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Multibeam and Profiler

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Multibeam and Profiler

Teledyne PDS
Version 1.0.3

November 2017

Teledyne RESON B.V.

Stuttgartstraat 42- 44
3047 AS Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)10 245 15 00

Teledyne RESON has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document;
however, because ongoing development efforts are made to continually improve the capabilities of our
products, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the contents of this document. We disclaim liability for
errors, omissions, or future changes herein.
The accompanying software and documentation are proprietary products owned by Teledyne RESON and
protected under international copyright law.
Copyright © All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or translated,
without the prior written consent of Teledyne RESON. No part of this publication may be stored or
transmitted in any electronic form without the prior consent of Teledyne RESON. Any unauthorized use is
a violation of copyright laws. Teledyne PDS™ is a trademark of Teledyne RESON.

Amendment Record Sheet

Rev. Date Reason for Modifications
1.0.3 02/11/2017 PDS setup for a general multibeam survey: Modified text Positioning
system properties.
1.0.2 02/06/2017 PDS setup for a general multibeam survey: Add notes clock
Views and Data Acquisition: Sonar Wedge view - add text gates control.
1.0.1 24/04/2017 Views and Data Acquisition: Sonar Wedge view added.
1.0.0 19/12/2016 First version of the Manual.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Multibeam and Profiler ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 This manual ..................................................................................................... 1

2 PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey 3

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Project configuration settings .......................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Coordinate system ..................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Units ........................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Application type ............................................................................................... 5
2.4 Vessel configuration ........................................................................................ 6
2.4.1 Geometry ................................................................................................... 6
2.4.2 Equipment (devices) .................................................................................. 8
2.4.3 Main Equipment (devices) ......................................................................... 8 PDS device groups ........................................................................... 8 Multibeam and Profiler device drivers ............................................ 10 Snippets device drivers .................................................................. 12 Sidescan sonar devices.................................................................. 12 Water column device drivers .......................................................... 13
2.4.4 Main Equipment properties ...................................................................... 14 Compass (Heading source) properties ........................................... 14 VRU (Motion sensor) properties ..................................................... 15 Positioning System properties ........................................................ 17 Multibeam / Profiler properties ....................................................... 20 Snippets properties ......................................................................... 23 Sidescan sonar properties .............................................................. 24 Water column properties ................................................................ 25
2.4.5 Optional Equipment ................................................................................. 26
2.4.6 (Optional) Equipment properties .............................................................. 26 Sound velocity ................................................................................ 26 Output ............................................................................................. 26 External clock ................................................................................. 27 Tide gauge ...................................................................................... 28 Depth sensor .................................................................................. 28
2.4.7 Equipment Interfacing (I/O) ...................................................................... 29 Socket ............................................................................................. 31

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Contents  i Socket - RESON 7k data protocol ................................................. 32 Serial .............................................................................................. 32 RRIO .............................................................................................. 33 RTA ................................................................................................ 34 Imagenex ....................................................................................... 34 BlueView ........................................................................................ 35
2.4.8 Computation ............................................................................................ 35
2.4.9 Data Sources ........................................................................................... 36
2.4.10 Guidance ............................................................................................... 36
2.4.11 Logging .................................................................................................. 36
2.4.12 Simulation, Aliases and Alarms ............................................................. 37
2.4.13 Layouts, Events and Alarms .................................................................. 37
2.5 Clock Synchronization................................................................................... 37

3 Views and Data Acquisition 41

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 41
3.2 Building a screen layout ................................................................................ 41
3.3 Opening or saving a screen layout ............................................................... 42
3.4 Presentation .................................................................................................. 43
3.5 Views ............................................................................................................. 43
3.5.1 Plan View – Survey Coverage................................................................. 45 General .......................................................................................... 45 Layers ............................................................................................ 46 Active grid model............................................................................ 47
3.5.2 Sensor and Interfacing QC ...................................................................... 49 Raw Data –standard view .............................................................. 49 Status Computation and Status Equipment view ........................... 49
3.5.3 3D View ................................................................................................... 50 3D View - Online ............................................................................ 50 3D View - Online Water Column .................................................... 51
3.5.4 Multibeam QC ......................................................................................... 52
3.5.5 Sonar ....................................................................................................... 56
3.5.6 Device (Sonar) configuration view .......................................................... 57
3.5.7 Sonar Wedge view .................................................................................. 58
3.5.8 Miscellaneous Views ............................................................................... 60
3.6 Guidance ....................................................................................................... 62
3.6.1 Guidance files .......................................................................................... 62
3.6.2 Guidance editor ....................................................................................... 63
3.6.3 Realtime guidance editing ....................................................................... 63
3.6.4 Runline selection ..................................................................................... 64
3.7 Sound velocity profile .................................................................................... 65
3.7.1 Select sound velocity profile .................................................................... 65
3.7.2 Add or edit sound velocity profile ............................................................ 66
3.7.3 Use Surface speed of sound as first entry in the table ........................... 68

ii  Contents Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.8 Multibeam filters ............................................................................................ 70
3.9 Color table ..................................................................................................... 72
3.9.1 Selecting a color table ............................................................................. 72
3.9.2 Add or create a new color table ............................................................... 72
3.9.3 Edit a color table ...................................................................................... 74
3.10 Logging .......................................................................................................... 75
3.10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 75
3.10.2 Enable or disable data logging............................................................... 75 Water column and image data logging ......................................... 75
3.10.3 Logging status ........................................................................................ 76
3.11 Water column ................................................................................................ 76
3.12 Multi Detect .................................................................................................... 76
3.13 Snippets ......................................................................................................... 76

4 Multibeam Calibration 77
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 77
4.2 Work flow ....................................................................................................... 77

5 Processing 85
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 85
5.2 The Editor ...................................................................................................... 86
5.3 Auto-Recache ................................................................................................ 87
5.4 File set ........................................................................................................... 87
5.4.1 Selecting a file set .................................................................................... 87
5.4.2 Creating a file set ..................................................................................... 88
5.5 Editor menu bar ............................................................................................. 89
5.6 Editing views .................................................................................................. 92
5.6.1 Multibeam Area Editing ............................................................................ 93 Pane ............................................................................................... 93 View .............................................................................................. 100
5.6.2 Position editor ........................................................................................ 101
5.6.3 Time-Based Editor ................................................................................. 102
5.6.4 Tide station - Editor ................................................................................ 104
5.6.5 Sonar - Snippets .................................................................................... 105
5.6.6 Sonar - Sidescan ................................................................................... 106
5.7 Editing multibeam data ................................................................................ 106
5.7.1 Navigate through the data ..................................................................... 106
5.7.2 View and inspect the multibeam data .................................................... 107
5.7.3 Manual Editing ....................................................................................... 110 Work flow manual editing ............................................................. 111
5.7.4 Editing by filters...................................................................................... 113 Filter Location ............................................................................... 113 Adding a Filter .............................................................................. 114 Delete or Edit a filter ..................................................................... 115

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Contents  iii

5.7.5 Work flow to filter by CUBE or grid model ............................................. 115

6 Grid Model Editor 119

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 119
6.1.1 Creating a grid model ............................................................................ 120
6.1.2 Tab pages of the Grid Model Editor pane ............................................. 123
6.1.3 Navigate through the data ..................................................................... 131
6.1.4 Color mode and color table ................................................................... 131

7 Export and Import 135

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 135
7.2 Export .......................................................................................................... 136
7.3 Import .......................................................................................................... 137

8 Appendix Tide station in Realtime 139

8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 139
1.1.1 Procedure .................................................................................................... 139

9 Appendix PDS & Tunnel Profiler 149

9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 149
9.2 Setup PDS .................................................................................................. 149
9.3 Views ........................................................................................................... 150

10 Appendix PDS & Multibeam on a ROV 151

10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 151
10.2 Vessel Configuration ................................................................................... 151
10.2.1 ROV Vessel Configuration................................................................... 151 General ...................................................................................... 151 Vessel vertical position .............................................................. 151 Sea level computation with depth sensor .................................. 152 USBL .......................................................................................... 152 VRU heave attribute setting ....................................................... 152

iv  Contents Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

1 Introduction

1.1 Multibeam and Profiler

To map the seabed multibeam and profiler devices are used. A multibeam and profiler
do the same but in general a multibeam device produces higher detailed data as a
profiler. Multibeams or profilers are besides of mapping the seafloor also used for
mapping all kind of underwater constructions, pipe lines or used for special
applications such as generating 3D data for tunnel inspections.
There is a lot of variety in multibeam systems with different specifications and features.
There are multibeams that besides bathymetric data are also capable to output other
data types such as side scan, water column and snippet data.
A multibeam is installed on a surface vessel but it is also possibly installed on
subsurface vessels such as a ROV or AUV.

1.2 This manual

This manual is not intended to be a complete manual describing all possible features
and functions of PDS in detail. This manual describes how to use PDS online and
offline for a multibeam survey. It includes procedures and workflows but basic
knowledge of PDS is still required.
This manual includes nine chapters:
 Introduction
 PDS setup for a General Multibeam / Profiler Survey
 Views and Data Acquisition
 Multibeam Calibration
 Processing
 Grid Model Editor
 Export and Import
This manual includes three appendixes:
 Tide station in Realtime
 PDS & Tunnel Profiler
 PDS & Multibeam on a ROV

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Introduction  1

In the chapters of this manual reference will be made to other Teledyne PDS manuals.
All Teledyne PDS related manuals are available from the Teledyne PDS Control
Center Help menu ‘Help>Open Manuals folder’.
All Teledyne PDS related manuals are also available from the PDS website. Download

This manual is also available as a HTML Help file and can be opened with F1 or with
Help > Help Topics from the menu bar.
Teledyne PDS Instruction movies are available on the Teledyne PDS YouTube
channel. Watch Teledyne PDS instruction movies.

2  Introduction Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

2 PDS setup for a general
Multibeam or Profiler survey

2.1 Introduction
A PDS project includes the setup of:
 Coordinate system,
 Units,
 Application type,
 Vessel Configuration with a configured vessel geometry, equipment device
drivers and logging settings,
 Screen layout.
A new Project is created by running the New Project wizard. The project settings can
always be edited after wards.
Select the ‘New Project..’ menu item from the Control Center ‘File’ menu to create a
new project.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for more details about the New Project wizard.
The next sections describe the important project settings.

2.2 Project configuration settings

Figure 2-1 Project Configuration settings

For a multibeam survey are two project configuration settings important:

 Coordinate system (see next section)
 Units (see page 4)

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  3
2.2.1 Coordinate system

Figure 2-2 Coordinate system selection

It is essential to select the correct coordinate system for valid survey data.
See the PDS User manual for a description of the coordinate system setup dialog.
Press from the Control Center on the ‘Project configuration’ toolbar button to edit or
select a new coordinate system in the project.
There are two types of coordinate systems:
 Predefined coordinate systems.
These coordinate systems are selected from the PDS database.
Press from the coordinate system dialog the ‘Select’ button.
 User defined coordinate systems.
These coordinate systems are defined by the user.
Press from the coordinate system dialog the ‘New’ button.
PDS supports 14 parameter transformation and for the US territories the vertical datum
transformation (VDatum). See the corresponding technical notes.

2.2.2 Units
Set the sign convention of the roll and pitch sensor. This does not inverse the sensor

4  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Figure 2-3 Sign convention Pitch & Roll

The system units are derived from the coordinate system.

2.3 Application type

The application type for a multibeam survey is set to ‘Multibeam Survey’.
Other applications suitable to use multibeams or profilers are the “MotionScan” (see
the PDS MotionScan manual) and the “Multi-purpose survey” application.

 Do not change the application type of an existing project as the configuration is not
defined for a different application resulting in failure to start Realtime.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  5
2.4 Vessel configuration
The important settings of the Vessel Configuration for a multibeam project are:
 Geometry
 Equipment
 Guidance
 Logging
 Data sources
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a description of the Configuration and the
Vessel Configuration.
The next sections describes the important Vessel Configuration settings.

2.4.1 Geometry
From the Geometry page is the vessel geometry including the device offsets set.

Figure 2-4 Geometry tab page

1. Open the ‘Geometry’ page from the Vessel Configuration.

2. Select a Standard vessel shape or a (created) Custom shape. The shape is used
as vessel visualization in the views. Use the Vessel Contour editor to create a
vessel contour.

6  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
3. Define the device offset list (See also [4]).
4. Press the ‘Add’ button to add a device offset to the offset list [3].
(It is also possible to add a device offset locally in the device properties.)
PDS uses a vessel coordinate system. This system is centered around an arbitrary
point on the vessel. This point is called the CRP (Center Reference Point) and has the
coordinates X=0, Y=0 and Z=0. The next figure shows the sign convention.


-X +Y
Port Bow

-Y +X
Stern Starboard

Figure 2-5 PDS vessel convention

Device offsets are measured from the chosen CRP to the sensor reference point.
5. Press the ‘2D overview’ or ‘3D overview’ button to open the Vessel Contour Editor.
See the PDS Vessel Contour Editor manual for a full description.
6. Set the vessel characteristics.
 Sea level
The sea level is used in computations related to the water surface such as
Tide reduction or to apply the sound velocity profile. The sea level is
positive when the waterline is above the center of gravity point.
Enter 0,0,0 for the X,Y,Z values of the center of gravity point when using
the CRP as reference.

 Always set the sea level.

 Vessel turn radius
Applies for automatic steering and the approach of lines.
 Center of Gravity offset
Is used to improve the tide reduction. When as height source GPS-RTK is
used it does not influence the results.
 When the vessel is a ROV the option ‘Subsurface (ROV etc.)’ is selected.
See appendix ‘Multibeam on a ROV’ on page 151.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  7
2.4.2 Equipment (devices)
From the Equipment page is the equipment (the devices) added or removed and
 Main Equipment
Devices in general always added to the project.
 Other Equipment
Devices possibly added to the project.

2.4.3 Main Equipment (devices)

In general the following devices are added to the Equipment list of the Vessel
Configuration for a multibeam survey:
 Compass (Heading sensor)
 VRU (Motion sensor)
 Position system Geogs (GNSS receiver)
 Multibeam or Profiler
It depends of the sonar type if the following devices are added additionally:
 Sidescan sonar
 Snippets
 Sonar Image
 Sonar BITE
 Sonar Configuration PDS device groups

The devices are ordered in device groups. The next table lists the device group for the
devices in general relevant for a multibeam survey.

PDS Equipment Devices Description

Compass  NMEA formats Heading devices.
 Supplier specific
VRU  NMEA formats Motion / Attitude devices.
 Supplier specific
Position system Geogs  NMEA formats Devices which output a
geographical positon (e.g.
 Supplier specific
GNSS receivers).
Sound Velocity Supplier specific formats Sound velocity probes used
to measure the sound
velocity at the sonar head.

8  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
The next table lists the device groups related to sonar devices.

PDS Equipment Devices Description

Multibeam  Supplier specific Bathymetric data of a
formats multibeam or a profiler.
Multibeam All options Supplier specific. By using a multibeam all
Currently: options device then all
available devices drivers
 BlueView
(e.g. Image, BITE) for this
 Odom particular sensor are added
to the equipment list.
Sidescan Sonar Supplier specific formats Sidescan sonar data.
Snippets Supplier specific formats Snippets.
Water Column  BlueView Water column data.
 RESON 7k
 RESON 7k
Sonar BITE  BlueView By adding the BITE (Built-In
Test Environment) device
 RESON 7k format
driver it is possible to check
if each part of the sonar
system is working fine. This
feature is only available for
sonars using the RESON 7k
protocol such as RESON,
Odom MB2 and BlueView
Sonar Configuration  BlueView By adding the sonar
configuration device driver it
 RESON 7k format
is possible to control the
sonar. This feature is only
available for sonars using
the RESON 7k protocol such
as RESON, Odom MB2 and
BlueView sonars.
Sonar Image  BlueView By adding the sonar image
device driver it is possible to
 RESON HydroBat
display the sonar wedge.
 RESON 7k format This feature is only available
for sonars using the RESON
7k protocol such as RESON,
Odom MB2 and BlueView

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  9
 Instead of adding each individual sonar device separately to the equipment list it is for
sonars using the RESON 7k data format possible to add the ‘Multibeam all options’
device driver. It is recommended to use this device driver.

PDS Devices Description

Multibeam all Supplier specific. Currently: By using a ‘Multibeam all
options options’ device are all
 BlueView
available devices drivers (e.g.
 Odom Water Column, Sidescan
sonar, Image, BITE) for this
 RESON SeaBat 7k
particular sensor added to the
 RESON HydroSweep 7k equipment list. Multibeam and Profiler device drivers

 Use for sonars which output the RESON 7k data format such as the: RESON SeaBat
7k and T-series, BlueView and Odom MB2 sonars the ‘RESON SeaBat 7k - All options’
device driver.
The next table lists the multibeam and profiler device drivers if not the multibeam all
options device driver is used. From the device group ‘Multibeam’ are these devices
Device driver Description
BlueView MotionSCAN This driver is used when the BlueView motion scan
sonar is controlled by the BlueView Proscan
application. The Proscan application streams data
to PDS. This datastream icludes the sonar data.
It is recommended to use instead of this driver the
BlueView MotionScan - all options driver to add all
necessary devices.
BlueView MotionSCAN This driver is used when not the BlueView Proscan
integrated application is used to control the motion scan sonar
but PDS.
It is recommended to use instead of this driver the
BlueView MotionScan integrated - all options driver
to add all necessary devices.
BlueView pipe position Not applicable for a multibeam survey.
monitor Driver for BlueView profiler used for the pipe
position monitor application.
BlueView Profile BlueView profilers.
Imagenex 881 Imagenex 881 sonar data protocol.
Imagenex D1P Imagenex D1P data protocol.
Odom ES3 Odom ES3 multibeam.
Odom TDY Odom MB1 multibeam.
RESON HydroBat RESON Hydrobat multibeam.
RESON HydroSweep 7k RESON HydroSweep multibeam.

10  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Device driver Description
RESON SeaBat 7150 RESON SeaBat 7150 deep water sonar.
Because this sonar type is suitable for very long
ranges this special driver has extended time out
RESON 7k Driver for sonars using the 7k data protocol.
This applies on the moment of writing for:
 RESON SeaBat 7k and T-series sonars
 Odom MB2 sonar

RESON SeaBat RESON 9k and 8k series sonar:

(e.g. 9001, 8101, 8125 and 8125-H)
These sonars are or become obsolete.

RESON SeaBat Deep Water Driver for RESON 8k deep water series sonar.
RESON SeaBat on Pan and Driver for RESON 8k (e.g. 8125) on a pan and tilt
Tilt unit.
RESON SeaBat Pipe Positon Not applicable for a multibeam survey.
monitor Driver developed for the PDS pipe position
application using Reson 9k/8k data protocol.
RESON SeaBat Pipe Positon Not applicable for a multibeam survey.
monitor J-lay Driver developed for the PDS pipe position monitor
j-lay application using the Reson 9k/8k data
RESON SeaBat Rotational Special driver for RESON 8K on rotational pedestal.
Simrad EM3000 Simrad EM3000 data format.
It is recommended to use the Simrad multibeam
datagrams – raw device driver.
Simrad EM3000-raw Simrad EM3000 data format for raw range and
beam angle (F).
It is recommended to use the Simrad multibeam
datagrams – raw device driver.
Simrad EM3002 Simrad EM3002 data format.
It is recommended to use the Simrad multibeam
datagrams – raw device driver.
Simrad EM3002-raw Simrad EM3002 data format for raw range and
beam angle (f).
It is recommended to use the Simrad multibeam
datagrams – raw device driver.
Simrad EM950 Simrad EM950 data format.
Simrad multibeam datagrams Simrad raw data format.
- raw

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  11 Snippets device drivers
The next table lists the Snippets device drivers.

Device driver Description

Odom TDY Odom MB1.
RESON SeaBat 7111dB RESON SeaBat 7111.
RESON SeaBat 7150 Driver for RESON SeaBat (deep water) 7150 output
(not normalized) snippets.
RESON SeaBat 7150 dB Driver for RESON SeaBat (deep water) 7150 output
normalized snippets (compensated snippets of
backscattering strengths).
RESON 7k Driver for sonars using the 7k data protocol output
non normalized snippets.
RESON 7k Calibrated Driver for sonars using the 7k data protocol output
of normalized snippets.
RESON SeaBat 7k Old 7008 Obsolete RESON SeaBat 7k driver using the 7008
RESON SeaBat Driver for RESON 8k (e.g. 8125) series sonar.
RESON SeaBat Deep Water Driver for RESON 8k deep water series sonar 8150
and 8160.
Simrad EM3000 Driver for the Simrad EM3000 sonar.

 If the SeaBat 7k ‘all options’ device driver is added then the Snippets RESON SeaBat
7k driver is added. Remove this device and add the Snippets RESON 7k calibrated
driver when the sonar output the (licensed) normalized backscatter. Sidescan sonar devices

The next table lists the Sidescan sonar (SSS) device drivers.

Device driver Description

Bathyswath Driver for the BathySwath SSS data.
EdgeTech Driver for EdgeTech SSS data.
Elac-Hydrostar Driver for Elac-Hydrostar SSS data.
MarineSonicSDS Driver for Marine Sonic sonar with SDS output.
Odom TDY Driver for Odom MB1 SSS data.
RESON Seabat7111 dB Driver for SeaBat 7111 calibrated SSS data.
RESON SeaBat7150 Driver for SeaBat (deep water) 7150 SSS data.
RESON SeaBat 7150 dB Driver for SeaBat (deep water) 7150 calibrated
SSS data.

12  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Device driver Description
RESON 7k Driver for sonars using the 7k data protocol SSS
sonar output.
This applies on the moment of writing for:
 RESON SeaBat 7k and T-series sonars
 Odom MB2 sonar
 HydroSweep sonars

RESON SeaBat Driver for RESON 8k (e.g. 8125) series sonar.

RESON SeaBat Deep Water Driver for RESON 8k deep water series sonar 8150
and 8160.
SWATHplus Driver for SWATHplus SSS. Water column device drivers

The next table lists the Water column device drivers.

Device driver Description

BlueView Driver for BlueView sonars output water column
BlueView leak detection Not applicable for multibeam surveys.
’Special’ driver used for leak detection with
BlueView forward looker sonars.
RESON 7k Driver for sonars using the 7k data protocol water
column sonar output.
This applies on the moment of writing for:
 RESON SeaBat 7k and T-series sonars
 HydroSweep sonars
RESON 7k compressed 7042 Driver for sonars using the 7k data protocol water
column compressed sonar output (7k data record
This applies on the moment of writing for:
 RESON SeaBat 7k and T-series sonars
 HydroSweep sonars

RESON 7k leakdetection Not applicable for multibeam surveys.

’Special’ driver used for leak detection with RESON
forward looker sonars.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  13
2.4.4 Main Equipment properties
The device properties and the properties of a computation are set from the equipment

Figure 2-6 Set properties

1. Double click on the Device driver from the equipment list to open the device
2. Double click on the corresponding computation to open the properties of the

 The next chapters only describe the important properties to set. It depends of the
selected device driver if a property is available. Compass (Heading source) properties

Figure 2-7 Properties compass

Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
Timestamp Not available for all device drivers!
mode When the timestamp mode isn’t available then by default
computer clock is the timestamp mode.
Timestamp mode:
 Time in message.
A clock signal is added to the heading device to clock

14  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
synchronize the data stream. The output data stream
contains time. Clock synchronize the computer for this
mode see ‘Clock synchronization’ on page 37
 Computer clock.
For devices without a timestamp in the output message.
The received data stream is clock synchronized by PDS
on arrival of the data stream. A time delay is additional
set in the properties.
 External clock.
The external clock device driver is added to the
equipment list. PDS clock synchronizes the compass
device with this external clock. Do not use this mode for
a general multibeam survey. The PDS computer clock is
not synchronized with this method! Instead, use mode
‘Time in message’.
Time Delay When the timestamp mode cannot be set or the timestamp
mode ‘computer clock’ is used the time delay is set.
The time delay is the delay in the output of the compass. The
time delay is always ≥ 0 sec. Refer to the device documentation
for the correct value.
Heading The heading mounting angle correction. This angle is derived
correction from the gyro calibration. VRU (Motion sensor) properties

Figure 2-8 Properties VRU

Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
Timestamp Not available for all device drivers!
mode When the timestamp mode isn’t available then by default
‘computer clock’ is the timestamp mode.
Timestamp mode:

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  15
 Time in message.
A clock signal is added to the VRU device to clock
synchronize the data stream. The VRU output data stream
contains time. Clock synchronize the computer for this
mode see ‘Clock synchronization’ on page 37
 Computer clock.
For devices without a timestamp in the output message.
The received data stream is clock synchronized by PDS
on arrival of the data stream. A time delay is additional set
in the properties.
 External clock.
The external clock device driver is added to the equipment
list. PDS clock synchronizes the VRU device with this
external clock. Do not use this mode for a general
multibeam survey. The PDS computer clock is not
synchronized with this method! Instead, use mode ‘Time in
Time Delay The time delay is set if the timestamp mode cannot be set or the
timestamp mode ‘computer clock’ is used.
The time delay is the delay in the output of the VRU. The time
delay is always ≥ 0 sec. Refer to the device documentation for the
correct value.
Device offset There are two methods to define the device offset in the
1. Use offset list.
Select from the list the offset. The offset list is created in
the Geometry page (see page 6).

2. Use local offset

Enter the device offsets manually in the properties.

16  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Heading Roll The mounting angle corrections. The mounting angle corrections
and Pitch are derived from the VRU calibration.
correction Check the sign convention of the roll and pitch in the Project
Configuration settings before entering the values.

Set the attitude computation property:

Attitude computation properties

Heave correction This factor should be 1 for a standard vessel and should be
factor 0 for a ROV. Positioning System properties

Figure 2-9 Positioning system properties

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  17
Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
Device Offset Offset of the GNSS antenna reference point (antenna phase
center) to the chosen zero offset point.
There are two methods to define the device offset in the
1. Use offset list.
Select from the list the offset. The offset list is created in
the Geometry page (see page 6).

2. Use local offset

Enter the device offsets manually in the properties.

Timestamp Timestamp mode:

 Time in message.
Use this mode if the computer is clock synchronized and
the positioning data message contains time. Clock
synchronize the computer for this mode see ‘Clock
synchronization’ on page 37
 Computer clock.
Use this mode if the positioning data message does not
contain time. The received data stream is clock
synchronized by PDS on arrival of the data stream. A
time delay is additional set in the properties.
 External clock.
An External Clock device driver is added to the
Equipment list. PDS applies the difference between the
external clock and the pds clock on the time in the
positioning message. The PDS computer clock is not

18  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
synchronized with this method!. Do not use this mode
for a general multibeam survey. The PDS computer
clock is not synchronized with this method!
The GNSS receiver is in general the time source to synchronize
the computer clock see chapter ‘Clock Synchronization’ on page
37. The output data stream contains the time, therefor set the
timestamp mode to ‘Time in message’.

Time Delay The time delay is set when the timestamp mode ‘Computer
Clock’ is used. The time delay is the delay in the output of the
positioning system. Enter a (known) time delay for your device.
Set to 0 when timestamp mode ‘Time in Message’ is selected.
Time Only applicable when timestamp mode ‘External Clock’ is used
computation (in general not).
source Selection of the right external clock from the data sources. The
external clock should be added to the equipment page to be
Datum The position from the positioning system is output in a certain
Transformation datum (e.g. WGS84). To transform the position from the GPS
Source ellipsoid to the local ellipsoid, datum transformation parameters
needs to be selected.
 Use project coordinate system
The project coordinate system as set in the PDS Project
Configuration is used for the datum transformation of the
 Use other datum transformation
An extra option appears in the properties to select the
an other coordinate system.
 Use no datum transformation
The coordinates of the positioning system will not be
transformed; they stay in the coordinates as received
from the positioning system.
In general ‘Use project coordinate system’ is selected as the
Datum Transformation Source.

Reference point computation properties

Property Description
Height source  This is an important setting!
 None
Height is relative to sea level.
 GPS Height (RTZ).
Height is relative to chart datum. Height is obtained
using GPS observed height and the vessel geometry.
 Tide
Height is relative to chart datum. Height is obtained
using tide and vessel reference point height relative to
sea level.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  19
Height Standard Only applicable when as Height Source ‘GPS Height’ is
Deviation Mask selected.
Enter a maximum value for the standard deviation of the Z to
accept the Z for the height computation. If the standard deviation
is more than the maximum value the height computation
becomes on hold.
Select 0.05 when no standard deviation is received from the
positioning system. Multibeam / Profiler properties

Figure 2-10 Multibeam properties of a RESON SeaBat 7k

Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
7k device Enter 0 (zero) if only a single 7k system is used.
enumeration Enter 0 (zero) for the first 7k system and 1 (one) for the second
7k system.
Device offset There are two methods to define the device offset in the
1. Use offset list.
Select from the list the offset. The offset list is created in
the Geometry page (see page 6).

20  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
2. Use local offset.
Enter the device offsets manually in the properties.

Timestamp Not available for all device drivers (e.g. the RESON SeaBat 7k )!
mode When the timestamp can’t be set then by default the timestamp
mode is ‘Time in message’.
Timestamp mode:
 Time in message.
A clock signal is added to the multibeam device to clock
synchronize the data stream. The multibeam output data
stream contains time. Clock synchronize the computer
for this mode see ‘Clock synchronization’ on page 37.
 Computer clock.
For devices without a timestamp in the output message.
The received data stream is clock synchronized by PDS
on arrival of the data stream. A time delay is additional
set in the properties.
 External clock.
The external clock device driver is added to the
equipment list. PDS clock synchronizes the multibeam
device with this external clock. Do not use this mode for
a general multibeam survey. The PDS computer clock is
not synchronized with this method! Instead, use mode
‘Time in message’.

Time Delay Not available for all device drivers (e.g. the RESON SeaBat 7k )!
Set to 0 when timestamp mode ‘Time in Message’ is selected.
The time delay is set when the timestamp mode ‘computer clock’
is used. The time delay is the delay in the output of the

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  21
positioning system. The time delay is derived from the patch test
(multibeam calibration).
Time Only applicable when timestamp mode ‘external clock’ is used
computation (in general not used!).
source Selection of the right external clock from the data sources. The
external clock should be added to the equipment page to be
Heading Enter the yaw / heading offset derived from the Patch test
correction (multibeam calibration). The PDS multibeam calibration
application has the option to fill in this value automatically. See
the PDS multibeam calibration manual and chapter ‘Multibeam
Calibration’ on page 77 for more information.
Roll correction Enter the roll offset derived from the Patch test (multibeam
calibration). The PDS multibeam calibration application has the
option to fill in this value automatically.
See the PDS multibeam calibration manual and chapter
‘Multibeam Calibration’ on page 77.
Check the sign convention from the patch test with the sign
convention displayed here!
Pitch correction Enter the pitch offset derived from the Patch test (multibeam
calibration). The PDS multibeam calibration application has the
option to fill in this value automatically.
See the PDS multibeam calibration manual and chapter
‘Multibeam Calibration’ on page 77.
Check the sign convention from the patch test with the sign
convention displayed here!
Flat Rx Array This correction will correct the outer beams of the RESON
Correction SeaBat systems.
Set to ‘Enable’ for the RESON SeaBat sonars with a flat receiver
array such as the RESON SeaBat 8125, 7125, 7150 and T-

TX offset This value applies for RESON SeaBat systems.

relative RX The TX offset relative RX offset determines the reference point.
Do not enter a value (leave to default 0,0,0) when the 7027 data
record is received from the sonar! (From the Sonar User
interface the value must be set correctly. Refer to the Sonar
User Interface manual. By default a RESON SeaBat system
output the 7027 record.
When a value is set here (otherwise as 0,0,0) then the received
value in record 7027 is overwritten. Beware that a wrong value
may adversely affect data quality.

There are no attributes to set in the multibeam xyz computation properties and the
multibeam area computation properties.

22  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Snippets properties

Figure 2-11 Snippets properties

Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
Device identifier ID of the RESON SeaBat 7k system. Already (fixed) set for most
7k systems.
7k device Enter 0 (zero) if only a single 7k system is used.
enumeration Enter 0 (zero) for the first 7k system and 1 (one) for the second
7k system.
Backscatter Only available for non-calibrated snippets device drivers.
offset This value may be obtained by the bottom classification
application. See the PDS Bottom Classification manual.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  23 Sidescan sonar properties

Figure 2-12 Sidescan sonar properties

Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
Device identifier ID of the RESON SeaBat 7k system. Already (fixed) set for most
7k systems.
7k device Enter 0 (zero) if only a single 7k system is used.
enumeration Enter 0 (zero) for the first 7k system and 1 (one) for the second
7k system.
There are no other properties to set in this stage.

24  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Water column properties

Figure 2-13 Water column properties

Set the device properties.

Device Properties
Property Description
Device identifier ID of the RESON SeaBat 7k system. Already (fixed) set for most
7k systems.
7k device Enter 0 (zero) if only a single 7k system is used.
enumeration Enter 0 (zero) for the first 7k system and 1 (one) for the second
7k system.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  25
2.4.5 Optional Equipment
Optionally (configuration and sonar type depended) the following devices are added:
 Sound velocity
 Output
 Depth sensor
 External clock
The user can add a variety of devices besides the above listed devices additionally.
This manual only describes important PDS setting for the above listed devices.

2.4.6 (Optional) Equipment properties Sound velocity
Sonar systems such as the RESON SeaBat 7k and T-series do have a sound velocity
probe installed near the sonar head for correct beam forming. This sound velocity
output stream is normally interfaced to the sonar processor.
Alternatively a sound velocity data stream can be interfaced to PDS and PDS can
output the sound velocity values to the processor.

Device Properties
Property Description
Sensor position  Use offset to reference point
computation Select or set in the Device offset attribute the offset.
 Use computation position source
This setting is only relevant for plot purposes and not for

Device offset Set the device offset.

Position source This setting is only relevant when as sensor position
computation attribute ‘Use computation position source’ was
selected (see above).Select the source for the position
computation of the sound velocity.
Sound velocity Correction to the sound velocity.
correction Output
By adding an output device from the output device group, it is possible to send a
certain data stream to the multibeam system from PDS.
The following types of outputs may be used for a multibeam survey:
1. Control outputs.
With a control output a RESON 8k series multibeam system is controlled from
PDS during Realtime. This is only applicable for the RESON SeaBat 8101, 8111er,
8125 and 8160.
2. Output to 7k
a. RESON 7k-1012
Motion sensor data at the rate of the motion sensor following RESON 7k
record 1012.

26  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
b. RESON 7k-7400
Time message
c. RESON Sound velocity
Sound velocity
d. RESON - 7k-CTD+Motion+SV
Sound velocity profile including absorption values at the start-up and when
the information is changed. This is a combination of the RESON 7k
records 1010, 1012 and 7610.
3. Output of 7k data
a. RESON 7k-7000
b. RESON 7k-Data Distribution
c. RESON 7k-Data Distribution 2
4. Time output to multibeam systems.
a. RESON8125-TimeOutput
This output only applies for the RESON 8k series of sonar (e.g. RESON
8125 or 8101). From the PDS clock synchronization the device driver is
used to send a time message to the 8k processor to time synchronize the
data stream.

Device Properties
Property Description
Device identifier Enter the ID of the 7k system e.g. 7150 for a RESON SeaBat
Device Enter 0 (zero) if only a single 7k system is used.
Enter 0 (zero) for the first 7k system and 1 (one) for the second
7k system. External clock

 It is preferred to use the clock synchronization and timestamp mode ‘Time in

message’ for clock synchronization of devices. See page 37 and not External clock.

The external clock is only used when as timestamp mode ‘External clock’ is used to
timestamp an external device.

Device Properties
Property Description
Time delay Enter the delay in the output from the external clock.

Time computation properties

Property Description
Maximum clock Enter the maximum allowed difference in time between the
difference external clock and PDS time.
Time offset Enter the time difference between the external clock and the
UTC time. In case the external time is GPS time, the offset is
known as a number of leap seconds. IERS determines the leap
seconds (from of 1st of January 2015 it is ‘-16’ seconds).

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  27 Tide gauge
When realtime tide is used as height source then a tide gauge is added to the
Equipment list.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual and appendix ‘Tide station in Realtime’ on page
139. Depth sensor

A depth sensor may be used to determine the sea level. By default the sea level is
used as entered in the Geometry page (see page 6). To make the sealevel
computation from a depth sensor then in the data sources (see page 36) the depth
sensor is selected as primary source for the sea level computation.

Device Properties
Property Description
Device offset Select the device offset from the list or enter it manually.
Time delay Enter the delay in the output from the depth sensor (always ≥ 0

Sealevel computation Properties

Property Description
Integration This attribute is only applicable for depth sensors with depth as
period output.
Enter a value for the integration period over which the depth is
Approximate Only applicable for pressure sensors.
Latitude mode Select a manual input or latitude from the position.
Approximate Only applicable for pressure sensors.
latitude Enter the latitude if the mode is set to manual.
Atmospheric Only applicable for pressure sensors.
pressure Some pressure sensors output are not compensated for the
correction atmospheric pressure.
Select Enabled if an atmospheric pressure correction is
Atmospheric Only applicable for pressure sensors.
pressure Some pressure sensors output are not compensated for the
atmospheric pressure.
Enter the atmospheric pressure correction if this is necessary.

28  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
2.4.7 Equipment Interfacing (I/O)
The I/O of the added devices is configured from the equipment tab page.
To set the I/O:
1. Select a device from the equipment list.

Figure 2-14 Select device

2. Press the ‘I/O Port’ button.

Figure 2-15 I/O Port

3. Select from the list the correct port or press ‘New’ to create a new I/O port.
It depends of the selected device which I/O port types can be created.

Figure 2-16 Interfacing dialog

There are different I/O types. Most relevant I/O types for a multibeam survey are:
 Socket I/O (see page 31 and page 32)
 Serial (see page 32)
 RTA (see page 34)
 RRIO (see page 33)
 Imagenex (see page 34)
 BlueView (see page 35)
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for all possible I/O.
Selected equipment may share an interface port.
The next table lists an overview of devices and the used I/O. Notice that some devices
output data and auxiliary sensor data by using different I/O interface.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  29
Device PDS I/O type
Devices connected by network cable to Socket
Devices connected serially to PDS. Serial
RESON SeaBat 7k and T-series. Socket
Odom ES3 multibeam data. Socket
Odom ES3 auxiliary data (e.g. position, RTA
VRU etc.) See the PDS Odom multibeam
interfacing document.
Odom MB1 multibeam data. RTA
See the PDS Odom multibeam
interfacing document.
Odom MB1 auxiliary data (e.g. position, RTA
VRU). See the PDS Odom multibeam
interfacing document.
Odom MB2 multibeam data. Socket
Odom MB2 auxiliary data (e.g. position, RRIO
VRU etc.). See the PDS Odom multibeam
interfacing document.
BlueView MotionScan. Socket
See the PDS MotionScan manual.
BlueView multibeam or forward looker Socket
data. See the PDS BlueView manual.
Imagenex multibeam data. Imagenex
See the PDS Imagenex manual.
Imagenex auxiliary data (e.g. position, Imagenex
VRU, heading etc.). See the PDS Imagenex manual.
Simrad multibeam. Socket
Norbit using 7k data format. Socket

30  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Socket
Socket is used when the sensor is connected by a network connection:

Figure 2-17 Socket

The next table lists the settings of a socket port.

Setting Description
Local Port The network port of the PDS computer.
Some devices send their data stream to a specific socket
port. This specific socket port must be entered here as the
local port.
For example POSMV use port number 5602. See the
device’s documentation.
Host address Enter the IP address of the remote system. Some
systems (like multibeam systems) have a user interface or
a control center which output the data stream to PDS. In
this software the device’s IP address is in general set.
Enter (local host address) when the remote
system’s application which output the data stream runs on
the same computer as PDS.
If the protocol is UDP/IP and the option ‘Check host
address’ is not, no address has to be entered.
Host port The network port of the remote system.
The host port is used when PDS sends data to the remote
system (e.g. to control the device).
Normally this is a fixed number (e.g. 7000 for RESON 7k
Check host address This option is only relevant if the protocol is UDP/IP. If the
option is checked, only the data from the entered host
address will be accepted.
Protocol There are two protocols available:
Receiving of data stream without communication
This protocol checks the communication between
the two ports before it send or receive data. An
IP-address has to be entered as host address.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  31
 When certain I/O settings of a device are fixed settings then the socket dialog
settings are limited to only the settings which can be set. Socket - RESON 7k data protocol

When for a RESON SeaBat 7k or T-series sonar using the Sonar 7k data protocol the
I/O is set then in the socket dialog the host address and the protocol can be entered.
The other values are fixed and hidden.

Figure 2-18 SeaBat 7k socket I/O

Setting Description
Host address The IP address of the sonar processor.
Use when PDS runs on the same
Protocol Set to TCP/IP Serial
Serial is used when the sensor is connected by a serial connection: A serial port is
called COM port. A computer can be fitted with several serial ports or with serial
extender cards. See the Teledyne PDS User manual for more information about serial
extender cards.
When a new serial port is created then the com port number should correspond with
the computer serial port number. (E.g. computer serial port 2 means in PDS COM port
2 is created.)

Figure 2-19 Serial

The next table lists the settings of a serial port.

Setting Description
Bits per second Set the baud rate of the received data stream.
Data bits Set the number of data bits in the received data
stream format.
Parity Set the parity check of the received data stream

32  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Setting Description
Stop bits Set the number of stop bits in the received data
stream format
Use CTS output flow control When this checkbox is selected then the software
handshaking is enabled.
Restore defaults Press this button to restore the port default settings. RRIO
RRIO is a protocol used for distribution of raw data messages. The RRIO is used by
the RESON SeaBat 7K, the RESON T-series and the Teledyne Odom MB2 sonar
system. It is possible to connect to the RESON SeaBat or Odom MB2 system auxiliary
sensors such as position, VRU etc. With the RRIO it is possible to receive the device
data by PDS. This means the external devices only need to be interfaced to the
RESON or the Odom processor box and not additionally to PDS. The RRIO needs to
be setup from the Sonar User Interface (SUI) application.
See the technical note: ‘RESON Remote I/O’, for a description of how to setup the

Figure 2-20 RRIO

Setting Description
Local Base Port Number The local base port number as set in the Sonar
User Interface of the RESON SeaBat or the Odom
MB2. See the Sonar User Interface manual or the
RRIO technical note.
Sensor type Select the sensor for which the RRIO I/O is set.
(This sensor is connected to the sonar processor
and setup in the sonar’s user interface.)

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  33 RTA
Similar to the RRIO is RTA used by the Teledyne Odom ES3 and MB1 sonar systems.
To these systems are also auxiliary sensors connected such as position, VRU,
heading etc. This data is included in the network data stream to PDS. From the Odom
user interface the IP address of the PDS computer is set.
This sensor data is read by PDS using the RTA I/O.
See the PDS ‘Odom Multibeam Interfacing’ manual for a description of how to setup
the RTA I/O interface.

Figure 2-21 RTA

Setting Description
Local Base Port Number The local base port as set for the Odom Es3 or
MB1. This base port is set in the Odom software.
See the PDS Odom Multibeam Interfacing
Message type The auxiliary devices are listed which are
possibly connected to the RTA interface box.
Select the device for which the I/O is set.
E.g. MRU when for the motion sensor the I/O is
See the ‘Odom Multibeam Interfacing’ manual for
more information. The procedure for the ES3 is
different as for the Odom MB1 Imagenex
I/O for the Imagenex sonar data and the auxiliary sensors connected to the Imagenex
sonar. The communication to PDS is set in the Imagenex user interface. See the PDS
Imagenex manual for details.

34  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Figure 2-22 Imagenex

Setting Description
Local Port The local port as set in the Imagenex user
interface (default 4040)
Host address Enter the IP address of the computer on which
the Imagenex user interface runs. Use
when this runs on the same computer as PDS.
Host port Does not need to set.
Check host address Select to accept only messages from the set host
Protocol Select UDP/IP
IP multicast Does not need to set BlueView
I/O for the BlueView sonar data.

Figure 2-23 BlueView

Setting Description
Host address Enter the IP address of the BlueView sonar. The
IP of the sonar is configurable with the BlueView
user interface (e.g. Proviewer) See the BlueView
documentation how to set the IP of the sonar.

2.4.8 Computation
From the Computation tab page of the Vessel Configuration, advanced computations
can be added.
For a multibeam survey with tidal information , an advanced computation has to be
added. See appendix ‘Tide station in Realtime’ on page 139.
Other advanced computations are for example heading from 2 positioning systems
computation and an offset computation.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  35
2.4.9 Data Sources
If more than one sensor of the same device group is selected in the Equipment page,
then a selection has to be made which sensor becomes the primary sensor for the
survey. The primary data source is used for the computation.

Figure 2-24 Data Sources

To set a device as primary data source:

1. Open the Vessel Configuration’s Data Sources tab page.
2. Select the device.
3. Use the arrow keys to make it primary.
4. Optionally, select ‘Automatic switch’ and specify the condition to switch from data
source automatically.

2.4.10 Guidance
The user can define guidance to assist the vessel to sail along pre-defined tracks such
as runlines and routes or in a pre-defined area.
See the PDS Guidance Editor manual for a description of the Guidance editor.

2.4.11 Logging
See the PDS User manual for a description of all logging formats and the logging
The PDS format is always logged. Optionally (user selectable) is logged:
 Grid Model
In the Acquisition an on-line coverage of the multibeam data can be shown in
a grid model
 Simrad EM3000 format
In this format raw multibeam data with all necessary information from the other
sensors will be logged. Raw data files in this format can be processed with
HDCS cleaning software.
 Cleaned XYZ Data
An ASCII file with reduced XYZ data will be logged.
 XTF Format
Logging in the XTF (extended Triton Format) format.
Not all the multibeam types can be logged in the XTF format as they are not all

36  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
 Backscatter grid model
In the Acquisition an on-line coverage of the backscatter data (intensity) of the
sidescan sonar or snippets data can be shown in a grid model.
 S7k format
Logging in S7k format. This format is only available for RESON SeaBat 7K or
RESON T series multibeams.
Logging multibeam data in the SDS (Self Defining Structure) format .This
format can be used to collect large amount of multibeam data
 FAU format.
Logging multibeam data in the FAU (FArvandsvæsenets Utm) format from the
Danish Hydrographic office for multibeam data only. The user can select to log
the FAU1 or FAU2 format.
 GSF format
Logging multibeam data in the GSF (Generic Sensor Format) format.

2.4.12 Simulation, Aliases and Alarms

The settings in these three Vessel Configuration tab pages are in general not relevant
for a multibeam survey.

2.4.13 Layouts, Events and Alarms

Figure 2-25 Configuration Layouts, Events and Alarm tab pages.

The settings in the Layouts, events and alarms tab pages of the configuration are in
general not relevant for a multibeam survey.

2.5 Clock Synchronization

 It is essential to clock synchronize the data for a correct multibeam survey.
For accurate clock synchronization the 1 PPS pulse is used.

See the Technical Note ‘Clock synchronization’ for a description of the clock
synchronization. Technical notes are stored in the PDS manual folder.

In general, the multibeam device is clock synchronized by a time message and PPS
from the GNSS position receiver.
If sensors are interfaced to PDS then also the PDS computer needs to be clock
synchronized with a time message and PPS.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  37
PDS Acquisition
Position data computer

Time message
Time source (e.g. GPS) (E.g. ZDA)


Multibeam Processor Data

(Ethernet) Ethernet

Other data sources (E.g. Data

heading, attitude etc.)

Figure 2-26 Clock synchronization scenario

Press the ‘Clock synchronization’ toolbar button (from the PDS Control Center) to open
the Clock Synchronization dialog.

Figure 2-27 Clock synchronization

Figure 2-28 Clock synchronization dialog

38  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
The next table lists the clock synchronization dialog settings.

Setting Description
Enable clock synchronization Always select this checkbox to
enable the clock synchronization.

RESON 7k I/O module Used for RESON SeaBat 7k and T-

series processor.
The RESON 7K IO module is the IO
application of the RESON SeaBat 7k
and T-series sonar. (See the RESON
SeaBat documentation.)
Select this radio button to
synchronize the PDS computer from
the RESON 7K IO module. The
RESON 7K IO module must run on
the same computer and the timing
signals are setup in the I/O module.
Clocksync with Remote RESON 7k I/O Used for RESON SeaBat 7k and T-
module series processor.
Select this radio button when PDS
runs on a different computer as the
RESON 7K IO module.
Select from the’ Remote 7k I/O
module address’, drop down list the
computer on which the7k I/O module
runs. (Both computers must be
connected by a network connection
to each other and sonar computer
must be on)
Clock synchronization module Select this radio button to
synchronize the PDS computer with a
selected device driver.
The device driver is selected from the
list and should correspond with the
received time message. Press the
‘Select’ button to select the
device. Use PPS for accurate time

Input Press the ‘Select’ button to select the

PDS computer port for the received
time message.
Select the checkbox when the PPS is
received on a different port as the
time message and press the Select
button to select this port.
Press the ‘Test’ button to test if the
time message and PPS is received

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey  39
Setting Description
Output Select this checkbox if a time
message from PDS must be send to
an external device to synchronize it.
This option is used when the
multibeam system is not
synchronized by a time message and
PPS and therefore needs to be
synchronized by PDS.
Press the ‘Set Output’ button to
select a time message and an output
port of the PDS computer.
An example of an output is the
Reson8125-Timeoutput device; used
to time synchronize the RESON
SeaBat 8125.

 When the PDS computer clock and the multibeam system is synchronized by the time
message from the GPS position system then set in PDS the timestamp mode ‘Time in
message’ for the multibeam and GPS device.

 It is not possible to start the Realtime Acquisition mode when the clock
synchronization is enabled but the time signal is not received. The Control Center’s
Realtime toolbar button is in this case disabled.

Figure 2-29 Realtime button disable

40  PDS setup for a general Multibeam or Profiler survey Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
3 Views and Data Acquisition

3.1 Introduction
The Realtime Acquisition is the online mode where the actual survey is monitored and
logged. For this purpose an (acquisition) screen layout with several views is made by
the user. When the Acquisition is started the default or last used layout opens on the
screen. The user can always modify the layout by changing, adding or removing views.
A View may consist of several layers to show certain information. Layers are added,
removed or edited from the view’s Layer Control. This chapter will only highlight the (in
general) important views of a multibeam survey.

 See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of all available views.

3.2 Building a screen layout

To build a screen layout:
1. Start Realtime Acquisition.
2. There are three ways to add views to the screen layout:
a. Right click in an empty space to open a context menu.
Select the menu item ‘Add Display’ and select the view.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  41

Figure 3-1 Context menu – Add Display

b. From the View>Add Display… menu.

Figure 3-2 View>Add Display…

c. From the View>Displays menu. From the opened dialog it is possible to add
views but also to disable or remove a view from the screen layout.
Press the ‘Add’ button to add a view.
Select a view from the list and press the ‘Remove’ button to remove the view.

Figure 3-3 View>Displays

3.3 Opening or saving a screen layout

To open or save a screen layout:
1. Open Realtime Acquisition.
2. From the ‘File’ menu are layouts saved or opened.

Figure 3-4 File menu

All changes in a screen layout are automatically saved when Realtime Acquisition is

42  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.4 Presentation
Besides an Acquisition screen layout a Presentation screen layout can be created on
another monitor. A Presentation can have the same views as the Acquisition, but it
gets the information from the Acquisition.
A Presentation cannot control data logging and further system settings. The only
selections that can be done in a Presentation is selecting the active runline, selecting
the active waypoint, create a new waypoint and the Man Over Board option. Multiple
presentations can be connected to an Acquisition.
A presentation is added from the Control Center Acquisition>Add Presentation menu.

The next views are (in general) used for a multibeam survey:
 Plan view
 Sensor and interfacing QC
 Logging
 3D View
 Multibeam QC
 Multibeam
 Helmsman view
 Numerics view

Optionally (sonar and device driver depended):

 Sonar Side Scan view
 Sonar Snippets view
 3D Online Water Column
 Sonar configuration
 Sonar wedge

In the next sections are these views briefly described. See the Teledyne PDS User
manual for a full description of the views.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  43

Figure 3-5 Screen layout

44  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.5.1 Plan View – Survey Coverage General
The Plan View – Survey Coverage is in general added to the screen layout as plan
view for a multibeam survey.
The Plan View – Survey Coverage is a 2D view used for navigation and to monitor the
survey coverage.

Figure 3-6 Plan view survey coverage

Use the toolbar buttons or right click in the view to open a context menu to change or
use certain functions.
The next table lists the tool bar button functions.
Tool bar button Function
Follow Vessel
Display orientation
Sonar target
Sonar Contact
Interactive mode
Undo / Redo

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  45

Color table
Grid model mode
Coverage settings
Edit alarm
Layer control
Layer properties Layers
Several layers in the layer control are relevant and / or useful for a multibeam survey.
There are layers fixed to the view (can’t be removed) and layers which can be added
by the user.

Press the Layer Control toolbar button to add, remove or edit a layer.
Press the Properties toolbar button to edit the properties of an added layer.
The next table lists layers in general (possibly) used for a multibeam survey.

Layer Description
Active grid model The grid model updated in the plan view (see Figure 3-6).
See next chapter.
Active Route The selected routes are displayed in the plan view. The
active route is the route selected in the Guidance page.
See page 62.
Active Runlines The selected runlines are displayed in the plan view. The
active runlines are the runlines selected in the Guidance
page. See page 62.
Active sidescan Sonar If Sidescan sonar or snippets data is available, the grid
model as selected in the logging page for the file format
‘Sidescan sonar format’ is displayed. See page 36.
DXF chart A DXF chart is displayed as background. The DXF chart
must first added to the PDS project.
S-57 chart A S-57 chart is displayed as background. The S-57 chart
must first added to the PDS project.
Multibeam coverage The multibeam sways are displayed in the plan view.

Vessel The vessel is displayed in the plan view.

Project The project files selected in the PDS Explorer are
(See the Teledyne PDS User manual of the PDS
Numerics Defined Numerics data is showed in the plan view.

46  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Layer Description
AIS AIS layer is only available when an AIS device is added to
the equipment list. Active grid model

When in the logging page the ‘Grid Model’ is selected as logging format then a grid
model is showed and updated during the survey.

Figure 3-7 Active grid model

A new active grid model is created from the Logging page:

1. Press the Logging toolbar button of the Realtime Acquisition toolbar to open the
logging page.

Figure 3-8 Logging settings toolbar button

2. The Logging dialog opens.

Figure 3-9 New (Active) Grid Model

1. Select the Grid Model logging.

2. Select ‘New’ to create new active grid model.
3. Add the multibeam device data to use for the grid model data logging.

Press from the toolbar the ‘Grid Model Color Mode’ toolbar button to set the color
mode of the active grid model.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  47

Figure 3-10 Grid model color mode

Press the ‘Coverage’ toolbar button to select a color table for the active grid model
or to enable / disable the display of the multibeam profiles.

Figure 3-11 Coverage settings

48  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.5.2 Sensor and Interfacing QC
Different views are available for the sensor and interfacing quality control (QC):
 Raw Data –standard view
 Status Equipment and status computation view
 I/O Port Raw Data –standard view

Figure 3-12 Raw Data standard view

The Raw Data of the sensors and the data of the computations can be checked in this
view. Valid data or computation is indicated with a green tick. Status Computation and Status Equipment view

The status of the equipment and computations is showed in these views.

Figure 3-13 Status Computation view

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  49

Figure 3-14 Status Equipment view

Valid data or computation is indicated with a checkmark .

Right click in the view and enable the ‘Use status colors’ menu option to make the view
green colored when all data or computations have a checkmark.

3.5.3 3D View
There are two 3D views for a multibeam survey:
 3D View – Online,
 3D View- Water Column. 3D View - Online

Figure 3-15 3D view -online

This view is capable to show the multibeam data and the vessel in 3D. Use the layer
control to add more layers to the view. When in the logging page the logging of the
‘PDS grid model’ is enabled then (when the data logging is enabled) the active grid
model is showed in 3D.

50  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler 3D View - Online Water Column

Figure 3-16 3D View – online water column

This view is only applicable when the sonar output water column data.
The same as the 3D View – Online, the 3D View – Online Water Column shows the
vessel and multibeam data in 3D, but additionally the water column data is also
Add more layers from the Layer Control.
Press the ‘Water Column Properties’ button from the view’s toolbar to open the
water column properties dialog.

Figure 3-17 Water column properties

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  51

3.5.4 Multibeam QC
PDS offers a variety of multibeam QC (quality control) views:
The next table lists the available Multibeam QC views.

Multibeam QC Description
3D Seafloor Multibeam sway data in 3D. Different data can be presented.
Press the ‘Display mode’ toolbar button to select the data
presentation type.

Raw Profile Shows one multibeam sway. Data can be displayed in

different color modes.

Press the view’s ‘Properties’ toolbar button to open the

properties. Select the ‘Multibeam data color mode’ attribute
and select the data color mode.

52  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Multibeam QC Description
From the properties attribute ‘Multibeam source’ the type of
data is displayed:
Device data
Displays raw data relative to the multibeam head.
Multibeam xyz computation
Depths corrected for Z-offset, heave, pitch, roll, SV profile,
seal level computation, and multibeam filters. The depths are
relative to sea level.

From this view it is also possible to set the multibeam fiiters

when above multibeam source is set to ‘Multibeam xyz
computation’. Right click to open the view’s context menu and
select the ‘Multibeam Filter Settings’ menu item.

From the Multibeam filter settings also the percentage of

rejected beams is set from which the whole swath will be

When the swath is rejected then this is indicated in the view.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  53

Multibeam QC Description
Backscatter signal Shows for the RESON SeaBat 7K and T-series the
strength profile backscatter signal strength.

Different data color modes can be selected. Press the view’s

properties toolbar button to open the properties. Select the
‘Multibeam data color mode’ attribute and select the data color

Vertical waterfall Multibeam sways are showed as waterfall.

Different multibeam data items can be showed. Press the
‘Multibeam data item’ button from the view’s toolbar to select a
multibeam data item.

The intensity can only be displayed if this value is available in

the multibeam data. The TPE Vertical Error and TPE
Horizontal Error can only be displayed if for the ‘Multibeam
Source’ attribute in the View’s properties ‘Multibeam xyz
computation’ is selected.

54  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Multibeam QC Description
Raw Profile + total This view is a combination of the multibeam QC – Raw Profile
propagation Errors view and the Total Propagation errors view.

Total Propagation Shows the vertical and horizontal TPE’s (Total Propagation
errors Errors) and the IHO errors. See the Teledyne PDS User

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  55

3.5.5 Sonar
The next table lists the available sonar views.

Sonar view Description

Sonar side scan Displays sonar data.
The multibeam must output side scan sonar data and the side scan
sonar device driver should be added to the vessel configuration
equipment list to show data in the view.

Snippets Displays Snippets data.

The multibeam must output snippets data and the snippets device
driver should be added to the vessel configuration equipment list to
show data in the view.

56  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.5.6 Device (Sonar) configuration view
A Device Configuration view is not a standard view. It can only be added when the
device configuration driver is added to the equipment list. A device configuration view
is added from the Acquisition menu ‘Tools>Equipment Control’.

Figure 3-18 Equipment Control

From the Sonar Configuration are sonar settings controlled such as the gain, range,
power, filters, etc. It depends on the sonar and the corresponding device driver which
settings are available.

Figure 3-19 Sonar Configuration RESON SeaBat 7k

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a description of the Device Configuration

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  57

3.5.7 Sonar Wedge view
The Sonar Wedge view shows the sonar image data. The data is only showed if a
Sonar Image device driver is added to the Equipment list of the Vessel Configuration.
For a Sonar Image [img] device driver the wedge is orientated downward.

Figure 3-20 Sonar wedge – multibeam

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a description of this view.
For a Sonar Image forward looker [Fwd] device driver the wedge is orientated forward.

Figure 3-21 Sonar wedge – forward looker

See the BlueView Forward-looking sonar manual for a description of this wedge view.

58  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

If the gates are enabled then they are showed in the wedge view. The gates can be

Figure 3-22 Dragging gates

Right click on a depth gate to rotate the depth gate.

Figure 3-23 Rotating the depth gates

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  59

3.5.8 Miscellaneous Views
The next table lists miscellaneous views possibly added for a multibeam survey.
View Description
Helmsman Used by the Helmsman to navigate over the survey line.
The off-track distances, different headings and distance traveled on
the line and to go to the end of the line can be displayed.

Numerics Sensor data or a computation is displayed in the Numerics view.

Data is easily added to the Numerics view by drag and drop data
from the Raw Data Standard view.

Profile - This Profile view can be used to compare the multibeam data with a
Multibeam (active) grid model or a (active) design model.

60  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

View Description
Time series In the time series view information from a sensor or a computation is
displayed in time. Data is added easily to the view by dragging items
from the Raw Data view to the Time Series view.

Logging The status – Logging view displays the information about the data
logging. The view is green colored when the data is logged.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  61

3.6 Guidance
See the PDS Guidance Editor manual for full details about the PDS Guidance editing

3.6.1 Guidance files

The active guidance files are selected from the Guidance dialog.
Select from the Acquisition Realtime menu bar the ‘Guidance’ menu item or press the
‘Guidance’ toolbar button , to open the Guidance dialog.
See Figure 3-24. From the tab pages the active guidance file is selected.
Press ‘Edit’ to edit a guidance file or press ‘New’ to create a new file.

Figure 3-24 Guidance dialog

62  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.6.2 Guidance editor
The guidance lines are created or edited with the Guidance Editor. See the PDS
Guidance Editor manual for more details about the guidance editor.

Figure 3-25 Guidance editor

3.6.3 Realtime guidance editing

It is also possible to edit the guidance in Realtime Acquisition:
1. Right click in the Plan view to open the context menu.

Figure 3-26 Guidance context menu options

2. Add the guidance.

If ‘Add Runline’ is selected then drag the colored grippers to edit the pattern.

Figure 3-27 Runline pattern

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  63

3. Right click again to open the edit mode context menu.

Figure 3-28 Edit context menu

4. Press ‘Save’ to save the added guidance.

3.6.4 Runline selection

The selected runline is red colored. The start of the runline is indicated with a red dot.

Figure 3-29 Selected runline

There are different ways to select a runline:

1. From the Guidance menu, the ‘Select Runline..’ menu option.

Figure 3-30 Select runline menu option

2. By using the buttons from the Acquisition’s toolbar.

Figure 3-31 Runline toolbar buttons

3. From the Plan view:

Figure 3-32 Runline selection in Plan view

64  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

a. Enable interactive selection mode.
b. Click on the runline to select the runline.

3.7 Sound velocity profile

The sound velocity profile is used for the computation of the ray bending.

3.7.1 Select sound velocity profile

To select a sound velocity profile:
1. Press from the Realtime – Acquisition toolbar the ‘Multibeam filters and sound
velocity’ button.

Figure 3-33 Multibeam filters and Sound velocity button.

2. Select from the opened dialog:

Figure 3-34 Selecting sound velocity profile file

a. ‘SV Profile File’ from the drop down list.

b. The file from the dropdown list. The file must be available in the PDS project.
SV profile files can be added or created from the PDS Explorer ‘Project’ tab

Figure 3-35 Project tab page – Sound Velocity Profiles

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  65

3.7.2 Add or edit sound velocity profile
It is possible to add or create sound velocity profiles on two ways:
1. From the PDS explorer – ‘Project’ tab page
Right click on the Sound velocity profiles branch to open a context menu. Select
‘New File’ to create a new sound velocity profile. Select ‘Add Files’ to add a sound
velocity profile.

Figure 3-36 Sound velocity profiles

2. Or press from the Realtime – Acquisition toolbar the ‘Multibeam filters and sound
velocity’ button.

Figure 3-37 Multibeam filters and Sound velocity button

The ‘Multibeam filters and sound velocity’ dialog opens.

Press ‘New’ to add a new sound velocity profile.

Figure 3-38 Sound velocity profile selection

The Sound Velocity Editor opens when a new sound velocity profile is created.

66  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 3-39 Sound velocity profile editor

It is possible to create a sound velocity profile:

1. Manually.
Enter the depth (in meters) and velocity (in meters/second) values in the table.
2. Imported from a file.
Select from the ‘Import Svp Unit’ dropdown list the units of the file to import.
Select to use the upcast, downcast or both from the file.
Press the ‘Import’ button to import a sound velocity profile file.
The sound velocity profile is displayed in the editor.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  67

Figure 3-40 Sound velocity profile

Edit the profile by changing the values of the table or by dragging the points of the
displayed profile graph.
Press the ‘Remove point(s)’ button to remove points from the table.
Press the ‘Down sample profile’ button to reduce the data density of a profile.

3.7.3 Use Surface speed of sound as first entry in the

From the Multibeam filters and sound velocity dialog the option ‘Use surface speed of
sound as first entry in the table’ can be selected (see next figure).
The sonar requires a speed of sound near the head for beamforming. A speed of
sound sensor near the head is the best solution. The used surface speed of sound is
always known (setting in multibeam system). When in PDS sound velocity profile data
is used, the option ‘Use surface speed of sound as first entry in the table’ becomes

Figure 3-41 ‘Use surface speed of sound as first entry in table’ option

68  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

A deviation may be present between the surface sound velocity profile and the
provided sound velocity profile. When the ‘Use surface speed of sound as first entry of
table’ option is selected the sound velocity value as applied by the sonar head will be
used together with the selected sound velocity profile.
Select this option:
 When there is no speed of sound sensor connected to the sonar or when the
speed of sound sensor output wrong values.
 When the surface speed of sound changes and the remainder of the profile
remains the same.

Figure 3-42 Two profiles with a different surface speed of sound but remainder
of the profile remains the same

With the now available surface speed of sound as first entry in the table the refraction
correction will be done correctly.
Do not select the ‘Use surface speed of sound as first entry of table’ option when the
total profile changes with the surface speed of sound.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  69

3.8 Multibeam filters
By using multibeam filters it is possible to reject beams when they not apply to the
specified filter conditions to generate (more) clean data.
‘Rejected’ means ‘marked as rejected’. The rejected beams are always logged in the
 raw data file. Changing the filter settings in the Processing can bring back some of
the rejected beams.

 Data quality depends on many factors such as the multibeam settings (power, gain
etc.), noise and bottom characteristics.
Try to achieve optimal multibeam settings first.
To apply a online filter to the multibeam data:
1. Press from the Realtime – Acquisition toolbar the ‘Multibeam filters and Sound
velocity’ button.

Figure 3-43 Multibeam filters and sound velocity dialog button.

2. From the opened Multibeam filters and Sound velocity dialog:

Figure 3-44 Filters and sound velocity dialog

a. Select the multibeam device.

b. The added filters are listed. The filter parameters can be set.
c. Press the ‘Add Filter’ button to add a filter.

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of the multibeam filters.
The next table lists the available multibeam filters.

70  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Filter Description
Detection quality Filter on collinearity and brightness.
Depth The points outside the depth limits will be rejected.
Range The points outside the range limits will be rejected.
Intersection The intersection filter checks the enclosed angle of 3 data
points against the given minimum angle.
A smaller angle then the intersection angle will reject the
middle data point of the 3 data points.
Slope The slope filter checks the angle between two adjacent
points and the plane against the given maximum angle.
When the angle is larger than the maximum angle, the
beam will be rejected.
Flying object The flying object filter will reject each beam that is too high
in relation to the sea floor.
Nadir The angle nadir filter checks if each beam is inside the port
or starboard angle and the nadir. Points outside the angle
will be rejected.
Statistic filter A statistic filter checks each data point in a multibeam sway
against its surrounding data points.
This is a common used filter.
IHO Filter on IHO orders. The new S-44 standards proposed a
classification scheme for hydrographic surveys based on
the area’s importance for the safety of surface navigation.
This classification is called ‘Orders.
Smart Filter for interferometry systems.
Amplitude The amplitude detections will be rejected after a specified
detection number of phase detections from the nadir.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  71

3.9 Color table
Color tables are used to visualize the multibeam data.

3.9.1 Selecting a color table

To select a color table from the Realtime – Acquisition:
1. Press the ‘Coverage Settings’ button of the plan view tool bar.

Figure 3-45 Coverage Settings button

2. Select from the drop down list the color table for the data type.
The color table must be available in the project (see next chapter).

Figure 3-46 Color table selection

3.9.2 Add or create a new color table

A color table is added or created in the Color Tables branch of the PDS Explorer –
‘Project’ tab page.
Right click on the Color Tables branch to open a context menu.
Select ‘New Files’ to create a new color table. Select ‘Add Files’ to add a color table

Figure 3-47 PDS Explorer - Color tables branch

72  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

The Color Table Generator opens to create a new color table.

Figure 3-48 Color table generator

From the color table generator:

Figure 3-49 Color table generator

a. Set the range and the color range.

b. Set the number of colors of the step size.
c. Set the palette mode.
d. Press the ‘Replace’ button to generate the color table.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  73

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of the color table generator.

3.9.3 Edit a color table

To edit a color table:
1. Open the color table from the PDS Explorer – ‘Project’ page (see page 72).
2. Or in the plan view of the Realtime Acquisition:

Figure 3-50 Open color table in Realtime

a. Enable the color table bar in the plan view.

b. Enable the interactive selection mode.
c. Double click on the color bar.
3. The Color Table Generator opens.

Figure 3-51 Edit a color table

Edit the setting of the color table and press the ‘Replace’ button.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for full details about the color table generator.

74  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

3.10 Logging

3.10.1 Introduction
Data is always logged in the PDS format. Additional formats are selected in the logging
settings page of the Vessel Configuration (see page 36) . Press the ‘Logging settings’
toolbar button from Realtime – acquisition to open the logging settings page.

3.10.2 Enable or disable data logging

The data logging is enabled or disabled on different ways:
1. By pressing the ‘F4’ key.
2. By pressing the LOG button on the right lower corner of the acquisition screen

Figure 3-52 Log button

3. By pressing the ‘Logging’ button of the Acquisition toolbar.

Figure 3-53 Logging toolbar button

4. By selecting the ‘Enable Data Logging’ menu item of the Acquisition Logging

Figure 3-54 Enable Data Logging Water column and image data logging

When the Logging is enabled then it is possible to enable the water column and the
image data logging.
1. Press the ‘LOG’ button to enable the data logging.
2. Press the ‘WCS’ button to enable the water column data logging.
3. Press the ‘IMG’ button to enable the Image logging.

Figure 3-55 LOG-WCS-IMG buttons

Large log files are logged if water column and image data logging is enabled.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Views and Data Acquisition  75

3.10.3 Logging status
The status of the logging is indicated by the Status Logging View (see page 61) and
the color of the LOG buttons (see Figure 3-55).

 Green: logging on .

 Red: logging off .

 Yellow: Logging off due to an invalid logging condition. Logging

conditions are set in the logging settings dialog (see page 36).

3.11 Water column

The data of the water column can be visualized and logged. Be aware of the large file
sizes of logged water column data.
With water column data it is possible to see more as the bottom detection such as fish,
hydrophytes, detecting plumes, detecting other mid-water targets etc.
To log and show water column data:
1. The sonar is able to output water column data.
2. The PDS water column device driver is added (see page 13).
3. The 3D View – Online Water Column View is added (see page 51).
4. The water column properties are set correctly from the 3D View – Online Water
Column view (see page 51).
5. The logging and the water column data logging are enabled (see page 75).
6. The water column data is processed in the editing.

3.12 Multi Detect

Multi Detect is an optional feature for Teledyne RESON sonars that provides multiple
detections within each beam. It allows the surveyor to capture enhance detail over
complex features, or ensure that full detail is captured of any object in the water
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for more details.
Multi detect data cannot be shown in the Realtime 3D – Online view but in the Editing
3D view.
The Online Multibeam QC views can show multi detect data.

3.13 Snippets
Snippets are data samples of backscatter data around the bottom detection point.
The PDS Bottom Classification application uses snippets data.
When the sonar output normalized backscatter (snippets) data there is no need to run
the calibration from the PDS backscatter application and a model can immediately
See the PDS Bottom classification manual for more information.

76  Views and Data Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

4 Multibeam Calibration

4.1 Introduction
A multibeam calibration is done before the actual multibeam survey is started. This
calibration is necessary to find and compensate small errors in the measurement
caused by angular mounting errors of the multibeam sonar head. The multibeam is
calibrated by means of a patch test.
The patch test is started from the Control Center ‘Calibration’ menu item of the
‘Processing’ menu.

Figure 4-1 Calibration

See the PDS Multibeam Calibration manual for a full description of the Multibeam

4.2 Work flow

To calibrate the multibeam mounting angles:
1. Sail a specific line pattern for a specific angle calibration and log the multibeam
data of each line. See the next table with the line patterns to sail for the roll, pitch
and yaw calibration.

Line pattern
Roll Pitch

Flat seafloor
Object or
Track 1

Track 2
Track 1

(Flat bottom.) Track 2

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Multibeam Calibration  77

Line pattern
(Same vessel speed. Bottom with
(sharp) slope.)


Track 1

Track 2

(Outer beams overlapping. Bottom

with slope)

2. Create and load the file set with the logged calibration lines.
See chapter ‘File set’ on page 87 for a description of how to create file sets.
3. Select two lines for the roll, pitch and yaw calibration.

Figure 4-2 Lines

a. Open the Lines tab page.

b. Press the ‘Auto Select’ button and PDS will select the two files for the roll,
pitch and yaw.
c. Or select manually the two files to use for each angle.

78  Multibeam Calibration Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

4. Draw profile lines for each profile view (roll, pitch, yaw):
a. Press the profile box button in the profile view of an angle.
b. Draw a profile for this specific angle in the area editor (see the next table).

Figure 4-3 Profile box

The next table lists the profile to draw for the roll, pitch and yaw calibration.
Roll Pitch


Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Multibeam Calibration  79

5. Make sure the solution is good enough.
In the right pane the error parabola is drawn with the proposed offset angle. Aim
for a very strong resolution. The ‘sharper’ the parabola the better the calibration.
Change the position of the profile box (step 4) when necessary.

Figure 4-4 Error parabola

6. Multibeam Calibration:

Figure 4-5 Calibrate

80  Multibeam Calibration Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Run the calibration computation:
a. Check that all LEDS are green colored. (Redraw the corresponding profile if the
LED is red colored.)
Select the ‘Use Proposed’ checkboxes to use the proposed values (yellow boxes)
for the Roll, Pitch and Yaw. Otherwise the actual values (white boxes) are used.
b. Press the ‘Full calibrate’ button until there are green ticks underneath all three

Figure 4-6 Green ticks

Calibration values can be changed manually by moving the sliders.

7. Check the profiles and the result.
The two profile lines for the pitch, roll and yaw should overlay each other as good
as possible.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Multibeam Calibration  81

Figure 4-7 Profiles

Clean the data when necessary when the lines do not overlay to each other.
8. Apply the offsets to the vessel and / or files.

Figure 4-8 Apply the offsets

The obtained calibration values can be applied to:

 Selected Logdata files.
Press the ‘Logging’ button.
Values are applied to already recorded data
 Selected File Set.
Press the ‘Fileset…’ button.
Values are applied to already recorded data.
 To the multibeam system properties of the vessel setup.
Press the ‘Vessel…’ button.
Calibration values applied to the multibeam device driver of the vessel
9. Generate report
Press the ‘Generate’ button to generate a multibeam calibration report.

82  Multibeam Calibration Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 4-9 Generate report

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Multibeam Calibration  83

5 Processing

5.1 Introduction
The collected Realtime data is processed in the PDS Editing utility.
A file set is created from the collected PDS log data files to edit. Different editing views
may be added to the Editor’s screen layout to edit the data.

 PDS will not create a separate processed data file; all data is kept in the same log
data file. The raw data remains ‘untouched’, the filtered or deleted data is flagged.

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of the PDS Editing module.
The Editing is started from:
1. The Control Center tool bar.
Press the ‘Editing’ button to start the Editing.

Figure 5-1 Editing button

2. Or from the Processing menu.

Select the ‘Editing’ menu item.

Figure 5-2 Editing menu option

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  85

5.2 The Editor

Figure 5-3 Editor

The editor has different bars in the top:

1. File set selection, Survey line selection and previous/next line buttons.

Instead of the file set bar, the vessel bar may be displayed. This is selected
from the ‘View’ menu ‘vessel bar’ menu item. From the vessel bar, log data
files of a selected vessel are shown for a selected day.

2. Data player with adjustable step size and single step function.

3. Automatic recache (recompute) control.

4. Time sequential presentation of data files. The size represents the timespan.

5. Edit mode selection with Undo/Redo function.

 From the Editor View menu it is possible to turn on or off the display of a bar.

86  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

5.3 Auto-Recache
Press the Auto-Recache button to turn the auto-recache on. All data is recomputed
after each editing step. The warning sign turns on when data is modified and a
recache is necessary.

Figure 5-4 Auto-Recache on and warning sign

5.4 File set

Before the user can start the editing; a file set has to be selected or created with
logged PDS data files to edit. When the Editor is started then the File Set Editor opens.
From the File set Editor a file set is selected, edited or a new file set created.

Figure 5-5 File Set Editor

 A file set can be used in all PDS modules using logged PDS data files.

5.4.1 Selecting a file set

If a file set is available then it is possible to select it from the File Set Editor or from the
Editor’s file set selection bar.
To select it from the Editor:
1. Open the file set drop down menu and select the file set.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  87

Figure 5-6 File set selection

2. A log file in the file set is selected from the log file selection drop down menu or by
pressing the ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ file selection buttons.

Figure 5-7 Log file selection

5.4.2 Creating a file set

To create a file set:
1. Press ‘New’ from the File Set Editor (See Figure 5-5). The File Set Editor is
opened by pressing the ‘File Set’ button (see the next figure).

Figure 5-8 File set button

2. Enter a name for the file set.

3. Select the log data files for the file set.

Figure 5-9 Log data selection

88  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

5.5 Editor menu bar
The editor is equipped with a menu bar. Next to the standard editing options extra
options are available under the menu item ‘Tools’.

Figure 5-10 Editor Tools menu

The next table lists the tools menu items. See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full
description of the tools menu option.

Menu item Description

Edit Vessel The used vessel configuration is recorded in each PDS
Configuration logdata file. This configuration is opened from this menu
item and can be modified.
When changes are made this results in a full recomputation
of the data.
Select Vessel Select Vessel Configuration:
Configuration Each time the vessel configuration of a log data file is
changed it is stored in the log data file.
The last one is the active. Another one from the list can be
selected /made active from this menu item.
Compare Vessel Compare and if required synchronize all files in the file set
Configuration for file with the vessel configuration of the active file.
Transponder Position From this menu item, the USBL transponder position of the
Update slave vessel can be updated from the log data files of the
master vessel. The master vessel is the vessel with the
USBL transceiver and the log data files should be selected
as file set.
Print file status From this menu item the modifications of the active log
data file will be displayed in the Messages – System
Messages view in the Editing.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  89

Menu item Description
Apply Tide data Select this menu item to apply the tide data to the log data
files. This is only possible when a file set is selected.
There are three methods to apply tidal correction to the
1. Use a single tide station.
Uses tidal date from only one station.
2. Use multiple tide stations.
Uses an interpolated tide value from 2 or more
stations. If there are more than 3 stations available
then the nearest 3 in position are used.
Interpolation is based on an inverse distance
weighting algorithm (from the vessel location to the
location of each tide gauge).
3. Tide stations are along a route.
Two stations based on KP of current position are
selected: one before and one after. Then linear
interpolation over KP distance is performed.

Edit tide Station Data Before the tide data is applied to the file or file set, the tide
data can be edited or checked from this menu option. The
Tide Station – Viewer will be opened.
Data Source If for a data source more than one device is selected it is
Switching possible to change the order of the data source from this
menu option.
Cable route If a plough buried a cable, the positions of the knife are
generation logged in the PDS log data files. From these positions, a
cable route can be generated. From this menu item the
settings for the cable route generation can be set.
Multibeam statistic This menu item will generate a statistics report from the
reports multibeam data in the log data files in the file set.
Import Post- Select this menu item to import post processed GPS data.
Processed GPS Data PDS is able to import the following post-processed GPS
 POSPAC data;
 TerraPOS data;
 A user defined ASCII format.
The import files must contain UTC time, not GPS time.
It is always possible to revert back to the original data by
using the menu item ‘Revert to original’.
Import position from Position import from other PDS file.
PDS file.

Quick calibration This option will start the dialog to do a quick multibeam
calibration. This tool can be used to check very quickly if
the values for the multibeam calibration are still valid.
Generate TPE results This option gives a detailed analysis of the TPE
file computation for the selected ping.

90  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Menu item Description
TPE Results are written to a txt file. The file can be
visualized using ‘TPEview.xslm’ which can be found in the
program folder.
Validate all caches Recache all the data in a file or file set.
Force Recache Recache is re-computing the data that is related to the
Selected Item active view.
Revert to Original… Undo all editing for the data in the active editor except
Multibeam filter Modifications.
Repair File(s) The Repair File method:
 Re-indexes the file and checks the index and data
 When a data block was replaced by an edit and the
edit block is not found the method will revert to the
original data.
 Due to a side effect of the check of the data block
table the repair always reverts to the first vessel
configuration in the file.
 All the re-caches will be removed from the file.
Use this option when there are problems with a file e.g.
after a power failure or system crash.
Fix Time in Message Repair timing problems.
Time Stamps The restriction for this menu option is that all relevant
devices have set the Timestamp Mode on ‘Time in
Message’. PDS will use the time set in the data blocks to
repair the ‘Time in Message’.

Force recache GPS Recache only the position data.


Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  91

5.6 Editing views
A variety of editing views are available in PDS.
Views are added:
1. From the display or Add display menu option of the view menu.

Figure 5-11 Add Display

2. From the Editor context menu. (Right click on an empty space in the Editor to open
the context menu.) See the next figure.

Figure 5-12 Context menu

In general the following views are used to edit data. See the Teledyne PDS User
manual for a description of all views available in the editor.

View Purpose
Multibeam Area Editing - standard Editing of multibeam data.
Position Editing Editing of position data.
Time based Editing Editing of other data such as VRU and
heading or any raw data.
Sonar - Snippets Snippets data.
Sonar -Sidescan Side scan sonar data.
Tide station Edit tidal data.

92  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

5.6.1 Multibeam Area Editing
This is the main view to edit multibeam data.

Figure 5-13 Multibeam Area Editing view

The multibeam Area Editing consists of a pane and view. Pane
The view has a left pane from which it is possible to set various functions.

Figure 5-14 Pane

The next table lists the pane functions. See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full
description of the pane.

Function Description
CUBE CUBE is a licensed feature and requires a PDS dongle on
which CUBE is enabled.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  93

Function Description
In the CUBE mode, a CUBE model can be generated and
modified. The CUBE model can be used to filter the
multibeam data.
CUBE (© 2003 University of New Hampshire) stands for
Combined Uncertainty and bathymetric Estimator.
The CUBE method use statistical redundancy to compute
the most likely measured depths (a hypothesis) from the
multibeam data with the use of all the information that is
available. See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full
description of creating and using a CUBE model.

Grid Model In the Grid Model mode a grid model can be generated
and modified. The grid model can be used to filter the
multibeam data.

Additional tab pages are shown when the grid model is


94  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description

(See the Teledyne PDS User manual for full details.)

 Info
Information of the whole grid model or of a
selected grid model cell.
 Edit
Edit and Interpolation of grid model cells.
 Filter
Removing spikes of the grid model.
 Beam Filter
Filter the multibeam relative to the grid model.
 Export
Export mean Z deviation relative to the grid model.
For each beam the Z deviation and beam angle is
 Sync
Model can be synced for every multibeam data
delete/undelete action. (For the other multibeam
data changes the model must be regenerated.)

Filters Filter the multibeam data with selected filter(s).

There are three tab pages:

 Filter:

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  95

Function Description

A selected filter location is indicated with .

See chapter ‘Editing by filters’ on page 113 how to edit
by using the filters.
 Area Filter:
An area filter is one or more multibeam filter that
only filters the multibeam data falling inside a
selected area (clipping polygon).
It is possible to create multiple area filters. An area
filter set is the container for a group of area filters
and will be stored in a file on disk.
Three multibeam filters are selectable for an area
1. Detection quality filter
2. Sub bottom (multi-detect)
3. Intensity(multi-detect)

 Show filtered:
From the show filtered page, it is possible to
enable or disable the display of filtered multibeam
data. On this way, it is possible to analyze the
impact of selected filters on the multibeam data.

96  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description

Multi Detect The Multi Detect mode is available when at least one file of
the file set that is loaded in the Editor contains multi detect
data. Otherwise, the Multi Detect mode button in the left
pane is disabled.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description
of Multi Detect.

Calibration Calibration of the multibeam. See chapter ‘Multibeam

Calibration’ on page 77.
There are two tab pages:

 Calibration
To calibrate the multibeam roll, pitch and yaw
mounting error.
 Lines
Line selection for the calibration.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  97

Function Description

See also the PDS Multibeam Calibration manual for a full

description of the roll, pitch and yaw mounting error

Pipe In this mode, an as-laid pipe route can be generated from

the multibeam data.
See the PDS Pipe Detection manual for more details.

Block Placement Not applicable for a multibeam survey.

98  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description
Water Column In this mode water column data is edited.
There are three tab pages:

 Water column samples

Settings for the display of the water column.
 Water column Projection
Settings for the display of the water column
 Sonar wedge
Settings for the display of the sonar wedge.
Each above tab page includes a checkbox on which the
layer is turned or off in the view. For example in the water
column samples tab page it is possible to turn on or off this
layer (see next figure).

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description

of the menu items.
Sound velocity editor This will open the sound velocity editor.

Modify the sound velocity profile and the impact of the

modification is visible in the profile view next to the sound
velocity profile. When the view is opened, in the data of the
Multibeam Area Editing – Standard view a profile is drawn
on the current record location. In the Multibeam Area
Editing – Standard view the profile can be modified if
needed. A new profile can be drawn with from the
toolbar of the Svp Edit Profile view.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  99 View

Figure 5-15 View

The 3D view of the Multibeam Area Editing shows the multibeam data. The Multiple
Area Editing – Standard view will by default always display multibeam(1) when it is
opened for the first time. This is the first multibeam system in the Equipment list. When
multiple multibeam systems are selected in the equipment list and the first multibeam
is unchecked then no multibeam data will be displayed in the view. For the CUBE and
Grid Model control open with the Layers window, add a Multibeam Layer and
select in the properties of the layer for the ‘Multibeam Data and Position Source’ the
‘Multibeam xyz computation’ of the active multibeam system. For the Multibeam Filter
and Multibeam Calibration a different multibeam system can be selected from the
From the tool bar different functions and layers can be enabled, disabled or set. See
chapter ‘Editing multibeam data’ on page 106 for a description of how to use the
Multibeam area Editor to edit the data, and the tool bar functions.

100  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

5.6.2 Position editor

Figure 5-16 Position Editor

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of the position editor.
By default the tracking point is showed in the editor.

The start of a line marker is indicated by a circle

The end of a line marker is indicated by a square .

Select a point by clicking on it or select multiple points by holding the left mouse button
down and draw an area around the points to select. Alternatively hold the CTRL key
and select multiple points, or select a point, hold the SHIFT key and click on the last
point to select.
Right click on selected point(s) to open a context menu.

Figure 5-17 Context menu

The next table lists the context menu items and describes them briefly.

Context menu item Description

Delete Delete selected point(s).
Undelete Undo deleted points.
Interpolate Cubic Between the start and end point of the
selection an interpolation with a curve is

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  101

Context menu item Description
Interpolate linear Between the start and end point of the
selection a linear interpolation is done,
so a straight line will be the result.
Smooth The selected points will be smoothed.
Move The selected points can be shifted; a
dialog gives the possibility to enter a shift
in X and Y direction.
It is also possible to drag point(s) in the
Edit The selected points will have a new
position; a dialog gives the possibility to
enter a new position for the first point in
the selection, the other points will be
relocated with the difference as before.
Info All details for the position point.

5.6.3 Time-Based Editor

Figure 5-18 Time-Based Editor

The Time-Based Editing can show any data from the data files against a time scale.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for full details.
To add data to the editor:
1. Press the ‘Add channel’ button .
2. Select the data.

102  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 5-19 Add data

The edit functions are similar to the Position Editor (see page 101).
Turn on the channel control .
The data values for the cursor position are indicated in the boxes.

Figure 5-20 Cursor position data values

Select a box to select the data graph and use the zoom buttons to zoom the graph.
Use ‘Overlayed’ mode and ‘Same scale’ mode to compare data from different sensors:
1. Right click on an empty space in the view to open a context menu.

Figure 5-21 Context menu Time-Based editor

2. Select from the context menu ‘Channel Partition’ menu option: ‘Overlayed’.
3. Select from the context menu ‘Channel Y Scaling mode’ menu option: ‘Same

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  103

Figure 5-22 Overlayed data

5.6.4 Tide station - Editor

Recorded Tide station data may be edited.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of the Tide Station Editor.

Figure 5-23 Tide Station – Editor

104  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

5.6.5 Sonar - Snippets
This is not an editor but a viewer.

Figure 5-24 Sonar Snippets

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for more details.

Press the sonar target button , and draw an area around a target to create a sonar
The sonar target editor opens.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  105

Figure 5-25 Sonar target

5.6.6 Sonar - Sidescan

This is not an editor but a viewer.

Figure 5-26 Sonar –Side Scan

See the Teledyne PDS User manual for more details.

Press the sonar target button , and draw an area around a target to create a sonar
The sonar target editor opens.
See also section Sonar – snippets on page 105.

5.7 Editing multibeam data

The Multibeam Area Editing view (see page 93) is the main view to edit the multibeam
data. The view is equipped with a tool bar to change settings.
It is possible to edit the multibeam data on several ways:
 Manual editing,
 Using Filters,
 From a created CUBE or Grid Model.

5.7.1 Navigate through the data

Use the mouse to navigate through the data in the Multibeam Area Editor view:
 Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
 Use the Left mouse button + move the mouse to rotate.
 Use Left mouse double click to recenter.
 Use Shift key + Left mouse button + move the mouse to shift the model.
 Use the Ctrl key + Mouse wheel to change the Z scale.

106  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

5.7.2 View and inspect the multibeam data
Use the tool bar buttons from the multibeam Area Editing view to view and inspect the
data. See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of all buttons.

Tool bar button(s) Description

Zoom functions.
It is also possible to Zoom with the mouse wheel.
(Click in the View and scroll the mouse wheel.)
Press this button to turn the pan function on or off.
When pan is active the pointer changes into the pan
symbol. Keep the left mouse button clicked to move
through the data.
A right click in the View deactivates also the pan
Detail view.
To create a detail view:
1. Press this button and select the detail view to
create (box, profile or ping).
2. Draw a profile box in the view.
3. The detail view opens.
Grid model.
Press this button to turn on or off the display of the
grid model in the view.
The grid model is created or selected from the pane’s
grid model tab page (see page 93).
Off: On:

Grid model color mode.

Press this button and select the color mode of the grid

Press this button to turn on or off the multibeam layer.

Off: On:

Turn on during editing.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  107

Tool bar button(s) Description
Press this button to turn on or off the water column
sample layer.
The water column layer properties are set from the
water column tab page in the left pane of the
Multibeam Area Editing view.
Press this button to set the beam color mode (see
next figure).
If the beam color mode is set to ‘File Set’ then the log
files are showed in colors. If the color mode is set to
‘Depth’ then the depth is showed in colors. If the color
mode is set to ‘Filters’ then the used filters are
showed in colors. Etcetera.
Depth: Filters:

Use these buttons to control the edit circle.

Data is grouped in areas. An area falling inside or
intersecting the edit circle is displayed in high

Increase the edit circle to display more areas in detail.

Decrease the edit circle to improve system

108  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Tool bar button(s) Description
Press this button to connect or not connect the beams
with lines.


Press these buttons to increase or decrease the point


Press this button to show only the valid and not the
rejected points.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  109

Tool bar button(s) Description
It is only possible to press this button when the
rejected points are shown.
Select (tick) from the list the rejected data to show.
On this way the behavior of filters on the data is easily
Set the beam color mode to ‘Filter’ to see in the data
the used filters.

Press the Ignore Filter button and draw a lasso on the

multibeam data to ignore filtering for this area.
Press the clear Ignore filter button and draw a lasso
on the multibeam are to clear ignored filtered data.
Use for areas of the data where the multibeam filters
don’t apply (wrecks, pipelines or other underwater

CUBE model related buttons. See the Teledyne PDS

User manual for full details about CUBE.

5.7.3 Manual Editing

Figure 5-27 Manual Edit functions toolbar

The next table lists the functions of the Manual editing buttons.
Tool bar button Description
Undo and Redo.
Undo and Redo becomes enabled after the first
delete action.
When the Processing module is closed then
the Undo and Redo stack is lost. Then in a next
edit session use ‘Undelete’ to get data back.
Delete/Undelete action for all points or only for
amplitude or phase detected points (see last
row of this table.)

110  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Tool bar button Description
Normal mode.
Press this button to switch back to the normal
mode after using the Delete or Undelete mode.
Delete mode.
Press this button to turn on the ‘Delete’ mode.
See chapter ‘Work flow manual editing’ on
page 111 for the work flow to delete points.
Undelete mode.
Press this button to turn on the Undelete mode.
To undelete:
1. Set the 3D view to Color mode ‘Filter’.

2. Turn off the ‘Only Show valid beams’

function .
3. Green colored beams are ‘Manual
rejected’ beams.
4. Then draw a lasso or polygon to
undelete points.
Note: ‘Undelete’ does not undo any filtering.
See next row for point type selection.
Delete / Undelete action for all points or only for
amplitude or phase detected points. Work flow manual editing

To manual edit the logged multibeam data in the Multibeam Area Editing – 3D view:
1. From the Multibeam Area Editing - 3D view’s tool bar:
a. Turn the ‘Connect points with lines’ mode on to easily identify outliners.
Press the tool bar button to turn this mode on or off.
b. Show only the valid points.
Press the tool bar button to turn this mode on or off.
2. Rotate the 3D view such that only outliers can be selected.
Rotate the 3D view by keeping the mouse wheel pressed.
3. From the Editing tool bar:

Press the button to enable the ‘Delete’ mode.

The cursor changes in a visor style.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  111

4. Draw a lasso or polygon around the outline.
A lasso is drawn by keeping left mouse button pressed while moving the mouse.

Figure 5-28 Lasso

A polygon is drawn by left mouse button clicks.

Figure 5-29 Polygon

5. The Multibeam Area Editing - 3D view and other 3D views are immediately
6. Use a Box or a Profile view when outliers are difficult to isolate:
a. Press the detail view tool bar button and select the box or profile view menu

b. Draw a box over the area of interests.

c. The selected view opens.

Figure 5-30 3D Box view

112  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 5-31 Profile view

5.7.4 Editing by filters

From the Multibeam Area Editor – pane’s filter tab page (see page 95) the filters used
during acquisition are displayed. From this page it is also possible to add or delete
filters. Filter Location

Filters are showed for each log file in a time sequential overview and in the Editors
time bar by an arrow.
Each line always has one initial filter setting at the start of the line.

Figure 5-32 Time sequential overview filter(s)

For each filter location the used filters are showed.

Figure 5-33 Used filter

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  113 Adding a Filter
To add a filter to a log file:
1. Press the filter entry to select the log files to add a filter to.

Figure 5-34 Select filter entry

Use multiple select functions (use CRTL and SHIFT key) to select more files.

Figure 5-35 Select more files

A selected entry is indicated with an arrow .

2. Press the ‘Add Filter’ button and select the filter from the opened dialog.

Figure 5-36 Add filter

3. See chapter ‘Multibeam filters’ on page 70 for an overview of the available filters.

4. Note: When multiple files are selected and the filter checkbox is filled then the
filter is not used for the entire selection. If the filter has empty control then it
was used with different settings.
5. Set the properties of the added filter.

114  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

6. Press the ‘Apply’ button to apply the added filter(s). Press the ‘Discard’ button to
discard the added filter(s)

Figure 5-37 Apply and discard button

It is also possible to insert a new filter position:

1. Select the ping for the start of the filter in the 3D Area Editor.
2. Press the ‘Insert’ button. Delete or Edit a filter

To delete or edit a filter:
1. Select the filter entry from the filter position list.

Figure 5-38 Select filter entry

2. Press the ‘Delete’ button to delete the filter.

The first filter position in a line cannot be deleted.
3. Or change the filter setting(s).

Figure 5-39 Change setting

4. Press the ‘Apply’ button to apply the changes.

Figure 5-40 Apply

5.7.5 Work flow to filter by CUBE or grid model

A created CUBE model or Grid model may be used to filter the data. In general the
grid model is used to filter the data. A CUBE licensed PDS dongle is needed to use
CUBE models. See the Teledyne PDS user manual for a full description of CUBE.
A CUBE or Grid Model is created from respectively the Multibeam Area Editor pane’s
CUBE and Grid model tab pages (see page 93).
To filter multibeam data by a Grid Model:
First create a new Grid Model:

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  115

Figure 5-41 Grid model page

See the above figure.

1. Press ‘New’ in the pane’s Grid model page.
2. Set the cell size and cell data.
3. Press the ‘Create’ button.
4. Enter a name and press ‘Save’.
5. Additional tab pages are available when a grid model is created (see next figure).

Figure 5-42 Additional tab pages

Open the ‘Edit’ tab page to edit the created grid model
Open the ‘Filter’ tab page to filter the created grid model.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for a full description of the tab pages
6. Open the ‘Beam Filter’ page to filter the multibeam data relative to the grid model.
7. Set the filter conditions (see next figure).

116  Processing Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 5-43 Filter

8. Press the ‘Filter’ button to start filtering the multibeam data relative to the grid
9. A dialog opens when the filtering process is finished to indicate the rejected
number of beams.

Figure 5-44 Rejected beams indication

Press the ‘Unfilter’ button to undo the CUBE/Grid Model filtering for all data or for the
selected data.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Processing  117

6 Grid Model Editor

6.1 Introduction
A grid model is a digital representation of the earth’s surface, also called DTM or
Digital Terrain Model.
A grid model is created with surveyed multibeam data or other 3D data. A grid model
consists of a number of cells where each cell can contain one or more data types. In
general first the (multibeam) data is processed before a grid model is created.
The actual grid model is used in the Acquisition to show the multibeam data in the plan
view. See chapter ‘Active grid model’ on page 47.
There are several different ways to create grid models in PDS:
1. From the menu option ‘Create Model’ in the Control Center ‘Processing’ menu.

Figure 6-1 Create model menu option

2. Pressing the Control Center’s ‘Create Model’ tool bar button.

3. From the PDS Explorer Project page’s, Grid Model branch.
Right click on the branch to open a context menu.

Figure 6-2 Grid Models branch

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  119

4. From the menu option ‘Grid Model editor’ of the Control Center ‘Processing’ menu.

Figure 6-3 Grid Model Editor menu option

5. By pressing the ‘Grid Model Editor’ button from the Control Center toolbar.

This chapter briefly describes the Grid Model Editor. See the Teledyne PDS User
manual for a full description.

Figure 6-4 Grid Model editor

6.1.1 Creating a grid model

To create a new grid model:
1. Press from the Control Center tool bar, the ‘Grid Model Editor’ button.

Figure 6-5 Grid model tool bar button

2. The Grid Model Editor opens.

3. From the Grid Model Editor’s pane are PDS log files or other file formats selected
to import the multibeam data:

120  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 6-6 Select format

4. The next table lists the functions to select PDS log data files and to create a grid
Function Description
File set Select from the drop down list an existing file
Press the ‘file set’ button to create a new
file set.

Data type Select the PDS data type to create a grid

model from. (Only available data types from
the file set are showed)

Computation selection: Selection of the computation. When only one

computation is available in the file set then
PDS will automatically select this
computation and the tree will be grayed out.

Model definition Define the model to create:

1. Select from the drop down list the
type of the model.
2. Set the cell size.
3. Select the cell data types by
selecting the checkbox(es).
4. Press the ‘Create’ button.
5. Enter a name and press the ‘Save’
button in the opened dialog.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  121

Function Description

5. The next table lists the functions to import multibeam data formats.
Function Description
Select the ‘Other data format’ radio button.
Press the ‘Data Selection…’ button.
A data selection wizard opens. See the next figure. Press
one of the data type buttons to import the corresponding
data type from a file selection dialog.

Press the ‘Next’ button to continue the wizard.

Model definition Define the model to create:

122  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description
1. Select from the drop down list the type of the
2. Set the cell size.
3. Select the cell data types to create by selecting the
4. Press the ‘Create’ button.
5. Enter a name and press the ‘Save’ button in the
opened dialog.

6.1.2 Tab pages of the Grid Model Editor pane

Different tab pages are available in the left pane of the Grid Model Editor when a grid
model is opened or created.

Figure 6-7 Tab pages

The next table lists the Grid Model Editor tab page functions. See the Teledyne PDS
User manual for more details.
Function Description
ASCII Export  Select the data types to export.
 In the export the exact position of the min
/ max value per cell can be included.
 Values can be exported as depth (Grid
model contains Z values).

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  123

Function Description
Contour  Select or define a contour definition.

 A DXF is generated of the defined

contours for this Grid Model.

 Contours are displayed in a separate

layer in the plan view of the Grid Model

Outline  Create outline of the grid model.

Import  Import (add) other data to the grid model.

124  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description

Update  Update the grid model with another grid

model or 3D model
 If a clipping polygon is selected, the
update will take place inside the polygon.
 The result of the update depends of the
selected method.

Filter  Removing spikes from the grid model and

interpolate the removed cells with the
cells around the spikes.
 Select clipping polygons which cover
areas of the gird model that are ignored
when PDS is searching for spikes. This

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  125

Function Description
can be used to ignore for example wrecks
from the spike detection.

126  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description
Info  In the Info page the general information of
the grid model is available. After a double
click on a cell in the grid model the
information about that selected cell is
 A report can be generated with all the
available information of the grid model.

Edit  In the Edit page, options are available to

delete and interpolate one or more cells in
the grid model.
 When one of the edit options is selected
the Edit tab gets a red box as
identification ( ) to indicate that the
editor is in edit mode. When switch over
to a different tab the edit mode is not
active anymore, but the edit status is
stored. Switch back to the edit tab the red
box is displayed again and the edit status
is recovered.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  127

Function Description

Export  Export of grid model.

The different export actions in this page
 Export to ASCII ESRI Grid.
 Export to OpenGIS
Double click ‘KMZ’ file displays
the KMZ (DTM) using google
 Export to GeoTIFF
 Generate Update Package
Compares grid model with
original. Only the cells that differ
are exported in an update
package. Update package can be
used on board dredgers to update
the DTM.
All these actions are presented in one
page with on top of the page the data type
and the clipping polygon selection.

128  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description

Port Export  With a correct PDS dongle license

installed the Port Export becomes
available in the grid model editor. The
Port Export is initially developed for the
PDS Port Entrance Management
Port Export will provide the means to
distribute survey data to users.
See the PDS PES manual for more

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  129

Function Description
Interpolate  Interpolation of the grid model data. The
different interpolation actions in this page
 Clean Interpolated
 Interpolate Circular
 Interpolate Triangular
 Interpolate Directional
 Interpolate Singlebeam
All these actions are presented in one
page with on top of the page the data type
and the clipping polygon selection.
1. Select the data type to be interpolated.
2. Set the max gap to be interpolated.
3. In general circular interpolation is used for
multibeam surveys.
4. Press the ‘Clean interpolation’ button to
undo the interpolation.

Operations Press this button to open a context menu with the

following menu items:
 Generate color table
Generate a specific color table for the grid
 Apply Z correction
The Z correction can be a scale factor and
/ or a fixed offset.
 Set/Clear value
Set a value for a selected area.
 Create resampled Model
Create a model of this model with a
different cell size.
 Create difference model
Create a difference model between the
grid model and another reference.

130  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Function Description
 Compute volume
Compute a volume with another reference
and optional a second reference. Select in
this case if the highest or lowest must be
used when the references overlaps.
 Extract Profiles
Extract profiles over selected runlines or
sections of the runlines.

6.1.3 Navigate through the data

Press the ‘Zoom Extents’ button to zoom extents the data in the view.
Use the mouse to navigate through the data:
 Use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
 Use the left mouse button + move the mouse to rotate.
 Use the left mouse button; double click to recenter.
 Use Shift key + left mouse button + move the mouse to shift the model.
 Use the Ctrl key + mouse wheel to change Z scale.

6.1.4 Color mode and color table

Press from the tool bar the ‘Grid Model Color Mode’ button to set the color mode.

Figure 6-8 Color mode

To select a color table:

1. Press the ‘Coverage Settings’ toolbar button to select a color table.
2. The color table for the corresponding data type is selected from the drop down list
(see the next figure).

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  131

Figure 6-9 Color table selection

It is possible to edit a color table form the color table generator:

1. Turn the color table bar on. Press the ‘Color Table’ tool bar button to turn on if
turned off.

Figure 6-10 Color table showed.

2. Double click on the color table.

132  Grid Model Editor Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

Figure 6-11 double click on color table

3. The color table generator opens.

4. Edit the color table. Press when finished the ‘Replace’ and ‘OK’ button.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Grid Model Editor  133

7 Export and Import

7.1 Introduction
From the control Center it is possible to export PDS log data files to several file
formats or to import several file formats.

 See the Grid Model Editor to export a grid model.

The import or export of files is started from:

1. The control Center ‘Tools’ menu.
Select the ‘Import’ menu item to import files
Select the ‘Export’ menu item to export files.

Figure 7-1 Import and Export menu item

2. Or from the Control Center tool bar.

Press the ‘Import’ tool bar button to import files.
Press the ‘Export’ tool bar button to export files.
See the Teledyne PDS User manual for full details about the Import and Export utility.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Export and Import  135

7.2 Export
Open the Export utility to export the PDS log data files to other file formats which can
be used with external programs.
For multibeam surveys the export types of interests are:
 Simrad EM Datagram
 Multibeam XYZ (ASCII)
 S7K
 UKOOA P1/90
To export a PDS log data file:
1. Open the Export utility (see Figure 7-1).
2. Enter a file name.
3. Select the export file type.
4. Select or create file set of the PDS log data files to export.
5. Press the ‘Export’ button (see next figure).

Figure 7-2 Export

6. A progress bar opens.

7. The file will stored at the LogData folder in the branch of the selected file type of
the project with a default name created by PDS. In the next figure a S7K file was

Figure 7-3 Export file types stored

136  Export and Import Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

7.3 Import
Use the Import utility to convert a file type into a PDS log data file.
For multibeam surveys the import types of interests are:
 S7K
 Simrad EM3000
 GeoSwath (.rdf)
 BlueView (.son)
To import a file:
1. Open the import utility.
2. Select the file type from the list.
3. Add the data files (enable options when required).
4. Press the ‘Import’ button (see the next figure).

Figure 7-4 Import

5. A progress bar opens.

6. The created PDS log data file(s) is stored in the PDS Log Data folder of the project
with a default file name created by PDS.

Figure 7-5 Imported file stored

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Export and Import  137

8 Appendix Tide station in

8.1 Introduction
Besides using GPS-RTK as height source it is also possible to use a tide station. This
appendix describes how to setup a tide station and to use in PDS. See the Teledyne
PDS User manual for more details.
Refer to the Quick reference card – Tide station in Realtime for a quick setup
reference. Quick reference cards are stored in the PDS manuals folder.

1.1.1 Procedure
1. Add a tide station to the project by the PDS Explorer:
a. Open from the PDS Control Center the Project page.
Right click at the tide stations folder to open the tide station context menu.

Figure 8-1 Tide stations branch

b. Select the ‘New file’ menu item from the context menu.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix Tide station in Realtime  139
Figure 8-2 Context menu

c. Enter a name and press ‘Save’.

Figure 8-3 Tide station name

d. The Tide Station editor opens.

Press the ‘Info’ button.

Figure 8-4 Tide station editor

e. Enter the tide station parameters. Refer to the Teledyne PDS User manual
for full details.

140  Appendix Tide station in Realtime Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Figure 8-5 Tide station info

2. Add a tide gauge to the Vessel Configuration's equipment list with the correct I/O
settings. See the next figure. (In this example, a Vyner Mk1 connected to COM
port 1 is added).
a. Open the ‘Tide gauge’ group.
b. Select the correct device driver.
c. Press the ‘Add>’ button.
d. The device is added to the equipment list.
e. Press the ‘I/O Port’ button to set the I/O.

Figure 8-6 Add Tide gauge

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix Tide station in Realtime  141
3. Select the tide station for the associated tide gauge device.
a. Double click at the Tide gauge device for the properties.

Figure 8-7 Open properties

b. The device properties open.

Select for the tide station the associated station from the list.

Figure 8-8 Set Tide station

4. Create an Advanced Tide computation:

a. Press ‘Advanced’ in the Vessel Configuration’s ‘Computations’ page.

Figure 8-9 Open Advanced computations

142  Appendix Tide station in Realtime Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
b. Select ‘Tide Computation’ and press ‘Add>’.

Figure 8-10 Add advanced computation

c. Enter a name and press ‘OK’.

Figure 8-11 Enter name

d. The properties window opens.

Select for the ‘Tide Station Name’ the associated tide station from the list.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix Tide station in Realtime  143
Figure 8-12 Select tide station

e. Select for the ‘Tide Reduction Computation Mode’: ‘Single Tide station’
when one tide station is used. Select ‘Multiple Tide Stations’ or ‘Tide
stations along route’ when more Tide stations are used, or tide station
along a route are used. In this case, the associated tide stations and route
must be selected additionally in the properties. (The route must be
available or added to the project.)

144  Appendix Tide station in Realtime Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Figure 8-13 Set tide reduction computation mode

f. Press the ‘OK’ button when finished.

g. Close the advanced computations dialog window.
5. Set primary Tide Data source:
a. Select ‘Tide’ in the ‘Data Sources’ of the vessel configuration.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix Tide station in Realtime  145
Figure 8-14 Data Sources

b. Select (by the arrow keys) the created advanced computation as the
primary data source (see next figure).

The standard Tide computation should not be used as primary

computation as this computation do not include Tide station offsets and
cannot be used in Tide stations along route and multiple Tide station

Figure 8-15 Primary computation

146  Appendix Tide station in Realtime Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
c. Press ‘OK’ when finished.
6. Set height source of reference computation to ‘Tide’:
a. Double click at the positioning device’s ‘Reference point computation’ for
the properties and select as height source ‘Tide’.

Figure 8-16 Set height source

7. Raw data view:

Because an advanced Tide computation was made, it is possible to check the data
in the raw data Helpdesk view at the ‘User computations>Tide Computations’

Figure 8-17 Raw data view

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix Tide station in Realtime  147
9 Appendix PDS & Tunnel

9.1 Introduction
Tunnel (multibeam) profilers are used to perform inner (underwater) tunnel inspections
for detecting damages and ovality of a tunnel. A tunnel profile multibeam has a swath
of 360 degrees and scans the tunnel surface continuously.

Figure 9-1 Tunnel profiler

Teledyne BlueView developed the T2250 sonar for tunnel profiling purposes.
Teledyne PDS is used as data acquisition and processing software for tunnel profiling

9.2 Setup PDS

Refer to chapter ‘Setup PDS for a General Multibeam or Profiler Survey’ on page 3
with procedures to setup a multibeam PDS project.
Take the following consisderations into account:
 Select ‘Mulitibeam Survey’ as PDS application.
 Add from the Multibeam (All Options) group the BlueView device driver to the
equipment list.
 Add the applicable navigation device drivers to the equipment list.

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix PDS & Tunnel Profiler  149
 Add views to the Realtime – Acquisition screen layout (see next chapter).
 Beware with using multibeam filters since the data is now 3D. The only
applicable filter is the range filter.

Refer to chapter ‘Views and Data Acquisition’ on page 41 for a description of using
Realtime Acquisition and the used views.
In general for a tunnel profiler project the next views are added to the Acquisition
screen layout:
1. Sonar configuration
2. Plan view survey coverage
3. Sonar Wedge

Figure 9-2 Sonar Wedge

4. 3D View – Online

Figure 9-3 3D View - Online

5. Numerics View

150  Appendix PDS & Tunnel Profiler Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
10 Appendix PDS & Multibeam
on a ROV

10.1 Introduction
Consider that for a multibeam installation on a ROV, different attribute and vessel
configuration settings are required as for a surface vessel installation.
On a ROV a USBL may be used as positioning system.
This appendix describes the considerations for a ROV multibeam installation.

10.2 Vessel Configuration

If as positioning system on the ROV a USBL transceiver is mounted which gives an
absolute position, only one vessel configuration (ROV) has to be setup. However if on
the ROV a USBL transponder is mounted two vessel configurations have to be setup:
1. Survey vessel
2. and ROV
See the PDS USBL manual for a description of the use of a USBL system.

10.2.1 ROV Vessel Configuration General
The vessel configuration for a ROV installation differs from the surface vessel for:
 The set vessel vertical position
 The sea level computation
 VRU heave attribute setting Vessel vertical position

The vessel vertical position is selected to Subsurface (ROV etc).
With vertical position set to Subsurface, the measured depth from the multibeam will
be added to the depth of the ROV to obtain the total water depth of the measured

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix PDS & Multibeam on a ROV  151
Figure 10-1 Vessel vertical position Sea level computation with depth sensor

A depth sensor is used for the sea level computation. The depth sensor is used on the
ROV to obtain the depth of the ROV.
The sea level computation of the depth sensor must made the primairy computation in
the Data Sources (see page 36). USBL
Two types of drivers are available in the group USBL Transceiver:
1. USBL Absolute Position.
This type of USBL output an absolute position.
Only one Vessel Configuration is made.
Set the height source of the USBL property to Sea Level or to Sea Level and
2. USBL Relative Position.
This type of USBL output a relative position.
Two vessel configurations are made: one for the ROV and one for the survey
vessel. At both vessel configurations a USBL driver is added: the driver from
the USBL transceiver group is added to the survey vessel equipment list, the
driver from the USBL Remote Reference Position group is added to the
equipment list of the ROV.
Set the height source of the USBL Remoter Reference Position device
property to Sea Level and Tide. VRU heave attribute setting

Set the Heave correction factor of the VRU Attitude computation to 0 for a ROV.
If a VRU is mounted on a ROV the heave should not be used, because the variation in
the depth is detected with a depth sensor.

152  Appendix PDS & Multibeam on a ROV Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler
Figure 10-2 Heave correction factor

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Appendix PDS & Multibeam on a ROV  153
devices - 8
Digital Terrain Model - 119
DTM - 119

Index Editing - 85
Equipment list - 8
error parabola - 80
export - 135
Export - 128, 136
external clock - 27

file set - 78, 85, 87, 121
─3─ filter - 96
Filters - 113
3D Seafloor - 52
3D View - Online - 50
3D View - Online Water Column - 51 ─G─
Geometry - 6
─A─ GeoTIFF - 128
grid model - 94, 107, 115, 119
Active grid model - 47
Grid Model Editor - 120
advanced computation - 35
application type - 5
area filter - 96 ─H─
ASCII ESRI - 128 height source - 139, 147
ASCII Export - 123 Helmsman - 60
auto-recache - 87

import - 135
Backscatter signal strength profile - 54 Import - 125, 137
BlueView - 35 Interpolate - 130

─C─ ─L─
cell size - 123 line patterns - 77
Center Reference Point - 7 logging - 36
circular interpolation - 130
Clock Synchronization - 37
clock synchronize - 37 ─M─
color mode - 131 manual edit - 111
color table - 72 Multi Detect - 76, 97
Compass - 14 Multibeam / Profiler properties - 20
coordinate system - 4 multibeam all options - 10
CRP - 7 Multibeam All options - 9
CUBE - 93 Multibeam Area Editing - 93, 100
multibeam calibration - 77
─D─ multibeam filters - 70
Multibeam QC - 52
data logging - 75 Multibeam Survey - 5
Data Sources - 36
Device Configuration view - 57
device groups - 8, 9 ─N─
device offset - 7 Numerics - 60
Device offsets - 7
device properties - 14

Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler Index  155

─O─ ─U─
output - 26 USBL - 152
Use surface speed of sound as first entry in the
─P─ table - 68

PDS format - 36 ─V─

PDS log format - 75
pitch - 77, 79 Vertical waterfall - 54
Plan View – Survey Coverage - 45 vessel configuration - 6
Presentation - 43 Vessel Contour Editor - 7
primary data source - 36 VRU - 15
Profile - Multibeam - 60
profile lines - 79 ─W─

─Q─ water column - 76, 99

Water column - 13
quality control - 49 Water column properties - 25

─R─ ─Y─
Raw Data –standard view - 49 yaw - 77, 79
Raw Profile - 52
Raw Profile + total propagation Errors - 55
Realtime Acquisition - 41
roll - 77, 79
ROV - 7, 151
RRIO - 33
RTA - 34

screen layout - 41
sea level - 7, 28
Serial - 32
Sidescan - 106
Sidescan sonar - 12
Sidescan sonar properties - 24
sign convention - 4
Snippets - 12, 76, 105
Socket - 31
Socket - RESON 7k data protocol - 32
solution - 80
sonar target - 105, 106
sonar views - 56
Sonar Wedge - 58
sound velocity - 26, 65, 66
Sound Velocity Editor - 66
status – Logging view - 61
swath is rejected - 53

Tide - 90
tide gauge - 28
tide station - 139
Time series - 61
Total Propagation errors - 55
tunnel profile - 149

156  Index Teledyne PDS - Multibeam and Profiler

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