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Dorma: Sliding Door Operator For Emergency Exits

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Sliding door operator

for emergency exits

Sliding door operator DORMA ES 200-2D
for emergency exits

Flexible, simple and modular – with safety included

With its ES 200, DORMA is In future, “docking” will be DualDrive for redundant A system for the future
able to offer a new, inno- the order of the day. The safety With this system you are
vative sliding door operator modular control system com- The innovative and powerful investing in the future. You
system covering all applica- prises of the basic control DualDrive system offers also have the security deri-
tions and service require- module (BM), the DualDrive double safety through its ved from our decades of
ments. module (2D unit) and the particularly dynamic drive experience in the automatics
In the case of emergency function module (FM). power based on a predeter- business – a history that
exits and escape doors, the Consequently, upgrading in mined acceleration/decelera- sets DORMA apart as the
ES 200-2D version featuring accordance with individual tion operational control market leader in drive and
DORMA DualDrive techno- customer requirements curve. It consists of a control systems for doors.
logy offers an impressive can be carried out without double-protected control The ES 200-2D corresponds
solution with outstanding problems. system, an extra-powerful to all the latest European
operational reliability. Particularly impressive is the motor and an additional and German standards and
prefabricated MiniDriveUnit, auxiliary coil for emergen- safety regulations: AutSchR
The modular system industrially tested and cies. Delicate and unreliable (Regulations governing the
The modular design of the equipped with all the neces- wearing parts such as rubber use of automatic sliding
ES 200 provides an ideal sary electrical and electronic ropes/bungees, clutches or doors in escape routes),
basis for implementing new components. springs are out. Instead, the R238 (ZH 1/494), EN
ideas and individual con- system guarantees durable, 18650 and prEN 12650.
cepts in the design and con- Commissioning with a PALM disruption-free functional
struction of sliding door Commissioning and the set- dependability while at the Delivery formats
systems. ting of all the standard para- same time significantly The ES 200-2D is available
The identical mechanical meters can be performed reducing the amount of as a component kit, as a
components can be used in quickly and easily via an maintenance input required. complete, pre-assembled
all three versions of the integrated display and using Maximum operational relia- operator or ready integrated
operator (ES 200-2D, ES keys provided on the front bility in all situations is also in all DORMA sliding door
200 and ES 200 Easy). panel of the control unit. For ensured by a continuous systems.
DORMA has also opened up extra convenience, you can self-monitoring function
a new dimension with its also program the system which covers the entire Accessories
control system. Now there using the DORMA ASP soft- system. DORMA is able to provide
is no longer any need to ware loaded on a PALM. program switches, activators
replace components when and door profiles all perfect-
you want to expand the ly matched to the operator
functionality of your system. as ideal complementary

Features and advantages at a glance:

– Modular, flexible system – Commissioning via integra-
– With DORMA DualDrive: ted display or optionally
Double-protected drive with PALM and ASP soft-
system, low in maintenan- ware
ce with redundant control – Can be combined with all
and powerful 2D motor customary door profiles
– Industrially prefabricated – Fully comprehensive range
and tested MiniDriveUnit of accessories
– Modular control system – Reliable investment due
upgradeable with additio- to compliance with all
nal functional modules relevant European and
– Integrated DCW (DORMA German standards
Connect and Work) bus
system for easy integration
of DORMA DCW sensors
and actuators

Door parameters ES 200-2D Basic module (BM)

1-panel sliding door Modular design x

– Clear passage width LW 900 – 1800 mm
Microprocessor-controlled function programs
– Door panel weight, max. 1 x 150 kg
– Off x
2-panel sliding door – Automatic x
– Clear passage width LW 1000 – 3000 mm – Permanent open x
– Door panel weight, max. 2 x 130 kg – Partial opening x
– Exit only x
– Night-bank control x
Technical data Connections for
– electro-mechanical lock x
Height 100 and 150 mm
– light barriers x
Overall depth 180 mm
Adjustment of all basic parameters
Opening and closing force max. 150 N x via integrated display and pushbuttons x
Opening speed PALM parameter setting x
(incremental setting) 10 – 70 cm/s
24 V output for external loads x
Closing speed
Read-out error memory with error codes x
(incremental setting) 10 – 50 cm/s
DCW bus interface x
Hold-open time 0,5 – 30 sec.
Rechargeable battery pack for emergency operation x
Mains voltage, frequency 230 V, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 180 W
Class of protection IP 20 DualDrive module (2D unit)
Compliant with
Self-monitoring x
EU low-voltage directives x
For actuation of the emergency escape function x
Manufacture according to
ISO 9001:2000 x Redundant safety x

Function module (FM) – optional extra

Pharmacy control x
Door status detection (triple-mode) x
Main and secondary closing edge protection x
Emergency closing x
Bell contact x
Airlock control x
Synchronising mode x

Additional equipment

Electro-mechanical lock (bistable) X

Manual release of electro-mechanical lock X
Light barriers X
Servicing and commissioning
Backup battery pack
can be performed quickly
(emergency opening, emergency closing) X
and easily via an integrated
display with pushbuttons on Module for coupling to EIB or
the front panel of the con- LON building control systems* X
trol unit or with a hand-held
* Please ask your Sales Consultant for series start date.
computer (PALM) and the
DORMA Automatic Service x standard
Program (ASP). X optional

Sliding door operator DORMA ES 200-2D
for emergency exits

Always on the safe side with emergency exit doors:

The DORMA DualDrive Delicate and disruptive Maximum operational
concept is particularly im- rubber rope and bungee reliability in all situations is
pressive with its superior systems, clutches or springs guaranteed by the fact that
system innovations. for the emergency opening the system self-monitors on
The technical lead offered function have been banished a continuous basis.
by the DORMA DualDrive is from the scene. This guaran-
the culmination of a combi- tees durable, disruption-free
DORMA DualDrive – more
nation comprising smart operability while at the same
safety right from the start.
control electronics and a time significantly reducing
redundant motor system. maintenance input and

DORMA DualDrive in brief:
8 More functional reliability in emergency exit doors thanks
to redundant motor and control system to replace rubber
rope/bungee, clutch and spring systems.

8 High flexibility in the planning and construction of emer-

gency exit sliding doors.

8 Integrated rechargeable back-up battery module for relia-

ble, mains-independent opening and closing of the door
in any situation.

8 Additional manual unlocking mechanism available as

optional extra.

8 Reliable investment for the future thanks to satisfaction

of the very latest European and German standards for
automatic doors in emergency exits and escape routes
Emergency operation with integrated backup battery pack (prEN 12650)

8 Enhanced efficiency thanks to simplified installation and

low-maintenance components

8 Comprehensive service and support package

Previously: Safety provided by a bungee-type actuator

Today: Safety with the DualDrive The German TÜV certificate for emergency exit sliding doors
with DualDrive technology validates the primary technical
specifications and place of manufacture.
DORMA emergency exit doors offer additional safety by
virtue of the fact that they are manufactured in production
facilities subject to third-party QA verification.

Sliding door operator DORMA ES 200-2D
for emergency exits

ES 200-2D – the emergency exit operator for individual door design

Door variants with ES 200-2D, 100 mm height

54 180 55 180 55 180


111 111 111

with fine frame with fine frame

profiles profiles
with MANET G clamp-type G shoe-type
single-point fixings glazing rail glazing rail

DORMA DualDrive System –

55 180 55 180
the powerful, double-secure
emergency exit operator solution

111 111

The door variants on this page are

with double with standard shown as corridor installation
glazing profiles frame profiles with LM girder.
type G-Iso type R See page 8 for profiles for wall
face fixing

Door variants with ES 200-2D, 150 mm height and special version “thermal-break profile R-Thermo”

53 180 55 180 55 180


111 111 111

with fine frame with fine frame

profiles profiles
with MANET G clamp-type G shoe-type
single-point fixings glazing rail glazing rail

55 180 55 180 72 180



111 111

with double with standard with thermal-

glazing profiles frame profiles break profile
type G-Iso type R R-Thermo

Door profiles

DORMA supplies door

profile for doors in full-glass
and for framed doors as the
optimum addition to the
ES 200-2D.
Manet single point fixings
and a glazing rail comple-
ment the program.

1 Fine frame profile system

type G
2 Double glazing profile system
type G-Iso
3 Standard frame profile
type R

1 2 3

MANET single-point fixings

Sliding door operator DORMA ES 200-2D
for emergency exits





Return pulley with
integral lock and belt
tensioning device

Profiles for corridor installation, 100 mm Profiles for wall face fixing, 100 mm Profile for 100 mm and
150 mm height, for
corridor or wall face
fixing guarantees adap-
2 2 5 tation for all possible
1 4
The basic mechanical
system, with a low
3 3 number of components,
is the same for both

Profiles for corridor installation, 150 mm Profiles for wall face fixing, 150 mm

2 5 2 5
1 4
1 LM girder
2 Basic operator profile
3 Interior cover, 100 or
150 mm high
3 3 4 Wall face fixing
5 Service cover holder

5 4
7 6

14 1

15 14

Easy parameter adjustment

facilitated by an integrated
display with pushbuttons on
the front panel of the control
unit or using a PALM and
DORMA ASP software.

MiniDriveUnit with DualDrive

7 6 5 4 3 2

At the heart of the ES 200-2D Components

is its prefabricated
MiniDriveUnit with DualDrive 1 MiniDriveUnit with DualDrive 8 Track and mounting profile
technology. 2 Transformer 9 Battery pack (optional)
It has been industrially tested 3 Motor 10 Carrier
with all the requisite electrical 4 Decoder 11 Return pulley
and electronic components, 5 Basic control module (BM) 12 Service cover holder
thus greatly facilitating 6 DualDrive module (2D unit) 13 End stop
the assembly, installation and 7 Function module (FM) 14 Door bracket with
maintenance of the door adjustment device
operator. 15 Belt connection
16 Belt tensioning device

Sliding door operator DORMA ES 200-2D
for emergency exits

System accessories Radar motion detectors

– Directional sensitive –
standard version
– Directional non-sensitive
– Radar detector for any
– No effect on pacemakers
due to the low output,
approx. 2 mW

Program switch to select the Pushbuttons and switches: Light barriers

operating mode of DORMA Electric, pneumatic or radio
automatic doors. remote.
– Up to 5 different func- – To open and close DORMA
tions: automatic doors
Off, Automatic, Exit, – Via key or manually by

Partial opening, switch or momentary
Permanent open contact
– Electronic program switch – For a variety of installation

in System 55 design for situations: flush or sur-
the highest aesthetic Program switch EPS-FST face mounted or in the
demands System 55 door frame – According to the reflex-
– Material variants for fra- light principle
mes from polished steel, The widely diversified auto- – Additional protection of
abrasive blasted silk-mat matic system accessories closing sweep, installation
stainless steel, aluminium from DORMA are comple- 200 and 1000 mm above
and brass to glass, ebony mented by further compo- floor level
or terracotta nents which are specially
– Also lockable by key or matched to various safety
electronic code measures.
– For internal or external
installation as well as
flush-mounted or surface-
type installation Program switch PG-FST1

Emergency command device

System 55


each 4 x 0.14 mm2 – included in standard activator equipment

Activator Drive and control system

max. cable length 30 m

2 x 0.8 mm2
max. cable length 30 m

max. cable length 30 m

3 x 1.5 mm2

2 x 0.8 mm2
10 x 0.8 mm2
2 x 0.8 mm2
Key switch,
code card reader
with floating
16 A contact or similar
Light barriers Light barriers

Emergency Inside:
Feeder switch
stop pushbutton Pushbutton
1 x 230 V,
close to door
50/60 Hz

Specification text

Automatic sliding door operator for emergency exits Switches, pushbuttons:

and escape routes ( ) Program switch:
( ) 1 panel ( ) 2-panel sliding door ( ) external flush-mounted
( ) 150 mm height ( ) 100 mm height ( ) external surface-mounted
( ) internal ( ) lockable
Dimensions (H x D): 150/100 x 180 mm.
( ) Emergency off pushbutton installation:
Microprocessor control, self-learning, reversing when
( ) external flush-mounted
obstruction is encountered, redundant with DualDrive.
( ) external surface-mounted
Clear passage width: ( ) internal ( ) dual box, external
1-panel 900 – 1800 mm ( ) under glass
2-panel 1000 – 3000 mm Additional equipment:
( ) Battery pack, fitted in header, for emergency opening or
Door weight:
emergency closing
1-panel max. 1 x 150 kg
2-panel max. 2 x 130 kg Activators:
( ) Radar system
Function programs: ( ) directional sensitive ................... pcs.
Off, Automatic, Permanent open, Exit only, Partial opening, ( ) non-directional sensitive ............ pcs.
Night-bank control, Emergency off. Basic parameters of door ( ) other ............................................. pcs.
adjustable via integrated display and pushbuttons. With ( ) Light barriers, comprising receiver and transmitter
DualDrive technology and rechargeable emergency backup (only 3-wire technology) .................. pcs.
battery for mains-independent operation.
Manufactured according to the guidelines for power-operated
( ) electro-mechanical locking, bistable
windows, doors and gates R 238 (ZH 1/494), latest edition
( ) door status detector, locking detector
of AutSchR, German UVV (accident prevention) and VDE
( ) anual unlocking
(electrical engineering) regulations. TÜV type tested, compli-
ant with EU low-voltage directives, production according to Colour light alloy parts:
ISO 9001 certification. Fulfils the future European stan- ( ) silver, anodised E6/C0
dards and regulations: EN 18650, prEN 12650. ( ) RAL .......................

Power supply data: Operator dimensions:

230 V, 50/60 Hz Total length B .............. mm
Clear passage width LW .............. mm

Make: DORMA ES 200-2D

Automatic Division worldwide
DORMA GmbH + Co. KG Hong Kong Denmark
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DORMA BWN Automatics Pty. Ltd. Taiwan DORMA Finland Oy
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www.dorma.com.sg Estonia
New Zealand
DORMA BWN Automatics Pty. Ltd. Malaysia DORMA Representation Estonia
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DORMA van Duin Nederland BV DORMA Emerald Entrance Systems DORMA Sistemas de Controles
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www.dorma.com.sg Argentina
DORMA Foquin N.V./S.A. Philippines DORMA Sistemas de
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Phone +49 2333 793-216 A, H, CZ, CS, HR, SLO, RO
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DORMA Türautomatik AG Phone +43 6225 8636-0
Phone +41 71 8864646 Japan
DORMA Emerald Entrance Systems www.dorma.at
Pte Ltd Hungary
Door Control Phone +65 459 5733 DORMA AKS Automatic GmbH
Region Emerging Markets
P, RUS, UA, BG, GR, TR, IND, IL, RSA www.dorma.com.sg Phone +36 1 2065127 or 2058058
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DORMA Polska Sp. z o.o. Czech Republik
F DORMA dverní technika CR, s.r.o.
Phone +48 22 736-59-00 France
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Russia Phone +33 4 79348924
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Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran Croatia
DORMA ARABIA DORMA Representation Croatia

052 770 51532, 12/04, ES 200-2D, GB, x. DD. 12/04 · Subject to change without notice.
Phone +380 44 2443897
Automatic Doors Ltd. Phone +385 1 2305040
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia www.dorma.com
Bulgaria Phone +966 3 847 2394
ALU KÖNIG STAHL EOOD www.dorma.com Slovenia
Phone +359 2 9807889 DORMA Representation Slovenia
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Greece Dubai
Glass DORMA Representation Greece Phone +971 4 282 4424
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Phone: +30 21 09944388 www.dorma.com
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Accessories Turkey Region North America
DORMA Kapi Kontrolleri Ltd. Sti USA, CDN, MEX
Region South Europe
Phone: +90 216 3600056 USA I, E, P
www.dorma.com DORMA Automatics Inc.
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Phone: +30 039 244031
Phone +91 442 8585097 Canada www.dorma.it
www.dorma.com DORMA Door Controls
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Phone +34 91 8757851
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www.dorma.com DORMA México, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Access (STA) Phone +52 55 5272 6937
South Afrika DORMA Portugal para Portas, Lda.
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Phone +351 252 860 490
Phone +27 11 8300280 www.dorma.com
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Region Far East Norway GB, IRL
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Phone +47 23 176800
DORMA UK Limited
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Phone +44 1462 477600
DORMA Emerald Entrance Systems Sweden www.dorma-uk.co.uk
Movable Pte Ltd DORMA Sverige AB
Phone +65 459 5733 Ireland
Walls www.dorma.com.sg
Phone +46 31 289520
DORMA Ireland Limited
Phone +353 1 295 8280

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