pathological events (Fig. 2). Whilst some drugs such as
Advances in dermatology and venereology
doi: 10.2340/00015555-3516 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Acta Derm Venereol 2020; 100: adv00166 Journal Compilation © 2020 Acta Dermato-Venereologica.
Prevention of atopic dermatitis 381
The authors have chosen to use systematic reviews of of population-based interventions (10).
evidence and RCTs as the evidence source where possible.
Systematic reviews were harvested from the Centre of Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
Evidence-Based Dermatology international collection of
systematic reviews which is updated monthly by a senior Primary prevention typically refers to intervening before
information scientist (Dr. Douglas Grindlay) (5). Rather health effects occur. Secondary prevention implies de-
than summarise all 102 systematic reviews on AD preven- tecting a disease at an early stage to prevent worsening,
tion in this collection, we instead refer to overviews of whereas tertiary prevention is the reduction of symptoms
systematic reviews or the most recent and comprehensive or improvement in quality of life of those with established
Advances in dermatology and venereology
systematic reviews where possible (6, 7). We used the disease – i.e. where health care professionals normally
Global Resource for Eczema Trials (GREAT) database operate (11).
for RCTs that might not yet be included in systematic
reviews (8). Application of the Participant, Intervention, Comparator
and Outcomes framework to atopic dermatitis prevention
Participant, Intervention, Comparator and Outcomes
The power of prevention (PICO) is a framework used in evidence-based medicine
Because prevention strategies act at a population level, to understand the structure of RCTs and is useful when
their power is often not appreciated by individuals com- considering the design and critical appraisal of AD pre-
pared with treatments for a disease. Yet the power of vention trials (12).
prevention is potentially huge. In his article entitled “The Participants. Most AD prevention studies target a high-
power of prevention and what it requires” Woolf draws risk population e.g. babies born to families with a first-
our attention to the fact that whereas new diabetes drugs degree relative with AD or associated allergic diseases
that reduce glycohemoglobin levels by 0.5% often make such as asthma, hay-fever or food allergy. The advantage
the headlines, exercise, that can lower the incidence of of this approach is that parents who have experienced AD
diabetes by 50%, rarely achieves such publicity (9). The themselves or witnessed it in family members are often
conquest of many infectious diseases such as diphtheria, highly motivated (during pregnancy or soon after) to un-
smallpox, polio and measles are testament to the power dertake interventions that could prevent AD in their new
baby. The disadvantage is that if the selected population Comparator. In the absence of a clear reference standard
is too narrow, the intervention may have a limited overall of an effective active treatment, control interventions for
population impact. However, tackling an entire popula- AD prevention trials are typically “standard care” (which
tion such as all newborns is challenging, especially if the is often not defined), an attention control, or some form
behaviour change modification is substantial, as parents of placebo (e.g. inactive probiotics). Convincing parents
will be less motivated to act on something that will be of with a family history of AD to take part in a study with
little perceived benefit to their child. This phenomenon a 50:50 chance that their new baby will be allocated to
is known as the prevention paradox – a term coined by the “no treatment” group can be challenging, and unless
Rose to denote “a measure that brings large benefits to the equipoise is carefully explained, parents may drop out if
community offers little to each participating individual” they don’t get the “new active” intervention. Feasibility
(13). Fig. 3 illustrates the possible trade-off between high
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
population reach (such as advice to use emollients once case which, by definition, has not yet become chronic. Yet
daily for the first year of life as in the BEEP trial) (15). diagnosing AD confidently in a baby on the first day they
Testing acceptability of interventions is essential before develop an eczematous rash is also fraught with problems as
proceeding to full scale evaluation (16). Assessing safety transient irritant eczematous dermatoses (which are proba-
is paramount in prevention studies. Whilst individuals bly not true AD) are common in infancy. Simpson et al. (20)
with severe AD might accept the risk of nausea and liver suggested a compromise whereby the UK refinement of the
disease from methotrexate therapy, healthy individuals Hanifin & Rajka criteria are used to denote a continuous or
will have a low threshold for rejecting interventions with intermittent itchy skin condition lasting at least 4 weeks.
even small risks, such as the slipping on emollients spilt Ideally outcome assessment should be separated from
Advances in dermatology and venereology
on a bathroom floor. Furthermore, minor adverse effects the intervention period by a clear margin to separate treat-
such as transient stinging after emollient application can ment effects from prevention effects. For example, in the
reduce adherence to an intervention. two small preliminary studies that suggested emollients
might prevent AD, outcomes were assessed at the end
of the intervention period, making it difficult to assess
whether the apparent benefit was due to emollients preven-
ting AD or actively treating new mild AD (16, 21). This
is why the main BEEP trial of emollients used during the
first year is assessing the primary outcome of AD (those
fulfilling the UK refinement of the Hanifin & Rajka criteria
in the last year) at the age of 2 years (15). Whilst complete
prevention of disease is the ultimate goal, prevention of
Fig. 3. Hypothetical example of the prevention yield from a high more severe forms of the disease (which cause the most
risk vs low risk prevention approach for atopic dermatitis. Depicts
morbidity and result in most healthcare usage) is also an
an average Western population where 40% of 1,000 adult couples have
a strong family history of atopy and 60% do not. If 30% of the high risk important goal in AD prevention trials. Because the shape
babies develop AD compared with 15% without such a family history, a of AD prevalence in any population is skewed to the left
high risk approach would only prevent 57% (120/120+90) of AD cases (Fig. 4), even small shifts in the reduction of population
at a population level. Adapted from Williams HC. Atopic Dermatitis. In:
Williams HC, Strachan DP (eds). The Challenge of Dermato-Epidemiology. severity can result in large gains in absolute terms for the
Boca Raton, CRC Press Inc., 1997. number switching from severe to moderate or mild to very
mild/subclinical disease. Time to onset of AD is another outcome assessment (e.g. visible eczema recorded by in-
outcome that can be considered although it is debatable vestigators blinded to intervention status) to mitigate the
whether simply delaying onset of a miserable disease to risk of information bias. Studies should present findings
an older age is really a bonus. Given that AD is closely as absolute risk reductions as well as the more impressive
related to other “atopic” diseases such as food allergy, sounding relative risk reductions in order to provide a
asthma and hay fever, AD prevention studies also need more realistic indicator of population benefit.
to evaluate whether benefits are seen in these diseases
too. Measuring other atopic diseases present their own
challenges, e.g. true food allergy has a low incidence THE EVIDENCE
making it unlikely that beneficial effects will be precisely Primary prevention
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
out on something beneficial), which can be a particular hydrolysed formula milk (extensive and partial), extended
problem if the intervention is something that can be easily duration of exclusive breastfeeding, dietary supplemen-
accessed by participants without the need for healthcare tation with omega-3 and omega-6 oils, maternal dietary
professionals, such as reduction of house dust mites in antigen avoidance during pregnancy, lactation or both,
the home. Contamination should therefore be measured soy formula milks, along with prebiotics and probiotics.
and explored in the analysis. A second challenge lies in Participants were from a mixture of high and lower risk
the fact that because many interventions such as emol- families, although risk was rarely adequately defined.
lient application or installing a water softener cannot be None of the pooled interventions showed clear evidence of
blinded, it is essential to include some form of objective benefit for AD prevention. A subgroup analysis of those at
Advances in dermatology and venereology
delay or early introduction of foods other than milk, dietary among infants and toddlers that included two older cohort
restrictions, and dietary supplements. Although breastfee- studies suggested a possible benefit for AD prevention,
ding (exclusive or prolonged) has clear benefits for infants, and called for new studies that evaluated such foods in a
a systematic review of 16 moderate quality observational more contemporary setting (33). A systematic review in
studies suggests that it does not appear to be protective 2019 of 22 pooled trials published between January 2008
of AD (22). One large cluster RCT (the PROBIT trial in and May 2018 showed a reduction in AD incidence (RR
Belarus) that promoted breastfeeding found a reduction 0.81, 95% CI: 0.70–0.93) for those receiving probiotic
in self-reported flexural eczema but not lung function, a supplementation during pregnancy and/or infancy. Sub-
finding that needs to be replicated (23). Around a half of group analysis suggested that benefits were strongest for
milk feeding studies have been judged to be at high risk those receiving Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, for
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
of bias (24). A Cochrane review of 5 trials failed to show those in whom probiotic supplementation occurred during
any benefit of maternal avoidance of allergenic foods for pregnancy and infancy and in preventing AD developing
AD prevention (25). A 2019 systematic review of mainly in the first two years of life rather than later (34). Sources
observational studies of complementary feeding (whereby of study heterogeneity was also assessed and found to be
other foods and drinks complement human or formula mainly accounted by follow-up time (I2 62.7%) and length
milk) found no clear evidence between the age at which of probiotic supplementation (I2 53.5%). A more extensive
complementary feedings is started and the risk of AD, food systematic review that pooled 28 studies (27 good quality
allergy or asthma (moderate evidence) (26). The same RCTs and one high quality cohort study, search date from
review found limited to strong evidence that introducing inception to March 2018) showed a beneficial effect on
allergenic foods in year one of life to try and induce tole- AD prevention for probiotics compared with controls (OR
rance does not increase AD or food allergy risk, but may 0.69; 95% CI 0.58–0.82, Fig. 5) (35). Analysis of studies
prevent egg and peanut allergy. The one well-conducted whereby probiotics were provided only prenatally or post-
RCT included in the review found no benefit for AD pre- natally did not show such benefit, prompting the authors
vention from early introduction of allergenic foods (27). to conclude that benefits are only realised when probiotics
Interest in vitamin D supplementation as a possible are started during pregnancy and continued in the infant
preventative intervention stems from the association for the first 6 months of life. A broader and high-quality
between low vitamin D levels and increased incidence systematic review of diet during pregnancy and infancy
and severity of AD. Vitamin D is also known to have arrived at similar conclusions regarding a protective effect
a regulatory influence on skin barrier function and the of probiotics on AD development from 19 probiotic trials
immune system and skin barrier function, both of which (risk ratio 0.78; 95% CI 0.68–0.90; I2 61% and an absolute
are involved in AD development (28). A 2017 systematic risk reduction of 44 cases per 1,000; 95% CI 20–64) (24).
review (search date January 2016) found one RCT and Subgroup analysis suggested that it was maternal rather
3 non-RCTs that addressed vitamin D supplementation than infant probiotic supplementation that was important
in women and children as a means of preventing allergic for realising a protective benefit. The evidence of prebiotics
diseases found no clear evidence of benefit but with low alone was weak due to high risk of bias, inconsistency,
certainty of evidence (29). A more recent and well con- imprecision, and indirectness of study results.
ducted RCT found no clear benefit of infant vitamin D Although the World Allergy Organisation guideline pa-
Advances in dermatology and venereology
supplementation in the primary prevention of AD (30). A nel has determined that there is a net benefit of probiotics
systematic review of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated for AD prevention, concerns regarding the heterogen-
fatty acids (such as from fish) intake during pregnancy eity of studies remains (36). A comprehensive review of
found mixed results for AD prevention from observational probiotics across all human diseases concluded that the
studies, but a possible protective effect in the 3 included evidence for benefit in allergic diseases was still uncertain
RCTs for early onset AD (31). and a stimulus for further studies rather than firm clinical
The evidence that ingested probiotics (non-pathogenic recommendations (37). A high-quality individual patient
live bacteria or yeasts that can restore a dysfunctional data (IPD) meta-analysis – a type of systematic review
pro-inflammatory gut microbiome) or prebiotics (non- that gathers and combines data belonging to individual
digestible food ingredients that encourage beneficial patient who take part in clinical trials rather than aggre-
bacteria to thrive) or both (synbiotics) can prevent AD gate data – would better identify who benefits most from
is gathering momentum (32). The field is complicated probiotics, when and why (38).
as probiotics and prebiotics refer to a very wide range of Interventions directed at the external skin surface. The
ingredients, and they can be given to the mother during main “outside in” approaches for preventing AD, sensitisa-
pregnancy, during lactation, to the infant after birth and tion and food allergy have included attempts to reduce air-
various combinations of these and for different periods, borne allergens such as house dust mite at the time of birth,
leading to considerable heterogeneity which impacts on increasing exposure to an anthroposophic environment
the ability to combine studies. One systematic review ex- and measures to enhance the skin barrier. A systematic
ploring the possible health benefits of yoghurt consumption review of house dust mite avoidance strategies (alone or
the risk of developing AD. Studies that have found strong replication, unless the components are separated using
associations between early exposures to anthroposophic designs such as factorial trials as currently being done in
environments such as farm animals have been limited to the PreventADALL study (50).
observational studies so far, but are a fruitful source of
ideas for new possible primary interventions (39). Since Secondary prevention
the discovery of a strong association between AD and Treating AD more aggressively when it first appears in
loss-of-function mutations in FLG, the gene encoding an attempt to alter the subsequent course of disease in
filaggrin – an essential protein for healthy skin barrier terms of remission or decreasing severity is an attractive
Advances in dermatology and venereology
function, interest has increased on the potential benefits notion. One such study of aggressive early treatment is
of skin barrier enhancement as a means of preventing AD underway in Japan, in which 650 infants who develop
and food allergy (40). Impaired skin barrier may precede AD between the ages of 7–13 weeks old will be ran-
eczema development and may be the route by which sen- domly assigned to enhanced topical anti-inflammatory
sitisation to food allergens occurs (41, 42). Stimulated by treatment or conventional treatment with the aim of
the results of two small pilot RCTs that suggested a large preventing food allergy and reducing AD severity (51).
benefit from using emollients on the skin of infants born Poorly controlled disease resulting in skin damage from
to families with atopy, two large prevention RCTs have scratching can lead to a cascade that results in indivi-
been set up to test the hypothesis that emollients from duals developing autoimmunity towards their own skin
birth can prevent AD (15, 16, 21, 43). The first of these components, a phenomenon that might be key to driving
studies (Barrier Enhancement for Eczema Prevention disease chronicity (52). Other non-pharmacological
(BEEP) trial) is investigating daily emollient for the first approaches such as behavioural methods to limit skin
year of life in babies born to atopic families. The second, damage from scratching when AD first appears are also
the Preventing Atopic Dermatitis and Allergies in children worth considering in this context (53). Like primary pre-
study (PreventADALL), is a factorial trial – a trial whereby vention, secondary prevention should not be taken lightly,
two or more interventions are carried out and assessed especially with regards to safety. If for example, only
simultaneously. The PreventADALL trial compares (i) 10% of those given early aggressive treatment with pro-
no intervention with (ii) skin care (oil-bath at least 5 days/ longed topical corticosteroids benefit from such therapy,
week to age 9 months) and (iii) consecutive introduction of then 90% arguably undergo “overtreatment” and incur
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19. Hanifin JM, Rajka G. Diagnostic features of atopic dermatitis.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT velopment of atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014;
134: 824–830 e826.
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