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C2 Trigonometry - Trigonometric Identities

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C2 Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities PhysicsAndMathsTutor.


1. Solve, for 0 < θ < 360°, giving your answers to 1 decimal place where appropriate,

(a) 2 sin θ = 3 cos θ,


(b) 2 – cos θ = 2 sin2 θ.

(Total 9 marks)

2. Solve, for –90° < x < 90°, giving answers to 1 decimal place,

(a) tan (3x + 20°) = ,

(b) 2 sin2 x + cos2 x = .
(Total 10 marks)

3. Solve, for 0 ≤ θ < 2π, the equation

sin2 θ = 1 + cos θ ,

giving your answers in terms of π.

(Total 5 marks)

4. (a) Show that the equation

5 cos2 x = 3(1 + sin x)

can be written as

5 sin2 x + 3 sin x – 2 = 0.

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C2 Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤ x < 360°, the equation

5 cos2 x = 3(1 + sin x),

giving your answers to 1 decimal place where appropriate.

(Total 7 marks)

 nπ 
5. (i) Prove that tan θ + cot θ ≡ 2 cosec 2θ, θ ≠ , n ∈Z  .
 2 

5 π
(ii) Given that sin α = , 0<α< , find the exact value of
13 2

(a) cos α,

(b) cos 2α.


Given also that 13 cos (x + α) + 5 sin x = 6, and 0 < α < ,

(c) find the value of x.

(Total 14 marks)

6. (a) Given that 3 sin x = 8 cos x, find the value of tan x.


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C2 Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

(b) Find, to 1 decimal place, all the solutions of

3 sin x – 8 cos x = 0

in the interval 0 ≤ x < 360°.


(c) Find, to 1 decimal place, all the solutions of

3 sin2 y – 8 cos y = 0

in the interval 0 ≤ y < 360°.

(Total 10 marks)

7. Find, in degrees, the value of θ in the interval 0 ≤ θ < 360° for which

2cos2 θ − cosθ − 1 = sin2θ.

Give your answers to 1 decimal place where appropriate.

(Total 8 marks)

8. Find, in degrees to the nearest tenth of a degree, the values of x for which
sin x tan x = 4, 0 ≤ x < 360°.
(Total 8 marks)

9. (a) Solve, for 0 ≤ x < 360°, the equation cos (x − 20°) = −0.437, giving your answers to the
nearest degree.

(b) Find the exact values of θ in the interval 0 ≤ θ < 360° for which 3 tan θ = 2 cos θ.
(Total 10 marks)

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1. (a) tan θ = 3 Use of tan θ = sin θ M1

2 cos θ
θ = 56.3° cao A1
= 236.3° ft 180° + their principle value A1ft 3
Maximum of one mark is lost if answers not to 1 decimal place

(b) 2 – cos θ = 2(1 – cos2 θ) Use of sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1 M1

2cos2 θ – cos θ A1

Allow this A1 if both cos θ = 0 and cos θ = 1 are given

cos θ = 0 ⇒ θ = 90°, 270° M1 one solution M1 A1

cos θ = 1 ⇒ θ = 60°, 300° M1 one solution M1 A1 6


2. (a) arctan = 56.3° (= α) (seen anywhere) B1
α – 20°, (α – 20)° ÷ 3 M1M1
α + 180° (= 236.3°), α – 180° (= – 123.7°) (One of these) M1
x = −47.9°, 12.1°, 72.1° A1A1 6
First M1: Subtracting (allow adding) 20° from α
Second M1: Dividing that result by 3 (order vital !)
[So 12.1° gains B1M1M1]
Third M1: Giving a third quadrant result
First A1 is for 2 correct solutions,
Second A1 for third correct solution.
B1: Allow 0.983 (rads) or 62.6 (grad), and possible Ms but
Using expansion of tan(3x + 20°) =
Getting as far as tan 3x = number (0.7348..) First M1
tan 3x = 36.3°, 216.3°, – 143.7° 36.3° B1
x = 12.1°, 72.1°, – 47.9° Third quad result Third M1
Divide by 3 Second M1
Answers as scheme A1A1

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10 10
(b) 2sin2 x + (1 – sin2 x) = or 2(1 – cos2x) + cos2 x = M1
9 9
1 8 1 9 7
sin2 x = or cos2x = or tan2x = or sec2x = or cos 2x = A1
9 9 8 8 9
x = 19.5°, –19.5° A1A1ft 4
2 2 2 2
M1 for use of sin x + cos x = 1 or sin x and cos x in
terms of cos2x
Note: Max. deduction of 1 for not correcting to 1 dec. place.
Record as 0 first time occurs but then treat as f.t.
Answers outside given interval, ignore
Extra answers in range, max. deduction of 1 in each part
[Final mark]
(i.e. 4 or more answers within interval in (a), –1 from any
gained A marks;
3 or more answers within interval in (b), –1 from any
gained A marks

3. Using sin2θ + cos2θ = 1 to give a quadratic in cosθ. M1

Attempt to solve cos2θ + cosθ = 0 M1
π 3π
(cos θ= 0) ⇒ θ = , B1, B1
2 2
(cos θ = –1) ⇒ θ = π B1 5
(Candidate who writes down 3 answers only with no working scores
a maximum of 3)

4. (a) 5(1 – sin2x) = 3(1 + sinx) M1

5 – 5sin2 x = 3 + 3sinx
0 = 5sin2x + 3sinx – 2 (*) A1 cso 2
(b) 0 = (5sin x – 2)(sin x + 1)
sin x = , –1 (both) A1 cso
sin x = ⇒ x = 23.6 (α = 23.6 or 156.4) B1
, 156.4 (180 – α) M1
sin x = –1 ⇒ x = = 270 (ignore extra solutions outside the range) B1 5

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sin θ cos θ 1
5. (a) (i) Using tan θ = and cotθ = or cotθ = M1
cos θ sin θ tan θ
Forming a single fraction
sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ 1 + tan 2 θ
LHS = or LHS = M1
sin θ cos θ tan θ
Reaching the expression A1
sin θ cos θ
Using sin 2θ = 2sinθ cosθ M1
2 2
LHS = = = 2cosec2θ RHS (*) cso A1 5
2 sin θ cos θ sin 2θ

(ii) cosα = M1 Use of sin2 α + cos2 α = 1 or right M1 A1
angled triangle but accept stated

(b) Use of cos2α = cos2 α – sin2 α (or 1 – 2sin2 α or 2cos2 α – 1) M1

cos 2α = A1 4

(c) Use of cos(x + α) = cos x cos α – sin x sin α M1

Substituting for sin α and cosα M1
12 cos x – 5 sin x + 5sinx = 6 (12 cos x = 6) A1
x= awrt 1.05 M1 A1 5

6. (a) tan x = (or exact equivalent, or 3 s.f. or better) B1 1
(b) tan x = x = 69.4° (α), x = 249.4° (180 + α) M1 A1, A1ft 3

(c) 3(1 – cos2y) – 8 cos y = 0 3 cos2 y + 8 cos y – 3 = 0 M1 A1

(3 cos y – 1)(cos y + 3) = 0, cos y = ..., (or –3) M1 A1
y = 70.5° (β), x = 289.5° (360 –β) A1 A1ft 6

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C2 Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

7. 2cos2 θ – cosθ – 1 = 1 – cos2 θ M1

3cos2 θ – cosθ – 2 = 0 A1
(3cosθ + 2)(cosθ – 1) = 0 cosθ = − or 1 M1 A1
θ = 0, θ = 131.8° B1 A1
θ = (360 − “131.8”)° = 228.2° M1 A1 ft

8. sin2 x = 4 cos x M1
1 – cos2 x = 4 cos x M1
cos2 x + 4 cos x – 1 = 0 A1
−4± 16 + 4
cos x = M1
20 − 4
= , second root has no real solution for x A1, B1
x = 76.3° or 283.7° A1 A1 ft 8
9. (a) x − 20° = 115.9°…
Or 244.08°...
Any solution (awrt 116° or 244°) B1
360° – candidate’s first answer M1
+ 20° at correct stage M1
x = 136°, 264° A1 4
sin θ
(b) 3 = 2 cos θ
sin θ
Use of tan θ = M1
cos θ

3 sin θ = 2 cos2 θ = 2(1 − sin2θ)

Use of cos2θ = 1 − sin2 θ M1
2 sin2 θ + 3 sin θ − 2 = 0
3 term quadratic in sin = 0 A1
(2 sin θ − 1)(sin θ + 2) = 0
Attempt to solve M1
sin θ = −2(No solution)
sin θ = 12
At least 1

So θ = 30°, 150° Both A1 6


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1. The work on trigonometry was of a high quality. There are 6 answers to be found in this
question and the majority of candidates did find all of them. In part (a), the error tanθ = was
sometimes seen and a few missed the second solution. In part (b), one or both solutions
associated with cosθ = 0 were sometimes lost. Almost all candidates gave the answers to the
degree of accuracy specified.

2. Although tan (3x + 20º) = tan 3x + tan 20º was seen from weaker candidates, the first three
marks were gained by a large number of candidates. Consideration of the third quadrant results
was generally only seen from the better candidates and so two correct solutions, and more
particularly three correct solutions, were not so common. Candidates who used the correct
expansion of tan (3x + 20º) often made subsequent errors and it was rare to see all marks gained
from this approach.
In part (b) many candidates gained the first method mark, although “division errors” such as
10 10
“ 2 sin 2 x + cos 2 x = ⇒ 2 tan 2 x + 1 = “ were common.
9 9
It was surprising to see the number of candidates who, having reached a correct result such
as sin 2 x = , lost at least one of the final two marks, and it was only the best candidates who
scored all four marks in this part. The most common, and not unexpected error, was to solve
only sin x = + ⅓, but often the answer was not corrected to 1 decimal place and so this mark was

3. Some candidates didn’t attempt this at all. Those who did, generally got the first M1. A lot
managed to factorise correctly or solve using the formula to get 0 and -1. Some however divided

through by cos θ to lose the cos θ=0 solutions. The solution was frequently omitted or

written as . Most candidates who had the correct answers did give them in the correct form
; 1.57, 3.14, 4.71 or 90, 180, 270 were seen only a few times. Extra solutions of 0 and 2 π
unfortunately were seen quite frequently.

4. Most candidates knew the appropriate trigonometric identity to answer part (a) and full marks
were usually score here. The candidates usually went on to solve the equation correctly but
some errors occurred after this. Some students realized that x = -90 was a solution to sinx = -1,
but could not find its equivalent value in the required range, sometimes listing 90 instead or
indeed as well. Many students found the other two solutions in the 1st and 2nd quadrants, but
some false solutions occasionally appeared based on 180 + α or 360 − α .

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C2 Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

5. Trigonometric identities are not popular with many candidates but the answers to the first part
of the question showed that work in this area is improving and more than three-quarters of the
candidates were able to make a correct start to the proof. It is also pleasing to note that there
were many complete and formally elegant solutions. Most of these started from the left hand
sin θ cos θ
side of the identity, using tan θ = and cot θ = , putting the expressions over a
cos θ sin θ
common denominator and using a double angle formula to complete the proof. Part (ii)(a) was
well done but in part (ii)(b) many did not realise a double angle formula was needed and some
just doubled their answer to part (ii)(a). The candidate was expected to produce appropriate
working leading to an exact answer to obtain credit in part (ii)(b). In part (ii)(c), many tried to
use a R cos ( x − α ) method of solution and produced much work often leading to a fallacious
answer. Those who expanded, substituted, and obtained 12 cos x = 6 sometimes lost the final
mark by giving x = 60°, not recognising that the question implies the angles are in radians.

sin x
6. While most candidates appeared to know that tan x = , many were unable to perform
cos x
correctly the required steps to find the value of tan x in part (a). Common wrong answers here
were tan x = and, for example, 0.375tan x = 0. The link between parts (a) and (b) was often
not recognised, so candidates tended to start again (and were sometimes more successful!).
Those who were able to find a suitable value for tan x usually knew how to find the third
quadrant solution for x. There was often more success in part (c), where most candidates
realised that they needed to use sin 2 y + cos 2 y = 1 to form an equation in cos y. Those who did
not use the identity made no progress and those who misquoted it as, for example,
sin y + cos y = 1 , fared little better. There were however, many completely correct solutions to
this part and it was pleasing that candidates were usually able to find both y values in the
required interval. Weaker candidates frequently abandoned this question.

7. Candidates who did not recognise this “standard” type of trigonometric equation were unable to
get started, but the vast majority realised the need to use sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ = 1 , and many were
able to simplify the equation to find the correct three-term quadratic in cosθ . From there
onwards, many completely correct solutions were seen, although some candidates, having found
131.8°, were unable to obtain the corresponding third quadrant solution. The solution θ = 0 was
sometimes found and then rejected as invalid, and occasionally extra solutions (wrong rather
than outside the required interval) were included.

8. No Report available for this question.

9. No Report available for this question.

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