
when the protection has not operated. Without a fault in the system, the interfacing circuit always
has a logic 1, meaning the inverter is always enabled. It’s functioning entirely depends upon the
pulse firing circuit. When the protection circuit operates, the interfacing circuit will output a logic
0. In this situation, whatever the output of the pulse firing circuit, the overall output to the firing
circuit will be a logic 0 and the inverter will not chop the DC voltage. The inverter is therefore
disabled when the protection has operated.

RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC Tri
Tri RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC

Tri RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC
RefA Tri RefB Tri RefC Tri



Figure 5.4: Firing pulse circuit to include protection signal

5.1.5 Rate of Change of Frequency Protection (ROCOF)
This protection is an anti-islanding protection designed to trip the PV unit when it has islanded and
the rate of change of frequency is above or below a certain threshold value. It also protects against
unsynchronized reclosing. Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 illustrate this scheme as implemented in this
project in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment.

f c

Frequency and
Incremental Phase V
sT fi P+jQ

Q = 0.9911
V = 21.93

P = 3.546
Figure 5.5: ROCOF signal pickup

A stable
B Compar-
stable e-sT BRK_S

-1.0 B Compar-


Figure 5.6: ROCOF protection

The frequency and its rate of change are measured using the arrangement as shown in Figure 5.5.
The signal is then fed to the ROCOF relay. It is comprised of two comparators that enable the relay
to protect for both positive and negative rate of change. The output from the comparators, through
mono-stables, is fed to a logic OR gate. The output from the OR gate is then passed through a logic
AND gate. The other input to the AND gate is a signal from the upstream overcurrent relay. This
is an interlock to ensure that the ROCOF protection will only operate when the upstream breaker
has tripped and the PV has islanded. Otherwise, it is not supposed to operate. The output from the
AND gate is passed through an OR gate. This is for the purpose of interfacing breaker controls
whereby the breaker is also operator controlled for the purpose of switching the PV unit on-off.
The output from this final OR gate is the signal that controls the PV unit breaker.

5.2 Performance of the proposed solutions

The above proposed solutions were simulated and their effectiveness in mitigating the identified
impacts were ascertained.

5.2.1 Direct Transfer Trip (Overcurrent protection with communication)

The following is the sequence by which this protection operates;

 A fault occurs in the upstream

 Overcurrent on the upstream detects the fault
 A signal is generated which both trips the local breaker and also communicates with the
solar PV
 This protection signal turns the inverter off
 The PV unit will no longer contribute to the fault
 Only the required upstream breakers operate for the fault.

Main : Graphs
DT T _signal BRK_AB






sec 0.580 0.600 0.620 0.640 0.660 0.680 0.700

Figure 5.7: Overcurrent protection and Direct Transfer Trip signals

Main : Graphs
Ipv Iab





sec 0.560 0.580 0.600 0.620 0.640 0.660 0.680 0.700 0.720 0.740 0.760

Figure 5.8: Upstream faulty feeder and PV current fault currents

Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 show the performance of the DTT scheme. At the occurrence of the fault,
the overcurrent protection detects the fault (relay R2 in Figure 4.4). The relay issues a trip command
to the breaker and also issues a direct transfer trip command to the PV protection system. Figure
5.7 shows these signals as obtained in the simulation. The response to these signals is shown in
Figure 5.8. The upstream breaker and the PV unit are tripped at 0.653s, eliminating any chance of
relay R3 (in Figure 4.4) responding to trip the breaker, thereby islanding the PV unit.

5.2.2 Under voltage Protection

The under voltage protection was simulated for downstream high and low fault current
contributions. The measured voltage was obtained from the PCC.

Downstream, High fault contribution mitigation

As highlighted in section 4.5.3, at PV penetration levels of 62% and above, the overcurrent
protection is blinded, it does not operate for faults at bus X. The under voltage protection mitigates
this condition. Below is the sequence by which this is effected;

 A fault occurs at bus X in this case, with the PV contributing much of the fault current as
in Figure 4.9.
 The original overcurrent protection does not detect the fault because the PV contributes
much to the fault current as compared to the grid.
 The fault causes the voltage at the PCC to reduce to below 0.8 pu. This triggers the
undervoltage protection.
 The under voltage protection disables the PV unit and therefore its contribution to the fault
is curtailed.
 With the PV unit out of the system, the original overcurrent protection coordination is
 When the PV unit is disabled, the whole fault current will now be supplied by the grid.
 The overcurrent protection will now operate to isolate the original fault.

Main : Graphs
Ipv Igrid








sec 0.560 0.580 0.600 0.620 0.640 0.660 0.680 0.700 0.720 0.740

Figure 5.9: Grid and PV fault currents during fault

Figure 5.9 shows that at the instant of fault occurrence (at 0.6s), both the grid and PV unit supply
fault current, with the PV unit contributing much higher current. The under voltage protection
responds to disable the PV unit at 0.61s. The grid fault current contributions increases and then
tripped by overcurrent protection at 0.66s, since the disabling of the PV unit restores the original
overcurrent protection coordination.
Main : Graphs
Undervolt age_sig pu_pcc_vltg




sec 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90

Figure 5.10: Under voltage Response to high fault current contribution

Figure 5.10 shows the behaviour of the under voltage protection signal in relation to the pu voltage
at PCC when a fault occurs. The fault occurs at 0.6s. The pre-fault voltage at the PCC is at 1 pu
(bold red curve in Figure 5.10). At the occurrence of the fault, the voltage magnitude declines and
when it reaches 0.8 pu, the under voltage protection detects this situation and issues a signal (black
bold curve in Figure 5.10). This signal through the interfacing circuit described in section 5.1.3
disables the PV inverter.
Main : Graphs
V pv_inst








sec 0.580 0.590 0.600 0.610 0.620 0.630 0.640 0.650 0.660

Figure 5.11: Inverter Instantaneous voltages after under voltage protection operation.

Figure 5.11 above shows the PV inverter instantaneous voltages from the time of the fault until it
is disabled by protection. The inverter stops chopping the DC voltage from the PV after 0.67s.

Downstream Low Fault Current Mitigation

This problem as described in section 4.5.4 is mitigated by the under voltage protection. At
penetrations of solar PV of above 30%, the overcurrent protection coordination is affected. The
protection takes longer to trip and isolate the fault. In this case, the under voltage protection will
operate to isolate the fault. The mitigation process is as described for the high fault current scenario

5.2.3 ROCOF Protection

The protection operates as follows:

 A fault occurs on the downstream of the PV unit

 The overcurrent protection detects this fault and trips the upstream breaker, though with a
delayed response
 After the upstream breaker is tripped, frequency excursions are experienced due to the
imbalance created now between the PV unit power and the load
 The tripping of the upstream breaker will release the interlock for the ROCOF protection to
be able to operate
 If the frequency excursions are above ±1hz/s, the ROCOF protection operates to trip the
PV unit.

Figure 5.12 shows the frequency excursions and rate of change of this frequency experienced
by the PV system during and after the fault. The fault is initiated at 0.6s. This causes the
overcurrent protection to trip the upstream breaker. The tripping signal releases the ROCOF
protection interlock, which enables this protection to operate.

Main : Graphs



sec 0.590 0.600 0.610 0.620 0.630 0.640 0.650 0.660 0.670 0.680

Figure 5.12: Frequency excursions (above) and rate of change of frequency (below) during and after the fault

Figure 5.14shows that at 0.6s when the fault is initiated, the grid and the PV unit feed into the fault.
The overcurrent protection trips the upstream breaker at 0.674s. With the upstream breaker off, the
PV unit fault current contribution increases. However, the ROCOF protection which is enabled
detects the frequency excursions and trips the PV unit at 0.681s.
Main : Graphs







sec 0.65010 0.65020 0.65030 0.65040 0.65050 0.65060 0.65070

Figure 5.13: ROCOF and Upstream breaker signals

Main : Graphs
Ipv Igrid






sec 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.650 0.700 0.750 0.800 0.850 0.900 0.950

Figure 5.14: Upstream and PV currents show instants of fault initiation and tripping

5.2.4 Summary of Scenarios, Effects and Proposed Solutions

Table 5.3 below provides are summary of the simulated scenarios, the effects (or impacts) and the
solutions that have been proposed to tackle the identified impacts.

Table 5.3: Summary of Scenarios, effects and proposed solutions

Scenario Type Effect Proposed Solution

Upstream Fault Unintentional tripping of Overcurrent protection with

feeder were PV is connected communication link to PV unit
when fault is upstream

Downstream, Low Fault Loss of overcurrent protection Under voltage protection,

Current Contribution coordination, longer tripping ROCOF protection
times, Under voltage,
Eventual Islanding of PV unit,
Frequency excursions

Downstream, High Fault Non operation of overcurrent Under voltage protection

Current Contribution protection, Under voltage

Conclusions and Future Work
This chapter presents the conclusions that have been drawn after building models in PSCAD of the
CIGRE low voltage network and a typical medium voltage network and studying the impacts
associated with integrating solar on the overcurrent protection of the system. Prospects of future
work in this area are also presented in order to fully understand the subject and associated
mitigating solutions.

6.1 Conclusions

Solar PV is an attractive form of energy that promises energy security with many environmental
benefits. However, these benefits cannot be realized fully because integrating solar PV into a
traditional radial distribution network poses a number of challenges.

This thesis developed distribution models in EMTDC/PSCAD including inverse-time overcurrent

protection. Solar PV was added and its impact on overcurrent protection coordination was
investigated. These impacts as seen from the simulations, depend upon the location of the PV unit
and the penetration level. The location of the fault also determines the type of impact that is
experienced by the system. The level of solar penetration at which these impacts manifested for
faults on the downstream is about 30% and above, while on the upstream they manifested at about

From the study, the following conclusions can be made:

 When solar PV is present in a distribution grid, false tripping of feeders nuisance tripping
of protective devices blinding of protection, increase or decrease of fault current levels and
unwanted islanding are some of the impacts that are experienced by the grid. These impacts
are observed at solar PV penetration levels of 30% or more. Tripping times increase for
 Fault current levels increase/decrease. At the point of the fault, fault currents increase due
to the fact that all sources are contributing to the fault current, however, on the upstream of
the PV unit, the fault currents reduce. This is because the PV unit is now contributing a part
of the fault current.
 The theoretical hosting capacity in terms of protection was determined to be about 62%.
 Protection against unintended islanding proved adequate in solving some of the identified
impacts. The following solutions have been found in this thesis to be effective: Direct
Transfer Trip, under voltage protection and ROCOF protection.

6.2 Future Work

The main focus in this thesis was to study the steady state impacts of solar PV on the protection
system of the CIGRE and a typical medium voltage distribution networks. In this case, variation of
solar insolation was not considered. The study can be extended to look at the following:

 Variation in power production by solar.

 The effects on other protection schemes other than overcurrent protection.
 Meshed networks with other types of DERs.
 Optimal location of solar PV


[1] Wikipedia, "Growth of photovoltaics," [Online]. Available:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_of_photovoltaics. [Accessed 1 June 2016].

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Appendix A
A. CIGRE network Data

Table A.1: Data for the CIGRE LV network

Line Node Node R'ph X'ph R'o X'o l

Segment from to [Ω/km] [Ω/km] [Ω/km] [Ω/km] [m]
1 R1 R2 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
2 R2 R3 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
3 R3 R4 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
4 R4 R5 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
5 R5 R6 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
6 R6 R7 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
7 R7 R8 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
8 R8 R9 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
9 R9 R10 0.163 0.136 0.490 0.471 35
10 R3 R11 1.541 0.206 2.334 1.454 30
11 R4 R12 0.266 0.151 0.733 0.570 35
12 R12 R13 0.266 0.151 0.733 0.570 35
13 R13 R14 0.266 0.151 0.733 0.570 35
14 R14 R15 0.326 0.158 0.860 0.630 30
15 R6 R16 0.569 0.174 1.285 0.865 30
16 R9 R17 1.541 0.206 2.334 1.454 30
17 R10 R18 1.111 0.195 1.926 1.265 30

Table A.2: Loads of European LV distribution network benchmark

Node Maximum Demand of Each Contribution of group to max Power

Consumer Group feeder demand Factor
[kVA] [kVA]
R11 15 5.7 0.85
R15 72 57 0.85
R16 55 25 0.85
R17 15 5.7 0.85
R18 47 25 0.85
I2 70 70 0.85
C12 20 11 0.85
C13 8 4.4 0.85
C14 25 13.8 0.85
C17 16 8.8 0.85
C18 8 4.4 0.85
C19 25 13.8 0.85
C20 20 11 0.85
Appendix B
B. Data for a typical MV distribution network in SWEDEN

Table B.1: Line parameters of a typical medium voltage network

From To Length Cable type R (Ω) X (Ω)

Substation A 1175 AXCE3*1*240/35 0.15274 0.12919
A B 638 AXCE3*1*150/25 0.13406 0.07421
B C 403 AXKJ3*185/50 0.06445 0.03923
C D 200 AXKJ3*185/50 0.03197 0.01946
D E 354 AXKJ3*185/50 0.05664 0.03448
E F 890 AXKJ3*185/50 0.1424 0.08668
F --> 467 AXKJ3*185/50 0.07466 0.04544
--> G 6 AXLJ 0.00075 0.00032
G --> 7 AXLJ 0.00086 0.00037
--> --> 300 AXCE3*1*150/25 0.06296 0.03485
--> --> 142 AXKJ3*185/50 0.02272 0.01383
--> --> 403 Axclight3*240/25 0.05043 0.03802
--> H 6 AXLJ-TT 0.00073 0.00031
H --> 9 AXLJ-TT 0.0011 0.00047
--> --> 361 AXLJ3*240/35 0.04694 0.02836
--> --> 503 AXLJ3*240/35 0.06536 0.03949
--> --> 209 AXLJ3*240/35 0.0272 0.01643
--> I 6 AXLJ-TT 0.00078 0.00033
I --> 6 AXLJ-TT 0.00078 0.00033
--> --> 714 AXLJ3*240/35 0.09277 0.05605
--> J 467 AXLJ3*240/35 0.06071 0.03668
J --> 498 Axclight-O 0.06226 0.04694
--> --> 32 AXCE3*1*240/35 0.00413 0.0035
--> --> 63 AXLJ3*240/35 0.00813 0.00491
--> K 9 AXLJ-TT 0.00115 0.00049
K --> 6 AXKJ3*1*240/35 0.00075 0.00046
--> --> 647 AXLJ3*240/35 0.0841 0.05081
--> L 98 AXLJ3*240/35 0.01268 0.00766
L --> 94 AXLJ3*240/35 0.01222 0.00738

--> --> 585 AXLJ3*240/35 0.07608 0.04596
--> M 5 AXLJ-TT 0.0006 0.00026
M --> 4 AXLJ-TT 0.00055 0.00023
--> --> 503 AXLJ3*240/35 0.06544 0.03594
--> --> 472 AXLJ3*240/35 0.0613 0.03703
--> N 258 AXCEL3*240/35 0.03348 0.02427
N --> 280 AXCEL3*240/35 0.03635 0.02635
--> O 407 Axclight-O 0.05086 0.03835
O --> 410 Axclight-O 0.05121 0.03861
--> P 664 AXCEL3*240/35 0.08628 0.06255
P --> 25 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.01613 0.00348
--> Q 137 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.08742 0.01888
Q --> 19 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.01203 0.0026
--> --> 56 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.03603 0.00778
--> --> 436 AXLJ3*240/35 0.05672 0.03427
--> --> 499 AXLJ3*240/35 0.06483 0.03917
--> R 218 AXLJ3*240/35 0.02839 0.01715
R --> 765 AXLJ3*240/35 0.0994 0.06005
--> --> 570 AXCE3*1*240/35 0.07404 0.06262
--> S 12 AXCE3*1*240/35 0.00151 0.00128
P T 1217 AXCE3*95/25 0.38954 0.13385
O U 544 Axclight-O 0.3487 0.06836
K --> 8 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.00499 0.00108
--> --> 61 AXLJ3*240/35 0.00792 0.00478
--> --> 29 AXLJ-TT 0.00361 0.00154
--> --> 466 AXKJ3*95/25 0.14912 0.0571
--> --> 7 Axclight-O 0.00089 0.00067
--> V 76 Axclight-O 0.00949 0.00715
K --> 6 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.0039 0.00084
--> --> 377 AXLJ3*50/16 0.24122 0.03907
--> W 567 AXLJ3*50/16 0.36314 0.05882
H --> 5 AXLJ-TT 0.00058 0.00025
--> --> 733 Axclight3*240/25 0.09158 0.06905
--> --> 567 AXLJ3*50/16 0.07093 0.05348

--> X 6 AXLJ 0.00073 0.00031
X --> 5 AXCE3*1*50/16 0.00314 0.00068
--> --> 60 Axclight3*50/16 0.03846 0.00754
--> --> 505 Axclight3*50/16 0.32358 0.06344
--> Y 1038 Axclight3*240/25 0.1298 0.09787
E --> 254 AXCEL3*240/35 0.03298 0.02391
--> --> 3 AXLJ 0.00041 0.00018
--> --> 3 AXLJ 0.00041 0.00018
--> Z 149 ACEL3*240/35 0.01931 0.014
Z AA 214 AXKJ3*185/50 0.03429 0.02087
A AB 358 AXCE3*1*150/25 0.07524 0.04165
AB AC 457 AXCE3*1*150/25 0.09589 0.05307
AC AD 334 Axclight3*240/25 0.04169 0.03143

Appendix C
Table C.1: Typical MV network fault analysis at B

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: B

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 34.45 28.88 -16.2%

PV 0 0.065 0 12.9 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 34.43 28.85 -16.2%

B 0.154 0.156 34.43 41.71 21.1%

C 0.128 0.129 0.029 0.028 -3.4%

D 0.101 0.102 0.021 0.021 0.0%

E 0.076 0.077 0.014 0.013 -7.1%

F 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.004 -20.0%

G 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.004 -20.0%

H 0.029 0.028 0.005 0.004 -20.0%

X 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.0%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.027 0.029 7.4%

Table C.2: Typical MV fault analysis C

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: C

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 28.07 22.9 -18.4%

PV 0 0.065 0 10.23 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 28.04 22.86 -18.5%

B 0.154 0.156 28.04 33.047 17.9%

C 0.128 0.129 28.04 33.04 17.8%

D 0.101 0.102 0.022 0.022 0.0%

E 0.076 0.077 0.014 0.013 -7.1%

F 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.004 -20.0%

G 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.004 -20.0%

H 0.029 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

X 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.0%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.031 0.034 9.7%

Table C.3: Typical MV fault analysis D

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: D

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 25.71 22.65 -11.9%

PV 0 0.065 0 10.12 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 25.67 22.61 -11.9%

B 0.154 0.156 25.67 32.688 27.3%

C 0.128 0.129 25.67 32.681 27.3%

D 0.101 0.102 25.67 32.679 27.3%

E 0.076 0.077 0.014 0.014 0.0%

F 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

G 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

H 0.029 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

X 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.0%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.032 0.033 3.1%

Table C.4: Typical MV fault analysis E

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: E

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 22.5 19.169 -14.8%

PV 0 0.065 0 8.562 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 22.47 19.13 -14.9%

B 0.154 0.156 22.47 27.659 23.1%

C 0.128 0.129 22.46 27.649 23.1%

D 0.101 0.102 22.45 27.644 23.1%

E 0.076 0.077 22.45 27.638 23.1%

F 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

G 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

H 0.029 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

X 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.0%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.005 0.005 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.0%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.036 0.039 8.3%

Table C.5: Typical MV analysis F

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: F

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 18.33 13.981 -23.7%

PV 0 0.065 0 6.245 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 18.29 13.938 -23.8%

B 0.154 0.156 18.29 20.16 10.2%

C 0.128 0.129 18.28 20.145 10.2%

D 0.101 0.102 18.27 20.134 10.2%

E 0.076 0.077 18.26 20.123 10.2%

F 0.027 0.028 18.24 20.109 10.2%

G 0.027 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

H 0.029 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.0%

X 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.0%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.008 0.008 0.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.007 0.008 14.3%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.039 0.043 10.3%

Table C.6: Typical fault analysis H

Fault Analysis with 30% PV penetration

Fault location: H

Bus/Location Normal Current (kA) Fault Current (kA) % Increase with

Without PV With PV Without PV With PV

Grid 0.209 0.145 10.577 6.721 -36.5%

PV 0 0.065 0 5.061 N/A

A 0.157 0.09 10.258 6.773 -34.0%

B 0.154 0.156 10.604 11.389 7.4%

C 0.128 0.129 10.594 11.379 7.4%

D 0.101 0.102 10.585 11.37 7.4%

E 0.076 0.077 10.526 10.723 1.9%

F 0.027 0.028 9.778 10.504 7.4%

G 0.027 0.028 9.778 10.504 7.4%

H 0.029 0.028 9.766 10.504 7.6%

X 0.013 0.014 0.003 0.002 -33.3%

Z 0.027 0.027 0.02 0.021 5.0%

AA 0.027 0.027 0.021 0.02 -4.8%

AC 0.055 0.055 0.0497 0.05 0.6%


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