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Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Concrete by Using Nanoparticles

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Enhancement of Mechanical Properties

of Concrete by using Nanoparticles
Jamana Shankar Sharma Pradyumn Dashora
Civil Engineering Department Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department
Pacific University Pacific University
Udaipur, Rajasthan Udaipur, Rajasthan

Abstract:- The Nano Technology is one of the emerging properties of concrete can be improved like compressive
field in Civil Engineering as well as other domains too. strength, ductility, tensile strength etc. The enhancement of
The Nano technology offers us sustainable materials durability takes place because of using very tiny particles
which are cost effective and eco friendly, can be used in which are capable to improve the surface area of concrete.
various forms. In present scenario many researchers are Along with that there will be reduction of permeability of
working for construction material to enhance the concrete and enhancement of shrinkage property too.
durability and mechanical strength of existing material
by using nano material like nano silica, Alumina etc. In the series of nano particle, the nano silica and
aluminum oxide are predominantly used to enhance the
Nano technology can be utilized for many physical and chemical properties of concrete. That also
applications in construction but mainly used in provides greater stability against few phenomenons like
Structural Engineering. We can enhance the production sulphate attack, abrasion of material, corrosion etc. The
of industry by reducing the problems faced at present Nano Technology is having lead role in the development of
time with a cost effective manner. Construction Industry concrete and improving the feasibility area of using concrete
is one of the major sectors where this can be very with greater advantages.
beneficial on broad scale.
Keywords:- Nano-technology; Nano-Silica; Mechanical
Properties; Compressive Strength; Split Tensile Strength. A. Materials
a) Nano Material:
I. INTRODUCTION Nano Silica (SiO2) have been used in this study
because of having excellent bonding property and its
The nanotechnology is new emerging technology. In mechanical strength as well. The reactivity of nano material
this new emerging technology, the particles have been used is very high therefore the high surface area to volume ratio
which having size in between 1 to 100 nano meter. These is the key value that we need to consider in mix design.
are used enhance the workability and stability of concrete.
Nano size particles are made up of thousands of atom The uses of nano material with concrete are increasing
combined in the form of a particular group. We can control widely. Further there is much need to observe and make it
the size, shape and % of content in mix design for better possible for industry ready. By trial and error and observing
outcome of the study. This technology basically deals with ample amount of observation, trying to reach as per the
the micro structure of concrete and bonding between the vision to adopt this new technology.
different elements used to prepare it. The molecular study of
design mix is carried out by advance techniques and Density of Nano Silica: 2634 kg/m3
technology. Size of particles: Less than 15 Micron
Molar Mass of SiO2: 59.0843 g/mol
The physical and chemical properties of nano particles
having great impact on performance of concrete. The main Nano silica is used because of having excellent add as
advantage of nano particles is to increase the surface area of your property and further add this to sealant can be
concrete as comparison with normal design mix. It is the converted into net structure. The particles of Nanosilica are
multidimensional approach to get the better out come and too small therefore it is used to improve the effect of
based on pure trial and error method. Many researchers have bonding between the particles used in the mix. Because of
been working on this new technique and trying to expand the development of new material like hydrophobic Silicon
the scope and uses of concrete in construction industry. It oxide these address can be easily joined with different
requires definitely a multidisciplinary approach by the material like plastic magnesium and iron.
experts, scientist and researchers etc.
The nano silica particles having large specific area.
One of the main advantages of using this concrete is The porosity of the nano silica particles also very high and
that it reduces the energy consumption and the overall good surface activity. it has power to use this as a catalyst to
performance of concrete also increases by incorporating enhance the performance of concrete in extraordinary
nano particles. The Nano technology is mainly based on two manner. As reinforcing agent Silicon dioxide nanoparticles
criteria i.e. Self Sensing Capacity and Self Powered are used. it is also anti aging and changes color and can
Property. By adding nano particles, various mechanical produce different color adhesive material.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The Silicon dioxide having some rheological properties d) Admixture:
therefore it is used to protect the material from corrosion To increase the stability and higher Cohesion
phenomena and silica is highly Effective bonding material between the ingredients of the concrete, we used high water
which having ingredient including pozzolonic element reducer and high performance admixture. The chemical
which is very fine material and this material can also have a admixtures must be added in the range of 0.2 to 1.5 % by
good impact on concrete to increase durability and weight of cement. The dose of admixture must not be added
mechanical strength of concrete. more or less than the requirement otherwise adverse effect
on the concrete can be seen immediately or after some time.
b) Cement: We have used Conproof Superplast R301 – Superplasticizer
Portland cement of good quality is required to fulfill for reducing water and increasing the strength of Concrete.
requirement of designing concrete using Nano silica. The
good quality of cement enhances the workability and III. METHODS AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA
strength of concrete. If there is some fault in the cement
quality then there will be definitely fluctuations in achieving A. Concrete Mix Design
compressive strength and its performance. The criteria of the In the concrete mix design, the water cement ratio is the
cement which is the basic requirement are given below: key factor which is having greater impact on the strength of
the concrete we have used. Total three different water
Maximum Fineness: 4000 gm/cm2. cement ratio has taken in this study for the development of
Minimum 7 days Mortar cube strength: 29.27 N/mm2 durable and stable concrete. The value of water cement ratio
Mortar Air Content: 8-10 % is taken in this study as 0.4, 0.3 and 0.25 and for that we
have casted nine cubes to determine the compressive
c) Fine and Coarse Aggregate: strength after 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days to study
The quality of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate the outcome and behavior of concrete for a particular mix
directly depends on the quality and property of the material. that we have design. We also got the information and
The mixing of fine and coarse aggregate must be in a observation about effect of Nano silica on mechanical
particular manner; so, the target strength can be achieved. strength of the concrete.
The concrete strength depends on the uniformity of material.
The fineness modulus of the fine aggregate is in between 2.5 The nano silica is added 10% and 15% with the
to 3.5. The Concrete must be given particular vibration for replacement of cement. In both proportion concrete cubes
equal distribution of the material. The aggregate having were casted and tested the compressive strength. The
sizes 10 mm are used in this study and that was locally compressive strength data have been taken after 7 days 14
available in the market. days 21 days and 28 days. Further, comparative study was
done and mix design was done as per Indian Standard
10262:2009 confirming all the criteria suggested in the code.
a) Compressive Strength Test:
The Following data were observed as per mix design and proportion calculated.

Mix Design Nano W/C Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube (N/mm2)

Proportion Silica (%) Ratio 7 Days 14 Days 21 Days 28 Days
M-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 0.4 26.2 35.5 38.2 44.25
Conventional 0 0.3 30.5 40.25 42.5 48.5
Concrete 0.25 24 33.25 37.7 42.5
0.4 27.5 37.25 42.5 45.25
M-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 10 0.3 32.5 41.25 45.2 52.2
0.25 25.2 35.2 39.5 43.25
0.4 25.3 35.2 40.2 42.25
M-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 15 0.3 30.4 36.5 40.5 43.5
0.25 25.5 34.6 40.5 42.5

Table 1: Compressive Strength Testing Observations of Concrete on different Proportion

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Graph 1:- CS comparison graph with different W/C ratio

b) Split Tensile Strength Test: prepared firs. The diameter of the cylindrical mould used in
This test is used to determine the tensile strength of this test is 150 mm and length 300 mm as per Indian
concrete. The test is performed on concrete cylinder and the Standard specification. During the process various tools are
values are taken across the vertical diameter of that cylinder needed like diamond, grinding machine, compressive testing
by applying loads as per the mix design. The specimen is machine, cap fixture, PI tape, ruler etc.

Replacement of Split Tensile Strength Values in

Mix Proportion Cement by Nano (N/mm2)
Silica (%) 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Mix-50 (0.75:1:1.25)
00 4.47 6.08 7.29
Conventional Concrete
Mix-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 10 4.85 6.18 7.78
Mix-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 15 4.35 5.50 6.30
Table 2: Split tensile strength on different trials

d) Flexural Strength Test: and two third span of the total length of the specimen. Beam
This test is used to calculate the tensile strength of is tested as per the wet standard of the concrete.
concrete. Mainly we calculate how much load can be
resisted by a beam under bending. For performing this The Ultimate load is observed where the specimen
experiment, a mould is taken having size 150 mm x 150 mm fails under given loading condition and finally modulus of
and length 700 mm. This test is mainly performed on three rupture is calculated.
point loading phenomena. The loads are applied at one third

Flexural Tensile Strength Value

Nano Silica (%)
Mix Proportion (N/mm2)
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Mix-50 (0.75:1:1.25)
00 6.10 8.00 9.70
Conventional Concrete
Mix-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 10 6.50 8.25 10.55
Mix-50 (0.75:1:1.25) 15 6.00 7.30 8.70

e) Rebound Hammer test: Schmidt hammer with controlled spring mass that slide on
Rebound hammer test is the Non Destructive Test the instrument member that is called plunger.
which is used to calculate compressive strength of the
concrete member without dismantles. This is also called as

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Graph 2:- Comparison between Rebound Hammer Result

f) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: concrete and it's uniformity of ingredient. If the higher
This test is performed to assess the quality of velocities achieve that means the concrete mass is not good
concrete in terms of uniform mass, mass density, equal enough and if the lower velocity achieved that means the
distribution of material. This method is mainly based on concrete mass having uniformity in all the dimensions. This
Ultrasonic waves passes through to the concrete member test is performed without any physical disintegration of
and the time taken in this process shows the quality of concrete member.

Pulse Velocity Value (Km/Sec)

Specimen No. Quality Grade
Direct Method Semi Direct Method
1 4.1 4.1 Good
2 4.2 3.9 Good
3 3.9 3.7 Good
4 4.0 4.1 Good
5 4.0 3.2 Good
Table 4: Pulse Velocity Test observations and Result


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