Global Capitalism
Global Capitalism
Global Capitalism
Dot Keet
March 2010
‘The Crisis’ and the Crises of Global Capitalism
Challenges for, and Alternatives from 'The South’ 1
Dot Keet2
Anticapitalist analysts of the current global crisis argue that this is a crisis of “neoliberal financial
market capitalism” [Preface to Rosa Luxembourg synopsis paper for this conference] and that it “is
not a crisis of the neoliberal variant of capitalism but the crisis of capitalism” [Walden Bello, ibid].
Left analyses also point out that “the financial crisis is only the visible tip of the structural crisis of
globalised capitalism” [Mamdou Habashi, ibid ], and ‘the’ crisis is in fact a “combination of various
crises which are all the fruit of capitalist logic” [Francois Houtart, ibid]; but with a further
observation that “the current crisis is neither a financial crisis, nor the sum of multiple systemic
crises but the crisis of imperialist late capitalism of generalised and financialised oligopolies” [Samir
Amin, ibid]. These differing perspectives or emphases require deeper discussion and fuller
clarification on the sources and interaction of these forces and dynamics, as well as on the nature
and main location of their multiple effects. There are, however, further perspectives that need to be
included with these observations and in these discussions.
1. Financial and productive capital
In the first instance, further observations and elaborations are required on the respective role(s) and
relationship between financial and productive capital:
1.1 It is certainly correct to point out that financial forces and agencies have become vastly more
powerful over recent decades and have downgraded and to some extent sidelined productive
capital from its formerly dominant position. But the latter (in manufacturing, mining, agriculture,
forestry, fisheries and services etc) have not thereby ceased to exist and operate. They have, in fact,
continued to actively argue for and impose their own particular demands and specific needs in
governmental policymaking (eg on foreign trade and investment liberalisation) and actions (eg oil
companies and the gulf war). And it is such international investors and production companies
largely transnational corporations, TNCs that are the main ‘face’ of internationalised capitalism in
the South, and that impose the main direct impacts in the countries of the South (see 2.3 below).
This paper is a combination of two presentations made at the Conference in Brussels, October28 – November 1st
2009, sponsored by the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation in cooperation with the World Forum on Alternatives and the
Transnational Institute, on “The World Crisis and Beyond – Alternatives and Transformation Paths to Overcome the
Regime of Crisis-Capitalism”.
[email protected]
1.2 At the same time, it is not correct to posit a sharp line distinguishing financial from productive
capital because the latter depend to a considerable degree on the former in order to function.
Conversely, productive (eg automanufacturers) and services (eg supermarket/retail) enterprises
have created their own financial/credit devices similar to those supplied by specifically financial
institutions. Such production and service enterprises have, therefore, also contributed to the
escalating financial crisis – through individual/family debt and hence to the ‘decline in
consumption’ in ‘the real economy’. They have, in this way, contributed directly to the broader and
deeper economic and social dimensions of the current crisis, especially in the richer ‘more advanced’
countries and high consumer societies, but with implications also for the lesser and least developed
countries in the South [see 2.1 below].
1.3 This interpenetration and interdependence of financial and productive capital is manifest at an
even more fundamental level. Although financial and productive capital have differing operational
modalities and requirements, and although there are therefore differences in their priorities and
their respective immediate demands on governments and other public authorities, and inter
governmental institutions [see 2.3 below], they also have common interests and commitments to
the essential values/philosophy/ideology of capitalism. And , in this way, they seek to assure their
own continuing role(s) and status, and the functioning and survival of the capitalist system as such.
2. Multiple dimensions of the crisis .
With regard to the multifaceted nature and multiple dimensions of the global crisis/crises of
capitalism – the financial and ‘real economy’ crises, growing unemployment and poverty crises; food
supply/price crises and related hunger and health crises; energy and other resources extractions and
environmental damages, ecological destructions, climate change and ‘natural’ disasters it is
necessary to note that:
2.1 The more explicitly and specifically financial dimension of the crisis is primarily and
fundamentally located in the advanced economies, in the heartlands and at the core of globalised
capitalism. But this financial crisis impacts in the peripheral economies in the South directly such
as tighter and more costly trade credits from northern banks precautiously holding onto their cash
reserves. The crisis also impacts indirectly such as through governments in the North committing
major proportions of their financial resources towards dealing with ‘national’ financial, economic
and social needs and away from ‘aid’ to the South, on which the latter have been made structurally
2.2 The other dimensions of the global crisis/crises emerging from the very functioning of
globalised capitalism will gradually become more strongly evident and will be manifest in all
countries and economies. But the scale and impacts of these multiple crises will be uneven from
country to country. This will be largely commensurate with the degree to which, or the ways in
which countries have opened up (‘liberalised’) their economies and are exposed to the full
functioning and effects of globalised capitalism. For many, this is effected through the structural
orientation (or ‘extroversion’) of their economies to import/export trade with the richest economies,
now in recession; although affected also by other internal/domestic structural and conjunctural
(political, social and cultural) factors.
2.3 For many countries in the periphery of globalised capitalism, the economic and social effects of
the functioning of ‘the global economy’, and the international ‘policy’ requirements in support of
transnational corporations and capital largely imposed through the IMF, World Bank and the WTO
have already been emerging and experienced over many decades. These effects include, amongst
• deindustrialisation and the massive growth of unemployment and soaring rates of urban
concentrations and poverty in weaker economies;
• the undermining of smallscale agriculture, adding to ruralurban population flows; the
decline in domestic food production and growing dependence on ever more expensive food
• the latter aggravated by commodity speculators in the North, especially in the context of the
increasing value of crops for the production of agrofuels.
The concomitant internal land, water and environmental pressures and stresses, and the national
and international effects of global warming and climate instabilities resulting massively from the
functioning of industrialised capitalism over a century and more are also already being felt most
directly and heavily in countries of the South. These effects will continue and deepen for such
countries large and small, strong(er) and weak(er) although also threatening the entire planetary
ecologicalsystem(s) and all of humanity.
3. Systemic dynamics intrinsic to capitalism
Transnational production and service corporations, international exporters and investors located in
the more highly industrialised economies of the North have, in recent decades, pressurised their
governments to impose bilateral and biregional economic agreements on the countries and regional
groupings of the South, and/or to utilise major multilateral institutions to force the opening up of
all sectors in all economies across the world. This intensified drive arises directly from the systemic
dynamics and the dilemmas intrinsic to capitalism, namely:
3.1 The everincreasing productive capacity of industrial capitalism, expanded and intensified with
each new technological advance, results in escalating overproduction relative to domestic levels of
consumption or ‘underconsumption’. Despite intensive social conditioning and
persuasions/pressures towards greater mass consumption in the richest countries and utilising
easy credit/debt for this purpose everexpanding overproduction (now frequently referred to, in
business terms, as ‘excessinventories’) continues to outstrip even the exaggerated levels of
consumption and outright waste within these societies. Furthermore, the continuing disjuncture
between production and consumption in the richest economies is constantly exacerbated by
downward pressures on the wages of the employed and semiemployed, as well as through unpaid
(mainly womens) labour, and deliberately entrenched ‘reserves’ of unemployed.
3.2 Within the class compact in the advanced economies after the Second World War, the still
dominant industrial capital in the richer countries was, for decades, faced with unacceptable levels
of taxation and other social responsibilities (such as welfare contributions, pension funds etc). This
‘social contract’, reflecting the class balance of forces at the time, even included the legal(ised)
rights and power, and some accommodations to organised labour in those years. But, the vast
investments entailed in the new unfolding technological revolution from the later 1970s and into
the 1980s were not – yet yielding commensurate returns for capital. These factors combined to
create unsatisfactory rates of profit for capitalist enterprises in these economies in these years. And,
what is more, this was at the same time that new manufacturing competitors were emerging in the
national corporatised economies of East and SouthEast Asia ‘unburdened’ by such social obligations
and organised popular counterforces.
3.3 Thus, an intensified thrust was pursued from the 1980s and into the next decades by industrial,
agricultural and service companies in the most developed countries. It was necessary to offload or
export their ‘excess’ production/capacities and to find better rates of profitable investment abroad.
It was also very useful to outflank and ‘discipline’ labour at home through access to ‘more amenable’
conditions abroad. This entailed the ‘liberation’ of capital from regulatory controls and other
political and policy constraints within their own countries. But it also required the removal of other
governments’ constraints upon their exports into and investment operations in other economies.
This, in turn, entailed exerting bilateral and multilateral pressures on other countries to ‘liberalise’
their national trade and investment regimes. The ‘debt obligations’ of many such countries provided
further useful enforcement mechanisms in this regard. The inevitable effect – and the deliberate aim
of these instruments and impositions was further vast capital outflows from such economies in the
South. This added yet further to the overaccumulation of capital in the home economies of
globalised corporations in the North.
3.4 While many banking and other corporations and companies from the more advanced
economies were reaping rich returns from their operations in the excolonies/neocolonies in the
South, and through major new opportunities opening up throughout the world (most notably
China, of course), these ventures carried their own complexities and even faced some continued
regulatory and operational constraints in such countries. Thus, many major holders of accumulating
capital – both institutional and individual – opted not to venture onto the choppy waters of foreign
direct investment (even though it was highly lucrative) or even take on the practical, political and
economic challenges of real investment at home. They chose rather to bypass productive
investment altogether and to use their capital to directly create more (money and paper) capital in
a selfreinforcing upward spiral of escalating accumulation. The evergreater financial concentration
and centralisation has exacerbated the ‘financialisation’ of late capitalism.
4. Crises from the neoliberal version of capitalism, or crises from capitalism per se?
In light of the above, the interrelationship between the role/functioning and effects of neoliberal
globalised capitalism in creating the current crisis/crises, on the one hand, and on the other hand
the role of the intrinsic dynamics within capitalism, per se, in creating the current and recurrent
crises is thus clear. These processes are intricately interrelated and mutually reinforcing. In sum:
4.1 Neoliberalism in practice and as a theoretical rationalisation is clearly itself a direct outcome
and requirement for Capital to be able to break out of the dilemmas of overproduction and
limitations on their profitmaximisation in their home economies. This outward drive was also
important as an offensive strategy to try to outflank and preempt effective productive competition
advancing further from within other economies in the world (particularly, but not only, in Asia).
4.2 The dilemmas of Northern capitalist enterprises and investors are, however, accentuated
because some of the more adept governments of the South, separately and collectively [see 6
below] manage to retain certain national ‘policy space’. Thus, some economies in the South are able
to make some (small but significant) financial and technological gains from the operations of
international capital in their countries. Many such governments also contrive to provide
(direct/indirect) supports to domestic enterprises to enable them to continue growing and even
take advantage of the consumer markets, the financing needs and other economic
opportunities/acquisitions in the richest countries (most notably the US of course).
4.3 At the same time, the processes of capital overaccumulation and concentration in the financial
centres in the North are also accentuated by the ‘foreign reserve’ strategies of governments in the
South, largely focused on Northernbased banks, and on the purchase of rich country government
bonds. These capital flows are augmented by the legal/illegal capital transfers to the North by the
(small but very affluent) economic and political/rentier classes in the more economically successful
(or richly resourceendowed) countries of the South. These add yet further to the accumulating
resources and power of financial institutions in the North and the everhigher levels of
financialisation of these economies. [as in 3.4 above].
5. Oligopolistic and imperialistic late capitalism
What also emerges clearly from the above is that the inherent dynamics of capitalism demand the
unceasing expansion of capitalist production and unlimited consumption throughout the world.
5.1 The ‘opening up’ of all countries and all sectors to the operations of capitalist forces, and
competition between them for control over markets and resources throughout the world, is
promoted by their ‘national’ governments through all the economic/financial, and political/legal
means required. This includes recourse to military means when necessary. This
expansion/penetration and control has, in recent years, also been promoted through formally
‘multilateral’ institutions, above all the IMF/WB and the WTO, but this has not ended the
plurilateral, bilateral and unilateral exercise of force by the more powerful governments around and
even within these very institutions. Thus, the expansionary and imperialistic nature of capitalism
continues in both the political/military and economic/social (and cultural) dimensions.
5.2 At the same time, there is an everincreasing concentration of ownership and control within
everfewer banks and other financial institutions and within everbigger globalised sectoral
corporations and conglomerates. The financial corporations are now considered ‘too big to fail’, and
feel they are too big to be controlled or even regulated by governments. The conglomerates are
being combined, willingly or forcibly, through cannibalistic mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in
each and every sector. The overwhelming financial, economic, political, ideological, social and
cultural power exercised by such gargantuan financial and other economic entities/agencies is
creating an unprecedented oligopolistic concentration of power over, and overriding, the formal
processes and institutions of political ‘democracy’, even where they exist.
5.3 At the same time, however, the erstwhile hegemony of one global superpower now faces a
future of multiple challenges in an emerging multipolar world. The question for anticapitalist
analysts, governmental and nongovernmental, and all labour and social movement activists is
whether – and how – capitalist concentration and control can be countered by global socio
economic diversification and socioecological transformation and genuine democratic power. This is
now both a crucial need for social equity and justice and a survival necessity for humanity and the
6. Fuller socioeconomic, and political, effects of neoliberal capitalism in the South
Certain of the emergent/aspirant capitalist, and bureaucratic, technocratic and political elites in the
South especially those that are strategically placed within their countries are able to take some
individual/family/socialgroup/class advantage of the technological resources and financial
opportunities available within globalised capitalism. Such participation – or cooption is even
tactically promoted by the more selfenlightened promoters of globalised capitalism. But the fuller
picture includes the following :
6.1 The other side of the coin is the (doubled) exploitation by both national and transnational
capital and the impoverishment of vast numbers of the populations of the countries of the South.
This includes mass subjection to everdeeper wage exploitation, virtual slave labour conditions,
massive physical displacements and dispossessions, poverty and starvation, social stresses and
environmental pressures, the ravages of disease pandemics, ‘natural’ disasters, and survivalist social
conflicts and resource wars.
6.2 However, the political or practical challenges to Southbased collaborationist or comprador
capitalists is that unlike their counterparts and ‘partners’ in the North it is much more difficult for
them to totally evade the social and political implications and turn a complete blind eye to the dire
social, economic and environmental situations immediately surrounding them. They can, of course,
retreat (as many do) into protected residential enclave/fortresses. Or they can withdraw their
business operations from their own countries (as many do) but that could mean losing their access
to the official financial, economic and physical resources they enjoy as ‘national capital’ within their
countries, and their political utilisation of ‘their’ national states as necessary.
7. Strategic responses in and from the South against globalised capitalism
Organised mass responses to their extreme exploitation, dispossession and oppression is growing
although unevenly in the countries of the South, and this will undoubtedly continue, especially as
they are hit most forcefully by the climate instabilities and ecological crises threatening the whole
world. What is more, the ‘market’ modalities and levels/forms of economic activity and policies still
being pursued will contribute further to the looming climate and ecological crises now and into the
future. And, in the period immediately ahead, the crises in the ‘real economy’ will not disappear.
Even if the financial sector is ‘stabilised’, all the indications are that
• the banks continue to retain enormous financial, economic and political power, even if some
precautionary national and international regulatory groundrules are eventually devised to make
their operations more sound and less prone to risktaking, destabilising miscalculations, and
extreme excesses in many directions;
• the ‘stock markets’ (financial operators) continue their established modus operandii and
continue to exploit whatever opportunities they find/foresee in the real economies an, in fact, are
manipulating to their immediate advantage the struggles within and between corporations, and
the fluctuations in different sectors and in national economies the world over;
• the perceived ‘improvements in the business climate’ and the apparent return to investment and
revived production will not necessarily entail a return to employment for the hundreds of millions
of unemployed as business, characteristically, will take advantage of the current crises to reduce
their employee numbers and labour costs, and the labour rights and conditions that have been
established over the years.
In short, over and above the longterm environmental and climate threats, the established features
of oligopolistic late capitalism and the immediate crises that have been created in the key economic
and social sectors are set to continue for years ahead. The most likely scenario is a period of marked
instability and unpredictability, of fluctuations in investment, production and ‘consumption’, the
‘double dip’ or the ‘W’ economic pattern predicted even by mainstream analysts. Above all, the
period ahead will see further shifts within and between economies, and in the global distribution of
economic and political power.
The full potential of mass reactions and actions in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean,
Asia and Africa would achieve direct global impact towards the shifting the balance of global power
if mass movements in the countries of the South are able to win over more ‘amenable’ sectors
within the national contexts [as in 6 above] to more determined antiglobalisation stands and
strategies; or, failing that, if popular forces manage to control or sideline their respective ruling
elites as a whole. This potential for pushing/shifting the ruling forces in the countries of the South
is already evident in the various current positions and emerging possibilities for effective anti
globalisation state strategies by governments of the South; even if these are not all yet
consciously anticapitalist. These state strategies include, for example
7.2 In addition to such political alliances, practical initiatives for cooperation and mutual
strengthening between the economies of the South are evident within rapidly expanding South
South trade, joint production and infrastructural investment, technological and scientific, health
and educational cooperation, and much else. Which countries benefit the most from such relations
between very unevenly developed and resourced countries will, of course, depend fundamentally on
the framework terms/conditions for such SouthSouth cooperation. The cooperation between Cuba,
Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are illustrative
of the different modes of SouthSouth relations that are possible. Such actual and potential
economic (and other) relations could reduce the dependence of countries of the South on the
‘donor’ governments and corporations of the rich North. This would open up much greater room for
manoeuver for such governments visàvis the global system and regime. If consciously conceived
and skilfully utilised, this could even contribute towards altering the global balance of economic
and political power against governmental and corporate forces in the capitalist North.
7.3 There are also various established and emerging politicaleconomic regional groupings between
countries in the South to deal with direct crossborder relations between neighbouring and
intricately interlinked countries [such as MERCOSUR in South America or the Southern African
Development Community, and many others]. For example, cooperation and coordination is
essential for existing/future crossborder transport and communications systems, and many other
technical and social services (especially regarding public health and safety). These direct and dense
crossborder interactions also include formal and ‘informal’ intraregional trade flows and other
crossborder human migrations and familial relations. In the context of the global food crisis there
are urgent needs for more selfsufficient food production, and thus for mutually supportive regional
agrarian and industrial strategies. Furthermore, under conditions of global economic crisis and
emerging climate change pressures, equally vital importance attaches to direct regional cooperation
over shared water resources (rivers, lakes and underground aquifers), forests and biodiversities,
fisheries and wildlife and other natural resources. These are, by their very nature, not confined
within political borders and cannot be effectively managed, protected and promoted within
essentially artificial (and often arbitrarily created) political boundaries. Such cooperation is also
essential on renewable energy resources and for the organic creation of appropriate energy
generation systems and technologies.
7.4 Thus, the longstanding rationale for all these crucial regional arrangements for more effective
cooperation/coordination between neighbouring and deeply interdependent countries is made even
more pressing within the context of the imperatives imposed by looming climate change instabilities
and insecurities and in view of the creative initiatives and transformative countermeasures so
essential for peoples’ security ….. and human survival. However, the enormous challenges of such
essential measures are rendered even more complex in view of the different levels of development
and resource endowments of such interlinked countries, their differing sizes and economic/financial
and technological capacities; and thus the potentially uneven inputs into and benefits from their
joint programs. Such asymmetries are used opportunistically by various of the current ruling elites
in the respective countries as arguments for their continued control over ‘their’ national resources
and processes. However, there are also other more justified popular concerns about existing and
increased imbalances within and between countries. Thus, the programs to emerge from practical
regional cooperation and coordination will have to be collectively and democratically negotiated
and based on principles of mutual support and solidarity, and with differentiated responsibilities
and roles according to resources and capacities. The ‘giveandtake’, ‘mutual benefit’ and equity
modalities demanded in regional cooperation programs would have to be informed by the
enlightened recognition of directly shared immediate problems and the longerterm common
threats they face. These could not be resolved effectively within relations driven by power and
competition. Such stability and survival imperatives would demand and presage entirely different
systems and relations to those that drive competitive, mercantilist and exploitative globalised
7.5 At the same time, the creation of regional alliances are also perceived to serve political
purposes in relation to external forces and international processes. These extraregional pressures
have long posed the necessity for the creation of coherent political frameworks for closely
interdependent countries as political bases from which to engage more strongly and effectively in an
extremely difficult political and economic global environment. Such political alliances are premised
on the adage that ‘unity is strength’ and that the ‘united whole is greater than the sum of its parts’.
However, such joint socioeconomic and concerted political strategies by groupings of otherwise
weaker, lesser ‘developed’ and/or smaller countries but even including some that are large(r)
and/or ‘emerging’ – are, yet again, not straightforward to devise/negotiate. Such strategic alliances
require a level of political farsightedness that also focuses on identifying and consciously
prioritising – the interests they hold in common and in relation to negative outside forces. Even if
not entirely motivated by ‘higher principles’, such closely interdependent neighbouring countries
have immediate and powerful pragmatic incentives to work together. Hard experience shows that if
one country descends into crisis, all the immediate neighbouring countries and peoples will suffer
inescapable negative consequences as well. The same, of course, applies globally … but at that level
the dangerous illusion is easier to cling onto that distance provides some buffer and protection
against crises happening ‘elsewhere’.
7.6 Most broadly, the negotiation and creation of more selfsustaining models and more diverse
modes and modalities within sub/regional politicoeconomic groupings of developing countries can
– by design and through deliberate intent, or as a de facto outcome of their autonomous decisions –
effect an incremental erosion of the ‘single integrated/liberalised global economy’. This is what
Walden Bello terms “deglobalisation”. Regional frameworks and terrains for distinctive and diverse
socioeconomic and environmental programs within geopolitical ‘spaces’ for innovative
experimentations will not be easy to secure intraregionally [as above] or internationally. Many
national/unilateral initiatives, and apparently ‘bilateral’ programs emanating from the North, and
multilateral interventions are underway to undermine the potential or redefine the nature and
purpose of such regional strategies between developing countries of the South. However, once
secured and expanded, such strategic regional groupings and active economic and political
cooperation could constitute a gradual narrowing of the literal physical and economic scope for the
operation of capitalists and capitalism. At the same time, such alternative development models
could provide practical demonstrations of workable alternatives to globalised capitalism that are
feasible within sizeable, viable and effective regional blocks. ‘Living alternatives’ at
local/community levels are also useful for their demonstration effect but are probably too ‘small’
and ‘slow’. In the face of increasingly threatening global crises, such localised, or even independent
‘national’ strategies would be too piecemeal and gradual, too dispersed and too lacking in strategic
concertation. Above all, such local and/or autonomous strategies of individual countries would
simply be insufficiently powerful politically and economically apart from China and possibly India
compared to the possibilities within and through the combined regional(ised) strategies required
to change the international balance of economic and political power.
8. Broader SouthNorth anticapitalist perspectives
If such regional groupings of countries and peoples of the South are able to negotiate and
implement amongst themselves alternative socioeconomic strategies, they could not only be
advancing alternatives between and for the countries and peoples within their own regional
groupings, but also from their putative regional economic and political power bases for and towards
alternatives to globalised capitalism .. and for the whole of humanity. Such shifts in the global
balance of power against the active procapitalist and powerful corporate powers of the North
would also be of great benefit to the anticapitalist forces in the countries of the North. Progressive
forces in the countries of the North have their own direct needs and interests in combating capitalist
and procapitalist forces in their own countries and regions (such as the European Union). But this,
of course, also requires understanding by such allies in the North about the strategic aims and
political potentials in and from the South ….. and essential and active mutual support and solidarity
between them.