Development of Ultra High Performance Concrete Using Microfine and GGBS

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of Ultra High Performance Concrete

using Microfine and GGBS
Hitesh Makad Pradyumn Dashora
Civil Engineering Department Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department
Pacific University, Udaipur, Rajasthan Pacific University, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Abstract: - Ultra high performance concrete is advanced maximum compressive strength could achieve 15 MPa to 20
level of concrete which possesses compressive strength in MPa only but now it has become very high like 80 Mpa to
excess of 60 MPa. UHPC having good mechanical 100 MPa and even more. There is a increase in the strength
strength and durability. This provides long service life to along with the performance of the concrete and it’s safe to
the constructed structure with higher level of use and have highly attracted the construction industry for
performance in terms of durability, performance, concrete uses.
maintenance etc. In the present study the development
of ultra high performance concrete by using Microfine Because of the high costing the use of ultra high
and ground granulated blast furnace slag are used as a performance concrete is limited and the design codes which
replacement of binding agent cement. The main aim is to provide information regarding designing of ultra high
develop Ultra high performance concrete which can give performance concrete are also limited. To reduce the initial
higher durability with greater performance and less cost of ultra high performance concrete Microfine and
maintenance of concrete during the service life of the Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag have been
structure. Ultra High Performance Concrete can also incorporated. Basically GGBS and Microfine are the waste
fulfill the requirement of architecture because it can be by product of Steel Manufacture industry. These are capable
used for elevation design to make elevation more enough to enhance the strength and durability of concrete.
attractive and aesthetic along with that it also covers
For achieving higher ductility, small fraction of Steel
resistance against buckling behavior so that it will not
buckle in case of Slender column. fiber can be used. These waste materials having
homogeneous structure and can provide homogeneity to the
Keywords:- Mechanical Properties; Compressive Strength; concrete.
Split Tensile Strength; Ground Granulated Blast Furnace
Slag; Microfine etc. II. MATERIALS

a. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) and
The Ultra high performance concrete is the Microfine:
cementitious mixture which provides high mechanical The nano material used in this project is Ground
strength with great performance. The world's population is Granulated Blast Furnace Slag due to their rich mechanical
getting increases very fast and there is requirements of strength and bonding strength along with Microfine for
efficient material in the construction are on the peak improving intermolecular bond between ingredients of
therefore the UHPC having potential to give best results in concrete. GGBS and Microfine added as a replacement of
terms of both strength and performance. Research and Cement with certain percentage depending upon mix design.
development on new UHPC have been running from last 15
years and many researchers have given the solution for the  Physical Composition of GGBS:
proportion from which we can have high performance Color: White
concrete related to strength and serviceability of concrete. Specific Gravity: 2.92
This concrete can be used for Heavy Construction like Bulk Density: 1060-1160 kg/m3 (Loose) and 1260-1360
Bridge, Dams, Flyover, Multi Storey Structure, Road kg/m3
pavement etc. Due to its performance it can create Fineness: > 350 m2/kg
revolution in construction industry.
 Physical Composition of Microfine:
The construction material used to enhance the Fineness: > 550 m2/kg
durability and workability of concrete are different types of Compressive Strength: >15 (in N/mm2 at 28 Days)
fibers, micro fine, Ground granulated blast furnace slag etc. Initial Setting Time: 150 minutes
Concrete is the most popular and most consumed material in Final Setting Time: 180 minutes
the construction industry and it has been used widely since Grain Density: 2.92 kg/m3
the invention of the concrete and that also will be demanded
b. Cement:
in future.
The strength of concrete mainly depend upon the
At the time of invention of concrete nearby around binding material cement. The Ultra high performance
1960’s the starting progress was very slow because the concrete must needed use of ordinary Portland cement of

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
high quality. The quality of cement directly affects the been performed on coarse and fine aggregate to make it
strength of concrete and its durability. The physical and suitable for Ultra high performance concrete.
chemical property of the cement having predominant role in
the performance of the concrete. Following are the key Aggregates having predominant role in strength and
factors which are needed in the cement for achieving Ultra durability of concrete. The bifurcation of the aggregate are
high performance concrete. carried out by using Indian standard suggestions like if the
particle size of the aggregate is less than 4.75 mm then it is
Cement Grade: Ordinary Portland Cement 53 – ACC categorized as fine aggregate and if the particle size are
Conforming IS: 269 more than 4.75 mm then aggregates are categorized as
Minimum Compressive Strength (7 Days): 29.7 coarse aggregate.
Air Content in mortar: between 5 to 15% d. Admixture:
In this study, the strength enhancer and water amout
The Portland cement of grade 53 was used in this reducer admixture is used. Perma Plast PC-405 admixture is
study. All the experiments were performed as per IS used with the mixture. As per the suggestion or
12269:2013. Various test performed on the cement like recommendation the minimum dose of admixture must be in
normal consistency, fineness, initial setting time and final the range of 0.2 to 1.5 % by weight of cement content. The
setting time as per Indian standard. dose of admixture should not be less or more than the range
otherwise it would have diverse results in final observation.
c. Fine and Coarse Aggregate:
The distribution of aggregate normally creates III. METHODS AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA
uniformity in the concrete mix. The workability of concrete
depends on the fine aggregate and coarse aggregate A. Concrete Mix Design:
dispersion in the concrete. If the sand having sticky property Mix design was done as per Indian Standard 10262:2009
then it will give the minimum compressive strength and with incorporation of GGBS and Microfine in certain % as a
workability to the concrete. The suitable range of fineness trial mixture.
modulus for sand is 2.5 to 3.2 for Ultra high performance
concrete. By crushing stones the coarse aggregate are Testing:
obtained generally and having key role in the workability a. Compressive Strength Test:
and compressive strength in the concrete. Many tests have The Following data were observed as per mix design
and proportion calculated.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Mix W/C GGBS Micro fine Compressive Strength in N/mm2

Design Ratio (%) (%) 3 days 7 days 14 days 28 days
10 10 16.2 27.5 39.8 42.5
15 10 17.5 28.6 41.2 43.5
M50 0.35 20 10 18.5 32.4 42.3 45.8
30 10 21.1 36.2 47.3 51.5
40 10 19.5 33.2 43.2 45.1
10 10 10.2 21.2 31.4 33.5
15 10 11.5 23.4 32.6 35.1
M40 0.35 20 10 14.2 25.4 34.5 38.0
30 10 16.1 27.4 37.5 42.2
40 10 14.1 24.2 33.2 37.5
Table 1: Compressive Strength Test Values of M50 and M40

Graph-1 Compressive Strength data comparison for Mix-50

Graph-2 Compressive Strength data comparison for Mix-40

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Graph-3 Comparative Graph for CS of Mix-40 and Mix-50

b. Split Tensile Strength Test: diameter. For this test various equipments and tools are used
This Test is performed to determine the split like grinding machine, compressive strength machine,
tensile strength of concrete. A Cylindrical mould is prepared capping fixture, PI tape, Ruler etc.
having size 150 mm diameter and 300 mm length as per
Indian Standard Specifications. After Preparing Specimen is The Loads are applied as triaxial compression and it is
prepared, the loads are applied on it across the vertical applied until the tensile load failure point reaches.

Split Tensile Strength Value in (N/mm2)

Mix Proportion
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Mix 50 (W/C = 0.35)
+ 5.40 7.00 7.75
GGBS (30%) and Microfine (10%)
Mix 40 (W/C = 0.35)
+ 4.12 5.63 6.45
GGBS (30%) and Microfine (10%)
Table 2: Split Tensile Strength on different trials

c. Flexural Strength Test: mould is poured with concrete mix and further this specimen
Flexural strength test is used to find out tensile is placed to perform three point load experiment. The
property of the concrete. The core concept behind this test is loading conditions are applied at one third and two third by
to determine how much load the beam can resist under the total length of the specimen. Tests are always performed
bending. For performing this test, specimen is prepared after the minimum curing required as per the Indian
having size 150 mm x 150 mm and length 700 mm. This Standard.

Flexural Tensile Strength Value in (N/mm2)

Mix Proportion
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Mix-50 (W/C = 0.35)
+ 5.92 7.75 9.40
GGBS (30%) and Microfine (10%)
Mix-40 (W/C = 0.35)
+ 4.55 6.24 6.92
GGBS (30%) and Microfine (10%)
Table 3: Flexural Tensile Strength on different trial

d. Rebound Hammer test: experiment instrument is used in which a plunger is fitted

Rebound hammer test comes under non-destructive and it is connected to a spring that used to control the mass.
test in which compressive strength of the concrete is After that marking is done on the surface and the minimum
identified without any dismantle of concrete. horizontal distance between two marks must be 25 mm.
From the end of the surface it must be 50 mm. we need to
This test is used to assess the durability workability impose total 10 numbers of marking on the surface of
and consistency of concrete. it is the one of the convenient concrete to identify the compressive strength by using by
method used to determine the compressive strength of performing rebound hammer test.
concrete without any physical destruction. In this

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Graph-4 Comparison of CS at 0 and 90 degree.

e. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: by the ultrasonic wave is more that means there is something
The ultrasonic pulse velocity test is also comes under which is uniform and well organize structure. If the time
non destructive test. This test is used to determine the taken by the wave is less that means there is something
quality of concrete in terms of uniformity and consistency of which is not well organized or disturbed arrangement of
mix. In this experiment, Ultrasonic waves passes through the mixture ingredient. Further, there is no need to disintegrate
concrete specimen and the time taken by the Ultrasonic the structure to determine these values.
waves to pass that specimen is noted. If the time consumed

Pulse Velocity (Km/Sec) Concrete Quality

Spot No.
Direct Method Semi Direct Method
1 4.05 4.00
2 4.25 3.95
3 3.80 3.91
4 4.17 4.20
5 4.3 3.99
Table 4: Pulse Velocity test Observations

IV. CONCLUSIONS  UHPC is also capable to protect itself from corrosion and
acid Attack..
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