Answers To The Top 10 Questions About Gmos: Monsanto) Show A Direct Link To Breast Cancer From Glyphosate?

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Answers to the Top 10 Questions About GMOs

The following are the Top 10 consumer questions and answers have about GMOs, based on Internet
searches, traffic to the GMO Answers website, and in-person events.

1. Do GMOs Cause Cancer?

No. There is no evidence that GM food causes cancer.
Dr. Kevin Folta from the University of Florida states it simply.
"The short answer is no, there is absolutely zero reputable evidence that GMO foods cause cancer."

This is an important question. Numerous questions like this and related topics have been submitted to
GMO Answers, including questions about reports claiming that glyphosate causes breast cancer and
about a Séralini study (now retracted) claiming GMOs caused cancer in rats, among others.
We know that consumers have concerns, so we reached out to Dr. Kevin Folta, University of Florida
interim chairman and associate professor, horticultural sciences department, for an answer. "The
short answer is no, there is absolutely zero reputable evidence that GMO foods cause cancer," he
writes. You can read Kevin Folta's full response to the question "Do GMOs cause cancer?" here.
Additionally, the health and safety of GMOs have been validated by many independent scientists and
organizations around the world. For example, there are nearly 1,800 global studies about the health
and safety of GMOs, and a decade of GMO research, funded by the European Union, which finds
that GMOs pose no greater risk than their conventional counterparts. This report can be found here.
In addition to Dr. Folta’s response, this study reviews seven cohort studies and 14 case studies and
finds that there is "no consistent pattern of positive associations indicating a causal relationship
between total cancer (in adults or children) or any site-specific cancer and exposure to glyphosate."
There are also multiple resources that explore this topic on GMO Answers:

 Will I get cancer [from Genetically Modified Organisms]?

o Answered by Dan Goldstein Senior Science Fellow and Lead, Medical Sciences
and Outreach, Monsanto Company.
 How can you say that [GMOs] are safe, when recent studies (not conducted by
Monsanto) show a direct link to breast cancer from glyphosate?
o Answered by John Swarthout, Ph.D., Scientific Outreach and Issues
Management Lead, Monsanto Company.
 Is the debate about health and safety and GMO truly unbiased?
o Answered by Dr. Peter Davies, Professor of Plant Physiology and International
Professor of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca New York, USA (retired)

2. Are GMOs Safe For Human Consumption?
Yes, the health and safety of GMOs have been validated by many independent scientists and
organizations around the world. "There is no substantiated case of any adverse impact on human
health, animal health or environmental health, so that’s pretty robust evidence, and I would be
confident in saying that there is no more risk in eating GMO food than eating conventionally farmed
food," the European Commission’s Chief Scientific Advisor Anne Glover told EURACTIV in a media
The U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) researched this very
same question and concluded that GMOs are safe. After reviewing all available research studies on
health effects from GE crops, the study found "no substantiated evidence of a difference in risks to
human health between current commercially available genetically engineered crops and
conventionally bred crops."[1] More than 20 scientists, researchers, agricultural, and industry experts
reviewed over 20 years of data since GMOs were introduced, including nearly 900 studies and
publications, animal studies, allergenicity testing, and North American and European health data.
The health and safety of GMOs have been validated by many independent scientists and
organizations around the world. Groups ranging from the World Health Organization (WHO),
the Royal Society of Medicine - UK, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and
the International Seed Federation (ISF), along with various governing bodies on every continent
around the world have all affirmed the safety of GMO crops.
Since 1992, more than 40 government agencies have given approvals for GMO food, feed, and
cultivation. In many countries, multiple agencies are involved in the regulation of GMOs.

 Distinction Between Genetic Engineering and Conventional Plant Breeding Becoming Less Clear,
Says New Report on GE Crops, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Retrieved from

3. Aren’t GMOs unnatural?

"Genetic modification" of agricultural crops has been going on for millennia. In today’s world, virtually
every crop plant grown commercially for food or fiber is a product of genetic modification – such as
cross-breeding or hybridization. Traditional breeding methods include selecting and sowing the seeds
from the strongest, most desirable plants to produce the next generation of crops.  By selecting and
breeding plants with characteristics such as higher yield, resistance to pests and hardiness,
early farmers dramatically changed the genetic make-up of crop plants long before the
science of genetics was understood. As a result, most of today’s crop plants bear little
resemblance to their wild ancestors.
Biotech research is just one of the latest tools available to farmers who want better plants, and in
certain ways, biotech is an improvement over older methods of cross-breeding. It’s much more
precise, based upon scientific knowledge of plants and genetics, so we have far greater control and
understanding of the exact improvements we want to achieve. Biotech crops are also studied by
scientists and regulatory agencies to a far greater extent than any other kind of crop, including
conventional and organic, which means biotech foods are considered to be as safe, if not safer, than
their conventional counterparts.

4. Do GMOs Have an Impact on the Environment?

Biotech crops are key assets in improving environmental sustainability in agriculture by allowing
farmers to produce more crops, using less inputs. This can decrease agriculture’s impact on habitats,
while also conserving soil, water, and energy. In agriculture, GMOs are one tool that allows farmers to
take care of our land and environment while harvesting more and using fewer of these precious
The use of GMOs in agriculture can: preserve biodiversity by sparing lands not intensely cultivated;
increase productivity; reduce soil erosion; conserve water and may lead to fewer pesticide

5. Have Long-Term Health Studies Been Conducted on GMO Crops?

Yes, many long-term health studies have been conducted on GMOs. [2] Aside from the fact that GMOs
have a long and safe track record, GM crops are repeatedly and extensively tested for consumer and
environmental safety, and those tests are reviewed by government agencies around the world. Since
1992, more than 40 government agencies have given approvals for GMO food, feed, and cultivation.
In many countries, multiple agencies are involved in the regulation of GMOs.
The health and safety of GMOs have also been validated by many independent scientists and
organizations around the world. Groups ranging from the World Health Organization (WHO),
the Royal Society of Medicine - UK, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and
the International Seed Federation (ISF), along with various governing bodies on every continent
around the world have all affirmed the safety of GMO crops.
The European Commission states, "the main conclusion, after more than 130 research projects
covering a period of more than 25 years of research and involving more than 500 independent
research groups, is that biotechnology, in particular GMOs, are not per se more risky than, e.g.,
conventional plant breeding technologies." [3]
 Distinction Between Genetic Engineering and Conventional Plant Breeding Becoming Less Clear,
Says New Report on GE Crops, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Retrieved from
 A Decade of EU-Funded GMO Research (2001-2010). Retrieved

6. Do GMOs Have an Impact on Allergies?

No. GMOs on the market today do not introduce any new allergens.
Lisa Katic, R.D., answered this question by explaining, "No commercially available crops contain
allergens that have been created by genetically engineering a seed/plant. And the rigorous testing
process ensures that will never happen." If a person is allergic to a non-GMO plant, like soy, for
example, he or she will also be allergic to the plant’s available GM counterpart.

7. If Livestock Eat Genetically Modified Grain, Will There Be GMOs in My Meat?

No. It has been estimated that over 70 percent of harvested GM crops are fed to food-producing
animals,[4] making the world’s livestock populations the largest consumers of the current generation of
GM crops. GMOs have never been detected in the milk, meat or eggs derived from animals fed GM
According to Alison Van Eenennaam, Ph.D., extension specialist in animal genomics and
biotechnology at the University of California, "Genetically engineered crops are digested by animals in
the same way as conventional crops." The Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) compiled
over 100 digestion and feeding studies [5] examining the digestive fate of genetically engineered DNA
and protein introduced into genetically engineered feed. Genetically engineered DNA, or the novel
proteins encoded therein, have never been detected in the milk, meat or eggs derived from animals
fed genetically engineered feedstuffs." Additionally, Allison Van Eenennaam said, "Evidence to date
strongly suggests that feeding livestock with genetically engineered crops is equivalent to feeding
unmodified feed sources in terms of nutrient composition, digestibility and feeding value."

 Van Eenennaam, A. GMOs in animal agriculture: time to consider both costs and benefits in
regulatory evaluations (2013). Retrieved
 Van Eenennaam, A. Genetic Engineering and Animal Feed. Retrieved
8. Can GMO crops contaminate neighboring non-GMO and/or organic fields?
Co-existence in agriculture is not new, nor unique to GMO crops; it is the practice of growing crops
different quality characteristics of intended for different markets in the same vicinity without becoming
commingled and possibly compromising the economic value of both. Farmers have a long history of
cooperating with their neighbors to isolate crops from adjacent fields for the purpose of producing
high-value crops under identity-preserved systems.
Crops will only pollinate other varieties of the same crop and will only occur to a significant degree if
the crops are sufficiently close, the flowering periods are the same, and the receiving crop has not
already self-pollinated. In the United States, there is not a single documented case of an organic
farmer losing his or her organic certification due to contamination from a GMO crop.

9. Do Seed Companies Have an Influence on Whether or Not Farmers Grow GMOs?

No. Brian Scott, an Indiana farmer who grows corn and soybeans among other crops, answers this
question simply, "I choose what seeds I plant every year. I’m not locked into buying seed from one
company from one season to the next."
Kenyan agricultural researcher Dr. Esther Ngumbi notes:
"There is no one perfect solution to solving our global challenges. Therefore, governments, farmers,
scientists, non-governmental organizations and all stakeholders in the space of developing
sustainable solutions to agriculture should be open minded and accommodative to using the many
tools that are available including the use of biotech crops. At the end, it will take a broad array of
solutions to eradicate hunger, feed our rapidly expanding population, and tackle the many challenges
that come with a changing climate and biotech crops have proven that they can be part of the

10. Do GMO Crops Have an Impact on Bees or Butterflies?

The sudden and widespread disappearances of adult honey bees from hives, termed Colony
Collapse Disorder (CCD), became a national concern more than 10 years ago. [6] Claims have been
circulated that insect protected GM crops harm bees, but these assertions have been refuted by the
mainstream scientific community.
If a variety of factors are impacting bee health, could GMOs be one of them? Bee Ambassador for
Bayer Chris Sansone, who has more than 30 years of experience as a professor and extension
specialist at Texas A&M University, points to several scientific studies indicating this is not the case.
He notes that "genetically modified plants and their impact on honey bees have been widely studied,
and the results indicate that GM plants are not harmful to bees."

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