CHAPTER 2 - Activity 1
CHAPTER 2 - Activity 1
CHAPTER 2 - Activity 1
1. Create an essay of not less than 300 words explaining the economic problems in
the Philippines and what are your suggestions or recommendations on how to
improve the economic conditions in the Philippines. (50 points)
2. What are the problems of agriculture? Give specific problems of a Filipino farmer.
(15 points
3. Position Paper. Choose only one topic that you want to discuss about your
position. Do the Philippine needs to adopt Agricultural or Industrialization for
economic development? Support your answer. (30 points)
Philippines main source of economy and wealth is Agriculture, Philippines main
agricultural crops are rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, bananas, pineapple, coffee,
mangoes, tobacco, and abaca. However, relying on Agriculture is not enough, there is a
need for industrialization.
Philippines should adopt industrialization for economic development. If the
country would be industrialized, it will have a booming economy that will result into an
enormous potential for further growth. Improving the country’s infrastructure in order to
create jobs and business opportunities and boost economic growth. Philippines as an
industrialized country will become globally competitive, upholding services and
manufacturing to dominate the economy can lead to economic development. Taking the
agricultural workers to work in the factories and offices in operating the manufacturing of
electronics and other high-tech components to expand production so that exportation
and the attraction of new investments in order to catalyze industry growth. Furthermore,
as a basis or evidence that the Philippines have the capability to attain and achieve
industrialization, here are the years that shows some of the achievements that our
economy has developed relative to the industrialization of our country, “in the recent
years when our country become the 3rd country to enter the 5% industrial growth club in
1913 and continue until 1928 – 1932 during the interwar years and the ISI years in 1950
– 1972”.
4. Why do we call the rural areas the roots of poverty? (15 points)
“The world’s poorest are found in the rural areas of the poor countries". Poverty
in the rural area is characterized from the basic problems which are the unjust economic,
social, and political structure according to Dr. Dioscoro Umali or in other words severe
depravation of human needs. People in the rural areas are affected by their economic
condition, they are relying on agriculture for their living, and their wealth came from
agriculture. Overpopulation and shortage on income are also manifestation of poverty in
rural places, hunger is inevitable to them. Also, access to different services are not
present in their condition.
According to Human Rights Careers, reasons for the existence of poverty in rural
areas are the lack of good job, lack of good education, weather (since they are relying
on agriculture), and social injustice, lack of infrastructure and lack of government