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ISM MNT 14th ED Cambios

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Description of Changes

DSP 4.4.1 Guidance • Technical change: wording added (1st paragraph) to address
information regarding supplemental oxygen requirements and
escape routes for flights over areas of mountainous terrain.
Table 3.2 • Technical changes: wording revised in line item (i) for alignment with
FLT Tables 2.1 and 2.2; wording revised in line item (vi) (a) for
alignment with Annex 6.
Table 3.5 • Technical changes: wording added sub-specs (iv) and (xx); FOO
competencies; provides alignment with specifications in DSP 1.5.7.

Section 4 (MNT)
Summary of Revisions
Standards Eliminated • None.
Standards Added • Three (3): Table 4.11 (xiv), (xv), (xxx).
Recommended Practices • None.
Upgraded to Standard
Recommended Practices • None.
Recommended Practices Added • Three (3): Table 4.14 (i), (v), (vi)
• One (1): MNT 1.11.1A (ORG repeat)
Tables Added • None.
Area Changed Description of Change(s)
Group Revisions • Editorial change: universal revision to simplify language usage; all
(These are changes applied tenses of the word “utilize” replaced by the word “use.”
throughout this section but not • Editorial changes: correction of grammatical discrepancies;
shown below as individual addition/deletion of commas, periods, hyphens, apostrophes,
changes) semicolons or spaces.
• Technical changes: Auditor Action step “Observed maintenance
outsourcing management” is deleted or replaced in the AAs
associated with multiple MNT provisions.
Applicability Box • None.
General Guidance • Technical change: wording added to provide information relevant to
the monitoring by an operator of contracted maintenance service
providers and, when applicable, subcontracted providers.
MNT 1.1.3 • Technical change: inclusion of reference to “accountable” deleted for
accuracy and consistency with ORG master provision.
• Technical change: wording ‘security threats’ added in sub-spec (i) for
alignment with ORG provision.
MNT 1.3.1 Guidance • Editorial changes: wording revised (2nd and 3rd paragraphs); use of
terminology (Authority) for consistency with ISM conventions.
MNT 1.4.1 • Editorial change: note added; wording re-located from guidance.
MNT 1.4.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (6th AA step) to address
observation of line maintenance operations.
MNT 1.4.1 Guidance • Editorial change: wording deleted (1st paragraph); re-located as note
in the standard.
• Editorial change: wording added (last paragraph) to repeat wording
from ORG guidance.

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IOSA Standards Manual

MNT 1.8.1 • Technical change: word ‘integrity’ added to sub-spec (v) for
alignment with Annex 6.
MNT 1.9.1 Guidance • Technical change: wording added (1st paragraph) to include
requirements of the relevant authority.
MNT 1.9.2 Guidance • Technical change: wording added (1st paragraph) to include
requirements of the relevant authority.
MNT 1.10.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (3rd AA step) for consistency with
specifications in the provision (replaces existing AA step).
MNT 1.10.5 • Technical change: wording revised in sub-spec (ii) for consistency
with ORG master provision.
MNT 1.10.5 Auditor Actions • Editorial change: wording revised (1st AA step) for consistency with
wording in the provision.
MNT 1.11.1A • New recommended practice and guidance to specify a maintenance
service provider selection process (repeat ORG provision).
MNT 1.11.1B • Editorial change: suffix “B” added to identifier for sequencing with
new MNT 1.11.1A.
MNT 1.11.1B Auditor Actions • Editorial change: wording revised (AA step 3) for consistency with
specifications in the standard.
MNT 1.11.1B Guidance • Editorial change: wording added; revised and relocated from
guidance associated with MNT 1.11.2.
MNT 1.11.2 • Technical changes: wording revised to clarify intent.
MNT 1.11.2 Auditor Action • Editorial changes: wording revised (AA steps 3 and 4) for
consistency with wording in the standard.
MNT 1.11.2 Guidance • Technical changes: wording deleted (1st and 3rd paragraphs) as no
longer appropriate; wording deleted (2nd paragraph) and relocated
into guidance associated with MNT 1.11.1;
• Editorial change: wording revised (7th paragraph) to clarify intent.
MNT 1.12.2 • Editorial change: [Eff] symbol added.
• Technical change: new section added; titled Assessment Tool.
MNT 1.12.2 Guidance • Editorial change: terms added to IRM reference.
MNT 1.12.5 • Technical changes: wording revised; specifications address the
setting of safety performance indicators as a means to monitor the
achievement of the safety objectives; (the term ‘safety performance
indicators’ replaces ‘performance measures’).
MNT 1.12.5 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording revised (multiple AA steps) for
consistency with specifications in the provision; the term ‘safety
performance indicators’ replaces ‘performance measures’
MNT 1.12.5 Guidance • Editorial change: terms added to IRM reference.
• Technical changes: wording revised (multiple paragraphs); term
‘safety performance indicators’ replaces ‘performance measures.’
• Editorial change: wording revised (last paragraph); reference to
ORG provisions expanded and corrected.
MNT 1.12.7 • Editorial change: Note deleted for consistency with ORG master
MNT 2.3.2 • Editorial change: word added to correct sentence grammar.
MNT 2.4.2 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (6th AA step) to include
observation of line maintenance operations.
MNT 2.4.3 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step) to include
observation of line maintenance operations.

DOC 24 ISM Ed 14, September 2021

Description of Changes

MNT 2.5.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (6th AA step) to include
observation of line maintenance operations .
MNT 2.5.1 Guidance • Editorial change: IRM reference revised; abbreviation corrected.
MNT 2.5.3 • Technical changes: sub-spec (v) added to specify that MEL includes
aircraft equipment required for operations in accordance with special
MNT 2.5.3 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th and 5th AA steps) to be
consistent with specifications in the provision relevant to MEL.
MNT 2.6.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (7th AA step) to include
observation of line maintenance operations.
MNT 2.9.1 • Technical changes: wording revised, new sub-spec added to
segregate and individualize check/evaluation requirements for the
FDR and CVR.
• Editorial change: (GM) symbol added.
MNT 2.9.1 Guidance • New guidance: provides an intent statement and expanded
information that is relevant to conformity with the standard.
MNT 2.9.2 • Technical changes: wording revised to refine applicability and clarify
recording system evaluation and DLR assessment specifications.
MNT 2.9.2 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording deleted (1st and 3rd AA steps) for
consistency with specifications in the standard.
MNT 2.9.2 Guidance • Editorial change: wording in IRM reference revised for consistency.
• Technical changes: wording revised/added/deleted (multiple
paragraphs) to expand information relevant to the DLR maintenance
program and DLR evaluation.
MNT 2.10.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording revised (4th AA step) to include
observation of line maintenance operations.
MNT 4.1.3 • Editorial change: wording moved from sub-specs to body of
MNT 4.1.3 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording replaced (4th AA step) to address
examination of AMO monitoring/oversight reports; includes focus
statement (replaces existing AA step).
MNT 4.2.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording replaced (4th AA step) to address
examination of AMO monitoring/oversight reports; includes focus
statement (replaces existing AA step).
MNT 4.2.2 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording replaced (4th AA step) to address
examination of AMO monitoring/oversight reports; includes focus
statement (replaces existing AA step).
MNT 4.2.3 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording replaced (4th AA step) to address
examination of AMO monitoring/oversight reports; includes focus
statement (replaces existing AA step).
MNT 4.3.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMO quality assurance programs meet all applicable
MNT 4.3.5 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (3rd AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs review of their quality assurance programs.
MNT 4.3.7 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (3rd AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs provide mandatory reporting of

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IOSA Standards Manual

MNT 4.4.1 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMO personnel are licensed/authorized to sign
maintenance release; wording deleted (5th AA step).
• Technical change: wording added (7th AA step); observation of line
maintenance operations; includes focus statement.
MNT 4.4.2 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (7th AA step); observation of line
maintenance operations; includes focus statement.
MNT 4.5.1 • Editorial changes: wording revised for clarity; wording moved from
sub-specs to body of provision.
MNT 4.5.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have initial/recurrent training programs for
maintenance personnel.
• Technical change: wording added (5th AA step); observation of line
maintenance operations; includes focus statement (replaces existing
AA step).
MNT 4.5.4 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have training/qualification program for quality
assurance auditors; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.5.5 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have program for continuation training at
maximum 36-month interval; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.5.6 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have initial/recurrent training program for
receiving inspectors; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.5.7 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification of training/qualification for AMO personnel authorized to
taxi aircraft; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.6.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording replaced (2nd AA step); observation of
line maintenance operations; includes focus statement (replaces
existing AA step).
MNT 4.6.2 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMO data/equipment/supplies/parts are adequate to
perform maintenance; wording deleted (5th AA step).
• Technical change: wording added (7th AA step); observation of line
maintenance operations; includes focus statement.
MNT 4.6.3 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMO storage facilities are adequate for
parts/tools/equipment/material; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.6.4 • Technical change: word deleted as too limiting.
MNT 4.6.4 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMO shelf-life programs are adequate for applicable
stored items; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.6.5 • Technical change: wording replaced (5th AA step); examination of
selected AMO oversight/monitoring reports; includes focus
statement (replaces existing AA step).
MNT 4.7.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have adequate parts/materials quarantine
area; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.7.2 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have acceptable process for segregating
parts; wording deleted (6th AA step).

DOC 26 ISM Ed 14, September 2021

Description of Changes

MNT 4.7.3 • Technical change: words added to broaden applicability of ESD

specifications; inclusion of simple removal/installation of
electrostatic-sensitive devices as maintenance).
MNT 4.7.3 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have acceptable ESD program; wording
deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.7.4 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have acceptable methods for storage of
sensitive parts/equipment; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.7.5 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have acceptable methods/containers for
shipping aircraft components/parts; wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.9.1 Auditor Actions • Technical changes: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have acceptable MPM in accordance with
Table 4.9); wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.9.2 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); examination of
selected AMO oversight/monitoring reports; includes focus
statement; wording deleted (6th AA step).
MNT 4.9.3 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have acceptable MPM distribution/
dissemination processes); wording deleted (5th AA step).
MNT 4.10.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs produce completed/signed maintenance
releases that certify maintenance was performed in accordance with
• Technical change: wording replaced (5th AA step); observation of line
maintenance operations; includes focus statement (replaces existing
AA step).
MNT 4.11.1 Auditor Actions • Technical change: wording added (4th AA step); focus statement;
verification that AMOs have an acceptable AMO tool calibration
• Technical change: wording replaced (5th AA step); observation of line
maintenance operations; includes focus statement (replaces existing
AA step).
Table 4.3 • Technical changes: sub-specs (xvi) and (xvii) added to expand
content requirements of the MMM (procedures to ensure
serviceability of operational/emergency equipment and to ensure
CoA validity for each aircraft).
Table 4.8 • Technical changes: wording revised/added (multiple sub-specs) to
more accurately address ESD sensitive part removal/installation on
the aircraft.
Table 4.9 • Technical changes: sub-specs (ii) and (viii) added to expand content
requirements of the MPM (procedures for implementing changes
affecting MO approval and description of contracted activities).
Table 4.11 (iii) • Technical changes: applicability wording revised for accuracy.
Table 4.11 (xiv) • New standard: specifies CVR with capability of retaining 25 hours of
recorded data; Annex 6 standard.
• Technical changes: wording revised/restructured (3rd, 4th, 5th
columns) for alignment with Annex 6 CVR equipment standards;
Active Implementation added (Annex 6 alignment).

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Table 4.11.(xv) • Technical changes: wording revised (3rd column) for alignment with
Annex 6 DLR standard; wording added (5th column) for application of
Active Implementation.
• Editorial change: wording added (4th column) to provide reference to
Table 4.12 guidance.
Table 4.11 (xxiii) • Technical change: wording added (3rd column) to include
appropriately qualified supernumeraries for fire watch/firefighting
when cargo is transported in passenger cabin.
Table 4.11 (xxvi) • Editorial changes: wording revised (4th column); reference to ‘either
pilot’s station’ deleted to be consistent with specifications in FLT
3.13.18; additional (GM) reference added.
Table 4.11 (xxx) • New standard: specifies autonomous distress position transmission
system on aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff mass of over
27 000 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first
issued on or after 1 January 2021 (Annex 6 alignment).
• Active Implementation included to address possible OEM inability to
meet Annex 6 deadline for delivery of aircraft equipped with
specified system.
Table 4.12 (i)–(iii) (Intentionally • Placeholder revised to (i)–(ii) due to new line item (iii).
Table 4.12 (iii) • New guidance: provides intent statement.
Table 4.12 (xiii)–(xvi) (Intentionally • Placeholder revised to (xiii) due to new line items (xiv), (xv), (xvi).
Table 4.12 (xiv) • New guidance: clarifies relevancy of note and AI to aircraft
Table 4.12 (xv) • New guidance: provides information relevant to DLR recording
Table 4.12 (xvi) (Intentionally • New placeholder.
Table 4.12 (xxiii) • Technical change: wording added to address appropriately qualified
supernumeraries for fire watch/firefighting when cargo is transported
in the passenger cabin.
Table 4.12 (xxvi) • Editorial change: wording added to explain methods for monitoring
area outside flight deck door.
Table 4.12 (xxx) • New guidance: provides supporting information related to
specifications in Table 4.11 (xxx).
Table 4.14 • Editorial change: header of table column 4 revised to
‘Recommendation’ to be consistent with the purpose of the table.
Table 4.14 (i) • New recommended practice: specifies alternate power source for
CVR (Annex 6 alignment)
Table 4.14 (v) • New recommended practice: addresses DLR installation on aircraft
in accordance with a modification with certificate of airworthiness
issued before 1 January 2016 and modified after 1 January 2016
(Annex 6 alignment).
Table 4.14 (vi) • New recommended practice: specifies Autonomous distress position
transmission system for smaller aircraft (Annex 6 alignment).
Table 4.15 (i) • New guidance: provides information regarding the CVR alternate
power source.

DOC 28 ISM Ed 14, September 2021

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