Project Proposal On Mobile Attendance Management System

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The mobile attendance has been developed to eliminate the time and effort wasted
in taking attendances in schools and colleges. It also reduces the number of paper
resources needs in participation information management. The system is divided
into following modules:

• This is an android mobile application. It’s developed to be utilized for

school/college workforce with the goal that they may take student attendance on
their mobile phones.

• Attendance Storage: This information is currently put away in the staff mobile
phone. Staff may likewise see it whenever on their mobile phone application.

• Attendance sheet transfer: The staff can transfer the document to a server
(ordinary PC) by means of a web association where this information can be stored
and maintain by the school or college.

• Attendance Check: The PC administrator may now check the attendance transfer
as Student matric no, date, time and sort by date to check presentees of a specific

Subsequently, this student computerizes participation system and eliminates with

the utilization of paperwork required for attendance making and monitoring
student attendance.
The Project will have 3 different modules which are:

Student Attendance mobile Application (QR Code Generator)

Lecturer Attendance mobile Application (QR Code Scanner)

Lecturer Web Page (To have access to all the marked Attendance)


Students Module

Matric Number here


 Once student download the application he/she can only input matric number
once, Once a matric number is entered they cannot change or delete it.
 Once the lecturer is ready to mark the attendance, all student in the class will
show their QR Code to for scanning.

Lecturer Application Module

 Lecturer will scan each student QR Code with their QR Code Scanner
 Once a student is scan the matric number, course code, date and time will be
save into the data base

Lecturer Web Module

In this Module Lecture will be able to sort out all registered matric number and can
export as PDF of Excel Format

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