Rubric For Descriptive Essay
Rubric For Descriptive Essay
Rubric For Descriptive Essay
4 3 2 1
Title Title is creative, sparks Title is related to the Title is present but No title present.
interest and is related to topic but needs to be irrelevant to the subject.
the topic. more creative
Introduction The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear
inviting, states the main states the main topic the main topic, but does introduction of the main
topic, previews the and previews the not adequately preview topic or structure of the
structure of the paper, structure of paper, but is the structure of the paper.
and includes a well not particularly inviting paper nor is it No lead is used.
written, clever lead that to the reader. particularly inviting to
is related to the essay’s A well-written lead is the reader.
topic which attracts the used to attract the A lead is used but is not
reader’s attention. reader’s attention. particularly attractive to
the reader or does not
relate to the topic.
Focus on Topic There is one clear, well Main idea is clear but the Main idea is somewhat The main idea is not
(Content) focused topic. supporting information is clear but there is a need clear.
Main idea stands out and general. for more supporting There is a
is supported by detailed Topic sentences are used information. seemingly random
information. in each paragraph. Topic sentences are used collection of information.
Well-written topic in most paragraphs. Topic sentences appear
sentences are used in in few or none of the
each sentence paragraphs.
Supporting Several relevant, telling, Supporting details and Supporting details and Supporting details and
Information/ quality details give the information are relevant, information are relevant, information are typically
Details reader important but one key issue or part but several key issues or unclear or not related to
information that allow of the description is are unsupported. the topic.
the reader to picture, unsupported. There are There are details but There are no or barely
and imagine things a few vivid details in the they do not help any vivid details in the
described. essay. the reader imagine they essay.
are involved.
Adding The writer seems to be The writer seems to be The writer relates some The writer has not tried
Personality writing from knowledge drawing on knowledge or of his own knowledge or to transform the
(Voice) or experience. experience, but there is experience, but it adds information
The writer has taken the some lack of ownership nothing to the discussion in a personal way.
ideas and made them of the topic. of the topic.
"his/her own."
Sentence All sentences are well Most sentences are well Most sentences are well Sentences do not have
Structure constructed without constructed with constructed but some structure and are
using repetitive ideas complete thoughts. are run-ons or are not incomplete or rambling.
throughout. descriptive.
Sequencing Details and transition Details and transition Some details and Many details are not in a
(Organization) words and phrases are words and phrases are transition words and logical or expected
placed in a logical order placed in a logical order, phrases are not in a order.
and the way they are but the way in which logical or expected There is little sense that
presented effectively they are presented order, and this distracts the writing is organized.
keeps the interest of the makes the writing less the reader. The transitions between
reader interesting. ideas are unclear or
Conclusion The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear
(Organization) and leaves the reader recognizable and ties up recognizable, but does conclusion, the paper
with a feeling that almost all the loose not tie up several loose just ends.
he/she understands the ends. ends.
writer’s point of view.
Word Choice Writer uses vivid words Writer uses vivid words Writer uses words that Writer uses a limited
and phrases that linger and phrases that linger communicate clearly, but vocabulary that does not
or draw pictures in the or draw pictures in the the writing lacks Communicate strongly or
reader's mind, and the reader's mind, but variety, punch or flair. capture the reader's
choice and placement of occasionally the words interest.
the words seems are used inaccurately or Jargon or clichés may be
accurate, natural and seem overdone. present and detract from
not forced. the meaning.
Grammar, Spelling, There are no errors in There are some errors; There are errors that There are serious errors
Capitalization, & grammar, spelling, however, these errors do distract the reader. that interfere with the
Punctuation capitalization, or not distract the reader reader's understanding
punctuation. of the essay.