Introduction To Culture, Society, and Politics Anthropology
Introduction To Culture, Society, and Politics Anthropology
Introduction To Culture, Society, and Politics Anthropology
American Anthropological Association simply defines
Anthropology as the study of what makes us human. It
is the systematic study of the biological, cultural, and
Culture and Society social aspects of man. It is derived from the two Greek
Culture is generally understood as a general concept that words, Anthropos, which means “Man” and Logos,
pertains to beliefs and practices, customs, and traditions, which means “Study.” Anthropology is sub-divided into
as well as all other institutions and achievements of four main fields namely Archeology, Biological
people belonging to a group. Culture defines and gives Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistic
meaning to how society functions. In this lesson, you Anthropology. Archeology mainly focuses on studying
will be introduced to the concept of culture and society. human culture by analyzing objects produced by
To learn more about this concept and its relationship humans. Archeologists study remains of plants, animals,
with society, kindly watch the educational video and soil from early people who lived to understand their
published in Canvas. way of life. They provide an explanation of the
differences and similarities in human society across
Social Science and its difference to Natural Science space and time. Biological Anthropology, on the other
and other disciplines hand, examines how culture and biology work together
to shape human lives. It aims to study how humans
The sociologist William Dilthey famously argued the evolved from other animals as well as their adaptation to
distinction between natural science different environments.
or Naturwissenschaften and social science
or Geisteswissenchaften. Natural science, according Cultural or Socio-cultural Anthropology focuses
to Lidoux (2002), is a “discipline that deals [s] only with on understanding how people in different places live,
natural events (i.e. independent and dependent variables understand, and give meaning to the world around
in nature) using scientific methods. According them. It covers studying rules made by communities,
to Büchel (1992), the birth of natural science is marked ways of interactions, behaviors, and all other aspects of
by changing world views introduced by Renaissance culture. Lastly, Linguistic Anthropology studies the
thinkers who questioned earlier explanations about the many ways of people to communicate. It puts emphasis
world and turned to more systematic methods of on the importance of language and
investigation. Early leaders of this Scientific communication in shaping identity, creating meanings,
Revolution included Copernicus and Galileo who were and changes in society.
concerned with problems from disciplines including
astronomy and physics, among others. Sociology
On the other hand, the disciplines of social sciences are Sociology is defined by Anthony Giddens as “the study
viewed as those that deal with “human society, societal of human social life, groups, and society.” In this
groups, individuals in their relationships with others or academic discipline, it provides a deeper assessment of
institutions of societies and material goods as an individual or group behavior, as well as social
expression of human cohabitation.” Social science is an phenomena. In sociology, sociologists examine the
umbrella terminology that pertains to any discipline of dynamics of different parts of societies such as
science that studies human behavior in its social and institutions, communities, populations, and gender,
cultural aspects (Nisbet, n.d.) As late as the 19th century, racial, and age groups (Form & Faris, n.d.). Some of the
through the sociological research of Emile Durkheim sub-fields in Sociology are Political Sociology, Urban
and Auguste Comte marked the influence of social Sociology, and Sociology of Gender. Political
science as a perennial field of inquiry. The identification Sociology provides sociological analysis on power
of branches in social sciences varies from one author to relations as well as various institutions in society such as
another. However, the most prominent academic the government, civil society, family among
disciplines in the social sciences which will be utilized to others. Urban Sociology is a sociological study of cities
examine culture, society, and politics are the following: or metropolitan areas—the life and interaction of people
(1) Anthropology; (2) Sociology; and (3) —to understand the structures, processes, changes, and
Political Science. To learn more aboout the difference problems that would help in effective urban planning
between Social Science, Natural Science, and other and policymaking. Sociology of Gender, on the other
disciplines, kindly watch the learning material uploaded hand, examines how society perceives masculinity and
in Canvas. femininity and how it influences gender roles, identity,
social dynamics, and practices.
Political Science
Social stratification
Political Sciences is the systematic study of politics, stratification Interest groups
which Andrew Heywood describes as “the activity Race and
through which people make, preserve, and amend the Sex, gender, and ethnicity Elections
general rules under which they live.” It focuses on the culture
Social Legislatives,
fundamental values of equality, freedom, and
Associations and institutions executives,
justice. Traditionally, it is a study of government affairs
interest groups judiciaries
and its organs but according to Michael Roskin (n.d.) the (families,
contemporary discipline of Political Science deals with Religion religion, Political economy
the broader field of study that includes societal, cultural, education,
and psychological factors that affect political relations in The arts government) International
all level from state to personal level. Some of the fields relations
in Political Sciences include International Cultural change Social change
Relations, Public Policy, and Comparative Politics.
International Relations is the study of relations among
States, international institutions, and certain subnational Source: Ember,
entities i.e. political parties, civil society, and Ember & Macionis (2010, Roskin et. al
government agencies (Pfaltzgraff & McClelland, Peregrine (2002, p. vii) (2014)
n.d.). Public policy explores the relationship between pp. iii.iv)
political processes and policy outcomes. Lastly,
Comparative Politics is a discipline in Political Science Several key thinkers have shaped the development of
that involved cross-national and area studies approach as social science as a field:
well as a comparative method to explore and analyze
politics within and between countries. It studies political 1. Georg Simmel– a German sociologist who
institutions, behaviors, power relations, among others. characterized the modern period as the
“tragedy of culture.” Key concepts:
dialectical method in sociology.
2. Max Weber- the pioneer of Interpretive
Sociology. Key concepts: subjective
understanding, direct observational
understanding, explanatory understanding.
3. Emile Durkheim– the pioneer of
Functionalism in Sociology. Key concepts:
social facts, social solidarity, division of
labor, social integration.
4. Karl Marx– considered as the Father of
Scientific Socialism. Key concepts:
capitalism, petit bourgeoisie, the proletariat,
Let us now look at the correlations of these three 5. Franz Boas– Father of American
disciplines (Nuncio, et. al, 2016): Anthropology. Key concepts: a scientific
method for human cultures and societies.
6. Auguste Comte– often regarded as the
Anthropology Sociology Political Science Father of Sociology who coined the term
“sociology.” Key concepts: social statics
Genetics and Culture, society Ideologies and social dynamics.
Socialization States and (UNIT II Culture and Society)
Cultural constitutions
Variations Groups & LESSON 1
organizations Regimes and
Concept of culture political culture BECOMING A MEMBER OF A SOCIETY
Communication inequality Political Personality and character are molded, shaped, and
and language communication reshaped by the society where we live. These societies
Gender differ in nature. There are societies that are democratic,
while others are authoritarian. Being situated in one of she is immersed (Ariola, 2016). It is in this process
these societies, learning and acquiring skills, values, and where the individual learns a culture through experience
culture of the place is an inevitable process. One starts to and observation. While socialization refers to the general
perceive himself in relation to others. This is the process process of acquiring culture, anthropologists use the
of self-realization and self-concept development. term enculturation for the process of being socialized to
a particular culture.
The Social Process
Thus, the process of socialization and enculturation are
important elements of the formation of one’s identity.
According to Dr. Mariano Ariola (2012), the social
Now that we have learned the significance of
process is a long and complicated way of being inducted
socialization and enculturation, let us take a look at their
into a group whereby the individual interacts and learns
role in the process of one’s identity formation.
the physical, intellectual and social skills, values, and
culture of the society where he is a member. It begins at Identity Formation
birth and continues throughout life.
According to the great political philosopher John Locke,
In this process, an individual relates himself to people. human beings are born into this world in the state
These people can either be his parents, friends, of “tabula rasa” or an empty slate. One is a blank
neighbors, teachers, political or religious leaders of his canvass. Human infants are born without any culture,
community, etc. An individual is influenced by the identity, or self-awareness. How can self-awareness
people around him through listening, observing, and come about when one doesn’t even have a consciousness
imitating. Some behaviors and values of the people of it? Our identity is a product of development. Let
around him are accepted and internalized to form a part us take a look at the stages of this development:
of his personality and character, while some of these are
left out and rejected. 1. Imitation Stage– As a new member of
Socialization and Enculturation society, the child is powerless. His thoughts,
feelings, actions, and activities depend upon
Every individual goes through the process of learning the teaching and examples by the members
the necessary social roles and skills before he becomes a of the family. Likewise, the child takes on
member of society. The process of learning these skills and copy the habits and activities of the
and social roles is called socialization. parents and siblings by subconscious
conformity without understanding the
In their book, Understanding Culture, Society, and meaning and significance of the action.
Politics, Lanuza and Raymundo (2016) notes 2. Play Stage– The child plays different roles
that socialization is traditionally seen as a one-way and assumes like a father, mother,
process in which society molds an individual to conform physician, teacher, student, etc. The child’s
to established social norms and rules. The process of development of self-concept is conceived by
socialization, therefore, has an extensive role in the other people.
society. For instance, “if all competent members of 3. Game Stage– The child acts as a member of
society are successfully socialized to respect traffic a team. This is the stage where he develops
rules, then there will be no road accidents. If all boys or a self-concept consistent with the
girls are successfully socialized to become either straight expectations of all others—the generalized
male or female, then there will be no sexual deviations. others. (Ariola, 2012).
So, the deterministic argument goes.”
In a similar opinion, Ariola (2016) agrees that successful In general, an identity designates a commonly
socialization can result in uniformity within a society. If recognized set of persons. The terms physician, school
all children receive the same socialization, it is likely teacher, janitor, professional athlete, and criminal all
that they will share the same beliefs and expectations. refer to recognized sets of persons. Each constitutes a
Government and social institutions have often used the social position. Each social position is said to exhibit a
process of socialization to elicit and create an ordered characteristic role. People who share roles are also likely
society. It can be a powerful tool for controlling people. to share a common identity.
Aside from the process of socialization, one also Roles and Status
develops self-identity through enculturation. When an individual starts to develop, he becomes
Enculturation is the process by which an individual acquainted with his own understanding of himself. This
adopts the behavior patterns of the culture in which he or stage helps one to build his individual distinct
personality, which is regarded as an entity by which a
person is recognized or known. Personality helps other of "civil inattention"—when we politely ignore others
people recognize who we are, and in turn, it also helps us around us in public settings.
to create a distinct picture of who others are for us. This
process clearly helps define an individual to others and Those who constantly violate folkways – such as, by
themselves. talking loudly in quiet places, wearing different socks on
each foot – may appear odd. We may avoid these people,
When one has a clear idea of the group where he but we do not consider them wicked or immoral.
belongs, his role and status in such a group become
clearly distinct. For instance, one is aware that he 2. Mores – on the other hand, have great moral
belongs to a certain family so he becomes aware that he significance attached to them. This relation exists
is either a son or a daughter to his parents or sibling to because the violation of such rules endangers
his younger brother or sister. Status and social roles are society.
important components of a social structure. For example, dishonesty, fraud, and murder all greatly
“Status refers particularly to a position in the social threaten society.
structure or any social position where a person fits
within the society” (Ariola, 2016). For example, being a Societies have established punishments for violating
student, teacher, principal, supervisor, president, and mores in order to protect the social well-being. These
social worker. Status can either be achieved or serious mores are formalized as laws – written rules of
ascribed. An achieved status is open to any individual conducted enacted or enforced by the
through his effort, talent, income, or by marriage. An government. Most laws enforce mores essential to
ascribed status is acquired at birth or assigned or social stability, such as those against arson, murder,
involuntarily assumed later without effort. rape, and theft. However, laws may also enforce less
Moreover, role refers to patterns of expected behavior severe folkways, such as not parking in spaces for
attached to a particular status. A soldier, for example, is drivers with disabilities.
expected of various roles to protect the country where he
serves. Values are shared beliefs about what is good or bad,
right or wrong, desirable or undesirable (Serapio, 2016).
Norms, Laws, and Values The type of values held by a group help to determine the
character of its people and the kind of culture they
According to Cruz, Laguna, and Raymundo create. A society that values war and displays of physical
(2001), Filipino parents instill norms and values in their strength above all else will be very different from one
children according to the expectations of society. They that places emphasis on cooperation and sharing.
do this by direct supervision and control of their
children’s activities and associations.
All groups create norms to enforce their cultural values.
“Norms are shared rules of conduct that tell people how As we have stated earlier in the previous item,
to act in specific situations” (Serapio, 2016). It is socialization is not a one-way process in which the
important to keep in mind that norms are expectations of potential members of society are indoctrinated to follow
behavior, not actual governing certain behaviors does the rules and norms of society. In this process, a person
not necessarily mean that the actions of all individuals also exercises his human capacity to decide for himself
will be in line with those norms. whether to accept the beliefs and sets of cultural beliefs
whereby he is being socialized. There are times when a
According to Serapio (2016), there are two types of person develops a “resistance” to the process of
Norms: socialization. Here one develops a rebellious attitude
towards norms and rules.
1. Folkways – are norms that describe socially
acceptable behavior but do not have great moral According to Lanuza (2016), when daily resistance of
significance attached to them. In essence, they outline people against a social norm or regulation breaks into a
the common customs of everyday life. moral panic, it turns into a form of
deviance. Deviance is often characterized as a violation
A common example of a folkway is the practice, in of widely held rules and norms of a group that calls for
many societies, of waiting in line. This practice brings censure, punishment or condemnation of the violator.
order to the process of buying things or receiving However, deviance is also a relative concept and may be
services, allowing us to more easily perform the tasks of subject to change from time to time. It is characterized
our daily lives. Other examples of folkways include the by the following:
concept of appropriate dress, the practice of raising one's
hand to take turns speaking in a group, and the practice
1. It is understood within its social context. is important in order that the operation of the group
A woman’s nude picture displayed in social media may
be a form of deviance and characterized as pornography, LESSON 2
but when displayed in an art exhibit it is not. HOW SOCIETY IS ORGANIZED
2. Deviance may change over time. Each man lives and interacts with others for survival and
Gambling is not deviance when no law prohibits it. But through the influence of these people, he acquires his
when a law prohibits it, doing it is deviance. identity and develops his personality. Man is always a
member of a social group. According to Ariola (2016), a
3. Deviance depends upon the status and role of a group can be defined as:
1. Composed of two or more persons interacting with
A Christian Filipino man who marries twice is deviance each other with an established set of norms.
but a Filipino Muslim who does it provided he can 2. A specified number of individuals whereby one is
support the other is not deviance. distinct from the others with respect to values,
4. Deviance depends on the audience norms attitudes, knowledge but have a common purpose as a
A minor who is drinking alcohol is a deviant but not in 3. A set of individuals with some similar characteristics
the case of an adult doing the same. and minimum awareness of others.
There are sociological theories about why deviance With these definitions, we realize that in order for a
occurs in society. Some noteworthy theories are those group to continue to exist, it is necessary that the group
that follow: is comprised of members. Members can either be two or
three people with a sense of proximity, the similarity of
Strain Theory – In this theory created by Robert
traits, the common sense of identity, values, and norms
Merton, unequal access to the attainment of
and most importantly have the interaction and
financial success and other environmental
communication necessary for members.
resources causes deviance among members.
Control Theory – According to Travis Hirschi, In the same way, we have known that a society is a
lack of intimate social ties among people causes group involved in persistent social interaction, or a large
deviance to occur in society. If social ties that social grouping having the same geographical or social
call for conformity are weak then social territory, typically subject to the same political authority
deviance have a greater chance to occur. and dominant cultural expectation.
Conflict Theory – According to Richard
Quinney, the proponent of this theory, some Let us explore the essential elements of the social
laws protect the capitalist. Because of this, there group:
is a conflict between the ruling class and the
subordinate class in society. 1. A group must have relative
Power Theory – According to Thio, the permanence. For a group to be recognized,
proponent of this theory, powerful people, it should have a fixed duration of existence.
especially those occupying high positions, have The duration of a group usually depends
greater opportunities for deviance. This explains upon the closeness of relationships among
the fact of corruption among people with high the members of the group as well as its
positions. purpose.
Social Learning Theory – according to this 2. A group must have a relative purpose of
theory, the individual’s deviant behavior is the existence. Groups exist because their
result of reward or punishment, direct members have a purpose that each member
conditioning, imitation, or modeling the recognizes as their own. The group has a
behavior of others. purpose and individual members bind
themselves to this purpose in a manner that
In contrary to deviance, a person also chooses to directs their action.
conform to set or rules and actions that society has laid 3. A group must have a method of
out. Here, one learns how to accept one’s group’s course recruiting members into it. Individuals
of action to reach a consensus. According who comprise the group where
to Ariola (2016), conformity occurs when the members they belong are the reason why groups exist.
choose the course of action that the majority favors. This
That is why it is important for a group to group as the nursery of human nature
secure the basis and means of accepting because it is where the child is first
individuals as new members. Each socialized, acquires and experiences love,
individual must conform to the goals and affection, tolerance, kindness, loyalty,
values of the group. fairness, and a sense of justice.
4. Members in a group must be identified 2. Secondary Group – This group is
according to their position. Members in a characterized by impersonal, business-like
group have ranks or positions in that group. interaction, contractual, formal, and casual
They are identified by the position that they relationships. Here members tend to focus
play or possess. on the development of skills to attain a
5. Members must have a role in a group. An goal. Examples of this group would be
individual plays a social role when he employment, vendor-to-client relationship,
belongs to a group. The performance of his etc.
social role affects the dynamics of the
group. Other groups and Networks
6. A group must have a norm or behavior to
be followed. The actions of members in a 1. Reference Groups
group are controlled by the established
A reference group is a social group that serves as a point
norms of the group. These norms are
of reference in making evaluations and decisions.
binding on all members for the group to
According to Serapio (2016), a reference group
attain its goals.
becomes the individual’s frame of reference and source
7. A group must have common interests or
for ordering his or her experiences, perceptions,
values. What binds the group is the common
cognition, and ideas of self. It also becomes the basis of
interest that each member possesses.
reference in making comparisons and contrasts and in
Without these individuals will split the
evaluating one’s appearance and performance. Examples
group’s sense of belongingness that may
of reference groups are Family, workmates, classmates,
later result in the group’s death.
sports team, and dance group.
8. Social relations must exist among
members of the group. It is not enough for 2. In-group
the group to have a common interest. In
order for groups to survive communication An In-group is a group to which an individual belongs
and interaction is necessary through contact and where he/she can feel a sense of identity. If a person
and mutual reciprocity is a part of the in-group then they are collectively part of
an inner circle of friends. An inner circle may contain
According to Salcedo (2002), the existence of a group is sub-groups within the inner circle including the apex
important because they are the transmitter of culture. (best friends), core (very close friends) outer rim, etc.
Groups relay the intangible and intangible aspects of
3. Out-group
human life through the act of handing down practices,
values, and norms. The group is also a means of social Out-group is a group to which an individual does not
control. It is here that the socialization of the individual belong and to which he/she can feel hostility or a sense
happens while he/she grows up in his own social of competitiveness.
context. Moreso, the group is also a source of ideas. And
it also trains the individual in communication. 4. Social Networks
Now we come to the question of how groups are It means the interconnection, ties, and linkages between
classified. Groups may be classified into two major people, groups, and various larger social institutions to
groups: which they belong. In a highly technological world, one
of the best examples of networks is found in social
1. The primary group – The concept of the media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
primary group is an intimate, personal and With the help of these sites, an individual easily trace
face to face relationship. It includes the and build his own network of people which can be easily
family, neighborhood, and playgroups. The contacted and be mapped. Through these, an individual
concept of the primary group was can easily locate his family or relatives, close friends,
introduced by Charles Cooley, a sociologist acquaintances, and ‘followers.’ Networks or networking
from the Chicago School of is very important for an individual as it connects
Sociology. Cooley describes the primary individuals and various groups within the society for
easy communication and understanding.
Some examples of types of groups include the diversity. A noted Spanish-American biologist Francisco
following: Jose Ayala said that the theory of evolution in biology
suggests that “the various types of plants, animals, and
Peer Group – a group with members of other living things on earth have their origins in other
approximately the same age, social status, and pre-existing types and distinguishable differences are
interests. Generally, people are relatively equal in due to modifications in successive generations.”
terms of power when they interact with their peers. Furthermore, Ayala notes, “biological evolution is a
Clique – a group of people that have many of the process of descent with modifications. Lineages of
same interests & commonly found in high school/ organisms change through generations; diversity arises
college; most of the time they have a name & rules because the lineages that descend from common
for themselves. ancestors diverge through time.” In general, it means
Club – a group, which usually requires one to apply that biological evolution continues to influence the
to become a member. Such clubs may be dedicated development of human interaction.
to particular activities: for example, sporting clubs.
Household – all individuals who live in the same CULTURAL EVOLUTION
Community – a group of people with a It refers to the role of culture in social evolution through
commonality or sometimes a complex net of people’s capacity for language, tool-making, and
overlapping commonalities, often – but not always – technological innovation. In the 1970s, Anthropologists
in proximity with one another with some degree of have introduced the concept of biocultural evolution. It
continuity over time. refers to the mutual interactive evolution of biology and
Squad – usually a small group, of around 3 to 15 culture. It focuses on the idea that biology makes culture
people, who work as a team to accomplish their possible and that developing culture further influences
goals. the direction of biological evolution.
Dyad – a social group with two members. Social
interaction in the dyad is typically more intense than
in larger groups because neither member shares the is defined as the relationship between human biology
other’s attention with anyone else and culture. As humans undergo biological evolution,
Triad – a social group with three members. A triad culture is also changing. According to Charles Darwin
is more stable than a dyad because one member can (1859) in his theory of evolution, present human lineage
act as a mediator should the relationship between the can be traced from ape-like ancestry. This concept gives
other two become strained. focuses on the notion that “biology makes culture
possible and that developing culture further influences
(UNIT III – Human and Social Evolution) the direction of biological evolution.”
LESSON 1 Human behavior is not just the product of culture, and it
is not just the product of biology, either. Human
HUMAN BIOCULTURAL EVOLUTION behavior and human culture emerge from a complex
The publication of ‘On the Origin of Species’ in 1859 by interaction between genetic dispositions and
Charles Darwin has revolutionized the scientific environmental circumstances.
community on how it views human biological HOMINID EVOLUTION (HUMAN EVOLUTION)
development. His idea of evolution challenged the
predominant belief at that period that creatures were Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by
created uniquely with unchanging biological aspects. which people originated from apelike ancestors.
Since the introduction of the concept of human Scientific evidence shows that the physical and
behavioral traits shared by all people originated from
evolution, scientists have used this to explain the
apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of
changes in species, people, community, civilization, and
approximately six million years. Together with the
culture as humans adapt and undergo the process of biological evolution was the development of cultural
change related to the environment or context where they technologies that help early civilizations to become
live in. successful in acquiring resources and surviving
predators. Below are the significant points of biocultural
It is the process where organisms undergo various Toolmaking
genetic and physical changes that results in biological
Early chimpanzee communities were known for using fire for these purposes was 780-400,000 years ago when
stones and woods in hunting animals and gathering some Homo erectus were evolving into Homo heidelbergensis.
food. Usually, chimpanzee tools are small, slender tree The earliest evidence of fire associated with humans was
branches that they use in getting termites and ants for found in Kenya 1.5 million years ago.
Early Modern Human Culture
The first clear stone tool was made and used by early
Australopithecus garthi in East Africa about 2.5 million Around 100,000 years ago, Homo sapiens in Africa and
years ago. Though the earliest sites for these tools are Southwestern Asia made tools similar to those
from the Gona River Region of Ethiopia, simple tools of Neanderthals and other late archaic humans. However,
the same kind were discovered by Mary and Louis 90,000-75,000 years ago, humans began making
Leakey at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania and is associated extremely new kinds of artifacts enough to consider
with Homo habilis. These tools were them into different Paleolithic age— the Upper
named Oldowan tools after the name of the location. Paleolithic. This is the period of technical sophistication
during the Old Stone Age. Most developments were
Aside from stone tools, paleoanthropologists believe that known in Europe but relative developments were also
Homo habilis was able to produce tools out of woods present in West Central Africa like the harpoon-like
and other easy perishable materials that have not bone projective points used at least 75,000 years ago.
survived. Raymond Dart in the 1940s said that Stones prepared for flaking by heat-treating were also
australopithecines and early humans have used body used 70,000 years ago. The most sophisticated tool-
parts of animals as clubs and daggers. He introduced an making tradition during this period is the Magdalenian
early tool-making named osteodontokertic, based on the tradition of Western Europe from 17,000 until the end of
use of bones (osteo), teeth (donto), and horns (keratic). the last ice age 10,000 years ago.
Dart’s idea was rejected by systemic
paleoanthropologists today on the grounds that there is Upper Paleolithic traditions were cultural adaptations to
no sufficient evidence to support his claim that early diverse environments. In temperate regions, specialized
civilization was able to have systematic shaping ability big game hunting was the common subsistence strategy.
and that it is unlikely for early humans to be an As the ice began to melt near the end of the last ice age,
aggressive hunter since primarily they were vegetarians small game and plant food exploitation became
and they only eat meat out of the leftovers of kills increasingly important. During the final glacial melt
abandoned by lions, leopards, and other predators. 5,000 years ago, large mammals became extinct in the
northern hemisphere. It was also the period where
The early Homo erectus have developed what can be fishing spears, hooks, and nets increasingly became
described as advanced oldowan tool-making techniques. common.
By 1.8 million years ago, homo Erectus skills have
increased that they were able to make tools with sharper The Cro-Magnon people during this period increased
and straighter edges but insufficient to be considered as their food supply by developing coordinate group
new tool making tradition. The new tool-making hunting techniques for the killings of large animals. New
tradition is referred to as Acheulian named after specialized hunting weapons were also developed one is
Saint Acheul in Southwest France discovered in the the spear-thrower (atlatl) developed around 17,000-
19th century. Hand axes are considered as perhaps the 15,000 years ago. This was a wooden or bone rod with a
most important of Acheulian tools. The Acheulian hook on one and that fit into a socket at the base of
tradition of tool making began in East and West Africa spear. Toggle-head harpoons were invented during this
1.5 million years ago. It spread to Israel, Southwest Asia, period also while the bow and arrow were invented by
and to Europe. 12,000 years ago or earlier.
Occupation of New Environmental Zones Upper Paleolithic Stone Tool Making Technology
Homo erectus is considered as the first species to expand Blade flake was the basis for many Upper Paleolithic
their range to temperate climatic zones (relatively cold stone tool forms. It is a thin, roughly parallel-sided flake,
winters) from tropical and subtropical environments. twice as long as it is wide; made out of brittle-breaking
One of the important changes may have been increased rock materials such as flint, chert, and obsidian. The
meat consumption. The most difficult challenge for early cross-section is usually either triangular or trapezoidal.
humans who lived in temperature areas was the scarcity Blade flakes were preforms for the manufacture of
of plant food and because of this, meat has been the most different tools such as knives, hide scrapers, spear tips,
important source of calories. Another significant drill, awls, and burin. Tools made out of blade flakes are
development was the ability to use fire for cooking and far more efficient compared to other tools made by
heating. The first convincing evidence of regular use of earlier humans.
Significance of cultural evolution has forged a sense of culture among the
members of the society.
Throughout the time, there is clear evidence of 3. Cultural evolution- It refers to the role of
development in tool making and subsistence from culture in social evolution through people’s
chimpanzee communities to Homo erectus and Homo capacity for language, tool-making, and
sapiens. The discovery of stone tools technological innovation. In the 1970s,
from Oldowan tradition to Acheulian tradition and the Anthropologists have introduced the concept
further development of tool making traditions during the of biocultural evolution. It refers to the
Upper Paleolithic period are manifestations of cultural mutual interactive evolution of biology and
development alongside biological evolution. Culture can culture. It focuses on the idea that biology
affect the direction of human evolution by producing makes culture possible and that developing
non-biological solutions to environmental challenges. culture further influences the direction of
The development of these tools and new methods of biological evolution.
subsistence was not a coincidence or accidental rather a
technological solution for the growing difficulty of The Evolution of Social and Political Institutions
acquiring food (specifically meat) and of survival in (Socio-political Evolution)
Social scientists consider human beings as social beings.
LESSON 2 It is natural for human beings to be inclined to live
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETIES together and to learn from continuous interaction with
one another. There are various theories or views on how
Three types of societal evolution early social and political institutions have developed.
The anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan came up with a
1. Biological evolution- It is the process where view that divided the history into three stages of
organisms undergo various genetic and development: savagery, barbarism, and civilization.
physical changes that results in biological
diversity. A noted Spanish-American Savagery Barbarism Civilization
biologist Francisco Jose Ayala said that the
theory of evolution in biology suggests that
“the various types of plants, animals, and It is the middle
other living things on earth have their stage where people
It is the highest
origins in other pre-existing types and It is the lowest have learned to
stage where
distinguishable differences are due to stage of settle in specific
modifications in successive generations.” areas and have people have
learned writing
Furthermore, Ayala notes, “biological where people are acquired
and where
evolution is a process of descent with in a nomadic and agricultural
modifications. Lineages of organisms hunter-gatherer techniques and
change through generations; diversity arises domestication of further
because the lineages that descend from animals. advances.
common ancestors diverge through time.” In
general, it means that biological evolution
continues to influence the development of
human interaction.
2. Technological evolution- As early human
beings have learned to settle in specific
areas, particularly in areas near the river,
and acquired knowledge in producing their
own food through agriculture, various tools,
and equipment for everyday tasks such as
crop planting, animal husbandry and trade
were discovered and produced. As people Feudal
Tribal Primitive
lived together with these advancements to system/estat Capitalism
Form communal
form a society, shared beliefs, ideas, values, e property
practices, knowledge, and material
properties were accumulated over time that
Has no social Is a product Land With the
classes but of the union ownership development
From hunting-gathering to agricultural then industrial
of societies, social organizations have developed and were
commerce, influenced by the changes in human conditions.
society Band-level societies or “bands”- It refers to the earliest
begun societies composed of small and nomadic family groups.
accumulatin They are believed to be highly egalitarian and
established became the nonhierarchical since distinctions and roles are divided
g capital
based basis of based on age and gender. Leadership was based on
which led to
on kinship. T of several social class qualities such as strength, intelligence, and
a society
he division of tribes either between the trustworthiness. The leader exercises influence over
labor was in by agreement landlord and band members but not the power to enforce rules.
around profit
an or conquest. I the peasant. Decisions made were often centered on the movement to
elementary n this stage, Private another territory, distribution of food, and settlement of
stage with the private property interpersonal conflicts. Disputes are rare because they
. The
hunting property determines are living far from one another. Because of these, band-
assigned to began to the wealth level society was not considered as a political
on of labor
men and develop and and the organization.
into an
domestic slavery power of an
works flourished. individual Tribe- This was a more formal social organization
quantity that
assigned to over the composed of several bands or groups connected through
can be
women. other. a clan structure. The leader or known as headman of a
bought in the
market tribe has more formal power among its members. The
opened the leader took advantage of the kinship ties with other
exploitation members to exercise power and authority. The headman
of the performed duties such as overseeing the planting and
proletariat. harvesting of crops, resolving conflicts and organizing
feasts or celebrations. The emergence of this more
organized organization came during the period of
Herbert Spencer applied Charles Darwin’s theory of agriculture and settlement. The establishment of
evolution to social evolution. For Spencer, every permanent settlements and the invention of tools resulted
member of society engages in competition for survival in more social interaction and assignment of tasks
where superior dominate the inferior. This idea among members. These changes in human society
which was seen as a justification for imperialism was required a new social and political institution resulting in
heavily criticized and gave way for the birth of a non- social inequality, lineage, and kinship ties.
evolutionary perspective in cultural anthropology known
as cultural relativism. Cultural Relativism proposes that Chiefdom- Consisted of tribes united under one leader
societies cannot be classified according to definite or known as chief. In this social organization, there was
absolute stages of development and that no society can more complicated social interaction between members of
claim to be more advanced than other societies. Each tribes as well as a large territory to govern transforming
society must be analyzed according to its own context the role of the leader into more complex responsibilities
and the influence of external factors on its development. with greater power and authority.
Furthermore, cultural relativism advocates the notion
Industrial Revolution
that an individual’s attitude, belief, and ideas are based
on the culture of his or her society. Franz Boas, a leading Industrial Revolution, as characterized in Britannica
proponent of this idea, argued that human behavior is not encyclopedia, is the process of change from an agrarian
rooted in biology but rather socially constructed. and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry
and machine manufacturing. It started in the
Sociologists mainly subscribe to two different ideas on
18th century in Britain then spread to other parts of
the origins of social and political institutions. First, those
Western Europe were changes that happened in the
who subscribe to the idea that evolution occurs based on
technological, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects of
stages of development such as Morgan, Engels and
society. Technological changes include: (1) the use of
Marx; and Second, those who subscribe to the idea that
the iron and steel as basic materials; (2) use of coal, the
one stage does not automatically proceed to another
steam engine, electricity, petroleum and the internal-
stage like Franz Boas.
combustion engine as new energy sources; (3) the
Development of Social organizations invention of machines such as spinning jenny and power
loom for industrial production; (4) the introduction of
factory system work organization which entailed the Thomas Hobbes, the author of Leviathan, is an English
increased division of labor and specialization of philosopher who lived during the most crucial period of
function; (5) Developments in transportation and early England’s history: the era of the English Civil war.
communication including steam locomotive, the Hobbes argued that man by nature is self-interested.
automobile, the airplane, radio and telegraph; Every action that individuals do is motivated solely for
and (6) The increased application of science to industry. the betterment of ourselves and to satisfy, as many as we
can, personal desires. According to Hobbes, individuals
It brought massive changes to the socioeconomic status are willing to submit themselves to political authority
of the people as economic changes resulted in the because given that they are naturally self-interested, they
decline of land as a source of wealth as industrial will submit to a sovereign authority so they can live in a
production increase paying labor with the corresponding civil society where security is guaranteed, which is
wages. Social changes include the growth of cities, the conducive to their own interests. This was explained by
development of working-class movements, and the Hobbes using the concept of State of Nature. The state of
development of new patterns of power and authority. Nature is basically characterized as a situation where
Workers acquired new skills and their working men are more or less equal, there are limited resources,
environment have changed. From working with hand and no power present to force everyone to cooperate.
tools, they have shifted to become machine operators, Given this, the State of Nature would be unbearably
and factory/ industrial disciplines were introduced. brutal, everyone is in fear of losing his life, and long
LESSON 3 term satisfaction of everyone’s needs and desire is
impossible. Because of this, individuals should enter a
THEORIES ON SOCIETY AND STATE social contract that will give them life opposite of what
they might have in the State of Nature. To escape the
Society as a Natural Institution State of nature, they must be willing to form a society
where they will surrender the rights they had against one
Ancient Greek philosophers believed that society and its another in the State of Nature. They must be under
institutions are natural products of human common laws and an enforcement mechanism—
interactions. Aristotle once said that man by nature is a recognition of person or group of persons to have any
political animal and interaction is important as it fulfills authority to enforce the contract— must be established.
certain basic needs. The more complex the needs of an
individual, the more complex interaction it requires. For 2. John Locke (1632-1704)
Aristotle, polis or city-state is the highest form of human
interaction that fulfills man’s self-sufficiency, its highest Locke, an English philosopher, is the author of the Two
need. In explaining the natural order of things in society, Treatises on Government. The first treaty is about
Aristotle used the relationship between master and slave. refuting the idea that political authority was derived
Slaves are expected to perform their duties for their from religious authority while the second treaty contains
masters while freemen are expected to do their duties to Locke’s view of the aims and justification for civil
the state. Aristotle further argued that it is only by living government. Contrary to Hobbes, Locke’s view of State
in a society can a man fulfill his ultimate purpose. of Nature is it is a state with no civil authority to punish
people for transgressions against laws but not a state
Society as a product of Social Contract without morality. For Locke, political society comes into
being when individual men come together and agree to
Another view on the origin and nature of societies and surrender their executive power to punish those who
states is that it is made out of an agreement between the transgress the law of nature and give it to the
members of the society in relation to their government to execute this power. With this, they then
interactions. Social contract as a theory is the view that become subjects to the decision of the majority. With the
a person’s moral and/or political obligations are creation of political society, men then gain things which
dependent upon the agreement among them to form a they do not have in the State of Nature: laws, judges to
society in which they live. Social contract arguments adjudicate the laws, and executive power to enforce the
typically hypothesize that individuals have consented, laws. These are necessary in protecting their life, liberty,
either openly or tacitly, to surrender some of their and property.
freedoms and submit to the authority of the ruler or
magistrate, in exchange for protection of their remaining 3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
rights. Within the theory of social contract, there are
different ideas explaining the nature and substance of it. Rousseau is a French philosopher who lived during the
Three philosophers have significant contributions to this Enlightenment period. Rousseau has two different social
theory. contract theories: Discourse on the Origin and
Foundations of Inequality Among Men and the Second
1. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Discourse. For Rousseau, the State of Nature was a
peaceful and quixotic time. People’s needs were easily Durkheim characterized traditional society as bounded
satisfied by nature. As the human population increased, by mechanical solidarity, the integration of members of
the means to satisfy one’s needs had to change. People a society based on common values, beliefs, and kinship
started to live in communities and the division of labor relationships. Whereas, modern societies are
was introduced. The discoveries and inventions made characterized by organic solidarity, a social integration
life easier creating leisure times. Such leisure times led based on the need of individuals for one another’s
people to compare one another resulting in the services. This type of solidarity emphasizes the division
development of public values. Furthermore, the of labor where individuals function differently but
invention of private property radically changed human interdependently.
evolution from a simple life into a life defined by greed,
competition, vanity, inequality, and vices. To correct Another distinction between traditional and modern
this, men must come together and form a collectivity that society is based on the function of law. In traditional
is more than an individual’s interests and wills. This society, laws were punitive or retributive while in
coverts people to people which is the real foundation of modern society, laws can either be restitutive or
society. Rousseau believed that men are endowed with restorative. Retributive justice means proportionate
freedom and equality by nature, but it has been corrupted punishment to the crime. Retributive justice is different
by our contingent social history. This can be overcome from revenge since it is only directed to wrongdoings,
by invoking our free will and reconstituting ourselves not personal and it follows a process and procedural
politically alongside democratic principles that are standards. On the other hand, restorative justice
beneficial individually and collectively. personalizes the crime by letting the victims and
offenders mediate a restitution agreement to the
Modernization Theories satisfaction of each, as well as the community.
As discussed in the previous lesson, social evolution can
be viewed as a progression of societies from a primitive
stage to a developed stage. One of the leading
perspectives explaining this is the historical-materialist
perspective introduced by Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels. Marx and Engels point out that society evolved
alongside the development of the means of production
and its ownership. In all stages of development, people
are involved in a class struggle over the control of the
means of production. The need for control of the means
of production led to the establishment of state as the
state is viewed as an instrument of the ruling class to
maintain its control. Society is seen as in a continuous
state of conflict as classes compete for the control of the
means of production.
In the early 20th century, the sociologist Max
Weber observed
the rationalization and bureaucratization in industrial
societies. According to Weber, bureaucratic coordination
of activities is the distinctive mark of the modern era as
it is organized in rational principles. Offices are ranked
in a hierarchical order and their operations are
characterized by impersonal rules. Appointments are
based on standards and qualifications and not in
traditional charismatic and kinship-based promotion.
This system has become the dominant structure of
modern forms of organization. This system distinguished
modern society to traditional society. The term
bureaucracy came from a French
word bureau meaning “office” and Greek
word Kratos meaning “hierarchy.”
Another sociologist named Emile Durkheim made
delineations between tradition and modern society.
(UNIT IV – Social Institutions) 1. A father with one or more unmarried
children or
THE FAMILY, MARRIAGE, AND KINSHIP 1. A mother with one or more unmarried
In the midst of political turmoil, radical changes in
societal norms and values, growing inequalities, Each of the following must consist of persons living in
widespread technological advancement and drastic the same household.
environmental changes, one must look back on the
fundamentals of societies— its nature, origin and Among these definitions, common themes are present:
institutions— to comprehensively understand its
situation and problem, and to discover how it can be Biological Functional Residential
solved. component component component
Familiarity with social institutions is a must as
it reflects the norms, beliefs, values as well as cultural Presence of Taking care of the Should be living
fabrics of a society. As defined, social institution is a parents (married child, economic in the same
complex and integrated set of social norms systematized or not) and a child support household
for the purpose of preserving social order. These
institutions are imbedded in human nature and are
essential in the development of human civilization.
Understanding social institution means understanding a
Several Kinds of Families
society’s history and struggle.
Nuclear Family- families that are composed of parents
Marriage equality for LGBTQ, the threat of ISIS and
and children
Islamic fundamentalism, growing poverty and hunger,
migration and displacement are just some of the current Extended Family- composed of a nuclear family and
problems face by the people all throughout the world. other relatives such as grandparents, cousins, and
These are some of the issues that can be explained as we nephews.
dig deeper in understanding various social institutions
encompassing such issues. Reconstituted family- composed of spouses and their
children from a previous marriage.
Family is considered as a very important social
institution as it nurtures the most vital element of society
— the people. It is crucial for the continued survival of
humanity and for the preservation of basic societal The family is considered as the basic unit of society. As
values. a unit, it performs several functions necessary for the
continuation and development of the society. It is
FAMILY primarily a concern for:
“There is no single correct definition of what family is” (1) Biological reproduction
(Fine, 1993). Experts on the family studies agree that the
definition of family varies on an individual’s personal (2) Basic agent for developing socialization of children
outlook, values, culture, and sexual orientation. Family, (3) Introduction of basic societal functions such as
as defined in Dictionary of Social and Cultural division of labor and observation of respect for hierarchy
Anthropology, is “A group of people who have a in authority
common residence and/or relationship, and who share
economic and reproductive ties” (Morris, 2012) (4) The nurturing of children to become responsible
The United Nations defines family as any of the
1. A married couple without children,
Kinship is defined as relations among individuals linked
by blood or marriage ties. It is important in maintaining
1. A married couple with one or more
solidarity and bond among family and clan members.
unmarried children,
This is significant especially in countries, like the
Philippines, where the close family association can be
observed. Kinship based on decent is categorized into
three: Unilineal rules, Ambilineal (Cognatic) rules, and
Double decent. Descent refers to the system by which TYPES OF MARRIAGE
members of a society trace kinship over generations.
Decent rules 1. Monogamy- It is the union of two individuals or the
1. Unilineal rules- The affiliation of an individual to one state of being married to one person only at a given time.
sex only. It can be affiliation to either males (patrilineal
descent) or females (matrilineal descent). Most societies Social Sexual Genetic Marital Serial
are patrilineal but there is a society that practices monogam monogam monogam monogam monogam
matrilineal descent. Examples are the Nyakyusa of y y y y y
Tanzania and the Nayar of Kerala, India.
A series of
2. Ambilineal rules- The affiliation of an individual to Two relationshi
either father’s side or mother’s side. An individual can persons Two ps where
choose which side he/she wants to be affiliated with. An live persons one
example of a society that has an ambilineal rule is the together, that person has
Samoans of the South Pacific. Two
have sex remain only one
3. Double decent rules- It refers to the society where persons Marriage
with each sexually partner at
patrilineal and matrilineal descent are both recognized. that have between
other, and exclusive a time and
For some purposes, individual affiliates with the an two
cooperatin to one then move
patrilineal side and for other purposes to the matrilineal offspring individual
g with another to another
kinsmen. An example of this is the Afikpo of Imo, with one s.
each other and have after
Nigeria. another.
in no outside breaking
acquiring sexual up with
basic partners. the
MARRIAGE resources. previous
Of the 3.6 million OSCYs, 83.1%0 were 16 to 24 years 1. The state shall ensure that gender
old, 11.2% percent were 12 to 15 years old and 5.7% stereotypes and images in educational
were 6 to 11 years old. The proportion of OSCYs was materials and curricula are adequately and
higher among females (63.3%) than males (36.7%) appropriately revised. The gender-sensitive
(Table 1). language shall be used at all times.
Capacity-building on gender and
Currently, the government has various programs to
development (GAD), peace and human
provide both informal and formal education and to
right, education for teachers, and all those
ensure that education will be accessible to all. One of
involved in the education sector shall be
these programs is the Alternative Learning System
pursued toward this end. Partnerships
commonly known as ALS. ALS is a learning system that
between and among players of the education
provides alternative education to those who cannot
sector, including the private sector,
access formal schooling. Currently, there are major
churches, and faith groups shall be
programs under ALS namely: Basic Literacy Program
and Continuing Education Program.
Women and Education Education and Globalization
Another health concern that poses a serious threat to the Science is the In
safety of the youth today is the alarming number of HIV foundation of evidence- contra
cases in the Philippines. While the number of cases in based belief system st,
developed countries continuously declining, the number under the idea that the faith-
of cases in Asia is continuously increasing especially in world can be explained based
the Philippines where the most significant increase was through observation, beliefs
recorded all over Southeast Asia. experiment, and are
prediction or through mental
In July 2019, there were 1,111 newly confirmed HIV- the use of scientific constr
positive individuals reported to the HIV/AIDS & ART methods. ucts
Registry of the Philippines (HARP). This was 29% The key element of that
higher compared with the diagnosed cases (859) in the science is the lack
same period last year. Eighteen percent (199) had recognition that eviden
clinical manifestations of advanced HIV infection everyone possesses indi ce.
(WHO clinical stage 3 or 4) at the time of diagnosis. vidual belief hence, It can
capable of making bias be
in their interpretation of based
on a
lack of RELIGION
the world.
Because of this, science
ce or Collins Oxford Britannica
attempts to eliminate
eviden Dictionary Dictionary Encyclopedia
such bias by requiring
strict definitions of
terms and concepts, and
may This refers to the
evidence must be
be relation of human
available for
impos beings to what they
sible consider as holy,
verification by others. A system of
to Refers to sacred, absolute,
faith and
gather. belief and/or worship to spiritual, divine, or
worthy of especial
system of superhuman
belief in God controlling reverence.
or gods and Furthermore, it has to
power. This can
all activities also mean a do with the way people
deal with concerns
related to such pursuit or
ANIMISM, POLYTHEISM, AND MONOTHEISM belief. about their lives and
their fate after death.
followed with
Prayer, meditations,
great devotion.
and rituals are among
Animism— comes from the Latin word ‘anima’ which the many practices
means ‘breathe, spirit, life’— is the view that non- being done in relation
human creatures— such as animals and plants— possess to one’s religious life.
a spiritual essence. Animism (in the anthropology of
religion) is a term referring to the belief system of some
indigenous tribal people prior to the introduction of
organized religion. Animism as a concept has drawn
contrasting opinions whether it is a broad religious belief
or a full-pledged independent religion. But the currently There are various types of religious organizations
acceptable characterization of animism was introduced existing in different societies. Commonly, Sociologists
by Sir Edward Tylor in the late 19th century. Animism categorize or group these organizations based on their
is the belief that there is no separation between the size and influence (Emerson, Monahan, & Mirola,
spiritual and physical world, and that souls and spirits 2011). There are three main types of religious
exist, not only in humans but also in animals, plants, organizations: church, sect, and cult. The Church has
rocks, and all other entities of the environment and to two subtypes: ecclesia and denomination.
any materials.
Polytheism refers to the belief in multiple gods or
deities along with their own religions and rituals. In Church
religions that practice polytheism, gods and goddesses
are representations of forces of nature and/or ancestral It is a large, bureaucratically organized religious
principles and virtues. Polytheists (the term which refers organization imbedded into the larger society. The
to the person practicing polytheism) can be a henotheist, church can be an ecclesia or a denomination. Ecclesia is
specialized in worshipping one particular a large bureaucratic religious organization formally
god/goddess among all gods and goddesses integrated into the state where most or all of a state’s
or kathenotheists, worshiping different gods and citizens are members. It means that ecclesia is the
goddesses at different times or problems. national or state religion. Usually, people become
automatically part of the ecclesia when they are born.
Monotheism refers to the belief or worship of one god Examples of ecclesiae existing in the world are the
or oneness of God. Monotheism characterizes the following: Islam in Saudi Arabia (Sunni Islam) and in
traditions of Babism, the Baha I’ some other Middle Eastern states, Catholic Church in
Faith, Caodaiism, Cheondoism, Christianity, Islam, Spain, Lutheran Church in Sweden, and Anglican
Judaism, Rastafari, Shaivism, Shaktism, Sikhism, Church in England. Because ecclesia and the state are so
Zoroastrianism and many more. closely integrated, some ecclesiastic societies like
Middle Eastern states have religious leaders who rule the
state or have much influence over it. Denomination, the Evangelical Protestant Christians
same as ecclesia, is a large, bureaucratic religious
organization integrated into the society; but unlike Protestantism was introduced in the Philippines by
ecclesia, is not a formal part of the state. Membership to American Missionaries during the American occupation
a denomination is usually caused by the membership of in the early 19th century. Some protestant groups are
the parents. Membership to a denomination lasts until affiliated with the Philippine Council of Evangelical
death whether actively practicing or not unless they Churches. This organization, though similar to other
convert to another denomination. Christian groups, emerged as a counter to Roman
Catholicism. The main beliefs include the spreading of
Sect salvation through scriptural teachings, faith in the
finished work of the cross, which is the death and
It is a relatively small religious organization, not deeply resurrection of Jesus, and a personal conversion known
integrated into the larger society, and often contradicts as being “Born-Again.”
with some societal norms and values influenced by the
larger religious organization. Commonly, sects are Iglesia ni Cristo (Philippine Church of Christ)
breakaway of the larger denomination in an effort
to preserve what members deemed as original views of Unlike the previously mentioned religious organizations
the denomination. Their worship styles can be more which originated from other nations, Iglesia ni Cristo,
emotional compared to denominations where worship commonly known as INC, was established within the
services are commonly formal. Sect members actively country in the early 19th century. This sect believes in a
proselytize to recruit new members. supreme God and in the power of its scriptures but
rejects the doctrine of Trinitarianism. They subscribe to
Cult the doctrine of Unitarianism, which states that God is a
singular entity and not into three forms.
It is a small religious organization that contradicts most
of the societal norms and values of the larger society. Buddhism
Cults and sects are generally similar except in some key
areas. First, unlike sects, they did not break away from The time of introduction of this religion to the country is
larger denominations instead originate outside the unknown although archeological records point towards
common religious institutions. Second, they are secretive the 6th or 7th century due to sea trade between the
and do not actively proselytize. Third, they much rely on Empire of India and early occupants of Philippine
charismatic leaders who have extraordinary personal islands. The primary followers of this religion are
qualities. Chinese, Filipino-Chinese, Japanese, and other groups
with Asian descent residing in the country. Their main
beliefs include suffering that is inherent in human
existence, the impermanence of everything in the world,
RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS IN THE and the absence of permanent soul.
Indigenous Beliefs
Roman Catholic Christianity
Indigenous traditions are already present in the country
Roman Catholic has the largest religious members in the even before the arrival of colonial religions of Islam and
Philippines. Catholics believe in one God who has three Christianity. The most common among traditional
forms: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; beliefs is the animism, the belief that even non-living
known as the Holy Trinity. There are three sacraments entities have spirits. Indigenous belief is often
considered by Catholics as holy. These are Water characterized by worship into various gods or known as
baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Polytheistic belief system.
Share of
It is considered as the second-largest religion in the Rank Religious Belief Filipino
country. It existed in the country even before the Population
introduction of Christianity. Same with Christians,
Muslims also believe in one supreme God known to
them as Allah. There are five principles in the Islamic 1 Roman Catholic Christianity 80.6 %
belief system that Muslims adhere to. These are (1)
Shahada, declaration of faith; (2) Salat, the prayer; (3)
Zakat, almsgiving or charity; (4) Ramadan, the ritual 2 Islam 5.6 %
fast; and (5) Hajj, the pilgrimage.
Evangelical Protestant Christians
3 2.7 %
(UNIT V- Social and Political Stratifications)
Iglesia ni Cristo (Philippine
4 2.5 % LESSON 1
Church of Christ)
Buddhism,Indigenous Beliefs, STRATIFICATION
5 8.6 %
other Christians, and Atheists
Social Stratification
Stratification refers to the division of large social groups
into smaller groups based on categories determined by
economics (Atienza, Rico, Arugay et. al., 2016).
According to Ariola (2016), it is a hierarchy of
positions regarding economic production which
influences the social rewards to those in the positions.
Stratification in simple terms is the division of people,
by the hierarchy in positions, based on their access to
economic resources. The higher the access to economic
resources, the higher one’s social class. Social
stratification reflects inequality in society. Social class
also affects political relations; the higher one’s class, the
higher its level of political participation and influence.
The common bases of social stratification include
wealth, property, access to material and cultural goods,
access to political power, race, gender, and religion
(Atienza, Rico, Arugay et. al., 2016). The impact of
stratification based on different standards varies from
society to society.
Systems of Stratification
There are two systems of stratification, namely closed
and open systems.
1. Closed system- Closed systems have rigid existed. Even during the period of Plato and Kautilya,
boundaries between social groups emphasis on political, social, and economic inequalities
limiting interaction among various existed.
members who belong to different social
groups or hierarchy. This system is 4. It is diverse in form
considered resistant to change as it allows The forms of stratification differ from society to society.
minimal to no exchanges between social In India, stratification in a form of caste is found. Aryas’
groups. An example of a rigid closed system society was divided into four varnas: Brahmins,
is the Caste system. Caste promotes belief in Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras. Ancient Greeks were
destined status by the spiritual higher being divided between Freemen and slaves while Romans were
than the promotion of freedom to decide on divided into patricians and plebians. New and old
one’s fate in life. People under caste should societies have different forms and levels of
accept their social standing and permanently stratification.
remain in it under their death. They are
expected to perform tasks and observe social 5. Social stratification is consequential
order based on their social standing.
Stratification affects the ‘life chances’ and ‘lifestyle’ of
1. Open system- under an open system. individuals. Depending on the society to which they
stratification is highly based on meritocracy belong and on the openness or closeness of the system,
or achievement, allowing flexible social stratification affects the chances of individuals to
roles, and more social engagements across survive, to have good health, to obtain opportunities and
people in other social groups and classes. A education, to secure employment, and chances of being
class system based on the ownership of fairly treated. A lifestyle that includes preference in
resources can also be considered as an open terms of music, dress, food, recreational activities, etc. is
system as it allows terms of social mobility, also affected by social stratification.
hence the existence of exogamous
relationships and marriages. Exogamous
marriage is a marriage between
two individuals from different social
2. Conflict Theory
Conflict theory views stratification critically as it
perpetuates inequality. Many of the ideas under conflict SOCIAL INEQUALITIES: POVERTY, GENDER,
theory were drawn from the works of Karl Marx. He ETHNICITY, AND RACE,
believed that relationships in society is based on the AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES
factors of production, hence social stratification is
influenced by the economic forces. For Marx, society is
divided into two groups: the Bourgeoisie that controls Social inequality
the modes of production, and the proletariats who
provide manual labor needed to produce goods. Marx Social inequality is the existence of unequal
believed that inequalities between the bourgeoisie and opportunities and rewards for the different social
proletariats cause workers to experience unfair positions or statuses within a group or society (Ariola,
treatment, exploitation, and alienation. this situation for 2016). It happens when resources are unevenly
Marx leads to class conflict. Conflict theory holds that distributed favoring individuals or groups of people.
inequality is harmful as it creates a fixed system of While merit is being claimed as the primary basis for
winners and losers. resource distribution, various researches have shown that
distribution is widely affected by other socially defined
Social Mobility conditions. Social inequality is linked to racial, ethnic,
Social mobility is the ability of individuals or groups to and gender inequalities among others.
change their positions within a social stratification Poverty
system (Atienza, Rico, Arugay et. al., 2016). Change can
either an individual move from lower to higher social In common words, poverty is a condition when there is
class or an individual loses his/her status and moves to a minimal, absence, or deprivation of access to natural and
much lower position. A major factor for this is the societal resources. Conditions of poverty or the
accumulation of wealth. identification of poor people vary from society to
society. In support to this, it was stated by Joanna Mack
Upward mobility- is the term that refers to upward in her online article Absolute and Overall Poverty
movement in social class. Examples of this are a person (2016), that what is classed acute deprivation will vary
who accumulated sufficient wealth to alleviate from society to society and through time, and what is
him/herself from his/her previous status or class, considered as premature death depend on the average
someone who rose to fame or power like celebrities and life expectancy of every society. But in 1995, the United
politicians, and an individual who landed good Nations adopted two universal classifications of poverty:
employment or promotion. Absolute poverty and Overall poverty.
Downward mobility- it refers to the individual losing Absolute poverty
his/her status and moves to a lower one. This can be
caused by financial challenges, loss of employment, According to the UN, absolute poverty is a condition
illness, and not finishing school among others. characterized by severe deprivation of basic human
needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation
Intergenerational mobility- According to Coleen facilities, health, shelter, education, and information. It
Cleveland in her online discussion in, depends not only on income but also on access to
intergenerational mobility refers to changes in the services.
family’s social and economic position that takes place
from one generation to another. Here, mobility is Overall Poverty
measured based on the level of association between
parents’ and children’s socioeconomic status; stronger Compared to absolute poverty, it takes various forms
association means more transmission of advantage and including the following: lack of income and productive
less mobility and vice versa (Fox, Torche, & Wardfogel, resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods; hunger and
2016). malnutrition; ill health; limited or lack of access to
education and other basic services; increased morbidity
Intragenerational mobility- According to Collins and mortality from illness; homelessness and inadequate
dictionary, intragenerational mobility is simply defined housing; unsafe environments and social discrimination
and exclusion. it is also characterized by a lack of
participation in decision making and in civil, social, and an average family size of five members must
cultural life. it occurs in all countries: as mass poverty in have P15,000 monthly so as not to be considered poor.
many developing countries, pockets of poverty amid Those in Mindanao must have P10,000 while in Metro
wealth in developed countries, loss of livelihoods as a Manila P20,000.
result of economic recession, sudden poverty as a result
of disaster or conflict, the poverty of low-wage workers, Based on the recent government records, Philippine
and the utter destitution of people who fall outside Statistical Authority (PSA) reports that in 2018, the
family support systems, social institutions, and safety poverty incidence—the proportion of poor Filipinos
nets. whose per capita income is not sufficient to meet their
basic needs—was estimated at 16.6 percent or 17.6
In 1998, the United Nations released a statement signed million Filipinos. According to PSA, the poverty
by the heads of all UN agencies defining poverty as a threshold is estimated at P10,727 for a family of
“denial of choices and opportunities, a violation of five. Meanwhile, 5.2 percent lives under subsistence or
human dignity. It means a lack of basic capacity to those whose income is not enough to buy even the basic
participate effectively in society. It means not having food needs.
enough to feed and clothe a family, not having a school
or clinic to go, not having the land on which to grow Sectoral Poverty
one’s food or a job to earn one’s living, not having any Based on the data released by the Philippine Statistics
access to credit. it means insecurity, powerlessness, and Authority last June 2017, Farmers, Fishermen, and
exclusion of individuals, households, and communities. Children consistently posted the highest poverty
It means susceptibility to violence, and it often implies incidence among basic sectors for 2015. Among the nine
living on marginal or fragile environments, without basic sectors identified in Republic Act 8425 or Social
access to clean water or sanitation.” According to the Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act, Farmers,
World Bank, global poverty is set at $1.90 as of 2015 Fishermen, and Children belonging to poor families
based on 2011 prices. A person with less than $1.90 a have the highest poverty incidence in 34.3%,
day is considered poor (extreme poverty). Based on 34.0%, and 31.4% respectively in 2015. These are the
estimates, 734 million (10% of the world population) same sector with the highest poverty incidence in 2006,
lived in poverty; far from 1.9 billion in 1990. With the 2009, and 2012. Below is the table showing the poverty
current crisis brought by COVID-19 pandemic and oil incidence for the nine basic sectors from 2006 to 2015.
price drop, World Bank foresees that an additional 40
million to 60 million people will fall into extreme Gender
poverty due to loss of a job, loss of remittances, rising
prices of services and commodities, and disruption of Inequalities based on gender are also an issue around the
essential services such as education and healthcare world most especially in illiberal and non-democratic
which disproportionately affect the poor. Global extreme societies. Gender is defined as culturally-
poverty could rise by 0.3 to 0.9% in 2020. People living imposed characteristics that define masculinity and
under $3.20 dollars a day can increase by 40 million to femininity (Atienza et. al., 2016). It is different
140 million while those living under $5.50 dollars a from sex which refers to biological and anatomical
day can increase by 70 million to 180 million. assignment distinguishing a male from female. While
sex is unchanging given that it is assigned biologically,
Poverty in the Philippines gender- as a social construct- is fluid in the sense that it
can be understood in various perspectives and can be
Despite good economic performance in the past years, changed depending on the norms, values, and traditions
self-rated poverty grew by 2 percent from 44% in 2016 of a particular society. One of the problems associated
to 46% in 2017. This is based on the survey conducted with gender is the gender role or tasks and conducts
by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) covering the expected to be performed by a person based on his or her
fourth quarter of 2017. In the last quarter of the 2019 sex. There are societies that are critical in observing
survey conducted by SWS, a higher 54% of families gender roles. An example of this is women are expected
considered themselves poor. 13.1 million self-rated poor to stay at home and take care of the household while
in that quarter is the highest in five years since men are expected to work and provide the needs of the
September 2014 where 55% said they are family. Gender identity is also a critical concept in
poor. However, the annual average of self-rated poverty understanding gender inequality. It refers to how a
is slightly lower at 45% compared to 48% in 2018. Out person identifies him or herself as part of a particular
of 54% self-rated poor during the last quarter of 2019 gender.
survey, 7% or 1.6 million families are ‘newly poor’ or
they are not poor 1-4 years ago while 40% or 9.7 million Based on the World Economic Forum Global Gender
always considered themselves poor. According to SWS, Gap Report 2020, it states that gender parity will not be
attained in the next 99.5 years. The gender parity gap against all forms of discrimination. One of their demands
was measured on the following criteria: (1) Economic is the recognition of same-sex marriage. They are
Participation and Opportunity; (2) Educational significant improvements in the treatment of LGBT. One
Attainment; (3) Political Empowerment; and (4) Health of which is the continuous trend of States allowing
and Survival. Among Asian countries, the Philippines same-sex union. In the United States alone, the Federal
notched the highest rank with a score of 0.781 at Supreme Court made a landmark decision in 2015 by
16th place. Out of 153 countries surveyed, the figure declaring states’ same-sex marriage bans as
below shows the top 10 countries with the closest gender unconstitutional automatically giving marriage equality
parity in the world: to all 50 states. In May 2017, Taiwan became the first
Asian State to allow the same-sex union. Taiwan’s
Women constitutional court declared the definition of marriage
There have been consistent developments in the as limited to man and woman unconstitutional paving a
treatment of women but the way is still long to reach way for same-sex marriage. Despite these developments,
gender equity. Women, in general, face discrimination in there are still bigger battles that need to be won to
terms of accessing healthcare, education, political achieve gender parity not only for women but including
representation, labor markets among others (United LGBT members.
Nations Development Program, 2015). An example of
this is the treatment of women in North Africa who hold
less than one in five paid jobs in the non-agriculture Ethnicity and Race Issues
sector. Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, and
Western Asia still face hurdles in entering primary Ethnicity and Race has a different meaning. As
and secondary school (United Nations report cited by defined by Atienza et. al. (2016), Ethnicity is the feeling
Nuncio et. al., 2016). Women’s political participation is of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population,
also very limited. Top government positions in some cultural group, or territorial area. It is complex as it has
societies are still dominated by men. The vulnerability of both racial and cultural overtones. it is a cultural identity
women in accessing services and participating in operating at a deeper emotional level. Race, on the other
political processes is an institutional problem given that hand, refers to a group of people who shares a common
most societies have a patriarchal system of social ancestry; has something to do with physical or genetic
organization. Patriarchy refers to the socially differences among mankind that distinguish one group of
sanctioned and systematic domination of males over people to another on the bases of skin or hair color,
females (Atienza et. al., 2016). In the Global Gender physique, and facial features to name a few. Racism as a
Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum for political term refers to a set of attitudes, beliefs, and
2017, the global gap to gender parity widens to 32% practices used to justify the superior treatment of one
from 31.7% in 2016. Though the global gender racial or ethnic group and the inferior treatment of
gap widens, the country with a severe gender gap had another racial or ethnic group (Atienza et. al., 2016).
improved over the last 12 months with countries Inequality based on ethnicity and race is prevalent
reducing gender gaps for more than half. Talent is one of especially in multicultural societies (Atienza et. al.,
the most essential factors for growth and 2016). With the massive global migration due to
competitiveness (World Economic Forum). To have a colonization, civil wars, and globalization, a lot of
vibrant economy, equal opportunity must be given multicultural societies have existed. The inevitable
regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Much has interaction between different racial and ethnic groups
been improved in the case of the Philippines. As stated results in conflicts and domination of one group over the
above, the Philippines is the highest-ranked Asian other due to differences in cultural backgrounds and
country in Global Gender Parity Report 2020 although practices; resulting in discrimination. An example is the
it slides out of the top 10 based on previous reports. different treatments among
native Americans, African Americans, and
white Americans.
The Philippines is considered a multicultural State
In recent times, another classification of gender composed of numerous groups with different historical
inequality has become prominent. The members of and cultural backgrounds. Based on the study of the
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) United Nations Development Program (UNDP), there
community have been experiencing discrimination the are about 110 Ethnolinguistic groups in the country with
same with women and have become more active in 14-17 million Filipinos belonging to Indigenous groups.
demanding equal treatment. The LGBT communities The biggest IP is the Lumads (the name which means
have been demanding legal recognition and protection ‘born of the earth’) which comprises 61% of the
indigenous population. Some of the Lumad groups are
Bagobo, Tboli, Ata, Bukidnon, Dibabawon, Manaka, etc.
The majority or 61% of them are located in Mindanao
while 33% are in the Cordillera Region; others are in the
Visayas region. The Philippines has the “Indigenous
Peoples Act,” an act protecting the rights of IPs but
despite the presence of the law, numerous violations of
IP rights exist. IPs are struggling over their ancestral
domain, suffering from poverty, and countless human
rights violations.