The Analysis of Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution Speech Acts in Mata Najwa Trans 7
The Analysis of Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution Speech Acts in Mata Najwa Trans 7
The Analysis of Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution Speech Acts in Mata Najwa Trans 7
This research is entitled "The Analysis of Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution Speech Acts in Mata
Najwa Trans 7". The purpose of this study was to analyze the forms of speech acts of locution, illocution,
and perlocution found in the Mata Najwa event in Trans 7. This study used the speech act theory
proposed by Searle. At the data collection stage, the documentation method was used. The stages of data
analysis used the contextual method—the stage of presenting the results of data analysis used formal
and informal methods. In the Mata Najwa event, three types of speech acts were found: locution,
illocution, and perlocution. Two data are locution speech acts, two data are illocutionary, and two data
are perlocution.
Keywords: Locution, Illocution, Perlocution, Mata Najwa, Speech Act
Humans are individual creatures and social creatures. Concerning social beings, humans cannot
be separated from other people, and their life is always with other people. To keep human life,
communication is needed. Communication is a social process that is very basic and vital in
human life (Purwanto, 2018). Communication is also defined as a process in which individuals,
groups, organizations, and communities create and use communication media in the form of
information to connect. Humans need language as a tool to communicate. A language is a tool
used to provide information between communicants (Rabiah, 2018). Language is a means of
social interaction or human communication. In all forms of communication, humans send
information directly through their thinking, opinions, aspirations, sentiments, and feelings
(Simamora et al., 2020).
Chaer and Agustina (1995) divide the types of communication into two types: nonverbal
communication and verbal communication. Nonverbal communication is communication that
uses tools such as whistles, lights (lights, flames), flag signals, while verbal communication or
language communication is communication that uses language as a tool. The language used in
this communication must, of course, be in the form of a code that is both understood by the
speaker and the speaker or listener’s opponent, namely writing and speaking. Furthermore, the
speaker and the interlocutor, in this case, use the terms speaker and interlocutor (Adhiguna et
al., 2019). According to experience, language always appears in the form of individual actions
or speech acts. Therefore, every study of language structure must start from the study of speech
acts. Speech acts are a concrete manifestation of language functions, which are the basis for
pragmatic analysis (Rahardi, 2005).
In every communication process, there will be a speech act in a speech situation. Speech acts
are linguistic interactions in the form of speech or more that involve two parties, namely the
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Volume 4, No. 6, November 2021 pp 1030-1036
speaker and the interlocutor, based on a particular context or situation (Chaer, 2010). The
context or situation of speech significantly affects a speech act. This is because the speaker and
the interlocutor are at a certain point of speech, time, place, and situation. The speaker and the
interlocutor can understand well the intended meaning of the speech the two parties want. The
speaker's language ability in dealing with a speech situation dramatically influences the
meaning or meaning of actions in his/her speech.
A speech act is an individual symptom that is psychological, and its continuity is determined
by the speaker’s language ability in dealing with specific situations (Simamora et al., 2020). It
is more visible in the significance of the speech act or its purpose in the utterance. The line “It
is so hot in here!” may take on various connotations depending on the context. It is possible
that the person speaking is merely reporting that the air conditioner is on at the moment,
requesting that anyone else open the door or switch on the air conditioner or even make a
criticism. Thus, sociolinguistic talents, along with an awareness of speech acts, are crucial for
interaction, as individuals will constantly be needed to understand and execute a number of
distinct speech actions (Sapungan et al., 2018).
The speech act is one of the most useful, observable, practicable, concrete, and empirical
language skills (Siritman, B., & Meilantina, 2020). In everyday life, humans must carry out
speech events to both speaker and interlocutor getting information. Speech acts in speech events
are a communication process in which humans must carry out speech events to both speaker
and interlocutor. A speaker can manifest three types of actions: the locution act, the
illocutionary act, and the perlocution act (Searle, 1969). Locution acts are speech acts that are
spoken to express something (Tri, 2018). The act of elocutionary speaking is approximately
equal to reciting a specific utterance (Hidayat, 2016). An illocutionary act is an action used to
do something for a specific purpose and function (Rachmawati et al., 2017). The effect that the
speaker's expression has on the speech partner is referred to as perlocutionary action (Pratiwi
et al., 2021).
Various media are used as a means of conveying information both in writing and speaking. One
of the media that has an essential role in language development is electronic media, which helps
send or deliver information (Veronica & Gupita, 2020). As a part of electronic media, television
has a big part in conveying information in speeches. This is because electronic media is a
medium that is widely consumed by the public. The application of speech act forms as described
above can be seen in several television programs, one of which is the Mata Najwa talk show on
Trans 7. Mata Najwa is a speech degree program hosted by senior journalist, Najwa Shihab.
Mata Najwa consistently presented interesting topics with first-class speakers. A number of
special guests attended and spoke in M Najwa, including Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Megawati
Soekarnoputri, Jusuf Kalla, Dahlan Iskan, and Joko Widodo.
Based on the elaboration above, the researchers are interested in researching speech acts used
in the Mata Najwa program on Trans 7 entitled “The Analysis of Locution, Illocution, and
Perlocution Speech Acts in Mata Najwa Trans 7”. The purpose of this research is to analyze the
locution, illocution, and perlocution used in Mata Najwa program.
Speech Acts
The speech act is a pragmatic element that involves the speaker, listener, or reader and what is
being discussed. In its application, speech acts are used by several disciplines. According to
Febriana and Fajariah (2018), individual speaking acts have cognitive and emotional
consequences dictated by the speaker’s language skill to deal with various conditions. It is more
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Volume 4, No. 6, November 2021 pp 1030-1036
visible in the content of the speech act than in the speech act itself (Marbun & Handayani,
Austin (1962) states that when someone says something, he also does something. This statement
then give the basis for the speech act theory. Yule (1996) defines speech acts as actions
performed through speech. Meanwhile, Mackay (1996) defines speech acts as a functional unit
in communication. So it can be concluded that speech acts are utterances that contain action as
a functional unit in communication that considers aspects of the speech situation.
Locution speech acts are speech acts to express something. This speech act is often referred to
as The Act of Saying Something. In this speech act, a series of language sounds are produced,
meaning something (Ibrahim, 1993). Furthermore, speech acts are relatively the easiest to
identify because their identification tends to be done without including the context of the speech
(Wiyana et al., 2011).
Illocutionary acts are speech acts that contain intent and speech power. Illocutionary acts are
not easily identified because illocutionary acts are related to who is speaking to whom, when
and where the speech acts are performed, etc. This illocutionary act is an essential part of
understanding speech acts (Wiyana et al., 2011). The act of illocution is called The Act Of
Doing Something.
The act of perlocution is known as The Act of Affecting Someone. The speech uttered by a
speaker often has an effect or power of influence (perlocutionary force) for those who listen to
it. This effect or power of influence can occur because the speaker intentionally or
unintentionally creates it. Speech acts whose utterances are intended to influence the
interlocutor are called perlocution acts (Wiyana et al., 2011).
Rustono (1999) also states that perlocution speech acts are speech acts whose utterance is
intended to influence speech partners. Meanwhile, Tarigan (1987) states that utterances uttered
by speakers are not only word events that occur by themselves but are utterances uttered to
contain specific aims and objectives designed to produce effects or consequences on the
environment of speech partners or listeners.
Based on the description above, the researchers are attracted to investigate figurative language
analysis entitled “The Analysis of Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution Speech Acts in Mata
Najwa Trans 7.” The purpose of this research is to discover locution, illocution, and perlocution
in Mata Najwa Trans 7 program.
Several previous studies related to this research. First, research entitled “Illocutionary and
Perlocutionary Acts in the Novel “ the Book of Lost Things ” (Setiawan, F. Djajanegara, 2020).
The article aimed to discuss how the novel’s characters use Illocutionary and Perlocutionary
activities. The study’s findings reveal that the characters in The Book of Lost Things engaged
in various illocutionary acts while also referring to Perlocutionary activities. It can be
determined that this book makes use of Illocutionary and Perlocutionary activities. Second, a
research conducted by Putri et al. (2019). This research aimed to examine the speech act utilized
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Volume 4, No. 6, November 2021 pp 1030-1036
in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This descriptive qualitative study utilized the
utterances from the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film as data. The researchers revealed
that statements in films contain illocutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary behaviors.
This study tries to continue the study of locution, illocution, and perlocution. The researchers
conducted this study using the Mata Najwa show as a sample because this program was top-
rated and viral as this research was being conducted. This research is helpful for other relevant
researchers or anyone interested or students looking for references for their research.
The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative (Moleong, 2010). Moleong states
that qualitative descriptive research uses data collected in words, pictures, and not numbers.
The data source used in this research is the recording of Mata Najwa's speech title show in the
episode Menanti Terawan on September 28, 2020. The data collection technique in this study
was a documentation technique. The steps taken were: watching the program as a whole,
listening to and recording the utterances, which are categorized into speech acts of locution,
illocution, and perlocution. The form of data is in the form of dialogue text that is involved in
the conversation.
Meanwhile, the data validity checking technique in this study was persistence. The persistence
referred to in this study is making observations more carefully and continuously (Sugiyono,
2012). The data found were rechecked to ensure whether the data were correct or incorrect. The
data analysis method in this research was an interactive descriptive model. The steps were as
follows: Data collection was carried out while watching the object of research. The data
obtained were grouped or classified into specific sections. The final step was to verify and draw
conclusions on the data.
Discussion: The form of speech in data 1 is a form of locution speech act because the speech is
only a speech that states something, not to do or influence the other person. This speech was
narrated by Shihab when she wanted to invite the Minister of Health.
Data 2:
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Volume 4, No. 6, November 2021 pp 1030-1036
Discussion: The form of speech in data 1 is a form of locution speech act because the speech is
only a speech that states something, not to do or influence the other person. This speech is
narrated by Shihab when she was about to ask the presence of the minister of health is during
this pandemic.
Data 3:
Discussion: The form of speech in data 3 is a form of illocution speech act because it was
accompanied by a specific purpose between the speaker and the speaker. This speech was
narrated by Shihab when he wanted to ask whether the Minister of Health was willing or not to
resign from his job.
Data 4:
Discussion: The form of speech in data 4 is a form of illocution speech act because it was
accompanied by a specific purpose between the speaker and the speaker. This speech was
narrated by Shihab when she wanted an answer from the Minister of Health on how he handled
the pandemic.
Data 5:
Discussion: The form of speech in data 5 is a form of perlocution speech act because this speech
requires an attitude or a person's reaction to a sentence or statement. This speech was asked by
Shihab when she doubts the role of the Health Ministry during this pandemic.
Data 6:
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Volume 4, No. 6, November 2021 pp 1030-1036
Discussion: The form of speech in data 6 is a form of perlocution speech act because this speech
requires an attitude or a person's reaction to a sentence or statement. This speech was asked by
Shihab when she wanted the presence of the Health Ministry to have a conversation with her.
Based on the results of this research, the following is a conclusion regarding the previous
discussion. In the Mata Najwa program, Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan episode, speech acts of
locus, illocution, and perlocution were found. The analysis results found that 2 data were
included in the location, 2 data were included in the illocution, and two were included in
The researchers would like to thank their family and their friends for completing this research.
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