April2018 Master Rules FAQ1
April2018 Master Rules FAQ1
April2018 Master Rules FAQ1
“Kill 1 (and only 1) enemy model this round with your models’ actions.”
Page 29: Add the following term definition to the list of terms defined:
“Comes/Moves Within Range: Wherever game rules refer to or are triggered by an enemy
model coming or moving into range, this refers to an enemy model moving or being moved within the
range in question, whether or not they began outside the range or not.”
Page 39: Change the first sentence of the Ranged Attacks paragraph to the following:
“When an enemy model activates, performs actions, or has any amount of movement pass
within range of an On Hold model’s Ranged Attacks, the On Hold model may immediately perform that
Ranged Attack Action targeting the active model, exactly as it would during its own activation.”
Page 44: Add the following paragraph immediately after the opening paragraph of Template Attacks:
“Like other Ranged Attacks, Template Attacks have some universal rules that are applied in all
of their uses. Template Attacks ignore AS penalties from Terrain Keywords and may never be
purposefully placed in a way that would potentially hit friendly models. Blasts or malfunctions that
deviate or scatter from their intended placement can and will automatically hit any models that end up
under their respective template.”
Page 51: Replace the definition of Enhanced Optics with the following:
“Enhanced Optics: When this model Aims, it gains an additional +1 AS. Additionally, it ignores
Light Cover and treats Heavy Cover as Light Cover for its attacks.”
Page 63: Scenario 3: Burying the Dead’s first paragraph under Set-Up should read as follows:
“During battlefield Set-Up, a Blast (3) Template (or marker of the same shape and size) is placed
at the center of the battlefield to represent the Open Grave. The Open Grave is an Objective Marker and
a Terrain Feature with the Does Not Block Line of Sight, Light Cover, Rough, and Sunken keywords.”
General FAQ
Q: With many of the newer faction books, some special abilities have been modified and/or changed.
Which version of these abilities should be used?
A: In the case of abilities with the same name having different effect, please refer to the wording on
that particular model’s Stat Card. (After ensuring nothing official has changed in the online Errata)
Q: If an assault group’s weapon ability says that it automatically hits, do you still roll for any listed (or
modified) Malfunction possibilities?
A: Yes, like with a weapon with Crush, you might automatically pass the TN number to hit, but you still
need to roll to make sure it does not Malfunction (if it is capable of doing so). This roll is not a normal
attack roll and cannot result in a Critical Hit or Critical Failure; it is merely to determine if the potential
auto-hit Malfunctions.
Q: When targeting a point on the battlefield with a Blast Template, does the attacker have to have Line
of Sight to the point?
A: No.
Q: If an effect causes a Counter to be placed on the battlefield, what size is the Counter?
A: For all Counters where size has gameplay importance (such as Scavenge), these Counters should be
represented by a 30mm base or token.
Q: Is Charging a specific action to be taken, as opposed to what happens when a model moves into
contact with an enemy through any other means?
A: Yes, as defined on page 29. No other types of movement actions are considered Charges unless they
contain a notation about being able to do so or references to bonuses when Charging (Hit and Run and
Vault, for example).
A: No and Yes, respectively. As per page 37, Climbing between levels on terrain that has the Climbable
terrain keyword is an action in and of itself, but jumping is merely a modifier activated by spending 1
additional AP when taking a move action – which could be announced as a Charge.
Q: Can a model Charging with a RN Arc melee attack target models it has already attacked with an Arc
attack gained from a previous Charge in the same activation? Similarly, what about multiple attack dice
split between different targets when Charging? Could they be targeted by more attack dice gained by
Charging other model(s) in range of both targets?
A: No. All targets of an attack gained from a Charge are considered to have been targeted by the Charge
in that activation, whether by choice (assigning multiple attack dice) or automatically (Arc attacks).
A: No.
Q: Can a model Move while engaged with an enemy model without Breaking Free as long as it never
leaves contact with the engaged enemy or enemies?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a Blast Attack deviate farther than its maximum range, or out of Line of Sight of the attacker?
Q: Can I split my attack when attacking with an AG that has multiple dice, but is a Spray, Stream, or
Proximity Strike attack, allowing me to lay down multiple templates to affect a larger area, but with
fewer dice per targeted model?
A: No. When making these kinds of Ranged Attacks, the firing model uses a single template to
determine which models are targeted (nominating the primary target for the purposes of MAL rolls,
etc.) and rolls the full amount of dice listed for the attack on each target.
Q: When I MAL on the first set of dice in a Proximity Strike, do I lose the rest of the dice being rolled at
the other targets under the template?
A: No. Unlike a Spray, Stream, or Blast template attack, there are not special rules for altering the
targeting template or additional targets when Malfunctioning. Even if the firing model is killed by the
Malfunction, the remaining attack dice targeting other models in the Proximity Strike should still be
rolled against to determine if they were hit as well.
Q: Are effects with the same name cumulative? For example, if I have two models with Inspiring, do they
grant a combined +2 AS and +2 PW?
A: No. Unless specifically noted otherwise, effects with the same name are not cumulative.
A: No. An attack whose PW has been reduced to 0 may never affect enemy models, including Weapon
Abilities. PW “–“ attacks are designed to deliver Weapon Abilities, but not PW 0 attacks.
Q: Do the chosen Objective Markers for the Salt and Ruin or Burn it Down secondary objective cards
stay considered enemy models after the objectives have been fulfilled?
A: No. Unless there are other objectives in play that are keeping that state necessary.
Q: If a model that has declared some kind of Charge and is knocked Prone before the attack is made (On
Hold, Reaction Strike, etc.), can the model still take its Charge attack if it has range to the target?
A: Yes. The model was not Prone when it spent its AP and began a valid Charge Movement. While the
model will not be able to move its full distance for the spent AP, it can still gain and use the free AP
for the Charge attack if it can get into range with its newly halved MV.
Q: Does a model that gains a Fire Counter in the middle of an action (from Malfunction, Reaction Strike,
etc.) take the PW 4 hit at the end of that action?
A: No. The clause that subjects a model to the PW 4 hit when spending an AP for anything other than
trying to remove the Fire Counter comes from possessing a Fire Counter when the AP is spent. Further
AP spent during the same activation would apply the Fire Counter rules, however.
Q: In the rare case where something has a Fire Counter but cannot activate (also having a Dying
Counter, for example), do they take any hits from the Fire?
A: No. The model did not spend any AP to perform actions other than removing the Fire Counter.
Q: Can a model has been Killed by a game effect without first being reduced to 0 HP (casting Penitence
Blast, making a Shadewalk error, etc.) be affected by rules triggered by models reduced to 0 HP?
A: No, the model has been utterly obliterated and instantly killed.
Q: What happens when a model with a Dying or Regeneration Counter has that counter removed
without being healed at least to 1 HP?
A: The model is immediately removed from play as a casualty. Any model with 0 HP and no game effect
that allows it to remain in play is killed and removed from play.
Q: When a game effect reduces a model or attack’s MAL but it does not have a MAL stat normally, does
it gain one?
A: Not unless the game effect specifically says it would. If it does not have a clause that talks about
“Attacks without a MAL value”, the game effect will not create a MAL stat for that attack/model. It is,
after all, extremely difficult to make a club or simple sword to Malfunction… even in Samaria!
Q: What happens when a model suffers a Malfunction from an attack with Knockback(x), as they cannot
be knocked Directly Away from itself?
A: The model rolls the die for the weapon ability as normal, but will be moved in a direction determined
by a Scatter Roll, but using the 6” distance and movement rules explained in Knockback(x).
Q: Can a model with Enhance or My Pretty Toys (or similar special abilities that affect specific models in
a force) choose to affect applicable miniatures in the force that have not yet deployed?
A: Yes. It would be too limiting of a factor to force these model-adjusting units to deploy after their
potential targets.
Q: When a model with Frenzied fails a PS Check and is forced to move directly toward the nearest model
with a different name, are these movements considered Charge actions?
A: No. The rule states that you only have to move directly toward; it does not specify that this would
result in a Charge.
Q: When a model with Frenzied fails a PS Check and is forced to move directly toward the nearest model
with a different name, but is unable to do so because of terrain complications in between them (a wide
gap, impassible terrain, etc.), do they go toward the next viable model instead?
A: No. The model moves by the shortest moveable route they can to get as close as they can.
A: No. The model activates the ability and chooses one set of benefits, losing 1 HP at the end of their
Q: When do the effects from activating a model’s Masochist(x) special ability end?
Q: If an enemy model gives a target a Panic Counter for any reason, does the -2 PS from possessing a
Panic Counter count as an enemy effect for the purposes of being ignored by the Non-Living special
A: No. The “enemy effect” was what added the Panic Counter, not the counter itself.