Computerized Assessment of Psychosis Risk
Computerized Assessment of Psychosis Risk
Computerized Assessment of Psychosis Risk
Grant Report
Early detection and intervention with young people at clinical high risk
Open Access (CHR) for psychosis is critical for prevention efforts focused on altering the
trajectory of psychosis. Early CHR research largely focused on validating
Received: 29 May 2021 clinical interviews for detecting at-risk individuals; however, this
Accepted: 21 June 2021 approach has limitations related to: (1) specificity (i.e., only 20% of CHR
Published: 29 June 2021 individuals convert to psychosis) and (2) the expertise and training needed
to administer these interviews is limited. The purpose of our study is to
Copyright © 2021 by the develop the computerized assessment of psychosis risk (CAPR) battery,
author(s). Licensee Hapres, consisting of behavioral tasks that require minimal training to administer,
London, United Kingdom. This is can be administered online, and are tied to the neurobiological systems
an open access article distributed and computational mechanisms implicated in psychosis. The aims of our
under the terms and conditions study are as follows: (1A) to develop a psychosis-risk calculator through
of Creative Commons Attribution the application of machine learning (ML) methods to the measures from
4.0 International License.
the CAPR battery, (1B) evaluate group differences on the risk calculator
score and test the hypothesis that the risk calculator score of the CHR
group will differ from help-seeking and healthy controls, (1C) evaluate
how baseline CAPR battery performance relates to symptomatic outcome
two years later (i.e., conversion and symptomatic worsening). These aims
will be explored in 500 CHR participants, 500 help-seeking individuals, and
500 healthy controls across the study sites. This project will provide a next-
generation CHR battery, tied to illness mechanisms and powered by
cutting-edge computational methods that can be used to facilitate the
earliest possible detection of psychosis risk.
needed for the NAPLS calculator are based on specialized interviews and
neuropsychological testing, requiring expertise that involves extensive
training and is only available in a small number of academic clinical
settings [8]. We believe in light of recent advances in clinical cognitive
neuroscience and computational psychiatry that it is now possible to
develop a new approach to the prediction of conversion to psychosis that
builds upon the pioneering CHR work, but exploits discoveries in the
cognitive neuroscience of psychosis that came after the initiation of NAPLS
and similar projects. Focusing on neurocognitive mechanisms implicated
in symptom formation and maintenance will facilitate the translation
from prediction to prevention. By using simple computerized tasks that
are strongly tied to cognitive and computational neuroscience models of
specific symptom clusters, we will expedite the transition from the
laboratory to real-world clinics.
Most individuals who meet CHR criteria have a path to treatment that
does not involve specialty CHR clinics, even when such a clinic is locally
available [35,39,43–48]. Many may initially be seen by a pediatrician
(based on parental concern), or by a school psychologist or guidance
counselor (based on teacher reports), or by a college counselor based on
self-referral. In these cases, the onset of a serious psychiatric disorder is
not typically a focus of staff expertise. The tools we propose to develop can
be disseminated online for use by community clinicians. These tools might
even be accessed by young people who have concerns about their mental
health using their own personal electronic devices—an approach that was
recently shown to be feasible in the UK [57,58]. The results of our risk
calculator could inform decisions by young people, their families, and
community clinicians regarding seeking information and care [39]. We see
this potential expansion in the availability of screening for psychosis
vulnerability, beyond the geographical boundaries of academic specialty
centers, to be the critical future impact of the proposed work.
‘noisier’/‘rougher’), and told that the other sounds (unintelligible SWS) are
‘distractor’ stimuli. After Run 1, subjects will be asked if they noticed any
words in the distractor stimuli. Hallucinating subjects report hearing
speech in Run 1 and correctly identify more words in Run 1 compared to
controls. Subjects are then explicitly told that there is actual speech in
some of the stimuli (the ‘reveal’), and they will be exposed to some pre-
degradation speech templates, and the task will be repeated (Run 2). We
then test the ability of subjects to discriminate between intelligible SWS
and unintelligible SWS (d’), their bias in classifying speech and non-speech,
and accuracy (number of keywords correct). Prior work revealed no
difference in d' or bias on speech detection in Run 2. We predict that CHR
converters (more than non-converters, HSC, and HC) will detect the speech
in the degraded signal before the presence of speech is revealed in Run 1,
but there will be no difference in Run 2. Importantly, this pattern of
supranormal performance cannot be explained by generalized
impairment, lack of effort, etc. Our preliminary data (Figure 1) support
this prediction: CHR participants (N = 15) detected speech more readily in
the sine wave stimuli than HCs (N = 17, t = 2.48, p = 0.019). This effect
correlated significantly with the severity of SIPS positive symptoms (r =
0.37, p = 0.039) and hallucinations specifically (SIPS perceptual domain P4),
at a trend level, in this preliminary sample (r = 0.33, p = 0.065).
Figure 1. Detection of Speech in SWS. CHR detect more speech in SWS than controls.
presses within 7 s with the dominant hand index finger) for a lower
reward value ($1) versus a high effort option (100 button presses within
21 seconds with the nondominant hand little finger) for higher reward
values ($1.24–$4.30). Probability of reward receipt is manipulated across
trials with cues at the start of each trial indicating a high (88%), medium
(50%), or low (12%) probability of receiving money on that trial. The key
dependent variable is the rate of selecting the high effort choice across
probability and magnitude levels. Similar to what is observed in
individuals with SZ, published data from Dr. Strauss’ lab indicates that
CHR youth are also less willing to exert high effort to earn monetary
rewards compared to controls, and that reduced effort is also associated
with greater negative symptom severity [102].
Delay Discounting [103]. This task provides a measure of the degree to
which the value of future rewards are discounted, a potential mechanism
underlying motivational impairments [96]. On the delay discounting task,
participants select between receiving smaller immediate rewards vs
larger delayed rewards, SZ patients have been shown to prefer smaller
immediate rewards over larger delayed rewards [104]. Furthermore,
greater preference for smaller immediate rewards has been associated
with greater severity of negative symptoms [98,105,106]. Published results
from Dr. Strauss’ lab indicate that CHR youth also display delay
discounting abnormalities compared to controls. These deficits reflect a
failure to systematically increase preference for delayed rewards as value
shifts from medium to large incentives. Furthermore, in CHR, failure to
represent the value of larger future rewards as reflected by steeper
discounting rates is associated with greater negative symptom severity.
Finger Tapping [107]. This task provides a measure of the ability to
initiate volitional movements. The Computerized Finger Tapping Test
(CTAP) measures how quickly the participant can press the spacebar using
their index finger [106]. The test presents five, 10-second trials for the
dominant hand alternating with five trials for the non-dominant hand 10s,
cued by presentation of the green “GO” screen. Volitional movement is
further assessed in the Variable Tapping and Tempo Tapping tasks by
asking participants to match the pace of a series of tones when they tap
the spacebar using the index finger of their dominant hand. In a
preliminary study, examining a variant of the speeded condition alone, a
sample of 41 CHR and 32 controls, CHR subject demonstrated significant
slowing (p = 0.03) relative to controls and, tapping performance correlated
specifically with negative symptom severity, r = 0.37, p = 0.03.
Hedonic Reactivity Task [56]. Numerous studies indicate that SZ patients
demonstrate normal hedonic responses when exposed to pleasant stimuli
[108], with individual differences in hedonic response being correlated
with clinically-rated anhedonia (r = −0.51, p < 0.01).110 Data from Dr.
Strauss’ lab indicates a different pattern in CHR youth, who were asked to
make unipolar reports of positive or negative emotion, and arousal in
response to pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral scenes from the
The present multi-site study was funded in April of 2020 by the National
Institute of Mental Health and data collection commenced in late 2020.
Primary study sites include: Northwestern University, University of
Maryland-Baltimore County, Yale University, University of Georgia, and
Temple University. In addition, subcontracted sites, actively collecting
data, include Emory University and the University of California Irvine. Due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, and related safety and social distancing policies,
it was necessary to begin the study remotely. Thus, the methods for the
project were adapted so that all screening, baseline, and follow-up sessions
will be conducted via Zoom or Webex (i.e., HIPAA-compliant secure
videochat platforms) and all behavioral tasks will be implemented over
the internet. An online platform for task implementation was built to
accommodate remote administration. Although remote, each participant
is guided through tasks by live research assistants, supervising the
sessions. When the policies around in-person interaction return to pre-
pandemic standards, the administration of the interviews and task battery
will remain computerized, in an effort to standardize the experience for
the participants. However, participants will have the option of
participating at remote locations, or in the laboratory of one of the CAPR
study sites. A total of 1500 participants will be recruited (500 CHR, 500 HSC,
500 HC), with recruitment divided evenly across the five sites (300 total per
site: 100 CHR, 100 HSC, 100 HC). In addition, participants completing
baseline assessments in Years 1–3 will return for 12 and 24-month visits,
and participants completing baseline assessments in Year 4 will return for
12-month follow-up visits as well. See Figure 3 for a summary.
Figure 3. The recruitment flow and expected sample sizes across all study time points. Sample sizes are for
the collaborative project and will split equally across the 5 sites. To account for possible attrition, we will
continue to recruit until we have reached 1500 baseline interviews. Note. Abbreviations: Clinical high risk
(CHR); help-seeking controls (HSC); healthy controls (HC).
Each potential CHR participant will attend a 1.5-h screening session (i.e.,
Demographics and SIPS screening interview) and then be classified either
as CHR (those meeting criteria for a progressive psychosis-risk syndrome)
or control. All participants will attend a baseline session (4.5 h) consisting
of: (1) a clinical assessment battery (remainder of SIPS, SCID) including a
socio-occupational functioning interview and self-report measures; and
(2) the computerized assessment of psychosis risk (CAPR) battery, as well
as (3) tasks necessary to complete the NAPLS risk calculator and (4) a
battery of self-report instruments. Following the baseline, control
participants will be classified as a help-seeking control (HSC) or healthy
control (HC), based on SCID diagnoses. Each follow-up session will take 2
h, and consist of SIPS, NSI-PR, SCID and socio-occupational interviews. This
burden is consistent with prior CHR studies, and we have instituted a
number of strategies to ensure tolerability.
We will gather NAPLS risk calculator variables: age, sex, SIPS positive
symptom items P1 and P2, cognitive scores from the digit symbol coding
subtest of the BACS and Hopkins Verbal learning Test (trials 1–3), stressful
life events from the Research Interview Life Events Scale, trauma from the
Childhood Trauma and Abuse Scale, family history of psychosis from the
Family Interview for Genetic Studies (FIGS), and decline in social
functioning on the GFS-S [119,124,125,128,129].
All CAPR tasks are listed in Table 1, organized by the Positive (4 tasks),
Negative (5 tasks), and Disorganized (2 tasks) symptom domains. With the
exception of the Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task (see below), all tasks
have detailed descriptions in the Preliminary studies section above and
are not revisited here. At baseline, the standard versions of Pessiglione,
Probabilistic Reversal Learning, and EEfRT tasks that offer monetary
incentives will be administered to half the participants; the other half will
receive a version using points as incentives. This will be important for
translating the task to an online platform, where monetary incentives will
not be possible. All other tasks will be administered identically to all
Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task. This task, a three-option
probabilistic learning task, wherein participants learn and update reward
associations in light of variable outcomes, due to anticipated but uncertain
changes in reward between options (reversal events, expected volatility),
and unanticipated changes in the underlying probabilities themselves
(contingency transition, unexpected volatility), challenges participants to
form and update beliefs about the value of each option and the volatility
of the task environment. Participants choose between three decks of cards
= not sure, and 5 = does not apply). The events from the checklist include
the following example items: Natural disaster, Accident, Combat, Death of
loved one, Injury/illness of loved one, Witness family violence, Childhood
physical assault, Adult physical assault, and Victim of bullying was added
by the investigators.
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The PSQI [148] is a 10-item self-
report questionnaire that evaluates sleeping habits in the past month. We
include the PSQI because of accumulating data suggestive of a link
between sleep disturbance and schizophrenia [149]. However, sleep
disturbance in those with subthreshold psychotic symptoms has yet to be
Motor and Activity Psychosis-Risk Scale (MAP-RS). Dr. Vijay Mittal (PI)
created the MAP-RS, a 17-item questionnaire that assesses aspects of
motor-physical activity (e.g., clumsiness, balance) that have been found to
be affected in some individuals who later develop psychosis [150].
Defeatist Performance Beliefs Scale (DPB). The DPB [151] (Grant & Beck,
2009) is a 15-item, self-report measure used to evaluate the severity of
defeatist performance beliefs. These are negative expectancies individuals
sometimes have about performing goal-directed activities and socializing.
Treatment History Questionnaire (TRHQ). The TRHQ assesses past and
current experiences with mental health services including therapy,
medications, diagnoses, and hospitalizations, as well as whether, to what
degree, and for what type of mental health issues participants are
considering seeking treatment. Our collaborator created this
questionnaire and collected data from over 400 undergraduates at
University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC), with initial validity
findings suggesting that students who reported current anxiety diagnoses
had significantly elevated Beck Anxiety Index scores (means indicating
“severe” anxiety) compared to non-endorsers and students who reported
current depression diagnoses had significantly elevated BDI-II scores
(means indicating “moderate” depression) compared to non-endorsers.
COVID-19 Questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed to assess
the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on lifestyle and mental factors that
can be used to gauge mental health outcomes associated with the
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C). The
PCL-C is a 17-item self-report instrument where items correspond to PTSD
symptoms and ask the individual to report on how often certain symptoms
were bothersome to them (1 = not bothersome at all through 5 = extremely
bothersome) in the past month [152].
Drug Use Frequency Measure (DUF). This questionnaire assesses drug
and alcohol use within the past 3 months, as well as a quick assessment of
health concerns and medication use [153]. The purpose of including this
questionnaire in the present study is due to the known relationships
between substance use and increased risk for schizophrenia and minor
month time points data set to describe our methods that are also
applicable to the 12-month time point data.
Machine learning (ML) and training/testing validation scheme: ML
predictive models will be developed to calculate the probabilistic score of
converting to psychosis and to predict change in functional outcome. We
adopt ML models for the analysis because our goal is to predict outcomes
(both binary and continuous) rather than demonstration of associations
between an outcome (e.g., conversion) and test items. A repeated nested
training-testing scheme will be used to avoid overfitting. Specifically, the
900 subjects (those with 24-month time points) collected in the first three
years will first be randomly and proportionally divided into an outer-
training set (nr = 600) and an outer-testing set (ns = 300). The 2:1 training
and testing split ratio is used to achieve optimal performance. Within the
outer-training set (nr = 600), we will perform 5-fold repeated nested cross
validation (CV) to optimize the model and tune parameter selection [162].
During 5-fold CV, 480 subjects will be used as the inner training set and the
remaining 120 subjects as inner testing. The predictive model that
achieves best averaged performance in 5-fold CV will be selected as the
final model. In the testing stage (testing on the ns = 300 subjects), the final
model is locked, and the ML development team will be blinded to the
outcome of these 300 subjects. Next, the outcome variables of psychosis
conversion (binary) and functional outcome (continuous) will be
calculated/predicted by the fixed ML models. The performance of the
predictive models (comparing the predicted with true outcomes) will be
evaluated based on the hold-out testing data set (ns = 300) using metrics
described below. The hypotheses in both aims will be assessed by the
performance of predictive results.
at the training stage and to evaluate the prediction accuracy at the testing
stage [163]. We test the hypothesis by examining whether r = sqrt(R2) score >
a medium effect size r = 0.30. Note that r value reflects the correlation
between predicted and observed change in functional outcome. Power:
With a sample size of nr = 300 (testing data set), we would have power of
0.80 to reject the null hypothesis (r ≤ 0.30) at α = 0.05 when r is 0.42.
The CAPR study will develop and test a psychosis risk calculator based
on machine learning techniques and a battery of computerized behavioral
tasks, which are tied to the neurobiological systems and computational
mechanisms implicated in psychosis. We believe that the CAPR battery and
risk calculator have the potential to significantly improve the prediction
of conversion to a psychotic disorder, through more closely assessing
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