Chapter 14 Eng 21
Chapter 14 Eng 21
Chapter 14 Eng 21
The private sector is one of the driving forces of the country's economy. Along with the
government, the private sector has been playing an important role in the expansion of industry,
expansion of export sector and creation of employment. In order to achieve sustainable
development goals (SDG), it is necessary to invest in economic sector especially in industrial and
productive projects. The government is working for the overall development of investment
environment for the purpose of increasing domestic and foreign investment which relates to
development activities. Now, the government is implementing different development projects under
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model along with individual projects under government and
private sector. In FY 2019-20 the investment proposal for 905 private projects were of Tk.
10,52,26.00 crore. On the other hand, in the first eight months of FY 2020-21 (till February 2021),
the proposal stood at Tk. 4,49,38.00 crore for 805 private projects. In 2020 (January-December),
the total foreign investment inflow stood at US$ 2,563.58 million, compared to US$ 2,873.95
million in 2019. Private sector is also working for bringing 100 percent populations under
electricity coverage by 2021. In the first seven months of FY 2020-21 (up to January 2021), a total
of 44,439 million kilowatt-hours of electricity was produced, out of which 45.76 percent had been
generated by private sectors. Bangladesh has achieved stable credit rating by Moody's (Ba3) for
the eleventh consecutive time and S&P (BB-) for the tenth consecutive time. The government
undertakes the schemes for the development of information and communication technology and
provides proper support both to the public and private sector in this regard. The government has
undertaken various development projects and program in order to ensure the use and application
of information and communication technology by increasing digital literacy at all walks of life.
The government is working relentlessly to form modern and developed Bangladesh by creating
employment of youths through introducing e-governance and e-commerce in knowledge and
technology-based industries.
Reinvestment 489.63 587.53 697.11 988.81 1144.74 1215.39 1279.42 1309.10 1467.35 1566.12
Intra-Company 214.90 207.40 360.99 282.17 393.98 205.95 333.24 1180.10 602.90 155.17
Total 1136.38 1292.56 1599.16 1551.28 2235.39 2332.72 2151.56 3613.30 2873.95 2563.58
3000 2874
2500 2235 2333
1599 1527
1500 1293
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
5462 5413
4000 3817
3556 3581
2332 2225
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Joint Venture Investment Registration (Local foreign were registered with BIDA and the
and Foreign) amount of these investment was Tk. 10,52,26
crore. In FY 2020-21 (up to February 2021) a
The primary step of any investment is to get
total of 805 projects worth Tk. 4,49,38 crore have
registered with the concerned authority which
been registered with BIDA. Private investment
examines the possibility of the project. In FY
proposals registered with BIDA during FY 2011-
2019-20 a total of 905 project both local and
12 to FY 2020-21 are presented in Table 14.2.
Table 14.2: Private Investment Proposals Registered with BIDA.
Fiscal Local Investment Foreign /JV Investment Total Investment Growth in
Year Proposals Registered Proposals Registered Proposals Registered Project
Projects Project Value Projects Project Value Projects Project Value
(Crore Taka) (Crore Taka) (Crore Taka)
2011-12 1735 53476 221 34416 1956 87893 (-) 10.00
2012-13 1457 44615 219 22072 1676 66687 (-) 24.00
2013-14 1308 49759 124 18531 1432 68291 (+) 2.40
2014-15 1309 91273 120 8061 1429 99334 (+) 45.46
2015-16 1511 94585 151 15576 1662 110161 (+) 9.86
2016-17 1578 99672 167 85589 1745 185261 (+) 68.17
2017-18 1483 125799 160 81493 1643 207292 (+)11.89
2018-19 1198 70696 170 43399 1368 114095 (-)44.96
2019-20 739 63993 166 41233 905 105226 (-)11.84
2020-21* 733 37160 72 7778 805 44938 -
Source: Monthly Report (2020-21), Policy Advocacy, BIDA * up to February 2021
It is observed that in FY 2020-21 (up to February Engineering (14%) and Service (8%). Figure 14.3
2021), chemical is the largest sector in the list discloses information on registered local
accounting for 35 percent investment. Other investment with the BIDA in FY 2020-21.
major sectors are Agro Industry (19%),
Figure 14.3: Sector-wise Local Investment Projects Registered with BIDA in FY 2020-21
Foreign and Joint Venture Investment been registered with BIDA amounting to Tk.
Registration 77,782 million. The highest number of projects
was registered in service sector. Table 14.4
In FY 2020-21 (up to February 2021), a total of
presents the sector wise distribution of foreign
72 foreign and joint venture new projects have
and joint venture investment projects.
Table 14.4: Registration of Foreign and Joint Venture Investment Projects
(In Million US$)
Sector Name 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Agro based 75.25 29.68 38.19 33.56 27.36 1160.33 27.32 1.96
Food & Aid 4.70 0.13 6.80 14.49 175.09 34.55 30.90 6.02
Textile 62.66 8.35 16.10 0.45 127.53 183.71 5.36 1.25
Printing & 0.00 0.00 1.85 - 7.17 0
5.14 1.54
Tannery & Leather 32.55 17.49 11.36 3.33 55.25 16.64 89.50 2.50
Chemical 20.50 63.29 51.52 16.75 6065.22 72.90 26.44 28.59
Glass & Ceramics 0.79 0.20 7.00 12.76 0.00 - - 28.32
Engineering 237.74 244.04 222.24 2535.28 268.95 216.16 2971.64 104.04
Service 1687.08 54.38 107.98 7515.02 1349.78 213.45 122.32 660.28
Misc. 7.13 5.13 51.98 245.99 1667.98 3126.15 237.98 4.98
Total 2128.32 422.69 515.02 10377.63 9742.30 5025.44 3518.64 837.94
Source: BIDA. * up to February 2021.
It is observed that in FY 2020-21 (up to February (4%) and Glass and Ceramic (3%). Figure 14.4
2021), Service (79%) was the largest sector discloses information on registered Foreign and
registered during this period and other major Joint Venture Investment Projects with the BIDA
sector included Engineering (12%), Chemical in FY 2020-21
Figure- 14.4: Sector-wise Distribution of Foreign and Joint Venture Projects in FY 2020-
Engineering 12.42%
350000 309709
300000 266492
250000 224943 226411
200000 166157
150000 120942
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Financial Approved Loan Approved facilitating foreign and local investment in the
year Appraisal Loan Amount Export Processing Zones of the country. At
(Million US$) present, there are 8 EPZs in Bangladesh. These
2009-10 16 175.93 are Dhaka, Chattogram, Mongla, Cumilla,
2016-17 153 1600.17
Ishwardi, Uttara (Nilphamari), Adamjee and
Karnaphuli. Apart from that, BEPZA is setting up
2017-18 116 2112.13
an economic zone on 1,150 acres of land at
2018-19 99 4115.43 Mirsarai upazila under Chattogram district.
2019-20 46 2527.38
539 industrial plots will be constructed under the
2020-21* 26 636.86 project. In the first phase, from April 2021, 140
Total 991 19079.05 industrial plots are expected to be allotted to
Source: BIDA. *up to February 2021. domestic and foreign investors. The 350
industrial units in the economic zone have the
Approval of Foreign Commercial Office
potential to invest 4.5 billion and create
As per application of investors inter-ministerial employment for 5 lakh Bangladeshis. Besides,
committee of the Bangladesh Investment conversion of 1,819 acres land of Rangpur Sugar
Development Authority approved Branch Office, Mills into EPZ and set up of an EPZ in Jashore
Liaison Office, Representative Office and and near Payra seaport are under process.
extension of same offices in Bangladesh. Table
As on February 2021, the amount of cumulative
14.6 describes the recent trend in approval of
investment in the EPZs is US$ 5,516.45 million.
Branch, Liaison and Representative Offices (new
In the first 8 months of FY 2020-21, the amount
and extension) from FY2014-15 to FY 2020-21.
of actual investment stands at US$ 226.58
Table 14.6: Recent Trend in Approval of million.
Branch, Liaison and Representative Office As on February 2021, the amount of cumulative
Financial Branch Liaison Representati export from the EPZs is US$ 84.81 billion. In the
Year Office Office ve Office first 8 months of FY 2020-21, the amount of
(New & (New & (New & export from the EPZs stands at US$ 4,202.99
Extension) Extension) Extension) million. It may be mentioned here that the export
2014-15 120 249 11
made from EPZ during the financial year 2019-20
2015-16 102 222 15
contributed about 19.27 percent of national
2016-17 120 211 11
2017-18 184 257 14
2018-19 146 212 18 Upto February 2021, a total of 4,23,501
2019-20 153 216 11 Bangladeshi nationals have been employed in the
2020-21* 125 162 15 enterprises in the EPZs, out of which 66 percent
Total 950 1529 95 is female.
Source: BIDA. * up to February 2021
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority
Investment Scenario of Bangladesh Export (BEZA)
Promotion Zone (EPZ) Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA)
In order to accelerate the development of the has been set up to establish economic zones to
industrial sector, the Bangladesh Export encourage rapid economic development, planned
Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) has been industrialisation, employment generation,
providing overall cooperation in attracting and production, enhance and diversification of
export. BEZA has adopted a plan to establish 100 The number of online services provided at the
Economic Zones on about 30,000 hectares of One Stop Service Center of BEZA has increased
land by 2030 to facilitate investors to set up to 48. 11 new services were added online at the
industries. With the establishment of these One Stop Service Center on 22/10/2020. The
economic zones, it would be possible to create process of adding 6 more services online is
employment opportunities for about one crore progressing fast. At present about 125 types of
people directly and indirectly and to produce and services are being provided from BEZA OSS
export goods and services worth an additional Center. In this way, an investor can start
US$ 40 billion. production by completing all the formalities
within a maximum of 100 days.
BEZA Governing Board has already approved the
location and area of land in 97 economic zones, Economic zones are being set up on 436 acres of
of which 68 are public economic zones and 29 land in Jamalpur district, on 352 acres in Srihatta
are private economic zones. Among these in Moulvibazar district and on about 3,000 acres
economic zones, there are 2 public-private in Maheshkhali in Cox's Bazar district. This will
partnership economic zones, 4 G2G economic connect the backward areas of the country with
zones and 3 tourism parks. So far, more than the highway of economic development. Besides,
7,000 acres of land has been allotted for lease in three tourism parks are being set up in Cox's
favor of 168 investors in five economic zones Bazar district of the country under the
(Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Industrial Area, supervision of BEZA to enrich the tourism sector.
Maheshkhali, Shrihatta, Jamalpur Economic
Zone and Sabrang Tourism Park) with a To continue the trend of Japanese and Chinese
proposed investment of about 23.97 billion investment and to encourage technology transfer,
dollar. the Japanese Economic Zone at Narayanganj and
the Chinese Economic & Industrial Zone at
In addition, about 3.1 billion dollar investment Chittagong are being built. Besides, Indian
proposal has been approved in private economic Economic Zone is being constructed in
zones. As a result, the total investment proposal Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Industrial City for
stands at 27.07 billion dollar. The proposed Indian investors.
investment will create employment opportunities
for about 1 million people. Already, export- BEZA provides comprehensive incentives and
oriented products are being produced with direct support to investors on a variety of financial
employment of about 38,000 people in the issues. In this context, in order to expedite the
economic zones. disbursement of loan facilities from banks and
financial institutions, a joint collaboration
Products of the industrial enterprises of private between BEZA and Bangladesh Bank has
economic zones including Jumbo bags, introduced mortgage facility against leasehold
Carbonated Beverages, Noodles, Palm Oil, right of land for leasehold investors in the
Soybean Oil, Tissue Paper, NCR Paper, Hangers economic zones.
etc. are now being exported to different countries
of the world such as France, Belgium, Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Netherlands, United States, Qatar, India, Nepal, In order to fulfill the basic needs of the people of
Korea, Australia, Germany, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh and to improve the quality of their
Vietnam. lives, to promote socio-economic development,
to ensure comprehensive investment in
1,90,969.83 crore. In year 2020 (up to September), Private Sector Development Activities of Some
Banks and NBFIs altogether have disbursed an Selected Sectors
amount of Tk. 1,04,515.17 crore against 5,17,250
ICT Sector
SMEs. On the other hand, 43,636 women led SME
enterprises received financing of Tk. 3,553.47 Hi-Tech Park
crore during the same time period. Bangladesh High-Tech Park Authority has been
‘The National SME Policy 2019‟ has been established under „Bangladesh High-Tech Park
formulated with emphasis on increasing the Authority Act-2010‟ in order to development of
contribution of SME sector in the industry and hi-tech industries and information technology-
creating equal opportunities for all in this sector based industries in the country. Bangladesh Hi-
and increasing women's participation through tech Park Authority has been working for socio-
economic empowerment. economic development of the country by
ensuring the employment of huge youths of the
However, due to the Coronavirus, local small and
country through set up hi-tech park/ software
cottage industries are facing a crisis. In order to
technology park in different places of the
address this crisis, emphasis has been laid on
country. In the first phase, Bangladesh High-
cluster based development in the SME sector. To
Tech Park Authority is currently working to
combat the economic impact of COVID-19, the
establish 39 Hi-tech park across the country.
government is expanding low-interest credit
Meanwhile, construction of 13.15 lakh sq ft
facilities to poor farmers, recently repatriated
space have been completed in various parks
overseas workers and skilled but unemployed
including „Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City‟ in
youths in rural areas to enable them to take up
Kaliakair, „Sheikh Hasina Software Technology
self-employment ventures in sectors like
Park in Jessore‟, „Sheikh Kamal IT Incubation
agricultural production, agro-based service, small
and Training Center‟ in Natore and „Janata
business, cottage industries, SMEs, etc. Under
Tower Software Technology Park‟ in Dhaka.
this program, Tk. 2,000 crore will be distributed
Among the ready places 7.58 lakh sq ft has been
with low interest rate through three specialised
allocated. 120 local and foreign companies have
banks, namely Palli Sanchay Bank, Probashi
received allotment in the various parks
Kallyan Bank, Karmasangsthan Bank and one
established by Bangladesh Hi-tech Park
specialised institution, namely Palli Karma
Authority. They have already invested 50 million
Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), with each receiving
dollars of the proposed 1,200 million dollar.
Tk. 500 crore in FY 2020-21.
Telecommunication Sector
Again, to facilitate economic recovery of cottage,
micro, small and midium enterprises, the Private sector has a significant role in the
government has provided a stimulus package of development of telecommunication sector.
Tk. 20,000 crore to be distributed by banks at a Private sector investment has brought a
low interest (4%) with interest subsidies of 5 revolutionary change to the telecommunication
percent provided by the government. To sector. In 2004, there was a total number of 40
encourage banks to provided loans to micro, lakh users of mobile phone, whereas the number
cottage and small enterprises, Bangladesh Bank exceeded 17.33 crore in February 2021. The
has initiated a credit guarantee schieme of Tk. total number of internet subscribers has crossed
2,000 crore. About Tk. 2,497.16 crore has 11.27 crore at this time. As a result of the
already been allocated upto February 2021. business-friendly policy, many domestic
entrepreneurs have invested in the
telecommunications sector in the last few years. different types of incentives and opportunities.
In February 2018, Bangladesh entered the world The „Private University Act 2010‟ has been
of 4G mobile technology. Steps have been taken enacted to improve the standard of education in
for introducing 5G services for the development the private universities. As a result, 103 private
and expansion of information technology. The universities have been established in the country.
mobile phone sector is generating huge revenue, According to „the Private Universities Act-2010‟,
which is playing a huge role in increasing the the International Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
total revenue of the country. Mobile network has has been formed to ensure the quality of higher
also been constructed in three hill-districts. education in every private university. Initiatives
have been taken to set up Bangladesh Research
Power Sector
and Education Network (BdREN) to enhance the
With a view to attain the target of Vision- 2021 technical skills of students and teachers of
and Vision-2041 , the government has planned to universities and to connect foreign universities
generate 24,000 MW electricity by 2021, 40,000 and research institutes with local universities.
MW electricity by 2030 and 60,000 MW The modern laboratories, research centers and
electricity by 2041. It is a pledge of the institutes of the universities are being
government to bring all the people within consolidated and modernised.
electricity connectivity by 2021. In order to fulfill
Health Sector
this commitment, the government has taken
different initiatives not only to boost power Medical and health services are gradually
generation but also to expand distribution and increasing through participation of the private
transmission lines. sector. To encourage the private sector, the
government provides grants from revenue budget
At present 99 percent population of the country
to hospitals/clinics and organisations. At present,
has access to power including renewable energy.
there are 70 Medical Colleges, 12 Dental
In FY 2020-21 (up to February 2021) total grid
Colleges, 14 dental units, 13 post graduate
based installed capacity was 21,778 MW
institute, 200 Medical Assistant Training
including 9,990 MW in Public Sector, 1244 MW
Institutions and 97 Institute of Health
in JV, 9,384 MW in Private Sector and 1,160 MW
Technology in private sector.
power imported from India. Including captive
and renewable energy, total installed capacity is At present, special activities worth Tk. 5,500
24,982 MW. A total of 44,439 million kwh net crore is being implemented under the Health
electricity including public, private and import Services Division to address COVID-19. In
were produced up to January 2021. Out of this, addition, Tk. 10,000 crore has been allocated to
45.76 percent was generated by the private meet any urgent need to address COVID-19 in FY
sector. On the contrary, 38.69 percent was 2020-21 and it has been proposed to allocate Tk.
produced from public sector. The rest 4.94 10,000 crore in FY2021-22. It has been proposed
percent from JV power plants and 10.59 percent to set up an Integrated Health-Science Research
from power import. and Development Fund of Tk. 100 crore for the
development of research in the field of health
Education Sector
education and science and technology.
Like the government, private sector is also
working for the development of education at all
levels. In order to attract private investment in
education sector the government provides
On the other hand, gross premium income of previous year. The rate of reduction was 1.50
„Jiban Bima Corporation‟ and 32 private life percent for Covid-19 epidemic. Table 14.8 shows
insurance companies was Tk. 9,455.45 crore in the status of premium income from state owned
2020, which is Tk. 144.18 crore less than the and private life insurance companies.
Sources of the Foreign and Joint Venture Projects
(In Million US$ )
Source of Joint & 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
100% Foreign
1. Saudi Arabia 0 0 2.363 5.500 2450.076 0.125 0 5.413 8.278
2. USA 110.492 85.005 120.842 17.246 178.680 494.509 643.378 13.476 301.618
3. Thailand 81.484 25.750 18.667 27.673 584.06 6.894 2.277 0.047 0.069
4. India 2120.647 169.623 34.038 33.763 212.911 327.744 40.937 23.128 14.493
5. South Korea 11.359 7.960 4.541 161.542 17.411 115.074 1.761 2.525 0
6. Malaysia 7.260 2.361 8.588 88.389 23.816 1.373 3.852 1200.244 5.294
7. The Netherlands 3.620 0.846 0.608 4.774 19.076 0 1720.402 41.25 1.172
8. China 164.732 1683.322 25.102 70.396 6211.351 416.361 943.647 1934.413 69.978
9. UK 60.679 0 58.157 5.082 3.698 386.224 0.262 6.506 0
10. Pakistan 0.915 0.648 0 0 1.986 0 0 0 0
11. Japan 35.424 16.779 7.223 59.791 15.628 49.752 248.549 18.291 33.471
12. Denmark 3.958 1.062 0.514 0.024 0 0.407 0 14.130 0
13. Sri Lanka 89.926 0.187 0 1.611 0.351 13.603 98.291 0.252 5.028
14. Canada 4.240 1.280 7.198 0.849 0 14.085 0.133 0 0
15. Taiwan 1.503 3.684 16.594 0.822 0.20 1.544 1.157 77.589 0
16. Singapore 16.298 29.328 9.605 1.977 657.853 382.973 1247.426 167.586 301.566
17. Turkey 4.465 0 2.271 0.288 1.096 14.288 0 2.770 0
18. Italy 0.838 2.392 1.127 0 16.376 0 0 0 0
19. Hong Kong 23.674 3.646 8.342 2.886 50.614 17.963 29.910 0.850 0
20. Africa 0 0 3.627 0 0 0 0 0.320 0
Armenia & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21. 0.239
22. Bermuda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23. France 2.326 0.806 0 0 3.117 0 0 0 3.934
24. Indonesia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25. Lebanon 46.430 0 1.136 0 0 0 0 0 0
26. Mauritius 0 5.128 54.126 9.653 0 340.000 0 32.545 0.999
27. Philippines 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.274 0 0
28. Sweden 0.086 0 16.276 1.831 1.229 1.551 2.377 0 1.962
29. Switzerland 1.781 0.589 14.824 0 0 0 17.900 0 0.121
30. Finland 0 0 0.556 0 0 0 0 0 0
31. UAE 1.036 52.160 0.301 1.117 15.287 7143.725 0.300 108.944 0
British Virgin 0 0 0 0 0 1.035 0 0
32. 8.988
33. Germany 0.312 2.266 1.345 6.597 18.372 7.003 4.000 4.019 77.195
Source of Joint & 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
100% Foreign
34. Australia 0 6.182 1.016 1.047 5.763 0 0 2.582 2.133
35. Greece 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36. Spain 0.984 0.028 1.696 0 12.014 0 1.71 0.395 0.114
37. Poland 0 0 0.894 0 0 0 0 0 0
38. Belgium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.35 0 0
39. Egypt 1.151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40. Hungary 1.221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41. Norway 0.117 0 0 0 0 5.186 0 0 0
42. Vietnam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43. Jordan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Kuwait 0 0 0 0.885 0 0 0 0 0
45. Austria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46. Malta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47. USE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48. Guyana 1.165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49. Libya 1.167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50. Serbia 0.196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51. Yemen 0 27.289 0 0.308 0 0 0 0 0
52. Nigeria 0 0 0.614 0 0 0 0 0 0
53. Iran 0 0 0 1.244 0.592 0 0 0 0
54. Lithuania 0 0 0 0.500 0 0 0 0 0
55. Uzbekistan 0 0 0 0 2.713 0 0 0 0
56. Belarus 0 0 0 0 5.875 0 0 0 0
57. Nepal 0 0 0 0 0 1.347 0 8.14 0
58. Oman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.117 0
59. Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.118 0
60. England 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.346 0
61. Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.385 9.117
62. Bulgeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.164
63. Kazakhistan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.411
Total 2800.11 2128.32 422.69 515.02 10510.92 9742.31 5019.91 3684.480 837.117
Source: Policy Advocacy, BIDA * up to February 2021.
Annex 14.2
List of PPP Funded Projects
S.L Sector Estimated Cost
(in million US$)
Transport Sector
01. Dhaka-Elevated Expressway. 1243
02. Upgrading of Dhaka Bypass to 4 Lane). 350
03 Improvement of Hatirjheel (Rampura Bridge). 300
04. Flyover from Santinagar to Mawa Road via 4th (New) Bridge over Buriganga River. 300
05. Construction of a New Inland Container Depot (ICD) near Dhirasram Railway Station. 70
06. Build and Construct Khulna Khan Jahan Ali airport and Special Tourism Zone (STZ) in 300
Khulna under PPP Mode.
07. Construction & Operation of Inland Container Terminal (ICT) at Khanpur. 30
08. Dhaka-Chattagram Access Controlled Highway. 3200
09. Comprehensive Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) Project under PPP 100
10. Gabtoli - Nabinagar PPP Road. 340
11. Circular Railway Line 1000
12. Improvement of Chattogram to Cox's Bazar Highway through PPP 1462
13. 2nd Padma Multipurpose Bridge at Paturia-Goalundo. 1500
14. Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line-2 3479
15. Light Rapid Transit system for Narayanganj City 200
16. Multimodal Hub at Kamalapur Railway Station 500
17. Multimodal Hub at Bimanbandar Raiway Station 200
18. Construction of Outer Ring Road. 2705
19. Construction of Bridge on Bhulta-Araihazar-Bancharampur road over the river Meghna 878
20. Improvement of Dhaka (Joydebpur)-Mymensingh Highway (N3) into Expressway 395
Shipping Sector
21. 2 Jetties at Mongla Port through PPP. 53
22. Construction of Laldia Bulk Terminal. 300
23. Bay Terminal 2089
24. Payra Port Dredging 950
25. Payra Port Coal Terminal 660
26. Payra Port Container Terminal 300
Economic Zone Sector
27. Economic Zone 4: Mongla. 12
28. Economic Zone 2: Mirsarai. 735
29. Development of Economic Zone (EZ) at Jamalpur with Private Sector participation. 40
30. IT Village at Mohakhali. 20
31. Central Effluent Treatment Plant at Mirsarai EZ 22
Agricultural Sector
32. Construction of Composite Rice Mills 170
Tourism Sector
33. Development of Integrated Tourism and Entertainment Village at Cox’s Bazar. 100
34. Establishment of 5 Star Hotel with other Facilities at Existing Parjatan Motel Sylhet 20
Compound of BPC Sylhet.
35. Three Star Hotel at BPC land, Pashur, Mongla. 15
36. Establishment of Intl. Standard Tourism Complex at Existing Motel Upal 45
37. Five Star Hotel cum Training Centre at BPC land , Muzgunni, Khulna 30
38. Development of a Five Star Hotel at Zakir Hossen Road in Chattogram 50
Health Sector