BE Chemistry Transition Element and Applications
BE Chemistry Transition Element and Applications
BE Chemistry Transition Element and Applications
Class – BE Chemistry
By Rajesh Paudel(RP)
3d- Transition Elements and Their Application
Group 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Element Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
Configur 3d14s2 3d24s2 3d34s2 3d54s1 3d54s2 3d64s2 3d74s2 3d84s2 3d104s1 3d104s2
The elements of this block have general characteristic properties
intermediate between the elements of s-block and p-block. In other
words d-block elements represent change (or transition) in properties
from most electropositive s-block elements to least electropositive p-
block elements. Therefore these are called transition elements.
The elements of group IB, IIB, IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB, VIII (with three
vertical columns) together with 10 vertical columns (from group 3 to
group 12) of the periodic table are called transition elements. These
are four transition series starting from 4th period. There are 4
transition series 3d, 4d, 5d and 6d series and are knows and 1st, 2nd, 3rd
and 4th transition series respectively.
General characteristics of transition metals:
• Metallic Character
• Melting and Boiling Point
• Atomic (Covalent) and Ionic Radii
• The ionization energy (IE)
• Color
• Formation of Alloys
• Interstitial Compounds
• Variable Oxidation State
• Catalytic Property
• Complex Formation
• Magnetic Property
• Density
Metallic Character
All the transition elements are metals; this is because the
number of electrons in outermost shell is only 2.
Transition metals are hard, malleable and ductile due to
presence of strong metallic bonds.
Transition metals crystallize in all the three face centred
cubic (fcc), hexagonal close packed (hcp) and body
centred cubic (bcc) crystals.
Transition metals of VIII and IB Groups are softer and more
ductile as compare to the other transition metals.
Along with metallic bonding, transition metals also show
covalent bonding due to presence of unfilled d-orbitals.
As transition elements are metals so they good conductors
of heat and electricity.
Melting and Boiling Point
Transition metals usually have very high value of melting
and boiling points due to presence of strong metallic
Zn, Cd and Hg metals have lower metaling and boiling
points as they have completely filled d orbitals because of
which no unpaired electron is available. Because of
unavailability of unpaired electrons, these metals do not
undergo covalent bonding. Rest of the transition metals
does have metallic as well as covalent bonding.
Atomic (Covalent) and Ionic Radii
The covalent radii of the elements decrease from left to right
across a row in the transition series. This is because of the poor
screening by the d electrons due to which, the nuclear charge
attracts all of the electrons more strongly, hence a contraction
in size occurs.
The atomic radii for the elements from Cr to Cu are very close
to one another. This closeness in atomic radii is due to the
shielding of outer 4s electrons by 3d electrons from the inward
pulls of nucleus. As a result of these two opposing effects, the
atomic radii do not alter much on moving from Cr to Cu.
The elements in the first group in the d-block show the
excepted increase (due to the addition of extra shell) in size
Sc → Y → La. However in the subsequent groups there is an
increase between first and second members, but hardly any
increase between second and third elements. This is due to
lanthanide contraction (in f-block elements).
The ionization energy (IE)
The first ionization energy of transition elements are higher than those of s-
block elements but lower than p-block elements.
In a particular transition series, ionization energy although increases
gradually as we move from left to right but this increase is not appreciable.
The increase in ionization energy is due to increase in nuclear charge, the
effect of increase in nuclear charge is partly balanced by the increase
in screening effect. Consequently, the increase in ionization energy along the
period of d-block elements is very small.
In transition elements, on moving along the period, the addition of the extra
electron in the (n-1) d level takes place. This electron provides a screening
effect and shields the outer ns electrons from the nucleus pull.
Because of this shielding effect of d electrons, the effect of nuclear charge
(effective nuclear charge) on outer ns electrons is somewhat less than the
actual nuclear charge.
Thus the effects of the increasing nuclear charge and the shielding effect
created due to the expansion of (n-1)d orbital oppose each other.
On account of these counter effects, the ionization potentials increase rather
slowly on moving in a period of the first transition series
First Ionization Energy
Thus, the energy required by the electrons for a change is provided by the light waves.
The frequency of a light wave is observed to lie invisible range. The frequency of light
absorbed depends on the nature of ligands. For example, if the electrons in an
octahedral metal complex can absorb green light and get promoted from the lower
energy d orbital to higher energy d orbital, the compound will reflect all the colors
except green. Hence, the complementary color of green will be observed as the color of
the compound.
Whenever light falls on the transition element compounds electrons excite and
electrons absorb energy and excite. When these electrons de-excite they release visible
light wavelength. That's why transition element compounds exhibit colour.