MCQs of Formal Letter
MCQs of Formal Letter
MCQs of Formal Letter
Letters are very effeetive means of communication. Though e-mail and fax have overtaken
letter writing, still its significance cannot be underestimated. A letter can be more
expressive, emotional and can be preserved for posterity.
Types ofLetters
Formal Letters Informal Letters
institutions friends
private organizations relatives
public officials famly members
government departments, ete.
Formal letters are official letters written in an impersonal way. The expression is formal
and business oriented. The language should be polite and firm.
required to study
Note As per the latest CBSE syllabus, students of elass X are and
of Letter of ComplaintsLetter to the
only Formal Letters eonsisting
Editor, in Term-1.
Sender's Address).
(Date) etter of
(Receivers Address)
(Introduetory Paragraph highlighting the problem).
(Main Paragraph - content / details / causes of the problem).
Youra faithfully
Solved Examples
Q1. You are Rohan Dev/Rohini Kumari, English teacher who has been posted
to a rural sehool in remote village of Rajasthan. You are pained to see the
appalling conditions of the schools there Complete the complaint letter to
the Education Officer, Barmer, Rajasthan expressing your dissatisfaction.
Gyan Prakash Vidyalalya
10 January 20xx
(U) .*.*.* ann***************
Deptt. of Education Letter writing
Subject: Complaint about the (ii)...
******************************** of schools
This is to bring to your kind notice that the schools in(tii).
in an appallbng condition. I have been transferred to this school last week.
With deepregret, I would like to informyou thatthe basie infrastructure ofthe school is in
shambles. The restrooms (iv) .. .a . and there are no separate restrooms
for boys and girls. The fans and tubelights are either missing or don't funetion. Poor
drinking water facility, broken benehesand insufficient umber ofteachers have added to
the woes.
I hope that the Departanent will take corrective measures to ( u ) . . ***************
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Rohan Dev
) Ca) The Manager (6) The Principal (e) The Edueation Offieer
d) The Editor
(ti) (a) poor result (6) bad condition (c) admission (d) late-comers
(üi) (a) Barmer (6) Delhi (c) Gurugram (d) Pune
iv) (a) break (6) stink (c) function (d) delay
(o) (a) improve (b) complain (c) overlook (d) forward
() (c) (i) (6) (i) (a) (iv) (6) (u) (a)
Shop Na 18
Suraksha Medicos
Kirti Nagar
New Delhi
18 August 20xx
The Manager
76, G.T. Road
New Delhi
.Medieal Stores
This isto bring toyournotice thattwo Yamaha electricguitars (iü).. * * . * . o m n . on
10 March 20xx, vide cash memo 291/XT/72, have not been working properly.
You assured me of exeellent sound quality of the guitars but of late they have
started giving trouble while (iv). . Both the guitars are giving
out distorted or static sounds. Sometimes there is complete loss of signal making
it impossible to play the guitar. Even the metallie polish on the outer surface has
chipped off.
As theguitars are in the warranty period, I wish them to be (v).
with the new ones at the enarliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfilly
Mohit Das
Encl.: 1. Photocopy of Cush Memo
2. Photoeopy of Warranty Card
(i) (a) Sitar 6) Symphony c) Audio d) Musical
You are Mallika Das / Mohit Das of 458, Raj Enclave, K.G Marg, New Delhi.
Last month, you purchased two electric guitars from Symphony Store. Of
late, you have been experiencing troubles with the guitars. Complete the
complaintletter to the Sales Managershowing your disappointment towards
their services.
456, Raj Enclave
K.G. Marg8
New Delhi
4 You are Manohar Singh, resident of 769, Geetanjali Park, Delhi. You
purchased an electric iron a month ago. But ater using it for a month, you
found that the temperature control does not work and power consunption is
too high. Complete the letter ofcomplaint to the Customer Service
M/s Evans Electrical Products, 82, Dayanand Vihar, Delhi.
769, Geetanjali Park
11 March 20xx
The (i).
M/s Evans Electrical Products
32, Dayanand Vihar
Subject: Complaint against (i)...
I purehased Easy Electrie Iron, Model No. 2279, vide cash memo no. RF22, dated
12th Feb., 20xx from your showroom.
I wish to express my dissatisfaction with the above iron. After using it for a month,I
found that. the temperature control was (ii).. . . . It is not poasible
to set it for any temperature apart from the highest, for cotton. Though it has 5-star
rating, the power (iv).. is unusually high and gives out uneven
As the iron dearly does not comply with the legal standards of product quality, I wish
to get itreplaced with (v).. . One as it is in the warranty period. I
look forward to hear from you at the earliest.
Yours faithfully
Manohar Singh
Encl.: Copy of the receipt
Copy of warranty card
( a) Customer Serviee Manager (b) Shopkeeper
(c) Director (d) General Manager
(i) (a) defective bulbs (6) defetiveiron ) broken vase (d) faulty lamps
(ii) (a) zero (6) working fine cveryuseful d) faulty
(iv) (a) reduction (b) deduction e) eonsumption d) consumed
(u) (a) a new (b) newer (e) e previous (d) later
() (a) (it) d) (iv) (c) (Uy (a
Delhi. You vis
You are Sunil Kapoor, resi dent of 48/9, Geet Enclave,
Dalhousie with your family during the summer vacation. You
double suites at Lake View Resort. Your stay at the
hotel fell far shor
the description in the brochure. Complete the letter of complaint
Customer Service Depart1nent to refund for your hotel stay.
43/9, Geet Enclave
12 June 20xx
Customer Service Department
Although the rooms were billed as four-star accommodation, they were cramped, and
the furnishings were worn and dirty. The hotel grounds, described in the brochure
as pleasant, tranquil, and spacious," were in fact next to a busy main road. The
swimming pool was ( w ) . s a s assaaae for repairs,
I registered a formal complaint with the Front Office detailing these issues. I feel1
thatwe are due a full (v)... ***********.. for this hotel stay as it failed to meet
our expectations and ruined our holiday. Looking forward to a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully
Sunil Kapoor
Encl.: Copy of the bil
Photographs for evidence
(i) (a) Lake View Resort (b) Lake View Cottage
(c) Lake Valley (d) Resort Valley
(ii) (a) placed (6) booked (c) bought (d) stayed
(ii) (a) apart 6) back (c) short (d) long
(iv) (a) elosed (6) done (c) available (d) vacated
(v) (a) apology (6) exehange (c) appreciation (d) refund
) (a) (ii) (6) (ity te) (iv) (a) ) d
You are Kunal Gandhi, a resident of 12, Tover No. 76, High Rise Apartments,
Gurugram Vihar, Delhi. You have recently observed that the Sports Zone
area meant for kids is in dire need of repairs. Complete the letter of
complaint to the Presicdent, Resident Welfare Association highlighting the
problems of damaged swings, peeling paint, ete.
12, Tower No. 76
High Rise Apartments
Gurugram Vihar
11 May 20xx
Resident Welfare Association
High Rise Apartmenta
Gurugram Vihar
Subject: Complaint about the sports equipment
I have beena proud resident of the posh High Rise Apartments for two months and
feel completely satisfied with the basie facilities for ita residenta.
Recently I observed that the Sports Zone area meant for kids is in dire
Yours faithfully
Kunal Gandhi
() (a) The Resident (b) The President
(c) The Prindpal d) The Security
(ii) (a) repairs b) assistance (c) need of repairs (d) help
(ii) (a) poor condition (b) utility (c) committee (d) new fittings
(iv) (a) is very attracting (6) does not work
(c) ereates an atmoshpere (d) poses a danger
(u) (a) be happy to (b) like
(c) may be d) not so
Ans: b cad a
You are Vinita Das, a resident of 112, Tower No. 746, Green Apartments,
Ravi Vihar, Agra. You are receiving faulty electricity bills for the past three
months.Complete the let ter of eomnplaint to theConsumer Girievanees Cell
PWNI, Naya Bazar, Agra highlighting the problen
112, Tower No. 746
Green Apartments
Ravi Vihar
4 April 20xx
Naya Bazar
Subject: Complaint against (ii) . . .
I shisted to Ravi Vihar four months back. I wish to register a complaint against faulty
I have (ii). .. y frst bill at this address, despite contacting you
several times to ask for one. I requested for monthly bills on 10th February and 7th
March and haven't received them till date. I have also edited my online aceount
and made necessary changes in the residential address on I
(iv). ****** the accuraey of my bill before on the phone on several
occasions before and you were unable to give a single response. I am unhappy with
the level of customer serviee you have given me.
Kindly provide a copy of the first two electrieity bills produeed as early as possible.
Please reply in writing within 10 days. Ifyou (u)... in time, I will
consider taking the matter further.
Yours faithfully
Vinita Das
() (a) The Customer Support Cell (b) The Consumer Cell
(c) The Consumer Grievances (d) The Consumer Court
(ii) (a) faulty electricity bills b) faulty telephone bills
(c) faulty internet bills (d) faulty water bills
(iii) (a) lost (b) still not received
(c) sent and received (d) accumulated
(iu) (a) telephoned them (b) will ask again
(c) made a query (d) have queried
(u) (a) fail to respond (b) don't speak
(c) don't receive (d) fail to understand
5 d a
14 w uueisuAsu
LYou are Lovely Gupta, a resident of 4/88, Kavi Nagar, Delhi. You purchased
an HD television a month ago from Navrang Electronies 122, Laxmi Nagar,
Delhi. It was found that the picture quality ispoor and the remote does not
function properly. Complete the letter of complaint to the Sales Manager
highlighting the problem.
4/83, Kavi Nagar
11th September, 20x
M/s Navrang Electronies
122, Laxmi Nagar
Subject: Complaint about the shoddy television
I (ii).. a Samsung LED 32" television from your store on 10th
August, 2OXX, vide cash memo 32/RE/77. Its model no. is SMS/76/LED.
After using it for a month, I find that the (iii).. . is poor and the
remote does not function properly. In spite ofits 5-star rating, the power consumption
is too high. It keeps (iv).. abruptly at times.
Under the Consumer Rights Act, 2015, goods you supply must be fit for purpose. As
there are many problems with the TV, I request you to replace the TV as it is still
under the (u)... *****
Ans: a Cb a d
(Sender's Address) MARK
(Receiver's Address).
(Introduetory Paragraph - highlighting the problem)
t o
Yours faithfully
Solved Examples
Q1. Complete the letter to the editor of a national daily urging the
switch over tosolar energy to conserve electricity and reduce electricity
bills. You are Suniu Sumitra of20, Punchsheel CGarden. New Delhi
29, Panchsheel Garden
New Delhi
20 February 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Yours faithfully
(i) a) Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper
(b) In the column of your magazane
(c) In the paragraph of the news
(d Through the artiele for submission
(i) (a) they produee natural water for the environment
6) they produce greenhouse gas and do not pollute the environment
(c) they do not produee greenhouse gas and do not pollute the environment
(d) they do not produee natural gas for the environment
ii) ta) everyone will buy more electricity from the grid
(6) one will be less reliant on buying electricity from the grid
(c) one will be less reliant on selling electricity to the grid
(d) everyone will pay more for their consunption
(iv) (a) people to switeh over to non-conventional sources
(6) people not to switch over to non-convention al sources
(c) only the rich people to make the switeh
(d) people to exhauat more electriity
(v) (a) not persuade the people to act towards the environment
(6) persuade the people to spread the word
(c) enable the mankind to stay at peace
(d) persuade the people to act towards a heal thy and edean environment
() (a) (ii) (b) iv) (a) () (d)
2. Complete the letter to the editor of a local
newspaper on the importance
of education in the holistic
personality development and nation building.
You are Rohini/Rishabh of 11,
Preet Vihar, Jaipur.
11, Preet Vihar
11 September 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
Subject: Importance of education in nation building
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views
regarding the role of education in (i)..
The students are the architects of a free and modern nation. Education
Yours faithfully
()a) building the peraonality of all the students
(b) building the personality of an individual as well as the nation
(c) the rural seetors of our nation
d) inereaing the wenlth of the nation
) (a) plays a pivotal role in the building of a nation
(b) playa an important role in our lives
(c) gives us an identily
(d) makes us aware of the good things
Gi) (a) bedoning the richest uation in the
(b) a better life for the upeoming students
(c) the realization of its dream of beeomnga superpower
d) the suocess it is supported to attain
(iv) (a) of all the social workers
b) of both the government and the citizens
(c) of both the teachers and the students
(d) of only the adults
() la) enlighten the path of prosperity and development
(6) provide a certain direction to the past
(c) brighten our minds
(d) make us become wiser
(i) (iü) (a) (c) (iv) (b) (u) (a)
V. Answer anyfive out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Debashree, a resident of Siliguri, Assam. You have to write a letter to the editor of a
national daily drawing attention towards the difficulty faced by differently-abled people at tourist
Q.25 Select the option with relevant aspects that Debashree should select, for this letter.
(5) Expected date of the letter's receipt
a.28 Debashree shares some suggestions in her letter, to address the issue.
Select the option that helps her complete these suggestions, appropriately
In my opinion, the media can play a pivotal role in transfoming people's ()
Also, (i) against negligence to the needs of the differenthy-abled, at the
tourist spots, shall go a long way in bringing about a positive change.
25 D, 26 D, 27c 28B,
29 C,30 A
a.29 Select the option that correctly justifies the choice of the concluding portion of this letter.
(1)/expect the authorities to lake actions on this issue. Please post my thoughts in your newspaper.
(2)1hope my views get published in the columns of your newspaper so that this issue may garner
more public support amd awarenes5.
.30 Select the option that completes the concluding line appropriately.
I hope that my letter
help spread awareness about the issue.
B. lead to action against all authorities responsible, at tourist spots.
C. improve circulation of the national daily.
D. result in positive reviews by the readers.
* T
The Editor
The Times Of India
In recent months, we have witnessed many incidents of ch ain snatehing, eve teasing
and extortion of foreign tourists. It has eaused (ii)..
and brought a bad name to the nation. The national capital has been infamously
labelled as the most unsafe Indian city. The foreign tourists are the worst hit being
an easy target (ut).
. T h e goveimment (iw) .
. t o regain the lost eonfidence ofthe visitors xemplary punishments
should be given to the riminals and law breakers.
Yours faithfully
() (a) cases of robberies and harassment of foreigm tourists
(6) robbery cases of tourists
(c) foreign tourists
(d) cases of harassment of tourists
ii) (a) uproar in India
(6) uproar in the intermational media
(c) uproar in hospitality servie
(d) uproar in the tourists
(i) (a) for the onlookers
(b) for the people
(c) for the bad elements
(d) for the shopkeepers
(iv) (a) must have a conversation
(6) must enforce striet law and order
(c) must arrange for something better
(d) must allow its eitizens
c a s e s of robberies and
harasSment of foreign tourists
B. The rising number of
the international media. Stringent
has caused a lot of hue and cry in the
m e a s u r e s for effective law and
order is the need of the hour. Complete
the authorities to look afer
letter to the editor of a national daily urging
You are Nitin/Nitika, a resident of 12,
the law and order in your locality.
Park Lane, Kolkata.
4 Complete the letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your
You are coneerned
about the consumption of junk food by the teenagers.
about health and want to spread awareness anong people. You are Anagha
THpathilAnuj Dayal of 2, Raj Nagar, Agra
Ans. 32, Raj Nagar
25 December 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu
Subject: CoDumption of junk food at an alaming
wish to highlight the developnent
trend of addietion to junk food amotng youngsters.
of dangerous
Junk food tempts for various reasons. (t) . . . *********esees_Cun
is tasty. Children do not know the consequences of (üi) aoaoe
on their health. Regular intake
of junk food leads to complieations like obesity,
chronie illness, low self-esteem and even depression. Schools should promote
food items being sold
U). . . keepinga check on
at canteens. Parents should also not eneourage intake of junk
I hope my advice and warning will not fall flat on the deaf ears,
and the people will
avoidjunk food
Yours faithfully
Anagha Tripathi
() (a) Through the colurmn of our newspaper
(6) Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper
(c) Through the column of the magazine
d) Through the paragraph of the newspaper
Gi) la) It is available at various prie
(6) It is available at high price
e) Tt is easily available at high prices
(d) It is easily available at low prices
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, (ii) ******* *****************e *****************
by the barefaced misuse of loudspeakers and their exasperating noise that is the
leading cause of noise pollution.
Nowadays, a private party or birthday celebration is incomplete without music and
dance. To ensure their own entertainment, people allow (ii) **************e*****************
. Noise pollution is one of the greatest problems that people
living in the cities have to face. It not only affects the students but also the old and
thechildren. (iv) **** **sssoesnoessosossseea ********.. Can help în reduang
noise levels.
I hope my words will reach (u).
Yours truly
Rashmi Verma
(i) (a) Noise pollution ereatd by vehicles
(b) Air pollution ereated by factories
(c) Noise pollution ereated by loudspeakers
(d) Water pollution ereated by oil leaks and spills