OpenScape 4000 V8 - Competitor Information - Quick Reference Guide
OpenScape 4000 V8 - Competitor Information - Quick Reference Guide
OpenScape 4000 V8 - Competitor Information - Quick Reference Guide
OpenScape 4000 OmniPCX Enterprise + Avaya Aura Communication Unified Communications Micosoft Communications
OmniTouch UC Suite Manager Manager Enterprise (+ Presence, Server 2013
MeetingPlace, Cisco Unity
Applications Servers)
SECTION 1: Key OpenScape 4000 Competitive Platform Features
(Note: Unified Communications / Applications on OpenScape 4000 in Section 2)
Description New SUSE Linux-based COTS hardware Server-oriented architecture featuring a Server-oriented architecture featuring Cluster-based, capacity-limited native Multiple server architecture supporting
option with Duplex option, geographical server-based communications (VoIP) capacity-based proprietary media server VoIP architecture. Deployed on VOIP conferencing, IM & presence.
node separation for COTS or Legacy platform integrated with proprietary, communications (VoIP) platforms, media proprietary, virtualized UCS servers or Similar in number of servers needed by
cabinat options. VMware environment also modular gateway elements gateways. optionally COTS servers. UCS OpenScape UCS for small or medium
supported. Multiple servers and proprietry networking Separate proprietary servers and software deployments cut server counts. Advanced enterprise combined voice and UC
Max of 83 APs and expanded number of software required for expansion beyond required for most applications. virtualization capabilities (equity VMware function. Partners must provide many
Softgate Channels (250) - with local 15,000 IP users. investment)Business Edition (BE) critical voice/voice related elements
survivability option. Separate proprietary servers and software 6000/7000 offer full application portfolio to including desk phones, contact center, e-
SoftGate and OpenScape Access can now required for UC applications -- usually a be pre-packaged and virtualized on UCS 911 and survivable branch appliances. For
address 16 virtual boards. different server & software for each servers. e911 element, the deployment of certified
Supports up to 100,000 users in a single application. solutions was not complete for global
User domain. support as of Fall of 2011.
Supports tightly integrated
OpenScape Contact Center and
OpenScape Unfied Communications
applications, adding full presence support
for TDM and IP (HFA) clients
Name/ Current Version OpenScape 4000 V8 OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Aura Communication Manager Unified Communications Manager Skype for Business (SfB) Server 2015
either with cPCI Server or COTS or Server Rls. 7.0.1 Enterprise (CUCME) and Session
Vmware. Rls.11.2 Manager Edition (CUCMSME) and
Rls. 11.5
High resiliency and Support for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
disaster recovery with geo Dual CPUs for Resiliency (Optional) - Dual CPUs, Can be colated or Architecture supports central/distributed A CUCM group comprises up to three Supports both main redundancy as well as
separation. Geographic node separation for disaster geographically separated, deployment. Has CPU redundancy (with Cisco Unified Communications Managers. geo-separation of system
recovery. Supported additonal by geo separation) and Passive Com server Each group must contain a primary , and
emergency processors in AP and (remote sites) for complete comm support may contain one or two backup Cisco
Softgates when losing contact with Main CPU. Unified Communications Managers.
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Voice Scalability Up to 100K users in multi-server, single 15,000 IP users per server -- Reduced to 36,000 users per system. Networked, CUCME: 40,000 (IP / SIP and analog) Currently it supports up to 10,000 users
system image configuration up to 12k 5000 users per server when analog, digital claims up to 500,000 users users per cluster of servers (practical per server, 80,000 users per pool (based
users. and SIP ports are deployed capacity = 18,000-20,000 per cluster). on Front End server scalability) and an
together.100,000 IP users in network of Super Clusters can support 80,000 users unlimited number of pools..
100 servers. 1M users with 250 servers. but are kludgy.
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Legacy investment protection - Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes - with issues
deliver unified function and protect OpenScape 4000 V8 increases value of OmniPCX provides a migration path from Avaya Aura supports integrating legacy Cisco has the ability to interoperate with its Microsoft has limits in its ability to support
value of licensing HiPath 4000 and late version Hicom 300 legacy Alcatel-Lucent PBX systems. Avaya CM and Nortel CS 1000 systems own legacy solutions with some degree of elements of previous versions (LCS, OCS)
legacy solutions for migration to Licenses, gateways, handsets and other into the Aura environment. With the CM interoperability via networking protocols including upgrades required to servers,
OpenScape Voice components can be reused, in part systems, a software upgrade is required to including Qsig. To gain single system UCC elements, client and servers of
License Investment protection for because the OmniPCX continues its current Release 6, the remaining solution management functions across various related applications (example - 32bit
legacy HiPath 4000 and Comscendo historical architecture as a convergent IP elements are re-usable - and Aura (with clusters, Cisco uses VOSS for large versions of SQL Server are not supported)
license investment. OpenScape 4000 V8 PBX. acquisition of Session and System enterprises, but the level of feature
solution can be enhanced Manager functions will allow the mulitple interation across the various systems is
OpenScape UC for feature rich systems to "merge" into a virtual single likely to be no higher than available
system. With the Nortel, integrating into through Qsig.
application usage.
the Aura world requires Session and
System Manager as well as the ACE
integration solution.
Other High Value OpenScape 4000 Capabilites
Simple High-Value Licensing Yes No Yes Yes Not Applicable
(to lower TCO in migrations) move from TDM to IP (HFA or SIP) with ALE's licenses do not appear to be as Avaya offers multiple tiers of role-based Cisco has single role-based licenses for all SfB Server licensing depends on whether
ONE License for all user telephony the same license. Your investment is portable as Unify. For example, trunking licenses that can be upgraded to higher- devices and clients. the customer uses telephony services or
clients and protected - especially as customer's licenses are defined by technology tier licenses. not.
One License for all trunks migrate to different telephones and (analog, digital, IP, SIP) . Changes,, e.g.
- No license distinction between IP different protocols. Cordless licenses migration from digital to IP may require
and TDM worlds. are now also based on OpenScape 4000 new licensing instead of an administrator
FlexLicenses and have full migration change
Adaptable IP Telephones that Yes Unknown Yes Yes Microsoft uses partner devices
convert to SIP with no-charge SIP OpenScape OpenStage phones are SIP ALE's 9-Series digital and 8-Series For current Avaya 4600, 9600 Series Cisco has IP telephones that can be
firmware download when needed ready whenever the customer wants to phones share the same case but it does telephone users, the migration from H.323 upgraded from a SCCP to SIP protocol
test or use the SIP features. The only not appear that a digital phone can be protocol to SIP is simple and transparent. device via no charge firmware if you are
action needed is to transfer a new SIP upgraded to IP. R2.2 of SIP firmware is a free download to under an SA agreement. Newer phones
loadware into the phone (which can be the telephone – providing for great can change from SCCP/Skinny to Spark
done also remotely). Of course this is investment protection and protocol OS.
offered free of charge to support the flexibility both today and in the future.
customers OpenPath towards the future
of Unified Communications via the SIP-
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Multiple presence information in user Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes
client - one view of presence states (IM and voice only -- requires SIP
available with user status: IM, voice Enablement Server [SES], AES and
and select applications availability Presence Services)
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Server(s) Operating System SUSE Linux Unix and Linux (Red Hat ES Release 5) Linux 5 Update 3 (RedHat Enterprise) Linux (RedHat) Latest version of Windows Server tied to
each release of SfB
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Desktop Clients Windows and MAC Windows and MAC Windows and MAC Windows and MAC Windows and MAC
MS IE, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome MS IE, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome MS IE, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome MS IE, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome MS IE, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome
Web Client
Apple and Android Apple and Android Apple and Android Windows Phone, Apple and Android Windows Phone, Apple and Android
Mobile Clients
Scalability up to 15.000 concurrent users per system 900 to 1200 simultaneous calls per AES: 20,000 with single Home Server; Up to 30,000 users in Cisco UC-mode (6- Standard Edition = 5000 users,
OmniTouch 8460 ACS server multiple servers can be combined. Actual nodes); <20,000 in Microsoft OCS mode -- Enterprise Server Edition = 30,000
Up to 90,000 users in a multi-cluster numbers lower based on system requires multiple servers. (theoretical) users in a four server
environment. configuration. networked configuration
SOA based architecture Yes No No No No
Uses off-the-shelf servers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Although most use Cisco UCS servers for
Supports connectivity to any vendor Yes Yes Yes, theoretically Yes Yes - but Limited
voice (PBX) infrastructure (and to multiple PBXs simultaneously) Via QSIG network protocol by using System and Session Managers Direct SIP trunk or via gateways as part of
found in Enterprise edition. an overall migration plan to SfB
Note: We have not seen case studies to
prove capability. Most "other" systems will
be Nortel.
Data network infrastructure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
independent BUT strongly prefers an all-Cisco
Voice Messaging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unified Messaging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Instant Messaging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Fast Point and Click Conference Set Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voice Portal to Launch Audio Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Support for Meet-Me Audio Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support for Join-in and Meet-me Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Conferencing with secure conference
Conference recording Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(requires Aura Conferencing application (requires Unified MeetingPlace application
with separate server) with separate server)
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OpenScape 4000 V7 - Competitive Matrix 28.10.2013
Mobile client Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Apple, Android Apple, Android Apple, Android Apple, Android Apple, Android and Windows Mobile
Web client Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desktop Client Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desk phone client Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Business Applications embedded Yes Yes No Yes No
client(s) (using SDK APIs) (OmniTouch XML Web Services API R5.0)
Yes = Available feature and/or capability -- solution architecture independent The information contained herein is considered proprietary to Unify and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the
No = Unavailable stated/defined feature and/or function
Limited = based upon scalability or functionality -- not solution architecture
express written consent of Unify & the Market Intelligence unit. This information has been obtained from industry experts,
Future = Stated "future" capability and/or feature customers, published research notes, trade journals, the Internet, and internal research. Although every effort has been made to
NA = Not applicable assure that it contains no errors, Unify is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in this document.
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