One Time Mandate Registration Form/ Debit Mandate Form NACH/ ECS/ Direct Debit

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Systematic Investment Plan Form

(Debit Mandate Form NACH/ ECS/ Direct Debit)

Distributor’s ARN/ RIA Code #

Sub-Broker’s ARN Sub-Broker’s Code EUIN

By mentioning RIA code, I/We authorize you to share with the Distributor, the details of my/our transactions in the scheme(s) of Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund.
Declaration for"Execution-only" transactions (only where EUIN box is left blank)
“I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this transaction is executed without any interaction or advice by the
employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor/sub broker or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the
employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor/sub broker.”
All Applicants)
(To be signed by

Sole / First Applicant Second Applicant Third Applicant

TRANSACTION CHARGES for Applications routed through distributor/agents only (Kindly refer Transaction Charges under the heading ‘Checklist’ for details)
Registration of SIP + OTM Registration Registration of SIP (for existing OTM) Registration of MICRO SIP Renewal of SIP Change in Bank details

One Time Mandate Registration Form/ Debit Mandate Form NACH/ ECS/ Direct Debit
UMRN F o r o f f i c e u s e Date

Sponsor Bank Code For Office Use Utility Code For Office Use
CREATE P I/We hereby authorize Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund to debit (tick P) SB CA CC SB-NRE SB-NRO Other
CANCEL Bank a/c number

with Bank IFSC or MICR

an amount of Rupees `

FREQUENCY Mthly Qylt H-Yrly Yrly P As & when presented DEBIT TYPE Fixed Amount PMaximum Amount
Reference 1 Folio Number Phone No.

Reference 2 Application Number Email ID

I Agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorizing to debit my accounts as per latest schedule of charges of the bank.

To 3 1 1 2 2 0 9 9 Signature Primary Account holder Signature of Account holder Signature of Account holder

Or Until Cancelled Name as in Bank records Name as in Bank records Name as in Bank records
1. 2. 3.
This is to confirm that the declaration has been carefully read, understood& made by me/us. I am authorizing the user entity/corporate to debit my account, based on the instructions as agreed
and signed by me. I have understood that I am authorized to cancel/amend this mandate by appropriately communicating the cancellation/amendment request to the user entity/corporate or the
bank where I have authorized the debit.

Application No.
FOLIO NO. (For New Investors, pls. attach the application form)
Sole/ First Applicant Second Applicant Third Applicant
Name of Applicant Name of Applicant Name of Applicant


Date of Birth Date of Birth Date of Birth

E-mail E-mail E-mail

I would like to opt for Systematic Investment Plan

Scheme Option Growth IDCW: Payout Re-investment

Plan IDCW Frequency

Investment Frequency (Please ) Monthly Quarterly

SIP Amount ( ) Rs. 20000 10000 5000 1000 Any other amount Rs. First SIP vide Cheque No. Dated DD / MM / YYYY

Default Date
SIP Date: (Please mention any date of the month between 1st to 31st) SIP Period: From M M / Y Y Y Y To MM / YYYY OR (December 2099)

SIP TOP UP (Optional) (Please refer instructions overleaf)

Fixed TOP UP Amount (Rs.) 3000 1000 500 Any other amount Rs. (Minimum Rs. 500 and in multiples of Rs. 500 thereof)
Frequency (Please )
Half Yearly Yearly Variable TOP UP Amount (%) 20% 15% 10% Any other percentage % (Minimum 10% and in multiples of 5% thereof)
SIP TOP UP Cap Amount Rs.
TOP UP CAP Amount: Investor has an option to freeze the SIP TOP UP amount once it reaches a fixed predefined amount. The fixed pre-defined amount should be same as the maximum amount mentioned by the investor in the NACH Debit
Mandate Form. In case of difference between the CAP Amount & the maximum amount mentioned in NACH Debit Mandate Form, then amount which is lower of the two shall be considered as the default amount of SIP CAP Amount.

DEMAT ACCOUNT DETAILS Please ensure you submit supporting documents evidencing the accuracy of the demat account details mentioned below. Bank details of DP will overwrite the existing details.
In case you wish to hold units in demat, please fill this section. Please note that you can hold units in demat for all open ended schemes (except ETFs and IDCW options having IDCW frequency of less than a month).
NSDL CDSL DP Name DP ID Beneficiary Account No.

Declaration and Signature

I/We have read and understood the contents of the SAI/ SID of the above referred Scheme(s) of Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund. I/We hereby apply for allotment / purchase of Units in the Scheme(s) indicated as above and agree to abide by the terms
and conditions applicable there to. I/ We hereby declare that I am/ We are authorized to make this investment in the above mentioned Scheme(s) and that the amount invested in the Scheme(s) is through legitimate sources only and is not designed
for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of any Act, Rules, Regulations, Notifications or Directions of the provisions of Income Tax Act, Anti Money Laundering Act, Anti Corruption Act or any other applicable laws enacted by the
Government of India from time to time. I/We hereby authorize Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund, its investment Manager and its agents to disclose details of my investment to my / our Investment Advisor and / or banks. I/We have neither received nor
been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly, in making this investment. I/We also declare that the ARN Holder has disclosed all commission (in the form of trail commission or any other mode) payable to him for the different competing Schemes of
various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me / us.

Sole / First Account Holder Second Account Holder Third Account Holder

To be signed by All Applicant’s if mode of operation is “Joint”. (As in Bank Records)

6th Floor, Kotak Infinity, Building No. 21, Infinity Park, Off. Western Express Highway,
KOTAK MAHINDRA MUTUAL FUND Gen.A.K. Vaidya Marg, Malad (E), Mumbai - 400 097.


Systematic Investments - Snapshot
Schemes where SIPs are allowed All open-ended schemes except Kotak Liquid Fund, Kotak Overnight Fund and all Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
Frequency Monthly or Quarterly
Choice of Date Any date from 1st to 31st of a given month/ quarter. In case the chosen date is not available /non-business day, the SIP transaction will be processed on the immediate
next Business Day.
Minimum Investment Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500 incase of Kotak Flexicap Fund and Kotak Equity Arbitrage Fund; Rs. 500 & in multiples of Rs. 500 in case of Kotak Tax Saver; Rs.100 in case Kotak
Bluechip Fund and Kotak Balanced Advantage Fund)
Minimum Installments 6 (All SIP installments should be for the same amount); 10 (incase SIP amount is Rs. 500 or Rs. 100)
First Auto Debit & Subsequent SIPs First Auto Debit shall be processed on the chosen date/ default date. However, there has to be a minimum gap of 28 days between the date of submission and First
Auto Debit Date.

General Instructions
1. Please refer the Key Information Memorandum and Offer Document/ SAI/ SID non-working day for the scheme, the SIP will be processed on the immediately 12. TRANSACTION CHARGES
of the respective scheme(s) for Applicable NAV, Risk Factors, Load Structure and following working day. Pursuant to SEBI Circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/13/ 2011 dated August 22, 2011,
other information before investing. 7. We would send you an Account Statement confirming your systematic transaction charge per subscription of Rs. 10,000/- and above be allowed to be
2. (i) Existing unitholders need not fill in the Investment Application Form. investment within 10 working days from the date of your first systematic paid to the distributors of the Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund products. The
However, they must compulsorily mention their Folio Number in the Systematic investment transaction. Confirmation for subsequent Systematic Investments transaction charge shall be subject to the following:
Investment Form. would be sent to you as CAS (Consolidated Account Statement) on monthly basis. 1. For existing investors (across mutual funds), the distributor shall be paid Rs.
(ii) New Applicants need to compulsorily fill in all sections in the Investment 8. Incorrect and ambiguous forms will not be accepted and rejection for the same 100/- as transaction charge per subscription of Rs.10,000/- & above.
Application Form in addition to Systematic Investment Form. The Application shall be communicated to the investor. 2. For first time investors, (across Mutual Funds), the distributor shall be paid Rs.
No. must be compulsorily mentioned in the Systematic Investment Form. 9. Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund, its Investment Manager, Trusties, Registrar and 150/- as transaction charge for subscription of Rs.10,000/- & above.
3. Irrespective of the investment amount please furnish your PAN details and other service providers will not be liable for any transaction failures due to 3. The transaction charge shall be deducted by Kotak AMC from the subscription
enclose a photocopy of PAN Card for all applications. In case of minor rejection of the transaction by your bank/ branch or its refusal to register the SIP amount & paid to the distributor (will be subject to statutory levies, as
applicants, please furnish the PAN details and PAN proof of the Guardian. mandate. applicable) & the balance amount shall be invested.
4. KYC compliant is mandatory, irrespective of the amount of investment. 10. You will not hold Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund, its Investment Manager, 4. In case of Systematic Investment Plan(s), the transaction charge shall be
5. You can opt for Systematic Investment in the Scheme on a monthly/quarterly Registrar and other service providers responsible if the transaction is delayed or applicable only if the total commitment through SIPs amounts to Rs.10,000/- &
basis through post-dated cheques / auto-debit for a pre-defined amount. This not effected or your bank account is debited in advance or after the specific SIP above. In such cases the transaction charge shall be recovered in first 3/4
facility is available only on specified dates of the month / quarter. Refer to date due to various clearing cycles of ECS. Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund, its successful installments.
Section “SIP Auto Debit: Terms & Conditions” for location wise dates available Investment Manager, Registrar and other service providers responsible and Transaction charges shall not be deducted/applicable for:
for SIP Auto Debit. liable for any damages / compensation for any loss, damage, etc. incurred by (a) Transaction other than purchases/subscriptions such as Switch/Systematic
6. (i) First SIP Installment : Your first SIP can be for any day of the month, however you as a result of use of this facility by you. Transfer Plan (STP)/ Transfer of Income Distribution cum capital
subject to the condition that, there shall be a minimum gap of 28 day between 11. If you have not indicated any of your SIP preference completely in the form, or withdrawal plan (IDCW), etc.
the first and the second SIP. incase of any discrepancy, we would presume the same as below : (b) Purchases/Subscriptions made directly with the Fund without any ARN code.
(ii) Second & subsequent SIP Installment : Your second and subsequent SIPs are SIP Frequency : Monthly; SIP Date : 7th; Default end date: December 2099; (c) Distributors who have chosen ‘Opt Out’ of charging the transaction charge.
available only on above specified dated of the month. You can choose only one Scheme Name : same as mentioned on SIP form, SIP Amount: same as 13. One Time Debit Mandate Form can be used for Systematic Purchase as well as
of these dates for the purpose of SIP. In case the chosen date turns out to be a mentioned on SIP form. Lump Sum Purchase

SIP Payment through OTM / NACH/ ECS/ SI / Auto Debit

Instructions for SIP Payment registered through NACH/ECS/SI/Auto Debit registered for OTM facility should not submit OTM form again as OTM registration 19. For Change of SIP Amount or Change in Bank details or for any Modification
1. The bank account provided for SIP to be registered through NACH/ECS/SI/Auto is a one-time process only for each bank account. However, if such investors wish request in your existing SIP, investor is required to submit the following
Debit should be participating in NACH and MICR clearing respectively. to add a new bank account towards OTM facility may fill the form. documents 28 days prior to the next SIP Date
2. SIP auto debit is available only on specific dates of the month (For SIP date 11. Investors, who have not registered for OTM facility, may fill the OTM form and i) A duly filled in new “SIP Form” with revised details. Please ensure that the
details please refer above to Choice of Dates under Systematic Investments – submit duly signed with their name mentioned. section on SIP NACH Debit Form is also filled in. Do not forget to tick the
Snapshot). In case the selected SIP date is a non-business day, then the SIP shall 12. Investors need to ensure that the MICR number of his actual bank branch (and relevant column in the Section “REQUEST FOR” on the SIP Form.
be processed on the next business day. not ‘At Par’ MICR Code) is mentioned on the SIP Debit Mandate Form, for ii) Letter to discontinue the existing SIP.
3. In case of four consecutive SIP failures, your SIP will be liable for cancellation. seamless SIP Registration. 20. Conversion of PDC facility in to NACH/ECS/SI/Auto Debit Facility: Investor with
4. The TAT for SIP Debit Mandate Form registration (with or without initial cheque) 13. New Investor: If the investor fails to mention the scheme name in the SIP existing SIP facility through Post Dated Cheques can also avail of this facility by
will be 28 days. Therefore, there has to be a minimum gap of 28 days between Mandate Form, then the Fund reserves the right to register the SIP as per the submitting the following documents 30 days before the next SIP Debit date.
date of submission of SIP Mandate and subsequent SIP Auto Debit. Incase, the scheme name available in the investment application form. Incase multiple i) A new ‘SIP’ Form along with one cancelled cheque.
gap is less than 28 days, the SIP shall be registered from the subsequent SIP schemes are mentioned in the main application form, the Fund reserves the ii) Letter requesting to cancel the existing SIP through PDCs and for returning all
Date. right to reject the SIP request. the remaining PDCs.
5. In case of incomplete SIP Debit Mandate Forms or SIP Registration pending due 14. Existing Investor: If the investor fails to mention the scheme name in the SIP 21. Extension of SIP needs to be accompanied with cancelled cheque leaf.
to technical problems at NPCI/ Bankers end, AMC may seek remediation Mandate Form, the Fund reserves the right to register the SIP in the existing 22. Mandatory fields in SIP NACH DEBIT MANDATE form as per NPCI:
process to obtain incomplete details. In such cases registration process may scheme (eligible for SIP) available in the investor’s folio. Incase multiple schemes • Submission Date • Bank Account type to be selected • Bank account number
exceed 30 days and hence may also impact processing of subsequent SIP or Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) are available in the folio, the Fund and Bank name • IFSC and/or MICR Code • Folio number or application number
instalments. reserves the right to reject the SIP request. • Phone number and email id • SIP From date •Signatures as per bank records •
6. SIP start date shall not be beyond 90 days for Monthly and Quarterly SIPs from 15. Incase SIP date is not selected or the date mentioned is not legible or clear or Name as per bank records
the date of submission of SIP application. multiple SIP date are opted, then the SIP will be registered on 7th (default date) 23. All terms and conditions for SIP, including Exit Load, if any, prevailing at the time
7. The investor will have the right to discontinue SIP at any time he or she so of each Month/Quarter as applicable. of SIP enrolment by the fund shall be levied in the Scheme.
desires by providing a written request to this effect at least 28 days prior to the 16. If the investor has not mentioned the SIP start month, SIP will start from the next 24. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH/ECS/SI/Auto
subsequent SIP date. Alternatively, investor can also use online login access to applicable month, subject to completion of 28 days lead time from the receipt Debit facilities of Reserve Bank of India (RBI)/ NPCI(National Payment
our website to discontinue any of his existing of SIP request. Corporation of India).Investor will not hold Kotak Mutual Fund, Kotak
SIPs registered through online or offline (Physical) mode. 17. Incase the SIP ‘End Period’ is incorrect or not mentioned by the investor in the Mahindra Asset Management Company Limited (the AMC), Kotak Mahindra
8. For your SIP registered with ICICI Bank details, please note that we cannot SIP form, then December, 2099 shall be considered as default ‘End Period’. Trust Limited (the Trustee), its registrars and other service providers responsible
accept online cease request. A separate written request to discontinue SIP 18. Maximum Amount: The Maximum Amount in SIP NACH Debit Mandate Form and/or liable if the transaction is delayed or not effected or the investor bank
needs to be submitted to your nearest CAMS/ AMC office at least 28 days prior refers to the maximum SIP debit limit per transaction permitted by the investor account is debited in advance or after the specific SIP date due to various
to the next SIP Auto Debit date. to be debited form his bank account. At any given point of time SIP instalment clearing cycles for NACH/ECS/SI/Auto Debit or any other reason/fault not
9. Incase of discontinuation of SIPs registered through Online Channel Partners amount should not exceed Maximum Amount mentioned in the SIP NACH attributable to Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund/the AMC/the Trustee. Kotak
please contact your Online Channel Partner directly. Mandate Form. In case of SIP TOP UP, please refer to the specific instructions Mutual Fund reserves the right to reject any SIP application without assigning
10. Investors who have already submitted a One Time Mandate (OTM) form or already mentioned under SIP TOP UP Facility. any reason thereof.

Illustration for Variable SIP TOP UP

SIP TOP UP Facility • SIP Tenure: 07Jan 2015 to 07 Dec 2020 • Monthly SIP Installment: Rs. 3000/-
1. SIP TOP UP is a facility whereby an investor has the option to increase his SIP Instalment Amount by a fixed amount/ fixed • TOP UP percentage: 10% • TOP UP Frequency: Yearly
percentage, at pre-defined interval.
Installment From To Monthly SIP SIP TOP UP SIP TOP UP SIP Amount
2. SIP TOP UP facility is available for Existing SIP investors as well New SIP Registrations. Installment Amount round off with
3. SIP TOP UP Facility can be ‘Fixed SIP TOP UP Facility’ or ‘Variable SIP TOP UP Facility’ No.(s) Date Date Amount (Rs) (10%) (Rs) Amount (Rs) TOP UP (Rs)
4. Fixed TOP UP: SIP Amount can be increased with minimum of Rs. 500 and in multiples of Rs. 500 thereof with yearly and
half yearly option. 1 to 12 07-Jan-16 07-Dec-16 3000 N.A N.A 3000
5. Variable TOP UP: SIP amount can be increased by a minimum of 10% and in multiples of 5% thereof with yearly and half 13 to 24 07-Jan-17 07-Dec-17 3000 300 300 3300
yearly option. 25 to 36 07-Jan-18 07-Dec-18 3300 330 330 3630
6. Incase, an investor has more than one existing SIP in a single folio in the same scheme, with a single distributor, unless 37 to 48 07-Jan-19 07-Dec-19 3630 363 360 3990
specifically instructed by the investor, the SIP TOP UP request shall be considered for the first Registered SIP.
7. Investor /unit holders subscribing for this facility are required to submit the request at least 28 days prior to the next SIP 49 to 60 07-Jan-20 07-Dec-20 3990 399 400 4390
date. SIP TOP UP will be applicable from the next effective SIP instalment.
8. For Cancellation of SIP TOP UP facility, the investor has to submit a written request atleast 28 days prior to the next SIP TOP Illustration for Fixed SIP TOP UP
UP date. However, the SIP in the respective scheme shall continue with last SIP TOP UP Instalment amount, till the SIP End • SIP Tenure : 07Jan 2015 to 07 Dec 2020 • TOP UP Amount: Rs. 1000/-
Date as specified in the SIP Registration Form or till receipt of a valid SIP Cease Request. For Cancellation of SIP TOP UP • Monthly SIP Installment: Rs. 3000/- • TOP UP Frequency: Yearly
facility along-with SIP Cease request, the written request of cancellation of SIP TOP UP facility should explicitly mention
about SIP Cease as well. Installment From To Monthly SIP SIP SIP Amount
9. Modification of the SIP TOP UP amount is not possible, alternatively investor will have to cancel the existing facility and start Installment TOP UP with
No.(s) Date Date Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs) TOP UP (Rs)
a new SIP with modified date.
10. SIP TOP UP will be allowed in MICRO SIP folio subject to condition that total investment including SIP TOP UP does not 1 to 12 07-Jan-16 07-Dec-16 3000 N.A 3000
exceed Rs. 50,000 in a rolling 12 month period or financial year i.e April to March, the limit on Micro SIP investments. 13 to 24 07-Jan-17 07-Dec-17 3000 1000 4000
11. Maximum Amount in NACH Debit Mandate Form: It is the maximum limit amount per transaction set by investor for his
registered bank A/c to be debited. 25 to 36 07-Jan-18 07-Dec-18 4000 1000 5000
12. TOP UP CAP Amount: Investor has an option to freeze the SIP TOP UP amount once it reaches a fixed predefined amount. 37 to 48 07-Jan-19 07-Dec-19 5000 1000 6000
The fixed pre-defined amount should be same as the maximum amount mentioned by the investor in the NACH Debit 49 to 60 07-Jan-20 07-Dec-20 6000 1000 7000
Mandate Form. In case of difference between the CAP Amount & the maximum amount mentioned in NACH Debit
Mandate Form, then amount which is lower of the two shall be considered as the default amount of SIP CAP Amount. 17. SIP Frequency vis-à-vis SIP TOP UP Frequency :
13. TOP UP Cap Amount has to be mandatorily mentioned for SIP TOP UP Facility. In case the same is not mentioned then the SIP Frequency SIP TOP UP Frequency Details
maximum amount mentioned in NACH Debit Mandate Form shall be considered for SIP TOP UP CAP Amount. Monthly Half-yearly Increase shall happen after every 6th - SIP instalment
14. In case of Variable SIP TOP UP, the SIP instalment amount will be rounded off to the nearest multiple of Rs. 10
15. If SIP Maximum / TOP UP CAP Amount is hit before the end of SIP tenure, the SIP TOP UP will cease and last SIP TOP UP Monthly Yearly Increase shall happen after every 12th - SIP instalment
instalment amount will remain constant for remaining SIP Tenure. Quarterly Half-yearly Increase shall happen after every 2nd - SIP instalment
16. Please see the illustration below to know how to calculate Variable and Fixed SIP TOP UP amount: Quarterly Yearly Increase shall happen after every 4th - SIP instalment
18. All other terms & conditions applicable for regular SIP will also be applicable to SIP TOP UP facility.

Please ensure that: • Scheme (Plan) – Option in which you wish to do your systematic investments is clearly indicated in
• If you are an existing investor, you have quoted your Folio No. with Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund the Systematic Investment Form.
on the Systematic Investment Form. • The SIP Amount, the Frequency, your preferred Date and Period are clearly indicated.
• If you are a new investor, your Application Number is quoted on the Systematic Investment Form. • There is a minimum gap of 28 days between the date of submission and first auto debit date.

Registrar : Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd. No 178/10, Kodambakkam High Road, Ground Floor, Opp. Hotel Palmgrove, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600034. Tel.: 044 - 6110 4034 1800-222-626/ (022) 6115 2100/ / 0-8048-893-330 [email protected]

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