Root Perforations: Aetiology, Management Strategies and Outcomes. The Hole Truth
Root Perforations: Aetiology, Management Strategies and Outcomes. The Hole Truth
Root Perforations: Aetiology, Management Strategies and Outcomes. The Hole Truth
• Reviews factors associated with the
success of perforation repair.
The purpose of this clinical article is to emphasise that root perforations can occur both during and after endodontic treat-
ment. These reduce the chance of a successful treatment outcome and can jeopardise the survival of the tooth. The aetiol-
ogy and diagnosis of root perforations are described. The article also focusses on the non-surgical and surgical manage-
ment of root perforations and describes how selection of the appropriate treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis.
INTRODUCTION in this region. Typically this will follow an used in narrow canals. It may also occur
aggressive crown-down approach with large during preparation of the canals, if files are
A perforation is a communication that arises instruments such as Gates Glidden burs, too large or the filing technique shapes the
between the periodontium and the root canal
space. Perforations can be pathological, result-
ing from caries or resorptive defects, but most
commonly occur iatrogenically (during or
after root canal treatment). Indeed, perfora-
tions occurring during root canal therapy
may account for as many as 10% of all failed
endodontic cases.1
Iatrogenic perforations
Dental Core Trainee, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery,
Bradford Royal Infirmary; 2Consultant and Honorary
Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, Associate
Clinical Head of Division, University Dental Hospital of
Manchester, Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester,
M15 6FH; 3Consultant and Honorary Lecturer in Re-
storative Dentistry, University of Manchester
*Correspondence to: S. Mohammed Saed Fig. 1 In an attempt to locate the canal of
Email: [email protected]
the 12 the dentist has perforated through
Refereed Paper the buccal aspect of the tooth. The figures
Accepted 15 January 2016 clearly demonstrate the divergence of the
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2016.132 access cavity from the canal structure
© British Dental Journal 2016; 220: 171-180
Perforations of the apical third: Fig. 2 Not only has an instrument fractured in the mesiobuccal canal of the 37 but there
has been a perforation of the middle third of the tooth in an attempt to remove and/or
Inadequate cleaning and shaping of the bipass the instrument
canal can lead to blockages and ledges.
Once formed, these can cause instruments
to deviate, transporting the canal away from
the centre of the root, until a perforation
occurs. Stiff instruments placed into curved
canals may also straighten the canal, causing
zip perforations (Figs 3a and 3b). An apical
perforation occurs when the clinician does
not respect the apical anatomy and passes
endodontic files too aggressively through the
apical constriction (Fig. 4).
Post-space preparation:
Following obturation, careless post space Fig. 3 a) There is an acute curve distally in the apical region of the 24. b) This has not been
preparation may result in perforation.2 respected during instrumentation resulting in straightening of the canal and apical perforation
Traditional approaches to placement of post
retained restorations focus on achieving
good length and width for the post. This
creates the risk of both apical and strip per-
foration. Sometimes the post is not placed
into the root canal but the adjacent den-
tine, resulting in catastrophic consequences
(Fig. 5).
Pathological perforations
These can result from root resorption or car-
ies. Root resorption is the progressive loss Fig. 5 It’s a boy! A threaded post has been
of dentine and cementum by the continued placed though the furcation
action of osteoclastic cells.3 When occurring Fig. 4 A lack of control during the distal canal
within the root canal system it is known as preparation of the 46 has resulted in over
internal inflammatory root resorption. It preparation and significant over extension of
is seen radiographically as an oval shape the gutta percha (as well as separation of an
instrument in the mesial canal)
enlargement of the root canal system. The
exact cause is not known, but this process upon the type, site and extent. Readers are
can follow trauma, pulpal inflammation referred to more comprehensive papers on
and pulpotomy procedures. Though the pro- the management of resorption.4,5,6
cess is uncommon and often self-limiting, Extensive carious lesions can also lead to
it can progress into a perforation. Thus, perforations. These lesions are defined by
early detection and intervention is essen- a destruction of dental tissues as a result
tial to control the disease before such an of microbial action. An untreated carious
event occurs.4,5 lesion may either perforate the pulp chamber
External inflammatory root resorption can floor or extend along the root, resulting in
occur following damage to the cementum perforation of the root. Treatment of these
and periodontal ligament cells on the root perforations may require root canal treat-
surface. There are different types of exter- ment, crown lengthening, and either root
nal resorption, but all have the potential to extrusion or root resection in order to retain
continue until the resorptive defect com- valuable radicular segments. Unfortunately, Fig. 6 External cervical resorption of the 13.
municates with the root canal (Fig. 6). The perforation in most of these cases renders the The lesion has perforated into the pulp canal
ability to control the resorption is dependent tooth unrestorable.7
The frequency of root perforations has been
reported to range from 3% to as high as
10%.1,8,9 However, as more complex endo-
dontic treatment cases are being attempted,
it is not an unrealistic expectation that there
will be an increased frequency of perfora-
tions in the future.1 According to Kvinnsland
et al.,2 53% of iatrogenic perforations occur
during insertion of posts, the remaining 47%
occur during routine endodontic treatment.
73% of all cases occur in the maxilla and Fig. 8 The post in the 45 perforates the mesial
the rest in the mandibular arch. In maxillary aspect of the root wall. A periodontal pocket
anterior teeth the study found that all perfo- has resulted from the chronic inflammation
rations were located at the labial root aspect
Fig. 7 Profuse bleeding resulting from a
due to the operator’s underestimation of the Cone beam computed tomography is
perforation during endodontic access of the 15
palatal root inclination. In multi-rooted increasingly important in the assessment of
teeth, however, furcation perforations may perforations (Figs 9a‑c). There is evidence
occur whilst searching for the canal orifices, the position and extent of the perforation. that resorptive lesions and post perforations
as dentine is removed from the pulpal floor. Radiographs can be used at the time of perfo- can be accurately identified and assessed
ration, but do have their limitations: they are using CBCT. These 3‑dimensional scans are,
DIAGNOSIS only a two-dimensional representation and so however, associated with increased exposure
Iatrogenic perforations are invariably iden- it may be difficult to accurately assess the site to ionising radiation and as such, referral for
tified from the profuse bleeding that fol- and extent of the perforation. Taking a sec- CBCT must only be considered if it could
lows the injury (Fig. 7). This can often be ond film and shifting the radiographic beam change the clinical outcome.11 The presence
seen directly when a perforation occurs in angulation to the mesial or distal aspect can of pre-existing GP, posts and core restorative
the coronal portion of the tooth, but some- partly overcome this. materials will create artefacts and both the
times, when a strip or apical perforation Late diagnosis of pathological perforations referred patient and the practitioner must be
occurs further within the canal, a paper point is largely a combination of clinical assess- aware that this may compromise the diag-
inserted into the canal reveals the bleed- ment, radiographs and the nature of the nostic yield.
ing. If no local anaesthetic is given, sudden presenting complaint. Untreated perforations
unexpected pain during treatment may also may be revealed by the presence of serous Sequelae and outcomes
indicate a perforation. exudate or sinus from the site of perforation, Following the initial acute inflammatory
Apex locators are very useful in detect- sensitivity to percussion, localised periodon- response there may follow destruction of
ing perforations. By placing the file onto tal pocketing and chronic inflammation of periodontal fibres, bone resorption and the
the perforation this will give a zero reading, the gingiva when the inflammation has pen- formation of granulomatous tissue. In the
indicating a communication with the peri- etrated the alveolar bone.10 In addition to the mid and apical portions of the root this may
odontal ligament. Operating microscopes are methods described above, radiographs may manifest as a radiolucency adjacent to the
becoming increasing popular in identifying reveal radiolucent lesions that have devel- perforation. If this is in close proximity to the
perforations. The bright operating light and oped since the perforation occurred, as there supra crestal attachment there may be pro-
magnification make it excellent for visualising may be local osteolysis (Fig. 8). liferation of epithelium and, ultimately, the
Fig. 9 a) A conventional film of the 21 suggests there may be an aberrant access cavity.
b-c) CBCT confirms there is a perforation of the mid buccal aspect of the 21
Fig. 11 a) In an attempt to locate the disto-buccal canal of the 26, there were multiple
perforations of the pulp chamber floor. b) Upon re-entry the disto-buccal canal could not
be located but the perforation was repaired with MTA. There was radiographic evidence of
furcational bone loss. The tooth remained symptomatic and the tooth was removed
Fig. 12 In an attempt to locate the distobuccal canal of the 36 the operator perforated
formation of a periodontal pocket (Fig. 8).8
into the furcation. The perforation was immediately repaired with MTA and the RCT
If the perforation is not detected early and completed (to date) successfully
repaired, then the breakdown of the periodon-
tium may ultimately lead to a loss of tooth.
Though irreversible inflammation may not Table 1 The prognosis for success when considering site, size and time to repair of perforations
always result, if an irritating restoration is
present or a microbial infection ensues, it is Prognosis Site Size Time to repair
unlikely that healing will take place.1 Indeed, Favourable Apical or supra-crestal Small Immediate
it can significantly reduce the odds of suc-
Unfavorable Equi-crestal Large Delayed
cess of root canal treatment by 56%, largely
attributable to bacterial contamination during
or after treatment.12 Several key factors have furcation of multi-rooted teeth, then this can preventing bacteria from reaching the
been associated with the pathological seque- also be regarded in the critical zone due to its peri-radicular tissues.1
lae and thus the prognosis of the tooth. These proximity to the epithelial attachment and
include the site of the perforation, the size of the gingival sulcus (Figs 11a and 11b).8,17,18 Time
the perforation, the time to repair and, most Perforations that are coronal to the critical The time delay between the occurrence of
recently, the material with which the repair zone have a good prognosis. This is because the perforation and repair has been found
is made (Table 1).13 they are easily accessible and an adequate to be an important factor in healing. The
seal with conventional materials is possi- most favourable healing is found when the
Site ble without periodontal involvement. If the perforations are sealed immediately; thereby
The position of the perforation relative to canal is accessible and root canal treatment reducing the likelihood of an infection and
the level of the crestal bone and the epi- possible, perforations that are located apical chronic granulation tissue or periodontal
thelial attachment is critical when assessing to the critical zone also have a more favour- pocket occurring (Figs 12a and 12b).8,14,21
prognosis. This is named the critical zone able prognosis as they can be cleaned and
(Fig. 10). The worst prognosis lies when the sealed with a much lower risk of bacterial Appropriate repair material
perforation is within this critical zone. The entry from the oral cavity and a chronic Historically, used repair materials are amal-
close proximity to the gingival tissues can inflammatory lesion developing.18,19 gam, zinc oxide – eugenol cement, calcium
lead to the contamination of the perfora- hydroxide, gutta percha, glass-ionomer
tion with bacteria from the oral cavity.1 A Size cement, IRM, composite resin and SuperEBA
periodontal defect will be created if there A small perforation is usually associated cement. Best practice suggests that perfora-
is apical migration of the epithelium into with less tissue destruction and inflamma- tions should now be treated using a bio-
the perforation site.14,15 This rapid pocket tion. Therefore, healing is more predict- active material such as mineral trioxide
formation leads to the lowest success rate able and has a better prognosis.20 Smaller aggregate (MTA (ProRoot, Dentsply/Tulsa
of repair.2,16 If the perforation occurs in the perforations are easier to seal effectively, Dental, Tulsa, OK, USA)).22 This material
Fig. 14 Following
extraction the size
of the perforation
is evident
perforation and the wound site with copi- cavity. In the past, attempts have been made works favourably when it is extruded into
ous irrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite to control this and to increase the sealing the periradicular tissues. Thus, the use of
before placement of the repair material. ability of the repair materials with internal barriers is not strictly necessary with cal-
Sodium hypochlorite should be used with biocompatible barriers/matrices such as cium silicates such as MTA. If, however,
caution due to the increased risk of severe collagen or calcium sulphate (Fig. 17).38-41 there is a large cavity it may be worth
complications. Sterile water can be used if However, there is some evidence to sug- considering placing a barrier to facilitate
the operator is concerned about extrusion gest that an excellent success rate is achiev- control of the material. Propriety cellu-
into peri-radicular tissues, but they must be able when MTA is used without a barrier.20 lose materials used in surgical haemostasis
aware this will not help decontaminate the Furthermore, when MTA was accidently control are inexpensive, easy to manipulate
site. Chlorhexidine may be a preferable alter- extruded into the periradicular area, it was and ideal for this. Once placed, the MTA
native if the patient is not sensitised to this. shown that hard tissue was deposited over or other such material can be condensed
When the lesions are larger they can the material with the presence of a healthy against the barrier permitting improved
often present with hyperplastic and vascular periodontium. All this confirms that MTA control of the repair.
granulation tissue, which then protrudes into
the defect. This granulation tissue should be
carefully curetted and removed. Endodontic
excavators, probes and rose-head long shank
burs may also aid the clinician in achiev-
ing a clean cavity, but can result in further
profuse bleeding. Commonly used clotting
agents such as ferric sulphate can cause
irreversible damage to the delicate alveolar
bone and delay healing, as such their use
is not recommended.34-36 It is preferable to
achieve haemostasis using collagen, calcium
sulphate or calcium hydroxide. If bleeding
cannot be controlled it may be sensible to
dress the tooth and provisionally fill the
resorption defect with Cavit or non-setting
calcium hydroxide and arrange a further
appointment for the repair.
Controlling haemostasis and skillful
placement of a restorative material is essen-
tial in achieving a seal. In cases of delayed
repair there is invariably breakdown of the
periodontal ligament and surrounding bone Fig. 16 a –b) The treating practitioner perforated through the mid buccal of of the 12. The
into which granulation tissue proliferates. root canal treatment was completed but the referring practitioner was completely unaware
they were obturating the periodontal tissues. c) Orthograde root canal treatment was
Removal of such granulation tissue may
completed and the perforation repaired with composite as the defect was supra gingigval. The
therefore leave a bone cavity around the site was surgically explored to remove extruded GP. Note the significant bone loss around the
perforation site.37 The operator must antici- apex of the 12
pate extrusion of repair material into this
Fig. 20 a) Whilst attempting to locate the canal of the 22 the operator perforated the distal aspect of the apical third. b) The canal was
correctly identified and shaped. Following this GP was used to obturate the apical canal before MTA was placed over the perforation.
c) The canal was backfilled with warm flowable GP
Fig. 21 a) A perforation occurred during RCT of the 12 resulting in a persistent sinus. b–c) An intra-sulcular incison was made and a flap
raised without relieving incisions. Surgical repair with MTA was performed. d) There was evidence of healing and no pocketing at a 4 week
Apical third perforations surgery or extraction, should pathology and • There is an apical third perforation
These perforations can be difficult to man- symptoms persist.42 with persistent disease that cannot be
age. They often occur during cleaning and adequately cleaned and repaired
shaping of the root canal.32 Access is invari- Surgical management of • There is external cervical resorption not
ably limited and negotiating these frequently perforations amenable to internal repair
blocked and ledged canals is difficult. Using In the past, before technology such as Essentially, surgical management is indi-
MTA to restore these defects may be impos- magnification and illumination became cated if either the case is not amenable or
sible unless it is a straight wide canal and the readily available, perforations were often not responding to non-surgical treatment,
operator can sufficiently visualise the lesion managed surgically. With these advances, or if management of the affected periodon-
(Figs 20a‑c). We advocate attempting to re- it is now considered appropriate to use a tium is required.13,45 Root canal treatment
access the original anatomy and, following non-surgical approach whenever possible.13 should be completed. A surgical flap is then
cleaning and shaping, obturation with warm However, surgical intervention may be reflected at the perforation site to provide
vertical compaction of gutta percha, relying considered when: access for surgical repair. In instances when
upon the sealer and some GP to flow into the • There is uncertainty about the shape/ the defect is in the coronal half of the tooth
defect. If re-access is not possible then obtu- nature of the defect it is prudent to lift a full mucoperiosteal flap.
ration to the defect may be carried out, with • The defect is sub-crestal and associated It provides good access and can be a rec-
warm vertical compaction of gutta percha. It with pathology and/or symptoms tangular flap with mesial and distal vertical
must be noted, however, that apical perfora- • Internal access is not possible because of relieving incisions, triangular with just one
tions with uninstrumented canals may face an extensive intracoronal/extra coronal or, if the flap can be mobilised sufficiently,
a much poor prognosis and cannot be man- restoration it may be possible to access the lesion with-
aged successfully in all cases. Consideration • There is a large defect preventing control out a relieving incision (Figs 21a‑d). In cases
should be given to the options of apical over materials where the lesion is located more apically it
Perforations can result in chronic infection
and ultimately tooth loss. Prevention of
iatrogenic damage is an essential part of
all healthcare interventions. Table 2 con-
tains some tips on good preventive strate-
gies. Nonetheless, perforations can and do
occur for a variety of reasons. It is essential
the clinician recognises when a perforation
has occurred and has knowledge of the best
strategy for correcting the damage. A refer-
ral to a more experienced colleague may
result in a delay in treatment, which may
have serious impact upon the outcome of
treatment, therefore, all clinicians should
consider immediate repair with the appro-
priate materials. Patients must be informed
that long standing perforations may be
unpredictable to repair and consent must
include the risks and benefits of either leav-
ing the tooth unrepaired or extraction and
prosthetic replacement.
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