Sustainable Development Gblobal
Sustainable Development Gblobal
Sustainable Development Gblobal
Point 3 ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages
2. maternal health
3. childern health
Point 4 QUALITY EDUCATION Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all
Point 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Point 13 climate actions Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Point 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Our mission
Empowering young people to can make a move beside our educational information and knowledge
about our Suistainable Dvelopment Goals
Based on 17 sdgs goals we make a content 5 spesific goals wichs is that really close with our self as a
youth have , progress and knowledge obout this 5 spesific goals in our county develop . to make our
generation and next generation have batter place and sdgs goals can acive in 2030
1. My mission :
“Takeing small steps we can make a big change”
Empowering young people to can make a move beside our educational information and
knowledge about our Suistainable Development Goals
Based on 17 sdgs goals we make a content 5 spesific goals wichs is that really close with our self
as a youth have , progress and knowledge obout this 5 spesific goals in our county develop to
make our generation and next generation have batter place and sdgs goals can acive in 2030.
Background sdgs
The SDGs are a bold commitment to finish what we started, and tackle some of the
more pressing challenges facing the world today. All 17 Goals interconnect, meaning
success in one affects success for others. Dealing with the threat of climate change
impacts how we manage our fragile natural resources, achieving gender equality or
better health helps eradicate poverty, and fostering peace and inclusive societies will
reduce inequalities and help economies prosper. In short, this is the greatest chance
we have to improve life for future generations.
The SDGs coincided with another historic agreement reached in 2015 at the COP21
Paris Climate Conference. Together with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction, signed in Japan in March 2015, these agreements provide a set of
common standards and achievable targets to reduce carbon emissions, manage the
risks of climate change and natural disasters, and to build back better after a crisis.
The SDGs are unique in that they cover issues that affect us all. They reaffirm our
international commitment to end poverty, permanently, everywhere. They are
ambitious in making sure no one is left behind. More importantly, they involve us all
to build a more sustainable, safer, more prosperous planet for all humanity.
(1) No Poverty,
Though the goals are broad and interdependent, two years later (6 July 2017) the SDGs were
made more "actionable" by a UN Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. The resolution identifies
specific targets for each goal, along with indicators that are being used to measure progress toward each
target.[3] The year by which the target is meant to be achieved is usually between 2020 and 2030.[4] For
some of the targets, no end date is given.
The SDGs pay attention to multiple cross-cutting issues, like gender equity, education,
and culture cut across all of the SDGs. There were serious impacts and implications of the COVID-
19 pandemic on all 17 SDGs in the year 2020.
No. 17 Tujuan SDGs Keterangan Isu Strategis