Assessment 1 Brief
Assessment 1 Brief
Assessment 1 Brief
Individual/Group Individual
a) Identify and develop a plan to deal with ethical
Learning Outcomes
challenges in the workplace.
b) Research, interpret and communicate business
and industry information in a concise written
format that is useful for potential employment
Two weeks after starting date stated in WIL agreement
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks (report -80 marks; ethics plan -20 marks)
Assessment 1: Industry and Organisation Research Report (including Ethics Plan) (30%)
You are required to conduct research on the industry and the organisation that you are going to for
your industry placement. Provide as much information about the organisation as you can, imagining
that you are applying for a job with them. Where possible research people within the organisation to
determine their background, interests, achievements and connections. All of this information may
be useful to you in your placement.
Search the media to discover any events, incidents, controversies and any other positive or
negative press regarding the business, their competitors, employees, associates, products, services
and the industry.
In your report, you must use the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a tool in your endeavour to
understand the organisation. Further, you must analyse the business macro-environment using the
PESTEL analysis.
Prepare a report on your research with headings and/or appendices and sources of information. Do
not simply regurgitate the articles and data. You need to analyse and interpret the information and
present it in a professional, succinct and informative manner. Do not speculate! Consider the
integrity of the source of the information and the relevance of the information for your purpose.
Provide a plan setting out a step-by-step process to deal with ethical challenges which you may face
in the workplace, based on an identified code of ethics, as provided by your learning facilitator. Give
a practical example of an ethical challenge which could arise.
COMR2004 - Industry Placement - Assessment 1 Brief Page 1 of 5
The report and plan combined are to be 1 200 words: 900 to 1 000 words for the report and 200 to
300 words for the ethical plan and example.
You are required to submit your assessment on Safe Assign on Blackboard after conducting a
similarity check.
The key The main The main points Some points are There is no
messages are points are are described left unclear and analysis of
communicated clearly with enough the reader may information
with described clarity for the misunderstand gathered and
exceptional and/or reader to certain aspects connections
clarity. The explained so understand the of the author’s between
author is very the reader is author’s message information are
effective in left with no message not clear
convincing the ambiguity
audience about what
was written
be deleted -I
could not undo
the deletion in
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