Waterflooding Management Challenges and Solutions
Waterflooding Management Challenges and Solutions
Waterflooding Management Challenges and Solutions
Abstract. Water is an important element for every creature in the earth. Almost 70% of earth
surface is covered by water. Since 1974, not only contribute to life, water also can be used in oil
and gas industry, to improve the oil recovery through waterflooding. Waterflood now became
one of oil enhancement methods that often applied in oil field because it’s proved effective can
enhance the oil recovery with minimum impacts to ecology and environment. However, the use
of water in oil and gas industry requires comprehensive understanding about the technical
problem and environmental impact during waterflooding process. Hence, in this study a review
is carried out on several problems that occur in the waterflooding injection process and provides
solutions so as to be able to manage projects effectively and efficiently also considering the
environmental aspects.
1. Introduction
In general, the oil and gas field development project have an orientation to obtain the maximum benefit
with the existing reservoir conditions. In order to obtain the maximum profit, many problems can happen.
Therefore, it is necessary to do management in carrying out an oil and gas field development project to
get a significant profit that can be observed from the higher oil acquisition. No exception is also in the
process of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
Currently, waterflooding became one of the common techniques in EOR, as well as pressure
maintenance for the reservoir. Waterflooding is an important method in the oil field development in
order to increase the economic value of the field. The successful waterflooding project can be done by
a comprehensive management strategy to make sure the reservoir pressure stayed above the fluid's level,
which leads to maximizing oil recovery also to gain more profitable income.
In the waterflooding injection process, several problems can happen to make the economy of oil field
development keep decreasing. Most of it caused by technical issues such as early breakthrough, leak of
cement in a casing, or maybe while setting the injection constraints [1]. However, at this time in addition
to technical issues, it is also necessary to conduct a study of the impact on the environment such as pay
attention to the level of safety and environmental impact or can be called "zero waste management.".
Hence, this study will discuss solutions to several problems in the waterflooding process as an effort to
maximize the economy of an oil field development.
2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 690 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012037
In the other hand, leak piston like displacement considering before the front point, both displacement
fluid (water) and displaced fluid (oil) flows; while after the front point, only displaced fluid (oil) flows.
In this mechanism, transition zone will be occurred in form of saturation distribution. The transition
zone will move to production well. When the transition zone reach production well, the phenomena
called breakthrough. The both dicpalcement concept are ilustrated in Figure 1.
3. Methodology
This paper is submitted with reference to the theme of this ISWEE 2020 Session, 'Challenges on water,
ecology, and environment,' this paper discussed the challenges that happen during the waterflooding
injection not just from technical but also from ecology and environmental point of view. This study
focuses more on explaining some of the challenges that can occur during the injection process at each
stage of operational systems. Method used in this study can be define as follows: First, the challenges
are stated, then the background on each of the waterfloods is given, after it we describe how the different
waterflood systems approached the challenges, and which is the outcome of these different approaches.
2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 690 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012037
Gross up of liquid production can improve the oil recovery. The question is, when will we do gross up.
Dadang Rukmana [10] suggested to do gross up in these conditions:
• Current water cut is at the declivous phase of fractional flow curve
• Moveable oil saturation > 5%
• Reservoir pressure still high (> Pb)
• GOR is low
Table 3. (a) Summary of technical problem and solutions in planning phase of waterflooding [5,6,10].
Caused by Remarks Solution(s)
Zone with fracture or contrast
Reservoir Choose area with low
permeability will reduce
Heterogeneity heterogeneity reservoir
waterflooding efficiency
High Permeability High permeability zone will Choose area with low
Zone allow water to flow faster permeability
Poor cement bond cause near Chan Diagnostic Analysis
(High Water
wellbore channeling, which shows no channeling
Production) Poor Cement Bonding
allows water from aquifer
CBL Read < 10 mV
flows into production well
Unfavourable Oil with high viscosity will
Oil viscosity < 20 cp
Mobility Ratio cause fingering
In third phase, displacement
Waterflooding was process no longer occurs and Waterflooding Must be Done
Done in the 3rd Phase oil recovery of the phase is in the 1st - 2nd Phase
Late Peak If the injection done when the
Production reservoir pressure is less than
Pressure Reservoir < the bubble point pressure, the Injection at Reservoir
Pb gas will be produced first and Pressure > Pb
then the water displaced the
remaining moveable oil
Solid content, oil content, and
Incompatible Water microbial content are the Water Compatibility Test
Injection main factor that cause pore (Table 4.)
Pore Plugging
Low Permeability Low permeability zone can k > 100 mD with population >
Zone cause pore plugging 50%
Table 3. (b).
Technical Problem Caused by Remarks Solution(s)
For Pilot Project: ΔRF
Low Remaining Waterflooding will success
Moveable > 10%
Moveable Oil in if the remaining moveable
For Full Field Project: ΔRF
Pattern Area oil in pattern area is high
Moveable > 20%
If the injection done when
Low Incremental Oil the reservoir pressure is
(Poor Displacement less than the bubble point
Pressure Injection at Reservoir Pressure >
dan Volumetric pressure, the gas will be
Reservoir < Pb Pb
Efficiency) produced first and then the
water displaced the
remaining moveable oil
Waterflooding In third phase,
Waterflooding Must be Done in
was Done in the displacement process no
the 1st - 2nd Phase
3rd Phase longer occurs and oil
2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 690 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012037
2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 690 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012037
Meanwhile, Dadang Rukmana [10], in his book written regarding the classification of injection water
quality based on the API spec which can be seen in the Table 4. The quality of injection water is an
important component that can affect the success of the injection operation, but it is also an important
consideration related to the environmental impact around the well.
On this study, it's proven that by control the injection rates, it can
Heavy Oil Waterflooding make waterflooding injection be as viable non-thermal EOR, even
it can be applied in fields with high oil viscosity
Besides, the challenges of waterflooding can also come from surface treatment, here are some
advanced techniques to solve the problems that are related to surface treatment, following examples as
shown in Table 6:
2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 690 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/690/1/012037
5. Conclusion
Waterflooding project must consider the three essential factors: engineering, experience, and economics.
These factors must go through a comprehensive engineering study and evaluation before the project is
undertaken. Waterflooding management represents a routine of underperforming injection identification
and executing remedial actions to close the gap between technical potential and actual performance. An
analytical estimation and actual performance are observed to ensure the highest increment upon
optimization of the injection process.
Successful waterflood management can efficiently lead to maximize the overall sweep efficiency
also gain more production by maintaining the reservoir pressure above the fluid's level, which allows
for more production rate levels. This paper suggests the application of a predictive means of waterflood
management as a possible means of evaluating and controlling the problems during injection looked
from the technical, economic, and environmental aspect
Through this paper, the authors would give an appreciation and thanks to all stakeholders from academic
instructor in university and others, which have supported this paper.
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