Business Economi
Business Economi
Business Economi
1) Since 1951, India has been a ------ economy.
a) Socialist b) Mixed c) Capitalist d) Feudal
2) The fiscal crisis faced by the Indian economy in 1990s
was caused primarily by
a) Widening gap between imports and exports
b) Difference between savings and investments
c) Widening gap between government expenditure
and revenue
d) Difference between aggregate demand and aggregate
3) Which of the following factors was one of the primary
causes of the balance of payments crisis in 1991?
a) Low rate of inflation
b) Surplus budget
c) High interest rate
d) Rising oil price and poor remittances
4) One of the policies adopted to make public sector more
efficient was
a) Increasing operational control on public enterprises by
the government
b) Maintaining public sector monopoly
c) Increasing government’s shareholding in public
d) Raising fresh equity from the market
5) Which of the following was not a feature of the New
Industrial Policy 1991?
a) Permitted foreign investment
b) Removal of MRTP limit
c) Setting up of new public sector enterprises
d) Abolition of industrial licensing
6) Which of the following measures did not form a part of
fiscal correction in 1991?
a) Raising tax rates
b) Reducing budgetary support to public enterprises
c) Increasing tax collection
d) Cutting down subsidies
7) Which of the following measures was implemented by
the government in order to reduce current account deficit?
a) Devaluation of the rupee
b) Revaluation of the rupee
c) Strict exchange control
d) Import restrictions were increased
8) The fiscal situation in India had been under mounting
pressure especially since _____ due to widening gap
between the revenue and expenditure of the government.
a) 1991
b) 1980
c) 1970
d) 1990
9) As a consequence the fiscal deficit rose to ____ percent
of GDP in 1990-91.
a) 8.7%
b) 7.7%
c) 9.7%
d) 29%
10) The CRR was raised from to ___ in July 1989.
a) 15%
b) 14%
c) 13%
d) 20%
11) which of the following sentences would best describe
the Indian economy in 1990-91
a) High inflation low foreign exchange reserves
b) Low inflation low foreign exchange reserves
c) Huge current account deficit fiscal surplus
d) Current account surplus hug fiscal deficit
12) One of the measure adopted to control inflation in
1990-91 was __
a) Raising CRR and SLR
b) Lowering of CRR and SLR
c) Lowering of bank rate
d) Restricting imports of essential commodities
13) Which of the following measures was adopted in 1991
to stabilise the economy
a) Control of inflation
b) Banking sector reforms
c) Capital market reforms
d) Insurance reforms
14) The FDI limit in the insurance sector in India is
a) 49%
b) 100%
c) 79%
d) 26%
15) Which of the following is an important banking sector
reform introduced in 1991?
a) Introduction prudential norms
b) RBI determined interest rates
c) Raising SLR and CRR
d) SLR and CRR
16) Capital adequacy norms help to
a) Maintain financial stability
b) Control inflation stability
c) Reduce balance of payments deficit
d) Increase bank’s profits
17) Capital market reform includes
a) Deregulation of interest rates
b) Introduction of capital adequacy norms
c) Setting up of SEBI
d) Special recovery tribunals
18) Currently the government’s expenditure on public
health is only _____ of GDP.
a) 1.15%
b) 2.15%
c) 3.15%
d) 0.15%
19) The Indian public health standards were published in
a) 2007
b) 2008
c) 2009
d) 2010
20) National health mission was launched in
a) 2013
b) 2014
c) 2015
d) 2016
21) Universal immunisation programme was launched in
a) 1985
b) 1999
c) 1986
d) 1988
22) Pulse polio programme in order to eradicate polio, the
pulse polio programme was launched in _______.
a) 1996
b) 1995
c) 1999
d) 1994
23) The Rashtrya Arogya Nidhi was set up in____ to
provide financial support to patients .
a) 1997
b) 1998
c) 2000
d) 1995
24) Increase life expectancy to 70 years by ______.
a) 2025
b) 2026
c) 2027
d) 2023
25) Reduce prevalence of blindness to 0.25 per 1000 by
a) 2026
b) 2025
c) 2027
d) 2030
26) Which of the following is a programme aimed at
controlling the spread of communicable diseases?
a) National TB control programme
b) National mental health programme
c) National oral health programme
d) National programme for prevention and control of
27) The ______ provides a reference point for the
functioning of the public health centres.
a) Indian public health rules
b) Indian public health standards
c) Indian public health guidelines
d) Indian public health manual
28) AIIMS are at the ____ level of public health
a) Primary
b) Tertiary
c) Secondary
d) Primary and secondary
29) Community health centres are located at the _____
level of public health infrastructure.
a) Secondary
b) Tertiary
c) Primary
d) Only tertiary
30) The scheme for improving access to secondary
education is _____.
a) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
b) Rashtriya madhyamik shiksha abhiyan
c) Model schools scheme
d) National programme for education of girls at
elementary level
31) The scheme for providing residential schools as
elementary level for girls is __
a) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
b) Model schools scheme
c) National programme for education of girls at
elementary level
d) Rashtriya madhyamik shisha abhiyan
32) Which of the following is not true of the right to
education act?
a) Free education to all children between 6 and 14 years
b) It was enacted in 2009
c) It is an adult literacy programme
d) It is aimed at providing quality elementary education
33) Accounting to the human development report 2016
India’s HDI rank is ___ among 188 countries.
a) 141
b) 131
c) 125
d) 100
34) Which of the following describe the change in India
after 1991?
a) Reduced private investment in education and health
b) Increased formal jobs creation
c) Reduced subsidies to social sector in relative
d) Increased job security
35) Rashtriya swasthya bima yojana provides health
insurance coverage to
a) Only women and children
b) The entire population
c) Workers in the organized sector
d) Workers in the unorganized sector
36) India has made remarkable achievements in terms of
economic growth since the economic reforms of _______.
a) 1990
b) 1991
c) 1992
d) 1993
37) Digitalization of ration cards using Aadhar for
authenticating delivery of benefits in ______ goal.
a) Second
b) First
c) Fourteen
d) seventeen
38) Conserve and sustainably use oceans seas and
marine resources in _________ goal.
a) 14
b) 17
c) 09
d) 05
39) Build resilient infrastructure promote inclusive and
sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
a) 05
b) 09
c) 17
d) 14
40) Ensure healthy life and promote well being for all ____
a) Goal 3
b) Goal 14
c) Goal 17
d) Goal 09
41) Which of the following is not included in UNDP’s HDI
a) Health
b) Culture
c) Education
d) Standard of living
42) Sustainable development includes which of the
a) Economics development
b) Social development
c) Environment development
d) Economics, social and environment development
43) _____ is responsible for coordinating the SDGS in
a) NITI Aayog
b) Planning commission
c) Ministry of finance
d) Ministry of human resources development
44) _____ is an initiative to make India a manufacturing
a) Make in India
b) NIT Aayog
c) Skill India
d) Invest India
45) The scheme for skill training of youth to be
implemented through the national skill development
corporation is____.
a) National skill development mission
b) Pradhan mantra kaushal vikas yojana
c) Skill loan scheme
d) Loan scheme
46) Invest in India was set up in _________ year.
a) 2010
b) 2014
c) 2019
d) 2015
47) Skill India was launched in _____.
a) July 2015
b) July 2016
c) July 2014
d) July 2010
48) Economic development is ____ concept.
a) Broader
b) Small
c) Narrow
d) Large
49) Invest India is dedicated to promote ________
a) Foreign
b) Domestic
c) International
d) National
50) The FDI policy ______ has given a boost to foreign
investment in start ups.
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2015
51) The New Industrial policy 1991 gave _____ boost to
FDI in India.
a) Major
b) Smaller
c) Important
d) Special
52) Which country has been the highest source of FDI to
India during April-December 2017?
a) Japan
b) Mauritius
c) Singapore
d) USA
53) Which of the following sectors has received the
highest FDI equity investment in India during April –
December 2017?
a) Telecommunication
b) Software
c) Retail
d) Banking
54) Which of the following is not one of the benefits of
a) Transfer of technology
b) Culture of consumerism
c) Infrastructure development
d) Sectoral development
55) In the NIP 1991 the government introduced automatic
approval of up to 51% of foreign ownership in ____
a) 34
b) 33
c) 43
d) 23
56) The united nations conference on trade and
development ranked India as the _____ most favourable
foreign investment destinations in 2016
a) 9th
b) 14th
c) 10th
d) 7th
57) Many multinational companies operating in India since
the ______ period
a) British
b) Before independence
c) After independence
d) Post independence
58) FDI in retail sector in India has raised a debate on
______ effects on retail sector.
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Mixed
d) Same
59) Foreign currency deposits of ________ citizens of the
a) Non- resident
b) Resident
c) Resident as well as non resident
d) Only resident
60) Which of the following best describes horizontal
foreign direct investment?
a) FDI in the same industry abroad as the foreign
investor firm
b) Long term lending to foreign firm
c) FDI into industry that uses the firm’s output
d) FDI into industry that inputs to the firm
61) Fiscal deficit was brought down from _____ of GDP in
1990-91 to 4.9% in 1995-96.
a) 7.7%
b) 6.7%
c) 7.1%
d) 7.5%
62) The bank rate was raised to ___ percent in 0ctober
1991 to curb excessive liquidity.
a) 12%
b) 11%
c) 7.7%
d) 10%
63) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ___.
a) 2006
b) 2005
c) 2007
d) 2003
64) According to census 2011, youth population in the age
group 15-24 in India constitutes 19.1% of total
population .In 2020, this will reach ____.
a) 34.33%
b) 43.33%
c) 23.33%
d) 13.33%
65) Sub centres are located in underdeveloped and
remote rural areas, each covering population of 3000 to
___ population.
a) 15000
b) 5000
c) 25000
d) 35000
66) Community health centres are primarily in semi-urban
areas covering between __ and ___people.
a) 8000 to 12000
b) 80000 to 120000
c) 18000 to 24000
d) 28000 to 30000
67) The united nation general assembly in September
2015, adopted the ____ Agenda for sustainable
development that includes 17 sustainable development
goals also called global goals.
a) 2030
b) 2040
c) 2025
d) 2022
68) MNCs are an important form of contact between more
and less ______ countries
a) Developing
b) Under developed
c) Developed
d) Only developing
69) The abolition of FIPB , the FDI policy ____.
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2020
70) Greenfield foreign investments are beneficial to the
___ country.
a) Host country
b) Foreign country
c) Only host country
d) Only foreign country
Business Economics
Class : TYBCOM Subject : Business Economics V
Semester V Module : III
Q.2) Which goods has been defined as any product or equipment used as a plant and
machinery for agricultural, industrial and commercial activities.
A) Consumer Goods
B) Intermediate Goods
C) Capital Goods
D) Primary Goods
Q.3) MRTP Act was introduced in _______ to prevent the creation of monopolies by private
A) 1971
B) 1969
C) 2000
D) 1975
Q.5) _________ proposed the adoption of a new competition law and phasing out of the MRTP
A) Raghavan committee
B) Narsimha committee
C) Kelkar committee
D) Basel committee
Q.9) Which of the following is not a part of the New Industrial Policy 1991?
A) Increased investment in public sector enterprises
B) Abolition of licensing policy
C) Encouraging foreign direct investment
D) Amendment of MRTP Act
Q.11) ______ looks after to eliminate practices having adverse effect on competition, to
promote and sustain competition in markets in India.
B) Anti-competitive agreements
Q.12) Which of the following is not an objective of the Competition Act 2002?
A) Prohibition of ant-competition agreement
B) Regulation of combinations
C) Control of monopolies
D) Prohibition of abuse of dominant position
Q.14) _______ involves the sale of equity and bond capital invested by the government in
A) Privatisation
B) Mergers and acquisitions
C) Globalization
D) Disinvestment
Q.16) _____ method allows auction of shares on the platform provided by the stock exchange
and done by promoters.
D) Strategic Sale
Q.23) According to the Public Enterprises Survey 2016-17, _____ was loss making PSU.
B) Coal India
C) Tata motors
D) Air India
Q.24) Which of the following statements is not true of the PSUs in India?
A) They have generated large scale employment
B) They have high returns on investment
C) They have saved foreign exchange
D) They have created a diversified industrial base for India
Q.25) _______ is the nodal development agency for the MSME sector.
A) Divisional Commissioner MSME
B) Development Commissioner MSME
C) Directorate General MSME
D) Development Council MSME
Q.26) According to the MSME Act, micro manufacturing units are classified as those
with investment limit of
A) 25 lakhs
B) 50 lakhs
C) 1 crore
D) 75 lakhs
Q.29) The scheme to improve ease of doing business in the MSME sector is
Q.30) _______ units in the ________ sector have an investment range between rs. 2 crore
and rs. 5 crore.
A) Medium, manufacturing
B) Micro, manufacturing
C) Small, Service
D) Medium, service
Q.31) A separate ministry for small industries was set up in
A) 1991
B) 1999
C) 2007
D) 2005
Q.33) In 1999, the investment limit of the small scale unit was determined at
A) 25 lakh
B) 50 lakh
C) 1 crore
D) 5 crore
Q.35) ______ is a SIDBI initiative that provides capital to new SME start-ups.
B) Credit Guarantee Fund Trust
D) SIDBI Venture Capital Ltd
Q.36) _______ deals with the problem of delayed payments by buyers to MSME
Q.41) Which one of the following industries produce sulfur dioxide and flu ash as
A) Textile industries
B) Cottage industries
C) Thermal industries
D) Coal industries
Q.43) ______ conducts environmental assessment and research and responsible for
maintaining national standards under various environmental laws.
A) Central Pollution Control Board
B) Central Pollutants Control Board
C) Central Pesticides Control Board
D) Central Performance Controlling Board
Q.44) _____ wastes are generated by the healthcare industry, chemical industry and
nuclear plants.
A) Industrial waste
B) Toxic Waste
C) Biodegradable materials waste
D) Soil pollutants
Q.46) Which city is most polluted among indian cities as per WHO?
A) Kerala
B) Kanpur
C) Raipur
D) Gujrat
Q.47) Which of the following is not true of toxic wastes in India?
A) There are highly efficient systems for their disposal
B) They can be caused by e-wastes
C) Handling them can be fatal at times
D) These constitute 10-15% of industrial wastes
Q.49) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Indian health care industry?
A) Every citizen has access to high quality services
B) Inadequate infrastructure
C) High incidences of diseases
D) Inadequate insurance coverage
Q.51) Which of the following activities does not belong to the services sector in India?
A) Retail trade
B) Real state
C) Insurance
D) Automobile
Q.54) The FDI limit permitted for all health related services under automatic route is
A) 51%
B) 100%
C) 74%
D) 26%
Q.56) ________ involves visiting natural areas without disturbing the fragile ecosystem.
A) Medical tourism
B) Eco tourism
C) Adventure tourism
D) Heritage tourism
Q.57) _________ refers to the remote diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients via
video conferencing or the internet.
A) Online checkup
B) Tele consultation
C) E-consultation
D) Telemedicine
Q.59) Income tax exception for _______ years is given to hospitals in rural areas, Tier II
and Tier III cities.
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
1) Which of the following measures did not form a part of fiscal correlation in 1991?
a) Increasing tax collection
b) b) cutting down subsidies
c) c) reducing budgetary support to public enterprises
d) d) raising tax rates
2) Which of the following factors was one of the primary causes of the balance of
payments crisis in 1991?
a) Low rate of inflation
b) b) surplus budget
c) c) high interest rate
d) d) rising oil price and poor remittances
3) In which year Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act was
a) 1990
b) b) 1995
c) c) 1996
d) 1999
5) Which of the following is not a part of changes in industrial sector post 1991
a) Industrial licensing under which every entrepreneur had to get permission
from government officials to start a firm was abolished except in some sector.
b) Some goods could be produced only in small scale industries.
c) Controls on price fixation and distribution of selected industrial products.
d) All the above
6) According to 2011 Census, the overall literacy rate in India is about________
a) 64%
b) 72%
c) 74%
d) 82%
13) Which of the following is the limitation of New Agriculture Policy 2000.
a) Neglect small and marginal farmers
b) Fails to cover all states
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
18) _____ are the prices which farmer are assured to receive.
a) Minimum support prices
b) Issue prices
c) Maximum support prices
d) None of these
38) At present how many public sector banks are working in India?
a) 27
b) 25
c) 29
d) 21
39) Which of the following term is not used in the Formation of Monetary
a) Cash Reserve Ratio
b) Repo Rate
c) Bank Rate
d) Blue chip
40) Which is the country’s third largest private sector lender whose name has been
officially changed to the Axis Bank ltd?
a) HDFC Bank
b) Lord Krishna Bank
c) Centurion Bank
d) UTI Bank
41) Which of the following is not the function of the Reserve Bank of India ?
a) Acting as banker to the Government
b) Keeping of Foreign Exchange Reserve
c) Issuing of one rupee notes and coins
d) Regulating credit in the country
42) In which denomination were India's first bimetallic coins issued in the year 2009?
a) Rs. 100
b) Rs. 5
c) Rs. 10
d) Re. 1
43) What does M in M-Banking Facility being offered by banks to their customers,
stand for?
a) Money
b) Marginal
c) Message
d) Mobile Phone
44) The share of State Govt. in the capital of Regional Rural Bank is –
b) 35%
c) 25%
d) 15%
46) Which of the following is not the main players of Indian money market?
a) Government
b) RBI
c) Commercial bank
d) Over the counter exchange of India
47) Which of the following measures absorb liquidity from the financial system?
a) Repo
b) Reverse Repo
c) Marginal standing facility
d) Buying of securities under open market operation
48) Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) are allowed the companies to register only in
a) Only equity shares
b) Only debt markets
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
49) Mutual funds play an important role in Indian capital markets as
a) Speculators in stock market
b) Investment avenue for small investors
c) Promoter of large scale industries
d) None of the above
98) In the case of relatively elastic demand, the money burden of tax is on
a) More on seller
b) More on buyer
c) Entirely on seller
d) Entirely on buyer
99. When the supply is more elastic, the money burden of tax is on
a) More on seller
b) More on buyer
c) Entirely on seller
d) Entirely on buyer
100) Since 1951, India has been a ___ economy.
a) Socialist
b) Mixed
c) Capitalist
d) Feudal
101) The fiscal crisis faced by the Indian economy in 1990s was caused
primarily by_______
a) Widening gap between imports and exports
b) Difference between savings and investments
c) Widening gap between government expenditure and revenue
d) Difference between aggregate demand and aggregate supply
102) Which of the following factors was one of the primary causes of the
balance of payments crisis in 1991?
a) Low rate of inflation
b) Surplus budget
c) High interest rate
d) Rising oil price and poor remittances
103) Which of the following sentences would best describe the Indian
economy in 1990-1991?
a) High inflation, low foreign exchange reserves
b) Low inflation, low foreign exchange reserves
c) Huge current account deficit, fiscal surplus
d) Current account surplus, huge fiscal deficit
104) Which of the following measures was adopted in 1991 to stabilize the
a) Banking sector reforms
b) Capital market reforms
c) Control of inflation
d) Insurance reforms
1. 105) One of the measures adopted to control inflation in 1990-91 was
a) Lowering of CRR and SLR
b) Lowering of bank rate
c) Raising CRR and SLR
d) Restricting imports of essential commodities
2. 106) Which of the following measures did not form a part of fiscal correction in
a) Increasing tax collection
b) Cutting down subsidies
c) Reducing budgetary support to public enterprises
d) Raising tax rates
109) Which of the following was not a feature of the New Industrial Policy
a) Abolition of industrial licensing
b) Setting up of new public sector enterprises
c) Permitted foreign investment
d) Removal of MRTP limit
110) One of the policies adopted to make public sector more efficient was
a) Raising fresh equity from the market
b) Increasing government’s shareholding in public enterprises
c) Maintaining public sector monopoly
d) Increasing operational control on public enterprises by the government
111) Which of the following is an important banking sector reform introduced
in 1991?
a) Raising CRR and SLR
b) RBI determined interest rates
c) Introduction of prudential norms
d) None of the above
116) Which of the following describes the change in India after 1991?
a) Reduced private investment in education and health
b) Increased job security
c) Reduced subsidies to social sector in relative terms
d) Increased formal jobs creation
117) According to the Human Development Report 2016, India’s HDI rank is
___ among 188 countries.
a) 131
b) 125
c) 141
d) 100
118) Which of the following is not true of the Right to Education Act?
a) Free education to all children between 6 and 14 years
b) It was enacted in 2009
c) It is an adult literacy program
d) It is aimed at providing quality elementary education
119) The scheme for providing residential schools as elementary level for
girls is
a) National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Level
b) Model Schools Scheme
c) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
d) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya
121) Community Health Centers are located at the ___ level of public health
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) None of the above
123) The ___ provides a reference point for the functioning of the public
health centres.
a) Indian Public Health Standards
b) Indian Public Health Guidelines
c) Indian Public Health Manual
d) Indian Public Health Rules
124) Which of the following is a programme aimed at controlling the spread of
communicable diseases?
a) National Oral Health Programme
b) National Mental Health Programme
c) National TB Control Programme
d) National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness
125) ___ is a fund that financially supports poor patients suffering from major
life threatening illness.
a) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
b) Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi
c) Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Yojana
d) All the above
132) The scheme for skill training of youth to be implemented through the
National skill development corporation is
a) National Skill Development Mission
b) Pradhan Mantra Kaushal Vikas Yojana
c) Skill Loan Scheme
d) All the above
139) Which of the following was not a part of the FDI policy 2017?
a) Strengthening the FIPB
b) Introduction of Foreign Investment Facilitation Portal
c) Introduction of Standard Operating Procedures
d) Issue of Convertible Notes by Start-Ups.
140) Which of the following sectors has received the highest FDI equity
investment in India during April- December 2017?
a) Retail
b) Telecommunication
c) Banking
d) Software
141) Which country has been the highest source of FDI to India during April-
December 2017?
a) Japan
b) USA
c) Singapore
d) Mauritius
142) Which of the following is a union tax?
a. Corporation tax
b. Taxes on agricultural income
c. Capitation taxes
d. Land revenues
143) The tax levied by the union government on income of individuals is known as
a. Personal income tax
b. Interest tax
c. Wealth tax
d. Corporation tax
144) The tax on net income of companies is
a. Personal income tax
b. Interest tax
c. Wealth tax
d. Corporation tax
145) The most important source of revenue to the states is
a. Sales tax
b. Service tax
c. Fees and Fines
d. Income Tax
146) The difference between revenue expenditure and revenue receipts is
a. Revenue deficit
b. Fiscal deficit
c. Budget deficit
d. Primary deficit
147) Which of the following statement would describe the term "Public Finance"?
a) It is a study of economic efficiency, allocation and distribution of
resources, income and spending activities of Public authorities.
b) It is a study of only the public sector banking system in the economy
c) It is a study of only the finances of the general public and their pattern of
d) It is a study of the direct and indirect taxes in an economy.
158) The Annual Account of both the income and expenditure of government is called:
A) Plan
B) Budget
C) Manifesto
159) Which of the following is a canon/principle of taxation?
a) Canon of Equality
b) Canon of Excludability
c) Canon of secrecy
d) Canon of durability
160) In proportional tax system, the rates of tax remain:
(a) Constant
(B) increasing
(c) decreasing
(d) zero
161) Special Assessment means:
(a) A tax on spe0cial benefits
(b) General tax on all people
(c) A periodical tax
(d) Gift tax
162) Which is the tax shifting?
(a) To bear the tax burden himself
(b) To shift the tax burden on others
c) To bear some part of the tax himself and shift the rest on others
(d) To avoid paying tax
172)To promote financial inclusion, on 28 August 2014, the following new scheme was
a) Garibi Hatao
b) The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
c) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (MGNREGA)
173) Which one of the following schemes was introduced under operational technology?
a) ATMs
b) Mobile banking
c) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
d) All the above
174)Since 1991 commercial banks have succeeded in
a) Expanding branches
b) Deposit mobilisation
c) Increase in lending
d) All the above
173)Which of the following is not a part of the New Industrial Policy 1991?
a) Increased investment in public sector enterprises
b) Abolition of licensing policy
c) Encouraging foreign direct investment
d) Amendment of MRTP Act
174)IIP measures
a) Industrial inputs inflation
b) Growth of industrial production
c) Growth of industrial investment
d) Growth of industrial exports